A damage instance can have an element. DAMAGE_ELEMENT_ATTACK is the defaut element added to any damage instances of DamageType ATTACK
Returns a damage designation given a DamageType and a DamageElement
Returns the name of the given DamageType
Each damage instance can have a DamageElement associated to it. Allowing for categories of damage instances: DAMAGE_ELEMENT_FIRE = new DamageElement("Fire", colorA(255, 0, 0, 255)) DAMAGE_ELEMENT_WATER = new DamageElement("Water", colorA(0, 0, 255, 255)) The user can extends from DamageElement to add his own settings.
Nulls the damage amount and skip all remaining listeners for the damage instance being currently fired
Adds to the damage amount of the damage instance being currently fired
Adds a damage event listener. If The order of firing is important, use addListener(priority, listener)
Adds a damage event listener with a given priority. Listeners of different priorities fire from the lowest priority to the highest priority added. Listeners of the same priority fire by order of addition (FIFO)
Adds a damage event listener that fires before any damage reduction is applied (such as armor). If The order of firing is important, use addListener(priority, listener)
Adds a damage event listener with a given priority that fires before any damage reduction is applied (such as armor). Listeners of different priorities fire from the lowest priority to the highest priority added. Listeners of the same priority fire by order of addition (FIFO)
Returns the damage amount of the damage instance being currently fired
Returns the attacktype of the damage instance being currently fired
Returns the damagetype of the damage instance being currently fired
Returns the DamageElement of the damage instance being currently fired
Returns the id of the damage instance being currently fired
Returns the percent of damage reduced from the *original unreduced amount* by damage reducing effects. If the damage instance is still unreduced, returns zero
Returns the original reduced damage amount of the damage instance being currently fired
Returns the source of the damage instance being currently fired
Returns the target of the damage instance being currently fired
Returns the DamageType of the damage instance being currently fired
Returns the unreduced damage amount of the damage instance being currently fired
Returns the original unreduced damage amount of the damage instance being currently fired
Returns the weapontype of the damage instance being currently fired
Returns true if a damage instance is currently firing
Sets the damage amount of the damage instance being currently fired
Sets the attacktype of the damage instance being currently fired
Sets the damagetype of the damage instance being currently fired
Sets the DamageElement for the next damage instance
Sets the DamageType to CODE for the next damage instance
Sets the id for the next damage instance
Sets the DamageType for the next damage instance
Sets the weapontype of the damage instance being currently fired
Substracts from the damage amount of the damage instance being currently fired