

  1. Fix reading empty files (#346) (details)
  2. Add EventHelper to auto imports, resolves #341 (details)
  3. Updated Icons.wurst passive icon path (#347) (details)
  4. fix cyclic init :confused: (details)
  5. fix warning (details)
Commit 8e5bef757f2802c712743309d64906da28a9c4a8 by noreply
Fix reading empty files (#346)
Even an empty ChunkedString has one (empty) chunk.
The file was modifiedwurst/file/SaveLoadData.wurst (diff)
Commit 1974d46a80d85e471cbd7d3243acf0baba9efbcf by frotty
Add EventHelper to auto imports, resolves #341
The file was modifiedwurst/Wurst.wurst (diff)
Commit 3f772f5ec3025f8177afb9eec2fcc1356e6c43c0 by noreply
Updated Icons.wurst passive icon path (#347)
Some passive icon were missing.
The file was modifiedwurst/_wurst/assets/Icons.wurst (diff)
Commit d7f09f2d1a3f0c698a9ef32e491025a41ae120de by frotty
fix cyclic init :confused:
The file was modifiedwurst/data/HashList.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedwurst/event/LastOrder.wurst (diff)