

  1. new map Version 15.4 (details)
  2. add version 15.4 (details)
Commit 8d69b33b6c03dde5b432159763f885c32b37527c by unknown
new map Version 15.4
The file was modifiedHotN/imports/Splats/LightningData.slk (diff)
The file was modifiedHotN/wurst/Systems/ControlPoint.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedHotN/objectEditingOutput/WurstExportedObjects_w3a.wurst.txt (diff)
The file was modifiedHotN/objectEditingOutput/wurstCreatedObjects.w3o (diff)
The file was modifiedHotN/HotBN - Terrain Version V.15.3.w3x (diff)
The file was addedHotN/HotBN - Terrain Version V.15.4.w3x
The file was addedHotN/imports/ReplaceableTextures/Weather/LightningGreen.blp