

  1. added prediction and protection against invalid damage events caused by dummyspells, added testspell (details)
  2. added sfx to stun (details)
  3. damage handler now ignores invalid damage events caused by dummyspells (details)
  4. moved hero pick position to config (details)
  5. cleaned up old code (details)
  6. added some code for dungeon1 and added creep insane wolf (details)
  7. latest binary (details)
Commit 17ca5fb5b59936f530c43e56fa117db87de09b41 by muzzel
added prediction and protection against invalid damage events caused by dummyspells, added testspell
The file was removedwurst/src/spells/util/SpellHandler.wurst
The file was addedwurst/lib/SpellHandler/SpellHandler_config.wurst
The file was addedwurst/test/SpellTest.wurst
The file was addedwurst/lib/SpellHandler/SpellHandler.wurst
The file was modifiedwurst/lib/StatusHandler/StatusHandlerAbilityGen.wurst (diff)
Commit a163794cd1fc38bc91f75899a050ca266b9b9165 by muzzel
damage handler now ignores invalid damage events caused by dummyspells
The file was modifiedwurst/src/damage/DamageHandler.wurst (diff)
Commit 3e0331b3871fec00604cb6d28f6ecd6efe60bd26 by muzzel
moved hero pick position to config
The file was modifiedwurst/src/Config.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedwurst/src/units/hero/heropick/Heropick.wurst (diff)
Commit 04e623116cdf348637482a6d9c46cd3c8161738b by muzzel
cleaned up old code
The file was modifiedwurst/src/player/PlayerData.wurst (diff)
Commit edf76980c869a8b7e4a3462be562a71ca52df1ba by muzzel
added some code for dungeon1 and added creep insane wolf
The file was addedwurst/src/dungeons/Dungeon1.wurst
The file was modifiedwurst/src/units/creeps/lists/CreepTypeList.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedDownfall_0.2_debug.w3x (diff)