

  1. commandline option `-measure` (commit: d5bb4ca) (details)
Commit d5bb4ca902f24a82b178a7b3659415c25b72e5d9 by peter.peq
commandline option `-measure`
which prints an overview of the time each phase took in the compilation.
For example here it is for EBR on a cold start:
parse files: 5592ms Typecheck program: 6296ms Translate program to Im:
to intermediate lang: 1347ms Run compiletime functions: 1180ms Transform
program to Jass: 46558ms
translate classes: 409ms
add stack traces: 12706ms
inlining: 1025ms
inline functions: 987ms
eliminate tuples: 1197ms
remove func refs: 14ms
remove cyclic functions: 1228ms
flatten: 190ms
local optimizations: 29150ms
Constant and Copy Propagated: 1295ms
Useless function calls removed: 592ms
Globals Inlined: 417ms
Branches merged: 7114ms
Simple Rewrites: 2668ms
Temp variables merged: 2981ms
Local variables merged: 12214ms
null setting: 281ms
translate to jass: 256ms Print Jass: 104ms Run PJass: 708ms
(commit: d5bb4ca)
The file was modifiedde.peeeq.wurstscript/src/main/java/de/peeeq/wurstio/WurstCompilerJassImpl.java (diff)
The file was modifiedde.peeeq.wurstscript/src/main/java/de/peeeq/wurstscript/translation/imoptimizer/ImOptimizer.java (diff)
The file was modifiedde.peeeq.wurstscript/src/test/java/tests/wurstscript/tests/WurstScriptTest.java (diff)
The file was modifiedde.peeeq.wurstscript/src/main/java/de/peeeq/wurstscript/RunArgs.java (diff)
The file was modifiedde.peeeq.wurstscript/src/main/java/de/peeeq/wurstio/Main.java (diff)
The file was addedde.peeeq.wurstscript/src/main/java/de/peeeq/wurstio/CompilationProcess.java
The file was addedde.peeeq.wurstscript/src/main/java/de/peeeq/wurstio/TimeTaker.java