

  1. Move source code to src directory (commit: fcb8037) (details)
  2. Adjust the parser for eof/nl handling (commit: 7130aad) (details)
  3. Use a random prefix for preload files (commit: 615aa1f) (details)
  4. Add simple API (commit: bd37360) (details)
Commit fcb8037a587e17a1ee661893419db638a61eba07 by lep.delete
Move source code to src directory
(commit: fcb8037)
The file was addedsrc/Jass/Parser.hs
The file was addedsrc/process.sh
The file was addedsrc/runtime/instruction.j
The file was removedruntime/alloc-globals.j
The file was addedsrc/runtime/parser.j
The file was removedHot/Init/Rename.hs
The file was addedsrc/Hot/Instruction/Opt/Rewrite/SomeRules.hs
The file was addedsrc/Jass/Opt/Rewrite.hs
The file was addedsrc/Hot/HandleCode.hs
The file was modifiedGNUmakefile (diff)
The file was removedJass/Parser.hs
The file was removedJass/Printer.hs
The file was addedsrc/runtime/alloc-globals.j
The file was modifiedflake.nix (diff)
The file was removedruntime/init.j
The file was removedMain.hs
The file was removedHot/Instruction.hs
The file was addedsrc/Hot/Var.hs
The file was addedsrc/Hot/Init/Auto.hs
The file was addedsrc/runtime/modified.j
The file was addedsrc/Hot/Instruction/Opt/Rewrite.hs
The file was removedJass/Opt/Rewrite/SomeRules.hs
The file was removedHot/Ast.hs
The file was addedsrc/runtime/list.j
The file was modifiedReadme.md (diff)
The file was removedHot/Instruction/Opt/Rewrite/SomeRules.hs
The file was removedruntime/interpreter.j
The file was removedconvert.hs
The file was addedsrc/runtime/context.j
The file was addedsrc/runtime/alloc.j
The file was removedHot/Init/Auto.hs
The file was removedruntime/stringtable.j
The file was removedHot/Var.hs
The file was addedsrc/runtime/interpreter.j
The file was removedHot/Instruction/Opt/Rewrite.hs
The file was removedruntime/wrap-around.j
The file was addedsrc/Main.hs
The file was addedsrc/Jass/Ast.hs
The file was removedruntime/list.j
The file was removedData/Composeable.hs
The file was addedsrc/Jass/Opt/Rewrite/SomeRules.hs
The file was addedsrc/runtime/init.j
The file was addedsrc/Jass/Printer.hs
The file was addedsrc/runtime/stringtable.j
The file was addedsrc/runtime/wrap-around.j
The file was addedsrc/convert.hs
The file was removedruntime/alloc.j
The file was addedsrc/Hot/Instruction.hs
The file was addedsrc/Data/Composeable.hs
The file was removedHot/JassHelper.hs
The file was removedJass/LCA.hs
The file was removedprocess.sh
The file was removedruntime/context.j
The file was removedruntime/parser.j
The file was addedsrc/Hot/Init/Rename.hs
The file was addedsrc/Hot/Ast.hs
The file was addedsrc/Hot/Init/Stubs.hs
The file was removedJass/Opt/Rewrite.hs
The file was removedruntime/instruction.j
The file was removedHot/Init/Stubs.hs
The file was addedsrc/Hot/Instruction/Compiler.hs
The file was removedHot/HandleCode.hs
The file was addedsrc/Jass/LCA.hs
The file was addedsrc/Hot/JassHelper.hs
The file was removedruntime/modified.j
The file was addedsrc/runtime/print.j
The file was removedJass/Ast.hs
The file was removedruntime/print.j
The file was removedruntime/table.j
The file was modifiedjhcr.cabal (diff)
The file was removedHot/Instruction/Compiler.hs
The file was addedsrc/runtime/table.j
Commit 7130aadb6f76263abe39d586de1ceed517b231de by lep.delete
Adjust the parser for eof/nl handling

Use the glorious sepEndBy combinator so that we don't have to append every
source with a newline.
(commit: 7130aad)
The file was modifiedsrc/Jass/Parser.hs (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/Main.hs (diff)
Commit 615aa1fb3a20df3eec864710e5388ac9d6dbdb6c by lep.delete
Use a random prefix for preload files

At `jhcr init` we generate a random prefix and store it inside the state file.
We do this because we want unique preload names. We need unique names because
once WarCraft 3 preloads an existing file it will cache that file and thus it
cannot be modified and then loaded again. But due to the previous naming scheme
we had very predictable names lying around. So the user could by accident load
totally unrelated changes into the map. While we were at it, we also added
checks so that all updates are loaded in order and trying to load an update
without there actually being one will not result in a broken state anymore.

Now we spam even more preload files than before so we also added an autoclean
flag to update.
(commit: 615aa1f)
The file was modifiedflake.nix (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/runtime/init.j (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/Hot/Init/Rename.hs (diff)
The file was modifiedjhcr.cabal (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/Main.hs (diff)
The file was modifiedGNUmakefile (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/runtime/init.j (diff)
The file was addedsrc/runtime/api.j
The file was modifiedsrc/Main.hs (diff)