

  1. Kill troopers when tower dies (commit: 4306906) (details)
  2. add game ending after endbossfight (commit: 5bf6c78) (details)
  3. trooper dropdown (commit: 2f6e987) (details)
Commit 43069061c000a82d420bba6a5d7662d8a10c68f0 by frotty
Kill troopers when tower dies
(commit: 4306906)
The file was modifiedwurst/towers/TrooperTower.wurst (diff)
Commit 5bf6c7809da0908d2fad8df7c670c3e5ceb911ae by kari0003
add game ending after endbossfight
(commit: 5bf6c78)
The file was modifiedwurst/player/PlayerData.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedwurst/Creeps/bosses/EndBoss/DestroyerSummoner.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedwurst/init/GameInit.wurst (diff)
The file was addedwurst/init/EndGame.wurst
The file was modifiedwurst/init/GameConditions.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedwurst/Creeps/bosses/EndBoss/EndBoss.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedwurst/towers/TrooperTower.wurst (diff)