

  1. Damage type fixes (#97) (details)
  2. Fixed OnUnitEnterLeave (#96) (details)
Commit e58c306541e7c401e48f677303784c3c04b66073 by frotty
Damage type fixes (#97)

* Added forUnitsAll(), group.enumUnitsOfPlayer() and group.enumUnitsAll()

* Applied new group function to DamageDetection

* Fixed extraneous .405 damage on any magic damage.

* Removed extraneous preplaced unit enumeration, which even didn't work on hided units.
The file was modifiedwurst/closures/ClosureForGroups.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedwurst/_handles/Group.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedwurst/event/DamageType.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedwurst/event/DamageDetection.wurst (diff)
Commit 351b6015563aa848571f0510b0dbf8a0323297f8 by frotty
Fixed OnUnitEnterLeave (#96)
The file was modifiedwurst/event/OnUnitEnterLeave.wurst (diff)