

  1. Framehandle package update (#310) (details)
Commit 9516b2e359b8ef0dccf435be51c2eb53046f9c71 by frotty
Framehandle package update (#310)
Spaces replaced with tabs.

- `getFrameByName` was replaced with `getFrame`
- ``createFrameByType` was replaced with overoladed `createFrame`
- `setVisibleFor` was remplaced with overloaded `setVisible`
` `showFor`, `hideFor` were replaced with overloaded `show` and `hide`
` `name` was replaced with `getName`
- added `enable` `disable` functions
` `minMax` was replaced with `setMinMax`
` added a hotdoc to `setLevel`
- `hideOriginFrames(bool)` was repcalsed with
- added `hideOriginFrames` and `showOriginFrames`
All replaced functions are now `@deprecated`
The file was modifiedwurst/_handles/Framehandle.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedwurst/_handles/_Handles.wurst (diff)