

  1. Make Hot.Instruction.Compiler.typeOfExpr monadic (commit: 84ca173) (details)
  2. RT: Print target register in lit instruction (commit: 9aa6913) (details)
Commit 84ca173f503513ed3e5c0f5cbffb6d432e03ccff by lep.delete
Make Hot.Instruction.Compiler.typeOfExpr monadic
This change is important to keep the bytecode correctly typed when
converting integer literals to reals in real context. Let's consider
this example: `R2S(-(180))`. This would force the argument to R2S into
real context but `typeOfExpr` would correclty return `integer` for 180.
So the emitted neg instruction would convert from integer to the wanted
real type. The fix to this is to check the wanted type in typeOfExpr
when an integer literal is passed.
(commit: 84ca173)
The file was modifiedHot/Instruction/Compiler.hs (diff)
Commit 9aa69133f5c477f20739c1727d2d1b935c182259 by lep.delete
RT: Print target register in lit instruction
(commit: 9aa6913)
The file was modifiedruntime/instruction.j (diff)