- adding first version of gradle build (commit: 0febdc4) (details)
- started adapting to new ast-generator (wip) (commit: 47bffbb) (details)
- downgradle ast version (commit: 069dffe) (details)
- move source files to adhere to standard java project layout (commit: ecc1b78) (details)
- add dependencies to build.gradle (commit: 16025c1) (details)
- first compiling version with gradle build (commit: 05c4896) (details)
- make tests work with gradle (commit: d4707ee) (details)
- move resources to correct folder (commit: fee172e) (details)
- remove eclipse plugin folders (commit: 62fa82d) (details)
- remove MpqCL (commit: a7ebaf5) (details)
- remove parseq (commit: 5250ad1) (details)
- remove wurst starter (commit: a826fe2) (details)
- remove lib folder and jmpq2 dependency (commit: d0d2229) (details)
- add classes and out dir to .gitignore (commit: 5aa56d1) (details)
- add gradle tasks for deployment (commit: c1247a1) (details)