

  1. Some updates (commit: 4c0d6b2) (details)
Commit 4c0d6b2baa64a2b287ad23a20b8c641c2a9ed619 by lep.delete
Some updates

Run cabal freeze again as it failed to build w/o it. Also don't run
cabal configure on every patch target and instead just link a
preconfigured file as the other approach generates a bunch of backup
files. I still don't get cabal. Also who knows if it works with cabal2
on windows.
(commit: 4c0d6b2)
The file was addedcabal.project.local.128
The file was modifiedGNUmakefile (diff)
The file was addedcabal.project.local.132
The file was modifiedcabal.project.freeze (diff)