

  1. fix setups missing remove and strong spawn (details)
  2. improve kick (details)
  3. add agar io winner detection (details)
Commit a7730377bea34abefefe310d9827fb507acf1c82 by frotty
fix setups missing remove and strong spawn
The file was modifiedwurst/_core/object/SetupObject.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedwurst/MapStuff/RegionData.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedwurst.build (diff)
The file was modifiedwurst/escaper/Escaper.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedwurst/player/Commands.wurst (diff)
Commit 0634182ae04d4508626ee92c516bf735f2a4389d by frotty
add agar io winner detection
The file was modifiedwurst/minigames/MGAgar.wurst (diff)