

  1. close #289: compilation server is now easier to use (commit: 03951cf) (details)
Commit 03951cff95762127ef24c252ded7ee71e34182be by peter.peq
close #289: compilation server is now easier to use

- the compilation server will start automatically from wurstpack if it is
  not running
- it is possible to start the compilation server from the wurst console in
  Eclipse. That way the compilationserver runs in the same JVM as Eclipse,
  which might be better for performance and memory consumption.
(commit: 03951cf)
The file was modifiedEclipseWurstPlugin/src/de/peeeq/eclipsewurstplugin/console/WurstREPL.java (diff)
The file was modifiedWurstpack/wehack.lua (diff)
The file was modifiedde.peeeq.wurstscript/src/de/peeeq/wurstio/compilationserver/WurstServer.java (diff)
The file was modifiedde.peeeq.wurstscript/src/de/peeeq/wurstscript/utils/Utils.java (diff)
The file was modifiedde.peeeq.wurstscript/src/de/peeeq/wurstio/gui/WurstStatusWindow.java (diff)
The file was modifiedde.peeeq.wurstscript/src/de/peeeq/wurstio/gui/WurstGuiImpl.java (diff)
The file was modifiedde.peeeq.wurstscript/src/de/peeeq/wurstio/gui/WurstErrorWindow.java (diff)