

  1. fixed crash when type was left out (commit: 2ed9ee4) (details)
  2. changed relative paths to canonical paths (commit: a5ab785) (details)
Commit 2ed9ee4a2d505831f4d8e964fdcc70f7a1de20b5 by peter.peq
fixed crash when type was left out
(commit: 2ed9ee4)
The file was modifiedde.peeeq.wurstscript/src/de/peeeq/wurstscript/parser/antlr/AntlrWurstParseTreeTransformer.java (diff)
Commit a5ab785f4097e2c2dac7a789ff87476ed852034c by peter.peq
changed relative paths to canonical paths

hope this helps for #501, but since I could not reproduce the bug I am not sure ...
(commit: a5ab785)
The file was modifiedde.peeeq.wurstscript/src/de/peeeq/wurstio/languageserver/ModelManagerImpl.java (diff)