

  1. fix for wurst update (details)
  2. fix for wurst update (details)
Commit e125cf35800c646a120def0cd0a0dda48e226d95 by unknown
fix for wurst update
The file was modifiedHotN/objectEditingOutput/wurstCreatedObjects.w3o (diff)
The file was modifiedHotN/wurst/UnitStuff/UnitTypes.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedHotN/wurst/helper/CompiletimeInit.wurst (diff)
The file was modifiedHotN/HotBN - Terrain Version V.15.4.w3x (diff)
The file was modifiedHotN/objectEditingOutput/WurstExportedObjects_w3u.wurst.txt (diff)
Commit fb7177729823799d9cf89080b3f71a5f74b3a1d2 by unknown
fix for wurst update
The file was addedHotN/wurst/Exprimental/PathArray.wurst
The file was addedHotN/wurst/Units/WargrinUnitTypes.wurst