library Quests initializer init import Players constant string CREDITS_DESC = "|n|cff999999Vexorian, Pitzermike, lookingforhelp|r, among others who contributed to Jass Newgen Pack." + /* */ "|n|cff999999Shadow Daemon|r for the Button Manager tool, used to generate icons." + /* */ "|n|cff999999Kiesman at DeviantArt, and Magic the Gathering|r for the image used in the map preview." + /* */ "|n|cff999999sigelang|r for the cats eye icon." + /* */ "|n|cff999999-Berz-|r for the Nether Bolt icon." + /* */ "|n|cff999999JollyD|r for the Treant Hide icon." + /* */ "|n|cff999999The Panda|r for the Electric Charge icon." + /* */ "|n|cff999999NFWar|r for the SandalZ2 and Rifle01 icons." + /* */ "|n|cff999999bigapple90|r for the Sharp Blades 2 icon." + /* */ "|n|cff999999Charlie Cleveland|r, of Unknown Worlds Entertainment, for the production of Natural Selection, by which this map is heavily influenced." + /* */ "|n|cff999999Blizzard|r, who provide this wonderful world editor." constant string CREDITS_ICONPATH = "ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNBookOfTheDead.blp" constant string CREDITS_TITLE = "Other Credits" constant string MODEL_CREDITS_DESC = "Special thanks to |cff999999DTuGuR|r for the Wall model." + /* */ "|n|cff999999assasin_lord|r for the hero glow model." + /* */ "|n|cff999999Fingolfin|r for the Oak (variation 3) model." + /* */ "|n|cff999999Fingolfin|r for the Birch (variation 3) model." + /* */ "|n|cff999999PROXY|r for the Pickaxe + Item model." + /* */ "|n|cff999999Aquis|r for the Villager Man model." + /* */ "|n|cff999999imforfun|r for the Bench Long and Bench Bend models." + /* */ "|n|cff999999.KC and diosilva16|r for the Villager in robe model." constant string MODEL_CREDITS_ICONPATH = "ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNTomeBrown.blp" constant string MODEL_CREDITS_TITLE = "Model Credits" constant string HOWTO_HUNTER_DESC = "|cffffcc00-|r Search for and kill all the beasts to win the round.|n" + /* */ "|cffffcc00-|r Use teamwork and organization to overwhelm the beasts with a barrage of fire.|n" + /* */ "|cffffcc00-|r The beasts have stolen an ancient artifact from your kingdom. It emanates power and boosts their strength. Secure it before the time runs out." constant string HOWTO_BEAST_DESC = "|cffffcc00-|r Search for and kill all the hunters to win the round.|n" + /* */ "|cffffcc00-|r Use guerilla tactics, health regeneration, and your sight range advantage to outsmart the hunters.|n" + /* */ "|cffffcc00-|r Your source of power is the ancient artifact. All is lost if the hunters secure it before the time runs out." constant string HOWTO_ICONPATH = "ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNTomeRed.blp" constant string HOWTO_TITLE = "|cff999999How to Play|r" constant string ABOUT_DESC = "This map is made by |cffffcc00Cokemonkey11|r." constant string ABOUT_ICONPATH = "ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNTomeOfRetraining.blp" constant string ABOUT_TITLE = "About" function addQuest takes string desc, string iconPath, boolean required, string title returns quest quest q = CreateQuest() QuestSetCompleted(q, false) QuestSetDescription(q, desc) QuestSetDiscovered(q, true) QuestSetEnabled(q, true) QuestSetIconPath(q, iconPath) QuestSetRequired(q, required) QuestSetTitle(q, title) return q end function init takes nothing returns nothing addQuest( ABOUT_DESC, ABOUT_ICONPATH, false, ABOUT_TITLE) addQuest( MODEL_CREDITS_DESC, MODEL_CREDITS_ICONPATH, false, MODEL_CREDITS_TITLE) addQuest( CREDITS_DESC, CREDITS_ICONPATH, false, CREDITS_TITLE) if GetPlayerId(Players.locl) < Players.FIRST_BEAST then addQuest(HOWTO_HUNTER_DESC, HOWTO_ICONPATH, true, HOWTO_TITLE) else addQuest(HOWTO_BEAST_DESC, HOWTO_ICONPATH, true, HOWTO_TITLE) end end endlibrary