package global import file.Download import file.SetupApp import file.ZipArchiveExtractor import file.clearFolder import mu.KotlinLogging import net.ConnectionManager import net.NetStatus import ui.ErrorDialog import ui.MainWindow import ui.UiManager import workers.ExtractWorker import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Path import java.nio.file.Paths import java.util.regex.Pattern import javax.swing.SwingUtilities /** * Manages the global Wurst installation located inside the ~/.wurst directory */ object InstallationManager { private val log = KotlinLogging.logger {} private const val FOLDER_PATH = ".wurst" private const val COMPILER_FILE_NAME = "wurstscript.jar" val installDir: Path = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home"), FOLDER_PATH) val compilerJar: Path = installDir.resolve(COMPILER_FILE_NAME) var wurstConfig: WurstConfigData? = null var status = InstallationStatus.NOT_INSTALLED var currentCompilerVersion = -1 var latestCompilerVersion = 0 fun verifyInstallation(): InstallationStatus { log.debug("verify Install") status = InstallationStatus.NOT_INSTALLED currentCompilerVersion = -1 latestCompilerVersion = 0 if (Files.exists(installDir) && Files.exists(compilerJar)) { log.debug("Found installation") status = InstallationStatus.INSTALLED_UNKNOWN try { if (!Files.isWritable(compilerJar)) { CLIParser.showWurstInUse() } else { CLIParser.getVersionFomJar() } } catch (_: Error) { log.warn("Custom WurstScript installation detected.") } } else {"WurstScript is not currently installed.") } if (ConnectionManager.netStatus == NetStatus.ONLINE) { log.debug("Client online, check for update") latestCompilerVersion = ConnectionManager.getLatestCompilerBuild() log.debug("latest compiler: $latestCompilerVersion") if (currentCompilerVersion >= latestCompilerVersion) { status = InstallationStatus.INSTALLED_UPTODATE } } else { log.debug("Client offline, check for update") } return status } fun handleUpdate() { val isFreshInstall = status == InstallationStatus.NOT_INSTALLED try { log.debug(if (isFreshInstall) "isInstall" else "isUpdate") Log.print(if (isFreshInstall) "Installing WurstScript..\n" else "Updating WursScript..\n") Log.print("Downloading compiler..")"⏬ Downloading WurstScript..") downloadCompiler(isFreshInstall) } catch (e: Exception) { log.error("Exception: ", e) Log.print("\n===ERROR COMPILER UPDATE===\n" + e.message + "\nPlease report here:\n") } } private fun downloadCompiler(isFreshInstall: Boolean) { Download.downloadCompiler { Log.print(" done.\n") if (SetupApp.setup.isGUILaunch) { startExtractWorker(it, isFreshInstall) } else {"\t\uD83D\uDCE6 Extracting..") ZipArchiveExtractor.extractArchive(it, installDir) Files.delete(it) setGrillExectuable()"✔ Installed WurstScript") } } } private fun setGrillExectuable() { try { installDir.resolve("grill").toFile().setExecutable(true) } catch (_: Exception) { } } private fun startExtractWorker(it: Path, isFreshInstall: Boolean) { ExtractWorker(it, if (SetupApp.setup.isGUILaunch) MainWindow.ui.progressBar else null) { if (it) { checkExtraction(isFreshInstall) } else { Log.print("error\n") log.error("error") ErrorDialog("Could not extract patch files.\nWurst might still be in use.\nMake sure to close VSCode before updating.", false) } UiManager.refreshComponents() }.execute() } private fun checkExtraction(isFreshInstall: Boolean) { Log.print("done\n") if (status == InstallationStatus.NOT_INSTALLED) { wurstConfig = WurstConfigData() } if (!Files.exists(compilerJar)) { Log.print("ERROR") } else { Log.print(if (isFreshInstall) "Installation complete\n" else "Update complete\n") log.debug("Installed WurstScript") if (SetupApp.setup.isGUILaunch) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater { MainWindow.ui.progressBar.value = 0 } } verifyInstallation() } } private val jenkinsVerPattern = Pattern.compile("""(?:\d\.){3}\d(?:-\w+)+-(\d+)""") fun isJenkinsBuilt(version: String): Boolean { return jenkinsVerPattern.matcher(version).matches() } fun getJenkinsBuildVer(version: String): Int { val matcher = jenkinsVerPattern.matcher(version) if (matcher.matches()) { return } return 0 } fun handleRemove() { clearFolder(installDir) verifyInstallation()"WurstScript has been removed.") } fun getCompilerPath(): String { return compilerJar.toAbsolutePath().toString() } enum class InstallationStatus { NOT_INSTALLED, INSTALLED_UNKNOWN, INSTALLED_OUTDATED, INSTALLED_UPTODATE } }