//============================================================================ // Native types. All native functions take extended handle types when // possible to help prevent passing bad val1ues to native functions // type agent extends handle // all reference counted objects type event extends agent // a reference to an event registration type player extends agent // a single player reference type widget extends agent // an interactive game object with life type unit extends widget // a single unit reference type destructable extends widget type item extends widget type ability extends agent type buff extends ability type force extends agent type group extends agent type trigger extends agent type triggercondition extends agent type triggeraction extends handle type timer extends agent type location extends agent type region extends agent type rect extends agent type boolexpr extends agent type sound extends agent type conditionfunc extends boolexpr type filterfunc extends boolexpr type unitpool extends handle type itempool extends handle type race extends handle type alliancetype extends handle type racepreference extends handle type gamestate extends handle type igamestate extends gamestate type fgamestate extends gamestate type playerstate extends handle type playerscore extends handle type playergameresult extends handle type unitstate extends handle type aidifficulty extends handle type eventid extends handle type gameevent extends eventid type playerevent extends eventid type playerunitevent extends eventid type unitevent extends eventid type limitop extends eventid type widgetevent extends eventid type dialogevent extends eventid type unittype extends handle type gamespeed extends handle type gamedifficulty extends handle type gametype extends handle type mapflag extends handle type mapvisibility extends handle type mapsetting extends handle type mapdensity extends handle type mapcontrol extends handle type playerslotstate extends handle type volumegroup extends handle type camerafield extends handle type camerasetup extends handle type playercolor extends handle type placement extends handle type startlocprio extends handle type raritycontrol extends handle type blendmode extends handle type texmapflags extends handle type effect extends agent type effecttype extends handle type weathereffect extends handle type terraindeformation extends handle type fogstate extends handle type fogmodifier extends agent type dialog extends agent type button extends agent type quest extends agent type questitem extends agent type defeatcondition extends agent type timerdialog extends agent type leaderboard extends agent type multiboard extends agent type multiboarditem extends agent type trackable extends agent type gamecache extends agent type version extends handle type itemtype extends handle type texttag extends handle type attacktype extends handle type damagetype extends handle type weapontype extends handle type soundtype extends handle type lightning extends handle type pathingtype extends handle type image extends handle type ubersplat extends handle type hashtable extends agent constant native ConvertRace takes integer i returns race constant native ConvertAllianceType takes integer i returns alliancetype constant native ConvertRacePref takes integer i returns racepreference constant native ConvertIGameState takes integer i returns igamestate constant native ConvertFGameState takes integer i returns fgamestate constant native ConvertPlayerState takes integer i returns playerstate constant native ConvertPlayerScore takes integer i returns playerscore constant native ConvertPlayerGameResult takes integer i returns playergameresult constant native ConvertUnitState takes integer i returns unitstate constant native ConvertAIDifficulty takes integer i returns aidifficulty constant native ConvertGameEvent takes integer i returns gameevent constant native ConvertPlayerEvent takes integer i returns playerevent constant native ConvertPlayerUnitEvent takes integer i returns playerunitevent constant native ConvertWidgetEvent takes integer i returns widgetevent constant native ConvertDialogEvent takes integer i returns dialogevent constant native ConvertUnitEvent takes integer i returns unitevent constant native ConvertLimitOp takes integer i returns limitop constant native ConvertUnitType takes integer i returns unittype constant native ConvertGameSpeed takes integer i returns gamespeed constant native ConvertPlacement takes integer i returns placement constant native ConvertStartLocPrio takes integer i returns startlocprio constant native ConvertGameDifficulty takes integer i returns gamedifficulty constant native ConvertGameType takes integer i returns gametype constant native ConvertMapFlag takes integer i returns mapflag constant native ConvertMapVisibility takes integer i returns mapvisibility constant native ConvertMapSetting takes integer i returns mapsetting constant native ConvertMapDensity takes integer i returns mapdensity constant native ConvertMapControl takes integer i returns mapcontrol constant native ConvertPlayerColor takes integer i returns playercolor constant native ConvertPlayerSlotState takes integer i returns playerslotstate constant native ConvertVolumeGroup takes integer i returns volumegroup constant native ConvertCameraField takes integer i returns camerafield constant native ConvertBlendMode takes integer i returns blendmode constant native ConvertRarityControl takes integer i returns raritycontrol constant native ConvertTexMapFlags takes integer i returns texmapflags constant native ConvertFogState takes integer i returns fogstate constant native ConvertEffectType takes integer i returns effecttype constant native ConvertVersion takes integer i returns version constant native ConvertItemType takes integer i returns itemtype constant native ConvertAttackType takes integer i returns attacktype constant native ConvertDamageType takes integer i returns damagetype constant native ConvertWeaponType takes integer i returns weapontype constant native ConvertSoundType takes integer i returns soundtype constant native ConvertPathingType takes integer i returns pathingtype constant native OrderId takes string orderIdString returns integer constant native OrderId2String takes integer orderId returns string constant native UnitId takes string unitIdString returns integer constant native UnitId2String takes integer unitId returns string // Not currently working correctly... constant native AbilityId takes string abilityIdString returns integer constant native AbilityId2String takes integer abilityId returns string // Looks up the "name" field for any object (unit, item, ability) constant native GetObjectName takes integer objectId returns string globals //=================================================== // Game Constants //=================================================== // pfff constant boolean FALSE = false constant boolean TRUE = true constant integer JASS_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 8192 constant integer PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE = 15 constant integer PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE = 12 constant playercolor PLAYER_COLOR_RED = ConvertPlayerColor(0) constant playercolor PLAYER_COLOR_BLUE = ConvertPlayerColor(1) constant playercolor PLAYER_COLOR_CYAN = ConvertPlayerColor(2) constant playercolor PLAYER_COLOR_PURPLE = ConvertPlayerColor(3) constant playercolor PLAYER_COLOR_YELLOW = ConvertPlayerColor(4) constant playercolor PLAYER_COLOR_ORANGE = ConvertPlayerColor(5) constant playercolor PLAYER_COLOR_GREEN = ConvertPlayerColor(6) constant playercolor PLAYER_COLOR_PINK = ConvertPlayerColor(7) constant playercolor PLAYER_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY = ConvertPlayerColor(8) constant playercolor PLAYER_COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE = ConvertPlayerColor(9) constant playercolor PLAYER_COLOR_AQUA = ConvertPlayerColor(10) constant playercolor PLAYER_COLOR_BROWN = ConvertPlayerColor(11) constant race RACE_HUMAN = ConvertRace(1) constant race RACE_ORC = ConvertRace(2) constant race RACE_UNDEAD = ConvertRace(3) constant race RACE_NIGHTELF = ConvertRace(4) constant race RACE_DEMON = ConvertRace(5) constant race RACE_OTHER = ConvertRace(7) constant playergameresult PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_VICTORY = ConvertPlayerGameResult(0) constant playergameresult PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_DEFEAT = ConvertPlayerGameResult(1) constant playergameresult PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_TIE = ConvertPlayerGameResult(2) constant playergameresult PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_NEUTRAL = ConvertPlayerGameResult(3) constant alliancetype ALLIANCE_PASSIVE = ConvertAllianceType(0) constant alliancetype ALLIANCE_HELP_REQUEST = ConvertAllianceType(1) constant alliancetype ALLIANCE_HELP_RESPONSE = ConvertAllianceType(2) constant alliancetype ALLIANCE_SHARED_XP = ConvertAllianceType(3) constant alliancetype ALLIANCE_SHARED_SPELLS = ConvertAllianceType(4) constant alliancetype ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION = ConvertAllianceType(5) constant alliancetype ALLIANCE_SHARED_CONTROL = ConvertAllianceType(6) constant alliancetype ALLIANCE_SHARED_ADVANCED_CONTROL= ConvertAllianceType(7) constant alliancetype ALLIANCE_RESCUABLE = ConvertAllianceType(8) constant alliancetype ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION_FORCED = ConvertAllianceType(9) constant version VERSION_REIGN_OF_CHAOS = ConvertVersion(0) constant version VERSION_FROZEN_THRONE = ConvertVersion(1) constant attacktype ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL = ConvertAttackType(0) constant attacktype ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE = ConvertAttackType(1) constant attacktype ATTACK_TYPE_PIERCE = ConvertAttackType(2) constant attacktype ATTACK_TYPE_SIEGE = ConvertAttackType(3) constant attacktype ATTACK_TYPE_MAGIC = ConvertAttackType(4) constant attacktype ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS = ConvertAttackType(5) constant attacktype ATTACK_TYPE_HERO = ConvertAttackType(6) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = ConvertDamageType(0) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL = ConvertDamageType(4) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_ENHANCED = ConvertDamageType(5) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE = ConvertDamageType(8) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD = ConvertDamageType(9) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_LIGHTNING = ConvertDamageType(10) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_POISON = ConvertDamageType(11) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_DISEASE = ConvertDamageType(12) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_DIVINE = ConvertDamageType(13) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC = ConvertDamageType(14) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_SONIC = ConvertDamageType(15) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_ACID = ConvertDamageType(16) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_FORCE = ConvertDamageType(17) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_DEATH = ConvertDamageType(18) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_MIND = ConvertDamageType(19) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_PLANT = ConvertDamageType(20) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_DEFENSIVE = ConvertDamageType(21) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_DEMOLITION = ConvertDamageType(22) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_SLOW_POISON = ConvertDamageType(23) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_SPIRIT_LINK = ConvertDamageType(24) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_SHADOW_STRIKE = ConvertDamageType(25) constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL = ConvertDamageType(26) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS = ConvertWeaponType(0) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_LIGHT_CHOP = ConvertWeaponType(1) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_MEDIUM_CHOP = ConvertWeaponType(2) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_CHOP = ConvertWeaponType(3) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_LIGHT_SLICE = ConvertWeaponType(4) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_MEDIUM_SLICE = ConvertWeaponType(5) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_SLICE = ConvertWeaponType(6) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_MEDIUM_BASH = ConvertWeaponType(7) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_BASH = ConvertWeaponType(8) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_MEDIUM_STAB = ConvertWeaponType(9) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_STAB = ConvertWeaponType(10) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_LIGHT_SLICE = ConvertWeaponType(11) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_MEDIUM_SLICE = ConvertWeaponType(12) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_HEAVY_SLICE = ConvertWeaponType(13) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_LIGHT_BASH = ConvertWeaponType(14) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_MEDIUM_BASH = ConvertWeaponType(15) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_HEAVY_BASH = ConvertWeaponType(16) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_LIGHT_STAB = ConvertWeaponType(17) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_MEDIUM_STAB = ConvertWeaponType(18) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_CLAW_LIGHT_SLICE = ConvertWeaponType(19) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_CLAW_MEDIUM_SLICE = ConvertWeaponType(20) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_CLAW_HEAVY_SLICE = ConvertWeaponType(21) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_AXE_MEDIUM_CHOP = ConvertWeaponType(22) constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE_ROCK_HEAVY_BASH = ConvertWeaponType(23) constant pathingtype PATHING_TYPE_ANY = ConvertPathingType(0) constant pathingtype PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY = ConvertPathingType(1) constant pathingtype PATHING_TYPE_FLYABILITY = ConvertPathingType(2) constant pathingtype PATHING_TYPE_BUILDABILITY = ConvertPathingType(3) constant pathingtype PATHING_TYPE_PEONHARVESTPATHING = ConvertPathingType(4) constant pathingtype PATHING_TYPE_BLIGHTPATHING = ConvertPathingType(5) constant pathingtype PATHING_TYPE_FLOATABILITY = ConvertPathingType(6) constant pathingtype PATHING_TYPE_AMPHIBIOUSPATHING = ConvertPathingType(7) //=================================================== // Map Setup Constants //=================================================== constant racepreference RACE_PREF_HUMAN = ConvertRacePref(1) constant racepreference RACE_PREF_ORC = ConvertRacePref(2) constant racepreference RACE_PREF_NIGHTELF = ConvertRacePref(4) constant racepreference RACE_PREF_UNDEAD = ConvertRacePref(8) constant racepreference RACE_PREF_DEMON = ConvertRacePref(16) constant racepreference RACE_PREF_RANDOM = ConvertRacePref(32) constant racepreference RACE_PREF_USER_SELECTABLE = ConvertRacePref(64) constant mapcontrol MAP_CONTROL_USER = ConvertMapControl(0) constant mapcontrol MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER = ConvertMapControl(1) constant mapcontrol MAP_CONTROL_RESCUABLE = ConvertMapControl(2) constant mapcontrol MAP_CONTROL_NEUTRAL = ConvertMapControl(3) constant mapcontrol MAP_CONTROL_CREEP = ConvertMapControl(4) constant mapcontrol MAP_CONTROL_NONE = ConvertMapControl(5) constant gametype GAME_TYPE_MELEE = ConvertGameType(1) constant gametype GAME_TYPE_FFA = ConvertGameType(2) constant gametype GAME_TYPE_USE_MAP_SETTINGS = ConvertGameType(4) constant gametype GAME_TYPE_BLIZ = ConvertGameType(8) constant gametype GAME_TYPE_ONE_ON_ONE = ConvertGameType(16) constant gametype GAME_TYPE_TWO_TEAM_PLAY = ConvertGameType(32) constant gametype GAME_TYPE_THREE_TEAM_PLAY = ConvertGameType(64) constant gametype GAME_TYPE_FOUR_TEAM_PLAY = ConvertGameType(128) constant mapflag MAP_FOG_HIDE_TERRAIN = ConvertMapFlag(1) constant mapflag MAP_FOG_MAP_EXPLORED = ConvertMapFlag(2) constant mapflag MAP_FOG_ALWAYS_VISIBLE = ConvertMapFlag(4) constant mapflag MAP_USE_HANDICAPS = ConvertMapFlag(8) constant mapflag MAP_OBSERVERS = ConvertMapFlag(16) constant mapflag MAP_OBSERVERS_ON_DEATH = ConvertMapFlag(32) constant mapflag MAP_FIXED_COLORS = ConvertMapFlag(128) constant mapflag MAP_LOCK_RESOURCE_TRADING = ConvertMapFlag(256) constant mapflag MAP_RESOURCE_TRADING_ALLIES_ONLY = ConvertMapFlag(512) constant mapflag MAP_LOCK_ALLIANCE_CHANGES = ConvertMapFlag(1024) constant mapflag MAP_ALLIANCE_CHANGES_HIDDEN = ConvertMapFlag(2048) constant mapflag MAP_CHEATS = ConvertMapFlag(4096) constant mapflag MAP_CHEATS_HIDDEN = ConvertMapFlag(8192) constant mapflag MAP_LOCK_SPEED = ConvertMapFlag(8192*2) constant mapflag MAP_LOCK_RANDOM_SEED = ConvertMapFlag(8192*4) constant mapflag MAP_SHARED_ADVANCED_CONTROL = ConvertMapFlag(8192*8) constant mapflag MAP_RANDOM_HERO = ConvertMapFlag(8192*16) constant mapflag MAP_RANDOM_RACES = ConvertMapFlag(8192*32) constant mapflag MAP_RELOADED = ConvertMapFlag(8192*64) constant placement MAP_PLACEMENT_RANDOM = ConvertPlacement(0) // random among all slots constant placement MAP_PLACEMENT_FIXED = ConvertPlacement(1) // player 0 in start loc 0... constant placement MAP_PLACEMENT_USE_MAP_SETTINGS = ConvertPlacement(2) // whatever was specified by the script constant placement MAP_PLACEMENT_TEAMS_TOGETHER = ConvertPlacement(3) // random with allies next to each other constant startlocprio MAP_LOC_PRIO_LOW = ConvertStartLocPrio(0) constant startlocprio MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH = ConvertStartLocPrio(1) constant startlocprio MAP_LOC_PRIO_NOT = ConvertStartLocPrio(2) constant mapdensity MAP_DENSITY_NONE = ConvertMapDensity(0) constant mapdensity MAP_DENSITY_LIGHT = ConvertMapDensity(1) constant mapdensity MAP_DENSITY_MEDIUM = ConvertMapDensity(2) constant mapdensity MAP_DENSITY_HEAVY = ConvertMapDensity(3) constant gamedifficulty MAP_DIFFICULTY_EASY = ConvertGameDifficulty(0) constant gamedifficulty MAP_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL = ConvertGameDifficulty(1) constant gamedifficulty MAP_DIFFICULTY_HARD = ConvertGameDifficulty(2) constant gamedifficulty MAP_DIFFICULTY_INSANE = ConvertGameDifficulty(3) constant gamespeed MAP_SPEED_SLOWEST = ConvertGameSpeed(0) constant gamespeed MAP_SPEED_SLOW = ConvertGameSpeed(1) constant gamespeed MAP_SPEED_NORMAL = ConvertGameSpeed(2) constant gamespeed MAP_SPEED_FAST = ConvertGameSpeed(3) constant gamespeed MAP_SPEED_FASTEST = ConvertGameSpeed(4) constant playerslotstate PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_EMPTY = ConvertPlayerSlotState(0) constant playerslotstate PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING = ConvertPlayerSlotState(1) constant playerslotstate PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_LEFT = ConvertPlayerSlotState(2) //=================================================== // Sound Constants //=================================================== constant volumegroup SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UNITMOVEMENT = ConvertVolumeGroup(0) constant volumegroup SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UNITSOUNDS = ConvertVolumeGroup(1) constant volumegroup SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_COMBAT = ConvertVolumeGroup(2) constant volumegroup SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_SPELLS = ConvertVolumeGroup(3) constant volumegroup SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UI = ConvertVolumeGroup(4) constant volumegroup SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_MUSIC = ConvertVolumeGroup(5) constant volumegroup SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_AMBIENTSOUNDS = ConvertVolumeGroup(6) constant volumegroup SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_FIRE = ConvertVolumeGroup(7) //=================================================== // Game, Player, and Unit States // // For use with TriggerRegisterStateEvent // //=================================================== constant igamestate GAME_STATE_DIVINE_INTERVENTION = ConvertIGameState(0) constant igamestate GAME_STATE_DISCONNECTED = ConvertIGameState(1) constant fgamestate GAME_STATE_TIME_OF_DAY = ConvertFGameState(2) constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_GAME_RESULT = ConvertPlayerState(0) // current resource levels // constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD = ConvertPlayerState(1) constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER = ConvertPlayerState(2) constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_HERO_TOKENS = ConvertPlayerState(3) constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_FOOD_CAP = ConvertPlayerState(4) constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_FOOD_USED = ConvertPlayerState(5) constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_FOOD_CAP_CEILING = ConvertPlayerState(6) constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_GIVES_BOUNTY = ConvertPlayerState(7) constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY = ConvertPlayerState(8) constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_PLACED = ConvertPlayerState(9) constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_OBSERVER_ON_DEATH = ConvertPlayerState(10) constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_OBSERVER = ConvertPlayerState(11) constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_UNFOLLOWABLE = ConvertPlayerState(12) // taxation rate for each resource // constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_GOLD_UPKEEP_RATE = ConvertPlayerState(13) constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_LUMBER_UPKEEP_RATE = ConvertPlayerState(14) // cumulative resources collected by the player during the mission // constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_GOLD_GATHERED = ConvertPlayerState(15) constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_LUMBER_GATHERED = ConvertPlayerState(16) constant playerstate PLAYER_STATE_NO_CREEP_SLEEP = ConvertPlayerState(25) constant unitstate UNIT_STATE_LIFE = ConvertUnitState(0) constant unitstate UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE = ConvertUnitState(1) constant unitstate UNIT_STATE_MANA = ConvertUnitState(2) constant unitstate UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA = ConvertUnitState(3) constant aidifficulty AI_DIFFICULTY_NEWBIE = ConvertAIDifficulty(0) constant aidifficulty AI_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL = ConvertAIDifficulty(1) constant aidifficulty AI_DIFFICULTY_INSANE = ConvertAIDifficulty(2) // player score val1ues constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_UNITS_TRAINED = ConvertPlayerScore(0) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_UNITS_KILLED = ConvertPlayerScore(1) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_STRUCT_BUILT = ConvertPlayerScore(2) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_STRUCT_RAZED = ConvertPlayerScore(3) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_TECH_PERCENT = ConvertPlayerScore(4) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_FOOD_MAXPROD = ConvertPlayerScore(5) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_FOOD_MAXUSED = ConvertPlayerScore(6) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_HEROES_KILLED = ConvertPlayerScore(7) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_ITEMS_GAINED = ConvertPlayerScore(8) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_MERCS_HIRED = ConvertPlayerScore(9) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_GOLD_MINED_TOTAL = ConvertPlayerScore(10) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_GOLD_MINED_UPKEEP = ConvertPlayerScore(11) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_GOLD_LOST_UPKEEP = ConvertPlayerScore(12) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_GOLD_LOST_TAX = ConvertPlayerScore(13) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_GOLD_GIVEN = ConvertPlayerScore(14) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_GOLD_RECEIVED = ConvertPlayerScore(15) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_TOTAL = ConvertPlayerScore(16) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_LOST_UPKEEP = ConvertPlayerScore(17) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_LOST_TAX = ConvertPlayerScore(18) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_GIVEN = ConvertPlayerScore(19) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_RECEIVED = ConvertPlayerScore(20) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_UNIT_TOTAL = ConvertPlayerScore(21) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_HERO_TOTAL = ConvertPlayerScore(22) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_RESOURCE_TOTAL = ConvertPlayerScore(23) constant playerscore PLAYER_SCORE_TOTAL = ConvertPlayerScore(24) //=================================================== // Game, Player and Unit Events // // When an event causes a trigger to fire these // val1ues allow the action code to determine which // event was dispatched and therefore which set of // native functions should be used to get information // about the event. // // Do NOT change the order or val1ue of these constants // without insuring that the JASS_GAME_EVENTS_WAR3 enum // is changed to match. // //=================================================== //=================================================== // For use with TriggerRegisterGameEvent //=================================================== constant gameevent EVENT_GAME_VICTORY = ConvertGameEvent(0) constant gameevent EVENT_GAME_END_LEVEL = ConvertGameEvent(1) constant gameevent EVENT_GAME_VARIABLE_LIMIT = ConvertGameEvent(2) constant gameevent EVENT_GAME_STATE_LIMIT = ConvertGameEvent(3) constant gameevent EVENT_GAME_TIMER_EXPIRED = ConvertGameEvent(4) constant gameevent EVENT_GAME_ENTER_REGION = ConvertGameEvent(5) constant gameevent EVENT_GAME_LEAVE_REGION = ConvertGameEvent(6) constant gameevent EVENT_GAME_TRACKABLE_HIT = ConvertGameEvent(7) constant gameevent EVENT_GAME_TRACKABLE_TRACK = ConvertGameEvent(8) constant gameevent EVENT_GAME_SHOW_SKILL = ConvertGameEvent(9) constant gameevent EVENT_GAME_BUILD_SUBMENU = ConvertGameEvent(10) //=================================================== // For use with TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent //=================================================== constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_STATE_LIMIT = ConvertPlayerEvent(11) constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ALLIANCE_CHANGED = ConvertPlayerEvent(12) constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_DEFEAT = ConvertPlayerEvent(13) constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_VICTORY = ConvertPlayerEvent(14) constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE = ConvertPlayerEvent(15) constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_CHAT = ConvertPlayerEvent(16) constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_END_CINEMATIC = ConvertPlayerEvent(17) //=================================================== // For use with TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent //=================================================== constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(18) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESCUED = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(19) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(20) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DECAY = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(21) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DETECTED = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(22) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_HIDDEN = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(23) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELECTED = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(24) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DESELECTED = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(25) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_START = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(26) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_CANCEL = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(27) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_FINISH = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(28) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_UPGRADE_START = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(29) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_UPGRADE_CANCEL = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(30) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_UPGRADE_FINISH = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(31) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_START = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(32) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_CANCEL = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(33) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_FINISH = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(34) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_START = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(35) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_CANCEL = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(36) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_FINISH = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(37) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(38) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(39) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(40) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_UNIT_ORDER = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(40) // for compat constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_LEVEL = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(41) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_SKILL = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(42) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVABLE = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(43) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_START = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(44) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_CANCEL = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(45) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_FINISH = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(46) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SUMMON = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(47) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DROP_ITEM = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(48) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(49) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_USE_ITEM = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(50) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_LOADED = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(51) //=================================================== // For use with TriggerRegisterUnitEvent //=================================================== constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED = ConvertUnitEvent(52) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_DEATH = ConvertUnitEvent(53) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_DECAY = ConvertUnitEvent(54) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_DETECTED = ConvertUnitEvent(55) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_HIDDEN = ConvertUnitEvent(56) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_SELECTED = ConvertUnitEvent(57) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_DESELECTED = ConvertUnitEvent(58) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_STATE_LIMIT = ConvertUnitEvent(59) // Events which may have a filter for the "other unit" // constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_ACQUIRED_TARGET = ConvertUnitEvent(60) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_TARGET_IN_RANGE = ConvertUnitEvent(61) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_ATTACKED = ConvertUnitEvent(62) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_RESCUED = ConvertUnitEvent(63) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_CANCEL = ConvertUnitEvent(64) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_FINISH = ConvertUnitEvent(65) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_UPGRADE_START = ConvertUnitEvent(66) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_UPGRADE_CANCEL = ConvertUnitEvent(67) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_UPGRADE_FINISH = ConvertUnitEvent(68) // Events which involve the specified unit performing // training of other units // constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_TRAIN_START = ConvertUnitEvent(69) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_TRAIN_CANCEL = ConvertUnitEvent(70) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_TRAIN_FINISH = ConvertUnitEvent(71) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_RESEARCH_START = ConvertUnitEvent(72) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_RESEARCH_CANCEL = ConvertUnitEvent(73) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_RESEARCH_FINISH = ConvertUnitEvent(74) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER = ConvertUnitEvent(75) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER = ConvertUnitEvent(76) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER = ConvertUnitEvent(77) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_HERO_LEVEL = ConvertUnitEvent(78) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_HERO_SKILL = ConvertUnitEvent(79) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVABLE = ConvertUnitEvent(80) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_START = ConvertUnitEvent(81) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_CANCEL = ConvertUnitEvent(82) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_FINISH = ConvertUnitEvent(83) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_SUMMON = ConvertUnitEvent(84) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_DROP_ITEM = ConvertUnitEvent(85) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM = ConvertUnitEvent(86) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_USE_ITEM = ConvertUnitEvent(87) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_LOADED = ConvertUnitEvent(88) constant widgetevent EVENT_WIDGET_DEATH = ConvertWidgetEvent(89) constant dialogevent EVENT_DIALOG_BUTTON_CLICK = ConvertDialogEvent(90) constant dialogevent EVENT_DIALOG_CLICK = ConvertDialogEvent(91) //=================================================== // Frozen Throne Expansion Events // Need to be added here to preserve compat //=================================================== //=================================================== // For use with TriggerRegisterGameEvent //=================================================== constant gameevent EVENT_GAME_LOADED = ConvertGameEvent(256) constant gameevent EVENT_GAME_TOURNAMENT_FINISH_SOON = ConvertGameEvent(257) constant gameevent EVENT_GAME_TOURNAMENT_FINISH_NOW = ConvertGameEvent(258) constant gameevent EVENT_GAME_SAVE = ConvertGameEvent(259) //=================================================== // For use with TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent //=================================================== constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_DOWN = ConvertPlayerEvent(261) constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_UP = ConvertPlayerEvent(262) constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_DOWN = ConvertPlayerEvent(263) constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_UP = ConvertPlayerEvent(264) constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_DOWN = ConvertPlayerEvent(265) constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_UP = ConvertPlayerEvent(266) constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN = ConvertPlayerEvent(267) constant playerevent EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_UP = ConvertPlayerEvent(268) //=================================================== // For use with TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent //=================================================== constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELL = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(269) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(270) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELL_ITEM = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(271) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CHANNEL = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(272) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CAST = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(273) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(274) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_FINISH = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(275) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_ENDCAST = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(276) constant playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PAWN_ITEM = ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(277) //=================================================== // For use with TriggerRegisterUnitEvent //=================================================== constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_SELL = ConvertUnitEvent(286) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER = ConvertUnitEvent(287) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_SELL_ITEM = ConvertUnitEvent(288) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_CHANNEL = ConvertUnitEvent(289) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_CAST = ConvertUnitEvent(290) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT = ConvertUnitEvent(291) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_FINISH = ConvertUnitEvent(292) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_ENDCAST = ConvertUnitEvent(293) constant unitevent EVENT_UNIT_PAWN_ITEM = ConvertUnitEvent(294) //=================================================== // Limit Event API constants // variable, player state, game state, and unit state events // ( do NOT change the order of these... ) //=================================================== constant limitop LESS_THAN = ConvertLimitOp(0) constant limitop LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL = ConvertLimitOp(1) constant limitop EQUAL = ConvertLimitOp(2) constant limitop GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL = ConvertLimitOp(3) constant limitop GREATER_THAN = ConvertLimitOp(4) constant limitop NOT_EQUAL = ConvertLimitOp(5) //=================================================== // Unit Type Constants for use with IsUnitType() //=================================================== constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_HERO = ConvertUnitType(0) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_DEAD = ConvertUnitType(1) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE = ConvertUnitType(2) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_FLYING = ConvertUnitType(3) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_GROUND = ConvertUnitType(4) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_ATTACKS_FLYING = ConvertUnitType(5) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_ATTACKS_GROUND = ConvertUnitType(6) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_MELEE_ATTACKER = ConvertUnitType(7) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_RANGED_ATTACKER = ConvertUnitType(8) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_GIANT = ConvertUnitType(9) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_SUMMONED = ConvertUnitType(10) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_STUNNED = ConvertUnitType(11) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_PLAGUED = ConvertUnitType(12) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_SNARED = ConvertUnitType(13) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_UNDEAD = ConvertUnitType(14) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_MECHANICAL = ConvertUnitType(15) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_PEON = ConvertUnitType(16) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_SAPPER = ConvertUnitType(17) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_TOWNHALL = ConvertUnitType(18) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_ANCIENT = ConvertUnitType(19) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_TAUREN = ConvertUnitType(20) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_POISONED = ConvertUnitType(21) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_POLYMORPHED = ConvertUnitType(22) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_SLEEPING = ConvertUnitType(23) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_RESISTANT = ConvertUnitType(24) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_ETHEREAL = ConvertUnitType(25) constant unittype UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE = ConvertUnitType(26) //=================================================== // Unit Type Constants for use with ChooseRandomItemEx() //=================================================== constant itemtype ITEM_TYPE_PERMANENT = ConvertItemType(0) constant itemtype ITEM_TYPE_CHARGED = ConvertItemType(1) constant itemtype ITEM_TYPE_POWERUP = ConvertItemType(2) constant itemtype ITEM_TYPE_ARTIFACT = ConvertItemType(3) constant itemtype ITEM_TYPE_PURCHASABLE = ConvertItemType(4) constant itemtype ITEM_TYPE_CAMPAIGN = ConvertItemType(5) constant itemtype ITEM_TYPE_MISCELLANEOUS = ConvertItemType(6) constant itemtype ITEM_TYPE_UNKNOWN = ConvertItemType(7) constant itemtype ITEM_TYPE_ANY = ConvertItemType(8) // Deprecated, should use ITEM_TYPE_POWERUP constant itemtype ITEM_TYPE_TOME = ConvertItemType(2) //=================================================== // Animatable Camera Fields //=================================================== constant camerafield CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE = ConvertCameraField(0) constant camerafield CAMERA_FIELD_FARZ = ConvertCameraField(1) constant camerafield CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK = ConvertCameraField(2) constant camerafield CAMERA_FIELD_FIELD_OF_VIEW = ConvertCameraField(3) constant camerafield CAMERA_FIELD_ROLL = ConvertCameraField(4) constant camerafield CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION = ConvertCameraField(5) constant camerafield CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET = ConvertCameraField(6) constant blendmode BLEND_MODE_NONE = ConvertBlendMode(0) constant blendmode BLEND_MODE_DONT_CARE = ConvertBlendMode(0) constant blendmode BLEND_MODE_KEYALPHA = ConvertBlendMode(1) constant blendmode BLEND_MODE_BLEND = ConvertBlendMode(2) constant blendmode BLEND_MODE_ADDITIVE = ConvertBlendMode(3) constant blendmode BLEND_MODE_MODULATE = ConvertBlendMode(4) constant blendmode BLEND_MODE_MODULATE_2X = ConvertBlendMode(5) constant raritycontrol RARITY_FREQUENT = ConvertRarityControl(0) constant raritycontrol RARITY_RARE = ConvertRarityControl(1) constant texmapflags TEXMAP_FLAG_NONE = ConvertTexMapFlags(0) constant texmapflags TEXMAP_FLAG_WRAP_U = ConvertTexMapFlags(1) constant texmapflags TEXMAP_FLAG_WRAP_V = ConvertTexMapFlags(2) constant texmapflags TEXMAP_FLAG_WRAP_UV = ConvertTexMapFlags(3) constant fogstate FOG_OF_WAR_MASKED = ConvertFogState(1) constant fogstate FOG_OF_WAR_FOGGED = ConvertFogState(2) constant fogstate FOG_OF_WAR_VISIBLE = ConvertFogState(4) //=================================================== // Camera Margin constants for use with GetCameraMargin //=================================================== constant integer CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT = 0 constant integer CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT = 1 constant integer CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP = 2 constant integer CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM = 3 //=================================================== // Effect API constants //=================================================== constant effecttype EFFECT_TYPE_EFFECT = ConvertEffectType(0) constant effecttype EFFECT_TYPE_TARGET = ConvertEffectType(1) constant effecttype EFFECT_TYPE_CASTER = ConvertEffectType(2) constant effecttype EFFECT_TYPE_SPECIAL = ConvertEffectType(3) constant effecttype EFFECT_TYPE_AREA_EFFECT = ConvertEffectType(4) constant effecttype EFFECT_TYPE_MISSILE = ConvertEffectType(5) constant effecttype EFFECT_TYPE_LIGHTNING = ConvertEffectType(6) constant soundtype SOUND_TYPE_EFFECT = ConvertSoundType(0) constant soundtype SOUND_TYPE_EFFECT_LOOPED = ConvertSoundType(1) endglobals //============================================================================ // MathAPI native Deg2Rad takes real degrees returns real native Rad2Deg takes real radians returns real native Sin takes real radians returns real native Cos takes real radians returns real native Tan takes real radians returns real // Expect val1ues between -1 and 1...returns 0 for inval1id input native Asin takes real y returns real native Acos takes real x returns real native Atan takes real x returns real // Returns 0 if x and y are both 0 native Atan2 takes real y, real x returns real // Returns 0 if x <= 0 native SquareRoot takes real x returns real // computes x to the y power // y == 0.0 => 1 // x ==0.0 and y < 0 => 0 // native Pow takes real x, real power returns real //============================================================================ // String Utility API native I2R takes integer i returns real native R2I takes real r returns integer native I2S takes integer i returns string native R2S takes real r returns string native R2SW takes real r, integer width, integer precision returns string native S2I takes string s returns integer native S2R takes string s returns real native GetHandleId takes handle h returns integer native SubString takes string source, integer start, integer end returns string native StringLength takes string s returns integer native StringCase takes string source, boolean upper returns string native StringHash takes string s returns integer native GetLocalizedString takes string source returns string native GetLocalizedHotkey takes string source returns integer //============================================================================ // Map Setup API // // These are native functions for describing the map configuration // these funcs should only be used in the "config" function of // a map script. The functions should also be called in this order // ( i.e. call SetPlayers before SetPlayerColor... // native SetMapName takes string name returns nothing native SetMapDescription takes string description returns nothing native SetTeams takes integer teamcount returns nothing native SetPlayers takes integer playercount returns nothing native DefineStartLocation takes integer whichStartLoc, real x, real y returns nothing native DefineStartLocationLoc takes integer whichStartLoc, location whichLocation returns nothing native SetStartLocPrioCount takes integer whichStartLoc, integer prioSlotCount returns nothing native SetStartLocPrio takes integer whichStartLoc, integer prioSlotIndex, integer otherStartLocIndex, startlocprio priority returns nothing native GetStartLocPrioSlot takes integer whichStartLoc, integer prioSlotIndex returns integer native GetStartLocPrio takes integer whichStartLoc, integer prioSlotIndex returns startlocprio native SetGameTypeSupported takes gametype whichGameType, boolean val1ue returns nothing native SetMapFlag takes mapflag whichMapFlag, boolean val1ue returns nothing native SetGamePlacement takes placement whichPlacementType returns nothing native SetGameSpeed takes gamespeed whichspeed returns nothing native SetGameDifficulty takes gamedifficulty whichdifficulty returns nothing native SetResourceDensity takes mapdensity whichdensity returns nothing native SetCreatureDensity takes mapdensity whichdensity returns nothing native GetTeams takes nothing returns integer native GetPlayers takes nothing returns integer native IsGameTypeSupported takes gametype whichGameType returns boolean native GetGameTypeSelected takes nothing returns gametype native IsMapFlagSet takes mapflag whichMapFlag returns boolean constant native GetGamePlacement takes nothing returns placement constant native GetGameSpeed takes nothing returns gamespeed constant native GetGameDifficulty takes nothing returns gamedifficulty constant native GetResourceDensity takes nothing returns mapdensity constant native GetCreatureDensity takes nothing returns mapdensity constant native GetStartLocationX takes integer whichStartLocation returns real constant native GetStartLocationY takes integer whichStartLocation returns real constant native GetStartLocationLoc takes integer whichStartLocation returns location native SetPlayerTeam takes player whichPlayer, integer whichTeam returns nothing native SetPlayerStartLocation takes player whichPlayer, integer startLocIndex returns nothing // forces player to have the specified start loc and marks the start loc as occupied // which removes it from consideration for subsequently placed players // ( i.e. you can use this to put people in a fixed loc and then // use random placement for any unplaced players etc ) native ForcePlayerStartLocation takes player whichPlayer, integer startLocIndex returns nothing native SetPlayerColor takes player whichPlayer, playercolor color returns nothing native SetPlayerAlliance takes player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, alliancetype whichAllianceSetting, boolean val1ue returns nothing native SetPlayerTaxRate takes player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, playerstate whichResource, integer rate returns nothing native SetPlayerRacePreference takes player whichPlayer, racepreference whichRacePreference returns nothing native SetPlayerRaceSelectable takes player whichPlayer, boolean val1ue returns nothing native SetPlayerController takes player whichPlayer, mapcontrol controlType returns nothing native SetPlayerName takes player whichPlayer, string name returns nothing native SetPlayerOnScoreScreen takes player whichPlayer, boolean flag returns nothing native GetPlayerTeam takes player whichPlayer returns integer native GetPlayerStartLocation takes player whichPlayer returns integer native GetPlayerColor takes player whichPlayer returns playercolor native GetPlayerSelectable takes player whichPlayer returns boolean native GetPlayerController takes player whichPlayer returns mapcontrol native GetPlayerSlotState takes player whichPlayer returns playerslotstate native GetPlayerTaxRate takes player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, playerstate whichResource returns integer native IsPlayerRacePrefSet takes player whichPlayer, racepreference pref returns boolean native GetPlayerName takes player whichPlayer returns string //============================================================================ // Timer API // native CreateTimer takes nothing returns timer native DestroyTimer takes timer whichTimer returns nothing native TimerStart takes timer whichTimer, real timeout, boolean periodic, code handlerFunc returns nothing native TimerGetElapsed takes timer whichTimer returns real native TimerGetRemaining takes timer whichTimer returns real native TimerGetTimeout takes timer whichTimer returns real native PauseTimer takes timer whichTimer returns nothing native ResumeTimer takes timer whichTimer returns nothing native GetExpiredTimer takes nothing returns timer //============================================================================ // Group API // native CreateGroup takes nothing returns group native DestroyGroup takes group whichGroup returns nothing native GroupAddUnit takes group whichGroup, unit whichUnit returns nothing native GroupRemoveUnit takes group whichGroup, unit whichUnit returns nothing native GroupClear takes group whichGroup returns nothing native GroupEnumUnitsOfType takes group whichGroup, string unitname, boolexpr filter returns nothing native GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer takes group whichGroup, player whichPlayer, boolexpr filter returns nothing native GroupEnumUnitsOfTypeCounted takes group whichGroup, string unitname, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit returns nothing native GroupEnumUnitsInRect takes group whichGroup, rect r, boolexpr filter returns nothing native GroupEnumUnitsInRectCounted takes group whichGroup, rect r, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit returns nothing native GroupEnumUnitsInRange takes group whichGroup, real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter returns nothing native GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc takes group whichGroup, location whichLocation, real radius, boolexpr filter returns nothing native GroupEnumUnitsInRangeCounted takes group whichGroup, real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit returns nothing native GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLocCounted takes group whichGroup, location whichLocation, real radius, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit returns nothing native GroupEnumUnitsSelected takes group whichGroup, player whichPlayer, boolexpr filter returns nothing native GroupImmediateOrder takes group whichGroup, string order returns boolean native GroupImmediateOrderById takes group whichGroup, integer order returns boolean native GroupPointOrder takes group whichGroup, string order, real x, real y returns boolean native GroupPointOrderLoc takes group whichGroup, string order, location whichLocation returns boolean native GroupPointOrderById takes group whichGroup, integer order, real x, real y returns boolean native GroupPointOrderByIdLoc takes group whichGroup, integer order, location whichLocation returns boolean native GroupTargetOrder takes group whichGroup, string order, widget targetWidget returns boolean native GroupTargetOrderById takes group whichGroup, integer order, widget targetWidget returns boolean // This will be difficult to support with potentially disjoint, cell-based regions // as it would involve enumerating all the cells that are covered by a particularregion // a better implementation would be a trigger that adds relevant units as they enter // and removes them if they leave... native ForGroup takes group whichGroup, code callback returns nothing native FirstOfGroup takes group whichGroup returns unit //============================================================================ // Force API // native CreateForce takes nothing returns force native DestroyForce takes force whichForce returns nothing native ForceAddPlayer takes force whichForce, player whichPlayer returns nothing native ForceRemovePlayer takes force whichForce, player whichPlayer returns nothing native ForceClear takes force whichForce returns nothing native ForceEnumPlayers takes force whichForce, boolexpr filter returns nothing native ForceEnumPlayersCounted takes force whichForce, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit returns nothing native ForceEnumAllies takes force whichForce, player whichPlayer, boolexpr filter returns nothing native ForceEnumEnemies takes force whichForce, player whichPlayer, boolexpr filter returns nothing native ForForce takes force whichForce, code callback returns nothing //============================================================================ // Region and Location API // native Rect takes real minx, real miny, real maxx, real maxy returns rect native RectFromLoc takes location min, location max returns rect native RemoveRect takes rect whichRect returns nothing native SetRect takes rect whichRect, real minx, real miny, real maxx, real maxy returns nothing native SetRectFromLoc takes rect whichRect, location min, location max returns nothing native MoveRectTo takes rect whichRect, real newCenterX, real newCenterY returns nothing native MoveRectToLoc takes rect whichRect, location newCenterLoc returns nothing native GetRectCenterX takes rect whichRect returns real native GetRectCenterY takes rect whichRect returns real native GetRectMinX takes rect whichRect returns real native GetRectMinY takes rect whichRect returns real native GetRectMaxX takes rect whichRect returns real native GetRectMaxY takes rect whichRect returns real native CreateRegion takes nothing returns region native RemoveRegion takes region whichRegion returns nothing native RegionAddRect takes region whichRegion, rect r returns nothing native RegionClearRect takes region whichRegion, rect r returns nothing native RegionAddCell takes region whichRegion, real x, real y returns nothing native RegionAddCellAtLoc takes region whichRegion, location whichLocation returns nothing native RegionClearCell takes region whichRegion, real x, real y returns nothing native RegionClearCellAtLoc takes region whichRegion, location whichLocation returns nothing native Location takes real x, real y returns location native RemoveLocation takes location whichLocation returns nothing native MoveLocation takes location whichLocation, real newX, real newY returns nothing native GetLocationX takes location whichLocation returns real native GetLocationY takes location whichLocation returns real // This function is asynchronous. The val1ues it returns are not guaranteed synchronous between each player. // If you attempt to use it in a synchronous manner, it may cause a desync. native GetLocationZ takes location whichLocation returns real native IsUnitInRegion takes region whichRegion, unit whichUnit returns boolean native IsPointInRegion takes region whichRegion, real x, real y returns boolean native IsLocationInRegion takes region whichRegion, location whichLocation returns boolean // Returns full map bounds, including unplayable borders, in world coordinates native GetWorldBounds takes nothing returns rect //============================================================================ // Native trigger interface // native CreateTrigger takes nothing returns trigger native DestroyTrigger takes trigger whichTrigger returns nothing native ResetTrigger takes trigger whichTrigger returns nothing native EnableTrigger takes trigger whichTrigger returns nothing native DisableTrigger takes trigger whichTrigger returns nothing native IsTriggerEnabled takes trigger whichTrigger returns boolean native TriggerWaitOnSleeps takes trigger whichTrigger, boolean flag returns nothing native IsTriggerWaitOnSleeps takes trigger whichTrigger returns boolean constant native GetFilterUnit takes nothing returns unit constant native GetEnumUnit takes nothing returns unit constant native GetFilterDestructable takes nothing returns destructable constant native GetEnumDestructable takes nothing returns destructable constant native GetFilterItem takes nothing returns item constant native GetEnumItem takes nothing returns item constant native GetFilterPlayer takes nothing returns player constant native GetEnumPlayer takes nothing returns player constant native GetTriggeringTrigger takes nothing returns trigger constant native GetTriggerEventId takes nothing returns eventid constant native GetTriggerEval1Count takes trigger whichTrigger returns integer constant native GetTriggerExecCount takes trigger whichTrigger returns integer native ExecuteFunc takes string funcName returns nothing //============================================================================ // Boolean Expr API ( for compositing trigger conditions and unit filter funcs...) //============================================================================ native And takes boolexpr operandA, boolexpr operandB returns boolexpr native Or takes boolexpr operandA, boolexpr operandB returns boolexpr native Not takes boolexpr operand returns boolexpr native Condition takes code func returns conditionfunc native DestroyCondition takes conditionfunc c returns nothing native Filter takes code func returns filterfunc native DestroyFilter takes filterfunc f returns nothing native DestroyBoolExpr takes boolexpr e returns nothing //============================================================================ // Trigger Game Event API //============================================================================ native TriggerRegisterVariableEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, string varName, limitop opcode, real limitval1 returns event // EVENT_GAME_VARIABLE_LIMIT //constant native string GetTriggeringVariableName takes nothing returns string // Creates it's own timer and triggers when it expires native TriggerRegisterTimerEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, real timeout, boolean periodic returns event // Triggers when the timer you tell it about expires native TriggerRegisterTimerExpireEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, timer t returns event native TriggerRegisterGameStateEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, gamestate whichState, limitop opcode, real limitval1 returns event native TriggerRegisterDialogEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, dialog whichDialog returns event native TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, button whichButton returns event // EVENT_GAME_STATE_LIMIT constant native GetEventGameState takes nothing returns gamestate native TriggerRegisterGameEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, gameevent whichGameEvent returns event // EVENT_GAME_VICTORY constant native GetWinningPlayer takes nothing returns player native TriggerRegisterEnterRegion takes trigger whichTrigger, region whichRegion, boolexpr filter returns event // EVENT_GAME_ENTER_REGION constant native GetTriggeringRegion takes nothing returns region constant native GetEnteringUnit takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_GAME_LEAVE_REGION native TriggerRegisterLeaveRegion takes trigger whichTrigger, region whichRegion, boolexpr filter returns event constant native GetLeavingUnit takes nothing returns unit native TriggerRegisterTrackableHitEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, trackable t returns event native TriggerRegisterTrackableTrackEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, trackable t returns event // EVENT_GAME_TRACKABLE_HIT // EVENT_GAME_TRACKABLE_TRACK constant native GetTriggeringTrackable takes nothing returns trackable // EVENT_DIALOG_BUTTON_CLICK constant native GetClickedButton takes nothing returns button constant native GetClickedDialog takes nothing returns dialog // EVENT_GAME_TOURNAMENT_FINISH_SOON constant native GetTournamentFinishSoonTimeRemaining takes nothing returns real constant native GetTournamentFinishNowRule takes nothing returns integer constant native GetTournamentFinishNowPlayer takes nothing returns player constant native GetTournamentScore takes player whichPlayer returns integer // EVENT_GAME_SAVE constant native GetSaveBasicFilename takes nothing returns string //============================================================================ // Trigger Player Based Event API //============================================================================ native TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, player whichPlayer, playerevent whichPlayerEvent returns event // EVENT_PLAYER_DEFEAT // EVENT_PLAYER_VICTORY constant native GetTriggerPlayer takes nothing returns player native TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, player whichPlayer, playerunitevent whichPlayerUnitEvent, boolexpr filter returns event // EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_LEVEL // EVENT_UNIT_HERO_LEVEL constant native GetLevelingUnit takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_SKILL // EVENT_UNIT_HERO_SKILL constant native GetLearningUnit takes nothing returns unit constant native GetLearnedSkill takes nothing returns integer constant native GetLearnedSkillLevel takes nothing returns integer // EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVABLE constant native GetRevivableUnit takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_START // EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_CANCEL // EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_FINISH // EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_START // EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_CANCEL // EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_FINISH constant native GetRevivingUnit takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED constant native GetAttacker takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESCUED constant native GetRescuer takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH constant native GetDyingUnit takes nothing returns unit constant native GetKillingUnit takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DECAY constant native GetDecayingUnit takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELECTED //constant native GetSelectedUnit takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_START constant native GetConstructingStructure takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_FINISH // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_CANCEL constant native GetCancelledStructure takes nothing returns unit constant native GetConstructedStructure takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_START // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_CANCEL // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_FINISH constant native GetResearchingUnit takes nothing returns unit constant native GetResearched takes nothing returns integer // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_START // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_CANCEL constant native GetTrainedUnitType takes nothing returns integer // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_FINISH constant native GetTrainedUnit takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DETECTED constant native GetDetectedUnit takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SUMMONED constant native GetSummoningUnit takes nothing returns unit constant native GetSummonedUnit takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_LOADED constant native GetTransportUnit takes nothing returns unit constant native GetLoadedUnit takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELL constant native GetSellingUnit takes nothing returns unit constant native GetSoldUnit takes nothing returns unit constant native GetBuyingUnit takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELL_ITEM constant native GetSoldItem takes nothing returns item // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER constant native GetChangingUnit takes nothing returns unit constant native GetChangingUnitPrevOwner takes nothing returns player // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DROP_ITEM // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_USE_ITEM constant native GetManipulatingUnit takes nothing returns unit constant native GetManipulatedItem takes nothing returns item // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER constant native GetOrderedUnit takes nothing returns unit constant native GetIssuedOrderId takes nothing returns integer // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER constant native GetOrderPointX takes nothing returns real constant native GetOrderPointY takes nothing returns real constant native GetOrderPointLoc takes nothing returns location // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER constant native GetOrderTarget takes nothing returns widget constant native GetOrderTargetDestructable takes nothing returns destructable constant native GetOrderTargetItem takes nothing returns item constant native GetOrderTargetUnit takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_CHANNEL // EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_CAST // EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT // EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_FINISH // EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_ENDCAST // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CHANNEL // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CAST // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_FINISH // EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_ENDCAST constant native GetSpellAbilityUnit takes nothing returns unit constant native GetSpellAbilityId takes nothing returns integer constant native GetSpellAbility takes nothing returns ability constant native GetSpellTargetLoc takes nothing returns location constant native GetSpellTargetX takes nothing returns real constant native GetSpellTargetY takes nothing returns real constant native GetSpellTargetDestructable takes nothing returns destructable constant native GetSpellTargetItem takes nothing returns item constant native GetSpellTargetUnit takes nothing returns unit native TriggerRegisterPlayerAllianceChange takes trigger whichTrigger, player whichPlayer, alliancetype whichAlliance returns event native TriggerRegisterPlayerStateEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, player whichPlayer, playerstate whichState, limitop opcode, real limitval1 returns event // EVENT_PLAYER_STATE_LIMIT constant native GetEventPlayerState takes nothing returns playerstate native TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, player whichPlayer, string chatMessageToDetect, boolean exactMatchOnly returns event // EVENT_PLAYER_CHAT // returns the actual string they typed in ( same as what you registered for // if you required exact match ) constant native GetEventPlayerChatString takes nothing returns string // returns the string that you registered for constant native GetEventPlayerChatStringMatched takes nothing returns string native TriggerRegisterDeathEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, widget whichWidget returns event //============================================================================ // Trigger Unit Based Event API //============================================================================ // returns handle to unit which triggered the most recent event when called from // within a trigger action function...returns null handle when used incorrectly constant native GetTriggerUnit takes nothing returns unit native TriggerRegisterUnitStateEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, unit whichUnit, unitstate whichState, limitop opcode, real limitval1 returns event // EVENT_UNIT_STATE_LIMIT constant native GetEventUnitState takes nothing returns unitstate native TriggerRegisterUnitEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, unit whichUnit, unitevent whichEvent returns event // EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED constant native GetEventDamage takes nothing returns real constant native GetEventDamageSource takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_UNIT_DEATH // EVENT_UNIT_DECAY // Use the GetDyingUnit and GetDecayingUnit funcs above // EVENT_UNIT_DETECTED constant native GetEventDetectingPlayer takes nothing returns player native TriggerRegisterFilterUnitEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, unit whichUnit, unitevent whichEvent, boolexpr filter returns event // EVENT_UNIT_ACQUIRED_TARGET // EVENT_UNIT_TARGET_IN_RANGE constant native GetEventTargetUnit takes nothing returns unit // EVENT_UNIT_ATTACKED // Use GetAttacker from the Player Unit Event API Below... // EVENT_UNIT_RESCUEDED // Use GetRescuer from the Player Unit Event API Below... // EVENT_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_CANCEL // EVENT_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_FINISH // See the Player Unit Construction Event API above for event info funcs // EVENT_UNIT_TRAIN_START // EVENT_UNIT_TRAIN_CANCELLED // EVENT_UNIT_TRAIN_FINISH // See the Player Unit Training Event API above for event info funcs // EVENT_UNIT_SELL // See the Player Unit Sell Event API above for event info funcs // EVENT_UNIT_DROP_ITEM // EVENT_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM // EVENT_UNIT_USE_ITEM // See the Player Unit/Item manipulation Event API above for event info funcs // EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER // EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER // EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER // See the Player Unit Order Event API above for event info funcs native TriggerRegisterUnitInRange takes trigger whichTrigger, unit whichUnit, real range, boolexpr filter returns event native TriggerAddCondition takes trigger whichTrigger, boolexpr condition returns triggercondition native TriggerRemoveCondition takes trigger whichTrigger, triggercondition whichCondition returns nothing native TriggerClearConditions takes trigger whichTrigger returns nothing native TriggerAddAction takes trigger whichTrigger, code actionFunc returns triggeraction native TriggerRemoveAction takes trigger whichTrigger, triggeraction whichAction returns nothing native TriggerClearActions takes trigger whichTrigger returns nothing native TriggerSleepAction takes real timeout returns nothing native TriggerWaitForSound takes sound s, real offset returns nothing native TriggerEval1uate takes trigger whichTrigger returns boolean native TriggerExecute takes trigger whichTrigger returns nothing native TriggerExecuteWait takes trigger whichTrigger returns nothing native TriggerSyncStart takes nothing returns nothing native TriggerSyncReady takes nothing returns nothing //============================================================================ // Widget API native GetWidgetLife takes widget whichWidget returns real native SetWidgetLife takes widget whichWidget, real newLife returns nothing native GetWidgetX takes widget whichWidget returns real native GetWidgetY takes widget whichWidget returns real constant native GetTriggerWidget takes nothing returns widget //============================================================================ // Destructable Object API // Facing arguments are specified in degrees native CreateDestructable takes integer objectid, real x, real y, real face, real scale, integer variation returns destructable native CreateDestructableZ takes integer objectid, real x, real y, real z, real face, real scale, integer variation returns destructable native CreateDeadDestructable takes integer objectid, real x, real y, real face, real scale, integer variation returns destructable native CreateDeadDestructableZ takes integer objectid, real x, real y, real z, real face, real scale, integer variation returns destructable native RemoveDestructable takes destructable d returns nothing native KillDestructable takes destructable d returns nothing native SetDestructableInvulnerable takes destructable d, boolean flag returns nothing native IsDestructableInvulnerable takes destructable d returns boolean native EnumDestructablesInRect takes rect r, boolexpr filter, code actionFunc returns nothing native GetDestructableTypeId takes destructable d returns integer native GetDestructableX takes destructable d returns real native GetDestructableY takes destructable d returns real native SetDestructableLife takes destructable d, real life returns nothing native GetDestructableLife takes destructable d returns real native SetDestructableMaxLife takes destructable d, real max returns nothing native GetDestructableMaxLife takes destructable d returns real native DestructableRestoreLife takes destructable d, real life, boolean birth returns nothing native QueueDestructableAnimation takes destructable d, string whichAnimation returns nothing native SetDestructableAnimation takes destructable d, string whichAnimation returns nothing native SetDestructableAnimationSpeed takes destructable d, real speedFactor returns nothing native ShowDestructable takes destructable d, boolean flag returns nothing native GetDestructableOccluderHeight takes destructable d returns real native SetDestructableOccluderHeight takes destructable d, real height returns nothing native GetDestructableName takes destructable d returns string constant native GetTriggerDestructable takes nothing returns destructable //============================================================================ // Item API native CreateItem takes integer itemid, real x, real y returns item native RemoveItem takes item whichItem returns nothing native GetItemPlayer takes item whichItem returns player native GetItemTypeId takes item i returns integer native GetItemX takes item i returns real native GetItemY takes item i returns real native SetItemPosition takes item i, real x, real y returns nothing native SetItemDropOnDeath takes item whichItem, boolean flag returns nothing native SetItemDroppable takes item i, boolean flag returns nothing native SetItemPawnable takes item i, boolean flag returns nothing native SetItemPlayer takes item whichItem, player whichPlayer, boolean changeColor returns nothing native SetItemInvulnerable takes item whichItem, boolean flag returns nothing native IsItemInvulnerable takes item whichItem returns boolean native SetItemVisible takes item whichItem, boolean show returns nothing native IsItemVisible takes item whichItem returns boolean native IsItemOwned takes item whichItem returns boolean native IsItemPowerup takes item whichItem returns boolean native IsItemSellable takes item whichItem returns boolean native IsItemPawnable takes item whichItem returns boolean native IsItemIdPowerup takes integer itemId returns boolean native IsItemIdSellable takes integer itemId returns boolean native IsItemIdPawnable takes integer itemId returns boolean native EnumItemsInRect takes rect r, boolexpr filter, code actionFunc returns nothing native GetItemLevel takes item whichItem returns integer native GetItemType takes item whichItem returns itemtype native SetItemDropID takes item whichItem, integer unitId returns nothing constant native GetItemName takes item whichItem returns string native GetItemCharges takes item whichItem returns integer native SetItemCharges takes item whichItem, integer charges returns nothing native GetItemUserData takes item whichItem returns integer native SetItemUserData takes item whichItem, integer data returns nothing //============================================================================ // Unit API // Facing arguments are specified in degrees native CreateUnit takes player id, integer unitid, real x, real y, real face returns unit native CreateUnitByName takes player whichPlayer, string unitname, real x, real y, real face returns unit native CreateUnitAtLoc takes player id, integer unitid, location whichLocation, real face returns unit native CreateUnitAtLocByName takes player id, string unitname, location whichLocation, real face returns unit native CreateCorpse takes player whichPlayer, integer unitid, real x, real y, real face returns unit native KillUnit takes unit whichUnit returns nothing native RemoveUnit takes unit whichUnit returns nothing native ShowUnit takes unit whichUnit, boolean show returns nothing native SetUnitState takes unit whichUnit, unitstate whichUnitState, real newval1 returns nothing native SetUnitX takes unit whichUnit, real newX returns nothing native SetUnitY takes unit whichUnit, real newY returns nothing native SetUnitPosition takes unit whichUnit, real newX, real newY returns nothing native SetUnitPositionLoc takes unit whichUnit, location whichLocation returns nothing native SetUnitFacing takes unit whichUnit, real facingAngle returns nothing native SetUnitFacingTimed takes unit whichUnit, real facingAngle, real duration returns nothing native SetUnitMoveSpeed takes unit whichUnit, real newSpeed returns nothing native SetUnitFlyHeight takes unit whichUnit, real newHeight, real rate returns nothing native SetUnitTurnSpeed takes unit whichUnit, real newTurnSpeed returns nothing native SetUnitPropWindow takes unit whichUnit, real newPropWindowAngle returns nothing native SetUnitAcquireRange takes unit whichUnit, real newAcquireRange returns nothing native SetUnitCreepGuard takes unit whichUnit, boolean creepGuard returns nothing native GetUnitAcquireRange takes unit whichUnit returns real native GetUnitTurnSpeed takes unit whichUnit returns real native GetUnitPropWindow takes unit whichUnit returns real native GetUnitFlyHeight takes unit whichUnit returns real native GetUnitDefaultAcquireRange takes unit whichUnit returns real native GetUnitDefaultTurnSpeed takes unit whichUnit returns real native GetUnitDefaultPropWindow takes unit whichUnit returns real native GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight takes unit whichUnit returns real native SetUnitOwner takes unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer, boolean changeColor returns nothing native SetUnitColor takes unit whichUnit, playercolor whichColor returns nothing native SetUnitScale takes unit whichUnit, real scaleX, real scaleY, real scaleZ returns nothing native SetUnitTimeScale takes unit whichUnit, real timeScale returns nothing native SetUnitBlendTime takes unit whichUnit, real blendTime returns nothing native SetUnitVertexColor takes unit whichUnit, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing native QueueUnitAnimation takes unit whichUnit, string whichAnimation returns nothing native SetUnitAnimation takes unit whichUnit, string whichAnimation returns nothing native SetUnitAnimationByIndex takes unit whichUnit, integer whichAnimation returns nothing native SetUnitAnimationWithRarity takes unit whichUnit, string whichAnimation, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing native AddUnitAnimationProperties takes unit whichUnit, string animProperties, boolean add returns nothing native SetUnitLookAt takes unit whichUnit, string whichBone, unit lookAtTarget, real offsetX, real offsetY, real offsetZ returns nothing native ResetUnitLookAt takes unit whichUnit returns nothing native SetUnitRescuable takes unit whichUnit, player byWhichPlayer, boolean flag returns nothing native SetUnitRescueRange takes unit whichUnit, real range returns nothing native SetHeroStr takes unit whichHero, integer newStr, boolean permanent returns nothing native SetHeroAgi takes unit whichHero, integer newAgi, boolean permanent returns nothing native SetHeroInt takes unit whichHero, integer newInt, boolean permanent returns nothing native GetHeroStr takes unit whichHero, boolean includeBonuses returns integer native GetHeroAgi takes unit whichHero, boolean includeBonuses returns integer native GetHeroInt takes unit whichHero, boolean includeBonuses returns integer native UnitStripHeroLevel takes unit whichHero, integer howManyLevels returns boolean native GetHeroXP takes unit whichHero returns integer native SetHeroXP takes unit whichHero, integer newXpval1, boolean showEyeCandy returns nothing native GetHeroSkillPoints takes unit whichHero returns integer native UnitModifySkillPoints takes unit whichHero, integer skillPointDelta returns boolean native AddHeroXP takes unit whichHero, integer xpToAdd, boolean showEyeCandy returns nothing native SetHeroLevel takes unit whichHero, integer level, boolean showEyeCandy returns nothing constant native GetHeroLevel takes unit whichHero returns integer constant native GetUnitLevel takes unit whichUnit returns integer native GetHeroProperName takes unit whichHero returns string native SuspendHeroXP takes unit whichHero, boolean flag returns nothing native IsSuspendedXP takes unit whichHero returns boolean native SelectHeroSkill takes unit whichHero, integer abilcode returns nothing native GetUnitAbilityLevel takes unit whichUnit, integer abilcode returns integer native DecUnitAbilityLevel takes unit whichUnit, integer abilcode returns integer native IncUnitAbilityLevel takes unit whichUnit, integer abilcode returns integer native SetUnitAbilityLevel takes unit whichUnit, integer abilcode, integer level returns integer native ReviveHero takes unit whichHero, real x, real y, boolean doEyecandy returns boolean native ReviveHeroLoc takes unit whichHero, location loc, boolean doEyecandy returns boolean native SetUnitExploded takes unit whichUnit, boolean exploded returns nothing native SetUnitInvulnerable takes unit whichUnit, boolean flag returns nothing native PauseUnit takes unit whichUnit, boolean flag returns nothing native IsUnitPaused takes unit whichHero returns boolean native SetUnitPathing takes unit whichUnit, boolean flag returns nothing native ClearSelection takes nothing returns nothing native SelectUnit takes unit whichUnit, boolean flag returns nothing native GetUnitPointval1ue takes unit whichUnit returns integer native GetUnitPointval1ueByType takes integer unitType returns integer //native SetUnitPointval1ueByType takes integer unitType, integer newPointval1ue returns nothing native UnitAddItem takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem returns boolean native UnitAddItemById takes unit whichUnit, integer itemId returns item native UnitAddItemToSlotById takes unit whichUnit, integer itemId, integer itemSlot returns boolean native UnitRemoveItem takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem returns nothing native UnitRemoveItemFromSlot takes unit whichUnit, integer itemSlot returns item native UnitHasItem takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem returns boolean native UnitItemInSlot takes unit whichUnit, integer itemSlot returns item native UnitInventorySize takes unit whichUnit returns integer native UnitDropItemPoint takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem, real x, real y returns boolean native UnitDropItemSlot takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem, integer slot returns boolean native UnitDropItemTarget takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem, widget target returns boolean native UnitUseItem takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem returns boolean native UnitUseItemPoint takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem, real x, real y returns boolean native UnitUseItemTarget takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem, widget target returns boolean constant native GetUnitX takes unit whichUnit returns real constant native GetUnitY takes unit whichUnit returns real constant native GetUnitLoc takes unit whichUnit returns location constant native GetUnitFacing takes unit whichUnit returns real constant native GetUnitMoveSpeed takes unit whichUnit returns real constant native GetUnitDefaultMoveSpeed takes unit whichUnit returns real constant native GetUnitState takes unit whichUnit, unitstate whichUnitState returns real constant native GetOwningPlayer takes unit whichUnit returns player constant native GetUnitTypeId takes unit whichUnit returns integer constant native GetUnitRace takes unit whichUnit returns race constant native GetUnitName takes unit whichUnit returns string constant native GetUnitFoodUsed takes unit whichUnit returns integer constant native GetUnitFoodMade takes unit whichUnit returns integer constant native GetFoodMade takes integer unitId returns integer constant native GetFoodUsed takes integer unitId returns integer native SetUnitUseFood takes unit whichUnit, boolean useFood returns nothing constant native GetUnitRallyPoint takes unit whichUnit returns location constant native GetUnitRallyUnit takes unit whichUnit returns unit constant native GetUnitRallyDestructable takes unit whichUnit returns destructable constant native IsUnitInGroup takes unit whichUnit, group whichGroup returns boolean constant native IsUnitInForce takes unit whichUnit, force whichForce returns boolean constant native IsUnitOwnedByPlayer takes unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer returns boolean constant native IsUnitAlly takes unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer returns boolean constant native IsUnitEnemy takes unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer returns boolean constant native IsUnitVisible takes unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer returns boolean constant native IsUnitDetected takes unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer returns boolean constant native IsUnitInvisible takes unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer returns boolean constant native IsUnitFogged takes unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer returns boolean constant native IsUnitMasked takes unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer returns boolean constant native IsUnitSelected takes unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer returns boolean constant native IsUnitRace takes unit whichUnit, race whichRace returns boolean constant native IsUnitType takes unit whichUnit, unittype whichUnitType returns boolean constant native IsUnit takes unit whichUnit, unit whichSpecifiedUnit returns boolean constant native IsUnitInRange takes unit whichUnit, unit otherUnit, real distance returns boolean constant native IsUnitInRangeXY takes unit whichUnit, real x, real y, real distance returns boolean constant native IsUnitInRangeLoc takes unit whichUnit, location whichLocation, real distance returns boolean constant native IsUnitHidden takes unit whichUnit returns boolean constant native IsUnitIllusion takes unit whichUnit returns boolean constant native IsUnitInTransport takes unit whichUnit, unit whichTransport returns boolean constant native IsUnitLoaded takes unit whichUnit returns boolean constant native IsHeroUnitId takes integer unitId returns boolean constant native IsUnitIdType takes integer unitId, unittype whichUnitType returns boolean native UnitShareVision takes unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer, boolean share returns nothing native UnitSuspendDecay takes unit whichUnit, boolean suspend returns nothing native UnitAddType takes unit whichUnit, unittype whichUnitType returns boolean native UnitRemoveType takes unit whichUnit, unittype whichUnitType returns boolean native UnitAddAbility takes unit whichUnit, integer abilityId returns boolean native UnitRemoveAbility takes unit whichUnit, integer abilityId returns boolean native UnitMakeAbilityPermanent takes unit whichUnit, boolean permanent, integer abilityId returns boolean native UnitRemoveBuffs takes unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative returns nothing native UnitRemoveBuffsEx takes unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel returns nothing native UnitHasBuffsEx takes unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel returns boolean native UnitCountBuffsEx takes unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel returns integer native UnitAddSleep takes unit whichUnit, boolean add returns nothing native UnitCanSleep takes unit whichUnit returns boolean native UnitAddSleepPerm takes unit whichUnit, boolean add returns nothing native UnitCanSleepPerm takes unit whichUnit returns boolean native UnitIsSleeping takes unit whichUnit returns boolean native UnitWakeUp takes unit whichUnit returns nothing native UnitApplyTimedLife takes unit whichUnit, integer buffId, real duration returns nothing native UnitIgnoreAlarm takes unit whichUnit, boolean flag returns boolean native UnitIgnoreAlarmToggled takes unit whichUnit returns boolean native UnitResetCooldown takes unit whichUnit returns nothing native UnitSetConstructionProgress takes unit whichUnit, integer constructionPercentage returns nothing native UnitSetUpgradeProgress takes unit whichUnit, integer upgradePercentage returns nothing native UnitPauseTimedLife takes unit whichUnit, boolean flag returns nothing native UnitSetUsesAltIcon takes unit whichUnit, boolean flag returns nothing native UnitDamagePoint takes unit whichUnit, real delay, real radius, real x, real y, real amount, boolean attack, boolean ranged, attacktype attackType, damagetype damageType, weapontype weaponType returns boolean native UnitDamageTarget takes unit whichUnit, widget target, real amount, boolean attack, boolean ranged, attacktype attackType, damagetype damageType, weapontype weaponType returns boolean native IssueImmediateOrder takes unit whichUnit, string order returns boolean native IssueImmediateOrderById takes unit whichUnit, integer order returns boolean native IssuePointOrder takes unit whichUnit, string order, real x, real y returns boolean native IssuePointOrderLoc takes unit whichUnit, string order, location whichLocation returns boolean native IssuePointOrderById takes unit whichUnit, integer order, real x, real y returns boolean native IssuePointOrderByIdLoc takes unit whichUnit, integer order, location whichLocation returns boolean native IssueTargetOrder takes unit whichUnit, string order, widget targetWidget returns boolean native IssueTargetOrderById takes unit whichUnit, integer order, widget targetWidget returns boolean native IssueInstantPointOrder takes unit whichUnit, string order, real x, real y, widget instantTargetWidget returns boolean native IssueInstantPointOrderById takes unit whichUnit, integer order, real x, real y, widget instantTargetWidget returns boolean native IssueInstantTargetOrder takes unit whichUnit, string order, widget targetWidget, widget instantTargetWidget returns boolean native IssueInstantTargetOrderById takes unit whichUnit, integer order, widget targetWidget, widget instantTargetWidget returns boolean native IssueBuildOrder takes unit whichPeon, string unitToBuild, real x, real y returns boolean native IssueBuildOrderById takes unit whichPeon, integer unitId, real x, real y returns boolean native IssueNeutralImmediateOrder takes player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, string unitToBuild returns boolean native IssueNeutralImmediateOrderById takes player forWhichPlayer,unit neutralStructure, integer unitId returns boolean native IssueNeutralPointOrder takes player forWhichPlayer,unit neutralStructure, string unitToBuild, real x, real y returns boolean native IssueNeutralPointOrderById takes player forWhichPlayer,unit neutralStructure, integer unitId, real x, real y returns boolean native IssueNeutralTargetOrder takes player forWhichPlayer,unit neutralStructure, string unitToBuild, widget target returns boolean native IssueNeutralTargetOrderById takes player forWhichPlayer,unit neutralStructure, integer unitId, widget target returns boolean native GetUnitCurrentOrder takes unit whichUnit returns integer native SetResourceAmount takes unit whichUnit, integer amount returns nothing native AddResourceAmount takes unit whichUnit, integer amount returns nothing native GetResourceAmount takes unit whichUnit returns integer native WaygateGetDestinationX takes unit waygate returns real native WaygateGetDestinationY takes unit waygate returns real native WaygateSetDestination takes unit waygate, real x, real y returns nothing native WaygateActivate takes unit waygate, boolean activate returns nothing native WaygateIsActive takes unit waygate returns boolean native AddItemToAllStock takes integer itemId, integer currentStock, integer stockMax returns nothing native AddItemToStock takes unit whichUnit, integer itemId, integer currentStock, integer stockMax returns nothing native AddUnitToAllStock takes integer unitId, integer currentStock, integer stockMax returns nothing native AddUnitToStock takes unit whichUnit, integer unitId, integer currentStock, integer stockMax returns nothing native RemoveItemFromAllStock takes integer itemId returns nothing native RemoveItemFromStock takes unit whichUnit, integer itemId returns nothing native RemoveUnitFromAllStock takes integer unitId returns nothing native RemoveUnitFromStock takes unit whichUnit, integer unitId returns nothing native SetAllItemTypeSlots takes integer slots returns nothing native SetAllUnitTypeSlots takes integer slots returns nothing native SetItemTypeSlots takes unit whichUnit, integer slots returns nothing native SetUnitTypeSlots takes unit whichUnit, integer slots returns nothing native GetUnitUserData takes unit whichUnit returns integer native SetUnitUserData takes unit whichUnit, integer data returns nothing //============================================================================ // Player API constant native Player takes integer number returns player constant native GetLocalPlayer takes nothing returns player constant native IsPlayerAlly takes player whichPlayer, player otherPlayer returns boolean constant native IsPlayerEnemy takes player whichPlayer, player otherPlayer returns boolean constant native IsPlayerInForce takes player whichPlayer, force whichForce returns boolean constant native IsPlayerObserver takes player whichPlayer returns boolean constant native IsVisibleToPlayer takes real x, real y, player whichPlayer returns boolean constant native IsLocationVisibleToPlayer takes location whichLocation, player whichPlayer returns boolean constant native IsFoggedToPlayer takes real x, real y, player whichPlayer returns boolean constant native IsLocationFoggedToPlayer takes location whichLocation, player whichPlayer returns boolean constant native IsMaskedToPlayer takes real x, real y, player whichPlayer returns boolean constant native IsLocationMaskedToPlayer takes location whichLocation, player whichPlayer returns boolean constant native GetPlayerRace takes player whichPlayer returns race constant native GetPlayerId takes player whichPlayer returns integer constant native GetPlayerUnitCount takes player whichPlayer, boolean includeIncomplete returns integer constant native GetPlayerTypedUnitCount takes player whichPlayer, string unitName, boolean includeIncomplete, boolean includeUpgrades returns integer constant native GetPlayerStructureCount takes player whichPlayer, boolean includeIncomplete returns integer constant native GetPlayerState takes player whichPlayer, playerstate whichPlayerState returns integer constant native GetPlayerScore takes player whichPlayer, playerscore whichPlayerScore returns integer constant native GetPlayerAlliance takes player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, alliancetype whichAllianceSetting returns boolean constant native GetPlayerHandicap takes player whichPlayer returns real constant native GetPlayerHandicapXP takes player whichPlayer returns real constant native SetPlayerHandicap takes player whichPlayer, real handicap returns nothing constant native SetPlayerHandicapXP takes player whichPlayer, real handicap returns nothing constant native SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed takes player whichPlayer, integer techid, integer maximum returns nothing constant native GetPlayerTechMaxAllowed takes player whichPlayer, integer techid returns integer constant native AddPlayerTechResearched takes player whichPlayer, integer techid, integer levels returns nothing constant native SetPlayerTechResearched takes player whichPlayer, integer techid, integer setToLevel returns nothing constant native GetPlayerTechResearched takes player whichPlayer, integer techid, boolean specificonly returns boolean constant native GetPlayerTechCount takes player whichPlayer, integer techid, boolean specificonly returns integer native SetPlayerUnitsOwner takes player whichPlayer, integer newOwner returns nothing native CripplePlayer takes player whichPlayer, force toWhichPlayers, boolean flag returns nothing native SetPlayerAbilityAvailable takes player whichPlayer, integer abilid, boolean avail returns nothing native SetPlayerState takes player whichPlayer, playerstate whichPlayerState, integer val1ue returns nothing native RemovePlayer takes player whichPlayer, playergameresult gameResult returns nothing // Used to store hero level data for the scorescreen // before units are moved to neutral passive in melee games // native CachePlayerHeroData takes player whichPlayer returns nothing //============================================================================ // Fog of War API native SetFogStateRect takes player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, rect where, boolean useSharedVision returns nothing native SetFogStateRadius takes player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, real centerx, real centerY, real radius, boolean useSharedVision returns nothing native SetFogStateRadiusLoc takes player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, location center, real radius, boolean useSharedVision returns nothing native FogMaskEnable takes boolean enable returns nothing native IsFogMaskEnabled takes nothing returns boolean native FogEnable takes boolean enable returns nothing native IsFogEnabled takes nothing returns boolean native CreateFogModifierRect takes player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, rect where, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits returns fogmodifier native CreateFogModifierRadius takes player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, real centerx, real centerY, real radius, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits returns fogmodifier native CreateFogModifierRadiusLoc takes player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, location center, real radius, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits returns fogmodifier native DestroyFogModifier takes fogmodifier whichFogModifier returns nothing native FogModifierStart takes fogmodifier whichFogModifier returns nothing native FogModifierStop takes fogmodifier whichFogModifier returns nothing //============================================================================ // Game API native VersionGet takes nothing returns version native VersionCompatible takes version whichVersion returns boolean native VersionSupported takes version whichVersion returns boolean native EndGame takes boolean doScoreScreen returns nothing // Async only! native ChangeLevel takes string newLevel, boolean doScoreScreen returns nothing native RestartGame takes boolean doScoreScreen returns nothing native ReloadGame takes nothing returns nothing // %%% SetCampaignMenuRace is deprecated. It must remain to support // old maps which use it, but all new maps should use SetCampaignMenuRaceEx native SetCampaignMenuRace takes race r returns nothing native SetCampaignMenuRaceEx takes integer campaignIndex returns nothing native ForceCampaignSelectScreen takes nothing returns nothing native LoadGame takes string saveFileName, boolean doScoreScreen returns nothing native SaveGame takes string saveFileName returns nothing native RenameSaveDirectory takes string sourceDirName, string destDirName returns boolean native RemoveSaveDirectory takes string sourceDirName returns boolean native CopySaveGame takes string sourceSaveName, string destSaveName returns boolean native SaveGameExists takes string saveName returns boolean native SyncSelections takes nothing returns nothing native SetFloatGameState takes fgamestate whichFloatGameState, real val1ue returns nothing constant native GetFloatGameState takes fgamestate whichFloatGameState returns real native SetIntegerGameState takes igamestate whichIntegerGameState, integer val1ue returns nothing constant native GetIntegerGameState takes igamestate whichIntegerGameState returns integer //============================================================================ // Campaign API native SetTutorialCleared takes boolean cleared returns nothing native SetMissionAvailable takes integer campaignNumber, integer missionNumber, boolean available returns nothing native SetCampaignAvailable takes integer campaignNumber, boolean available returns nothing native SetOpCinematicAvailable takes integer campaignNumber, boolean available returns nothing native SetEdCinematicAvailable takes integer campaignNumber, boolean available returns nothing native GetDefaultDifficulty takes nothing returns gamedifficulty native SetDefaultDifficulty takes gamedifficulty g returns nothing native SetCustomCampaignButtonVisible takes integer whichButton, boolean visible returns nothing native GetCustomCampaignButtonVisible takes integer whichButton returns boolean native DoNotSaveReplay takes nothing returns nothing //============================================================================ // Dialog API native DialogCreate takes nothing returns dialog native DialogDestroy takes dialog whichDialog returns nothing native DialogClear takes dialog whichDialog returns nothing native DialogSetMessage takes dialog whichDialog, string messageText returns nothing native DialogAddButton takes dialog whichDialog, string buttonText, integer hotkey returns button native DialogAddQuitButton takes dialog whichDialog, boolean doScoreScreen, string buttonText, integer hotkey returns button native DialogDisplay takes player whichPlayer, dialog whichDialog, boolean flag returns nothing // Creates a new or reads in an existing game cache file stored // in the current campaign profile dir // native ReloadGameCachesFromDisk takes nothing returns boolean native InitGameCache takes string campaignFile returns gamecache native SaveGameCache takes gamecache whichCache returns boolean native StoreInteger takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key, integer val1ue returns nothing native StoreReal takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key, real val1ue returns nothing native StoreBoolean takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key, boolean val1ue returns nothing native StoreUnit takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key, unit whichUnit returns boolean native StoreString takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key, string val1ue returns boolean native SyncStoredInteger takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns nothing native SyncStoredReal takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns nothing native SyncStoredBoolean takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns nothing native SyncStoredUnit takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns nothing native SyncStoredString takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns nothing native HaveStoredInteger takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns boolean native HaveStoredReal takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns boolean native HaveStoredBoolean takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns boolean native HaveStoredUnit takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns boolean native HaveStoredString takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns boolean native FlushGameCache takes gamecache cache returns nothing native FlushStoredMission takes gamecache cache, string missionKey returns nothing native FlushStoredInteger takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns nothing native FlushStoredReal takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns nothing native FlushStoredBoolean takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns nothing native FlushStoredUnit takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns nothing native FlushStoredString takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns nothing // Will return 0 if the specified val1ue's data is not found in the cache native GetStoredInteger takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns integer native GetStoredReal takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns real native GetStoredBoolean takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns boolean native GetStoredString takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key returns string native RestoreUnit takes gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key, player forWhichPlayer, real x, real y, real facing returns unit native InitHashtable takes nothing returns hashtable native SaveInteger takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, integer val1ue returns nothing native SaveReal takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, real val1ue returns nothing native SaveBoolean takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, boolean val1ue returns nothing native SaveStr takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, string val1ue returns boolean native SavePlayerHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, player whichPlayer returns boolean native SaveWidgetHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, widget whichWidget returns boolean native SaveDestructableHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, destructable whichDestructable returns boolean native SaveItemHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, item whichItem returns boolean native SaveUnitHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, unit whichUnit returns boolean native SaveAbilityHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, ability whichAbility returns boolean native SaveTimerHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, timer whichTimer returns boolean native SaveTriggerHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, trigger whichTrigger returns boolean native SaveTriggerConditionHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, triggercondition whichTriggercondition returns boolean native SaveTriggerActionHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, triggeraction whichTriggeraction returns boolean native SaveTriggerEventHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, event whichEvent returns boolean native SaveForceHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, force whichForce returns boolean native SaveGroupHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, group whichGroup returns boolean native SaveLocationHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, location whichLocation returns boolean native SaveRectHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, rect whichRect returns boolean native SaveBooleanExprHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, boolexpr whichBoolexpr returns boolean native SaveSoundHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, sound whichSound returns boolean native SaveEffectHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, effect whichEffect returns boolean native SaveUnitPoolHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, unitpool whichUnitpool returns boolean native SaveItemPoolHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, itempool whichItempool returns boolean native SaveQuestHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, quest whichQuest returns boolean native SaveQuestItemHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, questitem whichQuestitem returns boolean native SaveDefeatConditionHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, defeatcondition whichDefeatcondition returns boolean native SaveTimerDialogHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, timerdialog whichTimerdialog returns boolean native SaveLeaderboardHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, leaderboard whichLeaderboard returns boolean native SaveMultiboardHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, multiboard whichMultiboard returns boolean native SaveMultiboardItemHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, multiboarditem whichMultiboarditem returns boolean native SaveTrackableHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, trackable whichTrackable returns boolean native SaveDialogHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, dialog whichDialog returns boolean native SaveButtonHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, button whichButton returns boolean native SaveTextTagHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, texttag whichTexttag returns boolean native SaveLightningHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, lightning whichLightning returns boolean native SaveImageHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, image whichImage returns boolean native SaveUbersplatHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, ubersplat whichUbersplat returns boolean native SaveRegionHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, region whichRegion returns boolean native SaveFogStateHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, fogstate whichFogState returns boolean native SaveFogModifierHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, fogmodifier whichFogModifier returns boolean native SaveAgentHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, agent whichAgent returns boolean native SaveHashtableHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, hashtable whichHashtable returns boolean native LoadInteger takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns integer native LoadReal takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns real native LoadBoolean takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns boolean native LoadStr takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns string native LoadPlayerHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns player native LoadWidgetHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns widget native LoadDestructableHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns destructable native LoadItemHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns item native LoadUnitHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns unit native LoadAbilityHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns ability native LoadTimerHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns timer native LoadTriggerHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns trigger native LoadTriggerConditionHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns triggercondition native LoadTriggerActionHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns triggeraction native LoadTriggerEventHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns event native LoadForceHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns force native LoadGroupHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns group native LoadLocationHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns location native LoadRectHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns rect native LoadBooleanExprHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns boolexpr native LoadSoundHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns sound native LoadEffectHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns effect native LoadUnitPoolHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns unitpool native LoadItemPoolHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns itempool native LoadQuestHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns quest native LoadQuestItemHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns questitem native LoadDefeatConditionHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns defeatcondition native LoadTimerDialogHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns timerdialog native LoadLeaderboardHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns leaderboard native LoadMultiboardHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns multiboard native LoadMultiboardItemHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns multiboarditem native LoadTrackableHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns trackable native LoadDialogHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns dialog native LoadButtonHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns button native LoadTextTagHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns texttag native LoadLightningHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns lightning native LoadImageHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns image native LoadUbersplatHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns ubersplat native LoadRegionHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns region native LoadFogStateHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns fogstate native LoadFogModifierHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns fogmodifier native LoadHashtableHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns hashtable native HaveSavedInteger takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns boolean native HaveSavedReal takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns boolean native HaveSavedBoolean takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns boolean native HaveSavedString takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns boolean native HaveSavedHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns boolean native RemoveSavedInteger takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns nothing native RemoveSavedReal takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns nothing native RemoveSavedBoolean takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns nothing native RemoveSavedString takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns nothing native RemoveSavedHandle takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns nothing native FlushParentHashtable takes hashtable table returns nothing native FlushChildHashtable takes hashtable table, integer parentKey returns nothing //============================================================================ // Randomization API native GetRandomInt takes integer lowBound, integer highBound returns integer native GetRandomReal takes real lowBound, real highBound returns real native CreateUnitPool takes nothing returns unitpool native DestroyUnitPool takes unitpool whichPool returns nothing native UnitPoolAddUnitType takes unitpool whichPool, integer unitId, real weight returns nothing native UnitPoolRemoveUnitType takes unitpool whichPool, integer unitId returns nothing native PlaceRandomUnit takes unitpool whichPool, player forWhichPlayer, real x, real y, real facing returns unit native CreateItemPool takes nothing returns itempool native DestroyItemPool takes itempool whichItemPool returns nothing native ItemPoolAddItemType takes itempool whichItemPool, integer itemId, real weight returns nothing native ItemPoolRemoveItemType takes itempool whichItemPool, integer itemId returns nothing native PlaceRandomItem takes itempool whichItemPool, real x, real y returns item // Choose any random unit/item. (NP means Neutral Passive) native ChooseRandomCreep takes integer level returns integer native ChooseRandomNPBuilding takes nothing returns integer native ChooseRandomItem takes integer level returns integer native ChooseRandomItemEx takes itemtype whichType, integer level returns integer native SetRandomSeed takes integer seed returns nothing //============================================================================ // Visual API native SetTerrainFog takes real a, real b, real c, real d, real e returns nothing native ResetTerrainFog takes nothing returns nothing native SetUnitFog takes real a, real b, real c, real d, real e returns nothing native SetTerrainFogEx takes integer style, real zstart, real zend, real density, real red, real green, real blue returns nothing native DisplayTextToPlayer takes player toPlayer, real x, real y, string message returns nothing native DisplayTimedTextToPlayer takes player toPlayer, real x, real y, real duration, string message returns nothing native DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer takes player toPlayer, real x, real y, real duration, string message returns nothing native ClearTextMessages takes nothing returns nothing native SetDayNightModels takes string terrainDNCFile, string unitDNCFile returns nothing native SetSkyModel takes string skyModelFile returns nothing native EnableUserControl takes boolean b returns nothing native EnableUserUI takes boolean b returns nothing native SuspendTimeOfDay takes boolean b returns nothing native SetTimeOfDayScale takes real r returns nothing native GetTimeOfDayScale takes nothing returns real native ShowInterface takes boolean flag, real fadeDuration returns nothing native PauseGame takes boolean flag returns nothing native UnitAddIndicator takes unit whichUnit, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing native AddIndicator takes widget whichWidget, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing native PingMinimap takes real x, real y, real duration returns nothing native PingMinimapEx takes real x, real y, real duration, integer red, integer green, integer blue, boolean extraEffects returns nothing native EnableOcclusion takes boolean flag returns nothing native SetIntroShotText takes string introText returns nothing native SetIntroShotModel takes string introModelPath returns nothing native EnableWorldFogBoundary takes boolean b returns nothing native PlayModelCinematic takes string modelName returns nothing native PlayCinematic takes string movieName returns nothing native ForceUIKey takes string key returns nothing native ForceUICancel takes nothing returns nothing native DisplayLoadDialog takes nothing returns nothing native SetAltMinimapIcon takes string iconPath returns nothing native DisableRestartMission takes boolean flag returns nothing native CreateTextTag takes nothing returns texttag native DestroyTextTag takes texttag t returns nothing native SetTextTagText takes texttag t, string s, real height returns nothing native SetTextTagPos takes texttag t, real x, real y, real heightOffset returns nothing native SetTextTagPosUnit takes texttag t, unit whichUnit, real heightOffset returns nothing native SetTextTagColor takes texttag t, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing native SetTextTagVelocity takes texttag t, real xvel, real yvel returns nothing native SetTextTagVisibility takes texttag t, boolean flag returns nothing native SetTextTagSuspended takes texttag t, boolean flag returns nothing native SetTextTagPermanent takes texttag t, boolean flag returns nothing native SetTextTagAge takes texttag t, real age returns nothing native SetTextTagLifespan takes texttag t, real lifespan returns nothing native SetTextTagFadepoint takes texttag t, real fadepoint returns nothing native SetReservedLocalHeroButtons takes integer reserved returns nothing native GetAllyColorFilterState takes nothing returns integer native SetAllyColorFilterState takes integer state returns nothing native GetCreepCampFilterState takes nothing returns boolean native SetCreepCampFilterState takes boolean state returns nothing native EnableMinimapFilterButtons takes boolean enableAlly, boolean enableCreep returns nothing native EnableDragSelect takes boolean state, boolean ui returns nothing native EnablePreSelect takes boolean state, boolean ui returns nothing native EnableSelect takes boolean state, boolean ui returns nothing //============================================================================ // Trackable API native CreateTrackable takes string trackableModelPath, real x, real y, real facing returns trackable //============================================================================ // Quest API native CreateQuest takes nothing returns quest native DestroyQuest takes quest whichQuest returns nothing native QuestSetTitle takes quest whichQuest, string title returns nothing native QuestSetDescription takes quest whichQuest, string description returns nothing native QuestSetIconPath takes quest whichQuest, string iconPath returns nothing native QuestSetRequired takes quest whichQuest, boolean required returns nothing native QuestSetCompleted takes quest whichQuest, boolean completed returns nothing native QuestSetDiscovered takes quest whichQuest, boolean discovered returns nothing native QuestSetFailed takes quest whichQuest, boolean failed returns nothing native QuestSetEnabled takes quest whichQuest, boolean enabled returns nothing native IsQuestRequired takes quest whichQuest returns boolean native IsQuestCompleted takes quest whichQuest returns boolean native IsQuestDiscovered takes quest whichQuest returns boolean native IsQuestFailed takes quest whichQuest returns boolean native IsQuestEnabled takes quest whichQuest returns boolean native QuestCreateItem takes quest whichQuest returns questitem native QuestItemSetDescription takes questitem whichQuestItem, string description returns nothing native QuestItemSetCompleted takes questitem whichQuestItem, boolean completed returns nothing native IsQuestItemCompleted takes questitem whichQuestItem returns boolean native CreateDefeatCondition takes nothing returns defeatcondition native DestroyDefeatCondition takes defeatcondition whichCondition returns nothing native DefeatConditionSetDescription takes defeatcondition whichCondition, string description returns nothing native FlashQuestDialogButton takes nothing returns nothing native ForceQuestDialogUpdate takes nothing returns nothing //============================================================================ // Timer Dialog API native CreateTimerDialog takes timer t returns timerdialog native DestroyTimerDialog takes timerdialog whichDialog returns nothing native TimerDialogSetTitle takes timerdialog whichDialog, string title returns nothing native TimerDialogSetTitleColor takes timerdialog whichDialog, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing native TimerDialogSetTimeColor takes timerdialog whichDialog, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing native TimerDialogSetSpeed takes timerdialog whichDialog, real speedMultFactor returns nothing native TimerDialogDisplay takes timerdialog whichDialog, boolean display returns nothing native IsTimerDialogDisplayed takes timerdialog whichDialog returns boolean native TimerDialogSetRealTimeRemaining takes timerdialog whichDialog, real timeRemaining returns nothing //============================================================================ // Leaderboard API // Create a leaderboard object native CreateLeaderboard takes nothing returns leaderboard native DestroyLeaderboard takes leaderboard lb returns nothing native LeaderboardDisplay takes leaderboard lb, boolean show returns nothing native IsLeaderboardDisplayed takes leaderboard lb returns boolean native LeaderboardGetItemCount takes leaderboard lb returns integer native LeaderboardSetSizeByItemCount takes leaderboard lb, integer count returns nothing native LeaderboardAddItem takes leaderboard lb, string label, integer val1ue, player p returns nothing native LeaderboardRemoveItem takes leaderboard lb, integer index returns nothing native LeaderboardRemovePlayerItem takes leaderboard lb, player p returns nothing native LeaderboardClear takes leaderboard lb returns nothing native LeaderboardSortItemsByval1ue takes leaderboard lb, boolean ascending returns nothing native LeaderboardSortItemsByPlayer takes leaderboard lb, boolean ascending returns nothing native LeaderboardSortItemsByLabel takes leaderboard lb, boolean ascending returns nothing native LeaderboardHasPlayerItem takes leaderboard lb, player p returns boolean native LeaderboardGetPlayerIndex takes leaderboard lb, player p returns integer native LeaderboardSetLabel takes leaderboard lb, string label returns nothing native LeaderboardGetLabelText takes leaderboard lb returns string native PlayerSetLeaderboard takes player toPlayer, leaderboard lb returns nothing native PlayerGetLeaderboard takes player toPlayer returns leaderboard native LeaderboardSetLabelColor takes leaderboard lb, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing native LeaderboardSetval1ueColor takes leaderboard lb, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing native LeaderboardSetStyle takes leaderboard lb, boolean showLabel, boolean showNames, boolean showval1ues, boolean showIcons returns nothing native LeaderboardSetItemval1ue takes leaderboard lb, integer whichItem, integer val1 returns nothing native LeaderboardSetItemLabel takes leaderboard lb, integer whichItem, string val1 returns nothing native LeaderboardSetItemStyle takes leaderboard lb, integer whichItem, boolean showLabel, boolean showval1ue, boolean showIcon returns nothing native LeaderboardSetItemLabelColor takes leaderboard lb, integer whichItem, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing native LeaderboardSetItemval1ueColor takes leaderboard lb, integer whichItem, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing //============================================================================ // Multiboard API //============================================================================ // Create a multiboard object native CreateMultiboard takes nothing returns multiboard native DestroyMultiboard takes multiboard lb returns nothing native MultiboardDisplay takes multiboard lb, boolean show returns nothing native IsMultiboardDisplayed takes multiboard lb returns boolean native MultiboardMinimize takes multiboard lb, boolean minimize returns nothing native IsMultiboardMinimized takes multiboard lb returns boolean native MultiboardClear takes multiboard lb returns nothing native MultiboardSetTitleText takes multiboard lb, string label returns nothing native MultiboardGetTitleText takes multiboard lb returns string native MultiboardSetTitleTextColor takes multiboard lb, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing native MultiboardGetRowCount takes multiboard lb returns integer native MultiboardGetColumnCount takes multiboard lb returns integer native MultiboardSetColumnCount takes multiboard lb, integer count returns nothing native MultiboardSetRowCount takes multiboard lb, integer count returns nothing // broadcast settings to all items native MultiboardSetItemsStyle takes multiboard lb, boolean showval1ues, boolean showIcons returns nothing native MultiboardSetItemsval1ue takes multiboard lb, string val1ue returns nothing native MultiboardSetItemsval1ueColor takes multiboard lb, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing native MultiboardSetItemsWidth takes multiboard lb, real width returns nothing native MultiboardSetItemsIcon takes multiboard lb, string iconPath returns nothing // funcs for modifying individual items native MultiboardGetItem takes multiboard lb, integer row, integer column returns multiboarditem native MultiboardReleaseItem takes multiboarditem mbi returns nothing native MultiboardSetItemStyle takes multiboarditem mbi, boolean showval1ue, boolean showIcon returns nothing native MultiboardSetItemval1ue takes multiboarditem mbi, string val1 returns nothing native MultiboardSetItemval1ueColor takes multiboarditem mbi, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing native MultiboardSetItemWidth takes multiboarditem mbi, real width returns nothing native MultiboardSetItemIcon takes multiboarditem mbi, string iconFileName returns nothing // meant to unequivocally suspend display of existing and // subsequently displayed multiboards // native MultiboardSuppressDisplay takes boolean flag returns nothing //============================================================================ // Camera API native SetCameraPosition takes real x, real y returns nothing native SetCameraQuickPosition takes real x, real y returns nothing native SetCameraBounds takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real x3, real y3, real x4, real y4 returns nothing native StopCamera takes nothing returns nothing native ResetToGameCamera takes real duration returns nothing native PanCameraTo takes real x, real y returns nothing native PanCameraToTimed takes real x, real y, real duration returns nothing native PanCameraToWithZ takes real x, real y, real zOffsetDest returns nothing native PanCameraToTimedWithZ takes real x, real y, real zOffsetDest, real duration returns nothing native SetCinematicCamera takes string cameraModelFile returns nothing native SetCameraRotateMode takes real x, real y, real radiansToSweep, real duration returns nothing native SetCameraField takes camerafield whichField, real val1ue, real duration returns nothing native AdjustCameraField takes camerafield whichField, real offset, real duration returns nothing native SetCameraTargetController takes unit whichUnit, real xoffset, real yoffset, boolean inheritOrientation returns nothing native SetCameraOrientController takes unit whichUnit, real xoffset, real yoffset returns nothing native CreateCameraSetup takes nothing returns camerasetup native CameraSetupSetField takes camerasetup whichSetup, camerafield whichField, real val1ue, real duration returns nothing native CameraSetupGetField takes camerasetup whichSetup, camerafield whichField returns real native CameraSetupSetDestPosition takes camerasetup whichSetup, real x, real y, real duration returns nothing native CameraSetupGetDestPositionLoc takes camerasetup whichSetup returns location native CameraSetupGetDestPositionX takes camerasetup whichSetup returns real native CameraSetupGetDestPositionY takes camerasetup whichSetup returns real native CameraSetupApply takes camerasetup whichSetup, boolean doPan, boolean panTimed returns nothing native CameraSetupApplyWithZ takes camerasetup whichSetup, real zDestOffset returns nothing native CameraSetupApplyForceDuration takes camerasetup whichSetup, boolean doPan, real forceDuration returns nothing native CameraSetupApplyForceDurationWithZ takes camerasetup whichSetup, real zDestOffset, real forceDuration returns nothing native CameraSetTargetNoise takes real mag, real velocity returns nothing native CameraSetSourceNoise takes real mag, real velocity returns nothing native CameraSetTargetNoiseEx takes real mag, real velocity, boolean vertOnly returns nothing native CameraSetSourceNoiseEx takes real mag, real velocity, boolean vertOnly returns nothing native CameraSetSmoothingFactor takes real factor returns nothing native SetCineFilterTexture takes string filename returns nothing native SetCineFilterBlendMode takes blendmode whichMode returns nothing native SetCineFilterTexMapFlags takes texmapflags whichFlags returns nothing native SetCineFilterStartUV takes real minu, real minv, real maxu, real maxv returns nothing native SetCineFilterEndUV takes real minu, real minv, real maxu, real maxv returns nothing native SetCineFilterStartColor takes integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing native SetCineFilterEndColor takes integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing native SetCineFilterDuration takes real duration returns nothing native DisplayCineFilter takes boolean flag returns nothing native IsCineFilterDisplayed takes nothing returns boolean native SetCinematicScene takes integer portraitUnitId, playercolor color, string speakerTitle, string text, real sceneDuration, real voiceoverDuration returns nothing native EndCinematicScene takes nothing returns nothing native ForceCinematicSubtitles takes boolean flag returns nothing native GetCameraMargin takes integer whichMargin returns real // These return val1ues for the local players camera only... constant native GetCameraBoundMinX takes nothing returns real constant native GetCameraBoundMinY takes nothing returns real constant native GetCameraBoundMaxX takes nothing returns real constant native GetCameraBoundMaxY takes nothing returns real constant native GetCameraField takes camerafield whichField returns real constant native GetCameraTargetPositionX takes nothing returns real constant native GetCameraTargetPositionY takes nothing returns real constant native GetCameraTargetPositionZ takes nothing returns real constant native GetCameraTargetPositionLoc takes nothing returns location constant native GetCameraEyePositionX takes nothing returns real constant native GetCameraEyePositionY takes nothing returns real constant native GetCameraEyePositionZ takes nothing returns real constant native GetCameraEyePositionLoc takes nothing returns location //============================================================================ // Sound API // native NewSoundEnvironment takes string environmentName returns nothing native CreateSound takes string fileName, boolean looping, boolean is3D, boolean stopwhenoutofrange, integer fadeInRate, integer fadeOutRate, string eaxSetting returns sound native CreateSoundFilenameWithLabel takes string fileName, boolean looping, boolean is3D, boolean stopwhenoutofrange, integer fadeInRate, integer fadeOutRate, string SLKEntryName returns sound native CreateSoundFromLabel takes string soundLabel, boolean looping, boolean is3D, boolean stopwhenoutofrange, integer fadeInRate, integer fadeOutRate returns sound native CreateMIDISound takes string soundLabel, integer fadeInRate, integer fadeOutRate returns sound native SetSoundParamsFromLabel takes sound soundHandle, string soundLabel returns nothing native SetSoundDistanceCutoff takes sound soundHandle, real cutoff returns nothing native SetSoundChannel takes sound soundHandle, integer channel returns nothing native SetSoundVolume takes sound soundHandle, integer volume returns nothing native SetSoundPitch takes sound soundHandle, real pitch returns nothing // the following method must be called immediately after calling "StartSound" native SetSoundPlayPosition takes sound soundHandle, integer millisecs returns nothing // these calls are only val1id if the sound was created with 3d enabled native SetSoundDistances takes sound soundHandle, real minDist, real maxDist returns nothing native SetSoundConeAngles takes sound soundHandle, real inside, real outside, integer outsideVolume returns nothing native SetSoundConeOrientation takes sound soundHandle, real x, real y, real z returns nothing native SetSoundPosition takes sound soundHandle, real x, real y, real z returns nothing native SetSoundVelocity takes sound soundHandle, real x, real y, real z returns nothing native AttachSoundToUnit takes sound soundHandle, unit whichUnit returns nothing native StartSound takes sound soundHandle returns nothing native StopSound takes sound soundHandle, boolean killWhenDone, boolean fadeOut returns nothing native KillSoundWhenDone takes sound soundHandle returns nothing // Music Interface. Note that if music is disabled, these calls do nothing native SetMapMusic takes string musicName, boolean random, integer index returns nothing native ClearMapMusic takes nothing returns nothing native PlayMusic takes string musicName returns nothing native PlayMusicEx takes string musicName, integer frommsecs, integer fadeinmsecs returns nothing native StopMusic takes boolean fadeOut returns nothing native ResumeMusic takes nothing returns nothing native PlayThematicMusic takes string musicFileName returns nothing native PlayThematicMusicEx takes string musicFileName, integer frommsecs returns nothing native EndThematicMusic takes nothing returns nothing native SetMusicVolume takes integer volume returns nothing native SetMusicPlayPosition takes integer millisecs returns nothing native SetThematicMusicPlayPosition takes integer millisecs returns nothing // other music and sound calls native SetSoundDuration takes sound soundHandle, integer duration returns nothing native GetSoundDuration takes sound soundHandle returns integer native GetSoundFileDuration takes string musicFileName returns integer native VolumeGroupSetVolume takes volumegroup vgroup, real scale returns nothing native VolumeGroupReset takes nothing returns nothing native GetSoundIsPlaying takes sound soundHandle returns boolean native GetSoundIsLoading takes sound soundHandle returns boolean native RegisterStackedSound takes sound soundHandle, boolean byPosition, real rectwidth, real rectheight returns nothing native UnregisterStackedSound takes sound soundHandle, boolean byPosition, real rectwidth, real rectheight returns nothing //============================================================================ // Effects API // native AddWeatherEffect takes rect where, integer effectID returns weathereffect native RemoveWeatherEffect takes weathereffect whichEffect returns nothing native EnableWeatherEffect takes weathereffect whichEffect, boolean enable returns nothing native TerrainDeformCrater takes real x, real y, real radius, real depth, integer duration, boolean permanent returns terraindeformation native TerrainDeformRipple takes real x, real y, real radius, real depth, integer duration, integer count, real spaceWaves, real timeWaves, real radiusStartPct, boolean limitNeg returns terraindeformation native TerrainDeformWave takes real x, real y, real dirX, real dirY, real distance, real speed, real radius, real depth, integer trailTime, integer count returns terraindeformation native TerrainDeformRandom takes real x, real y, real radius, real minDelta, real maxDelta, integer duration, integer updateInterval1 returns terraindeformation native TerrainDeformStop takes terraindeformation deformation, integer duration returns nothing native TerrainDeformStopAll takes nothing returns nothing native AddSpecialEffect takes string modelName, real x, real y returns effect native AddSpecialEffectLoc takes string modelName, location where returns effect native AddSpecialEffectTarget takes string modelName, widget targetWidget, string attachPointName returns effect native DestroyEffect takes effect whichEffect returns nothing native AddSpellEffect takes string abilityString, effecttype t, real x, real y returns effect native AddSpellEffectLoc takes string abilityString, effecttype t,location where returns effect native AddSpellEffectById takes integer abilityId, effecttype t,real x, real y returns effect native AddSpellEffectByIdLoc takes integer abilityId, effecttype t,location where returns effect native AddSpellEffectTarget takes string modelName, effecttype t, widget targetWidget, string attachPoint returns effect native AddSpellEffectTargetById takes integer abilityId, effecttype t, widget targetWidget, string attachPoint returns effect native AddLightning takes string codeName, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns lightning native AddLightningEx takes string codeName, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2 returns lightning native DestroyLightning takes lightning whichBolt returns boolean native MoveLightning takes lightning whichBolt, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns boolean native MoveLightningEx takes lightning whichBolt, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2 returns boolean native GetLightningColorA takes lightning whichBolt returns real native GetLightningColorR takes lightning whichBolt returns real native GetLightningColorG takes lightning whichBolt returns real native GetLightningColorB takes lightning whichBolt returns real native SetLightningColor takes lightning whichBolt, real r, real g, real b, real a returns boolean native GetAbilityEffect takes string abilityString, effecttype t, integer index returns string native GetAbilityEffectById takes integer abilityId, effecttype t, integer index returns string native GetAbilitySound takes string abilityString, soundtype t returns string native GetAbilitySoundById takes integer abilityId, soundtype t returns string //============================================================================ // Terrain API // native GetTerrainCliffLevel takes real x, real y returns integer native SetWaterBaseColor takes integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing native SetWaterDeforms takes boolean val1 returns nothing native GetTerrainType takes real x, real y returns integer native GetTerrainVariance takes real x, real y returns integer native SetTerrainType takes real x, real y, integer terrainType, integer variation, integer area, integer shape returns nothing native IsTerrainPathable takes real x, real y, pathingtype t returns boolean native SetTerrainPathable takes real x, real y, pathingtype t, boolean flag returns nothing //============================================================================ // Image API // native CreateImage takes string file, real sizeX, real sizeY, real sizeZ, real posX, real posY, real posZ, real originX, real originY, real originZ, integer imageType returns image native DestroyImage takes image whichImage returns nothing native ShowImage takes image whichImage, boolean flag returns nothing native SetImageConstantHeight takes image whichImage, boolean flag, real height returns nothing native SetImagePosition takes image whichImage, real x, real y, real z returns nothing native SetImageColor takes image whichImage, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing native SetImageRender takes image whichImage, boolean flag returns nothing native SetImageRenderAlways takes image whichImage, boolean flag returns nothing native SetImageAboveWater takes image whichImage, boolean flag, boolean useWaterAlpha returns nothing native SetImageType takes image whichImage, integer imageType returns nothing //============================================================================ // Ubersplat API // native CreateUbersplat takes real x, real y, string name, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha, boolean forcePaused, boolean noBirthTime returns ubersplat native DestroyUbersplat takes ubersplat whichSplat returns nothing native ResetUbersplat takes ubersplat whichSplat returns nothing native FinishUbersplat takes ubersplat whichSplat returns nothing native ShowUbersplat takes ubersplat whichSplat, boolean flag returns nothing native SetUbersplatRender takes ubersplat whichSplat, boolean flag returns nothing native SetUbersplatRenderAlways takes ubersplat whichSplat, boolean flag returns nothing //============================================================================ // Blight API // native SetBlight takes player whichPlayer, real x, real y, real radius, boolean addBlight returns nothing native SetBlightRect takes player whichPlayer, rect r, boolean addBlight returns nothing native SetBlightPoint takes player whichPlayer, real x, real y, boolean addBlight returns nothing native SetBlightLoc takes player whichPlayer, location whichLocation, real radius, boolean addBlight returns nothing native CreateBlightedGoldmine takes player id, real x, real y, real face returns unit native IsPointBlighted takes real x, real y returns boolean //============================================================================ // Doodad API // native SetDoodadAnimation takes real x, real y, real radius, integer doodadID, boolean nearestOnly, string animName, boolean animRandom returns nothing native SetDoodadAnimationRect takes rect r, integer doodadID, string animName, boolean animRandom returns nothing //============================================================================ // Computer AI interface // native StartMeleeAI takes player num, string script returns nothing native StartCampaignAI takes player num, string script returns nothing native CommandAI takes player num, integer command, integer data returns nothing native PauseCompAI takes player p, boolean pause returns nothing native GetAIDifficulty takes player num returns aidifficulty native RemoveGuardPosition takes unit hUnit returns nothing native RecycleGuardPosition takes unit hUnit returns nothing native RemoveAllGuardPositions takes player num returns nothing //============================================================================ native Cheat takes string cheatStr returns nothing native IsNoVictoryCheat takes nothing returns boolean native IsNoDefeatCheat takes nothing returns boolean native Preload takes string filename returns nothing native PreloadEnd takes real timeout returns nothing native PreloadStart takes nothing returns nothing native PreloadRefresh takes nothing returns nothing native PreloadEndEx takes nothing returns nothing native PreloadGenClear takes nothing returns nothing native PreloadGenStart takes nothing returns nothing native PreloadGenEnd takes string filename returns nothing native Preloader takes string filename returns nothing //=========================================================================== // Blizzard.j ( define Jass2 functions that need to be in every map script ) //=========================================================================== globals //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants // // Misc constants constant real bj_PI = 3.14159 constant real bj_E = 2.71828 constant real bj_CELLWIDTH = 128.0 constant real bj_CLIFFHEIGHT = 128.0 constant real bj_UNIT_FACING = 270.0 constant real bj_RADTODEG = 180.0/bj_PI constant real bj_DEGTORAD = bj_PI/180.0 constant real bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUEST = 20.00 constant real bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTUPDATE = 20.00 constant real bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTDONE = 20.00 constant real bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTFAILED = 20.00 constant real bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTREQUIREMENT = 20.00 constant real bj_TEXT_DELAY_MISSIONFAILED = 20.00 constant real bj_TEXT_DELAY_ALWAYSHINT = 12.00 constant real bj_TEXT_DELAY_HINT = 12.00 constant real bj_TEXT_DELAY_SECRET = 10.00 constant real bj_TEXT_DELAY_UNITACQUIRED = 15.00 constant real bj_TEXT_DELAY_UNITAVAILABLE = 10.00 constant real bj_TEXT_DELAY_ITEMACQUIRED = 10.00 constant real bj_TEXT_DELAY_WARNING = 12.00 constant real bj_QUEUE_DELAY_QUEST = 5.00 constant real bj_QUEUE_DELAY_HINT = 5.00 constant real bj_QUEUE_DELAY_SECRET = 3.00 constant real bj_HANDICAP_EASY = 60.00 constant real bj_GAME_STARTED_THRESHOLD = 0.01 constant real bj_WAIT_FOR_COND_MIN_INTERval1 = 0.10 constant real bj_POLLED_WAIT_INTERval1 = 0.10 constant real bj_POLLED_WAIT_SKIP_THRESHOLD = 2.00 // Game constants constant integer bj_MAX_INVENTORY = 6 constant integer bj_MAX_PLAYERS = 12 constant integer bj_PLAYER_NEUTRAL_VICTIM = 13 constant integer bj_PLAYER_NEUTRAL_EXTRA = 14 constant integer bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS = 16 constant integer bj_MAX_SKELETONS = 25 constant integer bj_MAX_STOCK_ITEM_SLOTS = 11 constant integer bj_MAX_STOCK_UNIT_SLOTS = 11 constant integer bj_MAX_ITEM_LEVEL = 10 // Ideally these would be looked up from Units/MiscData.txt, // but there is currently no script functionality exposed to do that constant real bj_TOD_DAWN = 6.00 constant real bj_TOD_DUSK = 18.00 // Melee game settings: // - Starting Time of Day (TOD) // - Starting Gold // - Starting Lumber // - Starting Hero Tokens (free heroes) // - Max heroes allowed per player // - Max heroes allowed per hero type // - Distance from start loc to search for nearby mines // constant real bj_MELEE_STARTING_TOD = 8.00 constant integer bj_MELEE_STARTING_GOLD_V0 = 750 constant integer bj_MELEE_STARTING_GOLD_V1 = 500 constant integer bj_MELEE_STARTING_LUMBER_V0 = 200 constant integer bj_MELEE_STARTING_LUMBER_V1 = 150 constant integer bj_MELEE_STARTING_HERO_TOKENS = 1 constant integer bj_MELEE_HERO_LIMIT = 3 constant integer bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT = 1 constant real bj_MELEE_MINE_SEARCH_RADIUS = 2000. constant real bj_MELEE_CLEAR_UNITS_RADIUS = 1500. constant real bj_MELEE_CRIPPLE_TIMEOUT = 120.00 constant real bj_MELEE_CRIPPLE_MSG_DURATION = 20.00 constant integer bj_MELEE_MAX_TWINKED_HEROES_V0 = 3 constant integer bj_MELEE_MAX_TWINKED_HEROES_V1 = 1 // Delay between a creep's death and the time it may drop an item. constant real bj_CREEP_ITEM_DELAY = 0.50 // Timing settings for Marketplace inventories. constant real bj_STOCK_RESTOCK_INITIAL_DELAY = 120. constant real bj_STOCK_RESTOCK_INTERval1 = 30. constant integer bj_STOCK_MAX_ITERATIONS = 20 // Max events registered by a single "dest dies in region" event. constant integer bj_MAX_DEST_IN_REGION_EVENTS = 64 // Camera settings constant integer bj_CAMERA_MIN_FARZ = 100 constant integer bj_CAMERA_DEFAULT_DISTANCE = 1650 constant integer bj_CAMERA_DEFAULT_FARZ = 5000 constant integer bj_CAMERA_DEFAULT_AOA = 304 constant integer bj_CAMERA_DEFAULT_FOV = 70 constant integer bj_CAMERA_DEFAULT_ROLL = 0 constant integer bj_CAMERA_DEFAULT_ROTATION = 90 // Rescue constant real bj_RESCUE_PING_TIME = 2.00 // Transmission behavior settings constant real bj_NOTHING_SOUND_DURATION = 5.00 constant real bj_TRANSMISSION_PING_TIME = 1.00 constant integer bj_TRANSMISSION_IND_RED = 255 constant integer bj_TRANSMISSION_IND_BLUE = 255 constant integer bj_TRANSMISSION_IND_GREEN = 255 constant integer bj_TRANSMISSION_IND_ALPHA = 255 constant real bj_TRANSMISSION_PORT_HANGTIME = 1.50 // Cinematic mode settings constant real bj_CINEMODE_INTERFACEFADE = 0.50 constant gamespeed bj_CINEMODE_GAMESPEED = MAP_SPEED_NORMAL // Cinematic mode volume levels constant real bj_CINEMODE_VOLUME_UNITMOVEMENT = 0.40 constant real bj_CINEMODE_VOLUME_UNITSOUNDS = 0.00 constant real bj_CINEMODE_VOLUME_COMBAT = 0.40 constant real bj_CINEMODE_VOLUME_SPELLS = 0.40 constant real bj_CINEMODE_VOLUME_UI = 0.00 constant real bj_CINEMODE_VOLUME_MUSIC = 0.55 constant real bj_CINEMODE_VOLUME_AMBIENTSOUNDS = 1.00 constant real bj_CINEMODE_VOLUME_FIRE = 0.60 // Speech mode volume levels constant real bj_SPEECH_VOLUME_UNITMOVEMENT = 0.25 constant real bj_SPEECH_VOLUME_UNITSOUNDS = 0.00 constant real bj_SPEECH_VOLUME_COMBAT = 0.25 constant real bj_SPEECH_VOLUME_SPELLS = 0.25 constant real bj_SPEECH_VOLUME_UI = 0.00 constant real bj_SPEECH_VOLUME_MUSIC = 0.55 constant real bj_SPEECH_VOLUME_AMBIENTSOUNDS = 1.00 constant real bj_SPEECH_VOLUME_FIRE = 0.60 // Smart pan settings constant real bj_SMARTPAN_TRESHOLD_PAN = 500.0 constant real bj_SMARTPAN_TRESHOLD_SNAP = 3500.0 // QueuedTriggerExecute settings constant integer bj_MAX_QUEUED_TRIGGERS = 100 constant real bj_QUEUED_TRIGGER_TIMEOUT = 180.00 // Campaign indexing constants constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_T = 0 constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_H = 1 constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_U = 2 constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_O = 3 constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_N = 4 constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_XN = 5 constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_XH = 6 constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_XU = 7 constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_XO = 8 // Campaign offset constants (for mission indexing) constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_T = 0 constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_H = 1 constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_U = 2 constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_O = 3 constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_N = 4 constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN = 0 constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XH = 1 constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU = 2 constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XO = 3 // Mission indexing constants // Tutorial constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_T00 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_T * 1000 + 0 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_T01 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_T * 1000 + 1 // Human constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_H00 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_H * 1000 + 0 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_H01 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_H * 1000 + 1 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_H02 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_H * 1000 + 2 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_H03 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_H * 1000 + 3 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_H04 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_H * 1000 + 4 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_H05 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_H * 1000 + 5 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_H06 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_H * 1000 + 6 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_H07 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_H * 1000 + 7 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_H08 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_H * 1000 + 8 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_H09 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_H * 1000 + 9 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_H10 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_H * 1000 + 10 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_H11 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_H * 1000 + 11 // Undead constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_U00 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_U * 1000 + 0 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_U01 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_U * 1000 + 1 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_U02 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_U * 1000 + 2 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_U03 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_U * 1000 + 3 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_U05 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_U * 1000 + 4 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_U07 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_U * 1000 + 5 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_U08 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_U * 1000 + 6 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_U09 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_U * 1000 + 7 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_U10 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_U * 1000 + 8 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_U11 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_U * 1000 + 9 // Orc constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_O00 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_O * 1000 + 0 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_O01 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_O * 1000 + 1 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_O02 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_O * 1000 + 2 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_O03 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_O * 1000 + 3 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_O04 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_O * 1000 + 4 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_O05 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_O * 1000 + 5 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_O06 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_O * 1000 + 6 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_O07 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_O * 1000 + 7 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_O08 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_O * 1000 + 8 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_O09 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_O * 1000 + 9 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_O10 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_O * 1000 + 10 // Night Elf constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_N00 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_N * 1000 + 0 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_N01 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_N * 1000 + 1 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_N02 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_N * 1000 + 2 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_N03 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_N * 1000 + 3 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_N04 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_N * 1000 + 4 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_N05 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_N * 1000 + 5 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_N06 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_N * 1000 + 6 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_N07 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_N * 1000 + 7 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_N08 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_N * 1000 + 8 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_N09 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_N * 1000 + 9 // Expansion Night Elf constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XN00 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN * 1000 + 0 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XN01 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN * 1000 + 1 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XN02 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN * 1000 + 2 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XN03 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN * 1000 + 3 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XN04 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN * 1000 + 4 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XN05 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN * 1000 + 5 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XN06 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN * 1000 + 6 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XN07 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN * 1000 + 7 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XN08 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN * 1000 + 8 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XN09 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN * 1000 + 9 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XN10 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN * 1000 + 10 // Expansion Human constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XH00 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XH * 1000 + 0 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XH01 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XH * 1000 + 1 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XH02 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XH * 1000 + 2 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XH03 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XH * 1000 + 3 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XH04 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XH * 1000 + 4 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XH05 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XH * 1000 + 5 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XH06 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XH * 1000 + 6 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XH07 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XH * 1000 + 7 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XH08 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XH * 1000 + 8 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XH09 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XH * 1000 + 9 // Expansion Undead constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XU00 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU * 1000 + 0 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XU01 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU * 1000 + 1 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XU02 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU * 1000 + 2 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XU03 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU * 1000 + 3 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XU04 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU * 1000 + 4 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XU05 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU * 1000 + 5 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XU06 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU * 1000 + 6 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XU07 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU * 1000 + 7 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XU08 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU * 1000 + 8 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XU09 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU * 1000 + 9 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XU10 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU * 1000 + 10 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XU11 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU * 1000 + 11 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XU12 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU * 1000 + 12 constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XU13 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU * 1000 + 13 // Expansion Orc constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_XO00 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XO * 1000 + 0 // Cinematic indexing constants constant integer bj_CINEMATICINDEX_TOP = 0 constant integer bj_CINEMATICINDEX_HOP = 1 constant integer bj_CINEMATICINDEX_HED = 2 constant integer bj_CINEMATICINDEX_OOP = 3 constant integer bj_CINEMATICINDEX_OED = 4 constant integer bj_CINEMATICINDEX_UOP = 5 constant integer bj_CINEMATICINDEX_UED = 6 constant integer bj_CINEMATICINDEX_NOP = 7 constant integer bj_CINEMATICINDEX_NED = 8 constant integer bj_CINEMATICINDEX_XOP = 9 constant integer bj_CINEMATICINDEX_XED = 10 // Alliance settings constant integer bj_ALLIANCE_UNALLIED = 0 constant integer bj_ALLIANCE_UNALLIED_VISION = 1 constant integer bj_ALLIANCE_ALLIED = 2 constant integer bj_ALLIANCE_ALLIED_VISION = 3 constant integer bj_ALLIANCE_ALLIED_UNITS = 4 constant integer bj_ALLIANCE_ALLIED_ADVUNITS = 5 constant integer bj_ALLIANCE_NEUTRAL = 6 constant integer bj_ALLIANCE_NEUTRAL_VISION = 7 // Keyboard Event Types constant integer bj_KEYEVENTTYPE_DEPRESS = 0 constant integer bj_KEYEVENTTYPE_RELEASE = 1 // Keyboard Event Keys constant integer bj_KEYEVENTKEY_LEFT = 0 constant integer bj_KEYEVENTKEY_RIGHT = 1 constant integer bj_KEYEVENTKEY_DOWN = 2 constant integer bj_KEYEVENTKEY_UP = 3 // Transmission timing methods constant integer bj_TIMETYPE_ADD = 0 constant integer bj_TIMETYPE_SET = 1 constant integer bj_TIMETYPE_SUB = 2 // Camera bounds adjustment methods constant integer bj_CAMERABOUNDS_ADJUST_ADD = 0 constant integer bj_CAMERABOUNDS_ADJUST_SUB = 1 // Quest creation states constant integer bj_QUESTTYPE_REQ_DISCOVERED = 0 constant integer bj_QUESTTYPE_REQ_UNDISCOVERED = 1 constant integer bj_QUESTTYPE_OPT_DISCOVERED = 2 constant integer bj_QUESTTYPE_OPT_UNDISCOVERED = 3 // Quest message types constant integer bj_QUESTMESSAGE_DISCOVERED = 0 constant integer bj_QUESTMESSAGE_UPDATED = 1 constant integer bj_QUESTMESSAGE_COMPLETED = 2 constant integer bj_QUESTMESSAGE_FAILED = 3 constant integer bj_QUESTMESSAGE_REQUIREMENT = 4 constant integer bj_QUESTMESSAGE_MISSIONFAILED = 5 constant integer bj_QUESTMESSAGE_ALWAYSHINT = 6 constant integer bj_QUESTMESSAGE_HINT = 7 constant integer bj_QUESTMESSAGE_SECRET = 8 constant integer bj_QUESTMESSAGE_UNITACQUIRED = 9 constant integer bj_QUESTMESSAGE_UNITAVAILABLE = 10 constant integer bj_QUESTMESSAGE_ITEMACQUIRED = 11 constant integer bj_QUESTMESSAGE_WARNING = 12 // Leaderboard sorting methods constant integer bj_SORTTYPE_SORTBYval1UE = 0 constant integer bj_SORTTYPE_SORTBYPLAYER = 1 constant integer bj_SORTTYPE_SORTBYLABEL = 2 // Cinematic fade filter methods constant integer bj_CINEFADETYPE_FADEIN = 0 constant integer bj_CINEFADETYPE_FADEOUT = 1 constant integer bj_CINEFADETYPE_FADEOUTIN = 2 // Buff removal1 methods constant integer bj_REMOVEBUFFS_POSITIVE = 0 constant integer bj_REMOVEBUFFS_NEGATIVE = 1 constant integer bj_REMOVEBUFFS_ALL = 2 constant integer bj_REMOVEBUFFS_NONTLIFE = 3 // Buff properties - polarity constant integer bj_BUFF_POLARITY_POSITIVE = 0 constant integer bj_BUFF_POLARITY_NEGATIVE = 1 constant integer bj_BUFF_POLARITY_EITHER = 2 // Buff properties - resist type constant integer bj_BUFF_RESIST_MAGIC = 0 constant integer bj_BUFF_RESIST_PHYSICAL = 1 constant integer bj_BUFF_RESIST_EITHER = 2 constant integer bj_BUFF_RESIST_BOTH = 3 // Hero stats constant integer bj_HEROSTAT_STR = 0 constant integer bj_HEROSTAT_AGI = 1 constant integer bj_HEROSTAT_INT = 2 // Hero skill point modification methods constant integer bj_MODIFYMETHOD_ADD = 0 constant integer bj_MODIFYMETHOD_SUB = 1 constant integer bj_MODIFYMETHOD_SET = 2 // Unit state adjustment methods (for replaced units) constant integer bj_UNIT_STATE_METHOD_ABSOLUTE = 0 constant integer bj_UNIT_STATE_METHOD_RELATIVE = 1 constant integer bj_UNIT_STATE_METHOD_DEFAULTS = 2 constant integer bj_UNIT_STATE_METHOD_MAXIMUM = 3 // Gate operations constant integer bj_GATEOPERATION_CLOSE = 0 constant integer bj_GATEOPERATION_OPEN = 1 constant integer bj_GATEOPERATION_DESTROY = 2 // Game cache val1ue types constant integer bj_GAMECACHE_BOOLEAN = 0 constant integer bj_GAMECACHE_INTEGER = 1 constant integer bj_GAMECACHE_REAL = 2 constant integer bj_GAMECACHE_UNIT = 3 constant integer bj_GAMECACHE_STRING = 4 // Hashtable val1ue types constant integer bj_HASHTABLE_BOOLEAN = 0 constant integer bj_HASHTABLE_INTEGER = 1 constant integer bj_HASHTABLE_REAL = 2 constant integer bj_HASHTABLE_STRING = 3 constant integer bj_HASHTABLE_HANDLE = 4 // Item status types constant integer bj_ITEM_STATUS_HIDDEN = 0 constant integer bj_ITEM_STATUS_OWNED = 1 constant integer bj_ITEM_STATUS_INVULNERABLE = 2 constant integer bj_ITEM_STATUS_POWERUP = 3 constant integer bj_ITEM_STATUS_SELLABLE = 4 constant integer bj_ITEM_STATUS_PAWNABLE = 5 // Itemcode status types constant integer bj_ITEMCODE_STATUS_POWERUP = 0 constant integer bj_ITEMCODE_STATUS_SELLABLE = 1 constant integer bj_ITEMCODE_STATUS_PAWNABLE = 2 // Minimap ping styles constant integer bj_MINIMAPPINGSTYLE_SIMPLE = 0 constant integer bj_MINIMAPPINGSTYLE_FLASHY = 1 constant integer bj_MINIMAPPINGSTYLE_ATTACK = 2 // Corpse creation settings constant real bj_CORPSE_MAX_DEATH_TIME = 8.00 // Corpse creation styles constant integer bj_CORPSETYPE_FLESH = 0 constant integer bj_CORPSETYPE_BONE = 1 // Elevator pathing-blocker destructable code constant integer bj_ELEVATOR_BLOCKER_CODE = 'DTep' constant integer bj_ELEVATOR_CODE01 = 'DTrf' constant integer bj_ELEVATOR_CODE02 = 'DTrx' // Elevator wall codes constant integer bj_ELEVATOR_WALL_TYPE_ALL = 0 constant integer bj_ELEVATOR_WALL_TYPE_EAST = 1 constant integer bj_ELEVATOR_WALL_TYPE_NORTH = 2 constant integer bj_ELEVATOR_WALL_TYPE_SOUTH = 3 constant integer bj_ELEVATOR_WALL_TYPE_WEST = 4 //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variables // // Force predefs force bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS = null force array bj_FORCE_PLAYER integer bj_MELEE_MAX_TWINKED_HEROES = 0 // Map area rects rect bj_mapInitialPlayableArea = null rect bj_mapInitialCameraBounds = null // Utility function vars integer bj_forLoopAIndex = 0 integer bj_forLoopBIndex = 0 integer bj_forLoopAIndexEnd = 0 integer bj_forLoopBIndexEnd = 0 boolean bj_slotControlReady = false boolean array bj_slotControlUsed mapcontrol array bj_slotControl // Game started detection vars timer bj_gameStartedTimer = null boolean bj_gameStarted = false timer bj_volumeGroupsTimer = CreateTimer() // Singleplayer check boolean bj_isSinglePlayer = false // Day/Night Cycle vars trigger bj_dncSoundsDay = null trigger bj_dncSoundsNight = null sound bj_dayAmbientSound = null sound bj_nightAmbientSound = null trigger bj_dncSoundsDawn = null trigger bj_dncSoundsDusk = null sound bj_dawnSound = null sound bj_duskSound = null boolean bj_useDawnDuskSounds = true boolean bj_dncIsDaytime = false // Triggered sounds //sound bj_pingMinimapSound = null sound bj_rescueSound = null sound bj_questDiscoveredSound = null sound bj_questUpdatedSound = null sound bj_questCompletedSound = null sound bj_questFailedSound = null sound bj_questHintSound = null sound bj_questSecretSound = null sound bj_questItemAcquiredSound = null sound bj_questWarningSound = null sound bj_victoryDialogSound = null sound bj_defeatDialogSound = null // Marketplace vars trigger bj_stockItemPurchased = null timer bj_stockUpdateTimer = null boolean array bj_stockAllowedPermanent boolean array bj_stockAllowedCharged boolean array bj_stockAllowedArtifact integer bj_stockPickedItemLevel = 0 itemtype bj_stockPickedItemType // Melee vars trigger bj_meleeVisibilityTrained = null boolean bj_meleeVisibilityIsDay = true boolean bj_meleeGrantHeroItems = false location bj_meleeNearestMineToLoc = null unit bj_meleeNearestMine = null real bj_meleeNearestMineDist = 0.00 boolean bj_meleeGameOver = false boolean array bj_meleeDefeated boolean array bj_meleeVictoried unit array bj_ghoul timer array bj_crippledTimer timerdialog array bj_crippledTimerWindows boolean array bj_playerIsCrippled boolean array bj_playerIsExposed boolean bj_finishSoonAllExposed = false timerdialog bj_finishSoonTimerDialog = null integer array bj_meleeTwinkedHeroes // Rescue behavior vars trigger bj_rescueUnitBehavior = null boolean bj_rescueChangeColorUnit = true boolean bj_rescueChangeColorBldg = true // Transmission vars timer bj_cineSceneEndingTimer = null sound bj_cineSceneLastSound = null trigger bj_cineSceneBeingSkipped = null // Cinematic mode vars gamespeed bj_cineModePriorSpeed = MAP_SPEED_NORMAL boolean bj_cineModePriorFogSetting = false boolean bj_cineModePriorMaskSetting = false boolean bj_cineModeAlreadyIn = false boolean bj_cineModePriorDawnDusk = false integer bj_cineModeSavedSeed = 0 // Cinematic fade vars timer bj_cineFadeFinishTimer = null timer bj_cineFadeContinueTimer = null real bj_cineFadeContinueRed = 0. real bj_cineFadeContinueGreen = 0. real bj_cineFadeContinueBlue = 0. real bj_cineFadeContinueTrans = 0. real bj_cineFadeContinueDuration = 0. string bj_cineFadeContinueTex = "" // QueuedTriggerExecute vars integer bj_queuedExecTotal = 0 trigger array bj_queuedExecTriggers boolean array bj_queuedExecUseConds timer bj_queuedExecTimeoutTimer = CreateTimer() trigger bj_queuedExecTimeout = null // Helper vars (for Filter and Enum funcs) integer bj_destInRegionDiesCount = 0 trigger bj_destInRegionDiesTrig = null integer bj_groupCountUnits = 0 integer bj_forceCountPlayers = 0 integer bj_groupEnumTypeId = 0 player bj_groupEnumOwningPlayer = null group bj_groupAddGroupDest = null group bj_groupRemoveGroupDest = null integer bj_groupRandomConsidered = 0 unit bj_groupRandomCurrentPick = null group bj_groupLastCreatedDest = null group bj_randomSubGroupGroup = null integer bj_randomSubGroupWant = 0 integer bj_randomSubGroupTotal = 0 real bj_randomSubGroupChance = 0.0 integer bj_destRandomConsidered = 0 destructable bj_destRandomCurrentPick = null destructable bj_elevatorWallBlocker = null destructable bj_elevatorNeighbor = null integer bj_itemRandomConsidered = 0 item bj_itemRandomCurrentPick = null integer bj_forceRandomConsidered = 0 player bj_forceRandomCurrentPick = null unit bj_makeUnitRescuableUnit = null boolean bj_makeUnitRescuableFlag = true boolean bj_pauseAllUnitsFlag = true location bj_enumDestructableCenter = null real bj_enumDestructableRadius = 0. playercolor bj_setPlayerTargetColor = null boolean bj_isUnitGroupDeadResult = true boolean bj_isUnitGroupEmptyResult = true boolean bj_isUnitGroupInRectResult = true rect bj_isUnitGroupInRectRect = null boolean bj_changeLevelShowScores = false string bj_changeLevelMapName = null group bj_suspendDecayFleshGroup = CreateGroup() group bj_suspendDecayBoneGroup = CreateGroup() timer bj_delayedSuspendDecayTimer = CreateTimer() trigger bj_delayedSuspendDecayTrig = null integer bj_livingPlayerUnitsTypeId = 0 widget bj_lastDyingWidget = null // Random distribution vars integer bj_randDistCount = 0 integer array bj_randDistID integer array bj_randDistChance // Last X'd vars unit bj_lastCreatedUnit = null item bj_lastCreatedItem = null item bj_lastRemovedItem = null unit bj_lastHauntedGoldMine = null destructable bj_lastCreatedDestructable = null group bj_lastCreatedGroup = CreateGroup() fogmodifier bj_lastCreatedFogModifier = null effect bj_lastCreatedEffect = null weathereffect bj_lastCreatedWeatherEffect = null terraindeformation bj_lastCreatedTerrainDeformation = null quest bj_lastCreatedQuest = null questitem bj_lastCreatedQuestItem = null defeatcondition bj_lastCreatedDefeatCondition = null timer bj_lastStartedTimer = CreateTimer() timerdialog bj_lastCreatedTimerDialog = null leaderboard bj_lastCreatedLeaderboard = null multiboard bj_lastCreatedMultiboard = null sound bj_lastPlayedSound = null string bj_lastPlayedMusic = "" real bj_lastTransmissionDuration = 0. gamecache bj_lastCreatedGameCache = null hashtable bj_lastCreatedHashtable = null unit bj_lastLoadedUnit = null button bj_lastCreatedButton = null unit bj_lastReplacedUnit = null texttag bj_lastCreatedTextTag = null lightning bj_lastCreatedLightning = null image bj_lastCreatedImage = null ubersplat bj_lastCreatedUbersplat = null // Filter function vars boolexpr filterIssueHauntOrderAtLocBJ = null boolexpr filterEnumDestructablesInCircleBJ = null boolexpr filterGetUnitsInRectOfPlayer = null boolexpr filterGetUnitsOfTypeIdAll = null boolexpr filterGetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId = null boolexpr filterMeleeTrainedUnitIsHeroBJ = null boolexpr filterLivingPlayerUnitsOfTypeId = null // Memory cleanup vars boolean bj_wantDestroyGroup = false endglobals //*************************************************************************** //* //* Debugging Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function BJDebugMsg takes string msg returns nothing local integer i = 0 loop call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(Player(i),0,0,60,msg) set i = i + 1 exitwhen i == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Math Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function RMinBJ takes real a, real b returns real if (a < b) then return a else return b endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function RMaxBJ takes real a, real b returns real if (a < b) then return b else return a endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function RAbsBJ takes real a returns real if (a >= 0) then return a else return -a endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function RSignBJ takes real a returns real if (a >= 0.0) then return 1.0 else return -1.0 endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function IMinBJ takes integer a, integer b returns integer if (a < b) then return a else return b endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function IMaxBJ takes integer a, integer b returns integer if (a < b) then return b else return a endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function IAbsBJ takes integer a returns integer if (a >= 0) then return a else return -a endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function ISignBJ takes integer a returns integer if (a >= 0) then return 1 else return -1 endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SinBJ takes real degrees returns real return Sin(degrees * bj_DEGTORAD) endfunction //=========================================================================== function CosBJ takes real degrees returns real return Cos(degrees * bj_DEGTORAD) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TanBJ takes real degrees returns real return Tan(degrees * bj_DEGTORAD) endfunction //=========================================================================== function AsinBJ takes real degrees returns real return Asin(degrees) * bj_RADTODEG endfunction //=========================================================================== function AcosBJ takes real degrees returns real return Acos(degrees) * bj_RADTODEG endfunction //=========================================================================== function AtanBJ takes real degrees returns real return Atan(degrees) * bj_RADTODEG endfunction //=========================================================================== function Atan2BJ takes real y, real x returns real return Atan2(y, x) * bj_RADTODEG endfunction //=========================================================================== function AngleBetweenPoints takes location locA, location locB returns real return bj_RADTODEG * Atan2(GetLocationY(locB) - GetLocationY(locA), GetLocationX(locB) - GetLocationX(locA)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function DistanceBetweenPoints takes location locA, location locB returns real local real dx = GetLocationX(locB) - GetLocationX(locA) local real dy = GetLocationY(locB) - GetLocationY(locA) return SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy) endfunction //=========================================================================== function PolarProjectionBJ takes location source, real dist, real angle returns location local real x = GetLocationX(source) + dist * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD) local real y = GetLocationY(source) + dist * Sin(angle * bj_DEGTORAD) return Location(x, y) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetRandomDirectionDeg takes nothing returns real return GetRandomReal(0, 360) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetRandomPercentageBJ takes nothing returns real return GetRandomReal(0, 100) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetRandomLocInRect takes rect whichRect returns location return Location(GetRandomReal(GetRectMinX(whichRect), GetRectMaxX(whichRect)), GetRandomReal(GetRectMinY(whichRect), GetRectMaxY(whichRect))) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Calculate the modulus/remainder of (dividend) divided by (divisor). // Examples: 18 mod 5 = 3. 15 mod 5 = 0. -8 mod 5 = 2. // function ModuloInteger takes integer dividend, integer divisor returns integer local integer modulus = dividend - (dividend div divisor) * divisor // If the dividend was negative, the above modulus calculation will // be negative, but within (-divisor..0). We can add (divisor) to // shift this result into the desired range of (0..divisor). if (modulus < 0) then set modulus = modulus + divisor endif return modulus endfunction //=========================================================================== // Calculate the modulus/remainder of (dividend) divided by (divisor). // Examples: 13.000 mod 2.500 = 0.500. -6.000 mod 2.500 = 1.500. // function ModuloReal takes real dividend, real divisor returns real local real modulus = dividend - I2R(R2I(dividend / divisor)) * divisor // If the dividend was negative, the above modulus calculation will // be negative, but within (-divisor..0). We can add (divisor) to // shift this result into the desired range of (0..divisor). if (modulus < 0) then set modulus = modulus + divisor endif return modulus endfunction //=========================================================================== function OffsetLocation takes location loc, real dx, real dy returns location return Location(GetLocationX(loc) + dx, GetLocationY(loc) + dy) endfunction //=========================================================================== function OffsetRectBJ takes rect r, real dx, real dy returns rect return Rect( GetRectMinX(r) + dx, GetRectMinY(r) + dy, GetRectMaxX(r) + dx, GetRectMaxY(r) + dy ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function RectFromCenterSizeBJ takes location center, real width, real height returns rect local real x = GetLocationX( center ) local real y = GetLocationY( center ) return Rect( x - width*0.5, y - height*0.5, x + width*0.5, y + height*0.5 ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function RectContainsCoords takes rect r, real x, real y returns boolean return (GetRectMinX(r) <= x) and (x <= GetRectMaxX(r)) and (GetRectMinY(r) <= y) and (y <= GetRectMaxY(r)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function RectContainsLoc takes rect r, location loc returns boolean return RectContainsCoords(r, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function RectContainsUnit takes rect r, unit whichUnit returns boolean return RectContainsCoords(r, GetUnitX(whichUnit), GetUnitY(whichUnit)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function RectContainsItem takes item whichItem, rect r returns boolean if (whichItem == null) then return false endif if (IsItemOwned(whichItem)) then return false endif return RectContainsCoords(r, GetItemX(whichItem), GetItemY(whichItem)) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Utility Constructs //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== // Runs the trigger's actions if the trigger's conditions eval1uate to true. // function ConditionalTriggerExecute takes trigger trig returns nothing if TriggerEval1uate(trig) then call TriggerExecute(trig) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Runs the trigger's actions if the trigger's conditions eval1uate to true. // function TriggerExecuteBJ takes trigger trig, boolean checkConditions returns boolean if checkConditions then if not (TriggerEval1uate(trig)) then return false endif endif call TriggerExecute(trig) return true endfunction //=========================================================================== // Arranges for a trigger to fire almost immediately, except that the calling // trigger is not interrupted as is the case with a TriggerExecute call. // Since the trigger executes normally, its conditions are still eval1uated. // function PostTriggerExecuteBJ takes trigger trig, boolean checkConditions returns boolean if checkConditions then if not (TriggerEval1uate(trig)) then return false endif endif call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(trig, 0, false) return true endfunction //=========================================================================== // Debug - Display the contents of the trigger queue (as either null or "x" // for each entry). function QueuedTriggerCheck takes nothing returns nothing local string s = "TrigQueue Check " local integer i set i = 0 loop exitwhen i >= bj_queuedExecTotal set s = s + "q[" + I2S(i) + "]=" if (bj_queuedExecTriggers[i] == null) then set s = s + "null " else set s = s + "x " endif set i = i + 1 endloop set s = s + "(" + I2S(bj_queuedExecTotal) + " total)" call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,600,s) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Searches the queue for a given trigger, returning the index of the // trigger within the queue if it is found, or -1 if it is not found. // function QueuedTriggerGetIndex takes trigger trig returns integer // Determine which, if any, of the queued triggers is being removed. local integer index = 0 loop exitwhen index >= bj_queuedExecTotal if (bj_queuedExecTriggers[index] == trig) then return index endif set index = index + 1 endloop return -1 endfunction //=========================================================================== // Removes a trigger from the trigger queue, shifting other triggers down // to fill the unused space. If the currently running trigger is removed // in this manner, this function does NOT attempt to run the next trigger. // function QueuedTriggerRemoveByIndex takes integer trigIndex returns boolean local integer index // If the to-be-removed index is out of range, fail. if (trigIndex >= bj_queuedExecTotal) then return false endif // Shift all queue entries down to fill in the gap. set bj_queuedExecTotal = bj_queuedExecTotal - 1 set index = trigIndex loop exitwhen index >= bj_queuedExecTotal set bj_queuedExecTriggers[index] = bj_queuedExecTriggers[index + 1] set bj_queuedExecUseConds[index] = bj_queuedExecUseConds[index + 1] set index = index + 1 endloop return true endfunction //=========================================================================== // Attempt to execute the first trigger in the queue. If it fails, remove // it and execute the next one. Continue this cycle until a trigger runs, // or until the queue is empty. // function QueuedTriggerAttemptExec takes nothing returns boolean loop exitwhen bj_queuedExecTotal == 0 if TriggerExecuteBJ(bj_queuedExecTriggers[0], bj_queuedExecUseConds[0]) then // Timeout the queue if it sits at the front of the queue for too long. call TimerStart(bj_queuedExecTimeoutTimer, bj_QUEUED_TRIGGER_TIMEOUT, false, null) return true endif call QueuedTriggerRemoveByIndex(0) endloop return false endfunction //=========================================================================== // Queues a trigger to be executed, assuring that such triggers are not // executed at the same time. // function QueuedTriggerAddBJ takes trigger trig, boolean checkConditions returns boolean // Make sure our queue isn't full. If it is, return failure. if (bj_queuedExecTotal >= bj_MAX_QUEUED_TRIGGERS) then return false endif // Add the trigger to an array of to-be-executed triggers. set bj_queuedExecTriggers[bj_queuedExecTotal] = trig set bj_queuedExecUseConds[bj_queuedExecTotal] = checkConditions set bj_queuedExecTotal = bj_queuedExecTotal + 1 // If this is the only trigger in the queue, run it. if (bj_queuedExecTotal == 1) then call QueuedTriggerAttemptExec() endif return true endfunction //=========================================================================== // Denotes the end of a queued trigger. Be sure to call this only once per // queued trigger, or risk stepping on the toes of other queued triggers. // function QueuedTriggerRemoveBJ takes trigger trig returns nothing local integer index local integer trigIndex local boolean trigExecuted // Find the trigger's index. set trigIndex = QueuedTriggerGetIndex(trig) if (trigIndex == -1) then return endif // Shuffle the other trigger entries down to fill in the gap. call QueuedTriggerRemoveByIndex(trigIndex) // If we just axed the currently running trigger, run the next one. if (trigIndex == 0) then call PauseTimer(bj_queuedExecTimeoutTimer) call QueuedTriggerAttemptExec() endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Denotes the end of a queued trigger. Be sure to call this only once per // queued trigger, lest you step on the toes of other queued triggers. // function QueuedTriggerDoneBJ takes nothing returns nothing local integer index // Make sure there's something on the queue to remove. if (bj_queuedExecTotal <= 0) then return endif // Remove the currently running trigger from the array. call QueuedTriggerRemoveByIndex(0) // If other triggers are waiting to run, run one of them. call PauseTimer(bj_queuedExecTimeoutTimer) call QueuedTriggerAttemptExec() endfunction //=========================================================================== // Empty the trigger queue. // function QueuedTriggerClearBJ takes nothing returns nothing call PauseTimer(bj_queuedExecTimeoutTimer) set bj_queuedExecTotal = 0 endfunction //=========================================================================== // Remove all but the currently executing trigger from the trigger queue. // function QueuedTriggerClearInactiveBJ takes nothing returns nothing set bj_queuedExecTotal = IMinBJ(bj_queuedExecTotal, 1) endfunction //=========================================================================== function QueuedTriggerCountBJ takes nothing returns integer return bj_queuedExecTotal endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsTriggerQueueEmptyBJ takes nothing returns boolean return bj_queuedExecTotal <= 0 endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsTriggerQueuedBJ takes trigger trig returns boolean return QueuedTriggerGetIndex(trig) != -1 endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetForLoopIndexA takes nothing returns integer return bj_forLoopAIndex endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetForLoopIndexA takes integer newIndex returns nothing set bj_forLoopAIndex = newIndex endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetForLoopIndexB takes nothing returns integer return bj_forLoopBIndex endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetForLoopIndexB takes integer newIndex returns nothing set bj_forLoopBIndex = newIndex endfunction //=========================================================================== // We can't do game-time waits, so this simulates one by starting a timer // and polling until the timer expires. function PolledWait takes real duration returns nothing local timer t local real timeRemaining if (duration > 0) then set t = CreateTimer() call TimerStart(t, duration, false, null) loop set timeRemaining = TimerGetRemaining(t) exitwhen timeRemaining <= 0 // If we have a bit of time left, skip past 10% of the remaining // duration instead of checking every interval1, to minimize the // polling on long waits. if (timeRemaining > bj_POLLED_WAIT_SKIP_THRESHOLD) then call TriggerSleepAction(0.1 * timeRemaining) else call TriggerSleepAction(bj_POLLED_WAIT_INTERval1) endif endloop call DestroyTimer(t) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function IntegerTertiaryOp takes boolean flag, integer val1ueA, integer val1ueB returns integer if flag then return val1ueA else return val1ueB endif endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* General Utility Functions //* These functions exist purely to make the trigger dialogs cleaner and //* more comprehensible. //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function DoNothing takes nothing returns nothing endfunction //=========================================================================== // This function does nothing. WorldEdit should should eventually ignore // CommentString triggers during script generation, but until such a time, // this function will serve as a stub. // function CommentString takes string commentString returns nothing endfunction //=========================================================================== // This function returns the input string, converting it from the localized text, if necessary // function StringIdentity takes string theString returns string return GetLocalizedString(theString) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetBooleanAnd takes boolean val1ueA, boolean val1ueB returns boolean return val1ueA and val1ueB endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetBooleanOr takes boolean val1ueA, boolean val1ueB returns boolean return val1ueA or val1ueB endfunction //=========================================================================== // Converts a percentage (real, 0..100) into a scaled integer (0..max), // clipping the result to 0..max in case the input is inval1id. // function PercentToInt takes real percentage, integer max returns integer local integer result = R2I(percentage * I2R(max) * 0.01) if (result < 0) then set result = 0 elseif (result > max) then set result = max endif return result endfunction //=========================================================================== function PercentTo255 takes real percentage returns integer return PercentToInt(percentage, 255) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetTimeOfDay takes nothing returns real return GetFloatGameState(GAME_STATE_TIME_OF_DAY) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetTimeOfDay takes real whatTime returns nothing call SetFloatGameState(GAME_STATE_TIME_OF_DAY, whatTime) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetTimeOfDayScalePercentBJ takes real scalePercent returns nothing call SetTimeOfDayScale(scalePercent * 0.01) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetTimeOfDayScalePercentBJ takes nothing returns real return GetTimeOfDayScale() * 100 endfunction //=========================================================================== function PlaySound takes string soundName returns nothing local sound soundHandle = CreateSound(soundName, false, false, true, 12700, 12700, "") call StartSound(soundHandle) call KillSoundWhenDone(soundHandle) endfunction //=========================================================================== function CompareLocationsBJ takes location A, location B returns boolean return GetLocationX(A) == GetLocationX(B) and GetLocationY(A) == GetLocationY(B) endfunction //=========================================================================== function CompareRectsBJ takes rect A, rect B returns boolean return GetRectMinX(A) == GetRectMinX(B) and GetRectMinY(A) == GetRectMinY(B) and GetRectMaxX(A) == GetRectMaxX(B) and GetRectMaxY(A) == GetRectMaxY(B) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Returns a square rect that exactly encompasses the specified circle. // function GetRectFromCircleBJ takes location center, real radius returns rect local real centerX = GetLocationX(center) local real centerY = GetLocationY(center) return Rect(centerX - radius, centerY - radius, centerX + radius, centerY + radius) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Camera Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function GetCurrentCameraSetup takes nothing returns camerasetup local camerasetup theCam = CreateCameraSetup() local real duration = 0 call CameraSetupSetField(theCam, CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE, GetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE), duration) call CameraSetupSetField(theCam, CAMERA_FIELD_FARZ, GetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_FARZ), duration) call CameraSetupSetField(theCam, CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET, GetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET), duration) call CameraSetupSetField(theCam, CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK, bj_RADTODEG * GetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK), duration) call CameraSetupSetField(theCam, CAMERA_FIELD_FIELD_OF_VIEW, bj_RADTODEG * GetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_FIELD_OF_VIEW), duration) call CameraSetupSetField(theCam, CAMERA_FIELD_ROLL, bj_RADTODEG * GetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ROLL), duration) call CameraSetupSetField(theCam, CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION, bj_RADTODEG * GetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION), duration) call CameraSetupSetDestPosition(theCam, GetCameraTargetPositionX(), GetCameraTargetPositionY(), duration) return theCam endfunction //=========================================================================== function CameraSetupApplyForPlayer takes boolean doPan, camerasetup whichSetup, player whichPlayer, real duration returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call CameraSetupApplyForceDuration(whichSetup, doPan, duration) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function CameraSetupGetFieldSwap takes camerafield whichField, camerasetup whichSetup returns real return CameraSetupGetField(whichSetup, whichField) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetCameraFieldForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, camerafield whichField, real val1ue, real duration returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call SetCameraField(whichField, val1ue, duration) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetCameraTargetControllerNoZForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, unit whichUnit, real xoffset, real yoffset, boolean inheritOrientation returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call SetCameraTargetController(whichUnit, xoffset, yoffset, inheritOrientation) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetCameraPositionForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, real x, real y returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call SetCameraPosition(x, y) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetCameraPositionLocForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, location loc returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call SetCameraPosition(GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc)) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function RotateCameraAroundLocBJ takes real degrees, location loc, player whichPlayer, real duration returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call SetCameraRotateMode(GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), bj_DEGTORAD * degrees, duration) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function PanCameraToForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, real x, real y returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call PanCameraTo(x, y) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function PanCameraToLocForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, location loc returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call PanCameraTo(GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc)) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function PanCameraToTimedForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, real x, real y, real duration returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call PanCameraToTimed(x, y, duration) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function PanCameraToTimedLocForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, location loc, real duration returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call PanCameraToTimed(GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), duration) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function PanCameraToTimedLocWithZForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, location loc, real zOffset, real duration returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call PanCameraToTimedWithZ(GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), zOffset, duration) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SmartCameraPanBJ takes player whichPlayer, location loc, real duration returns nothing local real dist if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. set dist = DistanceBetweenPoints(loc, GetCameraTargetPositionLoc()) if (dist >= bj_SMARTPAN_TRESHOLD_SNAP) then // If the user is too far away, snap the camera. call PanCameraToTimed(GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), 0) elseif (dist >= bj_SMARTPAN_TRESHOLD_PAN) then // If the user is moderately close, pan the camera. call PanCameraToTimed(GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), duration) else // User is close enough, so don't touch the camera. endif endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetCinematicCameraForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, string cameraModelFile returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call SetCinematicCamera(cameraModelFile) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function ResetToGameCameraForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, real duration returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call ResetToGameCamera(duration) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function CameraSetSourceNoiseForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, real magnitude, real velocity returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call CameraSetSourceNoise(magnitude, velocity) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function CameraSetTargetNoiseForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, real magnitude, real velocity returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call CameraSetTargetNoise(magnitude, velocity) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function CameraSetEQNoiseForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, real magnitude returns nothing local real richter = magnitude if (richter > 5.0) then set richter = 5.0 endif if (richter < 2.0) then set richter = 2.0 endif if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call CameraSetTargetNoiseEx(magnitude*2.0, magnitude*Pow(10,richter),true) call CameraSetSourceNoiseEx(magnitude*2.0, magnitude*Pow(10,richter),true) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function CameraClearNoiseForPlayer takes player whichPlayer returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call CameraSetSourceNoise(0, 0) call CameraSetTargetNoise(0, 0) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Query the current camera bounds. // function GetCurrentCameraBoundsMapRectBJ takes nothing returns rect return Rect(GetCameraBoundMinX(), GetCameraBoundMinY(), GetCameraBoundMaxX(), GetCameraBoundMaxY()) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Query the initial camera bounds, as defined at map init. // function GetCameraBoundsMapRect takes nothing returns rect return bj_mapInitialCameraBounds endfunction //=========================================================================== // Query the playable map area, as defined at map init. // function GetPlayableMapRect takes nothing returns rect return bj_mapInitialPlayableArea endfunction //=========================================================================== // Query the entire map area, as defined at map init. // function GetEntireMapRect takes nothing returns rect return GetWorldBounds() endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetCameraBoundsToRect takes rect r returns nothing local real minX = GetRectMinX(r) local real minY = GetRectMinY(r) local real maxX = GetRectMaxX(r) local real maxY = GetRectMaxY(r) call SetCameraBounds(minX, minY, minX, maxY, maxX, maxY, maxX, minY) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetCameraBoundsToRectForPlayerBJ takes player whichPlayer, rect r returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call SetCameraBoundsToRect(r) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function AdjustCameraBoundsBJ takes integer adjustMethod, real dxWest, real dxEast, real dyNorth, real dySouth returns nothing local real minX = 0 local real minY = 0 local real maxX = 0 local real maxY = 0 local real scale = 0 if (adjustMethod == bj_CAMERABOUNDS_ADJUST_ADD) then set scale = 1 elseif (adjustMethod == bj_CAMERABOUNDS_ADJUST_SUB) then set scale = -1 else // Unrecognized adjustment method - ignore the request. return endif // Adjust the actual camera val1ues set minX = GetCameraBoundMinX() - scale * dxWest set maxX = GetCameraBoundMaxX() + scale * dxEast set minY = GetCameraBoundMinY() - scale * dySouth set maxY = GetCameraBoundMaxY() + scale * dyNorth // Make sure the camera bounds are still val1id. if (maxX < minX) then set minX = (minX + maxX) * 0.5 set maxX = minX endif if (maxY < minY) then set minY = (minY + maxY) * 0.5 set maxY = minY endif // Apply the new camera val1ues. call SetCameraBounds(minX, minY, minX, maxY, maxX, maxY, maxX, minY) endfunction //=========================================================================== function AdjustCameraBoundsForPlayerBJ takes integer adjustMethod, player whichPlayer, real dxWest, real dxEast, real dyNorth, real dySouth returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call AdjustCameraBoundsBJ(adjustMethod, dxWest, dxEast, dyNorth, dySouth) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetCameraQuickPositionForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, real x, real y returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call SetCameraQuickPosition(x, y) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetCameraQuickPositionLocForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, location loc returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call SetCameraQuickPosition(GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc)) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetCameraQuickPositionLoc takes location loc returns nothing call SetCameraQuickPosition(GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function StopCameraForPlayerBJ takes player whichPlayer returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call StopCamera() endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetCameraOrientControllerForPlayerBJ takes player whichPlayer, unit whichUnit, real xoffset, real yoffset returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call SetCameraOrientController(whichUnit, xoffset, yoffset) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function CameraSetSmoothingFactorBJ takes real factor returns nothing call CameraSetSmoothingFactor(factor) endfunction //=========================================================================== function CameraResetSmoothingFactorBJ takes nothing returns nothing call CameraSetSmoothingFactor(0) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Text Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function DisplayTextToForce takes force toForce, string message returns nothing if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), toForce)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, message) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function DisplayTimedTextToForce takes force toForce, real duration, string message returns nothing if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), toForce)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, duration, message) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function ClearTextMessagesBJ takes force toForce returns nothing if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), toForce)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call ClearTextMessages() endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // The parameters for the API Substring function are unintuitive, so this // merely performs a translation for the starting index. // function SubStringBJ takes string source, integer start, integer end returns string return SubString(source, start-1, end) endfunction function GetHandleIdBJ takes handle h returns integer return GetHandleId(h) endfunction function StringHashBJ takes string s returns integer return StringHash(s) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Event Registration Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic takes trigger trig, real timeout returns event return TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(trig, timeout, true) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterTimerEventSingle takes trigger trig, real timeout returns event return TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(trig, timeout, false) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterTimerExpireEventBJ takes trigger trig, timer t returns event return TriggerRegisterTimerExpireEvent(trig, t) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEventSimple takes trigger trig, player whichPlayer, playerunitevent whichEvent returns event return TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(trig, whichPlayer, whichEvent, null) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ takes trigger trig, playerunitevent whichEvent returns nothing local integer index set index = 0 loop call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(trig, Player(index), whichEvent, null) set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS endloop endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterPlayerSelectionEventBJ takes trigger trig, player whichPlayer, boolean selected returns event if selected then return TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(trig, whichPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELECTED, null) else return TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(trig, whichPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DESELECTED, null) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEventBJ takes trigger trig, player whichPlayer, integer keType, integer keKey returns event if (keType == bj_KEYEVENTTYPE_DEPRESS) then // Depress event - find out what key if (keKey == bj_KEYEVENTKEY_LEFT) then return TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, whichPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_DOWN) elseif (keKey == bj_KEYEVENTKEY_RIGHT) then return TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, whichPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_DOWN) elseif (keKey == bj_KEYEVENTKEY_DOWN) then return TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, whichPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_DOWN) elseif (keKey == bj_KEYEVENTKEY_UP) then return TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, whichPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN) else // Unrecognized key - ignore the request and return failure. return null endif elseif (keType == bj_KEYEVENTTYPE_RELEASE) then // Release event - find out what key if (keKey == bj_KEYEVENTKEY_LEFT) then return TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, whichPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_UP) elseif (keKey == bj_KEYEVENTKEY_RIGHT) then return TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, whichPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_UP) elseif (keKey == bj_KEYEVENTKEY_DOWN) then return TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, whichPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_UP) elseif (keKey == bj_KEYEVENTKEY_UP) then return TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, whichPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_UP) else // Unrecognized key - ignore the request and return failure. return null endif else // Unrecognized type - ignore the request and return failure. return null endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterPlayerEventVictory takes trigger trig, player whichPlayer returns event return TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, whichPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_VICTORY) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterPlayerEventDefeat takes trigger trig, player whichPlayer returns event return TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, whichPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_DEFEAT) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterPlayerEventLeave takes trigger trig, player whichPlayer returns event return TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, whichPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterPlayerEventAllianceChanged takes trigger trig, player whichPlayer returns event return TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, whichPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_ALLIANCE_CHANGED) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterPlayerEventEndCinematic takes trigger trig, player whichPlayer returns event return TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, whichPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_END_CINEMATIC) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterGameStateEventTimeOfDay takes trigger trig, limitop opcode, real limitval1 returns event return TriggerRegisterGameStateEvent(trig, GAME_STATE_TIME_OF_DAY, opcode, limitval1) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterEnterRegionSimple takes trigger trig, region whichRegion returns event return TriggerRegisterEnterRegion(trig, whichRegion, null) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterLeaveRegionSimple takes trigger trig, region whichRegion returns event return TriggerRegisterLeaveRegion(trig, whichRegion, null) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterEnterRectSimple takes trigger trig, rect r returns event local region rectRegion = CreateRegion() call RegionAddRect(rectRegion, r) return TriggerRegisterEnterRegion(trig, rectRegion, null) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterLeaveRectSimple takes trigger trig, rect r returns event local region rectRegion = CreateRegion() call RegionAddRect(rectRegion, r) return TriggerRegisterLeaveRegion(trig, rectRegion, null) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterDistanceBetweenUnits takes trigger trig, unit whichUnit, boolexpr condition, real range returns event return TriggerRegisterUnitInRange(trig, whichUnit, range, condition) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterUnitInRangeSimple takes trigger trig, real range, unit whichUnit returns event return TriggerRegisterUnitInRange(trig, whichUnit, range, null) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterUnitLifeEvent takes trigger trig, unit whichUnit, limitop opcode, real limitval1 returns event return TriggerRegisterUnitStateEvent(trig, whichUnit, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, opcode, limitval1) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterUnitManaEvent takes trigger trig, unit whichUnit, limitop opcode, real limitval1 returns event return TriggerRegisterUnitStateEvent(trig, whichUnit, UNIT_STATE_MANA, opcode, limitval1) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterDialogEventBJ takes trigger trig, dialog whichDialog returns event return TriggerRegisterDialogEvent(trig, whichDialog) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterShowSkillEventBJ takes trigger trig returns event return TriggerRegisterGameEvent(trig, EVENT_GAME_SHOW_SKILL) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterBuildSubmenuEventBJ takes trigger trig returns event return TriggerRegisterGameEvent(trig, EVENT_GAME_BUILD_SUBMENU) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterGameLoadedEventBJ takes trigger trig returns event return TriggerRegisterGameEvent(trig, EVENT_GAME_LOADED) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterGameSavedEventBJ takes trigger trig returns event return TriggerRegisterGameEvent(trig, EVENT_GAME_SAVE) endfunction //=========================================================================== function RegisterDestDeathInRegionEnum takes nothing returns nothing set bj_destInRegionDiesCount = bj_destInRegionDiesCount + 1 if (bj_destInRegionDiesCount <= bj_MAX_DEST_IN_REGION_EVENTS) then call TriggerRegisterDeathEvent(bj_destInRegionDiesTrig, GetEnumDestructable()) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerRegisterDestDeathInRegionEvent takes trigger trig, rect r returns nothing set bj_destInRegionDiesTrig = trig set bj_destInRegionDiesCount = 0 call EnumDestructablesInRect(r, null, function RegisterDestDeathInRegionEnum) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Environment Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function AddWeatherEffectSaveLast takes rect where, integer effectID returns weathereffect set bj_lastCreatedWeatherEffect = AddWeatherEffect(where, effectID) return bj_lastCreatedWeatherEffect endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedWeatherEffect takes nothing returns weathereffect return bj_lastCreatedWeatherEffect endfunction //=========================================================================== function RemoveWeatherEffectBJ takes weathereffect whichWeatherEffect returns nothing call RemoveWeatherEffect(whichWeatherEffect) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TerrainDeformationCraterBJ takes real duration, boolean permanent, location where, real radius, real depth returns terraindeformation set bj_lastCreatedTerrainDeformation = TerrainDeformCrater(GetLocationX(where), GetLocationY(where), radius, depth, R2I(duration * 1000), permanent) return bj_lastCreatedTerrainDeformation endfunction //=========================================================================== function TerrainDeformationRippleBJ takes real duration, boolean limitNeg, location where, real startRadius, real endRadius, real depth, real wavePeriod, real waveWidth returns terraindeformation local real spaceWave local real timeWave local real radiusRatio if (endRadius <= 0 or waveWidth <= 0 or wavePeriod <= 0) then return null endif set timeWave = 2.0 * duration / wavePeriod set spaceWave = 2.0 * endRadius / waveWidth set radiusRatio = startRadius / endRadius set bj_lastCreatedTerrainDeformation = TerrainDeformRipple(GetLocationX(where), GetLocationY(where), endRadius, depth, R2I(duration * 1000), 1, spaceWave, timeWave, radiusRatio, limitNeg) return bj_lastCreatedTerrainDeformation endfunction //=========================================================================== function TerrainDeformationWaveBJ takes real duration, location source, location target, real radius, real depth, real trailDelay returns terraindeformation local real distance local real dirX local real dirY local real speed set distance = DistanceBetweenPoints(source, target) if (distance == 0 or duration <= 0) then return null endif set dirX = (GetLocationX(target) - GetLocationX(source)) / distance set dirY = (GetLocationY(target) - GetLocationY(source)) / distance set speed = distance / duration set bj_lastCreatedTerrainDeformation = TerrainDeformWave(GetLocationX(source), GetLocationY(source), dirX, dirY, distance, speed, radius, depth, R2I(trailDelay * 1000), 1) return bj_lastCreatedTerrainDeformation endfunction //=========================================================================== function TerrainDeformationRandomBJ takes real duration, location where, real radius, real minDelta, real maxDelta, real updateInterval1 returns terraindeformation set bj_lastCreatedTerrainDeformation = TerrainDeformRandom(GetLocationX(where), GetLocationY(where), radius, minDelta, maxDelta, R2I(duration * 1000), R2I(updateInterval1 * 1000)) return bj_lastCreatedTerrainDeformation endfunction //=========================================================================== function TerrainDeformationStopBJ takes terraindeformation deformation, real duration returns nothing call TerrainDeformStop(deformation, R2I(duration * 1000)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedTerrainDeformation takes nothing returns terraindeformation return bj_lastCreatedTerrainDeformation endfunction //=========================================================================== function AddLightningLoc takes string codeName, location where1, location where2 returns lightning set bj_lastCreatedLightning = AddLightningEx(codeName, true, GetLocationX(where1), GetLocationY(where1), GetLocationZ(where1), GetLocationX(where2), GetLocationY(where2), GetLocationZ(where2)) return bj_lastCreatedLightning endfunction //=========================================================================== function DestroyLightningBJ takes lightning whichBolt returns boolean return DestroyLightning(whichBolt) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MoveLightningLoc takes lightning whichBolt, location where1, location where2 returns boolean return MoveLightningEx(whichBolt, true, GetLocationX(where1), GetLocationY(where1), GetLocationZ(where1), GetLocationX(where2), GetLocationY(where2), GetLocationZ(where2)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLightningColorABJ takes lightning whichBolt returns real return GetLightningColorA(whichBolt) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLightningColorRBJ takes lightning whichBolt returns real return GetLightningColorR(whichBolt) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLightningColorGBJ takes lightning whichBolt returns real return GetLightningColorG(whichBolt) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLightningColorBBJ takes lightning whichBolt returns real return GetLightningColorB(whichBolt) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetLightningColorBJ takes lightning whichBolt, real r, real g, real b, real a returns boolean return SetLightningColor(whichBolt, r, g, b, a) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedLightningBJ takes nothing returns lightning return bj_lastCreatedLightning endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetAbilityEffectBJ takes integer abilcode, effecttype t, integer index returns string return GetAbilityEffectById(abilcode, t, index) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetAbilitySoundBJ takes integer abilcode, soundtype t returns string return GetAbilitySoundById(abilcode, t) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetTerrainCliffLevelBJ takes location where returns integer return GetTerrainCliffLevel(GetLocationX(where), GetLocationY(where)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetTerrainTypeBJ takes location where returns integer return GetTerrainType(GetLocationX(where), GetLocationY(where)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetTerrainVarianceBJ takes location where returns integer return GetTerrainVariance(GetLocationX(where), GetLocationY(where)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetTerrainTypeBJ takes location where, integer terrainType, integer variation, integer area, integer shape returns nothing call SetTerrainType(GetLocationX(where), GetLocationY(where), terrainType, variation, area, shape) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsTerrainPathableBJ takes location where, pathingtype t returns boolean return IsTerrainPathable(GetLocationX(where), GetLocationY(where), t) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetTerrainPathableBJ takes location where, pathingtype t, boolean flag returns nothing call SetTerrainPathable(GetLocationX(where), GetLocationY(where), t, flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetWaterBaseColorBJ takes real red, real green, real blue, real transparency returns nothing call SetWaterBaseColor(PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-transparency)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function CreateFogModifierRectSimple takes player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, rect r, boolean afterUnits returns fogmodifier set bj_lastCreatedFogModifier = CreateFogModifierRect(whichPlayer, whichFogState, r, true, afterUnits) return bj_lastCreatedFogModifier endfunction //=========================================================================== function CreateFogModifierRadiusLocSimple takes player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, location center, real radius, boolean afterUnits returns fogmodifier set bj_lastCreatedFogModifier = CreateFogModifierRadiusLoc(whichPlayer, whichFogState, center, radius, true, afterUnits) return bj_lastCreatedFogModifier endfunction //=========================================================================== // Version of CreateFogModifierRect that assumes use of sharedVision and // gives the option of immediately enabling the modifier, so that triggers // can default to modifiers that are immediately enabled. // function CreateFogModifierRectBJ takes boolean enabled, player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, rect r returns fogmodifier set bj_lastCreatedFogModifier = CreateFogModifierRect(whichPlayer, whichFogState, r, true, false) if enabled then call FogModifierStart(bj_lastCreatedFogModifier) endif return bj_lastCreatedFogModifier endfunction //=========================================================================== // Version of CreateFogModifierRadius that assumes use of sharedVision and // gives the option of immediately enabling the modifier, so that triggers // can default to modifiers that are immediately enabled. // function CreateFogModifierRadiusLocBJ takes boolean enabled, player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, location center, real radius returns fogmodifier set bj_lastCreatedFogModifier = CreateFogModifierRadiusLoc(whichPlayer, whichFogState, center, radius, true, false) if enabled then call FogModifierStart(bj_lastCreatedFogModifier) endif return bj_lastCreatedFogModifier endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedFogModifier takes nothing returns fogmodifier return bj_lastCreatedFogModifier endfunction //=========================================================================== function FogEnableOn takes nothing returns nothing call FogEnable(true) endfunction //=========================================================================== function FogEnableOff takes nothing returns nothing call FogEnable(false) endfunction //=========================================================================== function FogMaskEnableOn takes nothing returns nothing call FogMaskEnable(true) endfunction //=========================================================================== function FogMaskEnableOff takes nothing returns nothing call FogMaskEnable(false) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UseTimeOfDayBJ takes boolean flag returns nothing call SuspendTimeOfDay(not flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetTerrainFogExBJ takes integer style, real zstart, real zend, real density, real red, real green, real blue returns nothing call SetTerrainFogEx(style, zstart, zend, density, red * 0.01, green * 0.01, blue * 0.01) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ResetTerrainFogBJ takes nothing returns nothing call ResetTerrainFog() endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetDoodadAnimationBJ takes string animName, integer doodadID, real radius, location center returns nothing call SetDoodadAnimation(GetLocationX(center), GetLocationY(center), radius, doodadID, false, animName, false) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetDoodadAnimationRectBJ takes string animName, integer doodadID, rect r returns nothing call SetDoodadAnimationRect(r, doodadID, animName, false) endfunction //=========================================================================== function AddUnitAnimationPropertiesBJ takes boolean add, string animProperties, unit whichUnit returns nothing call AddUnitAnimationProperties(whichUnit, animProperties, add) endfunction //============================================================================ function CreateImageBJ takes string file, real size, location where, real zOffset, integer imageType returns image set bj_lastCreatedImage = CreateImage(file, size, size, size, GetLocationX(where), GetLocationY(where), zOffset, 0, 0, 0, imageType) return bj_lastCreatedImage endfunction //============================================================================ function ShowImageBJ takes boolean flag, image whichImage returns nothing call ShowImage(whichImage, flag) endfunction //============================================================================ function SetImagePositionBJ takes image whichImage, location where, real zOffset returns nothing call SetImagePosition(whichImage, GetLocationX(where), GetLocationY(where), zOffset) endfunction //============================================================================ function SetImageColorBJ takes image whichImage, real red, real green, real blue, real alpha returns nothing call SetImageColor(whichImage, PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-alpha)) endfunction //============================================================================ function GetLastCreatedImage takes nothing returns image return bj_lastCreatedImage endfunction //============================================================================ function CreateUbersplatBJ takes location where, string name, real red, real green, real blue, real alpha, boolean forcePaused, boolean noBirthTime returns ubersplat set bj_lastCreatedUbersplat = CreateUbersplat(GetLocationX(where), GetLocationY(where), name, PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-alpha), forcePaused, noBirthTime) return bj_lastCreatedUbersplat endfunction //============================================================================ function ShowUbersplatBJ takes boolean flag, ubersplat whichSplat returns nothing call ShowUbersplat(whichSplat, flag) endfunction //============================================================================ function GetLastCreatedUbersplat takes nothing returns ubersplat return bj_lastCreatedUbersplat endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Sound Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function PlaySoundBJ takes sound soundHandle returns nothing set bj_lastPlayedSound = soundHandle if (soundHandle != null) then call StartSound(soundHandle) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function StopSoundBJ takes sound soundHandle, boolean fadeOut returns nothing call StopSound(soundHandle, false, fadeOut) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetSoundVolumeBJ takes sound soundHandle, real volumePercent returns nothing call SetSoundVolume(soundHandle, PercentToInt(volumePercent, 127)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetSoundOffsetBJ takes real newOffset, sound soundHandle returns nothing call SetSoundPlayPosition(soundHandle, R2I(newOffset * 1000)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetSoundDistanceCutoffBJ takes sound soundHandle, real cutoff returns nothing call SetSoundDistanceCutoff(soundHandle, cutoff) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetSoundPitchBJ takes sound soundHandle, real pitch returns nothing call SetSoundPitch(soundHandle, pitch) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetSoundPositionLocBJ takes sound soundHandle, location loc, real z returns nothing call SetSoundPosition(soundHandle, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), z) endfunction //=========================================================================== function AttachSoundToUnitBJ takes sound soundHandle, unit whichUnit returns nothing call AttachSoundToUnit(soundHandle, whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetSoundConeAnglesBJ takes sound soundHandle, real inside, real outside, real outsideVolumePercent returns nothing call SetSoundConeAngles(soundHandle, inside, outside, PercentToInt(outsideVolumePercent, 127)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function KillSoundWhenDoneBJ takes sound soundHandle returns nothing call KillSoundWhenDone(soundHandle) endfunction //=========================================================================== function PlaySoundAtPointBJ takes sound soundHandle, real volumePercent, location loc, real z returns nothing call SetSoundPositionLocBJ(soundHandle, loc, z) call SetSoundVolumeBJ(soundHandle, volumePercent) call PlaySoundBJ(soundHandle) endfunction //=========================================================================== function PlaySoundOnUnitBJ takes sound soundHandle, real volumePercent, unit whichUnit returns nothing call AttachSoundToUnitBJ(soundHandle, whichUnit) call SetSoundVolumeBJ(soundHandle, volumePercent) call PlaySoundBJ(soundHandle) endfunction //=========================================================================== function PlaySoundFromOffsetBJ takes sound soundHandle, real volumePercent, real startingOffset returns nothing call SetSoundVolumeBJ(soundHandle, volumePercent) call PlaySoundBJ(soundHandle) call SetSoundOffsetBJ(startingOffset, soundHandle) endfunction //=========================================================================== function PlayMusicBJ takes string musicFileName returns nothing set bj_lastPlayedMusic = musicFileName call PlayMusic(musicFileName) endfunction //=========================================================================== function PlayMusicExBJ takes string musicFileName, real startingOffset, real fadeInTime returns nothing set bj_lastPlayedMusic = musicFileName call PlayMusicEx(musicFileName, R2I(startingOffset * 1000), R2I(fadeInTime * 1000)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetMusicOffsetBJ takes real newOffset returns nothing call SetMusicPlayPosition(R2I(newOffset * 1000)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function PlayThematicMusicBJ takes string musicName returns nothing call PlayThematicMusic(musicName) endfunction //=========================================================================== function PlayThematicMusicExBJ takes string musicName, real startingOffset returns nothing call PlayThematicMusicEx(musicName, R2I(startingOffset * 1000)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetThematicMusicOffsetBJ takes real newOffset returns nothing call SetThematicMusicPlayPosition(R2I(newOffset * 1000)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function EndThematicMusicBJ takes nothing returns nothing call EndThematicMusic() endfunction //=========================================================================== function StopMusicBJ takes boolean fadeOut returns nothing call StopMusic(fadeOut) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ResumeMusicBJ takes nothing returns nothing call ResumeMusic() endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetMusicVolumeBJ takes real volumePercent returns nothing call SetMusicVolume(PercentToInt(volumePercent, 127)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetSoundDurationBJ takes sound soundHandle returns real if (soundHandle == null) then return bj_NOTHING_SOUND_DURATION else return I2R(GetSoundDuration(soundHandle)) * 0.001 endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetSoundFileDurationBJ takes string musicFileName returns real return I2R(GetSoundFileDuration(musicFileName)) * 0.001 endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastPlayedSound takes nothing returns sound return bj_lastPlayedSound endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastPlayedMusic takes nothing returns string return bj_lastPlayedMusic endfunction //=========================================================================== function VolumeGroupSetVolumeBJ takes volumegroup vgroup, real percent returns nothing call VolumeGroupSetVolume(vgroup, percent * 0.01) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetCineModeVolumeGroupsImmediateBJ takes nothing returns nothing call VolumeGroupSetVolume(SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UNITMOVEMENT, bj_CINEMODE_VOLUME_UNITMOVEMENT) call VolumeGroupSetVolume(SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UNITSOUNDS, bj_CINEMODE_VOLUME_UNITSOUNDS) call VolumeGroupSetVolume(SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_COMBAT, bj_CINEMODE_VOLUME_COMBAT) call VolumeGroupSetVolume(SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_SPELLS, bj_CINEMODE_VOLUME_SPELLS) call VolumeGroupSetVolume(SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UI, bj_CINEMODE_VOLUME_UI) call VolumeGroupSetVolume(SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_MUSIC, bj_CINEMODE_VOLUME_MUSIC) call VolumeGroupSetVolume(SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_AMBIENTSOUNDS, bj_CINEMODE_VOLUME_AMBIENTSOUNDS) call VolumeGroupSetVolume(SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_FIRE, bj_CINEMODE_VOLUME_FIRE) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetCineModeVolumeGroupsBJ takes nothing returns nothing // Delay the request if it occurs at map init. if bj_gameStarted then call SetCineModeVolumeGroupsImmediateBJ() else call TimerStart(bj_volumeGroupsTimer, bj_GAME_STARTED_THRESHOLD, false, function SetCineModeVolumeGroupsImmediateBJ) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetSpeechVolumeGroupsImmediateBJ takes nothing returns nothing call VolumeGroupSetVolume(SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UNITMOVEMENT, bj_SPEECH_VOLUME_UNITMOVEMENT) call VolumeGroupSetVolume(SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UNITSOUNDS, bj_SPEECH_VOLUME_UNITSOUNDS) call VolumeGroupSetVolume(SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_COMBAT, bj_SPEECH_VOLUME_COMBAT) call VolumeGroupSetVolume(SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_SPELLS, bj_SPEECH_VOLUME_SPELLS) call VolumeGroupSetVolume(SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UI, bj_SPEECH_VOLUME_UI) call VolumeGroupSetVolume(SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_MUSIC, bj_SPEECH_VOLUME_MUSIC) call VolumeGroupSetVolume(SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_AMBIENTSOUNDS, bj_SPEECH_VOLUME_AMBIENTSOUNDS) call VolumeGroupSetVolume(SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_FIRE, bj_SPEECH_VOLUME_FIRE) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetSpeechVolumeGroupsBJ takes nothing returns nothing // Delay the request if it occurs at map init. if bj_gameStarted then call SetSpeechVolumeGroupsImmediateBJ() else call TimerStart(bj_volumeGroupsTimer, bj_GAME_STARTED_THRESHOLD, false, function SetSpeechVolumeGroupsImmediateBJ) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function VolumeGroupResetImmediateBJ takes nothing returns nothing call VolumeGroupReset() endfunction //=========================================================================== function VolumeGroupResetBJ takes nothing returns nothing // Delay the request if it occurs at map init. if bj_gameStarted then call VolumeGroupResetImmediateBJ() else call TimerStart(bj_volumeGroupsTimer, bj_GAME_STARTED_THRESHOLD, false, function VolumeGroupResetImmediateBJ) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetSoundIsPlayingBJ takes sound soundHandle returns boolean return GetSoundIsLoading(soundHandle) or GetSoundIsPlaying(soundHandle) endfunction //=========================================================================== function WaitForSoundBJ takes sound soundHandle, real offset returns nothing call TriggerWaitForSound( soundHandle, offset ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetMapMusicIndexedBJ takes string musicName, integer index returns nothing call SetMapMusic(musicName, false, index) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetMapMusicRandomBJ takes string musicName returns nothing call SetMapMusic(musicName, true, 0) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ClearMapMusicBJ takes nothing returns nothing call ClearMapMusic() endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetStackedSoundBJ takes boolean add, sound soundHandle, rect r returns nothing local real width = GetRectMaxX(r) - GetRectMinX(r) local real height = GetRectMaxY(r) - GetRectMinY(r) call SetSoundPosition(soundHandle, GetRectCenterX(r), GetRectCenterY(r), 0) if add then call RegisterStackedSound(soundHandle, true, width, height) else call UnregisterStackedSound(soundHandle, true, width, height) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function StartSoundForPlayerBJ takes player whichPlayer, sound soundHandle returns nothing if (whichPlayer == GetLocalPlayer()) then call StartSound(soundHandle) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function VolumeGroupSetVolumeForPlayerBJ takes player whichPlayer, volumegroup vgroup, real scale returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then call VolumeGroupSetVolume(vgroup, scale) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function EnableDawnDusk takes boolean flag returns nothing set bj_useDawnDuskSounds = flag endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsDawnDuskEnabled takes nothing returns boolean return bj_useDawnDuskSounds endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Day/Night ambient sounds //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function SetAmbientDaySound takes string inLabel returns nothing local real ToD // Stop old sound, if necessary if (bj_dayAmbientSound != null) then call StopSound(bj_dayAmbientSound, true, true) endif // Create new sound set bj_dayAmbientSound = CreateMIDISound(inLabel, 20, 20) // Start the sound if necessary, based on current time set ToD = GetTimeOfDay() if (ToD >= bj_TOD_DAWN and ToD < bj_TOD_DUSK) then call StartSound(bj_dayAmbientSound) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetAmbientNightSound takes string inLabel returns nothing local real ToD // Stop old sound, if necessary if (bj_nightAmbientSound != null) then call StopSound(bj_nightAmbientSound, true, true) endif // Create new sound set bj_nightAmbientSound = CreateMIDISound(inLabel, 20, 20) // Start the sound if necessary, based on current time set ToD = GetTimeOfDay() if (ToD < bj_TOD_DAWN or ToD >= bj_TOD_DUSK) then call StartSound(bj_nightAmbientSound) endif endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Special Effect Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function AddSpecialEffectLocBJ takes location where, string modelName returns effect set bj_lastCreatedEffect = AddSpecialEffectLoc(modelName, where) return bj_lastCreatedEffect endfunction //=========================================================================== function AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ takes string attachPointName, widget targetWidget, string modelName returns effect set bj_lastCreatedEffect = AddSpecialEffectTarget(modelName, targetWidget, attachPointName) return bj_lastCreatedEffect endfunction //=========================================================================== // Two distinct trigger actions can't share the same function name, so this // dummy function simply mimics the behavior of an existing call. // // Commented out - Destructibles have no attachment points. // //function AddSpecialEffectTargetDestructableBJ takes string attachPointName, widget targetWidget, string modelName returns effect // return AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ(attachPointName, targetWidget, modelName) //endfunction //=========================================================================== // Two distinct trigger actions can't share the same function name, so this // dummy function simply mimics the behavior of an existing call. // // Commented out - Items have no attachment points. // //function AddSpecialEffectTargetItemBJ takes string attachPointName, widget targetWidget, string modelName returns effect // return AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ(attachPointName, targetWidget, modelName) //endfunction //=========================================================================== function DestroyEffectBJ takes effect whichEffect returns nothing call DestroyEffect(whichEffect) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedEffectBJ takes nothing returns effect return bj_lastCreatedEffect endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Hero and Item Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function GetItemLoc takes item whichItem returns location return Location(GetItemX(whichItem), GetItemY(whichItem)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetItemLifeBJ takes widget whichWidget returns real return GetWidgetLife(whichWidget) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetItemLifeBJ takes widget whichWidget, real life returns nothing call SetWidgetLife(whichWidget, life) endfunction //=========================================================================== function AddHeroXPSwapped takes integer xpToAdd, unit whichHero, boolean showEyeCandy returns nothing call AddHeroXP(whichHero, xpToAdd, showEyeCandy) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetHeroLevelBJ takes unit whichHero, integer newLevel, boolean showEyeCandy returns nothing local integer oldLevel = GetHeroLevel(whichHero) if (newLevel > oldLevel) then call SetHeroLevel(whichHero, newLevel, showEyeCandy) elseif (newLevel < oldLevel) then call UnitStripHeroLevel(whichHero, oldLevel - newLevel) else // No change in level - ignore the request. endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function DecUnitAbilityLevelSwapped takes integer abilcode, unit whichUnit returns integer return DecUnitAbilityLevel(whichUnit, abilcode) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IncUnitAbilityLevelSwapped takes integer abilcode, unit whichUnit returns integer return IncUnitAbilityLevel(whichUnit, abilcode) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitAbilityLevelSwapped takes integer abilcode, unit whichUnit, integer level returns integer return SetUnitAbilityLevel(whichUnit, abilcode, level) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitAbilityLevelSwapped takes integer abilcode, unit whichUnit returns integer return GetUnitAbilityLevel(whichUnit, abilcode) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitHasBuffBJ takes unit whichUnit, integer buffcode returns boolean return (GetUnitAbilityLevel(whichUnit, buffcode) > 0) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitRemoveBuffBJ takes integer buffcode, unit whichUnit returns boolean return UnitRemoveAbility(whichUnit, buffcode) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitAddItemSwapped takes item whichItem, unit whichHero returns boolean return UnitAddItem(whichHero, whichItem) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitAddItemByIdSwapped takes integer itemId, unit whichHero returns item // Create the item at the hero's feet first, and then give it to him. // This is to ensure that the item will be left at the hero's feet if // his inventory is full. set bj_lastCreatedItem = CreateItem(itemId, GetUnitX(whichHero), GetUnitY(whichHero)) call UnitAddItem(whichHero, bj_lastCreatedItem) return bj_lastCreatedItem endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitRemoveItemSwapped takes item whichItem, unit whichHero returns nothing set bj_lastRemovedItem = whichItem call UnitRemoveItem(whichHero, whichItem) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Translates 0-based slot indices to 1-based slot indices. // function UnitRemoveItemFromSlotSwapped takes integer itemSlot, unit whichHero returns item set bj_lastRemovedItem = UnitRemoveItemFromSlot(whichHero, itemSlot-1) return bj_lastRemovedItem endfunction //=========================================================================== function CreateItemLoc takes integer itemId, location loc returns item set bj_lastCreatedItem = CreateItem(itemId, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc)) return bj_lastCreatedItem endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedItem takes nothing returns item return bj_lastCreatedItem endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastRemovedItem takes nothing returns item return bj_lastRemovedItem endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetItemPositionLoc takes item whichItem, location loc returns nothing call SetItemPosition(whichItem, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLearnedSkillBJ takes nothing returns integer return GetLearnedSkill() endfunction //=========================================================================== function SuspendHeroXPBJ takes boolean flag, unit whichHero returns nothing call SuspendHeroXP(whichHero, not flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetPlayerHandicapXPBJ takes player whichPlayer, real handicapPercent returns nothing call SetPlayerHandicapXP(whichPlayer, handicapPercent * 0.01) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetPlayerHandicapXPBJ takes player whichPlayer returns real return GetPlayerHandicapXP(whichPlayer) * 100 endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetPlayerHandicapBJ takes player whichPlayer, real handicapPercent returns nothing call SetPlayerHandicap(whichPlayer, handicapPercent * 0.01) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetPlayerHandicapBJ takes player whichPlayer returns real return GetPlayerHandicap(whichPlayer) * 100 endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetHeroStatBJ takes integer whichStat, unit whichHero, boolean includeBonuses returns integer if (whichStat == bj_HEROSTAT_STR) then return GetHeroStr(whichHero, includeBonuses) elseif (whichStat == bj_HEROSTAT_AGI) then return GetHeroAgi(whichHero, includeBonuses) elseif (whichStat == bj_HEROSTAT_INT) then return GetHeroInt(whichHero, includeBonuses) else // Unrecognized hero stat - return 0 return 0 endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetHeroStat takes unit whichHero, integer whichStat, integer val1ue returns nothing // Ignore requests for negative hero stats. if (val1ue <= 0) then return endif if (whichStat == bj_HEROSTAT_STR) then call SetHeroStr(whichHero, val1ue, true) elseif (whichStat == bj_HEROSTAT_AGI) then call SetHeroAgi(whichHero, val1ue, true) elseif (whichStat == bj_HEROSTAT_INT) then call SetHeroInt(whichHero, val1ue, true) else // Unrecognized hero stat - ignore the request. endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function ModifyHeroStat takes integer whichStat, unit whichHero, integer modifyMethod, integer val1ue returns nothing if (modifyMethod == bj_MODIFYMETHOD_ADD) then call SetHeroStat(whichHero, whichStat, GetHeroStatBJ(whichStat, whichHero, false) + val1ue) elseif (modifyMethod == bj_MODIFYMETHOD_SUB) then call SetHeroStat(whichHero, whichStat, GetHeroStatBJ(whichStat, whichHero, false) - val1ue) elseif (modifyMethod == bj_MODIFYMETHOD_SET) then call SetHeroStat(whichHero, whichStat, val1ue) else // Unrecognized modification method - ignore the request. endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function ModifyHeroSkillPoints takes unit whichHero, integer modifyMethod, integer val1ue returns boolean if (modifyMethod == bj_MODIFYMETHOD_ADD) then return UnitModifySkillPoints(whichHero, val1ue) elseif (modifyMethod == bj_MODIFYMETHOD_SUB) then return UnitModifySkillPoints(whichHero, -val1ue) elseif (modifyMethod == bj_MODIFYMETHOD_SET) then return UnitModifySkillPoints(whichHero, val1ue - GetHeroSkillPoints(whichHero)) else // Unrecognized modification method - ignore the request and return failure. return false endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitDropItemPointBJ takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem, real x, real y returns boolean return UnitDropItemPoint(whichUnit, whichItem, x, y) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitDropItemPointLoc takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem, location loc returns boolean return UnitDropItemPoint(whichUnit, whichItem, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitDropItemSlotBJ takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem, integer slot returns boolean return UnitDropItemSlot(whichUnit, whichItem, slot-1) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitDropItemTargetBJ takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem, widget target returns boolean return UnitDropItemTarget(whichUnit, whichItem, target) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Two distinct trigger actions can't share the same function name, so this // dummy function simply mimics the behavior of an existing call. // function UnitUseItemDestructable takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem, widget target returns boolean return UnitUseItemTarget(whichUnit, whichItem, target) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitUseItemPointLoc takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem, location loc returns boolean return UnitUseItemPoint(whichUnit, whichItem, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc)) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Translates 0-based slot indices to 1-based slot indices. // function UnitItemInSlotBJ takes unit whichUnit, integer itemSlot returns item return UnitItemInSlot(whichUnit, itemSlot-1) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Translates 0-based slot indices to 1-based slot indices. // function GetInventoryIndexOfItemTypeBJ takes unit whichUnit, integer itemId returns integer local integer index local item indexItem set index = 0 loop set indexItem = UnitItemInSlot(whichUnit, index) if (indexItem != null) and (GetItemTypeId(indexItem) == itemId) then return index + 1 endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index >= bj_MAX_INVENTORY endloop return 0 endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetItemOfTypeFromUnitBJ takes unit whichUnit, integer itemId returns item local integer index = GetInventoryIndexOfItemTypeBJ(whichUnit, itemId) if (index == 0) then return null else return UnitItemInSlot(whichUnit, index - 1) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitHasItemOfTypeBJ takes unit whichUnit, integer itemId returns boolean return GetInventoryIndexOfItemTypeBJ(whichUnit, itemId) > 0 endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitInventoryCount takes unit whichUnit returns integer local integer index = 0 local integer count = 0 loop if (UnitItemInSlot(whichUnit, index) != null) then set count = count + 1 endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index >= bj_MAX_INVENTORY endloop return count endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitInventorySizeBJ takes unit whichUnit returns integer return UnitInventorySize(whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetItemInvulnerableBJ takes item whichItem, boolean flag returns nothing call SetItemInvulnerable(whichItem, flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetItemDropOnDeathBJ takes item whichItem, boolean flag returns nothing call SetItemDropOnDeath(whichItem, flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetItemDroppableBJ takes item whichItem, boolean flag returns nothing call SetItemDroppable(whichItem, flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetItemPlayerBJ takes item whichItem, player whichPlayer, boolean changeColor returns nothing call SetItemPlayer(whichItem, whichPlayer, changeColor) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetItemVisibleBJ takes boolean show, item whichItem returns nothing call SetItemVisible(whichItem, show) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsItemHiddenBJ takes item whichItem returns boolean return not IsItemVisible(whichItem) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ChooseRandomItemBJ takes integer level returns integer return ChooseRandomItem(level) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ChooseRandomItemExBJ takes integer level, itemtype whichType returns integer return ChooseRandomItemEx(whichType, level) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ChooseRandomNPBuildingBJ takes nothing returns integer return ChooseRandomNPBuilding() endfunction //=========================================================================== function ChooseRandomCreepBJ takes integer level returns integer return ChooseRandomCreep(level) endfunction //=========================================================================== function EnumItemsInRectBJ takes rect r, code actionFunc returns nothing call EnumItemsInRect(r, null, actionFunc) endfunction //=========================================================================== // See GroupPickRandomUnitEnum for the details of this algorithm. // function RandomItemInRectBJEnum takes nothing returns nothing set bj_itemRandomConsidered = bj_itemRandomConsidered + 1 if (GetRandomInt(1, bj_itemRandomConsidered) == 1) then set bj_itemRandomCurrentPick = GetEnumItem() endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Picks a random item from within a rect, matching a condition // function RandomItemInRectBJ takes rect r, boolexpr filter returns item set bj_itemRandomConsidered = 0 set bj_itemRandomCurrentPick = null call EnumItemsInRect(r, filter, function RandomItemInRectBJEnum) call DestroyBoolExpr(filter) return bj_itemRandomCurrentPick endfunction //=========================================================================== // Picks a random item from within a rect // function RandomItemInRectSimpleBJ takes rect r returns item return RandomItemInRectBJ(r, null) endfunction //=========================================================================== function CheckItemStatus takes item whichItem, integer status returns boolean if (status == bj_ITEM_STATUS_HIDDEN) then return not IsItemVisible(whichItem) elseif (status == bj_ITEM_STATUS_OWNED) then return IsItemOwned(whichItem) elseif (status == bj_ITEM_STATUS_INVULNERABLE) then return IsItemInvulnerable(whichItem) elseif (status == bj_ITEM_STATUS_POWERUP) then return IsItemPowerup(whichItem) elseif (status == bj_ITEM_STATUS_SELLABLE) then return IsItemSellable(whichItem) elseif (status == bj_ITEM_STATUS_PAWNABLE) then return IsItemPawnable(whichItem) else // Unrecognized status - return false return false endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function CheckItemcodeStatus takes integer itemId, integer status returns boolean if (status == bj_ITEMCODE_STATUS_POWERUP) then return IsItemIdPowerup(itemId) elseif (status == bj_ITEMCODE_STATUS_SELLABLE) then return IsItemIdSellable(itemId) elseif (status == bj_ITEMCODE_STATUS_PAWNABLE) then return IsItemIdPawnable(itemId) else // Unrecognized status - return false return false endif endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Unit Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function UnitId2OrderIdBJ takes integer unitId returns integer return unitId endfunction //=========================================================================== function String2UnitIdBJ takes string unitIdString returns integer return UnitId(unitIdString) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitId2StringBJ takes integer unitId returns string local string unitString = UnitId2String(unitId) if (unitString != null) then return unitString endif // The unitId was not recognized - return an empty string. return "" endfunction //=========================================================================== function String2OrderIdBJ takes string orderIdString returns integer local integer orderId // Check to see if it's a generic order. set orderId = OrderId(orderIdString) if (orderId != 0) then return orderId endif // Check to see if it's a (train) unit order. set orderId = UnitId(orderIdString) if (orderId != 0) then return orderId endif // Unrecognized - return 0 return 0 endfunction //=========================================================================== function OrderId2StringBJ takes integer orderId returns string local string orderString // Check to see if it's a generic order. set orderString = OrderId2String(orderId) if (orderString != null) then return orderString endif // Check to see if it's a (train) unit order. set orderString = UnitId2String(orderId) if (orderString != null) then return orderString endif // Unrecognized - return an empty string. return "" endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetIssuedOrderIdBJ takes nothing returns integer return GetIssuedOrderId() endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetKillingUnitBJ takes nothing returns unit return GetKillingUnit() endfunction //=========================================================================== function CreateUnitAtLocSaveLast takes player id, integer unitid, location loc, real face returns unit if (unitid == 'ugol') then set bj_lastCreatedUnit = CreateBlightedGoldmine(id, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), face) else set bj_lastCreatedUnit = CreateUnitAtLoc(id, unitid, loc, face) endif return bj_lastCreatedUnit endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedUnit takes nothing returns unit return bj_lastCreatedUnit endfunction //=========================================================================== function CreateNUnitsAtLoc takes integer count, integer unitId, player whichPlayer, location loc, real face returns group call GroupClear(bj_lastCreatedGroup) loop set count = count - 1 exitwhen count < 0 call CreateUnitAtLocSaveLast(whichPlayer, unitId, loc, face) call GroupAddUnit(bj_lastCreatedGroup, bj_lastCreatedUnit) endloop return bj_lastCreatedGroup endfunction //=========================================================================== function CreateNUnitsAtLocFacingLocBJ takes integer count, integer unitId, player whichPlayer, location loc, location lookAt returns group return CreateNUnitsAtLoc(count, unitId, whichPlayer, loc, AngleBetweenPoints(loc, lookAt)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedGroupEnum takes nothing returns nothing call GroupAddUnit(bj_groupLastCreatedDest, GetEnumUnit()) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedGroup takes nothing returns group set bj_groupLastCreatedDest = CreateGroup() call ForGroup(bj_lastCreatedGroup, function GetLastCreatedGroupEnum) return bj_groupLastCreatedDest endfunction //=========================================================================== function CreateCorpseLocBJ takes integer unitid, player whichPlayer, location loc returns unit set bj_lastCreatedUnit = CreateCorpse(whichPlayer, unitid, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), GetRandomReal(0, 360)) return bj_lastCreatedUnit endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitSuspendDecayBJ takes boolean suspend, unit whichUnit returns nothing call UnitSuspendDecay(whichUnit, suspend) endfunction //=========================================================================== function DelayedSuspendDecayStopAnimEnum takes nothing returns nothing local unit enumUnit = GetEnumUnit() if (GetUnitState(enumUnit, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) <= 0) then call SetUnitTimeScale(enumUnit, 0.0001) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function DelayedSuspendDecayBoneEnum takes nothing returns nothing local unit enumUnit = GetEnumUnit() if (GetUnitState(enumUnit, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) <= 0) then call UnitSuspendDecay(enumUnit, true) call SetUnitTimeScale(enumUnit, 0.0001) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Game code explicitly sets the animation back to "decay bone" after the // initial corpse fades away, so we reset it now. It's best not to show // off corpses thus created until after this grace period has passed. // function DelayedSuspendDecayFleshEnum takes nothing returns nothing local unit enumUnit = GetEnumUnit() if (GetUnitState(enumUnit, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) <= 0) then call UnitSuspendDecay(enumUnit, true) call SetUnitTimeScale(enumUnit, 10.0) call SetUnitAnimation(enumUnit, "decay flesh") endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Waits a short period of time to ensure that the corpse is decaying, and // then suspend the animation and corpse decay. // function DelayedSuspendDecay takes nothing returns nothing local group boneGroup local group fleshGroup // Switch the global unit groups over to local variables and recreate // the global versions, so that this function can handle overlapping // calls. set boneGroup = bj_suspendDecayBoneGroup set fleshGroup = bj_suspendDecayFleshGroup set bj_suspendDecayBoneGroup = CreateGroup() set bj_suspendDecayFleshGroup = CreateGroup() call ForGroup(fleshGroup, function DelayedSuspendDecayStopAnimEnum) call ForGroup(boneGroup, function DelayedSuspendDecayStopAnimEnum) call TriggerSleepAction(bj_CORPSE_MAX_DEATH_TIME) call ForGroup(fleshGroup, function DelayedSuspendDecayFleshEnum) call ForGroup(boneGroup, function DelayedSuspendDecayBoneEnum) call TriggerSleepAction(0.05) call ForGroup(fleshGroup, function DelayedSuspendDecayStopAnimEnum) call DestroyGroup(boneGroup) call DestroyGroup(fleshGroup) endfunction //=========================================================================== function DelayedSuspendDecayCreate takes nothing returns nothing set bj_delayedSuspendDecayTrig = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterTimerExpireEvent(bj_delayedSuspendDecayTrig, bj_delayedSuspendDecayTimer) call TriggerAddAction(bj_delayedSuspendDecayTrig, function DelayedSuspendDecay) endfunction //=========================================================================== function CreatePermanentCorpseLocBJ takes integer style, integer unitid, player whichPlayer, location loc, real facing returns unit set bj_lastCreatedUnit = CreateCorpse(whichPlayer, unitid, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), facing) call SetUnitBlendTime(bj_lastCreatedUnit, 0) if (style == bj_CORPSETYPE_FLESH) then call SetUnitAnimation(bj_lastCreatedUnit, "decay flesh") call GroupAddUnit(bj_suspendDecayFleshGroup, bj_lastCreatedUnit) elseif (style == bj_CORPSETYPE_BONE) then call SetUnitAnimation(bj_lastCreatedUnit, "decay bone") call GroupAddUnit(bj_suspendDecayBoneGroup, bj_lastCreatedUnit) else // Unknown decay style - treat as skeletal. call SetUnitAnimation(bj_lastCreatedUnit, "decay bone") call GroupAddUnit(bj_suspendDecayBoneGroup, bj_lastCreatedUnit) endif call TimerStart(bj_delayedSuspendDecayTimer, 0.05, false, null) return bj_lastCreatedUnit endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitStateSwap takes unitstate whichState, unit whichUnit returns real return GetUnitState(whichUnit, whichState) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitStatePercent takes unit whichUnit, unitstate whichState, unitstate whichMaxState returns real local real val1ue = GetUnitState(whichUnit, whichState) local real maxval1ue = GetUnitState(whichUnit, whichMaxState) // Return 0 for null units. if (whichUnit == null) or (maxval1ue == 0) then return 0.0 endif return val1ue / maxval1ue * 100.0 endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitLifePercent takes unit whichUnit returns real return GetUnitStatePercent(whichUnit, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitManaPercent takes unit whichUnit returns real return GetUnitStatePercent(whichUnit, UNIT_STATE_MANA, UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SelectUnitSingle takes unit whichUnit returns nothing call ClearSelection() call SelectUnit(whichUnit, true) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SelectGroupBJEnum takes nothing returns nothing call SelectUnit( GetEnumUnit(), true ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SelectGroupBJ takes group g returns nothing call ClearSelection() call ForGroup( g, function SelectGroupBJEnum ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SelectUnitAdd takes unit whichUnit returns nothing call SelectUnit(whichUnit, true) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SelectUnitRemove takes unit whichUnit returns nothing call SelectUnit(whichUnit, false) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ClearSelectionForPlayer takes player whichPlayer returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call ClearSelection() endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SelectUnitForPlayerSingle takes unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call ClearSelection() call SelectUnit(whichUnit, true) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SelectGroupForPlayerBJ takes group g, player whichPlayer returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call ClearSelection() call ForGroup( g, function SelectGroupBJEnum ) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SelectUnitAddForPlayer takes unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call SelectUnit(whichUnit, true) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SelectUnitRemoveForPlayer takes unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call SelectUnit(whichUnit, false) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitLifeBJ takes unit whichUnit, real newval1ue returns nothing call SetUnitState(whichUnit, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, RMaxBJ(0,newval1ue)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitManaBJ takes unit whichUnit, real newval1ue returns nothing call SetUnitState(whichUnit, UNIT_STATE_MANA, RMaxBJ(0,newval1ue)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitLifePercentBJ takes unit whichUnit, real percent returns nothing call SetUnitState(whichUnit, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, GetUnitState(whichUnit, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE) * RMaxBJ(0,percent) * 0.01) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitManaPercentBJ takes unit whichUnit, real percent returns nothing call SetUnitState(whichUnit, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(whichUnit, UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA) * RMaxBJ(0,percent) * 0.01) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsUnitDeadBJ takes unit whichUnit returns boolean return GetUnitState(whichUnit, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) <= 0 endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsUnitAliveBJ takes unit whichUnit returns boolean return not IsUnitDeadBJ(whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsUnitGroupDeadBJEnum takes nothing returns nothing if not IsUnitDeadBJ(GetEnumUnit()) then set bj_isUnitGroupDeadResult = false endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Returns true if every unit of the group is dead. // function IsUnitGroupDeadBJ takes group g returns boolean // If the user wants the group destroyed, remember that fact and clear // the flag, in case it is used again in the callback. local boolean wantDestroy = bj_wantDestroyGroup set bj_wantDestroyGroup = false set bj_isUnitGroupDeadResult = true call ForGroup(g, function IsUnitGroupDeadBJEnum) // If the user wants the group destroyed, do so now. if (wantDestroy) then call DestroyGroup(g) endif return bj_isUnitGroupDeadResult endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsUnitGroupEmptyBJEnum takes nothing returns nothing set bj_isUnitGroupEmptyResult = false endfunction //=========================================================================== // Returns true if the group contains no units. // function IsUnitGroupEmptyBJ takes group g returns boolean // If the user wants the group destroyed, remember that fact and clear // the flag, in case it is used again in the callback. local boolean wantDestroy = bj_wantDestroyGroup set bj_wantDestroyGroup = false set bj_isUnitGroupEmptyResult = true call ForGroup(g, function IsUnitGroupEmptyBJEnum) // If the user wants the group destroyed, do so now. if (wantDestroy) then call DestroyGroup(g) endif return bj_isUnitGroupEmptyResult endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsUnitGroupInRectBJEnum takes nothing returns nothing if not RectContainsUnit(bj_isUnitGroupInRectRect, GetEnumUnit()) then set bj_isUnitGroupInRectResult = false endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Returns true if every unit of the group is within the given rect. // function IsUnitGroupInRectBJ takes group g, rect r returns boolean set bj_isUnitGroupInRectResult = true set bj_isUnitGroupInRectRect = r call ForGroup(g, function IsUnitGroupInRectBJEnum) return bj_isUnitGroupInRectResult endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsUnitHiddenBJ takes unit whichUnit returns boolean return IsUnitHidden(whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ShowUnitHide takes unit whichUnit returns nothing call ShowUnit(whichUnit, false) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ShowUnitShow takes unit whichUnit returns nothing // Prevent dead heroes from being unhidden. if (IsUnitType(whichUnit, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) and IsUnitDeadBJ(whichUnit)) then return endif call ShowUnit(whichUnit, true) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IssueHauntOrderAtLocBJFilter takes nothing returns boolean return GetUnitTypeId(GetFilterUnit()) == 'ngol' endfunction //=========================================================================== function IssueHauntOrderAtLocBJ takes unit whichPeon, location loc returns boolean local group g = null local unit goldMine = null // Search for a gold mine within a 1-cell radius of the specified location. set g = CreateGroup() call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(g, loc, 2*bj_CELLWIDTH, filterIssueHauntOrderAtLocBJ) set goldMine = FirstOfGroup(g) call DestroyGroup(g) // If no mine was found, abort the request. if (goldMine == null) then return false endif // Issue the Haunt Gold Mine order. return IssueTargetOrderById(whichPeon, 'ugol', goldMine) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IssueBuildOrderByIdLocBJ takes unit whichPeon, integer unitId, location loc returns boolean if (unitId == 'ugol') then return IssueHauntOrderAtLocBJ(whichPeon, loc) else return IssueBuildOrderById(whichPeon, unitId, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc)) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function IssueTrainOrderByIdBJ takes unit whichUnit, integer unitId returns boolean return IssueImmediateOrderById(whichUnit, unitId) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GroupTrainOrderByIdBJ takes group g, integer unitId returns boolean return GroupImmediateOrderById(g, unitId) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IssueUpgradeOrderByIdBJ takes unit whichUnit, integer techId returns boolean return IssueImmediateOrderById(whichUnit, techId) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetAttackedUnitBJ takes nothing returns unit return GetTriggerUnit() endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitFlyHeightBJ takes unit whichUnit, real newHeight, real rate returns nothing call SetUnitFlyHeight(whichUnit, newHeight, rate) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitTurnSpeedBJ takes unit whichUnit, real turnSpeed returns nothing call SetUnitTurnSpeed(whichUnit, turnSpeed) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitPropWindowBJ takes unit whichUnit, real propWindow returns nothing local real angle = propWindow if (angle <= 0) then set angle = 1 elseif (angle >= 360) then set angle = 359 endif set angle = angle * bj_DEGTORAD call SetUnitPropWindow(whichUnit, angle) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitPropWindowBJ takes unit whichUnit returns real return GetUnitPropWindow(whichUnit) * bj_RADTODEG endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitDefaultPropWindowBJ takes unit whichUnit returns real return GetUnitDefaultPropWindow(whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitBlendTimeBJ takes unit whichUnit, real blendTime returns nothing call SetUnitBlendTime(whichUnit, blendTime) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitAcquireRangeBJ takes unit whichUnit, real acquireRange returns nothing call SetUnitAcquireRange(whichUnit, acquireRange) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitSetCanSleepBJ takes unit whichUnit, boolean canSleep returns nothing call UnitAddSleep(whichUnit, canSleep) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitCanSleepBJ takes unit whichUnit returns boolean return UnitCanSleep(whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitWakeUpBJ takes unit whichUnit returns nothing call UnitWakeUp(whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitIsSleepingBJ takes unit whichUnit returns boolean return UnitIsSleeping(whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function WakePlayerUnitsEnum takes nothing returns nothing call UnitWakeUp(GetEnumUnit()) endfunction //=========================================================================== function WakePlayerUnits takes player whichPlayer returns nothing local group g = CreateGroup() call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(g, whichPlayer, null) call ForGroup(g, function WakePlayerUnitsEnum) call DestroyGroup(g) endfunction //=========================================================================== function EnableCreepSleepBJ takes boolean enable returns nothing call SetPlayerState(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE), PLAYER_STATE_NO_CREEP_SLEEP, IntegerTertiaryOp(enable, 0, 1)) // If we're disabling, attempt to wake any already-sleeping creeps. if (not enable) then call WakePlayerUnits(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE)) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitGenerateAlarms takes unit whichUnit, boolean generate returns boolean return UnitIgnoreAlarm(whichUnit, not generate) endfunction //=========================================================================== function DoesUnitGenerateAlarms takes unit whichUnit returns boolean return not UnitIgnoreAlarmToggled(whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function PauseAllUnitsBJEnum takes nothing returns nothing call PauseUnit( GetEnumUnit(), bj_pauseAllUnitsFlag ) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Pause all units function PauseAllUnitsBJ takes boolean pause returns nothing local integer index local player indexPlayer local group g set bj_pauseAllUnitsFlag = pause set g = CreateGroup() set index = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player( index ) // If this is a computer slot, pause/resume the AI. if (GetPlayerController( indexPlayer ) == MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER) then call PauseCompAI( indexPlayer, pause ) endif // Enumerate and unpause every unit owned by the player. call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer( g, indexPlayer, null ) call ForGroup( g, function PauseAllUnitsBJEnum ) call GroupClear( g ) set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS endloop call DestroyGroup(g) endfunction //=========================================================================== function PauseUnitBJ takes boolean pause, unit whichUnit returns nothing call PauseUnit(whichUnit, pause) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsUnitPausedBJ takes unit whichUnit returns boolean return IsUnitPaused(whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitPauseTimedLifeBJ takes boolean flag, unit whichUnit returns nothing call UnitPauseTimedLife(whichUnit, flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitApplyTimedLifeBJ takes real duration, integer buffId, unit whichUnit returns nothing call UnitApplyTimedLife(whichUnit, buffId, duration) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitShareVisionBJ takes boolean share, unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer returns nothing call UnitShareVision(whichUnit, whichPlayer, share) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitRemoveBuffsBJ takes integer buffType, unit whichUnit returns nothing if (buffType == bj_REMOVEBUFFS_POSITIVE) then call UnitRemoveBuffs(whichUnit, true, false) elseif (buffType == bj_REMOVEBUFFS_NEGATIVE) then call UnitRemoveBuffs(whichUnit, false, true) elseif (buffType == bj_REMOVEBUFFS_ALL) then call UnitRemoveBuffs(whichUnit, true, true) elseif (buffType == bj_REMOVEBUFFS_NONTLIFE) then call UnitRemoveBuffsEx(whichUnit, true, true, false, false, false, true, false) else // Unrecognized dispel type - ignore the request. endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitRemoveBuffsExBJ takes integer polarity, integer resist, unit whichUnit, boolean bTLife, boolean bAura returns nothing local boolean bPos = (polarity == bj_BUFF_POLARITY_EITHER) or (polarity == bj_BUFF_POLARITY_POSITIVE) local boolean bNeg = (polarity == bj_BUFF_POLARITY_EITHER) or (polarity == bj_BUFF_POLARITY_NEGATIVE) local boolean bMagic = (resist == bj_BUFF_RESIST_BOTH) or (resist == bj_BUFF_RESIST_MAGIC) local boolean bPhys = (resist == bj_BUFF_RESIST_BOTH) or (resist == bj_BUFF_RESIST_PHYSICAL) call UnitRemoveBuffsEx(whichUnit, bPos, bNeg, bMagic, bPhys, bTLife, bAura, false) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitCountBuffsExBJ takes integer polarity, integer resist, unit whichUnit, boolean bTLife, boolean bAura returns integer local boolean bPos = (polarity == bj_BUFF_POLARITY_EITHER) or (polarity == bj_BUFF_POLARITY_POSITIVE) local boolean bNeg = (polarity == bj_BUFF_POLARITY_EITHER) or (polarity == bj_BUFF_POLARITY_NEGATIVE) local boolean bMagic = (resist == bj_BUFF_RESIST_BOTH) or (resist == bj_BUFF_RESIST_MAGIC) local boolean bPhys = (resist == bj_BUFF_RESIST_BOTH) or (resist == bj_BUFF_RESIST_PHYSICAL) return UnitCountBuffsEx(whichUnit, bPos, bNeg, bMagic, bPhys, bTLife, bAura, false) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitRemoveAbilityBJ takes integer abilityId, unit whichUnit returns boolean return UnitRemoveAbility(whichUnit, abilityId) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitAddAbilityBJ takes integer abilityId, unit whichUnit returns boolean return UnitAddAbility(whichUnit, abilityId) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitRemoveTypeBJ takes unittype whichType, unit whichUnit returns boolean return UnitRemoveType(whichUnit, whichType) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitAddTypeBJ takes unittype whichType, unit whichUnit returns boolean return UnitAddType(whichUnit, whichType) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitMakeAbilityPermanentBJ takes boolean permanent, integer abilityId, unit whichUnit returns boolean return UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(whichUnit, permanent, abilityId) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitExplodedBJ takes unit whichUnit, boolean exploded returns nothing call SetUnitExploded(whichUnit, exploded) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ExplodeUnitBJ takes unit whichUnit returns nothing call SetUnitExploded(whichUnit, true) call KillUnit(whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetTransportUnitBJ takes nothing returns unit return GetTransportUnit() endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLoadedUnitBJ takes nothing returns unit return GetLoadedUnit() endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsUnitInTransportBJ takes unit whichUnit, unit whichTransport returns boolean return IsUnitInTransport(whichUnit, whichTransport) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsUnitLoadedBJ takes unit whichUnit returns boolean return IsUnitLoaded(whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsUnitIllusionBJ takes unit whichUnit returns boolean return IsUnitIllusion(whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== // This attempts to replace a unit with a new unit type by creating a new // unit of the desired type using the old unit's location, facing, etc. // function ReplaceUnitBJ takes unit whichUnit, integer newUnitId, integer unitStateMethod returns unit local unit oldUnit = whichUnit local unit newUnit local boolean wasHidden local integer index local item indexItem local real oldRatio // If we have bogus data, don't attempt the replace. if (oldUnit == null) then set bj_lastReplacedUnit = oldUnit return oldUnit endif // Hide the original unit. set wasHidden = IsUnitHidden(oldUnit) call ShowUnit(oldUnit, false) // Create the replacement unit. if (newUnitId == 'ugol') then set newUnit = CreateBlightedGoldmine(GetOwningPlayer(oldUnit), GetUnitX(oldUnit), GetUnitY(oldUnit), GetUnitFacing(oldUnit)) else set newUnit = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(oldUnit), newUnitId, GetUnitX(oldUnit), GetUnitY(oldUnit), GetUnitFacing(oldUnit)) endif // Set the unit's life and mana according to the requested method. if (unitStateMethod == bj_UNIT_STATE_METHOD_RELATIVE) then // Set the replacement's current/max life ratio to that of the old unit. // If both units have mana, do the same for mana. if (GetUnitState(oldUnit, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE) > 0) then set oldRatio = GetUnitState(oldUnit, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) / GetUnitState(oldUnit, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE) call SetUnitState(newUnit, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, oldRatio * GetUnitState(newUnit, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE)) endif if (GetUnitState(oldUnit, UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA) > 0) and (GetUnitState(newUnit, UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA) > 0) then set oldRatio = GetUnitState(oldUnit, UNIT_STATE_MANA) / GetUnitState(oldUnit, UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA) call SetUnitState(newUnit, UNIT_STATE_MANA, oldRatio * GetUnitState(newUnit, UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA)) endif elseif (unitStateMethod == bj_UNIT_STATE_METHOD_ABSOLUTE) then // Set the replacement's current life to that of the old unit. // If the new unit has mana, do the same for mana. call SetUnitState(newUnit, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, GetUnitState(oldUnit, UNIT_STATE_LIFE)) if (GetUnitState(newUnit, UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA) > 0) then call SetUnitState(newUnit, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(oldUnit, UNIT_STATE_MANA)) endif elseif (unitStateMethod == bj_UNIT_STATE_METHOD_DEFAULTS) then // The newly created unit should already have default life and mana. elseif (unitStateMethod == bj_UNIT_STATE_METHOD_MAXIMUM) then // Use max life and mana. call SetUnitState(newUnit, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, GetUnitState(newUnit, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE)) call SetUnitState(newUnit, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(newUnit, UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA)) else // Unrecognized unit state method - ignore the request. endif // Mirror properties of the old unit onto the new unit. //call PauseUnit(newUnit, IsUnitPaused(oldUnit)) call SetResourceAmount(newUnit, GetResourceAmount(oldUnit)) // If both the old and new units are heroes, handle their hero info. if (IsUnitType(oldUnit, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) and IsUnitType(newUnit, UNIT_TYPE_HERO)) then call SetHeroXP(newUnit, GetHeroXP(oldUnit), false) set index = 0 loop set indexItem = UnitItemInSlot(oldUnit, index) if (indexItem != null) then call UnitRemoveItem(oldUnit, indexItem) call UnitAddItem(newUnit, indexItem) endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index >= bj_MAX_INVENTORY endloop endif // Remove or kill the original unit. It is sometimes unsafe to remove // hidden units, so kill the original unit if it was previously hidden. if wasHidden then call KillUnit(oldUnit) call RemoveUnit(oldUnit) else call RemoveUnit(oldUnit) endif set bj_lastReplacedUnit = newUnit return newUnit endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastReplacedUnitBJ takes nothing returns unit return bj_lastReplacedUnit endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitPositionLocFacingBJ takes unit whichUnit, location loc, real facing returns nothing call SetUnitPositionLoc(whichUnit, loc) call SetUnitFacing(whichUnit, facing) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitPositionLocFacingLocBJ takes unit whichUnit, location loc, location lookAt returns nothing call SetUnitPositionLoc(whichUnit, loc) call SetUnitFacing(whichUnit, AngleBetweenPoints(loc, lookAt)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function AddItemToStockBJ takes integer itemId, unit whichUnit, integer currentStock, integer stockMax returns nothing call AddItemToStock(whichUnit, itemId, currentStock, stockMax) endfunction //=========================================================================== function AddUnitToStockBJ takes integer unitId, unit whichUnit, integer currentStock, integer stockMax returns nothing call AddUnitToStock(whichUnit, unitId, currentStock, stockMax) endfunction //=========================================================================== function RemoveItemFromStockBJ takes integer itemId, unit whichUnit returns nothing call RemoveItemFromStock(whichUnit, itemId) endfunction //=========================================================================== function RemoveUnitFromStockBJ takes integer unitId, unit whichUnit returns nothing call RemoveUnitFromStock(whichUnit, unitId) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitUseFoodBJ takes boolean enable, unit whichUnit returns nothing call SetUnitUseFood(whichUnit, enable) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitDamagePointLoc takes unit whichUnit, real delay, real radius, location loc, real amount, attacktype whichAttack, damagetype whichDamage returns boolean return UnitDamagePoint(whichUnit, delay, radius, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), amount, true, false, whichAttack, whichDamage, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitDamageTargetBJ takes unit whichUnit, unit target, real amount, attacktype whichAttack, damagetype whichDamage returns boolean return UnitDamageTarget(whichUnit, target, amount, true, false, whichAttack, whichDamage, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Destructable Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function CreateDestructableLoc takes integer objectid, location loc, real facing, real scale, integer variation returns destructable set bj_lastCreatedDestructable = CreateDestructable(objectid, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), facing, scale, variation) return bj_lastCreatedDestructable endfunction //=========================================================================== function CreateDeadDestructableLocBJ takes integer objectid, location loc, real facing, real scale, integer variation returns destructable set bj_lastCreatedDestructable = CreateDeadDestructable(objectid, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), facing, scale, variation) return bj_lastCreatedDestructable endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedDestructable takes nothing returns destructable return bj_lastCreatedDestructable endfunction //=========================================================================== function ShowDestructableBJ takes boolean flag, destructable d returns nothing call ShowDestructable(d, flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetDestructableInvulnerableBJ takes destructable d, boolean flag returns nothing call SetDestructableInvulnerable(d, flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsDestructableInvulnerableBJ takes destructable d returns boolean return IsDestructableInvulnerable(d) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetDestructableLoc takes destructable whichDestructable returns location return Location(GetDestructableX(whichDestructable), GetDestructableY(whichDestructable)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function EnumDestructablesInRectAll takes rect r, code actionFunc returns nothing call EnumDestructablesInRect(r, null, actionFunc) endfunction //=========================================================================== function EnumDestructablesInCircleBJFilter takes nothing returns boolean local location destLoc = GetDestructableLoc(GetFilterDestructable()) local boolean result set result = DistanceBetweenPoints(destLoc, bj_enumDestructableCenter) <= bj_enumDestructableRadius call RemoveLocation(destLoc) return result endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsDestructableDeadBJ takes destructable d returns boolean return GetDestructableLife(d) <= 0 endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsDestructableAliveBJ takes destructable d returns boolean return not IsDestructableDeadBJ(d) endfunction //=========================================================================== // See GroupPickRandomUnitEnum for the details of this algorithm. // function RandomDestructableInRectBJEnum takes nothing returns nothing set bj_destRandomConsidered = bj_destRandomConsidered + 1 if (GetRandomInt(1,bj_destRandomConsidered) == 1) then set bj_destRandomCurrentPick = GetEnumDestructable() endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Picks a random destructable from within a rect, matching a condition // function RandomDestructableInRectBJ takes rect r, boolexpr filter returns destructable set bj_destRandomConsidered = 0 set bj_destRandomCurrentPick = null call EnumDestructablesInRect(r, filter, function RandomDestructableInRectBJEnum) call DestroyBoolExpr(filter) return bj_destRandomCurrentPick endfunction //=========================================================================== // Picks a random destructable from within a rect // function RandomDestructableInRectSimpleBJ takes rect r returns destructable return RandomDestructableInRectBJ(r, null) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Enumerates within a rect, with a filter to narrow the enumeration down // objects within a circular area. // function EnumDestructablesInCircleBJ takes real radius, location loc, code actionFunc returns nothing local rect r if (radius >= 0) then set bj_enumDestructableCenter = loc set bj_enumDestructableRadius = radius set r = GetRectFromCircleBJ(loc, radius) call EnumDestructablesInRect(r, filterEnumDestructablesInCircleBJ, actionFunc) call RemoveRect(r) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetDestructableLifePercentBJ takes destructable d, real percent returns nothing call SetDestructableLife(d, GetDestructableMaxLife(d) * percent * 0.01) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetDestructableMaxLifeBJ takes destructable d, real max returns nothing call SetDestructableMaxLife(d, max) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ModifyGateBJ takes integer gateOperation, destructable d returns nothing if (gateOperation == bj_GATEOPERATION_CLOSE) then if (GetDestructableLife(d) <= 0) then call DestructableRestoreLife(d, GetDestructableMaxLife(d), true) endif call SetDestructableAnimation(d, "stand") elseif (gateOperation == bj_GATEOPERATION_OPEN) then if (GetDestructableLife(d) > 0) then call KillDestructable(d) endif call SetDestructableAnimation(d, "death alternate") elseif (gateOperation == bj_GATEOPERATION_DESTROY) then if (GetDestructableLife(d) > 0) then call KillDestructable(d) endif call SetDestructableAnimation(d, "death") else // Unrecognized gate state - ignore the request. endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Determine the elevator's height from its occlusion height. // function GetElevatorHeight takes destructable d returns integer local integer height set height = 1 + R2I(GetDestructableOccluderHeight(d) / bj_CLIFFHEIGHT) if (height < 1) or (height > 3) then set height = 1 endif return height endfunction //=========================================================================== // To properly animate an elevator, we must know not only what height we // want to change to, but also what height we are currently at. This code // determines the elevator's current height from its occlusion height. // Arbitrarily changing an elevator's occlusion height is thus inadvisable. // function ChangeElevatorHeight takes destructable d, integer newHeight returns nothing local integer oldHeight // Cap the new height within the supported range. set newHeight = IMaxBJ(1, newHeight) set newHeight = IMinBJ(3, newHeight) // Find out what height the elevator is already at. set oldHeight = GetElevatorHeight(d) // Set the elevator's occlusion height. call SetDestructableOccluderHeight(d, bj_CLIFFHEIGHT*(newHeight-1)) if (newHeight == 1) then if (oldHeight == 2) then call SetDestructableAnimation(d, "birth") call QueueDestructableAnimation(d, "stand") elseif (oldHeight == 3) then call SetDestructableAnimation(d, "birth third") call QueueDestructableAnimation(d, "stand") else // Unrecognized old height - snap to new height. call SetDestructableAnimation(d, "stand") endif elseif (newHeight == 2) then if (oldHeight == 1) then call SetDestructableAnimation(d, "death") call QueueDestructableAnimation(d, "stand second") elseif (oldHeight == 3) then call SetDestructableAnimation(d, "birth second") call QueueDestructableAnimation(d, "stand second") else // Unrecognized old height - snap to new height. call SetDestructableAnimation(d, "stand second") endif elseif (newHeight == 3) then if (oldHeight == 1) then call SetDestructableAnimation(d, "death third") call QueueDestructableAnimation(d, "stand third") elseif (oldHeight == 2) then call SetDestructableAnimation(d, "death second") call QueueDestructableAnimation(d, "stand third") else // Unrecognized old height - snap to new height. call SetDestructableAnimation(d, "stand third") endif else // Unrecognized new height - ignore the request. endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Grab the unit and throw his own coords in his face, forcing him to push // and shove until he finds a spot where noone will bother him. // function NudgeUnitsInRectEnum takes nothing returns nothing local unit nudgee = GetEnumUnit() call SetUnitPosition(nudgee, GetUnitX(nudgee), GetUnitY(nudgee)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function NudgeItemsInRectEnum takes nothing returns nothing local item nudgee = GetEnumItem() call SetItemPosition(nudgee, GetItemX(nudgee), GetItemY(nudgee)) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Nudge the items and units within a given rect ever so gently, so as to // encourage them to find locations where they can peacefully coexist with // pathing restrictions and live happy, fruitful lives. // function NudgeObjectsInRect takes rect nudgeArea returns nothing local group g set g = CreateGroup() call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g, nudgeArea, null) call ForGroup(g, function NudgeUnitsInRectEnum) call DestroyGroup(g) call EnumItemsInRect(nudgeArea, null, function NudgeItemsInRectEnum) endfunction //=========================================================================== function NearbyElevatorExistsEnum takes nothing returns nothing local destructable d = GetEnumDestructable() local integer dType = GetDestructableTypeId(d) if (dType == bj_ELEVATOR_CODE01) or (dType == bj_ELEVATOR_CODE02) then set bj_elevatorNeighbor = d endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function NearbyElevatorExists takes real x, real y returns boolean local real findThreshold = 32 local rect r // If another elevator is overlapping this one, ignore the wall. set r = Rect(x - findThreshold, y - findThreshold, x + findThreshold, y + findThreshold) set bj_elevatorNeighbor = null call EnumDestructablesInRect(r, null, function NearbyElevatorExistsEnum) call RemoveRect(r) return bj_elevatorNeighbor != null endfunction //=========================================================================== function FindElevatorWallBlockerEnum takes nothing returns nothing set bj_elevatorWallBlocker = GetEnumDestructable() endfunction //=========================================================================== // This toggles pathing on or off for one wall of an elevator by killing // or reviving a pathing blocker at the appropriate location (and creating // the pathing blocker in the first place, if it does not yet exist). // function ChangeElevatorWallBlocker takes real x, real y, real facing, boolean open returns nothing local destructable blocker = null local real findThreshold = 32 local real nudgeLength = 4.25 * bj_CELLWIDTH local real nudgeWidth = 1.25 * bj_CELLWIDTH local rect r // Search for the pathing blocker within the general area. set r = Rect(x - findThreshold, y - findThreshold, x + findThreshold, y + findThreshold) set bj_elevatorWallBlocker = null call EnumDestructablesInRect(r, null, function FindElevatorWallBlockerEnum) call RemoveRect(r) set blocker = bj_elevatorWallBlocker // Ensure that the blocker exists. if (blocker == null) then set blocker = CreateDeadDestructable(bj_ELEVATOR_BLOCKER_CODE, x, y, facing, 1, 0) elseif (GetDestructableTypeId(blocker) != bj_ELEVATOR_BLOCKER_CODE) then // If a different destructible exists in the blocker's spot, ignore // the request. (Two destructibles cannot occupy the same location // on the map, so we cannot create an elevator blocker here.) return endif if (open) then // Ensure that the blocker is dead. if (GetDestructableLife(blocker) > 0) then call KillDestructable(blocker) endif else // Ensure that the blocker is alive. if (GetDestructableLife(blocker) <= 0) then call DestructableRestoreLife(blocker, GetDestructableMaxLife(blocker), false) endif // Nudge any objects standing in the blocker's way. if (facing == 0) then set r = Rect(x - nudgeWidth/2, y - nudgeLength/2, x + nudgeWidth/2, y + nudgeLength/2) call NudgeObjectsInRect(r) call RemoveRect(r) elseif (facing == 90) then set r = Rect(x - nudgeLength/2, y - nudgeWidth/2, x + nudgeLength/2, y + nudgeWidth/2) call NudgeObjectsInRect(r) call RemoveRect(r) else // Unrecognized blocker angle - don't nudge anything. endif endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function ChangeElevatorWalls takes boolean open, integer walls, destructable d returns nothing local real x = GetDestructableX(d) local real y = GetDestructableY(d) local real distToBlocker = 192 local real distToNeighbor = 256 if (walls == bj_ELEVATOR_WALL_TYPE_ALL) or (walls == bj_ELEVATOR_WALL_TYPE_EAST) then if (not NearbyElevatorExists(x + distToNeighbor, y)) then call ChangeElevatorWallBlocker(x + distToBlocker, y, 0, open) endif endif if (walls == bj_ELEVATOR_WALL_TYPE_ALL) or (walls == bj_ELEVATOR_WALL_TYPE_NORTH) then if (not NearbyElevatorExists(x, y + distToNeighbor)) then call ChangeElevatorWallBlocker(x, y + distToBlocker, 90, open) endif endif if (walls == bj_ELEVATOR_WALL_TYPE_ALL) or (walls == bj_ELEVATOR_WALL_TYPE_SOUTH) then if (not NearbyElevatorExists(x, y - distToNeighbor)) then call ChangeElevatorWallBlocker(x, y - distToBlocker, 90, open) endif endif if (walls == bj_ELEVATOR_WALL_TYPE_ALL) or (walls == bj_ELEVATOR_WALL_TYPE_WEST) then if (not NearbyElevatorExists(x - distToNeighbor, y)) then call ChangeElevatorWallBlocker(x - distToBlocker, y, 0, open) endif endif endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Neutral Building Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function WaygateActivateBJ takes boolean activate, unit waygate returns nothing call WaygateActivate(waygate, activate) endfunction //=========================================================================== function WaygateIsActiveBJ takes unit waygate returns boolean return WaygateIsActive(waygate) endfunction //=========================================================================== function WaygateSetDestinationLocBJ takes unit waygate, location loc returns nothing call WaygateSetDestination(waygate, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function WaygateGetDestinationLocBJ takes unit waygate returns location return Location(WaygateGetDestinationX(waygate), WaygateGetDestinationY(waygate)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitSetUsesAltIconBJ takes boolean flag, unit whichUnit returns nothing call UnitSetUsesAltIcon(whichUnit, flag) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* UI Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function ForceUIKeyBJ takes player whichPlayer, string key returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call ForceUIKey(key) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function ForceUICancelBJ takes player whichPlayer returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call ForceUICancel() endif endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Group and Force Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function ForGroupBJ takes group whichGroup, code callback returns nothing // If the user wants the group destroyed, remember that fact and clear // the flag, in case it is used again in the callback. local boolean wantDestroy = bj_wantDestroyGroup set bj_wantDestroyGroup = false call ForGroup(whichGroup, callback) // If the user wants the group destroyed, do so now. if (wantDestroy) then call DestroyGroup(whichGroup) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function GroupAddUnitSimple takes unit whichUnit, group whichGroup returns nothing call GroupAddUnit(whichGroup, whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GroupRemoveUnitSimple takes unit whichUnit, group whichGroup returns nothing call GroupRemoveUnit(whichGroup, whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GroupAddGroupEnum takes nothing returns nothing call GroupAddUnit(bj_groupAddGroupDest, GetEnumUnit()) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GroupAddGroup takes group sourceGroup, group destGroup returns nothing // If the user wants the group destroyed, remember that fact and clear // the flag, in case it is used again in the callback. local boolean wantDestroy = bj_wantDestroyGroup set bj_wantDestroyGroup = false set bj_groupAddGroupDest = destGroup call ForGroup(sourceGroup, function GroupAddGroupEnum) // If the user wants the group destroyed, do so now. if (wantDestroy) then call DestroyGroup(sourceGroup) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function GroupRemoveGroupEnum takes nothing returns nothing call GroupRemoveUnit(bj_groupRemoveGroupDest, GetEnumUnit()) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GroupRemoveGroup takes group sourceGroup, group destGroup returns nothing // If the user wants the group destroyed, remember that fact and clear // the flag, in case it is used again in the callback. local boolean wantDestroy = bj_wantDestroyGroup set bj_wantDestroyGroup = false set bj_groupRemoveGroupDest = destGroup call ForGroup(sourceGroup, function GroupRemoveGroupEnum) // If the user wants the group destroyed, do so now. if (wantDestroy) then call DestroyGroup(sourceGroup) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function ForceAddPlayerSimple takes player whichPlayer, force whichForce returns nothing call ForceAddPlayer(whichForce, whichPlayer) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ForceRemovePlayerSimple takes player whichPlayer, force whichForce returns nothing call ForceRemovePlayer(whichForce, whichPlayer) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Consider each unit, one at a time, keeping a "current pick". Once all units // are considered, this "current pick" will be the resulting random unit. // // The chance of picking a given unit over the "current pick" is 1/N, where N is // the number of units considered thusfar (including the current consideration). // function GroupPickRandomUnitEnum takes nothing returns nothing set bj_groupRandomConsidered = bj_groupRandomConsidered + 1 if (GetRandomInt(1,bj_groupRandomConsidered) == 1) then set bj_groupRandomCurrentPick = GetEnumUnit() endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Picks a random unit from a group. // function GroupPickRandomUnit takes group whichGroup returns unit // If the user wants the group destroyed, remember that fact and clear // the flag, in case it is used again in the callback. local boolean wantDestroy = bj_wantDestroyGroup set bj_wantDestroyGroup = false set bj_groupRandomConsidered = 0 set bj_groupRandomCurrentPick = null call ForGroup(whichGroup, function GroupPickRandomUnitEnum) // If the user wants the group destroyed, do so now. if (wantDestroy) then call DestroyGroup(whichGroup) endif return bj_groupRandomCurrentPick endfunction //=========================================================================== // See GroupPickRandomUnitEnum for the details of this algorithm. // function ForcePickRandomPlayerEnum takes nothing returns nothing set bj_forceRandomConsidered = bj_forceRandomConsidered + 1 if (GetRandomInt(1,bj_forceRandomConsidered) == 1) then set bj_forceRandomCurrentPick = GetEnumPlayer() endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Picks a random player from a force. // function ForcePickRandomPlayer takes force whichForce returns player set bj_forceRandomConsidered = 0 set bj_forceRandomCurrentPick = null call ForForce(whichForce, function ForcePickRandomPlayerEnum) return bj_forceRandomCurrentPick endfunction //=========================================================================== function EnumUnitsSelected takes player whichPlayer, boolexpr enumFilter, code enumAction returns nothing local group g = CreateGroup() call SyncSelections() call GroupEnumUnitsSelected(g, whichPlayer, enumFilter) call DestroyBoolExpr(enumFilter) call ForGroup(g, enumAction) call DestroyGroup(g) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitsInRectMatching takes rect r, boolexpr filter returns group local group g = CreateGroup() call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g, r, filter) call DestroyBoolExpr(filter) return g endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitsInRectAll takes rect r returns group return GetUnitsInRectMatching(r, null) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitsInRectOfPlayerFilter takes nothing returns boolean return GetOwningPlayer(GetFilterUnit()) == bj_groupEnumOwningPlayer endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitsInRectOfPlayer takes rect r, player whichPlayer returns group local group g = CreateGroup() set bj_groupEnumOwningPlayer = whichPlayer call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g, r, filterGetUnitsInRectOfPlayer) return g endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching takes real radius, location whichLocation, boolexpr filter returns group local group g = CreateGroup() call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(g, whichLocation, radius, filter) call DestroyBoolExpr(filter) return g endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitsInRangeOfLocAll takes real radius, location whichLocation returns group return GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(radius, whichLocation, null) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitsOfTypeIdAllFilter takes nothing returns boolean return GetUnitTypeId(GetFilterUnit()) == bj_groupEnumTypeId endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitsOfTypeIdAll takes integer unitid returns group local group result = CreateGroup() local group g = CreateGroup() local integer index set index = 0 loop set bj_groupEnumTypeId = unitid call GroupClear(g) call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(g, Player(index), filterGetUnitsOfTypeIdAll) call GroupAddGroup(g, result) set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS endloop call DestroyGroup(g) return result endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching takes player whichPlayer, boolexpr filter returns group local group g = CreateGroup() call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(g, whichPlayer, filter) call DestroyBoolExpr(filter) return g endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitsOfPlayerAll takes player whichPlayer returns group return GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(whichPlayer, null) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeIdFilter takes nothing returns boolean return GetUnitTypeId(GetFilterUnit()) == bj_groupEnumTypeId endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId takes player whichPlayer, integer unitid returns group local group g = CreateGroup() set bj_groupEnumTypeId = unitid call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(g, whichPlayer, filterGetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId) return g endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetUnitsSelectedAll takes player whichPlayer returns group local group g = CreateGroup() call SyncSelections() call GroupEnumUnitsSelected(g, whichPlayer, null) return g endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetForceOfPlayer takes player whichPlayer returns force local force f = CreateForce() call ForceAddPlayer(f, whichPlayer) return f endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetPlayersAll takes nothing returns force return bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetPlayersByMapControl takes mapcontrol whichControl returns force local force f = CreateForce() local integer playerIndex local player indexPlayer set playerIndex = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(playerIndex) if GetPlayerController(indexPlayer) == whichControl then call ForceAddPlayer(f, indexPlayer) endif set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1 exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS endloop return f endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetPlayersAllies takes player whichPlayer returns force local force f = CreateForce() call ForceEnumAllies(f, whichPlayer, null) return f endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetPlayersEnemies takes player whichPlayer returns force local force f = CreateForce() call ForceEnumEnemies(f, whichPlayer, null) return f endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetPlayersMatching takes boolexpr filter returns force local force f = CreateForce() call ForceEnumPlayers(f, filter) call DestroyBoolExpr(filter) return f endfunction //=========================================================================== function CountUnitsInGroupEnum takes nothing returns nothing set bj_groupCountUnits = bj_groupCountUnits + 1 endfunction //=========================================================================== function CountUnitsInGroup takes group g returns integer // If the user wants the group destroyed, remember that fact and clear // the flag, in case it is used again in the callback. local boolean wantDestroy = bj_wantDestroyGroup set bj_wantDestroyGroup = false set bj_groupCountUnits = 0 call ForGroup(g, function CountUnitsInGroupEnum) // If the user wants the group destroyed, do so now. if (wantDestroy) then call DestroyGroup(g) endif return bj_groupCountUnits endfunction //=========================================================================== function CountPlayersInForceEnum takes nothing returns nothing set bj_forceCountPlayers = bj_forceCountPlayers + 1 endfunction //=========================================================================== function CountPlayersInForceBJ takes force f returns integer set bj_forceCountPlayers = 0 call ForForce(f, function CountPlayersInForceEnum) return bj_forceCountPlayers endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetRandomSubGroupEnum takes nothing returns nothing if (bj_randomSubGroupWant > 0) then if (bj_randomSubGroupWant >= bj_randomSubGroupTotal) or (GetRandomReal(0,1) < bj_randomSubGroupChance) then // We either need every remaining unit, or the unit passed its chance check. call GroupAddUnit(bj_randomSubGroupGroup, GetEnumUnit()) set bj_randomSubGroupWant = bj_randomSubGroupWant - 1 endif endif set bj_randomSubGroupTotal = bj_randomSubGroupTotal - 1 endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetRandomSubGroup takes integer count, group sourceGroup returns group local group g = CreateGroup() set bj_randomSubGroupGroup = g set bj_randomSubGroupWant = count set bj_randomSubGroupTotal = CountUnitsInGroup(sourceGroup) if (bj_randomSubGroupWant <= 0 or bj_randomSubGroupTotal <= 0) then return g endif set bj_randomSubGroupChance = I2R(bj_randomSubGroupWant) / I2R(bj_randomSubGroupTotal) call ForGroup(sourceGroup, function GetRandomSubGroupEnum) return g endfunction //=========================================================================== function LivingPlayerUnitsOfTypeIdFilter takes nothing returns boolean local unit filterUnit = GetFilterUnit() return IsUnitAliveBJ(filterUnit) and GetUnitTypeId(filterUnit) == bj_livingPlayerUnitsTypeId endfunction //=========================================================================== function CountLivingPlayerUnitsOfTypeId takes integer unitId, player whichPlayer returns integer local group g local integer matchedCount set g = CreateGroup() set bj_livingPlayerUnitsTypeId = unitId call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(g, whichPlayer, filterLivingPlayerUnitsOfTypeId) set matchedCount = CountUnitsInGroup(g) call DestroyGroup(g) return matchedCount endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Animation Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function ResetUnitAnimation takes unit whichUnit returns nothing call SetUnitAnimation(whichUnit, "stand") endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitTimeScalePercent takes unit whichUnit, real percentScale returns nothing call SetUnitTimeScale(whichUnit, percentScale * 0.01) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitScalePercent takes unit whichUnit, real percentScaleX, real percentScaleY, real percentScaleZ returns nothing call SetUnitScale(whichUnit, percentScaleX * 0.01, percentScaleY * 0.01, percentScaleZ * 0.01) endfunction //=========================================================================== // This version differs from the common.j interface in that the alpha val1ue // is reversed so as to be displayed as transparency, and all four parameters // are treated as percentages rather than bytes. // function SetUnitVertexColorBJ takes unit whichUnit, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency returns nothing call SetUnitVertexColor(whichUnit, PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-transparency)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnitAddIndicatorBJ takes unit whichUnit, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency returns nothing call AddIndicator(whichUnit, PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-transparency)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function DestructableAddIndicatorBJ takes destructable whichDestructable, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency returns nothing call AddIndicator(whichDestructable, PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-transparency)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ItemAddIndicatorBJ takes item whichItem, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency returns nothing call AddIndicator(whichItem, PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-transparency)) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Sets a unit's facing to point directly at a location. // function SetUnitFacingToFaceLocTimed takes unit whichUnit, location target, real duration returns nothing local location unitLoc = GetUnitLoc(whichUnit) call SetUnitFacingTimed(whichUnit, AngleBetweenPoints(unitLoc, target), duration) call RemoveLocation(unitLoc) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Sets a unit's facing to point directly at another unit. // function SetUnitFacingToFaceUnitTimed takes unit whichUnit, unit target, real duration returns nothing local location unitLoc = GetUnitLoc(target) call SetUnitFacingToFaceLocTimed(whichUnit, unitLoc, duration) call RemoveLocation(unitLoc) endfunction //=========================================================================== function QueueUnitAnimationBJ takes unit whichUnit, string whichAnimation returns nothing call QueueUnitAnimation(whichUnit, whichAnimation) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetDestructableAnimationBJ takes destructable d, string whichAnimation returns nothing call SetDestructableAnimation(d, whichAnimation) endfunction //=========================================================================== function QueueDestructableAnimationBJ takes destructable d, string whichAnimation returns nothing call QueueDestructableAnimation(d, whichAnimation) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetDestAnimationSpeedPercent takes destructable d, real percentScale returns nothing call SetDestructableAnimationSpeed(d, percentScale * 0.01) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Dialog Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function DialogDisplayBJ takes boolean flag, dialog whichDialog, player whichPlayer returns nothing call DialogDisplay(whichPlayer, whichDialog, flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function DialogSetMessageBJ takes dialog whichDialog, string message returns nothing call DialogSetMessage(whichDialog, message) endfunction //=========================================================================== function DialogAddButtonBJ takes dialog whichDialog, string buttonText returns button set bj_lastCreatedButton = DialogAddButton(whichDialog, buttonText,0) return bj_lastCreatedButton endfunction //=========================================================================== function DialogAddButtonWithHotkeyBJ takes dialog whichDialog, string buttonText, integer hotkey returns button set bj_lastCreatedButton = DialogAddButton(whichDialog, buttonText,hotkey) return bj_lastCreatedButton endfunction //=========================================================================== function DialogClearBJ takes dialog whichDialog returns nothing call DialogClear(whichDialog) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedButtonBJ takes nothing returns button return bj_lastCreatedButton endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetClickedButtonBJ takes nothing returns button return GetClickedButton() endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetClickedDialogBJ takes nothing returns dialog return GetClickedDialog() endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Alliance Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function SetPlayerAllianceBJ takes player sourcePlayer, alliancetype whichAllianceSetting, boolean val1ue, player otherPlayer returns nothing // Prevent players from attempting to ally with themselves. if (sourcePlayer == otherPlayer) then return endif call SetPlayerAlliance(sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, whichAllianceSetting, val1ue) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Set all flags used by the in-game "Ally" checkbox. // function SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ takes player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, boolean flag returns nothing call SetPlayerAlliance(sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, ALLIANCE_PASSIVE, flag) call SetPlayerAlliance(sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, ALLIANCE_HELP_REQUEST, flag) call SetPlayerAlliance(sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, ALLIANCE_HELP_RESPONSE, flag) call SetPlayerAlliance(sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, ALLIANCE_SHARED_XP, flag) call SetPlayerAlliance(sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, ALLIANCE_SHARED_SPELLS, flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Set all flags used by the in-game "Shared Vision" checkbox. // function SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ takes player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, boolean flag returns nothing call SetPlayerAlliance(sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION, flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Set all flags used by the in-game "Shared Units" checkbox. // function SetPlayerAllianceStateControlBJ takes player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, boolean flag returns nothing call SetPlayerAlliance(sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, ALLIANCE_SHARED_CONTROL, flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Set all flags used by the in-game "Shared Units" checkbox with the Full // Shared Unit Control feature enabled. // function SetPlayerAllianceStateFullControlBJ takes player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, boolean flag returns nothing call SetPlayerAlliance(sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, ALLIANCE_SHARED_ADVANCED_CONTROL, flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetPlayerAllianceStateBJ takes player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, integer allianceState returns nothing // Prevent players from attempting to ally with themselves. if (sourcePlayer == otherPlayer) then return endif if allianceState == bj_ALLIANCE_UNALLIED then call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateControlBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateFullControlBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) elseif allianceState == bj_ALLIANCE_UNALLIED_VISION then call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, true ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateControlBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateFullControlBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) elseif allianceState == bj_ALLIANCE_ALLIED then call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, true ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateControlBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateFullControlBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) elseif allianceState == bj_ALLIANCE_ALLIED_VISION then call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, true ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, true ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateControlBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateFullControlBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) elseif allianceState == bj_ALLIANCE_ALLIED_UNITS then call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, true ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, true ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateControlBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, true ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateFullControlBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) elseif allianceState == bj_ALLIANCE_ALLIED_ADVUNITS then call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, true ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, true ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateControlBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, true ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateFullControlBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, true ) elseif allianceState == bj_ALLIANCE_NEUTRAL then call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateControlBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateFullControlBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) call SetPlayerAlliance( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, ALLIANCE_PASSIVE, true ) elseif allianceState == bj_ALLIANCE_NEUTRAL_VISION then call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, true ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateControlBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) call SetPlayerAllianceStateFullControlBJ( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, false ) call SetPlayerAlliance( sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, ALLIANCE_PASSIVE, true ) else // Unrecognized alliance state - ignore the request. endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Set the alliance states for an entire force towards another force. // function SetForceAllianceStateBJ takes force sourceForce, force targetForce, integer allianceState returns nothing local integer sourceIndex local integer targetIndex set sourceIndex = 0 loop if (sourceForce==bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS or IsPlayerInForce(Player(sourceIndex), sourceForce)) then set targetIndex = 0 loop if (targetForce==bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS or IsPlayerInForce(Player(targetIndex), targetForce)) then call SetPlayerAllianceStateBJ(Player(sourceIndex), Player(targetIndex), allianceState) endif set targetIndex = targetIndex + 1 exitwhen targetIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS endloop endif set sourceIndex = sourceIndex + 1 exitwhen sourceIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS endloop endfunction //=========================================================================== // Test to see if two players are co-allied (allied with each other). // function PlayersAreCoAllied takes player playerA, player playerB returns boolean // Players are considered to be allied with themselves. if (playerA == playerB) then return true endif // Co-allies are both allied with each other. if GetPlayerAlliance(playerA, playerB, ALLIANCE_PASSIVE) then if GetPlayerAlliance(playerB, playerA, ALLIANCE_PASSIVE) then return true endif endif return false endfunction //=========================================================================== // Force (whichPlayer) AI player to share vision and advanced unit control // with all AI players of its allies. // function ShareEverythingWithTeamAI takes player whichPlayer returns nothing local integer playerIndex local player indexPlayer set playerIndex = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(playerIndex) if (PlayersAreCoAllied(whichPlayer, indexPlayer) and whichPlayer != indexPlayer) then if (GetPlayerController(indexPlayer) == MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER) then call SetPlayerAlliance(whichPlayer, indexPlayer, ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION, true) call SetPlayerAlliance(whichPlayer, indexPlayer, ALLIANCE_SHARED_CONTROL, true) call SetPlayerAlliance(whichPlayer, indexPlayer, ALLIANCE_SHARED_ADVANCED_CONTROL, true) endif endif set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1 exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop endfunction //=========================================================================== // Force (whichPlayer) to share vision and advanced unit control with all of his/her allies. // function ShareEverythingWithTeam takes player whichPlayer returns nothing local integer playerIndex local player indexPlayer set playerIndex = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(playerIndex) if (PlayersAreCoAllied(whichPlayer, indexPlayer) and whichPlayer != indexPlayer) then call SetPlayerAlliance(whichPlayer, indexPlayer, ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION, true) call SetPlayerAlliance(whichPlayer, indexPlayer, ALLIANCE_SHARED_CONTROL, true) call SetPlayerAlliance(indexPlayer, whichPlayer, ALLIANCE_SHARED_CONTROL, true) call SetPlayerAlliance(whichPlayer, indexPlayer, ALLIANCE_SHARED_ADVANCED_CONTROL, true) endif set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1 exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop endfunction //=========================================================================== // Creates a 'Neutral Victim' player slot. This slot is passive towards all // other players, but all other players are aggressive towards him/her. // function ConfigureNeutralVictim takes nothing returns nothing local integer index local player indexPlayer local player neutralVictim = Player(bj_PLAYER_NEUTRAL_VICTIM) set index = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(index) call SetPlayerAlliance(neutralVictim, indexPlayer, ALLIANCE_PASSIVE, true) call SetPlayerAlliance(indexPlayer, neutralVictim, ALLIANCE_PASSIVE, false) set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop // Neutral Victim and Neutral Aggressive should not fight each other. set indexPlayer = Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE) call SetPlayerAlliance(neutralVictim, indexPlayer, ALLIANCE_PASSIVE, true) call SetPlayerAlliance(indexPlayer, neutralVictim, ALLIANCE_PASSIVE, true) // Neutral Victim does not give bounties. call SetPlayerState(neutralVictim, PLAYER_STATE_GIVES_BOUNTY, 0) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MakeUnitsPassiveForPlayerEnum takes nothing returns nothing call SetUnitOwner(GetEnumUnit(), Player(bj_PLAYER_NEUTRAL_VICTIM), false) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Change ownership for every unit of (whichPlayer)'s team to neutral passive. // function MakeUnitsPassiveForPlayer takes player whichPlayer returns nothing local group playerUnits = CreateGroup() call CachePlayerHeroData(whichPlayer) call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(playerUnits, whichPlayer, null) call ForGroup(playerUnits, function MakeUnitsPassiveForPlayerEnum) call DestroyGroup(playerUnits) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Change ownership for every unit of (whichPlayer)'s team to neutral passive. // function MakeUnitsPassiveForTeam takes player whichPlayer returns nothing local integer playerIndex local player indexPlayer set playerIndex = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(playerIndex) if PlayersAreCoAllied(whichPlayer, indexPlayer) then call MakeUnitsPassiveForPlayer(indexPlayer) endif set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1 exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop endfunction //=========================================================================== // Determine whether or not victory/defeat is disabled via cheat codes. // function AllowVictoryDefeat takes playergameresult gameResult returns boolean if (gameResult == PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_VICTORY) then return not IsNoVictoryCheat() endif if (gameResult == PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_DEFEAT) then return not IsNoDefeatCheat() endif if (gameResult == PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_NEUTRAL) then return (not IsNoVictoryCheat()) and (not IsNoDefeatCheat()) endif return true endfunction //=========================================================================== function EndGameBJ takes nothing returns nothing call EndGame( true ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeVictoryDialogBJ takes player whichPlayer, boolean leftGame returns nothing local trigger t = CreateTrigger() local dialog d = DialogCreate() local string formatString // Display "player was victorious" or "player has left the game" message if (leftGame) then set formatString = GetLocalizedString( "PLAYER_LEFT_GAME" ) else set formatString = GetLocalizedString( "PLAYER_VICTORIOUS" ) endif call DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer(whichPlayer, 0, 0, 60, formatString) call DialogSetMessage( d, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_VICTORY_MSG" ) ) call DialogAddButton( d, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_CONTINUE_GAME" ), GetLocalizedHotkey("GAMEOVER_CONTINUE_GAME") ) set t = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, DialogAddQuitButton( d, true, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_QUIT_GAME" ), GetLocalizedHotkey("GAMEOVER_QUIT_GAME") ) ) call DialogDisplay( whichPlayer, d, true ) call StartSoundForPlayerBJ( whichPlayer, bj_victoryDialogSound ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeDefeatDialogBJ takes player whichPlayer, boolean leftGame returns nothing local trigger t = CreateTrigger() local dialog d = DialogCreate() local string formatString // Display "player was defeated" or "player has left the game" message if (leftGame) then set formatString = GetLocalizedString( "PLAYER_LEFT_GAME" ) else set formatString = GetLocalizedString( "PLAYER_DEFEATED" ) endif call DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer(whichPlayer, 0, 0, 60, formatString) call DialogSetMessage( d, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_DEFEAT_MSG" ) ) // Only show the continue button if the game is not over and observers on death are allowed if (not bj_meleeGameOver and IsMapFlagSet(MAP_OBSERVERS_ON_DEATH)) then call DialogAddButton( d, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_CONTINUE_OBSERVING" ), GetLocalizedHotkey("GAMEOVER_CONTINUE_OBSERVING") ) endif set t = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, DialogAddQuitButton( d, true, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_QUIT_GAME" ), GetLocalizedHotkey("GAMEOVER_QUIT_GAME") ) ) call DialogDisplay( whichPlayer, d, true ) call StartSoundForPlayerBJ( whichPlayer, bj_defeatDialogSound ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GameOverDialogBJ takes player whichPlayer, boolean leftGame returns nothing local trigger t = CreateTrigger() local dialog d = DialogCreate() local string s // Display "player left the game" message call DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer(whichPlayer, 0, 0, 60, GetLocalizedString( "PLAYER_LEFT_GAME" )) if (GetIntegerGameState(GAME_STATE_DISCONNECTED) != 0) then set s = GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_DISCONNECTED" ) else set s = GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_GAME_OVER" ) endif call DialogSetMessage( d, s ) set t = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, DialogAddQuitButton( d, true, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_OK" ), GetLocalizedHotkey("GAMEOVER_OK") ) ) call DialogDisplay( whichPlayer, d, true ) call StartSoundForPlayerBJ( whichPlayer, bj_defeatDialogSound ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function RemovePlayerPreserveUnitsBJ takes player whichPlayer, playergameresult gameResult, boolean leftGame returns nothing if AllowVictoryDefeat(gameResult) then call RemovePlayer(whichPlayer, gameResult) if( gameResult == PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_VICTORY ) then call MeleeVictoryDialogBJ( whichPlayer, leftGame ) return elseif( gameResult == PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_DEFEAT ) then call MeleeDefeatDialogBJ( whichPlayer, leftGame ) else call GameOverDialogBJ( whichPlayer, leftGame ) endif endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function CustomVictoryOkBJ takes nothing returns nothing if bj_isSinglePlayer then call PauseGame( false ) // Bump the difficulty back up to the default. call SetGameDifficulty(GetDefaultDifficulty()) endif if (bj_changeLevelMapName == null) then call EndGame( bj_changeLevelShowScores ) else call ChangeLevel( bj_changeLevelMapName, bj_changeLevelShowScores ) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function CustomVictoryQuitBJ takes nothing returns nothing if bj_isSinglePlayer then call PauseGame( false ) // Bump the difficulty back up to the default. call SetGameDifficulty(GetDefaultDifficulty()) endif call EndGame( bj_changeLevelShowScores ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function CustomVictoryDialogBJ takes player whichPlayer returns nothing local trigger t = CreateTrigger() local dialog d = DialogCreate() call DialogSetMessage( d, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_VICTORY_MSG" ) ) set t = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, DialogAddButton( d, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_CONTINUE" ), GetLocalizedHotkey("GAMEOVER_CONTINUE") ) ) call TriggerAddAction( t, function CustomVictoryOkBJ ) set t = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, DialogAddButton( d, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_QUIT_MISSION" ), GetLocalizedHotkey("GAMEOVER_QUIT_MISSION") ) ) call TriggerAddAction( t, function CustomVictoryQuitBJ ) if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then call EnableUserControl( true ) if bj_isSinglePlayer then call PauseGame( true ) endif call EnableUserUI(false) endif call DialogDisplay( whichPlayer, d, true ) call VolumeGroupSetVolumeForPlayerBJ( whichPlayer, SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UI, 1.0 ) call StartSoundForPlayerBJ( whichPlayer, bj_victoryDialogSound ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function CustomVictorySkipBJ takes player whichPlayer returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then if bj_isSinglePlayer then // Bump the difficulty back up to the default. call SetGameDifficulty(GetDefaultDifficulty()) endif if (bj_changeLevelMapName == null) then call EndGame( bj_changeLevelShowScores ) else call ChangeLevel( bj_changeLevelMapName, bj_changeLevelShowScores ) endif endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function CustomVictoryBJ takes player whichPlayer, boolean showDialog, boolean showScores returns nothing if AllowVictoryDefeat( PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_VICTORY ) then call RemovePlayer( whichPlayer, PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_VICTORY ) if not bj_isSinglePlayer then call DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer(whichPlayer, 0, 0, 60, GetLocalizedString( "PLAYER_VICTORIOUS" ) ) endif // UI only needs to be displayed to users. if (GetPlayerController(whichPlayer) == MAP_CONTROL_USER) then set bj_changeLevelShowScores = showScores if showDialog then call CustomVictoryDialogBJ( whichPlayer ) else call CustomVictorySkipBJ( whichPlayer ) endif endif endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function CustomDefeatRestartBJ takes nothing returns nothing call PauseGame( false ) call RestartGame( true ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function CustomDefeatReduceDifficultyBJ takes nothing returns nothing local gamedifficulty diff = GetGameDifficulty() call PauseGame( false ) // Knock the difficulty down, if possible. if (diff == MAP_DIFFICULTY_EASY) then // Sorry, but it doesn't get any easier than this. elseif (diff == MAP_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL) then call SetGameDifficulty(MAP_DIFFICULTY_EASY) elseif (diff == MAP_DIFFICULTY_HARD) then call SetGameDifficulty(MAP_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL) else // Unrecognized difficulty endif call RestartGame( true ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function CustomDefeatLoadBJ takes nothing returns nothing call PauseGame( false ) call DisplayLoadDialog() endfunction //=========================================================================== function CustomDefeatQuitBJ takes nothing returns nothing if bj_isSinglePlayer then call PauseGame( false ) endif // Bump the difficulty back up to the default. call SetGameDifficulty(GetDefaultDifficulty()) call EndGame( true ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function CustomDefeatDialogBJ takes player whichPlayer, string message returns nothing local trigger t = CreateTrigger() local dialog d = DialogCreate() call DialogSetMessage( d, message ) if bj_isSinglePlayer then set t = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, DialogAddButton( d, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_RESTART" ), GetLocalizedHotkey("GAMEOVER_RESTART") ) ) call TriggerAddAction( t, function CustomDefeatRestartBJ ) if (GetGameDifficulty() != MAP_DIFFICULTY_EASY) then set t = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, DialogAddButton( d, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_REDUCE_DIFFICULTY" ), GetLocalizedHotkey("GAMEOVER_REDUCE_DIFFICULTY") ) ) call TriggerAddAction( t, function CustomDefeatReduceDifficultyBJ ) endif set t = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, DialogAddButton( d, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_LOAD" ), GetLocalizedHotkey("GAMEOVER_LOAD") ) ) call TriggerAddAction( t, function CustomDefeatLoadBJ ) endif set t = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent( t, DialogAddButton( d, GetLocalizedString( "GAMEOVER_QUIT_MISSION" ), GetLocalizedHotkey("GAMEOVER_QUIT_MISSION") ) ) call TriggerAddAction( t, function CustomDefeatQuitBJ ) if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then call EnableUserControl( true ) if bj_isSinglePlayer then call PauseGame( true ) endif call EnableUserUI(false) endif call DialogDisplay( whichPlayer, d, true ) call VolumeGroupSetVolumeForPlayerBJ( whichPlayer, SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UI, 1.0 ) call StartSoundForPlayerBJ( whichPlayer, bj_defeatDialogSound ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function CustomDefeatBJ takes player whichPlayer, string message returns nothing if AllowVictoryDefeat( PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_DEFEAT ) then call RemovePlayer( whichPlayer, PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_DEFEAT ) if not bj_isSinglePlayer then call DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer(whichPlayer, 0, 0, 60, GetLocalizedString( "PLAYER_DEFEATED" ) ) endif // UI only needs to be displayed to users. if (GetPlayerController(whichPlayer) == MAP_CONTROL_USER) then call CustomDefeatDialogBJ( whichPlayer, message ) endif endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetNextLevelBJ takes string nextLevel returns nothing if (nextLevel == "") then set bj_changeLevelMapName = null else set bj_changeLevelMapName = nextLevel endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetPlayerOnScoreScreenBJ takes boolean flag, player whichPlayer returns nothing call SetPlayerOnScoreScreen(whichPlayer, flag) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Quest Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function CreateQuestBJ takes integer questType, string title, string description, string iconPath returns quest local boolean required = (questType == bj_QUESTTYPE_REQ_DISCOVERED) or (questType == bj_QUESTTYPE_REQ_UNDISCOVERED) local boolean discovered = (questType == bj_QUESTTYPE_REQ_DISCOVERED) or (questType == bj_QUESTTYPE_OPT_DISCOVERED) set bj_lastCreatedQuest = CreateQuest() call QuestSetTitle(bj_lastCreatedQuest, title) call QuestSetDescription(bj_lastCreatedQuest, description) call QuestSetIconPath(bj_lastCreatedQuest, iconPath) call QuestSetRequired(bj_lastCreatedQuest, required) call QuestSetDiscovered(bj_lastCreatedQuest, discovered) call QuestSetCompleted(bj_lastCreatedQuest, false) return bj_lastCreatedQuest endfunction //=========================================================================== function DestroyQuestBJ takes quest whichQuest returns nothing call DestroyQuest(whichQuest) endfunction //=========================================================================== function QuestSetEnabledBJ takes boolean enabled, quest whichQuest returns nothing call QuestSetEnabled(whichQuest, enabled) endfunction //=========================================================================== function QuestSetTitleBJ takes quest whichQuest, string title returns nothing call QuestSetTitle(whichQuest, title) endfunction //=========================================================================== function QuestSetDescriptionBJ takes quest whichQuest, string description returns nothing call QuestSetDescription(whichQuest, description) endfunction //=========================================================================== function QuestSetCompletedBJ takes quest whichQuest, boolean completed returns nothing call QuestSetCompleted(whichQuest, completed) endfunction //=========================================================================== function QuestSetFailedBJ takes quest whichQuest, boolean failed returns nothing call QuestSetFailed(whichQuest, failed) endfunction //=========================================================================== function QuestSetDiscoveredBJ takes quest whichQuest, boolean discovered returns nothing call QuestSetDiscovered(whichQuest, discovered) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedQuestBJ takes nothing returns quest return bj_lastCreatedQuest endfunction //=========================================================================== function CreateQuestItemBJ takes quest whichQuest, string description returns questitem set bj_lastCreatedQuestItem = QuestCreateItem(whichQuest) call QuestItemSetDescription(bj_lastCreatedQuestItem, description) call QuestItemSetCompleted(bj_lastCreatedQuestItem, false) return bj_lastCreatedQuestItem endfunction //=========================================================================== function QuestItemSetDescriptionBJ takes questitem whichQuestItem, string description returns nothing call QuestItemSetDescription(whichQuestItem, description) endfunction //=========================================================================== function QuestItemSetCompletedBJ takes questitem whichQuestItem, boolean completed returns nothing call QuestItemSetCompleted(whichQuestItem, completed) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedQuestItemBJ takes nothing returns questitem return bj_lastCreatedQuestItem endfunction //=========================================================================== function CreateDefeatConditionBJ takes string description returns defeatcondition set bj_lastCreatedDefeatCondition = CreateDefeatCondition() call DefeatConditionSetDescription(bj_lastCreatedDefeatCondition, description) return bj_lastCreatedDefeatCondition endfunction //=========================================================================== function DestroyDefeatConditionBJ takes defeatcondition whichCondition returns nothing call DestroyDefeatCondition(whichCondition) endfunction //=========================================================================== function DefeatConditionSetDescriptionBJ takes defeatcondition whichCondition, string description returns nothing call DefeatConditionSetDescription(whichCondition, description) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedDefeatConditionBJ takes nothing returns defeatcondition return bj_lastCreatedDefeatCondition endfunction //=========================================================================== function FlashQuestDialogButtonBJ takes nothing returns nothing call FlashQuestDialogButton() endfunction //=========================================================================== function QuestMessageBJ takes force f, integer messageType, string message returns nothing if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), f)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. if (messageType == bj_QUESTMESSAGE_DISCOVERED) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUEST, " ") call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUEST, message) call StartSound(bj_questDiscoveredSound) call FlashQuestDialogButton() elseif (messageType == bj_QUESTMESSAGE_UPDATED) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTUPDATE, " ") call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTUPDATE, message) call StartSound(bj_questUpdatedSound) call FlashQuestDialogButton() elseif (messageType == bj_QUESTMESSAGE_COMPLETED) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTDONE, " ") call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTDONE, message) call StartSound(bj_questCompletedSound) call FlashQuestDialogButton() elseif (messageType == bj_QUESTMESSAGE_FAILED) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTFAILED, " ") call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTFAILED, message) call StartSound(bj_questFailedSound) call FlashQuestDialogButton() elseif (messageType == bj_QUESTMESSAGE_REQUIREMENT) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTREQUIREMENT, message) elseif (messageType == bj_QUESTMESSAGE_MISSIONFAILED) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_MISSIONFAILED, " ") call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_MISSIONFAILED, message) call StartSound(bj_questFailedSound) elseif (messageType == bj_QUESTMESSAGE_HINT) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_HINT, " ") call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_HINT, message) call StartSound(bj_questHintSound) elseif (messageType == bj_QUESTMESSAGE_ALWAYSHINT) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_ALWAYSHINT, " ") call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_ALWAYSHINT, message) call StartSound(bj_questHintSound) elseif (messageType == bj_QUESTMESSAGE_SECRET) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_SECRET, " ") call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_SECRET, message) call StartSound(bj_questSecretSound) elseif (messageType == bj_QUESTMESSAGE_UNITACQUIRED) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_UNITACQUIRED, " ") call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_UNITACQUIRED, message) call StartSound(bj_questHintSound) elseif (messageType == bj_QUESTMESSAGE_UNITAVAILABLE) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_UNITAVAILABLE, " ") call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_UNITAVAILABLE, message) call StartSound(bj_questHintSound) elseif (messageType == bj_QUESTMESSAGE_ITEMACQUIRED) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_ITEMACQUIRED, " ") call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_ITEMACQUIRED, message) call StartSound(bj_questItemAcquiredSound) elseif (messageType == bj_QUESTMESSAGE_WARNING) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_WARNING, " ") call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_WARNING, message) call StartSound(bj_questWarningSound) else // Unrecognized message type - ignore the request. endif endif endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Timer Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function StartTimerBJ takes timer t, boolean periodic, real timeout returns timer set bj_lastStartedTimer = t call TimerStart(t, timeout, periodic, null) return bj_lastStartedTimer endfunction //=========================================================================== function CreateTimerBJ takes boolean periodic, real timeout returns timer set bj_lastStartedTimer = CreateTimer() call TimerStart(bj_lastStartedTimer, timeout, periodic, null) return bj_lastStartedTimer endfunction //=========================================================================== function DestroyTimerBJ takes timer whichTimer returns nothing call DestroyTimer(whichTimer) endfunction //=========================================================================== function PauseTimerBJ takes boolean pause, timer whichTimer returns nothing if pause then call PauseTimer(whichTimer) else call ResumeTimer(whichTimer) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedTimerBJ takes nothing returns timer return bj_lastStartedTimer endfunction //=========================================================================== function CreateTimerDialogBJ takes timer t, string title returns timerdialog set bj_lastCreatedTimerDialog = CreateTimerDialog(t) call TimerDialogSetTitle(bj_lastCreatedTimerDialog, title) call TimerDialogDisplay(bj_lastCreatedTimerDialog, true) return bj_lastCreatedTimerDialog endfunction //=========================================================================== function DestroyTimerDialogBJ takes timerdialog td returns nothing call DestroyTimerDialog(td) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TimerDialogSetTitleBJ takes timerdialog td, string title returns nothing call TimerDialogSetTitle(td, title) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TimerDialogSetTitleColorBJ takes timerdialog td, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency returns nothing call TimerDialogSetTitleColor(td, PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-transparency)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TimerDialogSetTimeColorBJ takes timerdialog td, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency returns nothing call TimerDialogSetTimeColor(td, PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-transparency)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TimerDialogSetSpeedBJ takes timerdialog td, real speedMultFactor returns nothing call TimerDialogSetSpeed(td, speedMultFactor) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TimerDialogDisplayForPlayerBJ takes boolean show, timerdialog td, player whichPlayer returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call TimerDialogDisplay(td, show) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function TimerDialogDisplayBJ takes boolean show, timerdialog td returns nothing call TimerDialogDisplay(td, show) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedTimerDialogBJ takes nothing returns timerdialog return bj_lastCreatedTimerDialog endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Leaderboard Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardResizeBJ takes leaderboard lb returns nothing local integer size = LeaderboardGetItemCount(lb) if (LeaderboardGetLabelText(lb) == "") then set size = size - 1 endif call LeaderboardSetSizeByItemCount(lb, size) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemval1ueBJ takes player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, integer val1 returns nothing call LeaderboardSetItemval1ue(lb, LeaderboardGetPlayerIndex(lb, whichPlayer), val1) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemLabelBJ takes player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, string val1 returns nothing call LeaderboardSetItemLabel(lb, LeaderboardGetPlayerIndex(lb, whichPlayer), val1) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemStyleBJ takes player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, boolean showLabel, boolean showval1ue, boolean showIcon returns nothing call LeaderboardSetItemStyle(lb, LeaderboardGetPlayerIndex(lb, whichPlayer), showLabel, showval1ue, showIcon) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemLabelColorBJ takes player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency returns nothing call LeaderboardSetItemLabelColor(lb, LeaderboardGetPlayerIndex(lb, whichPlayer), PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-transparency)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemval1ueColorBJ takes player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency returns nothing call LeaderboardSetItemval1ueColor(lb, LeaderboardGetPlayerIndex(lb, whichPlayer), PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-transparency)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardSetLabelColorBJ takes leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency returns nothing call LeaderboardSetLabelColor(lb, PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-transparency)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardSetval1ueColorBJ takes leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency returns nothing call LeaderboardSetval1ueColor(lb, PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-transparency)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardSetLabelBJ takes leaderboard lb, string label returns nothing call LeaderboardSetLabel(lb, label) call LeaderboardResizeBJ(lb) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardSetStyleBJ takes leaderboard lb, boolean showLabel, boolean showNames, boolean showval1ues, boolean showIcons returns nothing call LeaderboardSetStyle(lb, showLabel, showNames, showval1ues, showIcons) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardGetItemCountBJ takes leaderboard lb returns integer return LeaderboardGetItemCount(lb) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardHasPlayerItemBJ takes leaderboard lb, player whichPlayer returns boolean return LeaderboardHasPlayerItem(lb, whichPlayer) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ForceSetLeaderboardBJ takes leaderboard lb, force toForce returns nothing local integer index local player indexPlayer set index = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(index) if IsPlayerInForce(indexPlayer, toForce) then call PlayerSetLeaderboard(indexPlayer, lb) endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop endfunction //=========================================================================== function CreateLeaderboardBJ takes force toForce, string label returns leaderboard set bj_lastCreatedLeaderboard = CreateLeaderboard() call LeaderboardSetLabel(bj_lastCreatedLeaderboard, label) call ForceSetLeaderboardBJ(bj_lastCreatedLeaderboard, toForce) call LeaderboardDisplay(bj_lastCreatedLeaderboard, true) return bj_lastCreatedLeaderboard endfunction //=========================================================================== function DestroyLeaderboardBJ takes leaderboard lb returns nothing call DestroyLeaderboard(lb) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardDisplayBJ takes boolean show, leaderboard lb returns nothing call LeaderboardDisplay(lb, show) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardAddItemBJ takes player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, string label, integer val1ue returns nothing if (LeaderboardHasPlayerItem(lb, whichPlayer)) then call LeaderboardRemovePlayerItem(lb, whichPlayer) endif call LeaderboardAddItem(lb, label, val1ue, whichPlayer) call LeaderboardResizeBJ(lb) //call LeaderboardSetSizeByItemCount(lb, LeaderboardGetItemCount(lb)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardRemovePlayerItemBJ takes player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb returns nothing call LeaderboardRemovePlayerItem(lb, whichPlayer) call LeaderboardResizeBJ(lb) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardSortItemsBJ takes leaderboard lb, integer sortType, boolean ascending returns nothing if (sortType == bj_SORTTYPE_SORTBYval1UE) then call LeaderboardSortItemsByval1ue(lb, ascending) elseif (sortType == bj_SORTTYPE_SORTBYPLAYER) then call LeaderboardSortItemsByPlayer(lb, ascending) elseif (sortType == bj_SORTTYPE_SORTBYLABEL) then call LeaderboardSortItemsByLabel(lb, ascending) else // Unrecognized sort type - ignore the request. endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardSortItemsByPlayerBJ takes leaderboard lb, boolean ascending returns nothing call LeaderboardSortItemsByPlayer(lb, ascending) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardSortItemsByLabelBJ takes leaderboard lb, boolean ascending returns nothing call LeaderboardSortItemsByLabel(lb, ascending) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LeaderboardGetPlayerIndexBJ takes player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb returns integer return LeaderboardGetPlayerIndex(lb, whichPlayer) + 1 endfunction //=========================================================================== // Returns the player who is occupying a specified position in a leaderboard. // The position parameter is expected in the range of 1..16. // function LeaderboardGetIndexedPlayerBJ takes integer position, leaderboard lb returns player local integer index local player indexPlayer set index = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(index) if (LeaderboardGetPlayerIndex(lb, indexPlayer) == position - 1) then return indexPlayer endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop return Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE) endfunction //=========================================================================== function PlayerGetLeaderboardBJ takes player whichPlayer returns leaderboard return PlayerGetLeaderboard(whichPlayer) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedLeaderboard takes nothing returns leaderboard return bj_lastCreatedLeaderboard endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Multiboard Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function CreateMultiboardBJ takes integer cols, integer rows, string title returns multiboard set bj_lastCreatedMultiboard = CreateMultiboard() call MultiboardSetRowCount(bj_lastCreatedMultiboard, rows) call MultiboardSetColumnCount(bj_lastCreatedMultiboard, cols) call MultiboardSetTitleText(bj_lastCreatedMultiboard, title) call MultiboardDisplay(bj_lastCreatedMultiboard, true) return bj_lastCreatedMultiboard endfunction //=========================================================================== function DestroyMultiboardBJ takes multiboard mb returns nothing call DestroyMultiboard(mb) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedMultiboard takes nothing returns multiboard return bj_lastCreatedMultiboard endfunction //=========================================================================== function MultiboardDisplayBJ takes boolean show, multiboard mb returns nothing call MultiboardDisplay(mb, show) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MultiboardMinimizeBJ takes boolean minimize, multiboard mb returns nothing call MultiboardMinimize(mb, minimize) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MultiboardSetTitleTextColorBJ takes multiboard mb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency returns nothing call MultiboardSetTitleTextColor(mb, PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-transparency)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MultiboardAllowDisplayBJ takes boolean flag returns nothing call MultiboardSuppressDisplay(not flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MultiboardSetItemStyleBJ takes multiboard mb, integer col, integer row, boolean showval1ue, boolean showIcon returns nothing local integer curRow = 0 local integer curCol = 0 local integer numRows = MultiboardGetRowCount(mb) local integer numCols = MultiboardGetColumnCount(mb) local multiboarditem mbitem = null // Loop over rows, using 1-based index loop set curRow = curRow + 1 exitwhen curRow > numRows // Apply setting to the requested row, or all rows (if row is 0) if (row == 0 or row == curRow) then // Loop over columns, using 1-based index set curCol = 0 loop set curCol = curCol + 1 exitwhen curCol > numCols // Apply setting to the requested column, or all columns (if col is 0) if (col == 0 or col == curCol) then set mbitem = MultiboardGetItem(mb, curRow - 1, curCol - 1) call MultiboardSetItemStyle(mbitem, showval1ue, showIcon) call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbitem) endif endloop endif endloop endfunction //=========================================================================== function MultiboardSetItemval1ueBJ takes multiboard mb, integer col, integer row, string val1 returns nothing local integer curRow = 0 local integer curCol = 0 local integer numRows = MultiboardGetRowCount(mb) local integer numCols = MultiboardGetColumnCount(mb) local multiboarditem mbitem = null // Loop over rows, using 1-based index loop set curRow = curRow + 1 exitwhen curRow > numRows // Apply setting to the requested row, or all rows (if row is 0) if (row == 0 or row == curRow) then // Loop over columns, using 1-based index set curCol = 0 loop set curCol = curCol + 1 exitwhen curCol > numCols // Apply setting to the requested column, or all columns (if col is 0) if (col == 0 or col == curCol) then set mbitem = MultiboardGetItem(mb, curRow - 1, curCol - 1) call MultiboardSetItemval1ue(mbitem, val1) call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbitem) endif endloop endif endloop endfunction //=========================================================================== function MultiboardSetItemColorBJ takes multiboard mb, integer col, integer row, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency returns nothing local integer curRow = 0 local integer curCol = 0 local integer numRows = MultiboardGetRowCount(mb) local integer numCols = MultiboardGetColumnCount(mb) local multiboarditem mbitem = null // Loop over rows, using 1-based index loop set curRow = curRow + 1 exitwhen curRow > numRows // Apply setting to the requested row, or all rows (if row is 0) if (row == 0 or row == curRow) then // Loop over columns, using 1-based index set curCol = 0 loop set curCol = curCol + 1 exitwhen curCol > numCols // Apply setting to the requested column, or all columns (if col is 0) if (col == 0 or col == curCol) then set mbitem = MultiboardGetItem(mb, curRow - 1, curCol - 1) call MultiboardSetItemval1ueColor(mbitem, PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-transparency)) call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbitem) endif endloop endif endloop endfunction //=========================================================================== function MultiboardSetItemWidthBJ takes multiboard mb, integer col, integer row, real width returns nothing local integer curRow = 0 local integer curCol = 0 local integer numRows = MultiboardGetRowCount(mb) local integer numCols = MultiboardGetColumnCount(mb) local multiboarditem mbitem = null // Loop over rows, using 1-based index loop set curRow = curRow + 1 exitwhen curRow > numRows // Apply setting to the requested row, or all rows (if row is 0) if (row == 0 or row == curRow) then // Loop over columns, using 1-based index set curCol = 0 loop set curCol = curCol + 1 exitwhen curCol > numCols // Apply setting to the requested column, or all columns (if col is 0) if (col == 0 or col == curCol) then set mbitem = MultiboardGetItem(mb, curRow - 1, curCol - 1) call MultiboardSetItemWidth(mbitem, width/100.0) call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbitem) endif endloop endif endloop endfunction //=========================================================================== function MultiboardSetItemIconBJ takes multiboard mb, integer col, integer row, string iconFileName returns nothing local integer curRow = 0 local integer curCol = 0 local integer numRows = MultiboardGetRowCount(mb) local integer numCols = MultiboardGetColumnCount(mb) local multiboarditem mbitem = null // Loop over rows, using 1-based index loop set curRow = curRow + 1 exitwhen curRow > numRows // Apply setting to the requested row, or all rows (if row is 0) if (row == 0 or row == curRow) then // Loop over columns, using 1-based index set curCol = 0 loop set curCol = curCol + 1 exitwhen curCol > numCols // Apply setting to the requested column, or all columns (if col is 0) if (col == 0 or col == curCol) then set mbitem = MultiboardGetItem(mb, curRow - 1, curCol - 1) call MultiboardSetItemIcon(mbitem, iconFileName) call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbitem) endif endloop endif endloop endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Text Tag Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== // Scale the font size linearly such that size 10 equates to height 0.023. // Screen-relative font heights are harder to grasp and than font sizes. // function TextTagSize2Height takes real size returns real return size * 0.023 / 10 endfunction //=========================================================================== // Scale the speed linearly such that speed 128 equates to 0.071. // Screen-relative speeds are hard to grasp. // function TextTagSpeed2Velocity takes real speed returns real return speed * 0.071 / 128 endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetTextTagColorBJ takes texttag tt, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency returns nothing call SetTextTagColor(tt, PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100.0-transparency)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetTextTagVelocityBJ takes texttag tt, real speed, real angle returns nothing local real vel = TextTagSpeed2Velocity(speed) local real xvel = vel * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD) local real yvel = vel * Sin(angle * bj_DEGTORAD) call SetTextTagVelocity(tt, xvel, yvel) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetTextTagTextBJ takes texttag tt, string s, real size returns nothing local real textHeight = TextTagSize2Height(size) call SetTextTagText(tt, s, textHeight) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetTextTagPosBJ takes texttag tt, location loc, real zOffset returns nothing call SetTextTagPos(tt, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), zOffset) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetTextTagPosUnitBJ takes texttag tt, unit whichUnit, real zOffset returns nothing call SetTextTagPosUnit(tt, whichUnit, zOffset) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetTextTagSuspendedBJ takes texttag tt, boolean flag returns nothing call SetTextTagSuspended(tt, flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetTextTagPermanentBJ takes texttag tt, boolean flag returns nothing call SetTextTagPermanent(tt, flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetTextTagAgeBJ takes texttag tt, real age returns nothing call SetTextTagAge(tt, age) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetTextTagLifespanBJ takes texttag tt, real lifespan returns nothing call SetTextTagLifespan(tt, lifespan) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetTextTagFadepointBJ takes texttag tt, real fadepoint returns nothing call SetTextTagFadepoint(tt, fadepoint) endfunction //=========================================================================== function CreateTextTagLocBJ takes string s, location loc, real zOffset, real size, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency returns texttag set bj_lastCreatedTextTag = CreateTextTag() call SetTextTagTextBJ(bj_lastCreatedTextTag, s, size) call SetTextTagPosBJ(bj_lastCreatedTextTag, loc, zOffset) call SetTextTagColorBJ(bj_lastCreatedTextTag, red, green, blue, transparency) return bj_lastCreatedTextTag endfunction //=========================================================================== function CreateTextTagUnitBJ takes string s, unit whichUnit, real zOffset, real size, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency returns texttag set bj_lastCreatedTextTag = CreateTextTag() call SetTextTagTextBJ(bj_lastCreatedTextTag, s, size) call SetTextTagPosUnitBJ(bj_lastCreatedTextTag, whichUnit, zOffset) call SetTextTagColorBJ(bj_lastCreatedTextTag, red, green, blue, transparency) return bj_lastCreatedTextTag endfunction //=========================================================================== function DestroyTextTagBJ takes texttag tt returns nothing call DestroyTextTag(tt) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ShowTextTagForceBJ takes boolean show, texttag tt, force whichForce returns nothing if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), whichForce)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call SetTextTagVisibility(tt, show) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedTextTag takes nothing returns texttag return bj_lastCreatedTextTag endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Cinematic Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function PauseGameOn takes nothing returns nothing call PauseGame(true) endfunction //=========================================================================== function PauseGameOff takes nothing returns nothing call PauseGame(false) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUserControlForceOn takes force whichForce returns nothing if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), whichForce)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call EnableUserControl(true) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUserControlForceOff takes force whichForce returns nothing if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), whichForce)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call EnableUserControl(false) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function ShowInterfaceForceOn takes force whichForce, real fadeDuration returns nothing if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), whichForce)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call ShowInterface(true, fadeDuration) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function ShowInterfaceForceOff takes force whichForce, real fadeDuration returns nothing if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), whichForce)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call ShowInterface(false, fadeDuration) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function PingMinimapForForce takes force whichForce, real x, real y, real duration returns nothing if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), whichForce)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call PingMinimap(x, y, duration) //call StartSound(bj_pingMinimapSound) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function PingMinimapLocForForce takes force whichForce, location loc, real duration returns nothing call PingMinimapForForce(whichForce, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), duration) endfunction //=========================================================================== function PingMinimapForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, real x, real y, real duration returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call PingMinimap(x, y, duration) //call StartSound(bj_pingMinimapSound) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function PingMinimapLocForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, location loc, real duration returns nothing call PingMinimapForPlayer(whichPlayer, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), duration) endfunction //=========================================================================== function PingMinimapForForceEx takes force whichForce, real x, real y, real duration, integer style, real red, real green, real blue returns nothing local integer red255 = PercentTo255(red) local integer green255 = PercentTo255(green) local integer blue255 = PercentTo255(blue) if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), whichForce)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. // Prevent 100% red simple and flashy pings, as they become "attack" pings. if (red255 == 255) and (green255 == 0) and (blue255 == 0) then set red255 = 254 endif if (style == bj_MINIMAPPINGSTYLE_SIMPLE) then call PingMinimapEx(x, y, duration, red255, green255, blue255, false) elseif (style == bj_MINIMAPPINGSTYLE_FLASHY) then call PingMinimapEx(x, y, duration, red255, green255, blue255, true) elseif (style == bj_MINIMAPPINGSTYLE_ATTACK) then call PingMinimapEx(x, y, duration, 255, 0, 0, false) else // Unrecognized ping style - ignore the request. endif //call StartSound(bj_pingMinimapSound) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function PingMinimapLocForForceEx takes force whichForce, location loc, real duration, integer style, real red, real green, real blue returns nothing call PingMinimapForForceEx(whichForce, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), duration, style, red, green, blue) endfunction //=========================================================================== function EnableWorldFogBoundaryBJ takes boolean enable, force f returns nothing if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), f)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call EnableWorldFogBoundary(enable) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function EnableOcclusionBJ takes boolean enable, force f returns nothing if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), f)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call EnableOcclusion(enable) endif endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Cinematic Transmission Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== // If cancelled, stop the sound and end the cinematic scene. // function CancelCineSceneBJ takes nothing returns nothing call StopSoundBJ(bj_cineSceneLastSound, true) call EndCinematicScene() endfunction //=========================================================================== // Init a trigger to listen for END_CINEMATIC events and respond to them if // a cinematic scene is in progress. For performance reasons, this should // only be called once a cinematic scene has been started, so that maps // lacking such scenes do not bother to register for these events. // function TryInitCinematicBehaviorBJ takes nothing returns nothing local integer index if (bj_cineSceneBeingSkipped == null) then set bj_cineSceneBeingSkipped = CreateTrigger() set index = 0 loop call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(bj_cineSceneBeingSkipped, Player(index), EVENT_PLAYER_END_CINEMATIC) set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop call TriggerAddAction(bj_cineSceneBeingSkipped, function CancelCineSceneBJ) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetCinematicSceneBJ takes sound soundHandle, integer portraitUnitId, playercolor color, string speakerTitle, string text, real sceneDuration, real voiceoverDuration returns nothing set bj_cineSceneLastSound = soundHandle call PlaySoundBJ(soundHandle) call SetCinematicScene(portraitUnitId, color, speakerTitle, text, sceneDuration, voiceoverDuration) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetTransmissionDuration takes sound soundHandle, integer timeType, real timeval1 returns real local real duration if (timeType == bj_TIMETYPE_ADD) then set duration = GetSoundDurationBJ(soundHandle) + timeval1 elseif (timeType == bj_TIMETYPE_SET) then set duration = timeval1 elseif (timeType == bj_TIMETYPE_SUB) then set duration = GetSoundDurationBJ(soundHandle) - timeval1 else // Unrecognized timeType - ignore timeval1. set duration = GetSoundDurationBJ(soundHandle) endif // Make sure we have a non-negative duration. if (duration < 0) then set duration = 0 endif return duration endfunction //=========================================================================== function WaitTransmissionDuration takes sound soundHandle, integer timeType, real timeval1 returns nothing if (timeType == bj_TIMETYPE_SET) then // If we have a static duration wait, just perform the wait. call TriggerSleepAction(timeval1) elseif (soundHandle == null) then // If the sound does not exist, perform a default length wait. call TriggerSleepAction(bj_NOTHING_SOUND_DURATION) elseif (timeType == bj_TIMETYPE_SUB) then // If the transmission is cutting off the sound, wait for the sound // to be mostly finished. call WaitForSoundBJ(soundHandle, timeval1) elseif (timeType == bj_TIMETYPE_ADD) then // If the transmission is extending beyond the sound's length, wait // for it to finish, and then wait the additional time. call WaitForSoundBJ(soundHandle, 0) call TriggerSleepAction(timeval1) else // Unrecognized timeType - ignore. endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function DoTransmissionBasicsXYBJ takes integer unitId, playercolor color, real x, real y, sound soundHandle, string unitName, string message, real duration returns nothing call SetCinematicSceneBJ(soundHandle, unitId, color, unitName, message, duration + bj_TRANSMISSION_PORT_HANGTIME, duration) if (unitId != 0) then call PingMinimap(x, y, bj_TRANSMISSION_PING_TIME) //call SetCameraQuickPosition(x, y) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Display a text message to a Player Group with an accompanying sound, // portrait, speech indicator, and all that good stuff. // - Query duration of sound // - Play sound // - Display text message for duration // - Display animating portrait for duration // - Display a speech indicator for the unit // - Ping the minimap // function TransmissionFromUnitWithNameBJ takes force toForce, unit whichUnit, string unitName, sound soundHandle, string message, integer timeType, real timeval1, boolean wait returns nothing call TryInitCinematicBehaviorBJ() // Ensure that the time val1ue is non-negative. set timeval1 = RMaxBJ(timeval1, 0) set bj_lastTransmissionDuration = GetTransmissionDuration(soundHandle, timeType, timeval1) set bj_lastPlayedSound = soundHandle if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), toForce)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. if (whichUnit == null) then // If the unit reference is inval1id, send the transmission from the center of the map with no portrait. call DoTransmissionBasicsXYBJ(0, PLAYER_COLOR_RED, 0, 0, soundHandle, unitName, message, bj_lastTransmissionDuration) else call DoTransmissionBasicsXYBJ(GetUnitTypeId(whichUnit), GetPlayerColor(GetOwningPlayer(whichUnit)), GetUnitX(whichUnit), GetUnitY(whichUnit), soundHandle, unitName, message, bj_lastTransmissionDuration) if (not IsUnitHidden(whichUnit)) then call UnitAddIndicator(whichUnit, bj_TRANSMISSION_IND_RED, bj_TRANSMISSION_IND_BLUE, bj_TRANSMISSION_IND_GREEN, bj_TRANSMISSION_IND_ALPHA) endif endif endif if wait and (bj_lastTransmissionDuration > 0) then // call TriggerSleepAction(bj_lastTransmissionDuration) call WaitTransmissionDuration(soundHandle, timeType, timeval1) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // This operates like TransmissionFromUnitWithNameBJ, but for a unit type // rather than a unit instance. As such, no speech indicator is employed. // function TransmissionFromUnitTypeWithNameBJ takes force toForce, player fromPlayer, integer unitId, string unitName, location loc, sound soundHandle, string message, integer timeType, real timeval1, boolean wait returns nothing call TryInitCinematicBehaviorBJ() // Ensure that the time val1ue is non-negative. set timeval1 = RMaxBJ(timeval1, 0) set bj_lastTransmissionDuration = GetTransmissionDuration(soundHandle, timeType, timeval1) set bj_lastPlayedSound = soundHandle if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), toForce)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call DoTransmissionBasicsXYBJ(unitId, GetPlayerColor(fromPlayer), GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), soundHandle, unitName, message, bj_lastTransmissionDuration) endif if wait and (bj_lastTransmissionDuration > 0) then // call TriggerSleepAction(bj_lastTransmissionDuration) call WaitTransmissionDuration(soundHandle, timeType, timeval1) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastTransmissionDurationBJ takes nothing returns real return bj_lastTransmissionDuration endfunction //=========================================================================== function ForceCinematicSubtitlesBJ takes boolean flag returns nothing call ForceCinematicSubtitles(flag) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Cinematic Mode Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== // Makes many common UI settings changes at once, for use when beginning and // ending cinematic sequences. Note that some affects apply to all players, // such as game speed. This is unavoidable. // - Clear the screen of text messages // - Hide interface UI (letterbox mode) // - Hide game messages (ally under attack, etc.) // - Disable user control // - Disable occlusion // - Set game speed (for all players) // - Lock game speed (for all players) // - Disable black mask (for all players) // - Disable fog of war (for all players) // - Disable world boundary fog (for all players) // - Dim non-speech sound channels // - End any outstanding music themes // - Fix the random seed to a set val1ue // - Reset the camera smoothing factor // function CinematicModeExBJ takes boolean cineMode, force forForce, real interfaceFadeTime returns nothing // If the game hasn't started yet, perform interface fades immediately if (not bj_gameStarted) then set interfaceFadeTime = 0 endif if (cineMode) then // Save the UI state so that we can restore it later. if (not bj_cineModeAlreadyIn) then set bj_cineModeAlreadyIn = true set bj_cineModePriorSpeed = GetGameSpeed() set bj_cineModePriorFogSetting = IsFogEnabled() set bj_cineModePriorMaskSetting = IsFogMaskEnabled() set bj_cineModePriorDawnDusk = IsDawnDuskEnabled() set bj_cineModeSavedSeed = GetRandomInt(0, 1000000) endif // Perform local changes if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), forForce)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call ClearTextMessages() call ShowInterface(false, interfaceFadeTime) call EnableUserControl(false) call EnableOcclusion(false) call SetCineModeVolumeGroupsBJ() endif // Perform global changes call SetGameSpeed(bj_CINEMODE_GAMESPEED) call SetMapFlag(MAP_LOCK_SPEED, true) call FogMaskEnable(false) call FogEnable(false) call EnableWorldFogBoundary(false) call EnableDawnDusk(false) // Use a fixed random seed, so that cinematics play consistently. call SetRandomSeed(0) else set bj_cineModeAlreadyIn = false // Perform local changes if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), forForce)) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call ShowInterface(true, interfaceFadeTime) call EnableUserControl(true) call EnableOcclusion(true) call VolumeGroupReset() call EndThematicMusic() call CameraResetSmoothingFactorBJ() endif // Perform global changes call SetMapFlag(MAP_LOCK_SPEED, false) call SetGameSpeed(bj_cineModePriorSpeed) call FogMaskEnable(bj_cineModePriorMaskSetting) call FogEnable(bj_cineModePriorFogSetting) call EnableWorldFogBoundary(true) call EnableDawnDusk(bj_cineModePriorDawnDusk) call SetRandomSeed(bj_cineModeSavedSeed) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function CinematicModeBJ takes boolean cineMode, force forForce returns nothing call CinematicModeExBJ(cineMode, forForce, bj_CINEMODE_INTERFACEFADE) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Cinematic Filter Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function DisplayCineFilterBJ takes boolean flag returns nothing call DisplayCineFilter(flag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function CinematicFadeCommonBJ takes real red, real green, real blue, real duration, string tex, real startTrans, real endTrans returns nothing if (duration == 0) then // If the fade is instant, use the same starting and ending val1ues, // so that we effectively do a set rather than a fade. set startTrans = endTrans endif call EnableUserUI(false) call SetCineFilterTexture(tex) call SetCineFilterBlendMode(BLEND_MODE_BLEND) call SetCineFilterTexMapFlags(TEXMAP_FLAG_NONE) call SetCineFilterStartUV(0, 0, 1, 1) call SetCineFilterEndUV(0, 0, 1, 1) call SetCineFilterStartColor(PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100-startTrans)) call SetCineFilterEndColor(PercentTo255(red), PercentTo255(green), PercentTo255(blue), PercentTo255(100-endTrans)) call SetCineFilterDuration(duration) call DisplayCineFilter(true) endfunction //=========================================================================== function FinishCinematicFadeBJ takes nothing returns nothing call DestroyTimer(bj_cineFadeFinishTimer) set bj_cineFadeFinishTimer = null call DisplayCineFilter(false) call EnableUserUI(true) endfunction //=========================================================================== function FinishCinematicFadeAfterBJ takes real duration returns nothing // Create a timer to end the cinematic fade. set bj_cineFadeFinishTimer = CreateTimer() call TimerStart(bj_cineFadeFinishTimer, duration, false, function FinishCinematicFadeBJ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ContinueCinematicFadeBJ takes nothing returns nothing call DestroyTimer(bj_cineFadeContinueTimer) set bj_cineFadeContinueTimer = null call CinematicFadeCommonBJ(bj_cineFadeContinueRed, bj_cineFadeContinueGreen, bj_cineFadeContinueBlue, bj_cineFadeContinueDuration, bj_cineFadeContinueTex, bj_cineFadeContinueTrans, 100) endfunction //=========================================================================== function ContinueCinematicFadeAfterBJ takes real duration, real red, real green, real blue, real trans, string tex returns nothing set bj_cineFadeContinueRed = red set bj_cineFadeContinueGreen = green set bj_cineFadeContinueBlue = blue set bj_cineFadeContinueTrans = trans set bj_cineFadeContinueDuration = duration set bj_cineFadeContinueTex = tex // Create a timer to continue the cinematic fade. set bj_cineFadeContinueTimer = CreateTimer() call TimerStart(bj_cineFadeContinueTimer, duration, false, function ContinueCinematicFadeBJ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function AbortCinematicFadeBJ takes nothing returns nothing if (bj_cineFadeContinueTimer != null) then call DestroyTimer(bj_cineFadeContinueTimer) endif if (bj_cineFadeFinishTimer != null) then call DestroyTimer(bj_cineFadeFinishTimer) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function CinematicFadeBJ takes integer fadetype, real duration, string tex, real red, real green, real blue, real trans returns nothing if (fadetype == bj_CINEFADETYPE_FADEOUT) then // Fade out to the requested color. call AbortCinematicFadeBJ() call CinematicFadeCommonBJ(red, green, blue, duration, tex, 100, trans) elseif (fadetype == bj_CINEFADETYPE_FADEIN) then // Fade in from the requested color. call AbortCinematicFadeBJ() call CinematicFadeCommonBJ(red, green, blue, duration, tex, trans, 100) call FinishCinematicFadeAfterBJ(duration) elseif (fadetype == bj_CINEFADETYPE_FADEOUTIN) then // Fade out to the requested color, and then fade back in from it. if (duration > 0) then call AbortCinematicFadeBJ() call CinematicFadeCommonBJ(red, green, blue, duration * 0.5, tex, 100, trans) call ContinueCinematicFadeAfterBJ(duration * 0.5, red, green, blue, trans, tex) call FinishCinematicFadeAfterBJ(duration) endif else // Unrecognized fadetype - ignore the request. endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function CinematicFilterGenericBJ takes real duration, blendmode bmode, string tex, real red0, real green0, real blue0, real trans0, real red1, real green1, real blue1, real trans1 returns nothing call AbortCinematicFadeBJ() call SetCineFilterTexture(tex) call SetCineFilterBlendMode(bmode) call SetCineFilterTexMapFlags(TEXMAP_FLAG_NONE) call SetCineFilterStartUV(0, 0, 1, 1) call SetCineFilterEndUV(0, 0, 1, 1) call SetCineFilterStartColor(PercentTo255(red0), PercentTo255(green0), PercentTo255(blue0), PercentTo255(100-trans0)) call SetCineFilterEndColor(PercentTo255(red1), PercentTo255(green1), PercentTo255(blue1), PercentTo255(100-trans1)) call SetCineFilterDuration(duration) call DisplayCineFilter(true) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Rescuable Unit Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== // Rescues a unit for a player. This performs the default rescue behavior, // including a rescue sound, flashing selection circle, ownership change, // and optionally a unit color change. // function RescueUnitBJ takes unit whichUnit, player rescuer, boolean changeColor returns nothing if IsUnitDeadBJ(whichUnit) or (GetOwningPlayer(whichUnit) == rescuer) then return endif call StartSound(bj_rescueSound) call SetUnitOwner(whichUnit, rescuer, changeColor) call UnitAddIndicator(whichUnit, 0, 255, 0, 255) call PingMinimapForPlayer(rescuer, GetUnitX(whichUnit), GetUnitY(whichUnit), bj_RESCUE_PING_TIME) endfunction //=========================================================================== function TriggerActionUnitRescuedBJ takes nothing returns nothing local unit theUnit = GetTriggerUnit() if IsUnitType(theUnit, UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) then call RescueUnitBJ(theUnit, GetOwningPlayer(GetRescuer()), bj_rescueChangeColorBldg) else call RescueUnitBJ(theUnit, GetOwningPlayer(GetRescuer()), bj_rescueChangeColorUnit) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Attempt to init triggers for default rescue behavior. For performance // reasons, this should only be attempted if a player is set to Rescuable, // or if a specific unit is thus flagged. // function TryInitRescuableTriggersBJ takes nothing returns nothing local integer index if (bj_rescueUnitBehavior == null) then set bj_rescueUnitBehavior = CreateTrigger() set index = 0 loop call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(bj_rescueUnitBehavior, Player(index), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESCUED, null) set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS endloop call TriggerAddAction(bj_rescueUnitBehavior, function TriggerActionUnitRescuedBJ) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Determines whether or not rescued units automatically change color upon // being rescued. // function SetRescueUnitColorChangeBJ takes boolean changeColor returns nothing set bj_rescueChangeColorUnit = changeColor endfunction //=========================================================================== // Determines whether or not rescued buildings automatically change color // upon being rescued. // function SetRescueBuildingColorChangeBJ takes boolean changeColor returns nothing set bj_rescueChangeColorBldg = changeColor endfunction //=========================================================================== function MakeUnitRescuableToForceBJEnum takes nothing returns nothing call TryInitRescuableTriggersBJ() call SetUnitRescuable(bj_makeUnitRescuableUnit, GetEnumPlayer(), bj_makeUnitRescuableFlag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MakeUnitRescuableToForceBJ takes unit whichUnit, boolean isRescuable, force whichForce returns nothing // Flag the unit as rescuable/unrescuable for the appropriate players. set bj_makeUnitRescuableUnit = whichUnit set bj_makeUnitRescuableFlag = isRescuable call ForForce(whichForce, function MakeUnitRescuableToForceBJEnum) endfunction //=========================================================================== function InitRescuableBehaviorBJ takes nothing returns nothing local integer index set index = 0 loop // If at least one player slot is "Rescuable"-controlled, init the // rescue behavior triggers. if (GetPlayerController(Player(index)) == MAP_CONTROL_RESCUABLE) then call TryInitRescuableTriggersBJ() return endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Research and Upgrade Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function SetPlayerTechResearchedSwap takes integer techid, integer levels, player whichPlayer returns nothing call SetPlayerTechResearched(whichPlayer, techid, levels) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetPlayerTechMaxAllowedSwap takes integer techid, integer maximum, player whichPlayer returns nothing call SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed(whichPlayer, techid, maximum) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetPlayerMaxHeroesAllowed takes integer maximum, player whichPlayer returns nothing call SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed(whichPlayer, 'HERO', maximum) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetPlayerTechCountSimple takes integer techid, player whichPlayer returns integer return GetPlayerTechCount(whichPlayer, techid, true) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetPlayerTechMaxAllowedSwap takes integer techid, player whichPlayer returns integer return GetPlayerTechMaxAllowed(whichPlayer, techid) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetPlayerAbilityAvailableBJ takes boolean avail, integer abilid, player whichPlayer returns nothing call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(whichPlayer, abilid, avail) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Campaign Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** function SetCampaignMenuRaceBJ takes integer campaignNumber returns nothing if (campaignNumber == bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_T) then call SetCampaignMenuRace(RACE_OTHER) elseif (campaignNumber == bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_H) then call SetCampaignMenuRace(RACE_HUMAN) elseif (campaignNumber == bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_U) then call SetCampaignMenuRace(RACE_UNDEAD) elseif (campaignNumber == bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_O) then call SetCampaignMenuRace(RACE_ORC) elseif (campaignNumber == bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_N) then call SetCampaignMenuRace(RACE_NIGHTELF) elseif (campaignNumber == bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_XN) then call SetCampaignMenuRaceEx(bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN) elseif (campaignNumber == bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_XH) then call SetCampaignMenuRaceEx(bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XH) elseif (campaignNumber == bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_XU) then call SetCampaignMenuRaceEx(bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU) elseif (campaignNumber == bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_XO) then call SetCampaignMenuRaceEx(bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XO) else // Unrecognized campaign - ignore the request endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Converts a single campaign mission designation into campaign and mission // numbers. The 1000's digit is considered the campaign index, and the 1's // digit is considered the mission index within that campaign. This is done // so that the trigger for this can use a single drop-down to list all of // the campaign missions. // function SetMissionAvailableBJ takes boolean available, integer missionIndex returns nothing local integer campaignNumber = missionIndex / 1000 local integer missionNumber = missionIndex - campaignNumber * 1000 call SetMissionAvailable(campaignNumber, missionNumber, available) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetCampaignAvailableBJ takes boolean available, integer campaignNumber returns nothing local integer campaignOffset if (campaignNumber == bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_H) then call SetTutorialCleared(true) endif if (campaignNumber == bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_XN) then set campaignOffset = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN elseif (campaignNumber == bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_XH) then set campaignOffset = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XH elseif (campaignNumber == bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_XU) then set campaignOffset = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU elseif (campaignNumber == bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_XO) then set campaignOffset = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XO else set campaignOffset = campaignNumber endif call SetCampaignAvailable(campaignOffset, available) call SetCampaignMenuRaceBJ(campaignNumber) call ForceCampaignSelectScreen() endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetCinematicAvailableBJ takes boolean available, integer cinematicIndex returns nothing if ( cinematicIndex == bj_CINEMATICINDEX_TOP ) then call SetOpCinematicAvailable( bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_T, available ) call PlayCinematic( "TutorialOp" ) elseif (cinematicIndex == bj_CINEMATICINDEX_HOP) then call SetOpCinematicAvailable( bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_H, available ) call PlayCinematic( "HumanOp" ) elseif (cinematicIndex == bj_CINEMATICINDEX_HED) then call SetEdCinematicAvailable( bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_H, available ) call PlayCinematic( "HumanEd" ) elseif (cinematicIndex == bj_CINEMATICINDEX_OOP) then call SetOpCinematicAvailable( bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_O, available ) call PlayCinematic( "OrcOp" ) elseif (cinematicIndex == bj_CINEMATICINDEX_OED) then call SetEdCinematicAvailable( bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_O, available ) call PlayCinematic( "OrcEd" ) elseif (cinematicIndex == bj_CINEMATICINDEX_UOP) then call SetEdCinematicAvailable( bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_U, available ) call PlayCinematic( "UndeadOp" ) elseif (cinematicIndex == bj_CINEMATICINDEX_UED) then call SetEdCinematicAvailable( bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_U, available ) call PlayCinematic( "UndeadEd" ) elseif (cinematicIndex == bj_CINEMATICINDEX_NOP) then call SetEdCinematicAvailable( bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_N, available ) call PlayCinematic( "NightElfOp" ) elseif (cinematicIndex == bj_CINEMATICINDEX_NED) then call SetEdCinematicAvailable( bj_CAMPAIGN_INDEX_N, available ) call PlayCinematic( "NightElfEd" ) elseif (cinematicIndex == bj_CINEMATICINDEX_XOP) then call SetOpCinematicAvailable( bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN, available ) call PlayCinematic( "IntroX" ) elseif (cinematicIndex == bj_CINEMATICINDEX_XED) then call SetEdCinematicAvailable( bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU, available ) call PlayCinematic( "OutroX" ) else // Unrecognized cinematic - ignore the request. endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function InitGameCacheBJ takes string campaignFile returns gamecache set bj_lastCreatedGameCache = InitGameCache(campaignFile) return bj_lastCreatedGameCache endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveGameCacheBJ takes gamecache cache returns boolean return SaveGameCache(cache) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedGameCacheBJ takes nothing returns gamecache return bj_lastCreatedGameCache endfunction //=========================================================================== function InitHashtableBJ takes nothing returns hashtable set bj_lastCreatedHashtable = InitHashtable() return bj_lastCreatedHashtable endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastCreatedHashtableBJ takes nothing returns hashtable return bj_lastCreatedHashtable endfunction //=========================================================================== function StoreRealBJ takes real val1ue, string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache returns nothing call StoreReal(cache, missionKey, key, val1ue) endfunction //=========================================================================== function StoreIntegerBJ takes integer val1ue, string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache returns nothing call StoreInteger(cache, missionKey, key, val1ue) endfunction //=========================================================================== function StoreBooleanBJ takes boolean val1ue, string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache returns nothing call StoreBoolean(cache, missionKey, key, val1ue) endfunction //=========================================================================== function StoreStringBJ takes string val1ue, string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache returns boolean return StoreString(cache, missionKey, key, val1ue) endfunction //=========================================================================== function StoreUnitBJ takes unit whichUnit, string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache returns boolean return StoreUnit(cache, missionKey, key, whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveRealBJ takes real val1ue, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns nothing call SaveReal(table, missionKey, key, val1ue) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveIntegerBJ takes integer val1ue, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns nothing call SaveInteger(table, missionKey, key, val1ue) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveBooleanBJ takes boolean val1ue, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns nothing call SaveBoolean(table, missionKey, key, val1ue) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveStringBJ takes string val1ue, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveStr(table, missionKey, key, val1ue) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SavePlayerHandleBJ takes player whichPlayer, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SavePlayerHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichPlayer) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveWidgetHandleBJ takes widget whichWidget, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveWidgetHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichWidget) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveDestructableHandleBJ takes destructable whichDestructable, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveDestructableHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichDestructable) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveItemHandleBJ takes item whichItem, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveItemHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichItem) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveUnitHandleBJ takes unit whichUnit, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveUnitHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveAbilityHandleBJ takes ability whichAbility, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveAbilityHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichAbility) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveTimerHandleBJ takes timer whichTimer, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveTimerHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichTimer) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveTriggerHandleBJ takes trigger whichTrigger, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveTriggerHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichTrigger) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveTriggerConditionHandleBJ takes triggercondition whichTriggercondition, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveTriggerConditionHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichTriggercondition) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveTriggerActionHandleBJ takes triggeraction whichTriggeraction, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveTriggerActionHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichTriggeraction) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveTriggerEventHandleBJ takes event whichEvent, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveTriggerEventHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichEvent) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveForceHandleBJ takes force whichForce, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveForceHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichForce) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveGroupHandleBJ takes group whichGroup, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveGroupHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichGroup) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveLocationHandleBJ takes location whichLocation, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveLocationHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichLocation) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveRectHandleBJ takes rect whichRect, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveRectHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichRect) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveBooleanExprHandleBJ takes boolexpr whichBoolexpr, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveBooleanExprHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichBoolexpr) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveSoundHandleBJ takes sound whichSound, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveSoundHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichSound) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveEffectHandleBJ takes effect whichEffect, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveEffectHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichEffect) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveUnitPoolHandleBJ takes unitpool whichUnitpool, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveUnitPoolHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichUnitpool) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveItemPoolHandleBJ takes itempool whichItempool, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveItemPoolHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichItempool) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveQuestHandleBJ takes quest whichQuest, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveQuestHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichQuest) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveQuestItemHandleBJ takes questitem whichQuestitem, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveQuestItemHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichQuestitem) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveDefeatConditionHandleBJ takes defeatcondition whichDefeatcondition, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveDefeatConditionHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichDefeatcondition) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveTimerDialogHandleBJ takes timerdialog whichTimerdialog, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveTimerDialogHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichTimerdialog) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveLeaderboardHandleBJ takes leaderboard whichLeaderboard, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveLeaderboardHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichLeaderboard) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveMultiboardHandleBJ takes multiboard whichMultiboard, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveMultiboardHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichMultiboard) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveMultiboardItemHandleBJ takes multiboarditem whichMultiboarditem, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveMultiboardItemHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichMultiboarditem) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveTrackableHandleBJ takes trackable whichTrackable, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveTrackableHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichTrackable) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveDialogHandleBJ takes dialog whichDialog, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveDialogHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichDialog) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveButtonHandleBJ takes button whichButton, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveButtonHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichButton) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveTextTagHandleBJ takes texttag whichTexttag, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveTextTagHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichTexttag) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveLightningHandleBJ takes lightning whichLightning, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveLightningHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichLightning) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveImageHandleBJ takes image whichImage, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveImageHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichImage) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveUbersplatHandleBJ takes ubersplat whichUbersplat, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveUbersplatHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichUbersplat) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveRegionHandleBJ takes region whichRegion, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveRegionHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichRegion) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveFogStateHandleBJ takes fogstate whichFogState, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveFogStateHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichFogState) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveFogModifierHandleBJ takes fogmodifier whichFogModifier, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveFogModifierHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichFogModifier) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveAgentHandleBJ takes agent whichAgent, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveAgentHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichAgent) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveHashtableHandleBJ takes hashtable whichHashtable, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean return SaveHashtableHandle(table, missionKey, key, whichHashtable) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetStoredRealBJ takes string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache returns real //call SyncStoredReal(cache, missionKey, key) return GetStoredReal(cache, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetStoredIntegerBJ takes string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache returns integer //call SyncStoredInteger(cache, missionKey, key) return GetStoredInteger(cache, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetStoredBooleanBJ takes string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache returns boolean //call SyncStoredBoolean(cache, missionKey, key) return GetStoredBoolean(cache, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetStoredStringBJ takes string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache returns string local string s //call SyncStoredString(cache, missionKey, key) set s = GetStoredString(cache, missionKey, key) if (s == null) then return "" else return s endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadRealBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns real //call SyncStoredReal(table, missionKey, key) return LoadReal(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadIntegerBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns integer //call SyncStoredInteger(table, missionKey, key) return LoadInteger(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadBooleanBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean //call SyncStoredBoolean(table, missionKey, key) return LoadBoolean(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadStringBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns string local string s //call SyncStoredString(table, missionKey, key) set s = LoadStr(table, missionKey, key) if (s == null) then return "" else return s endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadPlayerHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns player return LoadPlayerHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadWidgetHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns widget return LoadWidgetHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadDestructableHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns destructable return LoadDestructableHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadItemHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns item return LoadItemHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadUnitHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns unit return LoadUnitHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadAbilityHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns ability return LoadAbilityHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadTimerHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns timer return LoadTimerHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadTriggerHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns trigger return LoadTriggerHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadTriggerConditionHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns triggercondition return LoadTriggerConditionHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadTriggerActionHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns triggeraction return LoadTriggerActionHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadTriggerEventHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns event return LoadTriggerEventHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadForceHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns force return LoadForceHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadGroupHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns group return LoadGroupHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadLocationHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns location return LoadLocationHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadRectHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns rect return LoadRectHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadBooleanExprHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolexpr return LoadBooleanExprHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadSoundHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns sound return LoadSoundHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadEffectHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns effect return LoadEffectHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadUnitPoolHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns unitpool return LoadUnitPoolHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadItemPoolHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns itempool return LoadItemPoolHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadQuestHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns quest return LoadQuestHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadQuestItemHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns questitem return LoadQuestItemHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadDefeatConditionHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns defeatcondition return LoadDefeatConditionHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadTimerDialogHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns timerdialog return LoadTimerDialogHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadLeaderboardHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns leaderboard return LoadLeaderboardHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadMultiboardHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns multiboard return LoadMultiboardHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadMultiboardItemHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns multiboarditem return LoadMultiboardItemHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadTrackableHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns trackable return LoadTrackableHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadDialogHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns dialog return LoadDialogHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadButtonHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns button return LoadButtonHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadTextTagHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns texttag return LoadTextTagHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadLightningHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns lightning return LoadLightningHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadImageHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns image return LoadImageHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadUbersplatHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns ubersplat return LoadUbersplatHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadRegionHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns region return LoadRegionHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadFogStateHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns fogstate return LoadFogStateHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadFogModifierHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns fogmodifier return LoadFogModifierHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadHashtableHandleBJ takes integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns hashtable return LoadHashtableHandle(table, missionKey, key) endfunction //=========================================================================== function RestoreUnitLocFacingAngleBJ takes string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache, player forWhichPlayer, location loc, real facing returns unit //call SyncStoredUnit(cache, missionKey, key) set bj_lastLoadedUnit = RestoreUnit(cache, missionKey, key, forWhichPlayer, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), facing) return bj_lastLoadedUnit endfunction //=========================================================================== function RestoreUnitLocFacingPointBJ takes string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache, player forWhichPlayer, location loc, location lookAt returns unit //call SyncStoredUnit(cache, missionKey, key) return RestoreUnitLocFacingAngleBJ(key, missionKey, cache, forWhichPlayer, loc, AngleBetweenPoints(loc, lookAt)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastRestoredUnitBJ takes nothing returns unit return bj_lastLoadedUnit endfunction //=========================================================================== function FlushGameCacheBJ takes gamecache cache returns nothing call FlushGameCache(cache) endfunction //=========================================================================== function FlushStoredMissionBJ takes string missionKey, gamecache cache returns nothing call FlushStoredMission(cache, missionKey) endfunction //=========================================================================== function FlushParentHashtableBJ takes hashtable table returns nothing call FlushParentHashtable(table) endfunction //=========================================================================== function FlushChildHashtableBJ takes integer missionKey, hashtable table returns nothing call FlushChildHashtable(table, missionKey) endfunction //=========================================================================== function HaveStoredval1ue takes string key, integer val1ueType, string missionKey, gamecache cache returns boolean if (val1ueType == bj_GAMECACHE_BOOLEAN) then return HaveStoredBoolean(cache, missionKey, key) elseif (val1ueType == bj_GAMECACHE_INTEGER) then return HaveStoredInteger(cache, missionKey, key) elseif (val1ueType == bj_GAMECACHE_REAL) then return HaveStoredReal(cache, missionKey, key) elseif (val1ueType == bj_GAMECACHE_UNIT) then return HaveStoredUnit(cache, missionKey, key) elseif (val1ueType == bj_GAMECACHE_STRING) then return HaveStoredString(cache, missionKey, key) else // Unrecognized val1ue type - ignore the request. return false endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function HaveSavedval1ue takes integer key, integer val1ueType, integer missionKey, hashtable table returns boolean if (val1ueType == bj_HASHTABLE_BOOLEAN) then return HaveSavedBoolean(table, missionKey, key) elseif (val1ueType == bj_HASHTABLE_INTEGER) then return HaveSavedInteger(table, missionKey, key) elseif (val1ueType == bj_HASHTABLE_REAL) then return HaveSavedReal(table, missionKey, key) elseif (val1ueType == bj_HASHTABLE_STRING) then return HaveSavedString(table, missionKey, key) elseif (val1ueType == bj_HASHTABLE_HANDLE) then return HaveSavedHandle(table, missionKey, key) else // Unrecognized val1ue type - ignore the request. return false endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function ShowCustomCampaignButton takes boolean show, integer whichButton returns nothing call SetCustomCampaignButtonVisible(whichButton - 1, show) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsCustomCampaignButtonVisibile takes integer whichButton returns boolean return GetCustomCampaignButtonVisible(whichButton - 1) endfunction //=========================================================================== function LoadGameBJ takes string loadFileName, boolean doScoreScreen returns nothing call LoadGame(loadFileName, doScoreScreen) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveAndChangeLevelBJ takes string saveFileName, string newLevel, boolean doScoreScreen returns nothing call SaveGame(saveFileName) call ChangeLevel(newLevel, doScoreScreen) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SaveAndLoadGameBJ takes string saveFileName, string loadFileName, boolean doScoreScreen returns nothing call SaveGame(saveFileName) call LoadGame(loadFileName, doScoreScreen) endfunction //=========================================================================== function RenameSaveDirectoryBJ takes string sourceDirName, string destDirName returns boolean return RenameSaveDirectory(sourceDirName, destDirName) endfunction //=========================================================================== function RemoveSaveDirectoryBJ takes string sourceDirName returns boolean return RemoveSaveDirectory(sourceDirName) endfunction //=========================================================================== function CopySaveGameBJ takes string sourceSaveName, string destSaveName returns boolean return CopySaveGame(sourceSaveName, destSaveName) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Miscellaneous Utility Functions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function GetPlayerStartLocationX takes player whichPlayer returns real return GetStartLocationX(GetPlayerStartLocation(whichPlayer)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetPlayerStartLocationY takes player whichPlayer returns real return GetStartLocationY(GetPlayerStartLocation(whichPlayer)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetPlayerStartLocationLoc takes player whichPlayer returns location return GetStartLocationLoc(GetPlayerStartLocation(whichPlayer)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetRectCenter takes rect whichRect returns location return Location(GetRectCenterX(whichRect), GetRectCenterY(whichRect)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsPlayerSlotState takes player whichPlayer, playerslotstate whichState returns boolean return GetPlayerSlotState(whichPlayer) == whichState endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetFadeFromSeconds takes real seconds returns integer if (seconds != 0) then return 128 / R2I(seconds) endif return 10000 endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetFadeFromSecondsAsReal takes real seconds returns real if (seconds != 0) then return 128.00 / seconds endif return 10000.00 endfunction //=========================================================================== function AdjustPlayerStateSimpleBJ takes player whichPlayer, playerstate whichPlayerState, integer delta returns nothing call SetPlayerState(whichPlayer, whichPlayerState, GetPlayerState(whichPlayer, whichPlayerState) + delta) endfunction //=========================================================================== function AdjustPlayerStateBJ takes integer delta, player whichPlayer, playerstate whichPlayerState returns nothing // If the change was positive, apply the difference to the player's // gathered resources property as well. if (delta > 0) then if (whichPlayerState == PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD) then call AdjustPlayerStateSimpleBJ(whichPlayer, PLAYER_STATE_GOLD_GATHERED, delta) elseif (whichPlayerState == PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER) then call AdjustPlayerStateSimpleBJ(whichPlayer, PLAYER_STATE_LUMBER_GATHERED, delta) endif endif call AdjustPlayerStateSimpleBJ(whichPlayer, whichPlayerState, delta) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetPlayerStateBJ takes player whichPlayer, playerstate whichPlayerState, integer val1ue returns nothing local integer oldval1ue = GetPlayerState(whichPlayer, whichPlayerState) call AdjustPlayerStateBJ(val1ue - oldval1ue, whichPlayer, whichPlayerState) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetPlayerFlagBJ takes playerstate whichPlayerFlag, boolean flag, player whichPlayer returns nothing call SetPlayerState(whichPlayer, whichPlayerFlag, IntegerTertiaryOp(flag, 1, 0)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetPlayerTaxRateBJ takes integer rate, playerstate whichResource, player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer returns nothing call SetPlayerTaxRate(sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, whichResource, rate) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetPlayerTaxRateBJ takes playerstate whichResource, player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer returns integer return GetPlayerTaxRate(sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, whichResource) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsPlayerFlagSetBJ takes playerstate whichPlayerFlag, player whichPlayer returns boolean return GetPlayerState(whichPlayer, whichPlayerFlag) == 1 endfunction //=========================================================================== function AddResourceAmountBJ takes integer delta, unit whichUnit returns nothing call AddResourceAmount(whichUnit, delta) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetConvertedPlayerId takes player whichPlayer returns integer return GetPlayerId(whichPlayer) + 1 endfunction //=========================================================================== function ConvertedPlayer takes integer convertedPlayerId returns player return Player(convertedPlayerId - 1) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetRectWidthBJ takes rect r returns real return GetRectMaxX(r) - GetRectMinX(r) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetRectHeightBJ takes rect r returns real return GetRectMaxY(r) - GetRectMinY(r) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Replaces a gold mine with a blighted gold mine for the given player. // function BlightGoldMineForPlayerBJ takes unit goldMine, player whichPlayer returns unit local real mineX local real mineY local integer mineGold local unit newMine // Make sure we're replacing a Gold Mine and not some other type of unit. if GetUnitTypeId(goldMine) != 'ngol' then return null endif // Save the Gold Mine's properties and remove it. set mineX = GetUnitX(goldMine) set mineY = GetUnitY(goldMine) set mineGold = GetResourceAmount(goldMine) call RemoveUnit(goldMine) // Create a Haunted Gold Mine to replace the Gold Mine. set newMine = CreateBlightedGoldmine(whichPlayer, mineX, mineY, bj_UNIT_FACING) call SetResourceAmount(newMine, mineGold) return newMine endfunction //=========================================================================== function BlightGoldMineForPlayer takes unit goldMine, player whichPlayer returns unit set bj_lastHauntedGoldMine = BlightGoldMineForPlayerBJ(goldMine, whichPlayer) return bj_lastHauntedGoldMine endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetLastHauntedGoldMine takes nothing returns unit return bj_lastHauntedGoldMine endfunction //=========================================================================== function IsPointBlightedBJ takes location where returns boolean return IsPointBlighted(GetLocationX(where), GetLocationY(where)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetPlayerColorBJEnum takes nothing returns nothing call SetUnitColor(GetEnumUnit(), bj_setPlayerTargetColor) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetPlayerColorBJ takes player whichPlayer, playercolor color, boolean changeExisting returns nothing local group g call SetPlayerColor(whichPlayer, color) if changeExisting then set bj_setPlayerTargetColor = color set g = CreateGroup() call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(g, whichPlayer, null) call ForGroup(g, function SetPlayerColorBJEnum) call DestroyGroup(g) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetPlayerUnitAvailableBJ takes integer unitId, boolean allowed, player whichPlayer returns nothing if allowed then call SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed(whichPlayer, unitId, -1) else call SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed(whichPlayer, unitId, 0) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function LockGameSpeedBJ takes nothing returns nothing call SetMapFlag(MAP_LOCK_SPEED, true) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UnlockGameSpeedBJ takes nothing returns nothing call SetMapFlag(MAP_LOCK_SPEED, false) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IssueTargetOrderBJ takes unit whichUnit, string order, widget targetWidget returns boolean return IssueTargetOrder( whichUnit, order, targetWidget ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IssuePointOrderLocBJ takes unit whichUnit, string order, location whichLocation returns boolean return IssuePointOrderLoc( whichUnit, order, whichLocation ) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Two distinct trigger actions can't share the same function name, so this // dummy function simply mimics the behavior of an existing call. // function IssueTargetDestructableOrder takes unit whichUnit, string order, widget targetWidget returns boolean return IssueTargetOrder( whichUnit, order, targetWidget ) endfunction function IssueTargetItemOrder takes unit whichUnit, string order, widget targetWidget returns boolean return IssueTargetOrder( whichUnit, order, targetWidget ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function IssueImmediateOrderBJ takes unit whichUnit, string order returns boolean return IssueImmediateOrder( whichUnit, order ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GroupTargetOrderBJ takes group whichGroup, string order, widget targetWidget returns boolean return GroupTargetOrder( whichGroup, order, targetWidget ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GroupPointOrderLocBJ takes group whichGroup, string order, location whichLocation returns boolean return GroupPointOrderLoc( whichGroup, order, whichLocation ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GroupImmediateOrderBJ takes group whichGroup, string order returns boolean return GroupImmediateOrder( whichGroup, order ) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Two distinct trigger actions can't share the same function name, so this // dummy function simply mimics the behavior of an existing call. // function GroupTargetDestructableOrder takes group whichGroup, string order, widget targetWidget returns boolean return GroupTargetOrder( whichGroup, order, targetWidget ) endfunction function GroupTargetItemOrder takes group whichGroup, string order, widget targetWidget returns boolean return GroupTargetOrder( whichGroup, order, targetWidget ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetDyingDestructable takes nothing returns destructable return GetTriggerDestructable() endfunction //=========================================================================== // Rally point setting // function SetUnitRallyPoint takes unit whichUnit, location targPos returns nothing call IssuePointOrderLocBJ(whichUnit, "setrally", targPos) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitRallyUnit takes unit whichUnit, unit targUnit returns nothing call IssueTargetOrder(whichUnit, "setrally", targUnit) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetUnitRallyDestructable takes unit whichUnit, destructable targDest returns nothing call IssueTargetOrder(whichUnit, "setrally", targDest) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Utility function for use by editor-generated item drop table triggers. // This function is added as an action to all destructable drop triggers, // so that a widget drop may be differentiated from a unit drop. // function SaveDyingWidget takes nothing returns nothing set bj_lastDyingWidget = GetTriggerWidget() endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetBlightRectBJ takes boolean addBlight, player whichPlayer, rect r returns nothing call SetBlightRect(whichPlayer, r, addBlight) endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetBlightRadiusLocBJ takes boolean addBlight, player whichPlayer, location loc, real radius returns nothing call SetBlightLoc(whichPlayer, loc, radius, addBlight) endfunction //=========================================================================== function GetAbilityName takes integer abilcode returns string return GetObjectName(abilcode) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Melee Template Visibility Settings //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function MeleeStartingVisibility takes nothing returns nothing // Start by setting the ToD. call SetFloatGameState(GAME_STATE_TIME_OF_DAY, bj_MELEE_STARTING_TOD) // call FogMaskEnable(true) // call FogEnable(true) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Melee Template Starting Resources //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function MeleeStartingResources takes nothing returns nothing local integer index local player indexPlayer local version v local integer startingGold local integer startingLumber set v = VersionGet() if (v == VERSION_REIGN_OF_CHAOS) then set startingGold = bj_MELEE_STARTING_GOLD_V0 set startingLumber = bj_MELEE_STARTING_LUMBER_V0 else set startingGold = bj_MELEE_STARTING_GOLD_V1 set startingLumber = bj_MELEE_STARTING_LUMBER_V1 endif // Set each player's starting resources. set index = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(index) if (GetPlayerSlotState(indexPlayer) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING) then call SetPlayerState(indexPlayer, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD, startingGold) call SetPlayerState(indexPlayer, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER, startingLumber) endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Melee Template Hero Limit //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed takes player whichPlayer, integer techId, integer limit returns nothing local integer oldMax = GetPlayerTechMaxAllowed(whichPlayer, techId) // A val1ue of -1 is used to indicate no limit, so check for that as well. if (oldMax < 0 or oldMax > limit) then call SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed(whichPlayer, techId, limit) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeStartingHeroLimit takes nothing returns nothing local integer index set index = 0 loop // max heroes per player call SetPlayerMaxHeroesAllowed(bj_MELEE_HERO_LIMIT, Player(index)) // each player is restricted to a limit per hero type as well call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Hamg', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Hmkg', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Hpal', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Hblm', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Obla', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Ofar', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Otch', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Oshd', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Edem', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Ekee', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Emoo', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Ewar', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Udea', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Udre', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Ulic', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Ucrl', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Npbm', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Nbrn', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Nngs', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Nplh', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Nbst', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Nalc', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Ntin', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) call ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'Nfir', bj_MELEE_HERO_TYPE_LIMIT) set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Melee Template Granted Hero Items //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function MeleeTrainedUnitIsHeroBJFilter takes nothing returns boolean return IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_HERO) endfunction //=========================================================================== // The first N heroes trained or hired for each player start off with a // standard set of items. This is currently: // - 1x Scroll of Town Portal // function MeleeGrantItemsToHero takes unit whichUnit returns nothing local integer owner = GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(whichUnit)) // If we haven't twinked N heroes for this player yet, twink away. if (bj_meleeTwinkedHeroes[owner] < bj_MELEE_MAX_TWINKED_HEROES) then call UnitAddItemById(whichUnit, 'stwp') set bj_meleeTwinkedHeroes[owner] = bj_meleeTwinkedHeroes[owner] + 1 endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeGrantItemsToTrainedHero takes nothing returns nothing call MeleeGrantItemsToHero(GetTrainedUnit()) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeGrantItemsToHiredHero takes nothing returns nothing call MeleeGrantItemsToHero(GetSoldUnit()) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeGrantHeroItems takes nothing returns nothing local integer index local trigger trig // Initialize the twinked hero counts. set index = 0 loop set bj_meleeTwinkedHeroes[index] = 0 set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS endloop // Register for an event whenever a hero is trained, so that we can give // him/her their starting items. set index = 0 loop set trig = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(trig, Player(index), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_FINISH, filterMeleeTrainedUnitIsHeroBJ) call TriggerAddAction(trig, function MeleeGrantItemsToTrainedHero) set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop // Register for an event whenever a neutral hero is hired, so that we // can give him/her their starting items. set trig = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(trig, Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELL, filterMeleeTrainedUnitIsHeroBJ) call TriggerAddAction(trig, function MeleeGrantItemsToHiredHero) // Flag that we are giving starting items to heroes, so that the melee // starting units code can create them as necessary. set bj_meleeGrantHeroItems = true endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Melee Template Clear Start Locations //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function MeleeClearExcessUnit takes nothing returns nothing local unit theUnit = GetEnumUnit() local integer owner = GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(theUnit)) if (owner == PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE) then // Remove any Neutral Hostile units from the area. call RemoveUnit(GetEnumUnit()) elseif (owner == PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE) then // Remove non-structure Neutral Passive units from the area. if not IsUnitType(theUnit, UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) then call RemoveUnit(GetEnumUnit()) endif endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeClearNearbyUnits takes real x, real y, real range returns nothing local group nearbyUnits set nearbyUnits = CreateGroup() call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(nearbyUnits, x, y, range, null) call ForGroup(nearbyUnits, function MeleeClearExcessUnit) call DestroyGroup(nearbyUnits) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeClearExcessUnits takes nothing returns nothing local integer index local real locX local real locY local player indexPlayer set index = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(index) // If the player slot is being used, clear any nearby creeps. if (GetPlayerSlotState(indexPlayer) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING) then set locX = GetStartLocationX(GetPlayerStartLocation(indexPlayer)) set locY = GetStartLocationY(GetPlayerStartLocation(indexPlayer)) call MeleeClearNearbyUnits(locX, locY, bj_MELEE_CLEAR_UNITS_RADIUS) endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Melee Template Starting Units //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function MeleeEnumFindNearestMine takes nothing returns nothing local unit enumUnit = GetEnumUnit() local real dist local location unitLoc if (GetUnitTypeId(enumUnit) == 'ngol') then set unitLoc = GetUnitLoc(enumUnit) set dist = DistanceBetweenPoints(unitLoc, bj_meleeNearestMineToLoc) call RemoveLocation(unitLoc) // If this is our first mine, or the closest thusfar, use it instead. if (bj_meleeNearestMineDist < 0) or (dist < bj_meleeNearestMineDist) then set bj_meleeNearestMine = enumUnit set bj_meleeNearestMineDist = dist endif endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeFindNearestMine takes location src, real range returns unit local group nearbyMines set bj_meleeNearestMine = null set bj_meleeNearestMineDist = -1 set bj_meleeNearestMineToLoc = src set nearbyMines = CreateGroup() call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(nearbyMines, src, range, null) call ForGroup(nearbyMines, function MeleeEnumFindNearestMine) call DestroyGroup(nearbyMines) return bj_meleeNearestMine endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeRandomHeroLoc takes player p, integer id1, integer id2, integer id3, integer id4, location loc returns unit local unit hero = null local integer roll local integer pick local version v // The selection of heroes is dependant on the game version. set v = VersionGet() if (v == VERSION_REIGN_OF_CHAOS) then set roll = GetRandomInt(1,3) else set roll = GetRandomInt(1,4) endif // Translate the roll into a unitid. if roll == 1 then set pick = id1 elseif roll == 2 then set pick = id2 elseif roll == 3 then set pick = id3 elseif roll == 4 then set pick = id4 else // Unrecognized id index - pick the first hero in the list. set pick = id1 endif // Create the hero. set hero = CreateUnitAtLoc(p, pick, loc, bj_UNIT_FACING) if bj_meleeGrantHeroItems then call MeleeGrantItemsToHero(hero) endif return hero endfunction //=========================================================================== // Returns a location which is (distance) away from (src) in the direction of (targ). // function MeleeGetProjectedLoc takes location src, location targ, real distance, real deltaAngle returns location local real srcX = GetLocationX(src) local real srcY = GetLocationY(src) local real direction = Atan2(GetLocationY(targ) - srcY, GetLocationX(targ) - srcX) + deltaAngle return Location(srcX + distance * Cos(direction), srcY + distance * Sin(direction)) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeGetNearestval1ueWithin takes real val1, real minval1, real maxval1 returns real if (val1 < minval1) then return minval1 elseif (val1 > maxval1) then return maxval1 else return val1 endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeGetLocWithinRect takes location src, rect r returns location local real withinX = MeleeGetNearestval1ueWithin(GetLocationX(src), GetRectMinX(r), GetRectMaxX(r)) local real withinY = MeleeGetNearestval1ueWithin(GetLocationY(src), GetRectMinY(r), GetRectMaxY(r)) return Location(withinX, withinY) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Starting Units for Human Players // - 1 Town Hall, placed at start location // - 5 Peasants, placed between start location and nearest gold mine // function MeleeStartingUnitsHuman takes player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload returns nothing local boolean useRandomHero = IsMapFlagSet(MAP_RANDOM_HERO) local real unitSpacing = 64.00 local unit nearestMine local location nearMineLoc local location heroLoc local real peonX local real peonY local unit townHall = null if (doPreload) then call Preloader( "scripts\\HumanMelee.pld" ) endif set nearestMine = MeleeFindNearestMine(startLoc, bj_MELEE_MINE_SEARCH_RADIUS) if (nearestMine != null) then // Spawn Town Hall at the start location. set townHall = CreateUnitAtLoc(whichPlayer, 'htow', startLoc, bj_UNIT_FACING) // Spawn Peasants near the mine. set nearMineLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 320, 0) set peonX = GetLocationX(nearMineLoc) set peonY = GetLocationY(nearMineLoc) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 0.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 1.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.15 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX - 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.15 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 0.60 * unitSpacing, peonY - 1.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX - 0.60 * unitSpacing, peonY - 1.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) // Set random hero spawn point to be off to the side of the start location. set heroLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 384, 45) else // Spawn Town Hall at the start location. set townHall = CreateUnitAtLoc(whichPlayer, 'htow', startLoc, bj_UNIT_FACING) // Spawn Peasants directly south of the town hall. set peonX = GetLocationX(startLoc) set peonY = GetLocationY(startLoc) - 224.00 call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 2.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX + 0.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX - 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'hpea', peonX - 2.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) // Set random hero spawn point to be just south of the start location. set heroLoc = Location(peonX, peonY - 2.00 * unitSpacing) endif if (townHall != null) then call UnitAddAbilityBJ('Amic', townHall) call UnitMakeAbilityPermanentBJ(true, 'Amic', townHall) endif if (doHeroes) then // If the "Random Hero" option is set, start the player with a random hero. // Otherwise, give them a "free hero" token. if useRandomHero then call MeleeRandomHeroLoc(whichPlayer, 'Hamg', 'Hmkg', 'Hpal', 'Hblm', heroLoc) else call SetPlayerState(whichPlayer, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_HERO_TOKENS, bj_MELEE_STARTING_HERO_TOKENS) endif endif if (doCamera) then // Center the camera on the initial Peasants. call SetCameraPositionForPlayer(whichPlayer, peonX, peonY) call SetCameraQuickPositionForPlayer(whichPlayer, peonX, peonY) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Starting Units for Orc Players // - 1 Great Hall, placed at start location // - 5 Peons, placed between start location and nearest gold mine // function MeleeStartingUnitsOrc takes player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload returns nothing local boolean useRandomHero = IsMapFlagSet(MAP_RANDOM_HERO) local real unitSpacing = 64.00 local unit nearestMine local location nearMineLoc local location heroLoc local real peonX local real peonY if (doPreload) then call Preloader( "scripts\\OrcMelee.pld" ) endif set nearestMine = MeleeFindNearestMine(startLoc, bj_MELEE_MINE_SEARCH_RADIUS) if (nearestMine != null) then // Spawn Great Hall at the start location. call CreateUnitAtLoc(whichPlayer, 'ogre', startLoc, bj_UNIT_FACING) // Spawn Peons near the mine. set nearMineLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 320, 0) set peonX = GetLocationX(nearMineLoc) set peonY = GetLocationY(nearMineLoc) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'opeo', peonX + 0.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 1.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'opeo', peonX + 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.15 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'opeo', peonX - 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.15 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'opeo', peonX + 0.60 * unitSpacing, peonY - 1.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'opeo', peonX - 0.60 * unitSpacing, peonY - 1.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) // Set random hero spawn point to be off to the side of the start location. set heroLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 384, 45) else // Spawn Great Hall at the start location. call CreateUnitAtLoc(whichPlayer, 'ogre', startLoc, bj_UNIT_FACING) // Spawn Peons directly south of the town hall. set peonX = GetLocationX(startLoc) set peonY = GetLocationY(startLoc) - 224.00 call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'opeo', peonX + 2.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'opeo', peonX + 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'opeo', peonX + 0.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'opeo', peonX - 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'opeo', peonX - 2.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) // Set random hero spawn point to be just south of the start location. set heroLoc = Location(peonX, peonY - 2.00 * unitSpacing) endif if (doHeroes) then // If the "Random Hero" option is set, start the player with a random hero. // Otherwise, give them a "free hero" token. if useRandomHero then call MeleeRandomHeroLoc(whichPlayer, 'Obla', 'Ofar', 'Otch', 'Oshd', heroLoc) else call SetPlayerState(whichPlayer, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_HERO_TOKENS, bj_MELEE_STARTING_HERO_TOKENS) endif endif if (doCamera) then // Center the camera on the initial Peons. call SetCameraPositionForPlayer(whichPlayer, peonX, peonY) call SetCameraQuickPositionForPlayer(whichPlayer, peonX, peonY) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Starting Units for Undead Players // - 1 Necropolis, placed at start location // - 1 Haunted Gold Mine, placed on nearest gold mine // - 3 Acolytes, placed between start location and nearest gold mine // - 1 Ghoul, placed between start location and nearest gold mine // - Blight, centered on nearest gold mine, spread across a "large area" // function MeleeStartingUnitsUndead takes player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload returns nothing local boolean useRandomHero = IsMapFlagSet(MAP_RANDOM_HERO) local real unitSpacing = 64.00 local unit nearestMine local location nearMineLoc local location nearTownLoc local location heroLoc local real peonX local real peonY local real ghoulX local real ghoulY if (doPreload) then call Preloader( "scripts\\UndeadMelee.pld" ) endif set nearestMine = MeleeFindNearestMine(startLoc, bj_MELEE_MINE_SEARCH_RADIUS) if (nearestMine != null) then // Spawn Necropolis at the start location. call CreateUnitAtLoc(whichPlayer, 'unpl', startLoc, bj_UNIT_FACING) // Replace the nearest gold mine with a blighted version. set nearestMine = BlightGoldMineForPlayerBJ(nearestMine, whichPlayer) // Spawn Ghoul near the Necropolis. set nearTownLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(startLoc, GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), 288, 0) set ghoulX = GetLocationX(nearTownLoc) set ghoulY = GetLocationY(nearTownLoc) set bj_ghoul[GetPlayerId(whichPlayer)] = CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'ugho', ghoulX + 0.00 * unitSpacing, ghoulY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) // Spawn Acolytes near the mine. set nearMineLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 320, 0) set peonX = GetLocationX(nearMineLoc) set peonY = GetLocationY(nearMineLoc) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'uaco', peonX + 0.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.50 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'uaco', peonX + 0.65 * unitSpacing, peonY - 0.50 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'uaco', peonX - 0.65 * unitSpacing, peonY - 0.50 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) // Create a patch of blight around the gold mine. call SetBlightLoc(whichPlayer,nearMineLoc, 768, true) // Set random hero spawn point to be off to the side of the start location. set heroLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 384, 45) else // Spawn Necropolis at the start location. call CreateUnitAtLoc(whichPlayer, 'unpl', startLoc, bj_UNIT_FACING) // Spawn Acolytes and Ghoul directly south of the Necropolis. set peonX = GetLocationX(startLoc) set peonY = GetLocationY(startLoc) - 224.00 call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'uaco', peonX - 1.50 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'uaco', peonX - 0.50 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'uaco', peonX + 0.50 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'ugho', peonX + 1.50 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) // Create a patch of blight around the start location. call SetBlightLoc(whichPlayer,startLoc, 768, true) // Set random hero spawn point to be just south of the start location. set heroLoc = Location(peonX, peonY - 2.00 * unitSpacing) endif if (doHeroes) then // If the "Random Hero" option is set, start the player with a random hero. // Otherwise, give them a "free hero" token. if useRandomHero then call MeleeRandomHeroLoc(whichPlayer, 'Udea', 'Udre', 'Ulic', 'Ucrl', heroLoc) else call SetPlayerState(whichPlayer, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_HERO_TOKENS, bj_MELEE_STARTING_HERO_TOKENS) endif endif if (doCamera) then // Center the camera on the initial Acolytes. call SetCameraPositionForPlayer(whichPlayer, peonX, peonY) call SetCameraQuickPositionForPlayer(whichPlayer, peonX, peonY) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Starting Units for Night Elf Players // - 1 Tree of Life, placed by nearest gold mine, already entangled // - 5 Wisps, placed between Tree of Life and nearest gold mine // function MeleeStartingUnitsNightElf takes player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload returns nothing local boolean useRandomHero = IsMapFlagSet(MAP_RANDOM_HERO) local real unitSpacing = 64.00 local real minTreeDist = 3.50 * bj_CELLWIDTH local real minWispDist = 1.75 * bj_CELLWIDTH local unit nearestMine local location nearMineLoc local location wispLoc local location heroLoc local real peonX local real peonY local unit tree if (doPreload) then call Preloader( "scripts\\NightElfMelee.pld" ) endif set nearestMine = MeleeFindNearestMine(startLoc, bj_MELEE_MINE_SEARCH_RADIUS) if (nearestMine != null) then // Spawn Tree of Life near the mine and have it entangle the mine. // Project the Tree's coordinates from the gold mine, and then snap // the X and Y val1ues to within minTreeDist of the Gold Mine. set nearMineLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 650, 0) set nearMineLoc = MeleeGetLocWithinRect(nearMineLoc, GetRectFromCircleBJ(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), minTreeDist)) set tree = CreateUnitAtLoc(whichPlayer, 'etol', nearMineLoc, bj_UNIT_FACING) call IssueTargetOrder(tree, "entangleinstant", nearestMine) // Spawn Wisps at the start location. set wispLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 320, 0) set wispLoc = MeleeGetLocWithinRect(wispLoc, GetRectFromCircleBJ(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), minWispDist)) set peonX = GetLocationX(wispLoc) set peonY = GetLocationY(wispLoc) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'ewsp', peonX + 0.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 1.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'ewsp', peonX + 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.15 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'ewsp', peonX - 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.15 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'ewsp', peonX + 0.58 * unitSpacing, peonY - 1.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'ewsp', peonX - 0.58 * unitSpacing, peonY - 1.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) // Set random hero spawn point to be off to the side of the start location. set heroLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 384, 45) else // Spawn Tree of Life at the start location. call CreateUnitAtLoc(whichPlayer, 'etol', startLoc, bj_UNIT_FACING) // Spawn Wisps directly south of the town hall. set peonX = GetLocationX(startLoc) set peonY = GetLocationY(startLoc) - 224.00 call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'ewsp', peonX - 2.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'ewsp', peonX - 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'ewsp', peonX + 0.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'ewsp', peonX + 1.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'ewsp', peonX + 2.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING) // Set random hero spawn point to be just south of the start location. set heroLoc = Location(peonX, peonY - 2.00 * unitSpacing) endif if (doHeroes) then // If the "Random Hero" option is set, start the player with a random hero. // Otherwise, give them a "free hero" token. if useRandomHero then call MeleeRandomHeroLoc(whichPlayer, 'Edem', 'Ekee', 'Emoo', 'Ewar', heroLoc) else call SetPlayerState(whichPlayer, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_HERO_TOKENS, bj_MELEE_STARTING_HERO_TOKENS) endif endif if (doCamera) then // Center the camera on the initial Wisps. call SetCameraPositionForPlayer(whichPlayer, peonX, peonY) call SetCameraQuickPositionForPlayer(whichPlayer, peonX, peonY) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Starting Units for Players Whose Race is Unknown // - 12 Sheep, placed randomly around the start location // function MeleeStartingUnitsUnknownRace takes player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload returns nothing local integer index if (doPreload) then endif set index = 0 loop call CreateUnit(whichPlayer, 'nshe', GetLocationX(startLoc) + GetRandomReal(-256, 256), GetLocationY(startLoc) + GetRandomReal(-256, 256), GetRandomReal(0, 360)) set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == 12 endloop if (doHeroes) then // Give them a "free hero" token, out of pity. call SetPlayerState(whichPlayer, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_HERO_TOKENS, bj_MELEE_STARTING_HERO_TOKENS) endif if (doCamera) then // Center the camera on the initial sheep. call SetCameraPositionLocForPlayer(whichPlayer, startLoc) call SetCameraQuickPositionLocForPlayer(whichPlayer, startLoc) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeStartingUnits takes nothing returns nothing local integer index local player indexPlayer local location indexStartLoc local race indexRace call Preloader( "scripts\\SharedMelee.pld" ) set index = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(index) if (GetPlayerSlotState(indexPlayer) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING) then set indexStartLoc = GetStartLocationLoc(GetPlayerStartLocation(indexPlayer)) set indexRace = GetPlayerRace(indexPlayer) // Create initial race-specific starting units if (indexRace == RACE_HUMAN) then call MeleeStartingUnitsHuman(indexPlayer, indexStartLoc, true, true, true) elseif (indexRace == RACE_ORC) then call MeleeStartingUnitsOrc(indexPlayer, indexStartLoc, true, true, true) elseif (indexRace == RACE_UNDEAD) then call MeleeStartingUnitsUndead(indexPlayer, indexStartLoc, true, true, true) elseif (indexRace == RACE_NIGHTELF) then call MeleeStartingUnitsNightElf(indexPlayer, indexStartLoc, true, true, true) else call MeleeStartingUnitsUnknownRace(indexPlayer, indexStartLoc, true, true, true) endif endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeStartingUnitsForPlayer takes race whichRace, player whichPlayer, location loc, boolean doHeroes returns nothing // Create initial race-specific starting units if (whichRace == RACE_HUMAN) then call MeleeStartingUnitsHuman(whichPlayer, loc, doHeroes, false, false) elseif (whichRace == RACE_ORC) then call MeleeStartingUnitsOrc(whichPlayer, loc, doHeroes, false, false) elseif (whichRace == RACE_UNDEAD) then call MeleeStartingUnitsUndead(whichPlayer, loc, doHeroes, false, false) elseif (whichRace == RACE_NIGHTELF) then call MeleeStartingUnitsNightElf(whichPlayer, loc, doHeroes, false, false) else // Unrecognized race - ignore the request. endif endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Melee Template Starting AI Scripts //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function PickMeleeAI takes player num, string s1, string s2, string s3 returns nothing local integer pick // easy difficulty never uses any custom AI scripts // that are designed to be a bit more challenging // if GetAIDifficulty(num) == AI_DIFFICULTY_NEWBIE then call StartMeleeAI(num,s1) return endif if s2 == null then set pick = 1 elseif s3 == null then set pick = GetRandomInt(1,2) else set pick = GetRandomInt(1,3) endif if pick == 1 then call StartMeleeAI(num,s1) elseif pick == 2 then call StartMeleeAI(num,s2) else call StartMeleeAI(num,s3) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeStartingAI takes nothing returns nothing local integer index local player indexPlayer local race indexRace set index = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(index) if (GetPlayerSlotState(indexPlayer) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING) then set indexRace = GetPlayerRace(indexPlayer) if (GetPlayerController(indexPlayer) == MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER) then // Run a race-specific melee AI script. if (indexRace == RACE_HUMAN) then call PickMeleeAI(indexPlayer, "human.ai", null, null) elseif (indexRace == RACE_ORC) then call PickMeleeAI(indexPlayer, "orc.ai", null, null) elseif (indexRace == RACE_UNDEAD) then call PickMeleeAI(indexPlayer, "undead.ai", null, null) call RecycleGuardPosition(bj_ghoul[index]) elseif (indexRace == RACE_NIGHTELF) then call PickMeleeAI(indexPlayer, "elf.ai", null, null) else // Unrecognized race. endif call ShareEverythingWithTeamAI(indexPlayer) endif endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop endfunction function LockGuardPosition takes unit targ returns nothing call SetUnitCreepGuard(targ,true) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Melee Template Victory / Defeat Conditions //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function MeleePlayerIsOpponent takes integer playerIndex, integer opponentIndex returns boolean local player thePlayer = Player(playerIndex) local player theOpponent = Player(opponentIndex) // The player himself is not an opponent. if (playerIndex == opponentIndex) then return false endif // Unused player slots are not opponents. if (GetPlayerSlotState(theOpponent) != PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING) then return false endif // Players who are already defeated are not opponents. if (bj_meleeDefeated[opponentIndex]) then return false endif // Allied players with allied victory set are not opponents. if GetPlayerAlliance(thePlayer, theOpponent, ALLIANCE_PASSIVE) then if GetPlayerAlliance(theOpponent, thePlayer, ALLIANCE_PASSIVE) then if (GetPlayerState(thePlayer, PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY) == 1) then if (GetPlayerState(theOpponent, PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY) == 1) then return false endif endif endif endif return true endfunction //=========================================================================== // Count buildings currently owned by all allies, including the player themself. // function MeleeGetAllyStructureCount takes player whichPlayer returns integer local integer playerIndex local integer buildingCount local player indexPlayer // Count the number of buildings controlled by all not-yet-defeated co-allies. set buildingCount = 0 set playerIndex = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(playerIndex) // uncomment to cause defeat even if you have control of ally structures, but yours have been nixed //if (PlayersAreCoAllied(whichPlayer, indexPlayer) and not bj_meleeDefeated[playerIndex]) then if (PlayersAreCoAllied(whichPlayer, indexPlayer)) then set buildingCount = buildingCount + GetPlayerStructureCount(indexPlayer, true) endif set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1 exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop return buildingCount endfunction //=========================================================================== // Count allies, excluding dead players and the player themself. // function MeleeGetAllyCount takes player whichPlayer returns integer local integer playerIndex local integer playerCount local player indexPlayer // Count the number of not-yet-defeated co-allies. set playerCount = 0 set playerIndex = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(playerIndex) if PlayersAreCoAllied(whichPlayer, indexPlayer) and not bj_meleeDefeated[playerIndex] and (whichPlayer != indexPlayer) then set playerCount = playerCount + 1 endif set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1 exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop return playerCount endfunction //=========================================================================== // Counts key structures owned by a player and his or her allies, including // structures currently upgrading or under construction. // // Key structures: Town Hall, Great Hall, Tree of Life, Necropolis // function MeleeGetAllyKeyStructureCount takes player whichPlayer returns integer local integer playerIndex local player indexPlayer local integer keyStructs // Count the number of buildings controlled by all not-yet-defeated co-allies. set keyStructs = 0 set playerIndex = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(playerIndex) if (PlayersAreCoAllied(whichPlayer, indexPlayer)) then set keyStructs = keyStructs + GetPlayerTypedUnitCount(indexPlayer, "townhall", true, true) set keyStructs = keyStructs + GetPlayerTypedUnitCount(indexPlayer, "greathall", true, true) set keyStructs = keyStructs + GetPlayerTypedUnitCount(indexPlayer, "treeoflife", true, true) set keyStructs = keyStructs + GetPlayerTypedUnitCount(indexPlayer, "necropolis", true, true) endif set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1 exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop return keyStructs endfunction //=========================================================================== // Enum: Draw out a specific player. // function MeleeDoDrawEnum takes nothing returns nothing local player thePlayer = GetEnumPlayer() call CachePlayerHeroData(thePlayer) call RemovePlayerPreserveUnitsBJ(thePlayer, PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_TIE, false) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Enum: Victory out a specific player. // function MeleeDoVictoryEnum takes nothing returns nothing local player thePlayer = GetEnumPlayer() local integer playerIndex = GetPlayerId(thePlayer) if (not bj_meleeVictoried[playerIndex]) then set bj_meleeVictoried[playerIndex] = true call CachePlayerHeroData(thePlayer) call RemovePlayerPreserveUnitsBJ(thePlayer, PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_VICTORY, false) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Defeat out a specific player. // function MeleeDoDefeat takes player whichPlayer returns nothing set bj_meleeDefeated[GetPlayerId(whichPlayer)] = true call RemovePlayerPreserveUnitsBJ(whichPlayer, PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_DEFEAT, false) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Enum: Defeat out a specific player. // function MeleeDoDefeatEnum takes nothing returns nothing local player thePlayer = GetEnumPlayer() // needs to happen before ownership change call CachePlayerHeroData(thePlayer) call MakeUnitsPassiveForTeam(thePlayer) call MeleeDoDefeat(thePlayer) endfunction //=========================================================================== // A specific player left the game. // function MeleeDoLeave takes player whichPlayer returns nothing if (GetIntegerGameState(GAME_STATE_DISCONNECTED) != 0) then call GameOverDialogBJ( whichPlayer, true ) else set bj_meleeDefeated[GetPlayerId(whichPlayer)] = true call RemovePlayerPreserveUnitsBJ(whichPlayer, PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_DEFEAT, true) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Remove all observers // function MeleeRemoveObservers takes nothing returns nothing local integer playerIndex local player indexPlayer // Give all observers the game over dialog set playerIndex = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(playerIndex) if (IsPlayerObserver(indexPlayer)) then call RemovePlayerPreserveUnitsBJ(indexPlayer, PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_NEUTRAL, false) endif set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1 exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop endfunction //=========================================================================== // Test all players to determine if a team has won. For a team to win, all // remaining (read: undefeated) players need to be co-allied with all other // remaining players. If even one player is not allied towards another, // everyone must be denied victory. // function MeleeCheckForVictors takes nothing returns force local integer playerIndex local integer opponentIndex local force opponentlessPlayers = CreateForce() local boolean gameOver = false // Check to see if any players have opponents remaining. set playerIndex = 0 loop if (not bj_meleeDefeated[playerIndex]) then // Determine whether or not this player has any remaining opponents. set opponentIndex = 0 loop // If anyone has an opponent, noone can be victorious yet. if MeleePlayerIsOpponent(playerIndex, opponentIndex) then return CreateForce() endif set opponentIndex = opponentIndex + 1 exitwhen opponentIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop // Keep track of each opponentless player so that we can give // them a victory later. call ForceAddPlayer(opponentlessPlayers, Player(playerIndex)) set gameOver = true endif set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1 exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop // Set the game over global flag set bj_meleeGameOver = gameOver return opponentlessPlayers endfunction //=========================================================================== // Test each player to determine if anyone has been defeated. // function MeleeCheckForLosersAndVictors takes nothing returns nothing local integer playerIndex local player indexPlayer local force defeatedPlayers = CreateForce() local force victoriousPlayers local boolean gameOver = false // If the game is already over, do nothing if (bj_meleeGameOver) then return endif // If the game was disconnected then it is over, in this case we // don't want to report results for anyone as they will most likely // conflict with the actual game results if (GetIntegerGameState(GAME_STATE_DISCONNECTED) != 0) then set bj_meleeGameOver = true return endif // Check each player to see if he or she has been defeated yet. set playerIndex = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(playerIndex) if (not bj_meleeDefeated[playerIndex] and not bj_meleeVictoried[playerIndex]) then //call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "Player"+I2S(playerIndex)+" has "+I2S(MeleeGetAllyStructureCount(indexPlayer))+" ally buildings.") if (MeleeGetAllyStructureCount(indexPlayer) <= 0) then // Keep track of each defeated player so that we can give // them a defeat later. call ForceAddPlayer(defeatedPlayers, Player(playerIndex)) // Set their defeated flag now so MeleeCheckForVictors // can detect victors. set bj_meleeDefeated[playerIndex] = true endif endif set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1 exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop // Now that the defeated flags are set, check if there are any victors set victoriousPlayers = MeleeCheckForVictors() // Defeat all defeated players call ForForce(defeatedPlayers, function MeleeDoDefeatEnum) // Give victory to all victorious players call ForForce(victoriousPlayers, function MeleeDoVictoryEnum) // If the game is over we should remove all observers if (bj_meleeGameOver) then call MeleeRemoveObservers() endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Returns a race-specific "build X or be revealed" message. // function MeleeGetCrippledWarningMessage takes player whichPlayer returns string local race r = GetPlayerRace(whichPlayer) if (r == RACE_HUMAN) then return GetLocalizedString("CRIPPLE_WARNING_HUMAN") elseif (r == RACE_ORC) then return GetLocalizedString("CRIPPLE_WARNING_ORC") elseif (r == RACE_NIGHTELF) then return GetLocalizedString("CRIPPLE_WARNING_NIGHTELF") elseif (r == RACE_UNDEAD) then return GetLocalizedString("CRIPPLE_WARNING_UNDEAD") else // Unrecognized Race return "" endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Returns a race-specific "build X" label for cripple timers. // function MeleeGetCrippledTimerMessage takes player whichPlayer returns string local race r = GetPlayerRace(whichPlayer) if (r == RACE_HUMAN) then return GetLocalizedString("CRIPPLE_TIMER_HUMAN") elseif (r == RACE_ORC) then return GetLocalizedString("CRIPPLE_TIMER_ORC") elseif (r == RACE_NIGHTELF) then return GetLocalizedString("CRIPPLE_TIMER_NIGHTELF") elseif (r == RACE_UNDEAD) then return GetLocalizedString("CRIPPLE_TIMER_UNDEAD") else // Unrecognized Race return "" endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Returns a race-specific "build X" label for cripple timers. // function MeleeGetCrippledRevealedMessage takes player whichPlayer returns string return GetLocalizedString("CRIPPLE_REVEALING_PREFIX") + GetPlayerName(whichPlayer) + GetLocalizedString("CRIPPLE_REVEALING_POSTFIX") endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeExposePlayer takes player whichPlayer, boolean expose returns nothing local integer playerIndex local player indexPlayer local force toExposeTo = CreateForce() call CripplePlayer( whichPlayer, toExposeTo, false ) set bj_playerIsExposed[GetPlayerId(whichPlayer)] = expose set playerIndex = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(playerIndex) if (not PlayersAreCoAllied(whichPlayer, indexPlayer)) then call ForceAddPlayer( toExposeTo, indexPlayer ) endif set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1 exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop call CripplePlayer( whichPlayer, toExposeTo, expose ) call DestroyForce(toExposeTo) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeExposeAllPlayers takes nothing returns nothing local integer playerIndex local player indexPlayer local integer playerIndex2 local player indexPlayer2 local force toExposeTo = CreateForce() set playerIndex = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(playerIndex) call ForceClear( toExposeTo ) call CripplePlayer( indexPlayer, toExposeTo, false ) set playerIndex2 = 0 loop set indexPlayer2 = Player(playerIndex2) if playerIndex != playerIndex2 then if (not PlayersAreCoAllied(indexPlayer, indexPlayer2)) then call ForceAddPlayer( toExposeTo, indexPlayer2 ) endif endif set playerIndex2 = playerIndex2 + 1 exitwhen playerIndex2 == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop call CripplePlayer( indexPlayer, toExposeTo, true ) set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1 exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop call DestroyForce( toExposeTo ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeCrippledPlayerTimeout takes nothing returns nothing local timer expiredTimer = GetExpiredTimer() local integer playerIndex local player exposedPlayer // Determine which player's timer expired. set playerIndex = 0 loop if (bj_crippledTimer[playerIndex] == expiredTimer) then exitwhen true endif set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1 exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop if (playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS) then return endif set exposedPlayer = Player(playerIndex) if (GetLocalPlayer() == exposedPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. // Hide the timer window for this player. call TimerDialogDisplay(bj_crippledTimerWindows[playerIndex], false) endif // Display a text message to all players, explaining the exposure. call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_MELEE_CRIPPLE_MSG_DURATION, MeleeGetCrippledRevealedMessage(exposedPlayer)) // Expose the player. call MeleeExposePlayer(exposedPlayer, true) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleePlayerIsCrippled takes player whichPlayer returns boolean local integer allyStructures = MeleeGetAllyStructureCount(whichPlayer) local integer allyKeyStructures = MeleeGetAllyKeyStructureCount(whichPlayer) // Dead teams are not considered to be crippled. return (allyStructures > 0) and (allyKeyStructures <= 0) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Test each player to determine if anyone has become crippled. // function MeleeCheckForCrippledPlayers takes nothing returns nothing local integer playerIndex local player indexPlayer local force crippledPlayers = CreateForce() local boolean isNowCrippled local race indexRace // The "finish soon" exposure of all players overrides any "crippled" exposure if bj_finishSoonAllExposed then return endif // Check each player to see if he or she has been crippled or uncrippled. set playerIndex = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(playerIndex) set isNowCrippled = MeleePlayerIsCrippled(indexPlayer) if (not bj_playerIsCrippled[playerIndex] and isNowCrippled) then // Player became crippled; start their cripple timer. set bj_playerIsCrippled[playerIndex] = true call TimerStart(bj_crippledTimer[playerIndex], bj_MELEE_CRIPPLE_TIMEOUT, false, function MeleeCrippledPlayerTimeout) if (GetLocalPlayer() == indexPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. // Show the timer window. call TimerDialogDisplay(bj_crippledTimerWindows[playerIndex], true) // Display a warning message. call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(indexPlayer, 0, 0, bj_MELEE_CRIPPLE_MSG_DURATION, MeleeGetCrippledWarningMessage(indexPlayer)) endif elseif (bj_playerIsCrippled[playerIndex] and not isNowCrippled) then // Player became uncrippled; stop their cripple timer. set bj_playerIsCrippled[playerIndex] = false call PauseTimer(bj_crippledTimer[playerIndex]) if (GetLocalPlayer() == indexPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. // Hide the timer window for this player. call TimerDialogDisplay(bj_crippledTimerWindows[playerIndex], false) // Display a confirmation message if the player's team is still alive. if (MeleeGetAllyStructureCount(indexPlayer) > 0) then if (bj_playerIsExposed[playerIndex]) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(indexPlayer, 0, 0, bj_MELEE_CRIPPLE_MSG_DURATION, GetLocalizedString("CRIPPLE_UNREVEALED")) else call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(indexPlayer, 0, 0, bj_MELEE_CRIPPLE_MSG_DURATION, GetLocalizedString("CRIPPLE_UNCRIPPLED")) endif endif endif // If the player granted shared vision, deny that vision now. call MeleeExposePlayer(indexPlayer, false) endif set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1 exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop endfunction //=========================================================================== // Determine if the lost unit should result in any defeats or victories. // function MeleeCheckLostUnit takes unit lostUnit returns nothing local player lostUnitOwner = GetOwningPlayer(lostUnit) // We only need to check for mortality if this was the last building. if (GetPlayerStructureCount(lostUnitOwner, true) <= 0) then call MeleeCheckForLosersAndVictors() endif // Check if the lost unit has crippled or uncrippled the player. // (A team with 0 units is dead, and thus considered uncrippled.) call MeleeCheckForCrippledPlayers() endfunction //=========================================================================== // Determine if the gained unit should result in any defeats, victories, // or cripple-status changes. // function MeleeCheckAddedUnit takes unit addedUnit returns nothing local player addedUnitOwner = GetOwningPlayer(addedUnit) // If the player was crippled, this unit may have uncrippled him/her. if (bj_playerIsCrippled[GetPlayerId(addedUnitOwner)]) then call MeleeCheckForCrippledPlayers() endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeTriggerActionConstructCancel takes nothing returns nothing call MeleeCheckLostUnit(GetCancelledStructure()) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeTriggerActionUnitDeath takes nothing returns nothing if (IsUnitType(GetDyingUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE)) then call MeleeCheckLostUnit(GetDyingUnit()) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeTriggerActionUnitConstructionStart takes nothing returns nothing call MeleeCheckAddedUnit(GetConstructingStructure()) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeTriggerActionPlayerDefeated takes nothing returns nothing local player thePlayer = GetTriggerPlayer() call CachePlayerHeroData(thePlayer) if (MeleeGetAllyCount(thePlayer) > 0) then // If at least one ally is still alive and kicking, share units with // them and proceed with death. call ShareEverythingWithTeam(thePlayer) if (not bj_meleeDefeated[GetPlayerId(thePlayer)]) then call MeleeDoDefeat(thePlayer) endif else // If no living allies remain, swap all units and buildings over to // neutral_passive and proceed with death. call MakeUnitsPassiveForTeam(thePlayer) if (not bj_meleeDefeated[GetPlayerId(thePlayer)]) then call MeleeDoDefeat(thePlayer) endif endif call MeleeCheckForLosersAndVictors() endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeTriggerActionPlayerLeft takes nothing returns nothing local player thePlayer = GetTriggerPlayer() // Just show game over for observers when they leave if (IsPlayerObserver(thePlayer)) then call RemovePlayerPreserveUnitsBJ(thePlayer, PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_NEUTRAL, false) return endif call CachePlayerHeroData(thePlayer) // This is the same as defeat except the player generates the message // "player left the game" as opposed to "player was defeated". if (MeleeGetAllyCount(thePlayer) > 0) then // If at least one ally is still alive and kicking, share units with // them and proceed with death. call ShareEverythingWithTeam(thePlayer) call MeleeDoLeave(thePlayer) else // If no living allies remain, swap all units and buildings over to // neutral_passive and proceed with death. call MakeUnitsPassiveForTeam(thePlayer) call MeleeDoLeave(thePlayer) endif call MeleeCheckForLosersAndVictors() endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeTriggerActionAllianceChange takes nothing returns nothing call MeleeCheckForLosersAndVictors() call MeleeCheckForCrippledPlayers() endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeTriggerTournamentFinishSoon takes nothing returns nothing // Note: We may get this trigger multiple times local integer playerIndex local player indexPlayer local real timeRemaining = GetTournamentFinishSoonTimeRemaining() if not bj_finishSoonAllExposed then set bj_finishSoonAllExposed = true // Reset all crippled players and their timers, and hide the local crippled timer dialog set playerIndex = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(playerIndex) if bj_playerIsCrippled[playerIndex] then // Uncripple the player set bj_playerIsCrippled[playerIndex] = false call PauseTimer(bj_crippledTimer[playerIndex]) if (GetLocalPlayer() == indexPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. // Hide the timer window. call TimerDialogDisplay(bj_crippledTimerWindows[playerIndex], false) endif endif set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1 exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop // Expose all players call MeleeExposeAllPlayers() endif // Show the "finish soon" timer dialog and set the real time remaining call TimerDialogDisplay(bj_finishSoonTimerDialog, true) call TimerDialogSetRealTimeRemaining(bj_finishSoonTimerDialog, timeRemaining) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeWasUserPlayer takes player whichPlayer returns boolean local playerslotstate slotState if (GetPlayerController(whichPlayer) != MAP_CONTROL_USER) then return false endif set slotState = GetPlayerSlotState(whichPlayer) return (slotState == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING or slotState == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_LEFT) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeTournamentFinishNowRuleA takes integer multiplier returns nothing local integer array playerScore local integer array teamScore local force array teamForce local integer teamCount local integer index local player indexPlayer local integer index2 local player indexPlayer2 local integer bestTeam local integer bestScore local boolean draw // Compute individual player scores set index = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(index) if MeleeWasUserPlayer(indexPlayer) then set playerScore[index] = GetTournamentScore(indexPlayer) if playerScore[index] <= 0 then set playerScore[index] = 1 endif else set playerScore[index] = 0 endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop // Compute team scores and team forces set teamCount = 0 set index = 0 loop if playerScore[index] != 0 then set indexPlayer = Player(index) set teamScore[teamCount] = 0 set teamForce[teamCount] = CreateForce() set index2 = index loop if playerScore[index2] != 0 then set indexPlayer2 = Player(index2) if PlayersAreCoAllied(indexPlayer, indexPlayer2) then set teamScore[teamCount] = teamScore[teamCount] + playerScore[index2] call ForceAddPlayer(teamForce[teamCount], indexPlayer2) set playerScore[index2] = 0 endif endif set index2 = index2 + 1 exitwhen index2 == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop set teamCount = teamCount + 1 endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop // The game is now over set bj_meleeGameOver = true // There should always be at least one team, but continue to work if not if teamCount != 0 then // Find best team score set bestTeam = -1 set bestScore = -1 set index = 0 loop if teamScore[index] > bestScore then set bestTeam = index set bestScore = teamScore[index] endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == teamCount endloop // Check whether the best team's score is 'multiplier' times better than // every other team. In the case of multiplier == 1 and exactly equal team // scores, the first team (which was randomly chosen by the server) will win. set draw = false set index = 0 loop if index != bestTeam then if bestScore < (multiplier * teamScore[index]) then set draw = true endif endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == teamCount endloop if draw then // Give draw to all players on all teams set index = 0 loop call ForForce(teamForce[index], function MeleeDoDrawEnum) set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == teamCount endloop else // Give defeat to all players on teams other than the best team set index = 0 loop if index != bestTeam then call ForForce(teamForce[index], function MeleeDoDefeatEnum) endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == teamCount endloop // Give victory to all players on the best team call ForForce(teamForce[bestTeam], function MeleeDoVictoryEnum) endif endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeTriggerTournamentFinishNow takes nothing returns nothing local integer rule = GetTournamentFinishNowRule() // If the game is already over, do nothing if bj_meleeGameOver then return endif if (rule == 1) then // Finals games call MeleeTournamentFinishNowRuleA(1) else // Preliminary games call MeleeTournamentFinishNowRuleA(3) endif // Since the game is over we should remove all observers call MeleeRemoveObservers() endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeInitVictoryDefeat takes nothing returns nothing local trigger trig local integer index local player indexPlayer // Create a timer window for the "finish soon" timeout period, it has no timer // because it is driven by real time (outside of the game state to avoid desyncs) set bj_finishSoonTimerDialog = CreateTimerDialog(null) // Set a trigger to fire when we receive a "finish soon" game event set trig = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterGameEvent(trig, EVENT_GAME_TOURNAMENT_FINISH_SOON) call TriggerAddAction(trig, function MeleeTriggerTournamentFinishSoon) // Set a trigger to fire when we receive a "finish now" game event set trig = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterGameEvent(trig, EVENT_GAME_TOURNAMENT_FINISH_NOW) call TriggerAddAction(trig, function MeleeTriggerTournamentFinishNow) // Set up each player's mortality code. set index = 0 loop set indexPlayer = Player(index) // Make sure this player slot is playing. if (GetPlayerSlotState(indexPlayer) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING) then set bj_meleeDefeated[index] = false set bj_meleeVictoried[index] = false // Create a timer and timer window in case the player is crippled. set bj_playerIsCrippled[index] = false set bj_playerIsExposed[index] = false set bj_crippledTimer[index] = CreateTimer() set bj_crippledTimerWindows[index] = CreateTimerDialog(bj_crippledTimer[index]) call TimerDialogSetTitle(bj_crippledTimerWindows[index], MeleeGetCrippledTimerMessage(indexPlayer)) // Set a trigger to fire whenever a building is cancelled for this player. set trig = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(trig, indexPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_CANCEL, null) call TriggerAddAction(trig, function MeleeTriggerActionConstructCancel) // Set a trigger to fire whenever a unit dies for this player. set trig = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(trig, indexPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH, null) call TriggerAddAction(trig, function MeleeTriggerActionUnitDeath) // Set a trigger to fire whenever a unit begins construction for this player set trig = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(trig, indexPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_START, null) call TriggerAddAction(trig, function MeleeTriggerActionUnitConstructionStart) // Set a trigger to fire whenever this player defeats-out set trig = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, indexPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_DEFEAT) call TriggerAddAction(trig, function MeleeTriggerActionPlayerDefeated) // Set a trigger to fire whenever this player leaves set trig = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, indexPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE) call TriggerAddAction(trig, function MeleeTriggerActionPlayerLeft) // Set a trigger to fire whenever this player changes his/her alliances. set trig = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterPlayerAllianceChange(trig, indexPlayer, ALLIANCE_PASSIVE) call TriggerRegisterPlayerStateEvent(trig, indexPlayer, PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY, EQUAL, 1) call TriggerAddAction(trig, function MeleeTriggerActionAllianceChange) else set bj_meleeDefeated[index] = true set bj_meleeVictoried[index] = false // Handle leave events for observers if (IsPlayerObserver(indexPlayer)) then // Set a trigger to fire whenever this player leaves set trig = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, indexPlayer, EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE) call TriggerAddAction(trig, function MeleeTriggerActionPlayerLeft) endif endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop // Test for victory / defeat at startup, in case the user has already won / lost. // Allow for a short time to pass first, so that the map can finish loading. call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 2.0, false, function MeleeTriggerActionAllianceChange) endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Player Slot Availability //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function CheckInitPlayerSlotAvailability takes nothing returns nothing local integer index if (not bj_slotControlReady) then set index = 0 loop set bj_slotControlUsed[index] = false set bj_slotControl[index] = MAP_CONTROL_USER set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop set bj_slotControlReady = true endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetPlayerSlotAvailable takes player whichPlayer, mapcontrol control returns nothing local integer playerIndex = GetPlayerId(whichPlayer) call CheckInitPlayerSlotAvailability() set bj_slotControlUsed[playerIndex] = true set bj_slotControl[playerIndex] = control endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Generic Template Player-slot Initialization //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function TeamInitPlayerSlots takes integer teamCount returns nothing local integer index local player indexPlayer local integer team call SetTeams(teamCount) call CheckInitPlayerSlotAvailability() set index = 0 set team = 0 loop if (bj_slotControlUsed[index]) then set indexPlayer = Player(index) call SetPlayerTeam( indexPlayer, team ) set team = team + 1 if (team >= teamCount) then set team = 0 endif endif set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop endfunction //=========================================================================== function MeleeInitPlayerSlots takes nothing returns nothing call TeamInitPlayerSlots(bj_MAX_PLAYERS) endfunction //=========================================================================== function FFAInitPlayerSlots takes nothing returns nothing call TeamInitPlayerSlots(bj_MAX_PLAYERS) endfunction //=========================================================================== function OneOnOneInitPlayerSlots takes nothing returns nothing // Limit the game to 2 players. call SetTeams(2) call SetPlayers(2) call TeamInitPlayerSlots(2) endfunction //=========================================================================== function InitGenericPlayerSlots takes nothing returns nothing local gametype gType = GetGameTypeSelected() if (gType == GAME_TYPE_MELEE) then call MeleeInitPlayerSlots() elseif (gType == GAME_TYPE_FFA) then call FFAInitPlayerSlots() elseif (gType == GAME_TYPE_USE_MAP_SETTINGS) then // Do nothing; the map-specific script handles this. elseif (gType == GAME_TYPE_ONE_ON_ONE) then call OneOnOneInitPlayerSlots() elseif (gType == GAME_TYPE_TWO_TEAM_PLAY) then call TeamInitPlayerSlots(2) elseif (gType == GAME_TYPE_THREE_TEAM_PLAY) then call TeamInitPlayerSlots(3) elseif (gType == GAME_TYPE_FOUR_TEAM_PLAY) then call TeamInitPlayerSlots(4) else // Unrecognized Game Type endif endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Blizzard.j Initialization //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function SetDNCSoundsDawn takes nothing returns nothing if bj_useDawnDuskSounds then call StartSound(bj_dawnSound) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetDNCSoundsDusk takes nothing returns nothing if bj_useDawnDuskSounds then call StartSound(bj_duskSound) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetDNCSoundsDay takes nothing returns nothing local real ToD = GetTimeOfDay() if (ToD >= bj_TOD_DAWN and ToD < bj_TOD_DUSK) and not bj_dncIsDaytime then set bj_dncIsDaytime = true // change ambient sounds call StopSound(bj_nightAmbientSound, false, true) call StartSound(bj_dayAmbientSound) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function SetDNCSoundsNight takes nothing returns nothing local real ToD = GetTimeOfDay() if (ToD < bj_TOD_DAWN or ToD >= bj_TOD_DUSK) and bj_dncIsDaytime then set bj_dncIsDaytime = false // change ambient sounds call StopSound(bj_dayAmbientSound, false, true) call StartSound(bj_nightAmbientSound) endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function InitDNCSounds takes nothing returns nothing // Create sounds to be played at dawn and dusk. set bj_dawnSound = CreateSoundFromLabel("RoosterSound", false, false, false, 10000, 10000) set bj_duskSound = CreateSoundFromLabel("WolfSound", false, false, false, 10000, 10000) // Set up triggers to respond to dawn and dusk. set bj_dncSoundsDawn = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterGameStateEvent(bj_dncSoundsDawn, GAME_STATE_TIME_OF_DAY, EQUAL, bj_TOD_DAWN) call TriggerAddAction(bj_dncSoundsDawn, function SetDNCSoundsDawn) set bj_dncSoundsDusk = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterGameStateEvent(bj_dncSoundsDusk, GAME_STATE_TIME_OF_DAY, EQUAL, bj_TOD_DUSK) call TriggerAddAction(bj_dncSoundsDusk, function SetDNCSoundsDusk) // Set up triggers to respond to changes from day to night or vice-versa. set bj_dncSoundsDay = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterGameStateEvent(bj_dncSoundsDay, GAME_STATE_TIME_OF_DAY, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, bj_TOD_DAWN) call TriggerRegisterGameStateEvent(bj_dncSoundsDay, GAME_STATE_TIME_OF_DAY, LESS_THAN, bj_TOD_DUSK) call TriggerAddAction(bj_dncSoundsDay, function SetDNCSoundsDay) set bj_dncSoundsNight = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterGameStateEvent(bj_dncSoundsNight, GAME_STATE_TIME_OF_DAY, LESS_THAN, bj_TOD_DAWN) call TriggerRegisterGameStateEvent(bj_dncSoundsNight, GAME_STATE_TIME_OF_DAY, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, bj_TOD_DUSK) call TriggerAddAction(bj_dncSoundsNight, function SetDNCSoundsNight) endfunction //=========================================================================== function InitBlizzardGlobals takes nothing returns nothing local integer index local integer userControlledPlayers local version v // Init filter function vars set filterIssueHauntOrderAtLocBJ = Filter(function IssueHauntOrderAtLocBJFilter) set filterEnumDestructablesInCircleBJ = Filter(function EnumDestructablesInCircleBJFilter) set filterGetUnitsInRectOfPlayer = Filter(function GetUnitsInRectOfPlayerFilter) set filterGetUnitsOfTypeIdAll = Filter(function GetUnitsOfTypeIdAllFilter) set filterGetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId = Filter(function GetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeIdFilter) set filterMeleeTrainedUnitIsHeroBJ = Filter(function MeleeTrainedUnitIsHeroBJFilter) set filterLivingPlayerUnitsOfTypeId = Filter(function LivingPlayerUnitsOfTypeIdFilter) // Init force presets set index = 0 loop exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS set bj_FORCE_PLAYER[index] = CreateForce() call ForceAddPlayer(bj_FORCE_PLAYER[index], Player(index)) set index = index + 1 endloop set bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS = CreateForce() call ForceEnumPlayers(bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS, null) // Init Cinematic Mode history set bj_cineModePriorSpeed = GetGameSpeed() set bj_cineModePriorFogSetting = IsFogEnabled() set bj_cineModePriorMaskSetting = IsFogMaskEnabled() // Init Trigger Queue set index = 0 loop exitwhen index >= bj_MAX_QUEUED_TRIGGERS set bj_queuedExecTriggers[index] = null set bj_queuedExecUseConds[index] = false set index = index + 1 endloop // Init singleplayer check set bj_isSinglePlayer = false set userControlledPlayers = 0 set index = 0 loop exitwhen index >= bj_MAX_PLAYERS if (GetPlayerController(Player(index)) == MAP_CONTROL_USER and GetPlayerSlotState(Player(index)) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING) then set userControlledPlayers = userControlledPlayers + 1 endif set index = index + 1 endloop set bj_isSinglePlayer = (userControlledPlayers == 1) // Init sounds //set bj_pingMinimapSound = CreateSoundFromLabel("AutoCastButtonClick", false, false, false, 10000, 10000) set bj_rescueSound = CreateSoundFromLabel("Rescue", false, false, false, 10000, 10000) set bj_questDiscoveredSound = CreateSoundFromLabel("QuestNew", false, false, false, 10000, 10000) set bj_questUpdatedSound = CreateSoundFromLabel("QuestUpdate", false, false, false, 10000, 10000) set bj_questCompletedSound = CreateSoundFromLabel("QuestCompleted", false, false, false, 10000, 10000) set bj_questFailedSound = CreateSoundFromLabel("QuestFailed", false, false, false, 10000, 10000) set bj_questHintSound = CreateSoundFromLabel("Hint", false, false, false, 10000, 10000) set bj_questSecretSound = CreateSoundFromLabel("SecretFound", false, false, false, 10000, 10000) set bj_questItemAcquiredSound = CreateSoundFromLabel("ItemReward", false, false, false, 10000, 10000) set bj_questWarningSound = CreateSoundFromLabel("Warning", false, false, false, 10000, 10000) set bj_victoryDialogSound = CreateSoundFromLabel("QuestCompleted", false, false, false, 10000, 10000) set bj_defeatDialogSound = CreateSoundFromLabel("QuestFailed", false, false, false, 10000, 10000) // Init corpse creation triggers. call DelayedSuspendDecayCreate() // Init version-specific data set v = VersionGet() if (v == VERSION_REIGN_OF_CHAOS) then set bj_MELEE_MAX_TWINKED_HEROES = bj_MELEE_MAX_TWINKED_HEROES_V0 else set bj_MELEE_MAX_TWINKED_HEROES = bj_MELEE_MAX_TWINKED_HEROES_V1 endif endfunction //=========================================================================== function InitQueuedTriggers takes nothing returns nothing set bj_queuedExecTimeout = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterTimerExpireEvent(bj_queuedExecTimeout, bj_queuedExecTimeoutTimer) call TriggerAddAction(bj_queuedExecTimeout, function QueuedTriggerDoneBJ) endfunction //=========================================================================== function InitMapRects takes nothing returns nothing set bj_mapInitialPlayableArea = Rect(GetCameraBoundMinX()-GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT), GetCameraBoundMinY()-GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM), GetCameraBoundMaxX()+GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT), GetCameraBoundMaxY()+GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP)) set bj_mapInitialCameraBounds = GetCurrentCameraBoundsMapRectBJ() endfunction //=========================================================================== function InitSummonableCaps takes nothing returns nothing local integer index set index = 0 loop // upgraded units // Note: Only do this if the corresponding upgrade is not yet researched // Barrage - Siege Engines if (not GetPlayerTechResearched(Player(index), 'Rhrt', true)) then call SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'hrtt', 0) endif // Berserker Upgrade - Troll Berserkers if (not GetPlayerTechResearched(Player(index), 'Robk', true)) then call SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'otbk', 0) endif // max skeletons per player call SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed(Player(index), 'uske', bj_MAX_SKELETONS) set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYERS endloop endfunction //=========================================================================== // Update the per-class stock limits. // function UpdateStockAvailability takes item whichItem returns nothing local itemtype iType = GetItemType(whichItem) local integer iLevel = GetItemLevel(whichItem) // Update allowed type/level combinations. if (iType == ITEM_TYPE_PERMANENT) then set bj_stockAllowedPermanent[iLevel] = true elseif (iType == ITEM_TYPE_CHARGED) then set bj_stockAllowedCharged[iLevel] = true elseif (iType == ITEM_TYPE_ARTIFACT) then set bj_stockAllowedArtifact[iLevel] = true else // Not interested in this item type - ignore the item. endif endfunction //=========================================================================== // Find a sellable item of the given type and level, and then add it. // function UpdateEachStockBuildingEnum takes nothing returns nothing local integer iteration = 0 local integer pickedItemId loop set pickedItemId = ChooseRandomItemEx(bj_stockPickedItemType, bj_stockPickedItemLevel) exitwhen IsItemIdSellable(pickedItemId) // If we get hung up on an entire class/level combo of unsellable // items, or a very unlucky series of random numbers, give up. set iteration = iteration + 1 if (iteration > bj_STOCK_MAX_ITERATIONS) then return endif endloop call AddItemToStock(GetEnumUnit(), pickedItemId, 1, 1) endfunction //=========================================================================== function UpdateEachStockBuilding takes itemtype iType, integer iLevel returns nothing local group g set bj_stockPickedItemType = iType set bj_stockPickedItemLevel = iLevel set g = CreateGroup() call GroupEnumUnitsOfType(g, "marketplace", null) call ForGroup(g, function UpdateEachStockBuildingEnum) call DestroyGroup(g) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Update stock inventory. // function PerformStockUpdates takes nothing returns nothing local integer pickedItemId local itemtype pickedItemType local integer pickedItemLevel = 0 local integer allowedCombinations = 0 local integer iLevel // Give each type/level combination a chance of being picked. set iLevel = 1 loop if (bj_stockAllowedPermanent[iLevel]) then set allowedCombinations = allowedCombinations + 1 if (GetRandomInt(1, allowedCombinations) == 1) then set pickedItemType = ITEM_TYPE_PERMANENT set pickedItemLevel = iLevel endif endif if (bj_stockAllowedCharged[iLevel]) then set allowedCombinations = allowedCombinations + 1 if (GetRandomInt(1, allowedCombinations) == 1) then set pickedItemType = ITEM_TYPE_CHARGED set pickedItemLevel = iLevel endif endif if (bj_stockAllowedArtifact[iLevel]) then set allowedCombinations = allowedCombinations + 1 if (GetRandomInt(1, allowedCombinations) == 1) then set pickedItemType = ITEM_TYPE_ARTIFACT set pickedItemLevel = iLevel endif endif set iLevel = iLevel + 1 exitwhen iLevel > bj_MAX_ITEM_LEVEL endloop // Make sure we found a val1id item type to add. if (allowedCombinations == 0) then return endif call UpdateEachStockBuilding(pickedItemType, pickedItemLevel) endfunction //=========================================================================== // Perform the first update, and then arrange future updates. // function StartStockUpdates takes nothing returns nothing call PerformStockUpdates() call TimerStart(bj_stockUpdateTimer, bj_STOCK_RESTOCK_INTERval1, true, function PerformStockUpdates) endfunction //=========================================================================== function RemovePurchasedItem takes nothing returns nothing call RemoveItemFromStock(GetSellingUnit(), GetItemTypeId(GetSoldItem())) endfunction //=========================================================================== function InitNeutralBuildings takes nothing returns nothing local integer iLevel // Chart of allowed stock items. set iLevel = 0 loop set bj_stockAllowedPermanent[iLevel] = false set bj_stockAllowedCharged[iLevel] = false set bj_stockAllowedArtifact[iLevel] = false set iLevel = iLevel + 1 exitwhen iLevel > bj_MAX_ITEM_LEVEL endloop // Limit stock inventory slots. call SetAllItemTypeSlots(bj_MAX_STOCK_ITEM_SLOTS) call SetAllUnitTypeSlots(bj_MAX_STOCK_UNIT_SLOTS) // Arrange the first update. set bj_stockUpdateTimer = CreateTimer() call TimerStart(bj_stockUpdateTimer, bj_STOCK_RESTOCK_INITIAL_DELAY, false, function StartStockUpdates) // Set up a trigger to fire whenever an item is sold. set bj_stockItemPurchased = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(bj_stockItemPurchased, Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELL_ITEM, null) call TriggerAddAction(bj_stockItemPurchased, function RemovePurchasedItem) endfunction //=========================================================================== function MarkGameStarted takes nothing returns nothing set bj_gameStarted = true call DestroyTimer(bj_gameStartedTimer) endfunction //=========================================================================== function DetectGameStarted takes nothing returns nothing set bj_gameStartedTimer = CreateTimer() call TimerStart(bj_gameStartedTimer, bj_GAME_STARTED_THRESHOLD, false, function MarkGameStarted) endfunction //=========================================================================== function InitBlizzard takes nothing returns nothing // Set up the Neutral Victim player slot, to torture the abandoned units // of defeated players. Since some triggers expect this player slot to // exist, this is performed for all maps. call ConfigureNeutralVictim() call InitBlizzardGlobals() call InitQueuedTriggers() call InitRescuableBehaviorBJ() call InitDNCSounds() call InitMapRects() call InitSummonableCaps() call InitNeutralBuildings() call DetectGameStarted() endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Random distribution //* //* Used to select a random object from a given distribution of chances //* //* - RandomDistReset clears the distribution list //* //* - RandomDistAddItem adds a new object to the distribution list //* with a given identifier and an integer chance to be chosen //* //* - RandomDistChoose will use the current distribution list to choose //* one of the objects randomly based on the chance distribution //* //* Note that the chances are effectively normalized by their sum, //* so only the relative val1ues of each chance are important //* //*************************************************************************** //=========================================================================== function RandomDistReset takes nothing returns nothing set bj_randDistCount = 0 endfunction //=========================================================================== function RandomDistAddItem takes integer inID, integer inChance returns nothing set bj_randDistID[bj_randDistCount] = inID set bj_randDistChance[bj_randDistCount] = inChance set bj_randDistCount = bj_randDistCount + 1 endfunction //=========================================================================== function RandomDistChoose takes nothing returns integer local integer sum = 0 local integer chance = 0 local integer index local integer foundID = -1 local boolean done // No items? if (bj_randDistCount == 0) then return -1 endif // Find sum of all chances set index = 0 loop set sum = sum + bj_randDistChance[index] set index = index + 1 exitwhen index == bj_randDistCount endloop // Choose random number within the total range set chance = GetRandomInt(1, sum) // Find ID which corresponds to this chance set index = 0 set sum = 0 set done = false loop set sum = sum + bj_randDistChance[index] if (chance <= sum) then set foundID = bj_randDistID[index] set done = true endif set index = index + 1 if (index == bj_randDistCount) then set done = true endif exitwhen done == true endloop return foundID endfunction //*************************************************************************** //* //* Drop item //* //* Makes the given unit drop the given item //* //* Note: This could potentially cause problems if the unit is standing //* right on the edge of an unpathable area and happens to drop the //* item into the unpathable area where nobody can get it... //* //*************************************************************************** function UnitDropItem takes unit inUnit, integer inItemID returns item local real x local real y local real radius = 32 local real unitX local real unitY local item droppedItem if (inItemID == -1) then return null endif set unitX = GetUnitX(inUnit) set unitY = GetUnitY(inUnit) set x = GetRandomReal(unitX - radius, unitX + radius) set y = GetRandomReal(unitY - radius, unitY + radius) set droppedItem = CreateItem(inItemID, x, y) call SetItemDropID(droppedItem, GetUnitTypeId(inUnit)) call UpdateStockAvailability(droppedItem) return droppedItem endfunction //=========================================================================== function WidgetDropItem takes widget inWidget, integer inItemID returns item local real x local real y local real radius = 32 local real widgetX local real widgetY if (inItemID == -1) then return null endif set widgetX = GetWidgetX(inWidget) set widgetY = GetWidgetY(inWidget) set x = GetRandomReal(widgetX - radius, widgetX + radius) set y = GetRandomReal(widgetY - radius, widgetY + radius) return CreateItem(inItemID, x, y) endfunction native testSuccess takes nothing returns nothing package test { function runTest() { testSuccess() } }