array A_nextFree219 integer A_firstFree197 integer A_maxIndex175 array C_nextFree107 integer C_firstFree370 integer C_maxIndex933 array C_typeId288 integer A_firstFree197 = 0 integer A_maxIndex175 = 0 integer C_firstFree370 = 0 integer C_maxIndex933 = 0 function initGlobals627() { } function main196() { initGlobals627(); init_Test984(); } function config259() { } function init_Test984() { dispatch_C_Test_C_foo181(new_C193(), new_A214()); dispatch_C_Test_C_foo_4281(new_C193(), 1, 2, 3, 4); } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess498() { } function A_init146(integer this184) { } function new_A214() returns integer { local integer this486 this_486 = alloc_A538(); construct_A386(this_486); return this_486; } function construct_A386(integer this685) { A_init146(this_685); } function C_foo117(integer this183, integer s159) { } function C_init146(integer this102) { } function new_C193() returns integer { local integer this890 this_890 = alloc_C853(); construct_C112(this_890); return this_890; } function construct_C112(integer this141) { C_init146(this_141); } function alloc_A538() returns integer { local integer this310 if (A_firstFree_197 == 0) { if (A_maxIndex_175 < 32768) { A_maxIndex_175 = (A_maxIndex_175 + 1); this_310 = A_maxIndex_175; } else { error211("Out of memory: Could not create A."); this_310 = 0; }; } else { A_firstFree_197 = (A_firstFree_197 - 1); this_310 = A_nextFree_219[A_firstFree_197]; }; return this_310; } function error211(string msg303) { $debugPrint980((msg_303 + (" " + #getStackTrace()))); } function alloc_C853() returns integer { local integer this198 if (C_firstFree_370 == 0) { if (C_maxIndex_933 < 32768) { C_maxIndex_933 = (C_maxIndex_933 + 1); this_198 = C_maxIndex_933; C_typeId_288[this_198] = 2; } else { error211("Out of memory: Could not create C."); this_198 = 0; }; } else { C_firstFree_370 = (C_firstFree_370 - 1); this_198 = C_nextFree_107[C_firstFree_370]; C_typeId_288[this_198] = 2; }; return this_198; } function dispatch_C_Test_C_foo181(integer this169, integer s125) { if (C_typeId_288[this_169] == 0) { if (this_169 == 0) { error211("Nullpointer exception when calling"); } else { error211("Called on invalid object."); }; } else { }; C_foo117(this_169, s_125); } function C_foo_4195(integer this375, any ints_0147, any ints_1293, any ints_2199, any ints_3141) { testSuccess498(); } function dispatch_C_Test_C_foo_4281(integer this660, any ints_0743, any ints_1182, any ints_2171, any ints_3969) { if (C_typeId_288[this_660] == 0) { if (this_660 == 0) { error211("Nullpointer exception when calling"); } else { error211("Called on invalid object."); }; } else { }; C_foo_4195(this_660, ints_0_743, ints_1_182, ints_2_171, ints_3_969); }