array C_nextFree821 integer C_firstFree581 integer C_maxIndex933 integer wurst_stack_depth444 array wurst_stack183 array C_v_x_0195 array C_v_x_1661 array C_v_x_2121 array C_v_x_3142 array C_v_x_4203 array C_v_y_0120 array C_v_y_1586 array C_v_y_2159 array C_v_y_3163 array C_v_y_4181 array C_v_z_0195 array C_v_z_1179 array C_v_z_2106 array C_v_z_3200 array C_v_z_4549 integer C_firstFree581 = 0 integer C_maxIndex933 = 0 integer wurst_stack_depth444 = 0 function initGlobals165() { } function main107() { initGlobals165(); init_test523("when calling init_test in tupleArrayInClass2, line 1"); } function config780() { } function init_test523(string __wurst_stackPos182) { local integer this199 wurst_stack_183[wurst_stack_depth_444] = __wurst_stackPos_182; wurst_stack_depth_444 = (wurst_stack_depth_444 + 1); wurst_stack_183[wurst_stack_depth_444] = "when calling new_C in tupleArrayInClass2, line 9"; wurst_stack_depth_444 = (wurst_stack_depth_444 + 1); wurst_stack_183[wurst_stack_depth_444] = "when calling alloc_C in tupleArrayInClass2, line 5"; wurst_stack_depth_444 = (wurst_stack_depth_444 + 1); if (C_firstFree_581 == 0) { if (C_maxIndex_933 < 32768) { C_maxIndex_933 = (C_maxIndex_933 + 1); this_199 = C_maxIndex_933; } else { error107("Out of memory: Could not create C.", "when calling error in tupleArrayInClass2, line 5"); this_199 = 0; }; } else { C_firstFree_581 = (C_firstFree_581 - 1); this_199 = C_nextFree_821[C_firstFree_581]; }; wurst_stack_depth_444 = ((wurst_stack_depth_444 - 1) - 1); C_v_x_set184(this_199, 0, 1., "when writing array C_v_x in tupleArrayInClass2, line 10"); C_v_y_set115(this_199, 0, 2., "when writing array C_v_y in tupleArrayInClass2, line 10"); C_v_z_set428(this_199, 0, 3., "when writing array C_v_z in tupleArrayInClass2, line 10"); C_v_x_set184(this_199, 1, 5., "when writing array C_v_x in tupleArrayInClass2, line 11"); C_v_y_set115(this_199, 1, 6., "when writing array C_v_y in tupleArrayInClass2, line 12"); C_v_z_set428(this_199, 1, 7., "when writing array C_v_z in tupleArrayInClass2, line 13"); println110(R2S103(C_v_x_get173(this_199, 0, "when reading array C_v_x in in tupleArrayInClass2, line 14"))); println110(R2S103(C_v_z_get209(this_199, 0, "when reading array C_v_z in in tupleArrayInClass2, line 15"))); println110(R2S103(C_v_y_get776(this_199, 1, "when reading array C_v_y in in tupleArrayInClass2, line 16"))); if (((C_v_x_get173(this_199, 0, "when reading array C_v_x in in tupleArrayInClass2, line 17") == 1.) and (C_v_z_get209(this_199, 0, "when reading array C_v_z in in tupleArrayInClass2, line 17") == 3.)) and (C_v_y_get776(this_199, 1, "when reading array C_v_y in in tupleArrayInClass2, line 17") == 6.)) { testSuccess144(); } else { }; wurst_stack_depth_444 = (wurst_stack_depth_444 - 1); } IS_NATIVE IS_EXTERN @extern function R2S103(real r122) returns string { } IS_NATIVE function println110(string s122) { } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess144() { } function error107(string msg209, string __wurst_stackPos165) { local integer stacktraceIndex652 local integer stacktraceLimit191 wurst_stack_183[wurst_stack_depth_444] = __wurst_stackPos_165; wurst_stack_depth_444 = (wurst_stack_depth_444 + 1); __wurst_stackPos_165 = ""; stacktraceIndex_652 = wurst_stack_depth_444; stacktraceLimit_191 = 0; loop { stacktraceIndex_652 = (stacktraceIndex_652 - 1); stacktraceLimit_191 = (stacktraceLimit_191 + 1); exitwhen ((stacktraceLimit_191 > 20) or (stacktraceIndex_652 < 0)); __wurst_stackPos_165 = (__wurst_stackPos_165 + (" " + wurst_stack_183[stacktraceIndex_652])); }; $debugPrint118((msg_209 + (" " + __wurst_stackPos_165))); wurst_stack_depth_444 = (wurst_stack_depth_444 - 1); } function C_v_x_set184(integer instanceId980, integer arrayIndex152, real value174, string stackPos708) { if ((arrayIndex_152 < 0) or (arrayIndex_152 >= 5)) { error107("Index out of Bounds", stackPos_708); } else { if (arrayIndex_152 <= 2) { if (arrayIndex_152 <= 1) { if (arrayIndex_152 <= 0) { C_v_x_0_195[instanceId_980] = value_174; } else { C_v_x_1_661[instanceId_980] = value_174; }; } else { C_v_x_2_121[instanceId_980] = value_174; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_152 <= 3) { C_v_x_3_142[instanceId_980] = value_174; } else { C_v_x_4_203[instanceId_980] = value_174; }; }; }; } function C_v_x_get173(integer index1126, integer index2186, string stackPos728) returns real { local real returnVal109 if ((index2_186 < 0) or (index2_186 >= 5)) { error107("Index out of Bounds", stackPos_728); } else { if (index2_186 <= 2) { if (index2_186 <= 1) { if (index2_186 <= 0) { returnVal_109 = C_v_x_0_195[index1_126]; } else { returnVal_109 = C_v_x_1_661[index1_126]; }; } else { returnVal_109 = C_v_x_2_121[index1_126]; }; } else { if (index2_186 <= 3) { returnVal_109 = C_v_x_3_142[index1_126]; } else { returnVal_109 = C_v_x_4_203[index1_126]; }; }; }; return returnVal_109; } function C_v_y_set115(integer instanceId134, integer arrayIndex409, real value170, string stackPos413) { if ((arrayIndex_409 < 0) or (arrayIndex_409 >= 5)) { error107("Index out of Bounds", stackPos_413); } else { if (arrayIndex_409 <= 2) { if (arrayIndex_409 <= 1) { if (arrayIndex_409 <= 0) { C_v_y_0_120[instanceId_134] = value_170; } else { C_v_y_1_586[instanceId_134] = value_170; }; } else { C_v_y_2_159[instanceId_134] = value_170; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_409 <= 3) { C_v_y_3_163[instanceId_134] = value_170; } else { C_v_y_4_181[instanceId_134] = value_170; }; }; }; } function C_v_y_get776(integer index1178, integer index2162, string stackPos143) returns real { local real returnVal147 if ((index2_162 < 0) or (index2_162 >= 5)) { error107("Index out of Bounds", stackPos_143); } else { if (index2_162 <= 2) { if (index2_162 <= 1) { if (index2_162 <= 0) { returnVal_147 = C_v_y_0_120[index1_178]; } else { returnVal_147 = C_v_y_1_586[index1_178]; }; } else { returnVal_147 = C_v_y_2_159[index1_178]; }; } else { if (index2_162 <= 3) { returnVal_147 = C_v_y_3_163[index1_178]; } else { returnVal_147 = C_v_y_4_181[index1_178]; }; }; }; return returnVal_147; } function C_v_z_set428(integer instanceId167, integer arrayIndex940, real value168, string stackPos123) { if ((arrayIndex_940 < 0) or (arrayIndex_940 >= 5)) { error107("Index out of Bounds", stackPos_123); } else { if (arrayIndex_940 <= 2) { if (arrayIndex_940 <= 1) { if (arrayIndex_940 <= 0) { C_v_z_0_195[instanceId_167] = value_168; } else { C_v_z_1_179[instanceId_167] = value_168; }; } else { C_v_z_2_106[instanceId_167] = value_168; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_940 <= 3) { C_v_z_3_200[instanceId_167] = value_168; } else { C_v_z_4_549[instanceId_167] = value_168; }; }; }; } function C_v_z_get209(integer index1123, integer index2108, string stackPos173) returns real { local real returnVal895 if ((index2_108 < 0) or (index2_108 >= 5)) { error107("Index out of Bounds", stackPos_173); } else { if (index2_108 <= 2) { if (index2_108 <= 1) { if (index2_108 <= 0) { returnVal_895 = C_v_z_0_195[index1_123]; } else { returnVal_895 = C_v_z_1_179[index1_123]; }; } else { returnVal_895 = C_v_z_2_106[index1_123]; }; } else { if (index2_108 <= 3) { returnVal_895 = C_v_z_3_200[index1_123]; } else { returnVal_895 = C_v_z_4_549[index1_123]; }; }; }; return returnVal_895; }