function initGlobals176() { } function main162() { local real v_x915 local real v_y139 local real v_z124 local real u_y160 local real tuple_temp199 local real tuple_temp186 local real tuple_temp485 local real tuple_temp497 initGlobals176(); tuple_temp_199 = 1.; tuple_temp_186 = 2.; tuple_temp_485 = 3.; v_x_915 = tuple_temp_199; v_y_139 = tuple_temp_186; v_z_124 = tuple_temp_485; v_x_915 = 4.; tuple_temp_497 = v_y_139; u_y_160 = tuple_temp_497; u_y_160 = 5.; if (((v_x_915 == 4.) and (v_y_139 == 2.)) and (u_y_160 == 5.)) { testSuccess212(); } else { }; } function config712() { } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess212() { }