array MyClass_nextFree157 integer MyClass_firstFree527 integer MyClass_maxIndex272 array MyClass_typeId144 array Iterator_nextFree692 integer Iterator_firstFree100 integer Iterator_maxIndex212 integer MyClass_firstFree527 = 0 integer MyClass_maxIndex272 = 0 integer Iterator_firstFree100 = 0 integer Iterator_maxIndex212 = 0 function initGlobals172() { MyClass_firstFree_527 = 0; MyClass_maxIndex_272 = 0; Iterator_firstFree_100 = 0; Iterator_maxIndex_212 = 0; } function main193() { initGlobals172(); init_Test505(); } function config193() { } function init_Test505() { new_MyClass139(); new_MyClass139(); MyClass_all849(); testSuccess190(); } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess190() { } function MyClass_all849() { local integer iterator616 local integer elem477 iterator_616 = MyClass_MyModule_LinkedListModule_iterator212(); loop { exitwhen (not Iterator_hasNext174(iterator_616)); elem_477 = Iterator_next154(iterator_616); dispatch_MyClass_Test_MyClass_do150(elem_477); }; Iterator_close321(iterator_616); } function MyClass_MyModule_LinkedListModule_iterator212() returns integer { return new_Iterator136(); } function MyClass_do123(integer this554) { } function MyClass_init668(integer this200) { construct_MyClass_MyModule185(this_200); } function construct_MyClass_MyModule185(integer this117) { construct_MyClass_MyModule_LinkedListModule103(this_117); } function construct_MyClass_MyModule_LinkedListModule103(integer this757) { } function new_MyClass139() returns integer { local integer this365 this_365 = alloc_MyClass136(); construct_MyClass129(this_365); return this_365; } function construct_MyClass129(integer this171) { MyClass_init668(this_171); } function Iterator_next154(integer this176) returns integer { return null; } function Iterator_hasNext174(integer this122) returns boolean { return false; } function Iterator_close321(integer this188) { } function new_Iterator136() returns integer { local integer this249 this_249 = alloc_Iterator412(); construct_Iterator797(this_249); return this_249; } function Iterator_init355(integer this737) { } function construct_Iterator797(integer this230) { Iterator_init355(this_230); } function alloc_MyClass136() returns integer { local integer this197 if (MyClass_firstFree_527 == 0) { if (MyClass_maxIndex_272 < 32768) { MyClass_maxIndex_272 = (MyClass_maxIndex_272 + 1); this_197 = MyClass_maxIndex_272; MyClass_typeId_144[this_197] = 2; } else { error360("Out of memory: Could not create MyClass."); this_197 = 0; }; } else { MyClass_firstFree_527 = (MyClass_firstFree_527 - 1); this_197 = MyClass_nextFree_157[MyClass_firstFree_527]; MyClass_typeId_144[this_197] = 2; }; return this_197; } function error360(string msg146) { $debugPrint156((msg_146 + (" " + #getStackTrace()))); } function alloc_Iterator412() returns integer { local integer this106 if (Iterator_firstFree_100 == 0) { if (Iterator_maxIndex_212 < 32768) { Iterator_maxIndex_212 = (Iterator_maxIndex_212 + 1); this_106 = Iterator_maxIndex_212; } else { error360("Out of memory: Could not create Iterator."); this_106 = 0; }; } else { Iterator_firstFree_100 = (Iterator_firstFree_100 - 1); this_106 = Iterator_nextFree_692[Iterator_firstFree_100]; }; return this_106; } function dispatch_MyClass_Test_MyClass_do150(integer this899) { if (MyClass_typeId_144[this_899] == 0) { if (this_899 == 0) { error360("Nullpointer exception when calling"); } else { error360("Called on invalid object."); }; } else { }; MyClass_do123(this_899); }