integer FoldClosure_firstFree827 integer FoldClosure_maxIndex153 array LinkedList_nextFree199 integer LinkedList_firstFree111 integer LinkedList_maxIndex669 array LinkedList_typeId149 integer wurst_stack_depth170 array wurst_stack105 integer FoldClosure_firstFree827 = 0 integer FoldClosure_maxIndex153 = 0 integer LinkedList_firstFree111 = 0 integer LinkedList_maxIndex669 = 0 integer wurst_stack_depth170 = 0 function initGlobals383() { } function main748() { initGlobals383(); init_test173("when calling init_test in strangeFoldl, line 1"); } function config106() { } function init_test173(string __wurst_stackPos207) { local integer x948 wurst_stack_105[wurst_stack_depth_170] = __wurst_stackPos_207; wurst_stack_depth_170 = (wurst_stack_depth_170 + 1); x_948 = new_LinkedList720("when calling new_LinkedList in strangeFoldl, line 10"); wurst_stack_105[wurst_stack_depth_170] = "when calling alloc_FoldClosure_foldl_test in strangeFoldl, line 11"; wurst_stack_depth_170 = (wurst_stack_depth_170 + 1); if (FoldClosure_firstFree_827 == 0) { if (FoldClosure_maxIndex_153 < 32768) { FoldClosure_maxIndex_153 = (FoldClosure_maxIndex_153 + 1); } else { error787("Out of memory: Could not create FoldClosure_foldl_test.", "when calling error in strangeFoldl, line 11"); }; } else { FoldClosure_firstFree_827 = (FoldClosure_firstFree_827 - 1); }; wurst_stack_depth_170 = (wurst_stack_depth_170 - 1); wurst_stack_105[wurst_stack_depth_170] = "when calling foldl in strangeFoldl, line 11"; wurst_stack_depth_170 = (wurst_stack_depth_170 + 1); if (LinkedList_typeId_149[x_948] == 0) { if (x_948 == 0) { error787("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.foldl", "when calling error in strangeFoldl, line 5"); } else { error787("Called LinkedList.foldl on invalid object.", "when calling error in strangeFoldl, line 5"); }; } else { }; wurst_stack_depth_170 = ((wurst_stack_depth_170 - 1) - 1); } function new_LinkedList720(string __wurst_stackPos159) returns integer { local integer this793 wurst_stack_105[wurst_stack_depth_170] = __wurst_stackPos_159; wurst_stack_depth_170 = (wurst_stack_depth_170 + 1); wurst_stack_105[wurst_stack_depth_170] = "when calling alloc_LinkedList in strangeFoldl, line 3"; wurst_stack_depth_170 = (wurst_stack_depth_170 + 1); if (LinkedList_firstFree_111 == 0) { if (LinkedList_maxIndex_669 < 32768) { LinkedList_maxIndex_669 = (LinkedList_maxIndex_669 + 1); this_793 = LinkedList_maxIndex_669; LinkedList_typeId_149[this_793] = 3; } else { error787("Out of memory: Could not create LinkedList.", "when calling error in strangeFoldl, line 3"); this_793 = 0; }; } else { LinkedList_firstFree_111 = (LinkedList_firstFree_111 - 1); this_793 = LinkedList_nextFree_199[LinkedList_firstFree_111]; LinkedList_typeId_149[this_793] = 3; }; wurst_stack_depth_170 = ((wurst_stack_depth_170 - 1) - 1); return this_793; } function error787(string msg473, string __wurst_stackPos477) { local integer stacktraceIndex103 local integer stacktraceLimit168 wurst_stack_105[wurst_stack_depth_170] = __wurst_stackPos_477; wurst_stack_depth_170 = (wurst_stack_depth_170 + 1); __wurst_stackPos_477 = ""; stacktraceIndex_103 = wurst_stack_depth_170; stacktraceLimit_168 = 0; loop { stacktraceIndex_103 = (stacktraceIndex_103 - 1); stacktraceLimit_168 = (stacktraceLimit_168 + 1); exitwhen ((stacktraceLimit_168 > 20) or (stacktraceIndex_103 < 0)); __wurst_stackPos_477 = (__wurst_stackPos_477 + (" " + wurst_stack_105[stacktraceIndex_103])); }; $debugPrint583((msg_473 + (" " + __wurst_stackPos_477))); wurst_stack_depth_170 = (wurst_stack_depth_170 - 1); }