array Func_nextFree527 integer Func_firstFree190 integer Func_maxIndex522 array Func_typeId193 array C_nextFree165 integer C_firstFree117 integer C_maxIndex194 array C_typeId785 array C_x169 integer Func_firstFree190 = 0 integer Func_maxIndex522 = 0 integer C_firstFree117 = 0 integer C_maxIndex194 = 0 function initGlobals111() { } function main497() { initGlobals111(); init_A907(); } function config273() { } function init_A907() { local integer a168 local integer b113 local integer clVar112 local integer temp195 local any x522 local integer this205 local integer this207 local integer this164 local any x144 local integer this100 local integer this177 local integer f844 local integer A_C_map_result132 x_522 = 5; if (C_firstFree_117 == 0) { if (C_maxIndex_194 < 32768) { C_maxIndex_194 = (C_maxIndex_194 + 1); this_207 = C_maxIndex_194; C_typeId_785[this_207] = 1; } else { error100("Out of memory: Could not create C."); this_207 = 0; }; } else { C_firstFree_117 = (C_firstFree_117 - 1); this_207 = C_nextFree_165[C_firstFree_117]; C_typeId_785[this_207] = 1; }; this_205 = this_207; this_164 = this_205; x_144 = x_522; C_x_169[this_164] = x_144; a_168 = this_205; temp_195 = a_168; if (Func_firstFree_190 == 0) { if (Func_maxIndex_522 < 32768) { Func_maxIndex_522 = (Func_maxIndex_522 + 1); this_100 = Func_maxIndex_522; Func_typeId_193[this_100] = 3; } else { error100("Out of memory: Could not create Func_map_A."); this_100 = 0; }; } else { Func_firstFree_190 = (Func_firstFree_190 - 1); this_100 = Func_nextFree_527[Func_firstFree_190]; Func_typeId_193[this_100] = 3; }; clVar_112 = this_100; this_177 = temp_195; f_844 = clVar_112; if (C_typeId_785[this_177] == 0) { if (this_177 == 0) { error100("Nullpointer exception when calling"); } else { error100("Called on invalid object."); }; } else { }; A_C_map_result_132 = C_map178(this_177, f_844); b_113 = A_C_map_result_132; if (C_x_169[b_113] == 10) { testSuccess180(); } else { }; } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess180() { } function C_map178(integer this301, integer f120) returns integer { local integer this632 local any x124 local any A_Func_apply_result236 local integer x200 this_632 = f_120; x_124 = C_x_169[this_301]; if (Func_typeId_193[this_632] == 0) { if (this_632 == 0) { error100("Nullpointer exception when calling Func.apply"); } else { error100("Called Func.apply on invalid object."); }; } else { }; x_200 = x_124; A_Func_apply_result_236 = (2 * x_200); return new_C454(A_Func_apply_result_236); } function new_C454(any x164) returns integer { local integer this858 local integer this132 local integer this131 local any x202 if (C_firstFree_117 == 0) { if (C_maxIndex_194 < 32768) { C_maxIndex_194 = (C_maxIndex_194 + 1); this_132 = C_maxIndex_194; C_typeId_785[this_132] = 1; } else { error100("Out of memory: Could not create C."); this_132 = 0; }; } else { C_firstFree_117 = (C_firstFree_117 - 1); this_132 = C_nextFree_165[C_firstFree_117]; C_typeId_785[this_132] = 1; }; this_858 = this_132; this_131 = this_858; x_202 = x_164; C_x_169[this_131] = x_202; return this_858; } function error100(string msg192) { $debugPrint213((msg_192 + (" " + #getStackTrace()))); }