array Func_nextFree167 integer Func_firstFree197 integer Func_maxIndex983 array Func_typeId736 array C_nextFree502 integer C_firstFree121 integer C_maxIndex105 array C_typeId102 array C_x549 integer Func_firstFree197 = 0 integer Func_maxIndex983 = 0 integer C_firstFree121 = 0 integer C_maxIndex105 = 0 function initGlobals737() { } function main149() { initGlobals737(); init_A154(); } function config164() { } function init_A154() { local integer a127 local integer b437 local integer clVar102 local integer temp355 local any x210 local integer this678 local integer this100 local integer this133 local any x141 local integer this181 local integer this155 local integer f391 local integer A_C_map_result494 x_210 = 5; if (C_firstFree_121 == 0) { if (C_maxIndex_105 < 32768) { C_maxIndex_105 = (C_maxIndex_105 + 1); this_100 = C_maxIndex_105; C_typeId_102[this_100] = 1; } else { error173("Out of memory: Could not create C."); this_100 = 0; }; } else { C_firstFree_121 = (C_firstFree_121 - 1); this_100 = C_nextFree_502[C_firstFree_121]; C_typeId_102[this_100] = 1; }; this_678 = this_100; this_133 = this_678; x_141 = x_210; C_x_549[this_133] = x_141; a_127 = this_678; temp_355 = a_127; if (Func_firstFree_197 == 0) { if (Func_maxIndex_983 < 32768) { Func_maxIndex_983 = (Func_maxIndex_983 + 1); this_181 = Func_maxIndex_983; Func_typeId_736[this_181] = 3; } else { error173("Out of memory: Could not create Func_map_A."); this_181 = 0; }; } else { Func_firstFree_197 = (Func_firstFree_197 - 1); this_181 = Func_nextFree_167[Func_firstFree_197]; Func_typeId_736[this_181] = 3; }; clVar_102 = this_181; this_155 = temp_355; f_391 = clVar_102; if (C_typeId_102[this_155] == 0) { if (this_155 == 0) { error173("Nullpointer exception when calling"); } else { error173("Called on invalid object."); }; } else { }; A_C_map_result_494 = C_map151(this_155, f_391); b_437 = A_C_map_result_494; if (C_x_549[b_437] == 10) { testSuccess907(); } else { }; } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess907() { } function C_map151(integer this576, integer f878) returns integer { local integer this116 local any x144 local any A_Func_apply_result974 local integer x217 this_116 = f_878; x_144 = C_x_549[this_576]; if (Func_typeId_736[this_116] == 0) { if (this_116 == 0) { error173("Nullpointer exception when calling Func.apply"); } else { error173("Called Func.apply on invalid object."); }; } else { }; x_217 = x_144; A_Func_apply_result_974 = (2 * x_217); return new_C157(A_Func_apply_result_974); } function new_C157(any x694) returns integer { local integer this176 local integer this899 local integer this118 local any x157 if (C_firstFree_121 == 0) { if (C_maxIndex_105 < 32768) { C_maxIndex_105 = (C_maxIndex_105 + 1); this_899 = C_maxIndex_105; C_typeId_102[this_899] = 1; } else { error173("Out of memory: Could not create C."); this_899 = 0; }; } else { C_firstFree_121 = (C_firstFree_121 - 1); this_899 = C_nextFree_502[C_firstFree_121]; C_typeId_102[this_899] = 1; }; this_176 = this_899; this_118 = this_176; x_157 = x_694; C_x_549[this_118] = x_157; return this_176; } function error173(string msg109) { $debugPrint113((msg_109 + (" " + #getStackTrace()))); }