array Func_nextFree459 integer Func_firstFree258 integer Func_maxIndex290 array Func_typeId948 array C_nextFree928 integer C_firstFree143 integer C_maxIndex411 array C_typeId113 array C_x858 integer Func_firstFree258 = 0 integer Func_maxIndex290 = 0 integer C_firstFree143 = 0 integer C_maxIndex411 = 0 function initGlobals440() { } function main120() { initGlobals440(); init_A136(); } function config159() { } function init_A136() { local integer a768 local integer b104 local integer clVar179 local integer temp159 local any x202 local integer this215 local integer this564 local integer this100 local any x686 local integer this824 local integer this168 local integer f110 local integer A_C_map_result852 x_202 = 5; if (C_firstFree_143 == 0) { if (C_maxIndex_411 < 32768) { C_maxIndex_411 = (C_maxIndex_411 + 1); this_564 = C_maxIndex_411; C_typeId_113[this_564] = 1; } else { error144("Out of memory: Could not create C."); this_564 = 0; }; } else { C_firstFree_143 = (C_firstFree_143 - 1); this_564 = C_nextFree_928[C_firstFree_143]; C_typeId_113[this_564] = 1; }; this_215 = this_564; this_100 = this_215; x_686 = x_202; C_x_858[this_100] = x_686; a_768 = this_215; temp_159 = a_768; if (Func_firstFree_258 == 0) { if (Func_maxIndex_290 < 32768) { Func_maxIndex_290 = (Func_maxIndex_290 + 1); this_824 = Func_maxIndex_290; Func_typeId_948[this_824] = 3; } else { error144("Out of memory: Could not create Func_map_A."); this_824 = 0; }; } else { Func_firstFree_258 = (Func_firstFree_258 - 1); this_824 = Func_nextFree_459[Func_firstFree_258]; Func_typeId_948[this_824] = 3; }; clVar_179 = this_824; this_168 = temp_159; f_110 = clVar_179; if (C_typeId_113[this_168] == 0) { if (this_168 == 0) { error144("Nullpointer exception when calling"); } else { error144("Called on invalid object."); }; } else { }; A_C_map_result_852 = C_map139(this_168, f_110); b_104 = A_C_map_result_852; if (C_x_858[b_104] == 10) { testSuccess123(); } else { }; } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess123() { } function C_map139(integer this281, integer f151) returns integer { local integer this171 local any x870 local any A_Func_apply_result122 local integer x130 this_171 = f_151; x_870 = C_x_858[this_281]; if (Func_typeId_948[this_171] == 0) { if (this_171 == 0) { error144("Nullpointer exception when calling Func.apply"); } else { error144("Called Func.apply on invalid object."); }; } else { }; x_130 = x_870; A_Func_apply_result_122 = (2 * x_130); return new_C192(A_Func_apply_result_122); } function new_C192(any x153) returns integer { local integer this107 local integer this108 local integer this945 local any x667 if (C_firstFree_143 == 0) { if (C_maxIndex_411 < 32768) { C_maxIndex_411 = (C_maxIndex_411 + 1); this_108 = C_maxIndex_411; C_typeId_113[this_108] = 1; } else { error144("Out of memory: Could not create C."); this_108 = 0; }; } else { C_firstFree_143 = (C_firstFree_143 - 1); this_108 = C_nextFree_928[C_firstFree_143]; C_typeId_113[this_108] = 1; }; this_107 = this_108; this_945 = this_107; x_667 = x_153; C_x_858[this_945] = x_667; return this_107; } function error144(string msg160) { $debugPrint118((msg_160 + (" " + #getStackTrace()))); }