array A_nextFree155 integer A_firstFree126 integer A_maxIndex317 array A_foo_0667 array A_foo_1421 array A_foo_2112 array A_foo_3700 array A_foo_4212 array A_foo_5438 array A_foo_6538 array A_foo_7130 array A_foo_8160 array A_foo_9185 array A_foo_10652 array A_foo_11121 array A_foo_12197 array A_foo_13105 array A_foo_14883 array A_foo_15400 array A_foo_16145 array A_foo_17620 array A_foo_18642 array A_foo_19759 integer test_x250 = 4 integer test_y202 = 5 integer test_z803 = (4 * (10 + (- 5))) integer A_firstFree126 = 0 integer A_maxIndex317 = 0 function initGlobals142() { } function main979() { local integer a156 initGlobals142(); a_156 = new_A140(); A_foo_set291(a_156, 13, 42); if (A_foo_get569(a_156, 13) == 42) { testSuccess854(); } else { }; } function config213() { } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess854() { } function new_A140() returns integer { local integer this161 if (A_firstFree_126 == 0) { if (A_maxIndex_317 < 32768) { A_maxIndex_317 = (A_maxIndex_317 + 1); this_161 = A_maxIndex_317; } else { error140("Out of memory: Could not create A."); this_161 = 0; }; } else { A_firstFree_126 = (A_firstFree_126 - 1); this_161 = A_nextFree_155[A_firstFree_126]; }; return this_161; } function error140(string msg155) { $debugPrint300((msg_155 + (" " + #getStackTrace()))); } function A_foo_set291(integer instanceId664, integer arrayIndex464, integer value207) { if ((arrayIndex_464 < 0) or (arrayIndex_464 >= 20)) { error140("Index out of Bounds"); } else { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 9) { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 4) { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 2) { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 1) { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 0) { A_foo_0_667[instanceId_664] = value_207; } else { A_foo_1_421[instanceId_664] = value_207; }; } else { A_foo_2_112[instanceId_664] = value_207; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 3) { A_foo_3_700[instanceId_664] = value_207; } else { A_foo_4_212[instanceId_664] = value_207; }; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 7) { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 6) { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 5) { A_foo_5_438[instanceId_664] = value_207; } else { A_foo_6_538[instanceId_664] = value_207; }; } else { A_foo_7_130[instanceId_664] = value_207; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 8) { A_foo_8_160[instanceId_664] = value_207; } else { A_foo_9_185[instanceId_664] = value_207; }; }; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 14) { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 12) { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 11) { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 10) { A_foo_10_652[instanceId_664] = value_207; } else { A_foo_11_121[instanceId_664] = value_207; }; } else { A_foo_12_197[instanceId_664] = value_207; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 13) { A_foo_13_105[instanceId_664] = value_207; } else { A_foo_14_883[instanceId_664] = value_207; }; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 17) { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 16) { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 15) { A_foo_15_400[instanceId_664] = value_207; } else { A_foo_16_145[instanceId_664] = value_207; }; } else { A_foo_17_620[instanceId_664] = value_207; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_464 <= 18) { A_foo_18_642[instanceId_664] = value_207; } else { A_foo_19_759[instanceId_664] = value_207; }; }; }; }; }; } function A_foo_get569(integer index1186, integer index2114) returns integer { local integer returnVal653 if ((index2_114 < 0) or (index2_114 >= 20)) { error140("Index out of Bounds"); } else { if (index2_114 <= 9) { if (index2_114 <= 4) { if (index2_114 <= 2) { if (index2_114 <= 1) { if (index2_114 <= 0) { returnVal_653 = A_foo_0_667[index1_186]; } else { returnVal_653 = A_foo_1_421[index1_186]; }; } else { returnVal_653 = A_foo_2_112[index1_186]; }; } else { if (index2_114 <= 3) { returnVal_653 = A_foo_3_700[index1_186]; } else { returnVal_653 = A_foo_4_212[index1_186]; }; }; } else { if (index2_114 <= 7) { if (index2_114 <= 6) { if (index2_114 <= 5) { returnVal_653 = A_foo_5_438[index1_186]; } else { returnVal_653 = A_foo_6_538[index1_186]; }; } else { returnVal_653 = A_foo_7_130[index1_186]; }; } else { if (index2_114 <= 8) { returnVal_653 = A_foo_8_160[index1_186]; } else { returnVal_653 = A_foo_9_185[index1_186]; }; }; }; } else { if (index2_114 <= 14) { if (index2_114 <= 12) { if (index2_114 <= 11) { if (index2_114 <= 10) { returnVal_653 = A_foo_10_652[index1_186]; } else { returnVal_653 = A_foo_11_121[index1_186]; }; } else { returnVal_653 = A_foo_12_197[index1_186]; }; } else { if (index2_114 <= 13) { returnVal_653 = A_foo_13_105[index1_186]; } else { returnVal_653 = A_foo_14_883[index1_186]; }; }; } else { if (index2_114 <= 17) { if (index2_114 <= 16) { if (index2_114 <= 15) { returnVal_653 = A_foo_15_400[index1_186]; } else { returnVal_653 = A_foo_16_145[index1_186]; }; } else { returnVal_653 = A_foo_17_620[index1_186]; }; } else { if (index2_114 <= 18) { returnVal_653 = A_foo_18_642[index1_186]; } else { returnVal_653 = A_foo_19_759[index1_186]; }; }; }; }; }; return returnVal_653; }