package ClosureTimers import NoWurst import TimerDialog import TimerUtils import Real import Wurstunit /** Execute an action after a certain time. The callback object is automatically destroyed. Must be used on a timer acquired with `getTimer()` Example use: | someTimer.doAfter(10.0) -> | print("10 seconds later") */ public function timer.doAfter(real timeToWait, CallbackSingle cb) returns CallbackSingle cb.start(this, timeToWait) return cb /** Execute an action after a certain time. The callback object is automatically destroyed. Example use: | doAfter(10.0) -> | print("10 seconds later") */ public function doAfter(real timeToWait, CallbackSingle cb) returns CallbackSingle return getTimer().doAfter(timeToWait, cb) /** Execute an action after a certain time. The timer is accompanied by a visible timerdialog with the title text provided. The callback object is automatically destroyed. Example use: | doAfterWithDialogue(10.0, "Respawn in") -> | hero.revive() | print("10 seconds later") */ public function doAfterWithDialogue(real timeToWait, string titleText, Callback cb) returns CallbackSingle let tim = getTimer() let dia = tim.createTimerDialog()..setTitle(titleText)..display(true) return tim.doAfter(timeToWait) -> destroy cb dia.destr() /** Execute an action with a 0-second timer delay. The callback object is destroyed afterwards. */ public function nullTimer(CallbackSingle cb) returns CallbackSingle return doAfter(0, cb) /** Execute an action periodically. The callback has to be destroyed manually. Must be used on a timer acquired with `getTimer()` Example use: | someTimer.doPeriodically(0.5) cb -> | if i > 10 | destroy cb */ public function timer.doPeriodically(real time, CallbackPeriodic cb) returns CallbackPeriodic cb.start(this, time) return cb /** Execute an action periodically. The callback has to be destroyed manually. Example use: | doPeriodically(0.5) cb -> | if i > 10 | destroy cb */ public function doPeriodically(real time, CallbackPeriodic cb) returns CallbackPeriodic return getTimer().doPeriodically(time, cb) /** execute an action periodically, with a limited amount of calls The callback object is destroyed after the action has been executed callAmount times. Must be used on a timer acquired with `getTimer()` Example use: | someTimer.doPeriodicallyCounted(0.5, 100) cb -> | doSomething() */ public function timer.doPeriodicallyCounted(real time, int callAmount, CallbackCounted cb) returns CallbackCounted cb.start(this, time, callAmount) return cb /** execute an action periodically, with a limited amount of calls The callback object is destroyed after the action has been executed callAmount times. Example use: | doPeriodicallyCounted(0.5, 100) cb -> | doSomething() */ public function doPeriodicallyCounted(real time, int callAmount, CallbackCounted cb) returns CallbackCounted return getTimer().doPeriodicallyCounted(time, callAmount, cb) /** execute an action periodically, with a limited duration The callback object is destroyed afterwards. Must be used on a timer acquired with `getTimer()` Example use: | someTimer.doPeriodicallyCounted(0.5, 10.) -> | doSomething() */ public function timer.doPeriodicallyTimed(real interval, real timerDuration, CallbackCounted cb) returns CallbackCounted return this.doPeriodicallyCounted(interval, (timerDuration / interval + 0.5).toInt(), cb) /** execute an action periodically, with a limited duration The callback object is destroyed afterwards. Example use: | doPeriodicallyCounted(0.5, 10.) -> | doSomething() */ public function doPeriodicallyTimed(real interval, real timerDuration, CallbackCounted cb) returns CallbackCounted return getTimer().doPeriodicallyTimed(interval, timerDuration, cb) //Timer Stuff public interface Callback function call() public abstract class CallbackSingle private timer t abstract function call() protected function start(timer whichTimer, real time) t = whichTimer ..setData(this castTo int) ..start(time, () -> staticCallback()) private static function staticCallback() let t = GetExpiredTimer() let cb = t.getData() castTo thistype destroy cb ondestroy t.release() public abstract class CallbackPeriodic private timer t protected abstract function call(thistype cb) protected function start(timer whichTimer, real time) t = whichTimer ..setData(this castTo int) ..startPeriodic(time, function staticCallback) private static function staticCallback() let cb = (GetExpiredTimer().getData() castTo thistype) ondestroy t.release() public abstract class CallbackCounted private var count = 0 private var maxCount = 0 private timer t protected abstract function call(thistype cb) protected function start(timer whichTimer, real time, int callAmount) count = callAmount maxCount = callAmount t = whichTimer ..setData(this castTo int) ..startPeriodic(time, function staticCallback) function isLast() returns boolean return count == 0 function getCount() returns int return count < maxCount ? count + 1 : count /** Returns a value between 0 and 1. */ function progress() returns real return 1. - count / maxCount function stop() count = 0 private static function staticCallback() (GetExpiredTimer().getData() castTo thistype).callAndCount() private function callAndCount() if count > 0 count-- call(this) else destroy this ondestroy t.release() var x = 200 @Test function testDoAfter() doAfter(0.1) -> x += 50 doAfter(0.2) -> x *= 2 doAfter(0.3) -> x = x div 2 x.assertEquals(250) var _count = 3 let cb = doPeriodicallyCounted(3, 3) (CallbackCounted cb) -> cb.getCount().assertEquals(_count) if cb.isLast() cb.progress().assertEquals(1, 0.0001) cb.getCount().assertEquals(1) else if _count == 3 cb.progress().assertEquals(0.33333, 0.00001) cb.getCount().assertEquals(3) else if _count == 2 cb.progress().assertEquals(0.66666, 0.00001) cb.getCount().assertEquals(2) _count-- cb.progress().assertEquals(0, 0.00001) cb.getCount().assertEquals(_count)