// this script was compiled with wurst globals rect w=null rect u=null rect r=null rect s=null rect t=null rect i=null rect S=null rect c=null rect o=null rect O=null rect l=null rect b=null camerasetup y=null camerasetup p=null camerasetup e=null camerasetup q=null camerasetup a=null trigger n=null trigger d=null trigger f=null unit R=null unit T=null string Y=null string G=null string g=null string h=null string F=null string k=null string j=null string x=null string v=null string m=null string Q=null string W=null string E=null string Z=null string U=null string I=null string P=null string A=null string D=null string H=null string J=null string K=null string L=null real X=0. real C=0. real V=0. integer B=0 integer N=0 real array M integer array ww integer array uw integer array rw real sw=0. integer tw=0 integer iw=0 integer Sw=0 player cw=null integer array ow integer array Ow integer array lw integer array bw integer yw=0 integer pw=0 integer ew=0 integer array qw integer array aw integer array nw integer array dw integer array fw integer array Rw string array Tw integer array Yw integer array Gw real array gw real array hw integer Fw=0 integer kw=0 integer jw=0 real array xw integer vw=0 integer mw=0 integer Qw=0 integer Ww=0 integer Ew=0 integer array Zw integer array Uw integer array Iw integer array Pw integer array Aw integer array Dw real array Hw integer Jw=0 effect array Kw real Lw=0. real Xw=0. real Cw=0. real Vw=0. integer array Bw unit array Nw integer array Mw integer array wu integer array uu real array ru integer array su integer array tu boolean array iu integer Su=0 integer cu=0 integer ou=0 integer array Ou integer array lu integer array bu effect array yu playerevent pu=null trigger eu=null trigger qu=null trigger au=null integer array nu integer du=0 integer fu=0 integer Ru=0 integer array Tu integer array Yu integer array Gu integer array gu integer array hu integer array Fu integer array ku integer array ju unit array xu group vu=null integer array mu integer Qu=0 filterfunc Wu=null integer Eu=0 integer array Zu timer array Uu timer array Iu timer array Pu integer Au=0 integer Du=0 integer Hu=0 integer Ju=0 integer Ku=0 integer Lu=0 integer Xu=0 integer Cu=0 integer Vu=0 integer array Bu integer array Nu integer array Mu string array wr integer ur=0 player rr=null item array sr integer array tr boolean array ir integer array Sr integer array cr real array lr real array br multiboard yr=null integer pr=0 integer er=0 integer qr=0 integer ar=0 integer nr=0 integer dr=0 integer fr=0 boolean Rr=false integer Tr=0 integer Yr=0 integer Gr=0 integer gr=0 integer hr=0 real Fr=0. real kr=0. real jr=0. boolean array xr integer array vr integer array mr real array Qr real array Wr integer array Er integer array Zr integer array Ur integer array Ir integer array Pr integer array Ar integer array Dr integer Hr=0 integer Jr=0 timer Kr=null trigger array Lr unit array Xr unit array Cr real array Vr real array Br real array Nr real array Mr boolean array ws boolean array us integer rs=0 integer ss=0 integer ts=0 integer array is integer array Ss integer cs=0 integer os=0 real Os=0. integer ls=0 integer array bs integer array ys integer array ps timer es=null unit array qs real array as integer array ns integer ds=0 integer fs=0 integer array Rs integer Ts=0 integer array Ys integer array Gs integer array gs integer array hs integer array Fs integer array ks integer array js integer array xs integer array vs integer array ms integer array Qs integer array Ws integer array Es integer array Zs integer array Us integer array Is integer array Ps integer array As integer array Ds integer array Hs integer array Js integer array Ks integer array Ls integer array Xs integer array Cs string array Vs integer array Bs real array Ns integer array Ms integer array wt integer array ut integer array rt integer st=0 integer tt=0 integer St=0 real ct=0. real ot=0. real Ot=0. integer lt=0 integer array bt integer array yt boolean array pt integer array et integer array qt integer array at timer array nt integer array dt integer array ft string array Rt boolean Tt=false integer Yt=0 integer Gt=0 integer array gt real array ht real array Ft real array kt real array jt real array xt real array vt real array mt real array Qt real array Wt player array Et boolean array Zt boolean array Ut boolean array It integer array Pt integer At=0 integer Dt=0 integer Ht=0 integer Jt=0 integer Kt=0 integer Lt=0 integer array Xt integer array Ct boolean array Vt integer array Bt unit array Nt integer Mt=0 integer wi=0 hashtable ui=null string ri=null boolean si=false force ti=null boolean array ii integer array Si integer ci=0 integer array oi integer array Oi integer array li integer bi=0 integer array yi texttag array pi boolean array ei real array qi integer array ai integer ni=0 integer di=0 integer fi=0 integer array Ri integer array Ti integer array Yi boolean array Gi string gi=null real hi=0. integer Fi=0 integer array ki integer array ji boolean xi=false boolean vi=false boolean mi=false boolean Qi=false integer array Wi boolean array Ei unit array Zi effect array Ui integer array Ii integer array Pi integer array Ai integer array Di timer Hi=null real Ji=0. integer Ki=0 integer array Li integer array Xi integer array Ci integer array Vi timer Bi=null real Ni=0. integer Mi=0 integer wS=0 integer uS=0 integer rS=0 group array sS integer tS=0 integer iS=0 boolean SS=false integer array cS boolean oS=false group OS=null group lS=null hashtable bS=null hashtable yS=null integer array pS integer array eS integer qS=0 real array aS integer array nS real array dS real fS=0. string RS=null string TS=null integer array YS integer array GS real array gS integer array hS real array FS real array kS real array jS real array xS integer array vS integer array mS integer array QS integer WS=0 real ES=0. real ZS=0. integer US=0 integer IS=0 multiboard PS=null integer array AS string array DS integer HS=0 integer JS=0 string KS=null string LS=null integer array XS integer array CS integer array VS integer array BS integer array NS integer array MS integer array wc integer array uc integer array rc string array sc integer array tc integer array ic integer array Sc integer array cc integer oc=0 integer Oc=0 integer lc=0 integer array bc integer array yc integer array pc integer array ec integer qc=0 string ac=null integer nc=0 integer dc=0 integer array fc integer array Rc integer array Tc integer array Yc integer array Gc integer array gc integer array hc integer array Fc integer array kc integer array jc integer array xc integer array vc integer array mc integer array Qc integer array Wc integer array Ec integer array Zc integer array Uc integer array Ic integer array Pc integer array Ac integer array Dc integer array Hc string array Jc string array Kc integer array Lc integer array Xc integer array Cc integer array Vc integer array Bc integer array Nc integer array Mc integer array wo integer array uo integer array ro boolean array so integer array io integer array So integer array co integer array oo integer array Oo integer array lo integer bo=0 integer yo=0 integer po=0 integer eo=0 real qo=0. integer ao=0 integer no=0 integer do=0 item array fo boolean Ro=false rect To=null rect Yo=null region Go=null real go=0. real ho=0. real Fo=0. real ko=0. real jo=0. real xo=0. real vo=0. real mo=0. real Qo=0. multiboard Wo=null string Eo=null string Zo=null string Uo=null string Io=null string Po=null trigger Ao=null group Do=null unit array Ho integer Jo=0 integer Ko=0 integer Lo=0 integer Xo=0 real Co=0. integer array Vo real array Bo real array No integer Mo=0 integer array wO boolean uO=false player array rO integer array sO boolean array tO integer array iO integer array SO integer array cO integer array oO player array OO player lO=null playercolor bO=null playercolor yO=null playercolor pO=null playercolor eO=null playercolor array qO boolean aO=false group nO=null unit dO=null real array fO real RO=0. integer TO=0 real array YO real array GO real array gO real array hO boolean array FO boolean array kO real array jO real array xO real array vO real array mO real array QO real WO=0. trigger array EO integer ZO=0 integer UO=0 integer IO=0 integer PO=0 integer AO=0 integer DO=0 integer HO=0 real array JO string array KO integer LO=0 integer XO=0 integer CO=0 integer VO=0 integer BO=0 integer NO=0 integer MO=0 integer wl=0 integer ul=0 integer rl=0 integer array sl real array tl real array il real array Sl real array cl real array ol real array Ol real array ll effect array bl player array yl integer array pl integer array el boolean array ql timer array al integer nl=0 integer dl=0 real array fl real array Rl real array Tl integer Yl=0 integer Gl=0 string gl=null integer hl=0 real Fl=0. integer kl=0 integer jl=0 real xl=0. real vl=0. real ml=0. real array Ql real array Wl real array El real array Zl integer array Ul integer array Il integer Pl=0 triggercondition Al=null integer array Dl integer array Hl string array Jl integer array Kl boolean array Ll boolean array Xl boolean array Cl integer array Vl integer array Bl string array Nl real array Ml real array wb real array ub sound array rb integer array sb unit array tb player array ib integer array Sb string cb=null string ob=null string Ob=null string lb=null string bb=null string yb=null string pb=null string eb=null string qb=null integer array ab real array nb real array db integer fb=0 integer Rb=0 integer Tb=0 integer array Yb real array Gb real array gb real array hb real array Fb real array kb real array jb real array xb real array vb real array mb integer Qb=0 integer Wb=0 integer Eb=0 integer Zb=0 integer Ub=0 effect array Ib real Pb=0. integer array Ab string array Db string array Hb integer Jb=0 string Kb=null string Lb=null integer Xb=0 integer Cb=0 unit array Vb hashtable Bb=null real Nb=0. integer Mb=0 item wy=null rect uy=null item array ry integer sy=0 integer array ty real array iy integer array Sy integer array cy integer array oy integer array Oy integer ly=0 integer by=0 boolean array yy integer array py timer array ey integer qy=0 integer ay=0 integer ny=0 trigger dy=null integer fy=0 integer Ry=0 integer Ty=0 real Yy=0. real Gy=0. integer gy=0 integer array hy integer array Fy effect array ky integer jy=0 integer xy=0 integer vy=0 integer array my integer Qy=0 integer Wy=0 integer Ey=0 real Zy=0. integer Uy=0 player Iy=null integer Py=0 real Ay=0. integer Dy=0 integer Hy=0 integer Jy=0 trigger Ky=null trigger Ly=null integer array Xy integer array Cy integer array Vy integer By=0 real Ny=0. string My=null trigger wp=null trigger up=null unit rp=null unit sp=null unit array tp real ip=0. integer Sp=0 integer cp=0 integer op=0 timer Op=null boolean lp=false integer bp=0 string yp=null real pp=0. real ep=0. real qp=0. real ap=0. real np=0. location dp=null integer fp=0 integer Rp=0 integer Tp=0 integer array Yp real array Gp real array gp real array hp boolean array Fp player array kp integer jp=0 real xp=0. integer array vp group array mp integer array Qp integer array Wp rect array Ep integer Zp=0 real Up=0. real Ip=0. integer array Pp integer array Ap integer array Dp integer array Hp integer array Jp integer array Kp integer array Lp integer array Xp integer array Cp integer array Vp integer array Bp integer array Np integer array Mp integer array we integer array ue integer array re integer array se integer array te integer array ie integer array Se integer ce=0 integer oe=0 integer array Oe integer array le integer be=0 integer ye=0 integer array pe integer array ee integer qe=0 integer ae=0 integer array ne integer array de integer fe=0 integer Re=0 integer array Te integer array Ye integer Ge=0 integer ge=0 integer array he integer array Fe integer ke=0 integer je=0 integer array xe integer array ve integer me=0 integer Qe=0 integer array We integer array Ee integer Ze=0 integer Ue=0 integer array Ie integer array Pe integer Ae=0 integer De=0 integer array He integer array Je integer Ke=0 integer Le=0 integer array Xe integer array Ce integer Ve=0 integer Be=0 integer array Ne integer Me=0 integer wq=0 integer array uq integer array rq integer sq=0 integer tq=0 integer array iq integer array Sq integer cq=0 integer oq=0 integer array Oq integer array lq integer bq=0 integer yq=0 integer array pq integer array eq integer qq=0 integer aq=0 integer array nq integer array dq integer fq=0 integer Rq=0 integer array Tq integer array Yq integer Gq=0 integer gq=0 integer array hq integer Fq=0 integer kq=0 integer array jq integer xq=0 integer vq=0 integer array mq integer array Qq integer Wq=0 integer Eq=0 integer array Zq integer array Uq integer Iq=0 integer Pq=0 integer array Aq integer array Dq integer Hq=0 integer Jq=0 integer array Kq integer array Lq integer Xq=0 integer Cq=0 integer array Vq integer array Bq integer Nq=0 integer Mq=0 integer array wa integer array ua integer ra=0 integer sa=0 integer array ta integer array ia integer Sa=0 integer ca=0 integer array oa integer Oa=0 integer la=0 integer array ba integer array ya integer pa=0 integer ea=0 integer array qa integer array aa integer na=0 integer da=0 integer array fa integer Ra=0 integer Ta=0 integer array Ya integer array Ga integer ga=0 integer ha=0 integer array Fa integer array ka integer ja=0 integer xa=0 integer array va integer array ma integer array Qa integer Wa=0 integer Ea=0 integer array Za integer array Ua integer Ia=0 integer Pa=0 integer array Aa integer array Da integer Ha=0 integer Ja=0 integer array Ka integer array La integer array Xa integer array Ca integer Va=0 integer Ba=0 integer Na=0 integer array Ma integer array wn integer un=0 integer rn=0 integer array sn integer array tn integer Sn=0 integer cn=0 integer array on integer array On integer ln=0 integer bn=0 integer array yn integer array pn integer en=0 integer qn=0 integer array an integer nn=0 integer dn=0 integer array fn integer array Rn integer Tn=0 integer Yn=0 integer Gn=0 integer array gn integer hn=0 integer array Fn integer array kn integer jn=0 integer xn=0 integer array vn integer array mn integer Qn=0 integer Wn=0 integer array En integer array Zn integer Un=0 integer In=0 integer array Pn integer array An integer Dn=0 integer Hn=0 integer array Jn integer array Kn integer Ln=0 integer Xn=0 integer array Cn integer array Vn integer Bn=0 integer Nn=0 integer array Mn integer array wd integer ud=0 integer rd=0 integer array sd integer array td integer id=0 integer Sd=0 integer array cd string array od string array Od string array ld string array bd string array yd string array pd string array ed string array qd string array ad string array nd string array dd string array fd string array Rd string array Td string array Yd string array Gd string array gd string array hd string array Fd string array kd string array jd string array xd string array vd string array md string array Qd unit array Wd unit array Ed unit array Zd unit array Ud unit array Id unit array Pd integer Ad=0 string array Dd real Hd=0. real Jd=0. real Kd=0. real Ld=0. real Xd=0. real Cd=0. real Vd=0. real Bd=0. real Nd=0. real Md=0. real wf=0. real uf=0. real rf=0. real sf=0. real tf=0. real Sf=0. real cf=0. real of=0. real Of=0. real lf=0. real bf=0. real yf=0. real pf=0. real ef=0. real qf=0. real af=0. real nf=0. real df=0. real ff=0. integer Rf=0 integer Tf=0 integer Yf=0 real Gf=0. real gf=0. real hf=0. real Ff=0. real kf=0. real jf=0. real xf=0. real vf=0. real mf=0. real Qf=0. real Wf=0. real Ef=0. real Zf=0. real Uf=0. real If=0. real Pf=0. real Af=0. real Df=0. real Hf=0. real Jf=0. real Kf=0. real Lf=0. real Xf=0. real Cf=0. real Vf=0. real Bf=0. real Nf=0. real Mf=0. integer wR=0 integer uR=0 integer rR=0 integer sR=0 integer tR=0 integer iR=0 real SR=0. real cR=0. real oR=0. real OR=0. real lR=0. real bR=0. real yR=0. real pR=0. real eR=0. real qR=0. real aR=0. real nR=0. real dR=0. real fR=0. real RR=0. real TR=0. real YR=0. real GR=0. real gR=0. real hR=0. real FR=0. real kR=0. integer jR=0 integer xR=0 integer vR=0 integer mR=0 real QR=0. real WR=0. real ER=0. real ZR=0. real UR=0. real IR=0. integer PR=0 integer AR=0 integer DR=0 integer HR=0 real JR=0. real KR=0. real LR=0. real XR=0. real CR=0. real VR=0. real BR=0. real NR=0. real MR=0. real wT=0. real uT=0. real rT=0. real sT=0. real tT=0. real iT=0. real ST=0. real cT=0. real oT=0. real OT=0. real lT=0. integer bT=0 integer yT=0 integer pT=0 integer eT=0 code qT=null code aT=null code nT=null code dT=null code fT=null code RT=null code TT=null code YT=null code GT=null code gT=null code hT=null code FT=null code kT=null code jT=null code xT=null code vT=null code mT=null code QT=null code WT=null code ET=null code ZT=null code UT=null code IT=null code PT=null code AT=null code DT=null code HT=null code JT=null code KT=null code LT=null code XT=null code CT=null code VT=null code BT=null code NT=null code MT=null code wY=null code uY=null code rY=null code sY=null code tY=null code iY=null code SY=null code cY=null code oY=null code OY=null code lY=null code bY=null code yY=null code pY=null code eY=null code qY=null code aY=null code nY=null code dY=null code fY=null code RY=null code TY=null code YY=null code GY=null code gY=null code hY=null code FY=null code kY=null code jY=null code xY=null code vY=null code mY=null code QY=null code WY=null code EY=null code ZY=null code UY=null code IY=null code PY=null code AY=null code DY=null code HY=null code JY=null code KY=null code LY=null code XY=null code CY=null code VY=null code BY=null code NY=null code MY=null code wG=null code uG=null code rG=null code sG=null code tG=null code iG=null code SG=null code cG=null code oG=null code OG=null code lG=null code bG=null code yG=null code pG=null code eG=null code qG=null code aG=null code nG=null code dG=null code fG=null code RG=null code TG=null code YG=null code GG=null code gG=null code hG=null code FG=null code kG=null code jG=null code xG=null code vG=null code mG=null code QG=null code WG=null code EG=null code ZG=null code UG=null code IG=null code PG=null code AG=null code DG=null code HG=null code JG=null code KG=null code LG=null code XG=null code CG=null code VG=null code BG=null code NG=null code MG=null code wg=null code ug=null code rg=null code sg=null code tg=null code ig=null code Sg=null code cg=null code og=null code Og=null code lg=null code bg=null code yg=null code pg=null code eg=null code qg=null code ag=null code ng=null code dg=null code fg=null code Rg=null code Tg=null code Yg=null code Gg=null code gg=null code hg=null code Fg=null code kg=null code jg=null code xg=null integer vg=0 group mg=null unit Qg=null unit Wg=null unit Eg=null unit Zg=null unit Ug=null player Ig=null unit Pg=null timer Ag=null trigger Dg=null unit Hg=null unit Jg=null unit Kg=null unit Lg=null unit Xg=null trigger Cg=null unit Vg=null endglobals function foo takes unit Xsu returns boolean return true endfunction function Csu takes handle Xsu returns integer return GetHandleId(Xsu) endfunction function B0u takes unit V0u returns integer return Csu(V0u) endfunction function oaw takes hashtable taw,integer iaw,integer Saw,integer caw returns nothing call SaveInteger(taw,iaw,Saw,caw) endfunction function p3w takes integer l3w,integer b3w,integer y3w returns nothing call oaw(Bb,l3w,b3w,y3w) endfunction function nEw takes integer qEw returns string local integer aEw=qEw if aEw==0 then return "|cffADADADtrace|r" elseif aEw==1 then return "|cff2685DCdebug|r" elseif aEw==2 then return "|cffFFCC00info|r" elseif aEw==3 then return "|cffF47E3Ewarning|r" elseif aEw==4 then return "|cffFB2700error|r" endif return "?" endfunction function YEw takes player dEw,integer fEw,string REw returns nothing local string TEw if TO<=fEw then set TEw=nEw(fEw)+" - "+REw call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(dEw,0.,0.,RO,TEw) endif endfunction function LEw takes string KEw returns nothing call YEw(lO,4,KEw) endfunction function Nqw takes hashtable Xqw,integer Cqw,integer Vqw,boolean Bqw returns nothing call SaveBoolean(Xqw,Cqw,Vqw,Bqw) endfunction function Qqw takes hashtable xqw,integer vqw,integer mqw returns boolean return LoadBoolean(xqw,vqw,mqw) endfunction function Rqw takes hashtable nqw,integer dqw,integer fqw returns boolean return HaveSavedBoolean(nqw,dqw,fqw) endfunction function Ssw takes string isw returns nothing endfunction function Uqw takes hashtable Wqw,integer Eqw,integer Zqw returns integer return LoadInteger(Wqw,Eqw,Zqw) endfunction function ZMw takes string EMw returns integer return StringHash(EMw) endfunction function bUw takes real lUw returns integer return R2I(lUw) endfunction function gqw takes hashtable Tqw,integer Yqw,integer Gqw returns boolean return HaveSavedInteger(Tqw,Yqw,Gqw) endfunction function tsw takes string Lrw,string Xrw returns nothing local integer Crw local string Vrw local integer Brw local integer Nrw local string Mrw local integer wsw local integer usw local string rsw local string ssw set Dd[Ad]=Xrw set Ad=Ad+1 if Ro then call Ssw("ERROR: "+Lrw) else if not si then set Crw=ZMw(Lrw) if gqw(ui,wi,Crw) then if Uqw(ui,wi,Crw)+Mt20 exitwhen Brw<0 set Vrw=Vrw+"\n "+Dd[Brw] endloop call LEw(rsw+Vrw) call oaw(ui,wi,Crw,bUw(Ni)) call Nqw(ui,wi,Crw,false) elseif Rqw(ui,wi,Crw) then if not Qqw(ui,wi,Crw) then call LEw("|cffFF3A29Excessive repeating errors are being omitted") call Nqw(ui,wi,Crw,true) endif else call LEw("|cffFF3A29Excessive repeating errors are being omitted") call Nqw(ui,wi,Crw,true) endif else call oaw(ui,wi,Crw,bUw(Ni)) set ssw="|cffFF3A29Error:|r "+Lrw set Mrw="" set wsw=Ad set usw=0 loop set wsw=wsw-1 set usw=usw+1 exitwhen usw>20 exitwhen wsw<0 set Mrw=Mrw+"\n "+Dd[wsw] endloop call LEw(ssw+Mrw) endif endif set ri=Lrw call I2S(1/0) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function JXu takes integer PXu,integer AXu,integer DXu,string HXu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=HXu set Ad=Ad+1 if Za[PXu]==0 then if PXu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.Table_Table_saveInt","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Table.Table_Table_saveInt on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call p3w(PXu,AXu,DXu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Aew takes integer Zew,integer Uew,integer Iew,string Pew returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Pew set Ad=Ad+1 call JXu(Zew,Uew,Iew,"when calling saveInt in HashMap, line 16") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function sew takes integer uew,integer rew returns integer return Uqw(yS,uew,rew) endfunction function JWu takes integer PWu,integer AWu,string DWu returns integer local integer HWu set Dd[Ad]=DWu set Ad=Ad+1 if ma[PWu]==0 then if PWu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling HashList.HashList_HashList_count","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called HashList.HashList_HashList_count on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set HWu=sew(PWu,AWu) set Ad=Ad-1 return HWu endfunction function xew takes integer hew,integer Few,string kew returns boolean local boolean jew set Dd[Ad]=kew set Ad=Ad+1 set jew=JWu(hew,Few,"when calling count in HashList, line 83")>0 set Ad=Ad-1 return jew endfunction function yEu takes integer oEu,integer OEu,string lEu returns boolean local boolean bEu set Dd[Ad]=lEu set Ad=Ad+1 if ma[oEu]==0 then if oEu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling HashList.HashList_HashList_has","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called HashList.HashList_HashList_has on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set bEu=xew(oEu,OEu,"when calling has in HashList, line 82") set Ad=Ad-1 return bEu endfunction function aqw takes integer yqw,integer pqw,string eqw returns boolean local boolean qqw set Dd[Ad]=eqw set Ad=Ad+1 set qqw=yEu(eS[yqw],pqw,"when calling has in HashMap, line 44") set Ad=Ad-1 return qqw endfunction function AEu takes integer ZEu,integer UEu,string IEu returns boolean local boolean PEu set Dd[Ad]=IEu set Ad=Ad+1 if Za[ZEu]==0 then if ZEu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling IterableMap.HashMap_IterableMap_hasKey","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called IterableMap.HashMap_IterableMap_hasKey on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set PEu=aqw(ZEu,UEu,"when calling hasKey in HashMap, line 43") set Ad=Ad-1 return PEu endfunction function cew takes integer tew,integer iew,string Sew returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Sew set Ad=Ad+1 call oaw(yS,tew,iew,JWu(tew,iew,"when calling count in HashList, line 14")+1) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function CWu takes integer KWu,integer LWu,string XWu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=XWu set Ad=Ad+1 if ma[KWu]==0 then if KWu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling HashList.HashList_HashList_incrOccurences","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called HashList.HashList_HashList_incrOccurences on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call cew(KWu,LWu,"when calling incrOccurences in HashList, line 13") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function X3u takes integer J3u,integer K3u,string L3u returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=L3u set Ad=Ad+1 call oaw(bS,J3u,pS[J3u],K3u) call CWu(J3u,K3u,"when calling incrOccurences in HashList, line 23") set pS[J3u]=pS[J3u]+1 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function N3u takes integer C3u,integer V3u,string B3u returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=B3u set Ad=Ad+1 if ma[C3u]==0 then if C3u==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling HashList.HashList_HashList_add","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called HashList.HashList_HashList_add on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call X3u(C3u,V3u,"when calling add in HashList, line 20") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function cqw takes integer sqw,integer tqw,integer iqw,string Sqw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Sqw set Ad=Ad+1 call Aew(sqw,tqw,iqw,"when calling put in HashMap, line 38") if not AEu(sqw,tqw,"when calling hasKey in HashMap, line 39") then call N3u(eS[sqw],tqw,"when calling add in HashMap, line 40") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function YEu takes integer dEu,integer fEu,integer REu,string TEu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=TEu set Ad=Ad+1 if Za[dEu]==0 then if dEu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling HashMap.HashMap_HashMap_put","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called HashMap.HashMap_HashMap_put on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Za[dEu]<=887 then call Aew(dEu,fEu,REu,"when calling put in HashMap, line 15") else call cqw(dEu,fEu,REu,"when calling put in HashMap, line 15") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function O3w takes integer c3w,integer o3w returns integer return Uqw(Bb,c3w,o3w) endfunction function IXu takes integer WXu,integer EXu,string ZXu returns integer local integer UXu set Dd[Ad]=ZXu set Ad=Ad+1 if Za[WXu]==0 then if WXu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.Table_Table_loadInt","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Table.Table_Table_loadInt on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set UXu=O3w(WXu,EXu) set Ad=Ad-1 return UXu endfunction function Lew takes integer Dew,integer Hew,string Jew returns integer local integer Kew set Dd[Ad]=Jew set Ad=Ad+1 set Kew=IXu(Dew,Hew,"when calling loadInt in HashMap, line 20") set Ad=Ad-1 return Kew endfunction function kEu takes integer GEu,integer gEu,string hEu returns integer local integer FEu set Dd[Ad]=hEu set Ad=Ad+1 if Za[GEu]==0 then if GEu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling HashMap.HashMap_HashMap_get","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called HashMap.HashMap_HashMap_get on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set FEu=Lew(GEu,gEu,"when calling get in HashMap, line 19") set Ad=Ad-1 return FEu endfunction function w3w takes integer NMw,integer MMw returns boolean return gqw(Bb,NMw,MMw) endfunction function GXu takes integer fXu,integer RXu,string TXu returns boolean local boolean YXu set Dd[Ad]=TXu set Ad=Ad+1 if Za[fXu]==0 then if fXu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.Table_Table_hasInt","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Table.Table_Table_hasInt on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set YXu=w3w(fXu,RXu) set Ad=Ad-1 return YXu endfunction function Eew takes integer vew,integer mew,string Qew returns boolean local boolean Wew set Dd[Ad]=Qew set Ad=Ad+1 set Wew=GXu(vew,mew,"when calling hasInt in HashMap, line 12") set Ad=Ad-1 return Wew endfunction function nEu takes integer pEu,integer eEu,string qEu returns boolean local boolean aEu set Dd[Ad]=qEu set Ad=Ad+1 if Za[pEu]==0 then if pEu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling HashMap.HashMap_HashMap_has","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called HashMap.HashMap_HashMap_has on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set aEu=Eew(pEu,eEu,"when calling has in HashMap, line 11") set Ad=Ad-1 return aEu endfunction function gK takes unit RK,integer TK,integer YK,string GK returns integer set Dd[Ad]=GK set Ad=Ad+1 set ju[YK]=TK if RK!=null then set xu[YK]=RK if nEu(Ru,B0u(RK),"when calling has in ClosureEvents, line 154") then set ku[kEu(Ru,B0u(RK),"when calling get in ClosureEvents, line 155")]=YK set Fu[YK]=kEu(Ru,B0u(RK),"when calling get in ClosureEvents, line 156") endif call YEu(Ru,B0u(RK),YK,"when calling put in ClosureEvents, line 157") else if nEu(fu,TK,"when calling has in ClosureEvents, line 159") then set ku[kEu(fu,TK,"when calling get in ClosureEvents, line 160")]=YK set Fu[YK]=kEu(fu,TK,"when calling get in ClosureEvents, line 161") endif call YEu(fu,TK,YK,"when calling put in ClosureEvents, line 163") endif set Ad=Ad-1 return YK endfunction function AK takes integer ZK,integer UK,string IK returns integer local integer PK set Dd[Ad]=IK set Ad=Ad+1 set PK=gK(null,ZK,UK,"when calling addSpellInternal in ClosureEvents, line 145") set Ad=Ad-1 return PK endfunction function DJu takes string PJu returns integer local integer AJu set Dd[Ad]=PJu set Ad=Ad+1 if be==0 then if ye<32768 then set ye=ye+1 set AJu=ye set pe[AJu]=800 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set AJu=0 endif else set be=be-1 set AJu=le[be] set pe[AJu]=800 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return AJu endfunction function qL takes integer eL returns nothing set Fu[eL]=0 set ku[eL]=0 set xu[eL]=null endfunction function HL takes integer DL returns nothing call qL(DL) endfunction function EHw takes string vHw returns boolean local integer mHw local integer QHw local integer WHw set Dd[Ad]=vHw set Ad=Ad+1 set QHw=1095577698 set WHw=1112354870 set nl=QHw set dl=WHw set mHw=DJu("when calling alloc_Closure in ShieldKit, line 33") call HL(mHw) call AK(1093677124,mHw,"when calling onTargetCast in ShieldKit, line 33") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function A1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return EHw("ShieldKit, line 1") endfunction function AH takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function AW takes nothing returns boolean local integer IW=1095577652 local integer PW=1112354867 set vw=IW set mw=PW return true endfunction function FYu takes integer gYu,string hYu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=hYu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oq[gYu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type CallbackCounted","when calling error in ") else set Sq[cq]=gYu set cq=cq+1 set Oq[gYu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Y2w takes timer T2w returns nothing call PauseTimer(T2w) endfunction function R2w takes timer f2w returns integer return GetHandleId(f2w) endfunction function c2w takes timer t2w,string i2w returns integer local integer S2w set Dd[Ad]=i2w set Ad=Ad+1 set S2w=IXu(ay,R2w(t2w),"when calling loadInt in TimerUtils, line 21") set Ad=Ad-1 return S2w endfunction function s2w takes timer w2w,integer u2w,string r2w returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=r2w set Ad=Ad+1 call JXu(ay,R2w(w2w),u2w,"when calling saveInt in TimerUtils, line 17") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function e2w takes timer y2w,string p2w returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=p2w set Ad=Ad+1 if y2w==null then call tsw("Trying to release a null timer","when calling error in TimerUtils, line 37") set Ad=Ad-1 return endif if c2w(y2w,"when calling getData in TimerUtils, line 39")==ny then call tsw("ReleaseTimer: Double free!","when calling error in TimerUtils, line 40") set Ad=Ad-1 return endif call s2w(y2w,ny,"when calling setData in TimerUtils, line 42") call Y2w(y2w) set ey[qy]=y2w set qy=qy+1 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function eC takes integer yC,string pC returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=pC set Ad=Ad+1 call e2w(Uu[yC],"when calling release in ClosureTimers, line 131") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function OC takes integer cC,string oC returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=oC set Ad=Ad+1 call eC(cC,"when calling CallbackCounted_onDestroy in ClosureTimers, line 130") call FYu(cC,"when calling CallbackCounted in ClosureTimers, line 130") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function bYu takes integer OYu,string lYu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=lYu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oq[OYu]==0 then if OYu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling CallbackCounted.destroyCallbackCounted","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called CallbackCounted.destroyCallbackCounted on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call OC(OYu,"when calling destroyCallbackCounted in ClosureTimers, line 100") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function ZLw takes sound WLw,real ELw returns nothing call SetSoundPitch(WLw,ELw) endfunction function Zyw takes integer Wyw,integer Eyw returns nothing call ZLw(rb[Xi[Wyw]],Ji) endfunction function kyw takes integer hyw,integer Fyw returns nothing set Ji=Ji*0.99802 call ZLw(rb[Li[hyw]],Ji) endfunction function qYu takes integer yYu,integer pYu,string eYu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=eYu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oq[yYu]==0 then if yYu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling CallbackCounted.ClosureTimers_CallbackCounted_call","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called CallbackCounted.ClosureTimers_CallbackCounted_call on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Oq[yYu]<=652 then call kyw(yYu,pYu) else call Zyw(yYu,pYu) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function SC takes integer tC,string iC returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=iC set Ad=Ad+1 call qYu(tC,tC,"when calling call in ClosureTimers, line 125") set Zu[tC]=Zu[tC]-1 if Zu[tC]<=0 then call bYu(tC,"when calling CallbackCounted in ClosureTimers, line 128") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function GYu takes integer TYu,string YYu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=YYu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oq[TYu]==0 then if TYu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling CallbackCounted.ClosureTimers_CallbackCounted_callAndCount","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called CallbackCounted.ClosureTimers_CallbackCounted_callAndCount on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call SC(TYu,"when calling callAndCount in ClosureTimers, line 124") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function sC takes string rC returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=rC set Ad=Ad+1 call GYu(c2w(GetExpiredTimer(),"when calling getData in ClosureTimers, line 122"),"when calling callAndCount in ClosureTimers, line 122") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function B1u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call sC("ClosureTimers, line 110") endfunction function BMw takes nothing returns boolean set Bb=InitHashtable() return true endfunction function Bjw takes nothing returns boolean set Eo=".................................!.#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[.]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~................................................................................................................................." return true endfunction function Bm takes nothing returns boolean local integer Cm=1095577650 local integer Vm=1112354865 set Fw=Cm set kw=Vm set jw=512*512 return true endfunction function d2w takes timer n2w returns real return TimerGetElapsed(n2w) endfunction function Hyw takes nothing returns real return d2w(Bi) endfunction function DEw takes string AEw returns nothing call YEw(lO,1,AEw) endfunction function Ytu takes unit Ttu returns integer return GetUnitUserData(Ttu) endfunction function e_u takes unit p_u returns integer return Ytu(p_u) endfunction function Sww takes unit tww,integer iww returns nothing set gt[e_u(tww)]=iww endfunction function WCu takes integer mCu,string QCu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=QCu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[mCu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type BlockadeShip","when calling error in ") else set Se[ce]=mCu set ce=ce+1 set Oe[mCu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Wsu takes unit Qsu returns nothing call KillUnit(Qsu) endfunction function juw takes integer kuw returns nothing set Lt=Lt-1 if kuw!=Ht then set Ct[Xt[kuw]]=Ct[kuw] else set Ht=Ct[kuw] endif if kuw!=Jt then set Xt[Ct[kuw]]=Xt[kuw] else set Jt=Xt[kuw] endif set Xt[kuw]=0 set Ct[kuw]=0 endfunction function qxu takes integer pxu,string exu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=exu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[pxu]==0 then if pxu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Entity.Entity_Entity_DupletListModule_removeFromInactive","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Entity.Entity_Entity_DupletListModule_removeFromInactive on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call juw(pxu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function guw takes integer Guw returns nothing set Kt=Kt-1 if Guw!=At then set Ct[Xt[Guw]]=Ct[Guw] else set At=Ct[Guw] endif if Guw!=Dt then set Xt[Ct[Guw]]=Xt[Guw] else set Dt=Xt[Guw] endif set Xt[Guw]=0 set Ct[Guw]=0 endfunction function yxu takes integer lxu,string bxu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=bxu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[lxu]==0 then if lxu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Entity.Entity_Entity_DupletListModule_removeFromActive","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Entity.Entity_Entity_DupletListModule_removeFromActive on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call guw(lxu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Wuw takes integer muw,string Quw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Quw set Ad=Ad+1 if Vt[muw]then set Vt[muw]=false call yxu(muw,"when calling removeFromActive in DupletListModule, line 33") else call qxu(muw,"when calling removeFromInactive in DupletListModule, line 35") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Oxu takes integer cxu,string oxu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=oxu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[cxu]==0 then if cxu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Entity.Entity_Entity_DupletListModule_remove","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Entity.Entity_Entity_DupletListModule_remove on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Wuw(cxu,"when calling remove in DupletListModule, line 30") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function auw takes integer euw,string quw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=quw set Ad=Ad+1 call Oxu(euw,"when calling remove in DupletListModule, line 89") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function biu takes unit liu returns nothing call RemoveUnit(liu) endfunction function Mhw takes integer Nhw returns integer return co[Nhw] endfunction function XPu takes integer JPu,string KPu returns integer local integer LPu set Dd[Ad]=KPu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[JPu]==0 then if JPu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_getDummy","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_getDummy on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set LPu=Mhw(JPu) set Ad=Ad-1 return LPu endfunction function jGw takes integer FGw,string kGw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=kGw set Ad=Ad+1 set wo[FGw]=XPu(ro[FGw],"when calling getDummy in LinkedList, line 397") set uo[FGw]=wo[FGw] set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function XUu takes integer KUu,string LUu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=LUu set Ad=Ad+1 if on[KUu]==0 then if KUu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LLIterator.LinkedList_LLIterator_reset","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LLIterator.LinkedList_LLIterator_reset on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call jGw(KUu,"when calling reset in LinkedList, line 396") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function pIu takes string bIu returns integer local integer yIu set Dd[Ad]=bIu set Ad=Ad+1 if Sn==0 then if cn<32768 then set cn=cn+1 set yIu=cn set on[yIu]=775 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create LLIterator.","when calling error in ") set yIu=0 endif else set Sn=Sn-1 set yIu=tn[Sn] set on[yIu]=775 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return yIu endfunction function ugw takes integer BGw,integer NGw,boolean MGw,string wgw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=wgw set Ad=Ad+1 set so[BGw]=true set ro[BGw]=NGw call XUu(BGw,"when calling reset in LinkedList, line 393") set so[BGw]=MGw set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function hGw takes integer TGw,boolean YGw,string GGw returns integer local integer gGw set Dd[Ad]=GGw set Ad=Ad+1 set gGw=pIu("when calling LLIterator in LinkedList, line 391") call ugw(gGw,TGw,YGw,"when calling construct_LLIterator2 in LinkedList, line 391") set Ad=Ad-1 return gGw endfunction function uhw takes integer Mgw,string whw returns integer set Dd[Ad]=whw set Ad=Ad+1 if Oo[Mgw]==0 then set Oo[Mgw]=hGw(Mgw,false,"when calling new_LLIterator in LinkedList, line 143") endif call XUu(Oo[Mgw],"when calling reset in LinkedList, line 144") set Ad=Ad-1 return Oo[Mgw] endfunction function cPu takes integer tPu,string iPu returns integer local integer SPu set Dd[Ad]=iPu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[tPu]==0 then if tPu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_staticItr","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_staticItr on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set SPu=uhw(tPu,"when calling staticItr in LinkedList, line 141") set Ad=Ad-1 return SPu endfunction function nGw takes integer aGw returns boolean return Mc[uo[aGw]]!=wo[aGw] endfunction function p5 takes effect y5 returns nothing call DestroyEffect(y5) endfunction function qGw takes integer eGw returns integer set uo[eGw]=Mc[uo[eGw]] return Bc[uo[eGw]] endfunction function sww takes unit rww returns integer return gt[e_u(rww)] endfunction function KP takes integer JP returns nothing set ou=ou-1 if JP!=Su then set lu[Ou[JP]]=lu[JP] else set Su=lu[JP] endif if JP!=cu then set Ou[lu[JP]]=Ou[JP] else set cu=Ou[JP] endif endfunction function ARu takes integer IRu,string PRu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=PRu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[IRu]==0 then if IRu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Buff.Buff_Buff_LinkedListModule_remove","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Buff.Buff_Buff_LinkedListModule_remove on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call KP(IRu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function oP takes integer cP returns nothing endfunction function qmu takes integer pmu,string emu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=emu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ya[pmu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type Iterator","when calling error in ") else set fa[Ra]=pmu set Ra=Ra+1 set Ya[pmu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function wcw takes integer MSw returns nothing endfunction function CSw takes integer LSw,string XSw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=XSw set Ad=Ad+1 call wcw(LSw) call qmu(LSw,"when calling Iterator in LinkedListModule, line 71") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Omu takes integer cmu,string omu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=omu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ya[cmu]==0 then if cmu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Iterator.destroyIterator","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Iterator.destroyIterator on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call CSw(cmu,"when calling destroyIterator in LinkedListModule, line 71") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function ASw takes integer ISw,string PSw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=PSw set Ad=Ad+1 if Gi[ISw]then call Omu(ISw,"when calling Iterator in LinkedListModule, line 91") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function ESw takes integer QSw returns integer local integer WSw=Yi[QSw] set Yi[QSw]=Ti[Yi[QSw]] return WSw endfunction function AUu takes integer IUu,string PUu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=PUu set Ad=Ad+1 if sn[IUu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type LLEntry","when calling error in ") else set wn[un]=IUu set un=un+1 set sn[IUu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function pGw takes integer yGw returns nothing endfunction function SGw takes integer tGw,string iGw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=iGw set Ad=Ad+1 call pGw(tGw) call AUu(tGw,"when calling LLEntry in LinkedList, line 371") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function WUu takes integer mUu,string QUu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=QUu set Ad=Ad+1 if sn[mUu]==0 then if mUu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LLEntry.destroyLLEntry","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LLEntry.destroyLLEntry on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call SGw(mUu,"when calling destroyLLEntry in LinkedList, line 371") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Egw takes integer mgw,integer Qgw,string Wgw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Wgw set Ad=Ad+1 set Mc[Nc[Qgw]]=Mc[Qgw] set Nc[Mc[Qgw]]=Nc[Qgw] call WUu(Qgw,"when calling LLEntry in LinkedList, line 351") set oo[mgw]=oo[mgw]-1 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function sAu takes integer wAu,integer uAu,string rAu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=rAu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[wAu]==0 then if wAu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_removeEntry","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_removeEntry on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Egw(wAu,uAu,"when calling removeEntry in LinkedList, line 348") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function vgw takes integer Fgw,string kgw returns integer local integer jgw local integer xgw set Dd[Ad]=kgw set Ad=Ad+1 set jgw=Mc[co[Fgw]] set xgw=0 if jgw!=co[Fgw]then set xgw=Bc[jgw] call sAu(Fgw,jgw,"when calling removeEntry in LinkedList, line 78") endif set Ad=Ad-1 return xgw endfunction function JIu takes integer AIu,string DIu returns integer local integer HIu set Dd[Ad]=DIu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[AIu]==0 then if AIu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_dequeue","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_dequeue on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set HIu=vgw(AIu,"when calling dequeue in LinkedList, line 73") set Ad=Ad-1 return HIu endfunction function G4w takes texttag R4w,real T4w,real Y4w returns nothing call SetTextTagVelocity(R4w,T4w,Y4w) endfunction function MC takes integer BC,string NC returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=NC set Ad=Ad+1 call e2w(Pu[BC],"when calling release in ClosureTimers, line 80") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function rGu takes integer wGu,string uGu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=uGu set Ad=Ad+1 if ne[wGu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type CallbackSingle","when calling error in ") else set ee[qe]=wGu set qe=qe+1 set ne[wGu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function XC takes integer KC,string LC returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=LC set Ad=Ad+1 call MC(KC,"when calling CallbackSingle_onDestroy in ClosureTimers, line 79") call rGu(KC,"when calling CallbackSingle in ClosureTimers, line 79") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function KYu takes integer HYu,string JYu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=JYu set Ad=Ad+1 if ne[HYu]==0 then if HYu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling CallbackSingle.destroyCallbackSingle","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called CallbackSingle.destroyCallbackSingle on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call XC(HYu,"when calling destroyCallbackSingle in ClosureTimers, line 63") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function VC takes integer CC returns nothing endfunction function b2w takes string o2w returns timer local timer O2w local timer l2w set Dd[Ad]=o2w set Ad=Ad+1 if qy>0 then set qy=qy-1 call s2w(ey[qy],0,"when calling setData in TimerUtils, line 29") set Ad=Ad-1 set O2w=null set l2w=null return ey[qy] else set O2w=CreateTimer() call s2w(O2w,0,"when calling setData in TimerUtils, line 32") set l2w=O2w set Ad=Ad-1 set Ag=l2w set O2w=null set l2w=null return Ag endif endfunction function j2w takes timer h2w,real F2w,code k2w returns nothing call TimerStart(h2w,F2w,false,k2w) endfunction function UC takes integer vC,real mC,string QC returns nothing local timer WC local timer EC local integer ZC set Dd[Ad]=QC set Ad=Ad+1 set ZC=vC set WC=b2w("when calling getTimer in ClosureTimers, line 68") call s2w(WC,vC,"when calling setData in ClosureTimers, line 69") set EC=WC call j2w(EC,mC,UG) set Pu[ZC]=EC set Ad=Ad-1 set WC=null set EC=null endfunction function MYu takes integer VYu,real BYu,string NYu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=NYu set Ad=Ad+1 if ne[VYu]==0 then if VYu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling CallbackSingle.ClosureTimers_CallbackSingle_start","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called CallbackSingle.ClosureTimers_CallbackSingle_start on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call UC(VYu,BYu,"when calling start in ClosureTimers, line 67") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function gX takes real TX,integer YX,string GX returns integer set Dd[Ad]=GX set Ad=Ad+1 call MYu(YX,TX,"when calling start in ClosureTimers, line 15") set Ad=Ad-1 return YX endfunction function l4w takes texttag o4w,real O4w returns nothing call SetTextTagLifespan(o4w,O4w) endfunction function smu takes string umu returns integer local integer rmu set Dd[Ad]=umu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set rmu=ae set ne[rmu]=673 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set rmu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set rmu=ee[qe] set ne[rmu]=673 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return rmu endfunction function Miw takes integer Diw,real Hiw,real Jiw,real Kiw,string Liw returns nothing local texttag Xiw local texttag Ciw local integer Viw local real Biw local integer Niw set Dd[Ad]=Liw set Ad=Ad+1 set Xiw=pi[Diw] call G4w(Xiw,Hiw,Jiw) set Ciw=Xiw call l4w(Ciw,Kiw) set qi[Diw]=Hyw() if ai[Diw]!=0 then call KYu(ai[Diw],"when calling CallbackSingle in FText, line 110") endif set Niw=Diw set Biw=Kiw-0.025 set Viw=smu("when calling alloc_Closure in FText, line 111") call VC(Viw) set yi[Viw]=Diw set ai[Niw]=gX(Biw,Viw,"when calling doAfter in FText, line 111") set Ad=Ad-1 set Xiw=null set Ciw=null endfunction function Jvu takes integer Ivu,real Pvu,real Avu,real Dvu,string Hvu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Hvu set Ad=Ad+1 if qa[Ivu]==0 then if Ivu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling FText.FText_FText_setDynamic","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called FText.FText_FText_setDynamic on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Miw(Ivu,Pvu,Avu,Dvu,"when calling setDynamic in FText, line 105") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function NSw takes integer VSw,boolean BSw returns nothing set Yi[VSw]=ni set Gi[VSw]=BSw endfunction function ymu takes string lmu returns integer local integer bmu set Dd[Ad]=lmu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ra==0 then if Ta<32768 then set Ta=Ta+1 set bmu=Ta set Ya[bmu]=770 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Iterator.","when calling error in ") set bmu=0 endif else set Ra=Ra-1 set bmu=fa[Ra] set Ya[bmu]=770 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return bmu endfunction function KSw takes boolean DSw,string HSw returns integer local integer JSw set Dd[Ad]=HSw set Ad=Ad+1 set JSw=ymu("when calling Iterator in LinkedListModule, line 75") call NSw(JSw,DSw) set Ad=Ad-1 return JSw endfunction function RSw takes string dSw returns integer local integer fSw set Dd[Ad]=dSw set Ad=Ad+1 set fSw=KSw(true,"when calling new_Iterator in LinkedListModule, line 53") set Ad=Ad-1 return fSw endfunction function USw takes integer ZSw returns boolean return Yi[ZSw]!=0 endfunction function Aiw takes integer Iiw,string Piw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Piw set Ad=Ad+1 set ei[Iiw]=true if ai[Iiw]!=0 then call KYu(ai[Iiw],"when calling CallbackSingle in FText, line 102") set ai[Iiw]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Uvu takes integer Evu,string Zvu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Zvu set Ad=Ad+1 if qa[Evu]==0 then if Evu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling FText.FText_FText_setPermanent","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called FText.FText_FText_setPermanent on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Aiw(Evu,"when calling setPermanent in FText, line 99") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function F4w takes texttag g4w,boolean h4w returns nothing call SetTextTagVisibility(g4w,h4w) endfunction function J1w takes texttag P1w,real A1w,real D1w,real H1w returns nothing call SetTextTagPos(P1w,A1w,D1w,H1w) endfunction function a4w takes texttag e4w,real q4w returns nothing call SetTextTagFadepoint(e4w,q4w) endfunction function c4w takes texttag t4w,string i4w,real S4w returns nothing call SetTextTagText(t4w,i4w,S4w*0.0023) endfunction function f4w takes texttag n4w,real d4w returns nothing call SetTextTagAge(n4w,d4w) endfunction function Uiw takes integer Giw,string giw,real hiw,real Fiw,real kiw,real jiw returns nothing local texttag xiw=pi[Giw] local texttag viw local texttag miw local texttag Qiw local texttag Wiw local texttag Eiw local texttag Ziw call c4w(xiw,giw,jiw) set viw=xiw call J1w(viw,hiw,Fiw,kiw) set miw=viw call f4w(miw,0.) set Qiw=miw call F4w(Qiw,true) set Wiw=Qiw call G4w(Wiw,pp,ep) set Eiw=Wiw call a4w(Eiw,.45) set Ziw=Eiw call l4w(Ziw,WO) set xiw=null set viw=null set miw=null set Qiw=null set Wiw=null set Eiw=null set Ziw=null endfunction function Wvu takes integer Fvu,string kvu,real jvu,real xvu,real vvu,real mvu,string Qvu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Qvu set Ad=Ad+1 if qa[Fvu]==0 then if Fvu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling FText.FText_FText_setup","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called FText.FText_FText_setup on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Uiw(Fvu,kvu,jvu,xvu,vvu,mvu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Bvu takes string Cvu returns integer local integer Vvu set Dd[Ad]=Cvu set Ad=Ad+1 if pa==0 then if ea<32768 then set ea=ea+1 set Vvu=ea set qa[Vvu]=737 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create FText.","when calling error in ") set Vvu=0 endif else set pa=pa-1 set Vvu=ya[pa] set qa[Vvu]=737 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Vvu endfunction function gSw takes integer GSw returns nothing set fi=fi+1 if fi==1 then set ni=GSw set Ri[GSw]=0 else set Ri[GSw]=di set Ti[di]=GSw set Ri[ni]=GSw endif set Ti[GSw]=0 set di=GSw endfunction function p4w takes texttag b4w,boolean y4w returns nothing call SetTextTagPermanent(b4w,y4w) endfunction function eSw takes integer ySw returns nothing local texttag pSw set pi[ySw]=CreateTextTag() set ei[ySw]=false set qi[ySw]=0. set ai[ySw]=0 call gSw(ySw) set pSw=pi[ySw] call p4w(pSw,true) set pSw=null endfunction function Yiw takes string Riw returns integer local integer Tiw set Dd[Ad]=Riw set Ad=Ad+1 set Tiw=Bvu("when calling FText in FText, line 71") call eSw(Tiw) set Ad=Ad-1 return Tiw endfunction function s4w takes texttag N1w,integer M1w,integer w4w,integer u4w,integer r4w returns nothing call SetTextTagColor(N1w,M1w,w4w,u4w,r4w) endfunction function Cgw takes integer Xgw returns integer return oo[Xgw] endfunction function sPu takes integer wPu,string uPu returns integer local integer rPu set Dd[Ad]=uPu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[wPu]==0 then if wPu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_size","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_size on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set rPu=Cgw(wPu) set Ad=Ad-1 return rPu endfunction function ftw takes real Msw,real wtw,real utw,string rtw,real stw,real ttw,real itw,real Stw,integer ctw,integer otw,integer Otw,integer ltw,string btw returns integer local boolean ytw local integer ptw local integer etw local integer qtw local integer atw local integer ntw local integer dtw set Dd[Ad]=btw set Ad=Ad+1 set ytw=ttw<=0. set ptw=0 if sPu(bi,"when calling size in FText, line 40")>0 then call DEw("get recycled") set ptw=JIu(bi,"when calling dequeue in FText, line 42") elseif fi<100 then set ptw=Yiw("when calling new_FText in FText, line 46") call DEw("get new") else set etw=RSw("when calling iterator in FText, line 50") loop exitwhen not USw(etw) set qtw=ESw(etw) if (not ei[qtw])and ptw==0 or qi[qtw]fww then call Xju(Oww,true,"when calling setFlying in Entity, line 101") endif set dr=dr+1 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Bku takes integer Pku,real Aku,real Dku,real Hku,real Jku,real Kku,real Lku,player Xku,real Cku,string Vku returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Vku set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[Pku]==0 then if Pku==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Entity.Entity_Entity_setupEntity","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Entity.Entity_Entity_setupEntity on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Gww(Pku,Aku,Dku,Hku,Jku,Kku,Lku,Xku,Cku,"when calling setupEntity in Entity, line 95") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function puw takes integer Suw,player cuw,real ouw,real Ouw,real luw,real buw,string yuw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=yuw set Ad=Ad+1 set Vt[Suw]=true set mt[Suw]=Co set Wt[Suw]=1. set Zt[Suw]=false set Ut[Suw]=false set It[Suw]=true set Pt[Suw]=0 call Auw(Suw,"when calling construct_Entity_DupletListModule in DupletListModule, line 15") call Bku(Suw,ouw,Ouw,luw,qp,ap,np,cuw,buw,"when calling setupEntity in Entity, line 90") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function I1w takes integer R1w,real T1w,real Y1w,real G1w,real g1w,real h1w,real F1w,string k1w,real j1w,real x1w,integer v1w,integer m1w,integer Q1w,integer W1w,string E1w returns nothing local integer Z1w local integer U1w set Dd[Ad]=E1w set Ad=Ad+1 call puw(R1w,cw,T1w,Y1w,G1w,0.,"when calling construct_Entity5 in TextTagEntity, line 10") set It[R1w]=false set iy[R1w]=x1w set Z1w=R1w set jt[Z1w]=g1w set xt[Z1w]=h1w set vt[Z1w]=F1w set U1w=R1w set Sy[U1w]=v1w set cy[U1w]=m1w set oy[U1w]=Q1w set Oy[U1w]=W1w set ty[R1w]=ftw(T1w,Y1w,G1w,k1w,j1w,x1w,pp,ep,v1w,m1w,Q1w,W1w,"when calling createFText in TextTagEntity, line 16") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function nCu takes string qCu returns integer local integer aCu set Dd[Ad]=qCu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set aCu=oe set Oe[aCu]=838 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create TextTagEntity.","when calling error in ") set aCu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set aCu=Se[ce] set Oe[aCu]=838 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return aCu endfunction function f1w takes real t1w,real i1w,real S1w,real c1w,real o1w,real O1w,string l1w,real b1w,real y1w,integer p1w,integer e1w,integer q1w,integer a1w,string n1w returns integer local integer d1w set Dd[Ad]=n1w set Ad=Ad+1 set d1w=nCu("when calling TextTagEntity in TextTagEntity, line 10") call I1w(d1w,t1w,i1w,S1w,c1w,o1w,O1w,l1w,b1w,y1w,p1w,e1w,q1w,a1w,"when calling construct_TextTagEntity in TextTagEntity, line 10") set Ad=Ad-1 return d1w endfunction function sJw takes integer MHw,string wJw returns nothing local integer uJw local integer rJw set Dd[Ad]=wJw set Ad=Ad+1 if ru[MHw]==90. then set uJw=MHw call f1w(fl[uJw],Rl[uJw],Tl[uJw],0.,0.,GetRandomReal(9.,12.),"Shield applied",13.,1.55,255,204,12,255,"when calling new_TextTagEntity in ShieldKit, line 28") else set rJw=MHw call f1w(fl[rJw],Rl[rJw],Tl[rJw],0.,0.,GetRandomReal(9.,12.),"Shield collapsed",13.,1.55,255,204,12,255,"when calling new_TextTagEntity in ShieldKit, line 30") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function FRu takes integer gRu,string hRu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=hRu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[gRu]==0 then if gRu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Buff.Buff_Buff_onEnd","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Buff.Buff_Buff_onEnd on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Ie[gRu]<=644 then if Ie[gRu]<=643 then call oP(gRu) else call sJw(gRu,"when calling onEnd in Buff, line 91") endif else call oP(gRu) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function KU takes integer JU returns boolean return Bw[JU]!=0 endfunction function eiu takes unit yiu,integer piu returns boolean return UnitRemoveAbility(yiu,piu) endfunction function UGw takes integer WGw,string EGw returns integer local integer ZGw set Dd[Ad]=EGw set Ad=Ad+1 if uo[WGw]!=wo[WGw]then call sAu(ro[WGw],uo[WGw],"when calling removeEntry in LinkedList, line 404") set ZGw=Bc[uo[WGw]] set uo[WGw]=Nc[uo[WGw]] set Ad=Ad-1 return ZGw endif set Ad=Ad-1 return 0 endfunction function NUu takes integer CUu,string VUu returns integer local integer BUu set Dd[Ad]=VUu set Ad=Ad+1 if on[CUu]==0 then if CUu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LLIterator.LinkedList_LLIterator_remove","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LLIterator.LinkedList_LLIterator_remove on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set BUu=UGw(CUu,"when calling remove in LinkedList, line 402") set Ad=Ad-1 return BUu endfunction function iI takes integer tI returns integer return Bw[tI] endfunction function sI takes integer BU,integer NU,string MU returns nothing local integer wI local integer uI local integer rI set Dd[Ad]=MU set Ad=Ad+1 if KU(BU) then call DEw("Removing Buff") set wI=cPu(iI(BU),"when calling staticItr in Buff, line 31") set rI=wI loop exitwhen not nGw(rI) set uI=qGw(rI) if Ie[uI]==NU then call NUu(wI,"when calling remove in Buff, line 34") endif endloop endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function HP takes integer ZP,string UP returns nothing local integer IP local integer PP local integer AP local unit DP set Dd[Ad]=UP set Ad=Ad+1 call DEw("Destroy Buff") call FRu(ZP,"when calling onEnd in Buff, line 114") if uu[ZP]!=0 and(not Ut[uu[ZP]]) and KU(uu[ZP]) then call sI(uu[ZP],Ie[ZP],"when calling removeBuff in Buff, line 116") set DP=Nt[uu[ZP]] set IP=ZP set AP=su[IP] set PP=AP call eiu(DP,PP) endif set uu[ZP]=0 call ARu(ZP,"when calling remove in LinkedListModule, line 49") set Ad=Ad-1 set DP=null endfunction function JRu takes integer DRu,string HRu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=HRu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[DRu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type Buff","when calling error in ") else set Ee[Ze]=DRu set Ze=Ze+1 set Ie[DRu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function jP takes integer FP,string kP returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=kP set Ad=Ad+1 call HP(FP,"when calling Buff_onDestroy in Buff, line 112") call JRu(FP,"when calling Buff in Buff, line 112") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function CCu takes integer LCu,string XCu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=XCu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[LCu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type TowerBlockadeBuff","when calling error in ") else set Ee[Ze]=LCu set Ze=Ze+1 set Ie[LCu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function aIu takes integer eIu,string qIu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=qIu set Ad=Ad+1 if on[eIu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type LLIterator","when calling error in ") else set tn[Sn]=eIu set Sn=Sn+1 set on[eIu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function sgw takes integer rgw returns nothing endfunction function AGw takes integer IGw,string PGw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=PGw set Ad=Ad+1 call sgw(IGw) call aIu(IGw,"when calling LLIterator in LinkedList, line 381") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function JUu takes integer DUu,string HUu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=HUu set Ad=Ad+1 if on[DUu]==0 then if DUu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LLIterator.destroyLLIterator","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LLIterator.destroyLLIterator on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call AGw(DUu,"when calling destroyLLIterator in LinkedList, line 381") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function RGw takes integer dGw,string fGw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=fGw set Ad=Ad+1 if so[dGw]then call JUu(dGw,"when calling LLIterator in LinkedList, line 425") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function VSu takes unit CSu returns nothing call PauseUnit(CSu,false) endfunction function U6w takes integer Z6w returns nothing call VSu(Nt[Z6w]) endfunction function VGw takes integer LGw,integer XGw,string CGw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=CGw set Ad=Ad+1 set so[LGw]=true set ro[LGw]=XGw call XUu(LGw,"when calling reset in LinkedList, line 389") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function QGw takes integer xGw,string vGw returns integer local integer mGw set Dd[Ad]=vGw set Ad=Ad+1 set mGw=pIu("when calling LLIterator in LinkedList, line 387") call VGw(mGw,xGw,"when calling construct_LLIterator in LinkedList, line 387") set Ad=Ad-1 return mGw endfunction function lgw takes integer cgw,string ogw returns integer local integer Ogw set Dd[Ad]=ogw set Ad=Ad+1 set Ogw=QGw(cgw,"when calling new_LLIterator in LinkedList, line 156") set Ad=Ad-1 return Ogw endfunction function A9u takes integer Z9u,string U9u returns nothing local integer I9u local integer P9u set Dd[Ad]=U9u set Ad=Ad+1 call U6w(Z9u) set I9u=lgw(Xy[Z9u],"when calling iterator in TrooperTower, line 92") loop exitwhen not nGw(I9u) set P9u=qGw(I9u) call VSu(Nt[P9u]) endloop call RGw(I9u,"when calling close in TrooperTower, line 92") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function GVu takes integer TVu,string YVu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=YVu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[TVu]==0 then if TVu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Tower.Tower_Tower_unpause","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Tower.Tower_Tower_unpause on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Oe[TVu]<=866 then if Oe[TVu]<=865 then call U6w(TVu) else call A9u(TVu,"when calling unpause in Tower, line 59") endif else call U6w(TVu) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function P5w takes integer U5w,string I5w returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=I5w set Ad=Ad+1 if uu[U5w]!=0 then call GVu(uu[U5w],"when calling unpause in TowerBlockade, line 65") endif if Fy[U5w]!=0 then call Oxu(Fy[U5w],"when calling remove in TowerBlockade, line 67") endif call HP(U5w,"when calling Buff_onDestroy in TowerBlockade, line 29") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function k5w takes integer h5w,string F5w returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=F5w set Ad=Ad+1 call P5w(h5w,"when calling TowerBlockadeBuff_onDestroy in TowerBlockade, line 63") call CCu(h5w,"when calling TowerBlockadeBuff in TowerBlockade, line 63") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function lRu takes integer oRu,string ORu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=ORu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[oRu]==0 then if oRu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Buff.destroyBuff","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Buff.destroyBuff on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Ie[oRu]<=647 then call jP(oRu,"when calling destroyBuff in Buff, line 71") else call k5w(oRu,"when calling destroyTowerBlockadeBuff in Buff, line 71") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function wP takes integer NI,string MI returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=MI set Ad=Ad+1 if not iu[NI]then set iu[NI]=true call lRu(NI,"when calling Buff in Buff, line 110") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function OAu takes integer cAu,string oAu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=oAu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[cAu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type LinkedList","when calling error in ") else set On[ln]=cAu set ln=ln+1 set yn[cAu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function BYw takes integer VYw returns nothing endfunction function vUu takes integer jUu,string xUu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=xUu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ma[jUu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type LLBackIterator","when calling error in ") else set Na=Na+1 set Ma[jUu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function CYw takes integer LYw,string XYw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=XYw set Ad=Ad+1 call BYw(LYw) call vUu(LYw,"when calling LLBackIterator in LinkedList, line 427") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function kUu takes integer hUu,string FUu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=FUu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ma[hUu]==0 then if hUu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LLBackIterator.destroyLLBackIterator","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LLBackIterator.destroyLLBackIterator on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call CYw(hUu,"when calling destroyLLBackIterator in LinkedList, line 427") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function SFw takes integer sFw,string tFw returns nothing local integer iFw set Dd[Ad]=tFw set Ad=Ad+1 if Oo[sFw]!=0 then call JUu(Oo[sFw],"when calling LLIterator in LinkedList, line 356") endif if lo[sFw]!=0 then call kUu(lo[sFw],"when calling LLBackIterator in LinkedList, line 358") endif set iFw=Mc[co[sFw]] loop exitwhen not(iFw!=co[sFw]) set iFw=Mc[iFw] call WUu(Nc[iFw],"when calling LLEntry in LinkedList, line 362") endloop call WUu(co[sFw],"when calling LLEntry in LinkedList, line 363") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function OFw takes integer cFw,string oFw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=oFw set Ad=Ad+1 call SFw(cFw,"when calling LinkedList_onDestroy in LinkedList, line 354") call OAu(cFw,"when calling LinkedList in LinkedList, line 354") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function xIu takes integer kIu,string jIu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=jIu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[kIu]==0 then if kIu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.destroyLinkedList","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.destroyLinkedList on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call OFw(kIu,"when calling destroyLinkedList in LinkedList, line 13") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function xtu takes unit jtu returns boolean return foo(jtu) endfunction function J4u takes integer E4u,integer Z4u,string U4u,integer I4u,string P4u returns nothing local integer A4u local integer D4u local integer H4u if E4u==0 then set Dd[Ad]=U4u set Ad=Ad+1 call J4u(1,Z4u,"when calling clearBuffs in Entity, line 263",0,null) if sww(Nt[Z4u])==Z4u then call Sww(Nt[Z4u],0) if xtu(Nt[Z4u]) then if vi then call Wsu(Nt[Z4u]) else call biu(Nt[Z4u]) endif endif endif set Nt[Z4u]=null call auw(Z4u,"when calling Entity_onDestroy in Entity, line 195") set Ad=Ad-1 elseif E4u==1 then set Dd[Ad]=U4u set Ad=Ad+1 set A4u=Bw[Z4u] if A4u!=0 then call DEw("Cleaning Buffs") set H4u=cPu(A4u,"when calling staticItr in Buff, line 43") loop exitwhen not nGw(H4u) set D4u=qGw(H4u) call DEw("Clear buffs: Terminate") call J4u(2,D4u,"when calling terminate in Buff, line 45",0,null) endloop call xIu(A4u,"when calling LinkedList in Buff, line 46") set Bw[Z4u]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 elseif E4u==2 then set Dd[Ad]=U4u set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[Z4u]==0 then if Z4u==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Buff.Buff_Buff_terminate","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Buff.Buff_Buff_terminate on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Ie[Z4u]<=647 then call wP(Z4u,"when calling terminate in Buff, line 107") else call J4u(3,0,null,Z4u,"when calling terminate in Buff, line 107") endif set Ad=Ad-1 elseif E4u==3 then if Z4u==0 then set Dd[Ad]=P4u set Ad=Ad+1 call p5(ky[I4u]) if Fy[I4u]!=0 and xtu(Nt[Fy[I4u]]) then call J4u(3,1,null,Fy[I4u],"when calling BlockadeShip in TowerBlockade, line 59") endif call wP(I4u,"when calling terminate in TowerBlockade, line 60") set Ad=Ad-1 elseif Z4u==1 then set Dd[Ad]=P4u set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[I4u]==0 then if I4u==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BlockadeShip.destroyBlockadeShip","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BlockadeShip.destroyBlockadeShip on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call J4u(3,2,null,I4u,"when calling destroyBlockadeShip in TowerBlockade, line 69") set Ad=Ad-1 elseif Z4u==2 then set Dd[Ad]=P4u set Ad=Ad+1 call J4u(3,3,null,I4u,"when calling BlockadeShip_onDestroy in TowerBlockade, line 84") call WCu(I4u,"when calling BlockadeShip in TowerBlockade, line 84") set Ad=Ad-1 elseif Z4u==3 then set Dd[Ad]=P4u set Ad=Ad+1 if xtu(Nt[I4u]) then call J4u(3,4,null,hy[I4u],"when calling terminate in TowerBlockade, line 86") endif call J4u(0,I4u,"when calling UnitEntity_onDestroy in TowerBlockade, line 69",0,null) set Ad=Ad-1 elseif Z4u==4 then set Dd[Ad]=P4u set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[I4u]==0 then if I4u==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling TowerBlockadeBuff.TowerBlockade_TowerBlockadeBuff_terminate","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called TowerBlockadeBuff.TowerBlockade_TowerBlockadeBuff_terminate on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call J4u(3,0,null,I4u,"when calling terminate in TowerBlockade, line 56") set Ad=Ad-1 endif endif endfunction function Osu takes unit csu,integer osu returns boolean return UnitAddAbility(csu,osu) endfunction function htu takes unit Gtu,integer gtu returns boolean return GetUnitAbilityLevel(Gtu,gtu)>0 endfunction function hP takes integer qP,boolean aP returns nothing local unit GP=Nt[uu[qP]] local integer nP=qP local integer fP=su[nP] local integer dP=fP local integer RP local integer TP local integer YP local unit gP if (not htu(GP,dP))or aP then set gP=Nt[uu[qP]] set RP=qP set YP=su[RP] set TP=YP call Osu(gP,TP) endif set GP=null set gP=null endfunction function Hiu takes unit Piu,player Aiu,boolean Diu returns nothing call SetUnitOwner(Piu,Aiu,Diu) endfunction function ctu takes unit Stu returns real return GetUnitY(Stu) endfunction function itu takes unit ttu returns real return GetUnitX(ttu) endfunction function KQw takes player DQw,unit HQw,real JQw returns nothing if lO==DQw then call PanCameraToTimed(itu(HQw),ctu(HQw),JQw) endif endfunction function NQw takes player VQw,unit BQw returns nothing if lO==VQw then call ClearSelection() call SelectUnit(BQw,true) endif endfunction function Oiu takes unit ciu,string oiu returns nothing call QueueUnitAnimation(ciu,oiu) endfunction function Tiu takes unit fiu,string Riu returns nothing call SetUnitAnimation(fiu,Riu) endfunction function Iiu takes unit Eiu,unitstate Ziu,real Uiu returns nothing call SetUnitState(Eiu,Ziu,Uiu) endfunction function Wiu takes unit miu,real Qiu returns nothing call Iiu(miu,UNIT_STATE_LIFE,Qiu) endfunction function XSu takes unit LSu returns nothing call ShowUnit(LSu,true) endfunction function Ycu takes real Rcu,real Tcu returns real set kf=Rcu set jf=Tcu set xf=0. return kf endfunction function G5 takes string f5,real R5,real T5,real Y5 returns effect return AddSpecialEffect(f5,R5,T5) endfunction function d5 takes string e5,real q5,real a5,real n5 returns nothing call p5(G5(e5,q5,a5,n5)) endfunction function k5 takes string g5,real h5,real F5 returns nothing call d5(g5,Ycu(h5,F5),jf,xf) endfunction function kQw takes player FQw returns integer return GetPlayerId(FQw) endfunction function stu takes unit rtu returns real set Sf=itu(rtu) set cf=ctu(rtu) return Sf endfunction function ySu takes unit lSu,real bSu returns nothing call SetUnitTimeScale(lSu,bSu) endfunction function qbu takes integer wbu,boolean ubu returns nothing local integer rbu local unit sbu local real tbu local unit ibu local unit Sbu local unit cbu local unit obu local unit Obu local unit lbu local unit bbu local player ybu local player pbu local unit ebu call hP(wbu,ubu) if Fp[wbu]then set rbu=oO[wO[kQw(Et[uu[wbu]])]] set sbu=Nt[uu[wbu]] call VSu(sbu) set ibu=sbu set ebu=ibu if rbu==1 then set tbu=0.25 else set tbu=1.0 endif call ySu(ebu,tbu) set Sbu=ibu call Wiu(Sbu,9999.) set cbu=Sbu call XSu(cbu) set obu=cbu call Tiu(obu,"stand") set Obu=obu call Oiu(Obu,"stand") set lbu=Obu call eiu(lbu,1098282348) set bbu=lbu call Hiu(bbu,kp[wbu],false) set ybu=Et[uu[wbu]] call NQw(ybu,Nt[uu[wbu]]) set pbu=ybu call KQw(pbu,Nt[uu[wbu]],0.) call k5(A,stu(Nt[uu[wbu]]),cf) set Fp[wbu]=false set Gp[wbu]=Ni endif set sbu=null set ibu=null set Sbu=null set cbu=null set obu=null set Obu=null set lbu=null set bbu=null set ybu=null set pbu=null set ebu=null endfunction function URu takes integer WRu,boolean ERu,string ZRu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=ZRu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[WRu]==0 then if WRu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Buff.Buff_Buff_refresh","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Buff.Buff_Buff_refresh on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Ie[WRu]<=646 then if Ie[WRu]<=645 then call hP(WRu,ERu) else call qbu(WRu,ERu) endif else call hP(WRu,ERu) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function eP takes integer yP,string pP returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=pP set Ad=Ad+1 call URu(yP,false,"when calling refresh in Buff, line 101") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function QRu takes integer vRu,string mRu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=mRu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[vRu]==0 then if vRu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Buff.Buff_Buff_refresh","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Buff.Buff_Buff_refresh on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call eP(vRu,"when calling refresh in Buff, line 100") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function UUu takes string EUu returns integer local integer ZUu set Dd[Ad]=EUu set Ad=Ad+1 if un==0 then if rn<32768 then set rn=rn+1 set ZUu=rn set sn[ZUu]=774 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create LLEntry.","when calling error in ") set ZUu=0 endif else set un=un-1 set ZUu=wn[un] set sn[ZUu]=774 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return ZUu endfunction function bGw takes integer cGw,integer oGw,integer OGw,integer lGw returns nothing set Bc[cGw]=oGw set Nc[cGw]=OGw set Mc[cGw]=lGw endfunction function sGw takes integer NYw,integer MYw,integer wGw,string uGw returns integer local integer rGw set Dd[Ad]=uGw set Ad=Ad+1 set rGw=UUu("when calling LLEntry in LinkedList, line 376") call bGw(rGw,NYw,MYw,wGw) set Ad=Ad-1 return rGw endfunction function g3u takes integer R3u,integer T3u,string Y3u returns nothing local integer G3u set Dd[Ad]=Y3u set Ad=Ad+1 set G3u=sGw(T3u,Nc[co[R3u]],co[R3u],"when calling new_LLEntry in LinkedList, line 35") set Mc[Nc[co[R3u]]]=G3u set Nc[co[R3u]]=G3u set oo[R3u]=oo[R3u]+1 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function j3u takes integer h3u,integer F3u,string k3u returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=k3u set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[h3u]==0 then if h3u==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_add","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_add on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call g3u(h3u,F3u,"when calling add in LinkedList, line 33") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function VU takes integer LU,integer XU,string CU returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=CU set Ad=Ad+1 if XU==0 then call tsw("Cannot add null buff","when calling error in Buff, line 17") endif call DEw("Added buff") call j3u(Bw[LU],XU,"when calling add in Buff, line 19") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function SAu takes string tAu returns integer local integer iAu set Dd[Ad]=tAu set Ad=Ad+1 if ln==0 then if bn<32768 then set bn=bn+1 set iAu=bn set yn[iAu]=783 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create LinkedList.","when calling error in ") set iAu=0 endif else set ln=ln-1 set iAu=On[ln] set yn[iAu]=783 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return iAu endfunction function rFw takes integer wFw,string uFw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=uFw set Ad=Ad+1 set co[wFw]=sGw(0,0,0,"when calling new_LLEntry in LinkedList, line 14") set oo[wFw]=0 set Oo[wFw]=0 set lo[wFw]=0 set Mc[co[wFw]]=co[wFw] set Nc[co[wFw]]=co[wFw] set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Ngw takes string Vgw returns integer local integer Bgw set Dd[Ad]=Vgw set Ad=Ad+1 set Bgw=SAu("when calling LinkedList in LinkedList, line 27") call rFw(Bgw,"when calling construct_LinkedList2 in LinkedList, line 27") set Ad=Ad-1 return Bgw endfunction function qI takes integer pI,string eI returns integer set Dd[Ad]=eI set Ad=Ad+1 set Bw[pI]=Ngw("when calling new_LinkedList in Buff, line 68") set Ad=Ad-1 return Bw[pI] endfunction function VWw takes integer HWw,integer JWw,string KWw returns nothing local integer LWw local integer XWw local integer CWw set Dd[Ad]=KWw set Ad=Ad+1 set uu[HWw]=JWw if not KU(JWw) then call qI(JWw,"when calling newBuffs in PresetBuffs, line 75") else set LWw=lgw(iI(JWw),"when calling iterator in PresetBuffs, line 77") loop exitwhen not nGw(LWw) set XWw=qGw(LWw) if Ie[XWw]==Ie[HWw] and XWw!=HWw then set CWw=XWw set ru[CWw]=ru[HWw] set fO[CWw]=fO[CWw]+fO[HWw] set uu[HWw]=0 call J4u(2,HWw,"when calling terminate in PresetBuffs, line 83",0,null) call RGw(LWw,"when calling close in PresetBuffs, line 77") set Ad=Ad-1 return endif endloop call RGw(LWw,"when calling close in PresetBuffs, line 77") endif call VU(JWw,HWw,"when calling addBuff in PresetBuffs, line 85") call QRu(HWw,"when calling refresh in PresetBuffs, line 86") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Dsu takes unit Asu returns real return GetUnitFlyHeight(Asu) endfunction function hcu takes real Gcu,real gcu returns real call MoveLocation(dp,Gcu,gcu) return GetLocationZ(dp) endfunction function ptu takes real ltu,real btu,unit ytu returns real set VR=ltu set BR=btu set NR=hcu(ltu,btu)+Dsu(ytu) return VR endfunction function Otu takes unit otu returns real set Md=ptu(stu(otu),cf,otu) set wf=BR set uf=NR return Md endfunction function qtu takes unit etu returns real set aR=itu(etu) set nR=ctu(etu) set dR=Dsu(etu) return aR endfunction function prw takes integer Orw returns real local integer lrw local integer brw local integer yrw if not Vt[Orw]then if xi then set lrw=Orw set ht[lrw]=Otu(Nt[Orw]) set Ft[lrw]=wf set kt[lrw]=uf else set brw=Orw set ht[brw]=qtu(Nt[Orw]) set Ft[brw]=nR set kt[brw]=dR endif endif set yrw=Orw set iT=ht[yrw] set ST=Ft[yrw] set cT=kt[yrw] return iT endfunction function wvu takes integer Kxu,string Lxu returns real local real Xxu local real Cxu local real Vxu local real Bxu local real Nxu local real Mxu set Dd[Ad]=Lxu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[Kxu]==0 then if Kxu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling UnitEntity.Entity_UnitEntity_getPos","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called UnitEntity.Entity_UnitEntity_getPos on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set Bxu=prw(Kxu) set Nxu=ST set Mxu=cT set Xxu=Bxu set Cxu=Nxu set Vxu=Mxu set Ad=Ad-1 set rf=Xxu set sf=Cxu set tf=Vxu return rf endfunction function XHw takes integer HHw,integer JHw,string KHw returns nothing local integer LHw set Dd[Ad]=KHw set Ad=Ad+1 call VWw(HHw,JHw,"when calling apply in ShieldKit, line 18") set LHw=HHw set fl[LHw]=wvu(JHw,"when calling getPos in ShieldKit, line 19") set Rl[LHw]=sf set Tl[LHw]=tf set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function LJu takes integer HJu,integer JJu,string KJu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=KJu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[HJu]==0 then if HJu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling ShieldKitBuff.ShieldKit_ShieldKitBuff_apply","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called ShieldKitBuff.ShieldKit_ShieldKitBuff_apply on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call XHw(HJu,JJu,"when calling apply in ShieldKit, line 17") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function VJu takes string XJu returns integer local integer CJu set Dd[Ad]=XJu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ze==0 then if Ue<32768 then set Ue=Ue+1 set CJu=Ue set Ie[CJu]=644 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create ShieldKitBuff.","when calling error in ") set CJu=0 endif else set Ze=Ze-1 set CJu=Ee[Ze] set Ie[CJu]=644 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return CJu endfunction function BP takes integer VP returns nothing set ou=ou+1 if ou==1 then set Su=VP set Ou[VP]=0 else set Ou[VP]=cu set lu[cu]=VP set Ou[Su]=VP endif set lu[VP]=0 set cu=VP endfunction function EP takes integer xP,real vP,integer mP,integer QP returns nothing local integer WP set uu[xP]=0 set iu[xP]=false call BP(xP) set ru[xP]=vP set WP=xP set su[WP]=mP set tu[WP]=QP endfunction function DWw takes integer UWw,real IWw,integer PWw,integer AWw returns nothing call EP(UWw,IWw,PWw,AWw) endfunction function OEw takes integer tEw,real iEw,integer SEw,integer cEw,real oEw returns nothing call DWw(tEw,iEw,SEw,cEw) set fO[tEw]=oEw endfunction function pUw takes real yUw returns string return R2S(yUw) endfunction function lJw takes integer oJw,real OJw returns nothing call OEw(oJw,90.,nl,dl,OJw) call DEw("ShieldKit created, dur: "+pUw(ru[oJw])+" amount: "+pUw(OJw)) endfunction function cJw takes real tJw,string iJw returns integer local integer SJw set Dd[Ad]=iJw set Ad=Ad+1 set SJw=VJu("when calling ShieldKitBuff in ShieldKit, line 13") call lJw(SJw,tJw) set Ad=Ad-1 return SJw endfunction function DHw takes integer ZHw,unit UHw,unit IHw,string PHw returns nothing local integer AHw set Dd[Ad]=PHw set Ad=Ad+1 set AHw=sww(IHw) call LJu(cJw(200.+Hyw()*2.,"when calling new_ShieldKitBuff in ShieldKit, line 35"),AHw,"when calling apply in ShieldKit, line 35") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function dXu takes string aXu returns integer local integer nXu set Dd[Ad]=aXu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set nXu=ae set ne[nXu]=689 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set nXu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set nXu=ee[qe] set ne[nXu]=689 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return nXu endfunction function diu takes unit qiu,integer aiu,integer niu returns nothing call SetUnitAbilityLevel(qiu,aiu,niu) endfunction function XMw takes integer DMw,unit HMw,unit JMw,string KMw returns nothing local integer LMw set Dd[Ad]=KMw set Ad=Ad+1 call diu(JMw,Cb,2) call k5(E,stu(JMw),cf) set LMw=dXu("when calling alloc_Closure in SuperCharge, line 13") call VC(LMw) set Vb[LMw]=JMw call gX(15.,LMw,"when calling doAfter in SuperCharge, line 13") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function NTu takes integer XTu,unit CTu,unit VTu,string BTu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=BTu set Ad=Ad+1 if pe[XTu]==0 then if XTu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling OnUnitCast.ClosureEvents_OnUnitCast_fireEx","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called OnUnitCast.ClosureEvents_OnUnitCast_fireEx on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if pe[XTu]<=800 then call DHw(XTu,CTu,VTu,"when calling ShieldKit_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 95") else call XMw(XTu,CTu,VTu,"when calling SuperCharge_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 95") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function AL takes integer UL,unit IL,string PL returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=PL set Ad=Ad+1 call NTu(UL,IL,GetSpellTargetUnit(),"when calling fireEx in ClosureEvents, line 93") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function bmw takes integer lmw returns nothing endfunction function Fh takes real hh returns real return hh*C endfunction function viu takes unit jiu,real xiu returns nothing call SetUnitFacing(jiu,Fh(xiu)) endfunction function olw takes integer Slw,real clw returns nothing call viu(Zi[Slw],clw) endfunction function mQu takes integer jQu,real xQu,string vQu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=vQu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fa[jQu]==0 then if jQu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.Fx_Fx_setXYAngle","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Fx.Fx_Fx_setXYAngle on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call olw(jQu,xQu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function WZw takes integer vZw,real mZw,string QZw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=QZw set Ad=Ad+1 set YO[vZw]=mZw call mQu(Wi[vZw],mZw,"when calling setXYAngle in Projectile, line 47") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function oHu takes integer iHu,real SHu,string cHu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=cHu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[iHu]==0 then if iHu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Projectile.Projectile_Projectile_setXYAngle","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Projectile.Projectile_Projectile_setXYAngle on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call WZw(iHu,SHu,"when calling setXYAngle in Projectile, line 45") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function EOu takes real mOu,real QOu,real WOu returns real set Wf=mOu set Ef=QOu return Wf endfunction function Kqu takes widget Dqu,string Hqu,string Jqu returns effect return AddSpecialEffectTarget(Hqu,Dqu,Jqu) endfunction function KOw takes integer HOw,string JOw returns nothing if Ui[HOw]!=null then call p5(Ui[HOw]) endif if JOw=="" then set Ui[HOw]=null else set Ui[HOw]=Kqu(Zi[HOw],JOw,"origin") endif endfunction function NQu takes integer CQu,string VQu,string BQu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=BQu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fa[CQu]==0 then if CQu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.Fx_Fx_setFx","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Fx.Fx_Fx_setFx on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call KOw(CQu,VQu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function f3u takes integer q3u,integer a3u,string n3u returns unit local unit d3u set Dd[Ad]=n3u set Ad=Ad+1 if a3u<0 or a3u>=6 then call tsw("Index out of Bounds","when calling error in ") elseif a3u<=2 then if a3u<=1 then if a3u<=0 then set d3u=Wd[q3u] else set d3u=Ed[q3u] endif else set d3u=Zd[q3u] endif elseif a3u<=4 then if a3u<=3 then set d3u=Ud[q3u] else set d3u=Id[q3u] endif else set d3u=Pd[q3u] endif set Ad=Ad-1 set Vg=d3u set d3u=null return Vg endfunction function l2 takes integer c2,string o2 returns unit local unit O2 set Dd[Ad]=o2 set Ad=Ad+1 if ps[c2]>0 then set ps[c2]=ps[c2]-1 set bs[c2]=ModuloInteger(bs[c2]+1,ls) set O2=f3u(c2,bs[c2],"when calling units in DummyRecycler, line 66") set Ad=Ad-1 set Wg=O2 set O2=null return Wg else call tsw("Queue empty","when calling error in DummyRecycler, line 68") set Ad=Ad-1 set O2=null return null endif endfunction function Lgu takes integer Hgu,string Jgu returns unit local unit Kgu set Dd[Ad]=Jgu set Ad=Ad+1 if mq[Hgu]==0 then if Hgu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling ArrayQueue.DummyRecycler_ArrayQueue_dequeue","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called ArrayQueue.DummyRecycler_ArrayQueue_dequeue on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set Kgu=l2(Hgu,"when calling dequeue in DummyRecycler, line 62") set Ad=Ad-1 set Kg=Kgu set Kgu=null return Kg endfunction function Iru takes player Qru,integer Wru,real Eru,real Zru,real Uru returns unit return CreateUnit(Qru,Wru,Eru,Zru,Fh(Uru)) endfunction function TSu takes unit fSu,real RSu returns nothing call SetUnitX(fSu,RSu) endfunction function vSu takes unit jSu,real xSu returns nothing call SetUnitY(jSu,xSu) endfunction function kSu takes unit YSu,real GSu,real gSu returns nothing local unit hSu=YSu local unit FSu call TSu(hSu,GSu) set FSu=hSu call vSu(FSu,gSu) set hSu=null set FSu=null endfunction function S2 takes real B4,real N4,player M4,real w2 returns unit local unit u2=Iru(M4,cs,B4,N4,w2) local unit r2=u2 local unit s2 local unit t2 local unit i2 call kSu(r2,B4,N4) set s2=r2 call Osu(s2,tw) set t2=s2 call eiu(t2,tw) set i2=t2 call Osu(i2,iw) set Qg=u2 set u2=null set r2=null set s2=null set t2=null set i2=null return Qg endfunction function V2 takes real P2,real A2,real D2,string H2 returns unit local integer J2 local unit K2 local unit L2 local unit X2 local unit C2 set Dd[Ad]=H2 set Ad=Ad+1 set J2=bUw(bUw(ModuloReal(Fh(D2),360.))/Os) if ps[Rs[J2]]>0 then set K2=Lgu(Rs[J2],"when calling dequeue in DummyRecycler, line 26") call kSu(K2,P2,A2) set L2=K2 call VSu(L2) set C2=L2 set Ad=Ad-1 set Eg=C2 set K2=null set L2=null set X2=null set C2=null return Eg else set X2=S2(P2,A2,cw,D2) set Ad=Ad-1 set Zg=X2 set K2=null set L2=null set X2=null set C2=null return Zg endif endfunction function Nru takes unit Cru,real Vru,real Bru returns nothing call SetUnitFlyHeight(Cru,Vru,Bru) endfunction function Rlw takes integer dlw,real flw returns nothing call Nru(Zi[dlw],flw,0.) endfunction function XQu takes integer JQu,real KQu,string LQu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=LQu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fa[JQu]==0 then if JQu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.Fx_Fx_setZ","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Fx.Fx_Fx_setZ on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Rlw(JQu,KQu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function DOw takes integer AOw returns unit return Zi[AOw] endfunction function RQu takes integer nQu,string dQu returns unit local unit fQu set Dd[Ad]=dQu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fa[nQu]==0 then if nQu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.Fx_Fx_getDummy","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Fx.Fx_Fx_getDummy on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set fQu=DOw(nQu) set Ad=Ad-1 set Xg=fQu set fQu=null return Xg endfunction function kiu takes unit hiu,playercolor Fiu returns nothing call SetUnitColor(hiu,Fiu) endfunction function POw takes integer ZOw,playercolor UOw,string IOw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=IOw set Ad=Ad+1 call kiu(RQu(ZOw,"when calling getDummy in Fx, line 67"),UOw) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function uQu takes integer Nmu,playercolor Mmu,string wQu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=wQu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fa[Nmu]==0 then if Nmu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.Fx_Fx_setPlayerColor","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Fx.Fx_Fx_setPlayerColor on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call POw(Nmu,Mmu,"when calling setPlayerColor in Fx, line 66") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Fbw takes integer nbw,playercolor dbw,real fbw,real Rbw,real Tbw,real Ybw,string Gbw,string gbw returns nothing local integer hbw set Dd[Ad]=gbw set Ad=Ad+1 set Zi[nbw]=null set Ui[nbw]=null set hbw=nbw set Ii[hbw]=255 set Pi[hbw]=255 set Ai[hbw]=255 set Di[hbw]=255 set Zi[nbw]=V2(EOu(fbw,Rbw,Tbw),Ef,Ybw,"when calling get in Fx, line 57") call NQu(nbw,Gbw,"when calling setFx in Fx, line 58") call XQu(nbw,Tbw,"when calling setZ in Fx, line 59") call uQu(nbw,dbw,"when calling setPlayerColor in Fx, line 60") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function tWu takes string rWu returns integer local integer sWu set Dd[Ad]=rWu set Ad=Ad+1 if ga==0 then if ha<32768 then set ha=ha+1 set sWu=ha set Fa[sWu]=761 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Fx.","when calling error in ") set sWu=0 endif else set ga=ga-1 set sWu=Ga[ga] set Fa[sWu]=761 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return sWu endfunction function abw takes playercolor obw,real Obw,real lbw,real bbw,real ybw,string pbw,string ebw returns integer local integer qbw set Dd[Ad]=ebw set Ad=Ad+1 set qbw=tWu("when calling Fx in Fx, line 56") call Fbw(qbw,obw,Obw,lbw,bbw,ybw,pbw,"when calling construct_Fx8 in Fx, line 56") set Ad=Ad-1 return qbw endfunction function iWw takes player tWw returns playercolor return GetPlayerColor(tWw) endfunction function nOw takes integer lOw,real bOw,string yOw,string pOw returns nothing local integer eOw local playercolor qOw local integer aOw set Dd[Ad]=pOw set Ad=Ad+1 set aOw=lOw set qOw=iWw(Et[lOw]) set eOw=lOw set Wi[aOw]=abw(qOw,ht[eOw],Ft[eOw],kt[eOw],bOw,yOw,"when calling new_Fx in FxEntity, line 25") set Ad=Ad-1 set qOw=null endfunction function Pmu takes integer Emu,real Zmu,string Umu,string Imu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Imu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[Emu]==0 then if Emu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling FxEntity.FxEntity_FxEntity_setupFx","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called FxEntity.FxEntity_FxEntity_setupFx on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call nOw(Emu,Zmu,Umu,"when calling setupFx in FxEntity, line 24") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function mOw takes integer YOw,player GOw,real gOw,real hOw,real FOw,real kOw,real jOw,string xOw,string vOw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=vOw set Ad=Ad+1 call puw(YOw,GOw,gOw,hOw,FOw,kOw,"when calling construct_Entity5 in FxEntity, line 12") set Ei[YOw]=false call Pmu(YOw,jOw,xOw,"when calling setupFx in FxEntity, line 14") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function wUw takes integer HZw,real JZw,real KZw,real LZw,real XZw,player CZw,real VZw,string BZw,string NZw returns nothing local integer MZw set Dd[Ad]=NZw set Ad=Ad+1 call mOw(HZw,CZw,JZw,KZw,LZw,XZw,VZw,BZw,"when calling construct_FxEntity in Projectile, line 20") set FO[HZw]=false set kO[HZw]=false set jO[HZw]=0. set xO[HZw]=1.0 set vO[HZw]=0. set mO[HZw]=0. set QO[HZw]=0. set MZw=HZw set GO[MZw]=JZw set gO[MZw]=KZw set hO[MZw]=LZw call oHu(HZw,VZw,"when calling setXYAngle in Projectile, line 23") set It[HZw]=false set mt[HZw]=0. set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Pvw takes integer jvw,real xvw,real vvw,real mvw,real Qvw,player Wvw,real Evw,string Zvw,integer Uvw,string Ivw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Ivw set Ad=Ad+1 call wUw(jvw,xvw,vvw,mvw,Qvw,Wvw,Evw,Zvw,"when calling construct_Projectile in PhysicsProjectile, line 12") set Bo[jvw]=0. set No[jvw]=0.9 call bmw(jvw) call oHu(jvw,Evw,"when calling setXYAngle in PhysicsProjectile, line 14") set Vo[jvw]=Uvw set mt[jvw]=Co set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Dh takes real Ah returns real return Cos(Ah) endfunction function Ph takes real Ih returns real return Sin(Ih) endfunction function fuw takes integer nuw,string duw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=duw set Ad=Ad+1 if not Vt[nuw]then set Vt[nuw]=true call qxu(nuw,"when calling removeFromInactive in DupletListModule, line 27") call dxu(nuw,"when calling addToActive in DupletListModule, line 28") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Sxu takes integer txu,string ixu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=ixu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[txu]==0 then if txu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Entity.Entity_Entity_DupletListModule_activate","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Entity.Entity_Entity_DupletListModule_activate on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call fuw(txu,"when calling activate in DupletListModule, line 24") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function uww takes integer Cww,real Vww,real Bww,real Nww,string Mww returns nothing local integer www set Dd[Ad]=Mww set Ad=Ad+1 set www=Cww set jt[www]=Vww set xt[www]=Bww set vt[www]=Nww call Sxu(Cww,"when calling activate in Entity, line 125") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function vju takes integer hju,real Fju,real kju,real jju,string xju returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=xju set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[hju]==0 then if hju==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Entity.Entity_Entity_setVel","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Entity.Entity_Entity_setVel on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call uww(hju,Fju,kju,jju,"when calling setVel in Entity, line 123") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function gZw takes integer nZw,real dZw,string fZw returns nothing local integer RZw local integer TZw local integer YZw local real GZw set Dd[Ad]=fZw set Ad=Ad+1 set jO[nZw]=dZw set YZw=nZw set RZw=nZw set GZw=Dh(YO[RZw])*dZw set TZw=nZw call vju(YZw,GZw,Ph(YO[TZw])*dZw,0.,"when calling setVel in Projectile, line 37") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function VDu takes integer LDu,real XDu,string CDu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=CDu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[LDu]==0 then if LDu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Projectile.Projectile_Projectile_setSpeed","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Projectile.Projectile_Projectile_setSpeed on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call gZw(LDu,XDu,"when calling setSpeed in Projectile, line 35") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Uh takes real Zh returns real return Zh endfunction function qlu takes real llu,real blu,real ylu,real plu,real elu returns real return Uh(Atan2(elu-blu,plu-llu)) endfunction function BPw takes integer DPw,real HPw,real JPw,real KPw,real LPw,real XPw,string CPw returns nothing local integer VPw set Dd[Ad]=CPw set Ad=Ad+1 call Pvw(DPw,HPw,JPw,KPw,16.,cw,0.,"Abilities\\Weapons\\DragonHawkMissile\\DragonHawkMissile.mdl",0,"when calling construct_PhysicsProjectile in Rocket, line 14") call PingMinimapForForce(GetPlayersAll(),HPw,JPw,5.) call oHu(DPw,qlu(HPw,JPw,KPw,LPw,XPw),"when calling setXYAngle in Rocket, line 17") call VDu(DPw,GetRandomReal(5.,7.),"when calling setSpeed in Rocket, line 18") set VPw=DPw set vt[VPw]=GetRandomReal(15.,16.) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function DHu takes string PHu returns integer local integer AHu set Dd[Ad]=PHu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set AHu=oe set Oe[AHu]=833 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Rocket.","when calling error in ") set AHu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set AHu=Se[ce] set Oe[AHu]=833 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return AHu endfunction function APw takes real QPw,real WPw,real EPw,real ZPw,real UPw,string IPw returns integer local integer PPw set Dd[Ad]=IPw set Ad=Ad+1 set PPw=DHu("when calling Rocket in Rocket, line 14") call BPw(PPw,QPw,WPw,EPw,ZPw,UPw,"when calling construct_Rocket in Rocket, line 14") set Ad=Ad-1 return PPw endfunction function fou takes real pou,real eou,real qou,real aou,real nou,real dou returns real set of=pou+aou set Of=eou+nou set lf=qou+dou return of endfunction function hPw takes integer RPw,unit TPw,real YPw,real GPw,string gPw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=gPw set Ad=Ad+1 call APw(fou(Otu(TPw),wf,uf,0.,0.,90.),Of,lf,YPw,GPw,"when calling new_Rocket in Rocket, line 55") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function LTu takes integer ATu,unit DTu,real HTu,real JTu,string KTu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=KTu set Ad=Ad+1 if pe[ATu]==0 then if ATu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling OnPointCast.ClosureEvents_OnPointCast_fireEx","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called OnPointCast.ClosureEvents_OnPointCast_fireEx on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call hPw(ATu,DTu,HTu,JTu,"when calling Rocket_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 88") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Osw takes nothing returns real set Hd=GetSpellTargetX() set Jd=GetSpellTargetY() return Hd endfunction function WL takes integer vL,unit mL,string QL returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=QL set Ad=Ad+1 call LTu(vL,mL,Osw(),Jd,"when calling fireEx in ClosureEvents, line 86") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Agw takes integer Zgw,string Ugw returns integer local integer Igw local integer Pgw set Dd[Ad]=Ugw set Ad=Ad+1 set Igw=Nc[co[Zgw]] set Pgw=0 if Igw!=co[Zgw]then set Pgw=Bc[Igw] call sAu(Zgw,Igw,"when calling removeEntry in LinkedList, line 87") endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Pgw endfunction function CIu takes integer KIu,string LIu returns integer local integer XIu set Dd[Ad]=LIu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[KIu]==0 then if KIu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_pop","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_pop on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set XIu=Agw(KIu,"when calling pop in LinkedList, line 82") set Ad=Ad-1 return XIu endfunction function PLw takes sound ULw,integer ILw returns nothing call SetSoundVolume(ULw,ILw) endfunction function QLw takes sound vLw,integer mLw returns nothing call SetSoundChannel(vLw,mLw) endfunction function nLw takes integer qLw returns nothing local integer aLw=qLw set Ml[aLw]=0. set wb[aLw]=0. set ub[aLw]=0. set tb[qLw]=null set ib[qLw]=null set Sb[qLw]=0 endfunction function sLu takes string uLu returns integer local integer rLu set Dd[Ad]=uLu set Ad=Ad+1 if Qn==0 then if Wn<32768 then set Wn=Wn+1 set rLu=Wn set En[rLu]=874 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create SoundInstance.","when calling error in ") set rLu=0 endif else set Qn=Qn-1 set rLu=mn[Qn] set En[rLu]=874 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return rLu endfunction function eLw takes string yLw returns integer local integer pLw set Dd[Ad]=yLw set Ad=Ad+1 set pLw=sLu("when calling SoundInstance in SoundUtils, line 25") call nLw(pLw) set Ad=Ad-1 return pLw endfunction function hLw takes sound GLw,integer gLw returns nothing call SetSoundDuration(GLw,gLw) endfunction function oKw takes integer BJw,string NJw returns integer local integer MJw local sound wKw local sound uKw local sound rKw local integer sKw local sound tKw local sound iKw local sound SKw local sound cKw set Dd[Ad]=NJw set Ad=Ad+1 if sPu(Hl[BJw],"when calling size in SoundUtils, line 55")>0 then set MJw=CIu(Hl[BJw],"when calling pop in SoundUtils, line 56") set wKw=rb[MJw] call PLw(wKw,hl) set uKw=wKw call ZLw(uKw,Fl) set rKw=uKw call QLw(rKw,jl) set Ad=Ad-1 set wKw=null set uKw=null set rKw=null set tKw=null set iKw=null set SKw=null set cKw=null return MJw else set sKw=eLw("when calling new_SoundInstance in SoundUtils, line 61") set rb[sKw]=CreateSound(Jl[BJw],Ll[BJw],Xl[BJw],Cl[BJw],Vl[BJw],Bl[BJw],Nl[BJw]) set sb[sKw]=BJw set tKw=rb[sKw] call hLw(tKw,Kl[BJw]) set iKw=tKw call QLw(iKw,jl) set SKw=iKw call PLw(SKw,hl) set cKw=SKw call ZLw(cKw,Fl) if Xl[BJw]then call SetSoundDistances(rb[sKw],xl,vl) call SetSoundDistanceCutoff(rb[sKw],ml) call SetSoundConeAngles(rb[sKw],0.,0.,hl) call SetSoundConeOrientation(rb[sKw],0.,0.,0.) endif set Ad=Ad-1 set wKw=null set uKw=null set rKw=null set tKw=null set iKw=null set SKw=null set cKw=null return sKw endif endfunction function hKu takes integer YKu,string GKu returns integer local integer gKu set Dd[Ad]=GKu set Ad=Ad+1 if vn[YKu]==0 then if YKu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling SoundDefinition.SoundUtils_SoundDefinition_getSound","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called SoundDefinition.SoundUtils_SoundDefinition_getSound on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set gKu=oKw(YKu,"when calling getSound in SoundUtils, line 54") set Ad=Ad-1 return gKu endfunction function rLw takes integer CKw,player VKw,integer BKw,string NKw returns integer local integer MKw local timer wLw local timer uLw set Dd[Ad]=NKw set Ad=Ad+1 set Kl[CKw]=BKw set MKw=hKu(CKw,"when calling getSound in SoundUtils, line 104") set ib[MKw]=VKw set wLw=b2w("when calling getTimer in SoundUtils, line 106") call s2w(wLw,MKw,"when calling setData in SoundUtils, line 107") set uLw=wLw call j2w(uLw,0.,dg) set Ad=Ad-1 set wLw=null set uLw=null return MKw endfunction function XKu takes integer DKu,player HKu,integer JKu,string KKu returns integer local integer LKu set Dd[Ad]=KKu set Ad=Ad+1 if vn[DKu]==0 then if DKu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling SoundDefinition.SoundUtils_SoundDefinition_playForPlayer","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called SoundDefinition.SoundUtils_SoundDefinition_playForPlayer on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set LKu=rLw(DKu,HKu,JKu,"when calling playForPlayer in SoundUtils, line 102") set Ad=Ad-1 return LKu endfunction function XKw takes integer HKw,player JKw,string KKw returns integer local integer LKw set Dd[Ad]=KKw set Ad=Ad+1 set LKw=XKu(HKw,JKw,kl,"when calling playForPlayer in SoundUtils, line 98") set Ad=Ad-1 return LKw endfunction function AKu takes integer ZKu,player UKu,string IKu returns integer local integer PKu set Dd[Ad]=IKu set Ad=Ad+1 if vn[ZKu]==0 then if ZKu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling SoundDefinition.SoundUtils_SoundDefinition_playForPlayer","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called SoundDefinition.SoundUtils_SoundDefinition_playForPlayer on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set PKu=XKw(ZKu,UKu,"when calling playForPlayer in SoundUtils, line 97") set Ad=Ad-1 return PKu endfunction function YM takes integer RM,string TM returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=TM set Ad=Ad+1 call J4u(0,RM,"when calling UnitEntity_onDestroy in Creep, line 38",0,null) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function kU takes integer hU,string FU returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=FU set Ad=Ad+1 call YM(hU,"when calling Creep_onDestroy in Boss, line 6") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function bZ takes integer OZ,string lZ returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=lZ set Ad=Ad+1 call kU(OZ,"when calling Boss_onDestroy in BossTwo, line 37") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function mfu takes integer xfu,string vfu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=vfu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[xfu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type BossTwo","when calling error in ") else set Se[ce]=xfu set ce=ce+1 set Oe[xfu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function AE takes integer IE,string PE returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=PE set Ad=Ad+1 call bZ(IE,"when calling BossTwo_onDestroy in BossTwo, line 37") call mfu(IE,"when calling BossTwo in BossTwo, line 37") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function kmu takes integer hmu,string Fmu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Fmu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[hmu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type FlameMissile","when calling error in ") else set Se[ce]=hmu set ce=ce+1 set Oe[hmu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function cWu takes integer iWu,string SWu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=SWu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fa[iWu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type Fx","when calling error in ") else set Ga[ga]=iWu set ga=ga+1 set Fa[iWu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function g2w takes timer G2w returns real return TimerGetRemaining(G2w) endfunction function Z2 takes integer m2,unit Q2,real W2 returns nothing local integer E2 set ns[m2]=0 set qs[m2]=Q2 set as[m2]=Hyw()+W2 if ds==0 then set ds=m2 set fs=ds else set E2=ds loop exitwhen not(ns[E2]!=0 and as[E2]0. and W20. then set oUw=bUw(cUw+.5) else set oUw=bUw(cUw-.5) endif return oUw endfunction function bFw takes nothing returns boolean set ao=ao+1 if ao>=no then set ao=0 set no=no+4+GetRandomInt(-1,2)+OUw(do/4.) if uO then set no=no+2 endif set do=do+1 return true endif return false endfunction function Kdu takes integer Hdu,string Jdu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Jdu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[Hdu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type BossFive","when calling error in ") else set Se[ce]=Hdu set ce=ce+1 set Oe[Hdu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Xm takes integer Km,string Lm returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Lm set Ad=Ad+1 call kU(Km,"when calling Boss_onDestroy in BossFive, line 5") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function bm takes integer Om,string lm returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=lm set Ad=Ad+1 call Xm(Om,"when calling BossFive_onDestroy in BossFive, line 5") call Kdu(Om,"when calling BossFive in BossFive, line 5") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function cL takes integer SL returns nothing set Gu[SL]=0 set gu[SL]=0 set hu[SL]=0 endfunction function CHu takes string LHu returns integer local integer XHu set Dd[Ad]=LHu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set XHu=oe set Oe[XHu]=834 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Shrapnell.","when calling error in ") set XHu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set XHu=Se[ce] set Oe[XHu]=834 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return XHu endfunction function aZw takes integer eZw,real qZw returns nothing set QO[eZw]=qZw set FO[eZw]=true endfunction function KDu takes integer DDu,real HDu,string JDu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=JDu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[DDu]==0 then if DDu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Projectile.Projectile_Projectile_setTimed","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Projectile.Projectile_Projectile_setTimed on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call aZw(DDu,HDu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function OSu takes unit cSu,real oSu returns nothing call SetUnitScale(cSu,oSu,oSu,oSu) endfunction function COw takes integer LOw,real XOw returns nothing call OSu(Zi[LOw],XOw) endfunction function iQu takes integer rQu,real sQu,string tQu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=tQu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fa[rQu]==0 then if rQu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.Fx_Fx_setScale","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Fx.Fx_Fx_setScale on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call COw(rQu,sQu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function gB takes unit fB,integer RB,integer TB,integer YB,integer GB returns nothing call SetUnitVertexColor(fB,RB,TB,YB,GB) endfunction function ilw takes integer MOw,integer wlw,integer ulw,integer rlw,integer slw returns nothing local integer tlw=MOw set Ii[tlw]=wlw set Pi[tlw]=ulw set Ai[tlw]=rlw set Di[tlw]=slw call gB(Zi[MOw],wlw,ulw,rlw,slw) endfunction function kQu takes integer TQu,integer YQu,integer GQu,integer gQu,integer hQu,string FQu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=FQu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fa[TQu]==0 then if TQu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.Fx_Fx_setColor","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Fx.Fx_Fx_setColor on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call ilw(TQu,YQu,GQu,gQu,hQu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function vh takes real xh returns real return xh*X endfunction function TAw takes integer qAw,real aAw,real nAw,real dAw,string fAw returns nothing local integer RAw set Dd[Ad]=fAw set Ad=Ad+1 call Pvw(qAw,aAw,nAw,dAw,16.,cw,0.,"Abilities\\Weapons\\DruidoftheTalonMissile\\DruidoftheTalonMissile.mdl",0,"when calling construct_PhysicsProjectile in Rocket, line 36") call oHu(qAw,vh(GetRandomReal(0.,360.)),"when calling setXYAngle in Rocket, line 38") call VDu(qAw,GetRandomReal(5.,11.),"when calling setSpeed in Rocket, line 39") call kQu(Wi[qAw],GetRandomInt(0,255),GetRandomInt(0,255),GetRandomInt(0,255),255,"when calling setColor in Rocket, line 40") call iQu(Wi[qAw],GetRandomReal(0.5,2.),"when calling setScale in Rocket, line 41") set RAw=qAw set vt[RAw]=GetRandomReal(7.,17.) set JO[qAw]=GetRandomReal(1.,2.5) call KDu(qAw,JO[qAw],"when calling setTimed in Rocket, line 44") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function eAw takes real OAw,real lAw,real bAw,string yAw returns integer local integer pAw set Dd[Ad]=yAw set Ad=Ad+1 set pAw=CHu("when calling Shrapnell in Rocket, line 36") call TAw(pAw,OAw,lAw,bAw,"when calling construct_Shrapnell in Rocket, line 36") set Ad=Ad-1 return pAw endfunction function W8w takes trigger x8w,player v8w,playerunitevent m8w,boolexpr Q8w returns nothing call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(x8w,v8w,m8w,Q8w) endfunction function i8w takes trigger s8w,boolexpr t8w returns nothing call TriggerAddCondition(s8w,t8w) endfunction function r8w takes trigger w8w,code u8w returns nothing call TriggerAddAction(w8w,u8w) endfunction function MUw takes playerunitevent DUw,code HUw,code JUw,code KUw returns nothing local integer LUw=Csu(DUw) local integer XUw local filterfunc CUw local trigger VUw local player BUw local playerunitevent NUw if EO[LUw]==null then set EO[LUw]=CreateTrigger() set XUw=bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS-1 loop exitwhen XUw<0 set VUw=EO[LUw] set BUw=OO[XUw] set NUw=DUw if HUw!=null then set CUw=Filter(HUw) else set CUw=null endif call W8w(VUw,BUw,NUw,CUw) set XUw=XUw-1 endloop endif if JUw!=null then call i8w(EO[LUw],Filter(JUw)) endif if KUw!=null then call r8w(EO[LUw],KUw) endif set CUw=null set VUw=null set BUw=null set NUw=null endfunction function AUw takes playerunitevent IUw,code PUw returns nothing call MUw(IUw,null,PUw,null) endfunction function bfw takes integer lfw returns string return I2S(lfw) endfunction function qsw takes eventid psw returns boolean local integer esw=Csu(psw) return (esw>=261 and esw<=268)or esw==17 endfunction function ysw takes eventid lsw returns boolean local integer bsw=Csu(lsw) return (bsw>=18 and bsw<=51)or(bsw>=269 and bsw<=277) endfunction function TJ takes eventid dJ,string fJ returns integer local integer RJ set Dd[Ad]=fJ set Ad=Ad+1 set RJ=Csu(dJ) set du=du+1 set nu[RJ]=du if ysw(dJ) then call DEw("reg handleid: "+bfw(RJ)+" -> eventId: "+bfw(du)) call AUw(ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(RJ),FG) elseif dJ!=EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED and dJ!=EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE and dJ!=pu and(not qsw(dJ)) then call tsw("registering handleid: "+bfw(RJ)+" non-playerunitevent. Except EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED and EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE these are not supported right now.","when calling error in ClosureEvents, line 241") endif set Ad=Ad-1 return du endfunction function nJ takes eventid eJ,string qJ returns integer local integer aJ set Dd[Ad]=qJ set Ad=Ad+1 set aJ=nu[Csu(eJ)] if aJ==0 then set aJ=TJ(eJ,"when calling registerEventId in ClosureEvents, line 227") endif set Ad=Ad-1 return aJ endfunction function fK takes unit eK,eventid qK,integer aK,string nK returns integer local integer dK set Dd[Ad]=nK set Ad=Ad+1 set dK=e_u(eK) if dK<=0 then set Ad=Ad-1 return aK endif set Gu[aK]=nJ(qK,"when calling toIntId in ClosureEvents, line 122") if Yu[dK]!=0 then set hu[Yu[dK]]=aK set gu[aK]=Yu[dK] endif set Yu[dK]=aK set Ad=Ad-1 return aK endfunction function KIw takes integer HIw,string JIw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=JIw set Ad=Ad+1 call J4u(0,HIw,"when calling UnitEntity_onDestroy in Reinforcements, line 10",0,null) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function jHu takes integer FHu,string kHu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=kHu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[FHu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type Reinforcement","when calling error in ") else set Se[ce]=FHu set ce=ce+1 set Oe[FHu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function gIw takes integer YIw,string GIw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=GIw set Ad=Ad+1 call KIw(YIw,"when calling Reinforcement_onDestroy in Reinforcements, line 10") call jHu(YIw,"when calling Reinforcement in Reinforcements, line 10") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function xVu takes integer kVu,string jVu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=jVu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[kVu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type Tower","when calling error in ") else set Se[ce]=kVu set ce=ce+1 set Oe[kVu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function h6w takes integer G6w,string g6w returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=g6w set Ad=Ad+1 call w7w(G6w,"when calling Tower_onDestroy in Tower, line 20") call xVu(G6w,"when calling Tower in Tower, line 20") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function iBu takes string sBu returns integer local integer tBu set Dd[Ad]=sBu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set tBu=oe set Oe[tBu]=870 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create TroopGround.","when calling error in ") set tBu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set tBu=Se[ce] set Oe[tBu]=870 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return tBu endfunction function jQ takes integer FQ,string kQ returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=kQ set Ad=Ad+1 call kU(FQ,"when calling Boss_onDestroy in BossFour, line 31") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function tfu takes integer rfu,string sfu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=sfu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[rfu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type BossFour","when calling error in ") else set Se[ce]=rfu set ce=ce+1 set Oe[rfu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function iQ takes integer sQ,string tQ returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=tQ set Ad=Ad+1 call jQ(sQ,"when calling BossFour_onDestroy in BossFour, line 31") call tfu(sQ,"when calling BossFour in BossFour, line 31") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function gxu takes integer Yxu,string Gxu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Gxu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[Yxu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type Entity","when calling error in ") else set Se[ce]=Yxu set ce=ce+1 set Oe[Yxu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function iuw takes integer suw,string tuw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=tuw set Ad=Ad+1 call auw(suw,"when calling Entity_onDestroy in Entity, line 53") call gxu(suw,"when calling Entity in Entity, line 53") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function STu takes integer tTu,string iTu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=iTu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[tTu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type Ball","when calling error in ") else set Se[ce]=tTu set ce=ce+1 set Oe[tTu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function pH takes integer bH,string yH returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=yH set Ad=Ad+1 call EOw(bH,"when calling FxEntity_onDestroy in Builder, line 55") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function lH takes integer oH,string OH returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=OH set Ad=Ad+1 call pH(oH,"when calling Ball_onDestroy in Builder, line 55") call STu(oH,"when calling Ball in Builder, line 55") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function fHu takes integer nHu,string dHu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=dHu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[nHu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type Projectile","when calling error in ") else set Se[ce]=nHu set ce=ce+1 set Oe[nHu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function lZw takes integer oZw,string OZw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=OZw set Ad=Ad+1 call sUw(oZw,"when calling Projectile_onDestroy in Projectile, line 4") call fHu(oZw,"when calling Projectile in Projectile, line 4") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function nBu takes integer qBu,string aBu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=aBu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[qBu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type TrooperTower","when calling error in ") else set Se[ce]=qBu set ce=ce+1 set Oe[qBu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function nGu takes string qGu returns integer local integer aGu set Dd[Ad]=qGu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set aGu=Le set Xe[aGu]=723 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set aGu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set aGu=Je[Ke] set Xe[aGu]=723 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return aGu endfunction function oGu takes string SGu returns integer local integer cGu set Dd[Ad]=SGu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set cGu=oe set Oe[cGu]=842 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Creep.","when calling error in ") set cGu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set cGu=Se[ce] set Oe[cGu]=842 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return cGu endfunction function cou takes real tou,real iou,real Sou returns real set Vd=tou set Bd=iou set Nd=Sou return Vd endfunction function oww takes unit cww returns real if xi then set YR=Otu(cww) set GR=wf set gR=uf return YR endif set YR=cou(stu(cww),cf,0.) set GR=Bd set gR=Nd return YR endfunction function Tmu takes integer fmu,string Rmu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Rmu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[fmu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type ForceField","when calling error in ") else set Se[ce]=fmu set ce=ce+1 set Oe[fmu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function acw takes integer ecw,string qcw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=qcw set Ad=Ad+1 call EOw(ecw,"when calling FxEntity_onDestroy in FieldGenerator, line 23") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function pcw takes integer bcw,string ycw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=ycw set Ad=Ad+1 call acw(bcw,"when calling ForceField_onDestroy in FieldGenerator, line 23") call Tmu(bcw,"when calling ForceField in FieldGenerator, line 23") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Okw takes real ckw,real okw returns boolean return ckw>go and ckwho and okw16 call eAw(Oju(V4u,"when calling getPos in Rocket, line 30"),yf,pf,"when calling new_Shrapnell in Rocket, line 30") set W2u=W2u+1 endloop call J2u(0,0,0,0,3,V4u,0,"when calling PhysicsProjectile_onDestroy in Rocket, line 12",0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) set Ad=Ad-1 endif elseif X4u==1 then set Dd[Ad]=a2u set Ad=Ad+1 set E2u=iBu("when calling TroopGround in TrooperTower, line 16") call J2u(0,0,2,E2u,0,0,0,null,w2u,u2u,r2u,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,q2u,"when calling construct_TroopGround in TrooperTower, line 16") set Ad=Ad-1 set vg=E2u set g2u=null set h2u=null set j2u=null set x2u=null set v2u=null set P2u=null set A2u=null set D2u=null set H2u=null return elseif X4u==2 then set Dd[Ad]=a2u set Ad=Ad+1 call J2u(0,0,3,C4u,0,0,0,null,0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,Ssu(q2u,Jy,w2u,u2u,r2u,0.),0.,0.,0.,0.,"when calling construct_UnitEntity in TrooperTower, line 16",null,null) call J2u(0,1,C4u,0,0,0,0,null,w2u,u2u,r2u,0,0,0.,0.,0.,"when calling setXY in TrooperTower, line 18",null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) set Ad=Ad-1 elseif X4u==3 then set Dd[Ad]=e2u set Ad=Ad+1 call puw(C4u,utu(O2u),oww(O2u),GR,gR,0.,"when calling construct_Entity5 in Entity, line 198") set Nt[C4u]=null call J2u(0,0,0,0,9,C4u,0,null,0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,O2u,0.,0.,0.,0.,"when calling setupUnitEntity in Entity, line 200",null,null) set Ad=Ad-1 endif elseif L4u==1 then set Dd[Ad]=o2u set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[X4u]==0 then if X4u==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling UnitEntity.Entity_UnitEntity_setXY","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called UnitEntity.Entity_UnitEntity_setXY on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call J2u(0,2,X4u,0,0,0,0,null,w2u,u2u,r2u,0,0,0.,0.,0.,"when calling setXY in Entity, line 237",null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) set Ad=Ad-1 elseif L4u==2 then set Dd[Ad]=o2u set Ad=Ad+1 if pkw(w2u,u2u,r2u) then set Z2u=X4u set ht[Z2u]=w2u set Ft[Z2u]=u2u set kt[Z2u]=r2u if xi then set D2u=Nt[X4u] set U2u=X4u call KSu(D2u,ht[U2u],Ft[U2u],kt[U2u]) else set H2u=Nt[X4u] set I2u=X4u call PSu(H2u,ht[I2u],Ft[I2u],kt[I2u]) endif else call J2u(0,0,0,0,0,0,X4u,"when calling terminate in Entity, line 245",0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endif elseif K4u==1 then set Dd[Ad]=M4u set Ad=Ad+1 call J2u(0,0,0,0,3,L4u,0,"when calling PhysicsProjectile_onDestroy in PhysicsProjectile, line 24",0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) call ODu(L4u,"when calling PhysicsProjectile in PhysicsProjectile, line 24") set Ad=Ad-1 endif set g2u=null set h2u=null set j2u=null set x2u=null set v2u=null set P2u=null set A2u=null set D2u=null set H2u=null endfunction function fMw takes string dMw returns string return StringCase(dMw,false) endfunction function fsu takes unit nsu,integer dsu returns item return UnitAddItemById(nsu,dsu) endfunction function OTu takes string cTu returns integer local integer oTu set Dd[Ad]=cTu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set oTu=oe set Oe[oTu]=841 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Builder.","when calling error in ") set oTu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set oTu=Se[ce] set Oe[oTu]=841 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return oTu endfunction function Etu takes unit Qtu,string Wtu returns boolean return IssueImmediateOrder(Qtu,Wtu) endfunction function Rtu takes unit dtu,real ftu returns real set fR=itu(dtu) set RR=ctu(dtu) set TR=ftu return fR endfunction function Kou takes real Aou,real Dou,real Hou,real Jou returns real set Kf=Aou*Jou set Lf=Dou*Jou set Xf=Hou*Jou return Kf endfunction function YOu takes real fOu,real ROu,real TOu returns real return fOu*fOu+ROu*ROu+TOu*TOu endfunction function Zww takes integer vww,real mww,real Qww,real Www returns nothing local integer Eww=vww set ht[Eww]=mww set Ft[Eww]=Qww set kt[Eww]=Www endfunction function nlw takes integer plw,real elw,real qlw,real alw returns nothing call KSu(Zi[plw],elw,qlw,alw) endfunction function HQu takes integer UQu,real IQu,real PQu,real AQu,string DQu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=DQu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fa[UQu]==0 then if UQu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.Fx_Fx_setXYZ","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Fx.Fx_Fx_setXYZ on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call nlw(UQu,IQu,PQu,AQu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function wOw takes integer Xow,real Cow,real Vow,real Bow,string Now returns nothing local integer Mow set Dd[Ad]=Now set Ad=Ad+1 set Mow=Xow set ht[Mow]=Cow set Ft[Mow]=Vow set kt[Mow]=Bow call HQu(Wi[Xow],Cow,Vow,Bow,"when calling setXYZ in FxEntity, line 46") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function qju takes integer lju,real bju,real yju,real pju,string eju returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=eju set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[lju]==0 then if lju==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Entity.Entity_Entity_setXY","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Entity.Entity_Entity_setXY on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Oe[lju]<=837 then if Oe[lju]<=824 then call Zww(lju,bju,yju,pju) else call wOw(lju,bju,yju,pju,"when calling setXY in Entity, line 107") endif elseif Oe[lju]<=838 then call Zww(lju,bju,yju,pju) else call J2u(0,2,lju,0,0,0,0,null,bju,yju,pju,0,0,0.,0.,0.,"when calling setXY in Entity, line 107",null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Fuw takes integer huw returns nothing set Lt=Lt+1 if Lt==1 then set Ht=huw set Xt[huw]=0 else set Xt[huw]=Jt set Ct[Jt]=huw set Xt[Ht]=huw endif set Ct[huw]=0 set Jt=huw endfunction function Txu takes integer fxu,string Rxu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Rxu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[fxu]==0 then if fxu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Entity.Entity_Entity_DupletListModule_addToInactive","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Entity.Entity_Entity_DupletListModule_addToInactive on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Fuw(fxu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Yuw takes integer Ruw,string Tuw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Tuw set Ad=Ad+1 if Vt[Ruw]then set Vt[Ruw]=false call yxu(Ruw,"when calling removeFromActive in DupletListModule, line 21") call Txu(Ruw,"when calling addToInactive in DupletListModule, line 22") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function sxu takes integer uxu,string rxu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=rxu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[uxu]==0 then if uxu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Entity.Entity_Entity_DupletListModule_deactivate","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Entity.Entity_Entity_DupletListModule_deactivate on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Yuw(uxu,"when calling deactivate in DupletListModule, line 18") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function wuw takes integer hww,string Fww_2 returns nothing local real kww local real jww local integer xww_2 local integer vww local integer mww local integer Qww local integer Www local integer Eww local integer Zww_2 local real Uww local real Iww local integer Pww local integer Aww local real Dww local real Hww local integer Jww local integer Kww local boolean Lww local real Xww local real Cww local real Vww local integer Bww local integer Nww local integer Mww set Dd[Ad]=Fww_2 set Ad=Ad+1 if It[hww] and(not Zt[hww]) then set xww_2=hww set Lww=YOu(jt[xww_2],xt[xww_2],vt[xww_2])<1.5 else set Lww=false endif if Lww then call sxu(hww,"when calling deactivate in Entity, line 153") else set vww=hww set Bww=vww set mww=hww set Xww=ht[mww] set Cww=Ft[mww] set Vww=kt[mww] set Qww=hww set ht[Bww]=fou(Xww,Cww,Vww,Kou(jt[Qww],xt[Qww],vt[Qww],Wt[hww]),Lf,Xf) set Ft[vww]=Of set kt[vww]=lf set Nww=hww set Www=hww call qju(Nww,ht[Www],Ft[Www],kt[Www],"when calling setXY in Entity, line 156") if xi then set Eww=hww set jww=xcu(ht[Eww],Ft[Eww],kt[Eww]) else set jww=0. endif set kww=jww set Zww_2=hww set Iww=kt[Zww_2] set Uww=Iww if Uww>kww then set Pww=hww set Mww=Pww set Aww=hww set Hww=vt[Aww] set Dww=Hww set vt[Mww]=Dww+mt[hww] call Xju(hww,true,"when calling setFlying in Entity, line 161") else set Jww=hww set vt[Jww]=0. set Kww=hww set kt[Kww]=kww call Xju(hww,false,"when calling setFlying in Entity, line 165") endif endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Qrw takes integer grw,string hrw returns nothing local integer Frw local integer krw local real jrw local real xrw local unit vrw local integer mrw set Dd[Ad]=hrw set Ad=Ad+1 set Frw=grw set mrw=Frw set vrw=Nt[grw] set krw=grw set xrw=kt[krw] set jrw=xrw set ht[mrw]=Rtu(vrw,jrw) set Ft[Frw]=RR set kt[Frw]=TR call wuw(grw,"when calling update in Entity, line 227") set Ad=Ad-1 set vrw=null endfunction function Xru takes player Pru,integer Aru,real Dru,real Hru,real Jru,real Kru returns unit local unit Lru=CreateUnit(Pru,Aru,Dru,Hru,Fh(Kru)) call Nru(Lru,Jru,0.) set Hg=Lru set Lru=null return Hg endfunction function Wbu takes integer Qbu returns nothing call DWw(Qbu,9999.,Rp,Tp) set Fp[Qbu]=false set Gp[Qbu]=Ni set gp[Qbu]=Ni set hp[Qbu]=Ni endfunction function dNu takes string aNu returns integer local integer nNu set Dd[Ad]=aNu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ze==0 then if Ue<32768 then set Ue=Ue+1 set nNu=Ue set Ie[nNu]=646 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create WarningBuff.","when calling error in ") set nNu=0 endif else set Ze=Ze-1 set nNu=Ee[Ze] set Ie[nNu]=646 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return nNu endfunction function mbu takes string xbu returns integer local integer vbu set Dd[Ad]=xbu set Ad=Ad+1 set vbu=dNu("when calling WarningBuff in WarningBuff, line 21") call Wbu(vbu) set Ad=Ad-1 return vbu endfunction function TNu takes string fNu returns integer local integer RNu set Dd[Ad]=fNu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set RNu=Le set Xe[RNu]=736 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set RNu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set RNu=Je[Ke] set Xe[RNu]=736 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return RNu endfunction function rP takes integer uP returns nothing endfunction function nRu takes integer qRu,string aRu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=aRu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[qRu]==0 then if qRu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Buff.Buff_Buff_onApply","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Buff.Buff_Buff_onApply on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call rP(qRu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function ZWw takes integer vWw,integer mWw,string QWw returns nothing local integer WWw local integer EWw set Dd[Ad]=QWw set Ad=Ad+1 set uu[vWw]=mWw if not KU(mWw) then call qI(mWw,"when calling newBuffs in PresetBuffs, line 14") endif set WWw=lgw(iI(mWw),"when calling iterator in PresetBuffs, line 15") loop exitwhen not nGw(WWw) set EWw=qGw(WWw) if Ie[EWw]==Ie[vWw]then set ru[EWw]=ru[vWw] set uu[vWw]=0 call J4u(2,vWw,"when calling terminate in PresetBuffs, line 19",0,null) call RGw(WWw,"when calling close in PresetBuffs, line 15") set Ad=Ad-1 return endif endloop call RGw(WWw,"when calling close in PresetBuffs, line 15") call VU(mWw,vWw,"when calling addBuff in PresetBuffs, line 21") call QRu(vWw,"when calling refresh in PresetBuffs, line 22") call nRu(vWw,"when calling onApply in PresetBuffs, line 23") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Wlu takes integer klu,integer jlu,string xlu returns nothing local integer vlu local unit mlu local playerunitevent Qlu set Dd[Ad]=xlu set Ad=Ad+1 call ZWw(klu,jlu,"when calling apply in WarningBuff, line 28") set Gp[klu]=Ni set kp[klu]=Et[jlu] set mlu=Nt[jlu] set Qlu=EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH set vlu=TNu("when calling alloc_Closure in WarningBuff, line 31") call cL(vlu) set Yp[vlu]=klu call fK(mlu,Qlu,vlu,"when calling add in WarningBuff, line 31") set Ad=Ad-1 set mlu=null set Qlu=null endfunction function yNu takes integer ONu,integer lNu,string bNu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=bNu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[ONu]==0 then if ONu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling WarningBuff.WarningBuff_WarningBuff_apply","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called WarningBuff.WarningBuff_WarningBuff_apply on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Wlu(ONu,lNu,"when calling apply in WarningBuff, line 27") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function ZH takes integer hH,real FH,real kH,real jH,integer xH,integer vH,string mH returns nothing local unit QH local unit WH local unit EH set Dd[Ad]=mH set Ad=Ad+1 call J2u(0,0,3,hH,0,0,0,null,0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,Xru(rO[xH],vH,FH,kH,jH,0.),0.,0.,0.,0.,"when calling construct_UnitEntity in Builder, line 13",null,null) set QH=Nt[hH] call Osu(QH,Sw) set WH=QH call Osu(WH,1095331446) set EH=WH call Osu(EH,1097364080) if vH==LO then call ySu(Nt[hH],0.25) endif if GetLocalPlayer()==rO[xH]then call PanCameraToTimed(itu(Nt[hH]),ctu(Nt[hH]),0.) endif call Etu(Nt[hH],"repairon") call NQw(rO[xH],Nt[hH]) call yNu(mbu("when calling new_WarningBuff in Builder, line 24"),hH,"when calling apply in Builder, line 24") call Qrw(hH,"when calling update in Builder, line 26") call KSu(Nt[hH],FH,kH,jH) set Ad=Ad-1 set QH=null set WH=null set EH=null endfunction function gH takes real nH,real dH,real fH,integer RH,integer TH,string YH returns integer local integer GH set Dd[Ad]=YH set Ad=Ad+1 set GH=OTu("when calling Builder in Builder, line 13") call ZH(GH,nH,dH,fH,RH,TH,"when calling construct_Builder in Builder, line 13") set Ad=Ad-1 return GH endfunction function mQw takes player vQw returns string return GetPlayerName(vQw) endfunction function ntu takes unit atu returns real set ef=itu(atu) set qf=ctu(atu) set af=0. return ef endfunction function pJu takes string bJu returns integer local integer yJu set Dd[Ad]=bJu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set yJu=ae set ne[yJu]=683 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set yJu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set yJu=ee[qe] set ne[yJu]=683 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return yJu endfunction function ADw takes integer QDw,integer WDw,string EDw returns nothing local integer ZDw local integer UDw local effect IDw local integer PDw set Dd[Ad]=EDw set Ad=Ad+1 set ZDw=wO[kQw(yl[QDw])] set UDw=WDw if UDw==VO then set SO[ZDw]=gH(ntu(Nt[pl[QDw]]),qf,af,ZDw,LO,"when calling new_Builder in Selector, line 47") call fsu(Nt[SO[ZDw]],MO) if fMw(mQw(yl[QDw]))=="cokemonkey11" or fMw(mQw(yl[QDw]))=="waterknight" then set IDw=G5(I,wvu(SO[ZDw],"when calling getPos in Selector, line 50"),sf,tf) set PDw=pJu("when calling alloc_Closure in Selector, line 51") call VC(PDw) set bl[PDw]=IDw call gX(5.,PDw,"when calling doAfter in Selector, line 51") call AKu(rl,yl[QDw],"when calling playForPlayer in Selector, line 52") endif elseif UDw==BO then set SO[ZDw]=gH(ntu(Nt[pl[QDw]]),qf,af,ZDw,XO,"when calling new_Builder in Selector, line 54") call fsu(Nt[SO[ZDw]],wl) elseif UDw==NO then set SO[ZDw]=gH(ntu(Nt[pl[QDw]]),qf,af,ZDw,CO,"when calling new_Builder in Selector, line 57") call fsu(Nt[SO[ZDw]],ul) endif call fsu(Nt[SO[ZDw]],AO) call J2u(0,0,0,0,0,0,pl[QDw],"when calling terminate in Selector, line 60",0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) set Ad=Ad-1 set IDw=null endfunction function SUw takes real iUw returns real return iUw*iUw endfunction function VOu takes real JOu,real KOu,real LOu,real XOu,real COu returns real return SquareRoot(SUw(XOu-JOu)+SUw(COu-KOu)) endfunction function giu takes unit Yiu,integer Giu returns nothing call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(Yiu,Giu) endfunction function ylw takes integer Olw,real llw returns nothing local integer blw=bUw(Fh(llw)+90.5) if blw>=180 then set blw=179 elseif blw<0 then set blw=0 endif call giu(Zi[Olw],blw) endfunction function ZQu takes integer QQu,real WQu,string EQu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=EQu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fa[QQu]==0 then if QQu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.Fx_Fx_setZAngle","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Fx.Fx_Fx_setZAngle on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call ylw(QQu,WQu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function DZw takes integer IZw,real PZw,string AZw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=AZw set Ad=Ad+1 call ZQu(Wi[IZw],PZw,"when calling setZAngle in Projectile, line 53") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function aHu takes integer pHu,real eHu,string qHu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=qHu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[pHu]==0 then if pHu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Projectile.Projectile_Projectile_setZAngle","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Projectile.Projectile_Projectile_setZAngle on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call DZw(pHu,eHu,"when calling setZAngle in Projectile, line 52") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function xZw takes integer jZw returns real return jO[jZw] endfunction function tHu takes integer uHu,string rHu returns real local real sHu set Dd[Ad]=rHu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[uHu]==0 then if uHu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Projectile.Projectile_Projectile_getSpeed","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Projectile.Projectile_Projectile_getSpeed on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set sHu=xZw(uHu) set Ad=Ad-1 return sHu endfunction function kF takes integer nF,real dF,real fF,real RF,real TF,player YF,real GF,real gF,string hF returns nothing local integer FF set Dd[Ad]=hF set Ad=Ad+1 call wUw(nF,dF,fF,RF,TF,YF,GF,h,"when calling construct_Projectile in ArtilleryTower, line 44") call VDu(nF,V+GetRandomReal(-10.,6.),"when calling setSpeed in ArtilleryTower, line 46") call aHu(nF,vh(-45),"when calling setZAngle in ArtilleryTower, line 47") set FF=nF set vt[FF]=-tHu(nF,"when calling getSpeed in ArtilleryTower, line 48") set M[nF]=gF set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function wau takes string Nqu returns integer local integer Mqu set Dd[Ad]=Nqu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set Mqu=oe set Oe[Mqu]=829 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create ArtilleryMissile.","when calling error in ") set Mqu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set Mqu=Se[ce] set Oe[Mqu]=829 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Mqu endfunction function aF takes real cF,real oF,real OF,real lF,player bF,real yF,real pF,string eF returns integer local integer qF set Dd[Ad]=eF set Ad=Ad+1 set qF=wau("when calling ArtilleryMissile in ArtilleryTower, line 44") call kF(qF,cF,oF,OF,lF,bF,yF,pF,"when calling construct_ArtilleryMissile in ArtilleryTower, line 44") set Ad=Ad-1 return qF endfunction function dau takes string aau returns integer local integer nau set Dd[Ad]=aau set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set nau=ae set ne[nau]=657 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set nau=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set nau=ee[qe] set ne[nau]=657 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return nau endfunction function kX takes integer hX,string FX returns integer set Dd[Ad]=FX set Ad=Ad+1 call gX(0.,hX,"when calling doAfter in ClosureTimers, line 22") set Ad=Ad-1 return hX endfunction function lcu takes real Scu,real ccu,real ocu,real Ocu returns real set Kd=Scu+ocu set Ld=ccu+Ocu return Kd endfunction function sou takes real uou,real rou returns real set Nf=Cos(uou)*rou set Mf=Sin(uou)*rou return Nf endfunction function wou takes real Vcu,real Bcu,real Ncu,real Mcu returns real set Xd=lcu(Vcu,Bcu,sou(Ncu,Mcu),Mf) set Cd=Ld return Xd endfunction function Gk takes integer lk,integer bk,string yk returns nothing local integer pk local real ek local integer qk local integer ak local real nk local real dk local integer fk local integer Rk local real Tk local real Yk set Dd[Ad]=yk set Ad=Ad+1 if bk==N then set fk=uw[lk] if VOu(ht[fk],Ft[fk],kt[fk],Osw(),Jd)>2950. then set pk=dau("when calling alloc_Closure in ArtilleryTower, line 25") call VC(pk) set ww[pk]=uw[lk] call kX(pk,"when calling nullTimer in ArtilleryTower, line 25") endif set Rk=uw[lk] set ek=qlu(ht[Rk],Ft[Rk],kt[Rk],Osw(),Jd) set qk=0 set ak=3+rw[uw[lk]]*3 loop exitwhen qk>ak set Tk=lcu(Osw(),Jd,GetRandomReal(-200.,200.),GetRandomReal(-200.,200.)) set Yk=Ld set nk=Tk set dk=Yk call aF(cou(wou(nk,dk,ek,-1000.),Cd,1000.),Bd,Nd,50.+rw[uw[lk]]*50,Et[uw[lk]],ek,250.+rw[uw[lk]]*225,"when calling new_ArtilleryMissile in ArtilleryTower, line 32") set qk=qk+1 endloop endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function jTu takes integer hTu,integer FTu,string kTu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=kTu set Ad=Ad+1 if pe[hTu]==0 then if hTu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling OnCast.ClosureEvents_OnCast_fireEx","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called OnCast.ClosureEvents_OnCast_fireEx on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if pe[hTu]<=795 then call Gk(hTu,FTu,"when calling ArtilleryTower_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 81") else call ADw(hTu,FTu,"when calling Selector_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 81") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function kL takes integer gL,unit hL,string FL returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=FL set Ad=Ad+1 call jTu(gL,GetSpellAbilityId(),"when calling fireEx in ClosureEvents, line 79") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function w3 takes integer NM,unit MM returns nothing call Wsu(MM) call k5(F,stu(MM),cf) endfunction function ZTu takes integer QTu,unit WTu,string ETu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=ETu set Ad=Ad+1 if pe[QTu]==0 then if QTu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling OnCastListener.ClosureEvents_OnCastListener_fire","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called OnCastListener.ClosureEvents_OnCastListener_fire on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if pe[QTu]<=796 then if pe[QTu]<=793 then call w3(QTu,WTu) else call kL(QTu,WTu,"when calling fire in ClosureEvents, line 56") endif elseif pe[QTu]<=798 then call WL(QTu,WTu,"when calling fire in ClosureEvents, line 56") else call AL(QTu,WTu,"when calling fire in ClosureEvents, line 56") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function iL takes string wL returns nothing local unit uL local integer rL local integer sL local integer tL set Dd[Ad]=wL set Ad=Ad+1 set uL=GetTriggerUnit() set rL=GetSpellAbilityId() if nEu(Ru,B0u(uL),"when calling has in ClosureEvents, line 187") then set sL=kEu(Ru,B0u(uL),"when calling get in ClosureEvents, line 188") loop exitwhen not(sL!=0) if ju[sL]==-1 or ju[sL]==rL then call ZTu(sL,GetSpellAbilityUnit(),"when calling fire in ClosureEvents, line 191") endif set sL=Fu[sL] endloop endif if nEu(fu,rL,"when calling has in ClosureEvents, line 193") then set tL=kEu(fu,rL,"when calling get in ClosureEvents, line 194") loop exitwhen not(tL!=0) if xu[tL]==null or xu[tL]==uL then call ZTu(tL,GetSpellAbilityUnit(),"when calling fire in ClosureEvents, line 197") endif set tL=Fu[tL] endloop endif set Ad=Ad-1 set uL=null endfunction function OK takes string oK returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=oK set Ad=Ad+1 call iL("when calling onSpellEffect in ClosureEvents, line 302") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function C1u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call OK("ClosureEvents, line 302") endfunction function qXu takes string pXu returns integer local integer eXu set Dd[Ad]=pXu set Ad=Ad+1 if be==0 then if ye<32768 then set ye=ye+1 set eXu=ye set pe[eXu]=801 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set eXu=0 endif else set be=be-1 set eXu=le[be] set pe[eXu]=801 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return eXu endfunction function AMw takes string UMw returns boolean local integer IMw local integer PMw set Dd[Ad]=UMw set Ad=Ad+1 set Xb=1093677389 set Cb=1097364080 set PMw=Xb set IMw=qXu("when calling alloc_Closure in SuperCharge, line 10") call HL(IMw) call AK(PMw,IMw,"when calling onTargetCast in SuperCharge, line 10") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function D1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return AMw("SuperCharge, line 1") endfunction function DNw takes nothing returns boolean set Db[0]="Asshat!" set Db[1]="gtfo" set Db[2]="wtf?" set Db[3]="really?" set Db[4]="Dumbass!" set Db[5]="STOP" set Db[6]="Are you serious?" set Db[7]="u wot m8" set Db[8]="*poke*" set Db[9]="wake up!" set Db[10]="Heyyyy" set Db[11]=":^)" set Db[12]="^)^" set Db[13]="Juicebag" set Db[14]="whoopsie" set Db[15]="monkey!" set Db[16]="get shrekt" set Db[17]="nou" set Db[18]="reported!" set Db[19]="Bengel.." set Db[20]="calm down" return true endfunction function Dk takes nothing returns boolean set sw=0.030 set tw=1097691750 set iw=1097625443 set Sw=1097167976 set cw=OO[PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE] return true endfunction function Q2w takes timer x2w,real v2w,code m2w returns nothing call TimerStart(x2w,v2w,true,m2w) endfunction function Dyw takes nothing returns boolean set Bi=CreateTimer() call j2w(Bi,100000.,null) call Q2w(CreateTimer(),sw,ig) return true endfunction function E0w takes nothing returns boolean set At=0 set Dt=0 set Ht=0 set Jt=0 set Kt=0 set Lt=0 return true endfunction function EEu takes string QEu returns integer local integer WEu set Dd[Ad]=QEu set Ad=Ad+1 if Wa==0 then if Ea<32768 then set Ea=Ea+1 set WEu=Ea set Za[WEu]=887 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create HashMap.","when calling error in ") set WEu=0 endif else set Wa=Wa-1 set WEu=Qa[Wa] set Za[WEu]=887 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return WEu endfunction function Q3w takes integer m3w returns nothing endfunction function rqw takes integer uqw returns nothing call Q3w(uqw) endfunction function wqw takes string New returns integer local integer Mew set Dd[Ad]=New set Ad=Ad+1 set Mew=EEu("when calling HashMap in HashMap, line 7") call rqw(Mew) set Ad=Ad-1 return Mew endfunction function OTw takes string oTw returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=oTw set Ad=Ad+1 set qc=5000 set ac="0aUb1GLwR2kHvP3CQIM4npFs5iSW6tzAr7TNxo8JXVjy9OcdEfBKgqeuYDhmlZ" set nc=wqw("when calling new_HashMap in LZW, line 16") set dc=0 set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function E1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return OTw("LZW, line 1") endfunction function Ebu takes nothing returns boolean set jp=1747988814 set xp=192. return true endfunction function Exw takes nothing returns boolean set Co=-0.8 return true endfunction function BKu takes string CKu returns integer local integer VKu set Dd[Ad]=CKu set Ad=Ad+1 if jn==0 then if xn<32768 then set xn=xn+1 set VKu=xn set vn[VKu]=873 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create SoundDefinition.","when calling error in ") set VKu=0 endif else set jn=jn-1 set VKu=kn[jn] set vn[VKu]=873 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return VKu endfunction function bLw takes integer cLw,string oLw,boolean OLw,string lLw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=lLw set Ad=Ad+1 set Hl[cLw]=Ngw("when calling new_LinkedList in SoundUtils, line 34") set Kl[cLw]=10000 set Xl[cLw]=false set Cl[cLw]=false set Vl[cLw]=Yl set Bl[cLw]=Gl set Nl[cLw]=gl set Jl[cLw]=oLw set Ll[cLw]=OLw set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function VJw takes string KJw,boolean LJw,string XJw returns integer local integer CJw set Dd[Ad]=XJw set Ad=Ad+1 set CJw=BKu("when calling SoundDefinition in SoundUtils, line 45") call bLw(CJw,KJw,LJw,"when calling construct_SoundDefinition in SoundUtils, line 45") set Ad=Ad-1 return CJw endfunction function qPw takes string ePw returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=ePw set Ad=Ad+1 set AO=1227894832 set DO=1093677402 set HO=VJw(bb,false,"when calling new_SoundDefinition in Rocket, line 10") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function F1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return qPw("Rocket, line 1") endfunction function Y0u takes string a0u returns nothing local integer n0u local integer d0u local integer f0u local integer R0u local integer T0u set Dd[Ad]=a0u set Ad=Ad+1 set n0u=sww(GetTriggerUnit()) set d0u=lgw(Xy[n0u],"when calling iterator in TrooperTower, line 66") loop exitwhen not nGw(d0u) set f0u=qGw(d0u) call gB(Nt[f0u],Au,Du,Hu,Ju) call VSu(Nt[f0u]) set T0u=f0u set R0u=f0u call J2u(0,1,T0u,0,0,0,0,null,ht[R0u],Ft[R0u],kt[R0u],0,0,0.,0.,0.,"when calling setXY in TrooperTower, line 69",null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) endloop call RGw(d0u,"when calling close in TrooperTower, line 66") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function F4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call Y0u("TrooperTower, line 104") endfunction function Iku takes string Zku returns integer local integer Uku set Dd[Ad]=Zku set Ad=Ad+1 if Sa==0 then if ca<32768 then set ca=ca+1 set Uku=ca else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Music.","when calling error in ") set Uku=0 endif else set Sa=Sa-1 set Uku=ia[Sa] endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Uku endfunction function iMw takes string rMw,integer sMw,integer tMw returns string return SubString(rMw,sMw,tMw) endfunction function uMw takes string wMw returns integer return StringLength(wMw) endfunction function vMw takes string kMw,string jMw returns integer local integer xMw=uMw(kMw)-uMw(jMw) loop exitwhen xMw<0 if iMw(kMw,xMw,xMw+uMw(jMw))==jMw then return xMw endif set xMw=xMw-1 endloop return -1 endfunction function e0w takes integer b0w,integer y0w,string p0w returns nothing set Rt[b0w]=p0w call GetSoundFileDuration(p0w) call iMw(p0w,vMw(p0w,"\\")+1,vMw(p0w,".")) endfunction function l0w takes integer S0w,string c0w,string o0w returns integer local integer O0w set Dd[Ad]=o0w set Ad=Ad+1 set O0w=Iku("when calling Music in EndBoss, line 161") call e0w(O0w,S0w,c0w) set Ad=Ad-1 return O0w endfunction function J7 takes string H7 returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=H7 set Ad=Ad+1 set st=1848651856 set tt=l0w(808464432,"Sound\\Music\\mp3Music\\Doom.mp3","when calling new_Music in EndBoss, line 10") set St=1000 set ct=8. set ot=.33 set Ot=.10 set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function G1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return J7("EndBoss, line 1") endfunction function DKw takes string aKw returns nothing local timer nKw local integer dKw local timer fKw local timer RKw local integer TKw local real YKw local real GKw local integer gKw local real hKw local real FKw local integer kKw local real jKw local real xKw local integer vKw local real mKw local real QKw local integer WKw local real EKw local real ZKw local boolean UKw local sound IKw local real PKw local real AKw set Dd[Ad]=aKw set Ad=Ad+1 set nKw=GetExpiredTimer() set dKw=c2w(nKw,"when calling getData in SoundUtils, line 125") if tb[dKw]!=null then call AttachSoundToUnit(rb[dKw],tb[dKw]) endif set TKw=dKw set GKw=Ml[TKw] set YKw=GKw if YKw!=0. then set gKw=dKw set FKw=wb[gKw] set hKw=FKw set UKw=hKw!=0. else set UKw=false endif if UKw then set IKw=rb[dKw] set kKw=dKw set xKw=Ml[kKw] set jKw=xKw set PKw=jKw set vKw=dKw set QKw=wb[vKw] set mKw=QKw set AKw=mKw set WKw=dKw set ZKw=ub[WKw] set EKw=ZKw call SetSoundPosition(IKw,PKw,AKw,EKw) endif if ib[dKw]!=null then if GetLocalPlayer()==ib[dKw]then call StartSound(rb[dKw]) endif else call StartSound(rb[dKw]) endif call e2w(nKw,"when calling release in SoundUtils, line 135") set fKw=b2w("when calling getTimer in SoundUtils, line 136") call s2w(fKw,dKw,"when calling setData in SoundUtils, line 137") set RKw=fKw call j2w(RKw,Kl[sb[dKw]]*0.001,ng) set Ad=Ad-1 set nKw=null set fKw=null set RKw=null set IKw=null endfunction function G4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call DKw("SoundUtils, line 106") endfunction function Gh takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function uRu takes string Mfu returns integer local integer wRu set Dd[Ad]=Mfu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set wRu=ae set ne[wRu]=660 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set wRu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set wRu=ee[qe] set ne[wRu]=660 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return wRu endfunction function EI takes integer xI,string vI returns nothing local unit mI local integer QI local integer WI set Dd[Ad]=vI set Ad=Ad+1 set mI=GetTriggerUnit() if Ytu(mI)>0 then set QI=sww(mI) if QI!=0 and(not Ut[QI]) then endif set WI=uRu("when calling alloc_Closure in Buff, line 151") call VC(WI) set Nw[WI]=mI set Mw[WI]=QI call gX(0.01,WI,"when calling doAfter in Buff, line 151") endif set Ad=Ad-1 set mI=null endfunction function CEw takes integer XEw returns nothing set TO=XEw endfunction function EEw takes string mEw,real QEw,player WEw returns nothing call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(WEw,0.,0.,QEw,mEw) endfunction function cMw takes string SMw returns integer return S2I(SMw) endfunction function nMw takes string eMw,string qMw returns boolean local integer aMw=uMw(eMw) if uMw(qMw)>aMw then return false endif return iMw(eMw,0,uMw(qMw))==qMw endfunction function LM takes integer DM returns nothing local string HM=GetEventPlayerChatString() local integer JM local integer KM if nMw(HM,"-d ") then set JM=cMw(iMw(HM,3,4)) if JM>=0 and JM<5 then set KM=JM call CEw(KM) call EEw("Loglevel adjusted to: "+nEw(KM),10.,GetTriggerPlayer()) endif endif endfunction function Jfw takes item Hfw returns nothing call RemoveItem(Hfw) endfunction function Lfw takes item Kfw returns integer return GetItemTypeId(Kfw) endfunction function HVu takes string AVu returns integer local integer DVu set Dd[Ad]=AVu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set DVu=ae set ne[DVu]=691 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set DVu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set DVu=ee[qe] set ne[DVu]=691 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return DVu endfunction function PVu takes string UVu returns integer local integer IVu set Dd[Ad]=UVu set Ad=Ad+1 if sq==0 then if tq<32768 then set tq=tq+1 set IVu=tq set iq[IVu]=757 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set IVu=0 endif else set sq=sq-1 set IVu=rq[sq] set iq[IVu]=757 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return IVu endfunction function NL takes integer BL returns nothing set mu[Qu]=BL set Qu=Qu+1 endfunction function oYu takes integer SYu,string cYu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=cYu set Ad=Ad+1 if iq[SYu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type ForGroupCallback","when calling error in ") else set rq[sq]=SYu set sq=sq+1 set iq[SYu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function fX takes integer nX,string dX returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=dX set Ad=Ad+1 call oYu(nX,"when calling ForGroupCallback in ClosureForGroups, line 3") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function uYu takes integer MTu,string wYu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=wYu set Ad=Ad+1 if iq[MTu]==0 then if MTu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling ForGroupCallback.destroyForGroupCallback","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called ForGroupCallback.destroyForGroupCallback on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call fX(MTu,"when calling destroyForGroupCallback in ClosureForGroups, line 3") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function wX takes string ML returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=ML set Ad=Ad+1 call Zpw(vu) set Qu=Qu-1 call uYu(mu[Qu],"when calling ForGroupCallback in ClosureForGroups, line 21") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function lX takes player cX,integer oX,string OX returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=OX set Ad=Ad+1 call NL(oX) call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(vu,cX,Wu) call wX("when calling popCallback in ClosureForGroups, line 57") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Y7w takes string n7w returns nothing local integer d7w local integer f7w local player R7w local real T7w set Dd[Ad]=n7w set Ad=Ad+1 call xKu(Uy,"when calling play in TownBell, line 19") set Iy=utu(GetManipulatingUnit()) set R7w=OO[8] set d7w=PVu("when calling alloc_Closure in TownBell, line 21") call lX(R7w,d7w,"when calling forUnitsOfPlayer in TownBell, line 21") set T7w=Zy set f7w=HVu("when calling alloc_Closure in TownBell, line 29") call VC(f7w) call gX(T7w,f7w,"when calling doAfter in TownBell, line 29") set Py=Py+1 set Ad=Ad-1 set R7w=null endfunction function M7w takes integer B7w,string N7w returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=N7w set Ad=Ad+1 if Lfw(GetManipulatedItem())==Qy then call Jfw(GetManipulatedItem()) call Y7w("when calling onTownBell in TownBell, line 44") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function EHu takes string QHu returns integer local integer WHu set Dd[Ad]=QHu set Ad=Ad+1 if ja==0 then if xa<32768 then set xa=xa+1 set WHu=xa set va[WHu]=780 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set WHu=0 endif else set ja=ja-1 set WHu=ka[ja] set va[WHu]=780 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return WHu endfunction function Xiu takes unit Jiu,real Kiu,real Liu returns nothing call SetUnitPosition(Jiu,Kiu,Liu) endfunction function iB takes integer uB,integer rB,integer sB,integer tB returns integer set sR=uB set tR=rB set iR=sB return sR endfunction function lWw takes playercolor SWw returns integer local integer cWw=0 local integer oWw=0 local integer OWw=bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS-1 loop exitwhen oWw>OWw if qO[oWw]==SWw then set cWw=oWw exitwhen true endif set oWw=oWw+1 endloop return cWw endfunction function VV takes playercolor UV returns integer local integer IV local integer PV local integer AV local integer DV local integer HV local integer JV local integer KV local integer LV local integer XV local integer CV if lWw(UV)<=Vu then set DV=lWw(UV) set HV=Bu[DV] set JV=Nu[DV] set KV=Mu[DV] set IV=HV set PV=JV set AV=KV else set LV=iB(Ku,Lu,Xu,Cu) set XV=tR set CV=iR set IV=LV set PV=XV set AV=CV endif set wR=IV set uR=PV set rR=AV return wR endfunction function WB takes integer vB returns string local integer mB=vB/16 local integer QB=vB-mB*16 return wr[mB]+wr[QB] endfunction function wB takes integer BV,integer NV,integer MV returns string return "|cff"+WB(BV)+WB(NV)+WB(MV) endfunction function ZV takes player EV returns string return wB(VV(iWw(EV)),uR,rR)+GetPlayerName(EV)+"|r" endfunction function BEu takes integer CEu,string VEu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=VEu set Ad=Ad+1 if Aa[CEu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type EntityWithDist","when calling error in ") else set Ua[Ia]=CEu set Ia=Ia+1 set Aa[CEu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Qaw takes integer maw returns nothing endfunction function Faw takes integer gaw,string haw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=haw set Ad=Ad+1 call Qaw(gaw) call BEu(gaw,"when calling EntityWithDist in HealbackTower, line 86") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function JEu takes integer DEu,string HEu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=HEu set Ad=Ad+1 if Aa[DEu]==0 then if DEu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling EntityWithDist.destroyEntityWithDist","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called EntityWithDist.destroyEntityWithDist on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Faw(DEu,"when calling destroyEntityWithDist in HealbackTower, line 86") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function gdw takes integer Tdw,integer Ydw,string Gdw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Gdw set Ad=Ad+1 if sPu(vS[Tdw],"when calling size in HealbackTower, line 62")>|r You have been revived!",15.,rO[tPw]) set tO[tPw]=true endif endloop call RGw(sPw,"when calling close in RevivalSystem, line 12") if uMw(rPw)>0 then set rPw=rPw+"." call vEw("|cffFFCC00>>|r "+ZV(GetTriggerPlayer())+" |cff21C55Ahas revived the following players:|r "+rPw,15.) endif endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Q0u takes integer v0u,string m0u returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=m0u set Ad=Ad+1 call J2u(0,0,0,0,0,0,Vy[v0u],"when calling terminate in TrooperTower, line 47",0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function P3u takes integer E3u,integer Z3u returns integer local integer U3u=HS local integer I3u if E3uyIw set pIw=vh(bIw*(360./lIw)) call QIw(wou(Up,Ip,pIw,256.),Cd,OIw,IO,pIw,"when calling new_Reinforcement in Reinforcements, line 23") set bIw=bIw+1 endloop if oIw>=5 then set eIw=P3u(7,oIw-4) set qIw=0 set aIw=eIw-1 loop exitwhen qIw>aIw set nIw=vh(-15.+qIw*(360./eIw)) call QIw(wou(Up,Ip,nIw,256.),Cd,OIw,PO,nIw,"when calling new_Reinforcement in Reinforcements, line 29") set qIw=qIw+1 endloop endif set Ad=Ad-1 set OIw=null endfunction function TIw takes integer fIw,string RIw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=RIw set Ad=Ad+1 if Lfw(GetManipulatedItem())==UO then call Jfw(GetManipulatedItem()) call dIw("when calling onReinforcements in Reinforcements, line 35") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function cRu takes string iRu returns integer local integer SRu set Dd[Ad]=iRu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set SRu=ae set ne[SRu]=661 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set SRu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set SRu=ee[qe] set ne[SRu]=661 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return SRu endfunction function XI takes integer DI,string HI returns nothing local unit JI local integer KI local integer LI set Dd[Ad]=HI set Ad=Ad+1 set JI=GetTriggerUnit() if sww(JI)!=0 then set KI=sww(JI) set LI=cRu("when calling alloc_Closure in Buff, line 161") call VC(LI) set wu[LI]=KI call gX(0.01,LI,"when calling doAfter in Buff, line 161") endif set Ad=Ad-1 set JI=null endfunction function C1 takes nothing returns real if ss!=0 and GetEventDamageSource()==Cr[ss] and GetTriggerUnit()==Xr[ss] and GetEventDamage()==Nr[ss]then return Mr[ss] endif return GetEventDamage() endfunction function Jnw takes integer Hnw returns real return aS[Hnw-1] endfunction function Cnw takes integer Xnw returns real return dS[Xnw-1] endfunction function Lnw takes integer Knw returns integer return nS[Knw-1] endfunction function Mou takes real Lou,real Xou,real Cou,real Vou,real Bou,real Nou returns real set bR=Lou+Vou set yR=Xou+Bou set pR=Cou+Nou return bR endfunction function pZw takes integer bZw,real yZw returns nothing set vO[bZw]=yZw*yZw set kO[bZw]=true endfunction function ADu takes integer UDu,real IDu,string PDu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=PDu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[UDu]==0 then if UDu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Projectile.Projectile_Projectile_setRanged","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Projectile.Projectile_Projectile_setRanged on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call pZw(UDu,IDu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function HOu takes real ZOu,real UOu,real IOu,real POu,real AOu,real DOu returns real return SquareRoot(SUw(POu-ZOu)+SUw(AOu-UOu)) endfunction function Ylu takes real alu,real nlu,real dlu,real flu,real Rlu,real Tlu returns real return Uh(Atan2(Rlu-nlu,flu-alu)) endfunction function gww takes integer oww_2,real Oww,real lww,real bww,real yww,string pww returns nothing local real eww local real qww local real aww local real nww local integer dww local integer fww local integer Rww local real Tww local real Yww local real Gww_2 set Dd[Ad]=pww set Ad=Ad+1 set dww=oww_2 set eww=HOu(ht[dww],Ft[dww],kt[dww],Oww,lww,bww)/yww set fww=oww_2 set qww=Ylu(ht[fww],Ft[fww],kt[fww],Oww,lww,bww) set aww=0. if xi then set aww=xcu(Oww,lww,bww) endif if eww<1. then set eww=1./yww endif set Gww_2=(-(mt[oww_2]*eww))/2. set Rww=oww_2 set Yww=kt[Rww] set Tww=Yww set nww=Gww_2-Tww/eww+aww/eww call vju(oww_2,cou(sou(qww,yww),Mf,nww),Bd,Nd,"when calling setVel in Entity, line 145") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Hju takes integer Zju,real Uju,real Iju,real Pju,real Aju,string Dju returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Dju set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[Zju]==0 then if Zju==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Entity.Entity_Entity_setTarget","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Entity.Entity_Entity_setTarget on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call gww(Zju,Uju,Iju,Pju,Aju,"when calling setTarget in Entity, line 134") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function slu takes real BOu,real NOu,real MOu,real wlu,real ulu,real rlu returns real return SUw(wlu-BOu)+SUw(ulu-NOu)+SUw(rlu-MOu) endfunction function Gnw takes integer Onw,real lnw,real bnw,real ynw,player pnw,real enw,integer qnw,string anw returns nothing local integer nnw local integer dnw local real fnw local real Rnw local real Tnw local integer Ynw set Dd[Ad]=anw set Ad=Ad+1 call wUw(Onw,lnw,bnw,ynw,fS,pnw,Ylu(lnw,bnw,ynw,wvu(qnw,"when calling getPos in HealbackTower, line 104"),sf,tf),TS,"when calling construct_Projectile in HealbackTower, line 103") call kQu(Wi[Onw],0,255,0,255,"when calling setColor in HealbackTower, line 105") set gS[Onw]=enw set hS[Onw]=qnw set nnw=Onw set FS[nnw]=lnw set kS[nnw]=bnw set jS[nnw]=ynw set Ynw=Onw set fnw=wvu(qnw,"when calling getPos in HealbackTower, line 109") set Rnw=sf set Tnw=tf set dnw=Onw set xS[Ynw]=slu(fnw,Rnw,Tnw,FS[dnw],kS[dnw],jS[dnw]) call Hju(Onw,Mou(Otu(Nt[qnw]),wf,uf,0.,0.,32.),yR,pR,19.25,"when calling setTarget in HealbackTower, line 110") call kQu(Wi[Onw],215,255,215,168,"when calling setColor in HealbackTower, line 111") call ADu(Onw,2000.,"when calling setRanged in HealbackTower, line 112") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function sZu takes string uZu returns integer local integer rZu set Dd[Ad]=uZu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set rZu=oe set Oe[rZu]=831 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create HealbackMissile.","when calling error in ") set rZu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set rZu=Se[ce] set Oe[rZu]=831 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return rZu endfunction function rnw takes real Xaw,real Caw,real Vaw,player Baw,real Naw,integer Maw,string wnw returns integer local integer unw set Dd[Ad]=wnw set Ad=Ad+1 set unw=sZu("when calling HealbackMissile in HealbackTower, line 103") call Gnw(unw,Xaw,Caw,Vaw,Baw,Naw,Maw,"when calling construct_HealbackMissile in HealbackTower, line 103") set Ad=Ad-1 return unw endfunction function GZu takes string TZu returns integer local integer YZu set Dd[Ad]=TZu set Ad=Ad+1 if ja==0 then if xa<32768 then set xa=xa+1 set YZu=xa set va[YZu]=778 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set YZu=0 endif else set ja=ja-1 set YZu=ka[ja] set va[YZu]=778 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return YZu endfunction function Bhw takes integer Xhw,string Chw returns nothing local integer Vhw set Dd[Ad]=Chw set Ad=Ad+1 set Vhw=Mc[co[Xhw]] loop exitwhen not(Vhw!=co[Xhw]) set Vhw=Mc[Vhw] call WUu(Nc[Vhw],"when calling LLEntry in LinkedList, line 332") endloop set Mc[co[Xhw]]=co[Xhw] set Nc[co[Xhw]]=co[Xhw] set oo[Xhw]=0 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function HPu takes integer APu,string DPu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=DPu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[APu]==0 then if APu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_clear","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_clear on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Bhw(APu,"when calling clear in LinkedList, line 328") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Ehw takes integer xhw,integer vhw returns integer local integer mhw=vhw local integer Qhw=vhw local integer Whw loop exitwhen not(Mc[mhw]!=co[xhw] and Mc[Mc[mhw]]!=co[xhw]) set mhw=Mc[Mc[mhw]] set Qhw=Mc[Qhw] endloop set Whw=Mc[Qhw] set Mc[Qhw]=co[xhw] return Whw endfunction function PPu takes integer EPu,integer ZPu,string UPu returns integer local integer IPu set Dd[Ad]=UPu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[EPu]==0 then if EPu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_split","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_split on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set IPu=Ehw(EPu,ZPu) set Ad=Ad-1 return IPu endfunction function P0u takes integer I0u returns real return I0u/Ny endfunction function ZYw takes integer QYw,real WYw,real EYw returns integer return bUw(WYw-EYw) endfunction function AYw takes integer UYw,integer IYw,integer PYw returns integer return ZYw(UYw,P0u(IYw),P0u(PYw)) endfunction function Jdw takes integer Adw,integer Ddw,integer Hdw returns integer return GS[Ddw]-GS[Hdw] endfunction function KYw takes integer DYw,integer HYw,integer JYw returns integer return HYw-JYw endfunction function gUu takes integer fUu,integer RUu,integer TUu,string YUu returns integer local integer GUu set Dd[Ad]=YUu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ka[fUu]==0 then if fUu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Comparator.LinkedList_Comparator_compare","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Comparator.LinkedList_Comparator_compare on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Ka[fUu]<=697 then if Ka[fUu]<=696 then set GUu=Jdw(fUu,RUu,TUu) else set GUu=AYw(fUu,RUu,TUu) endif else set GUu=KYw(fUu,RUu,TUu) endif set Ad=Ad-1 return GUu endfunction function Lhw takes integer Zhw,integer Uhw,integer Ihw,integer Phw,string Ahw returns integer local integer Dhw local integer Hhw local integer Jhw local integer Khw set Dd[Ad]=Ahw set Ad=Ad+1 set Dhw=Ihw set Hhw=Phw if Dhw==co[Zhw]then set Ad=Ad-1 return Hhw endif if Hhw==co[Zhw]then set Ad=Ad-1 return Dhw endif if gUu(Uhw,Bc[Dhw],Bc[Hhw],"when calling compare in LinkedList, line 281")<0 then set Jhw=Dhw set Khw=Dhw set Dhw=Mc[Dhw] else set Jhw=Hhw set Khw=Hhw set Hhw=Mc[Hhw] endif loop exitwhen not true if Dhw==co[Zhw]then set Mc[Khw]=Hhw set Nc[Hhw]=Khw exitwhen true endif if Hhw==co[Zhw]then set Mc[Khw]=Dhw set Nc[Dhw]=Khw exitwhen true endif if gUu(Uhw,Bc[Dhw],Bc[Hhw],"when calling compare in LinkedList, line 299")<0 then set Mc[Khw]=Dhw set Nc[Dhw]=Khw set Khw=Dhw set Dhw=Mc[Dhw] else set Mc[Khw]=Hhw set Nc[Hhw]=Khw set Khw=Hhw set Hhw=Mc[Hhw] endif endloop set Ad=Ad-1 return Jhw endfunction function WPu takes integer kPu,integer jPu,integer xPu,integer vPu,string mPu returns integer local integer QPu set Dd[Ad]=mPu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[kPu]==0 then if kPu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_sortMerge","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_sortMerge on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set QPu=Lhw(kPu,jPu,xPu,vPu,"when calling sortMerge in LinkedList, line 272") set Ad=Ad-1 return QPu endfunction function ghw takes integer nhw,integer dhw,integer fhw,string Rhw returns integer local integer Thw local integer Yhw local integer Ghw set Dd[Ad]=Rhw set Ad=Ad+1 if fhw==co[nhw] or Mc[fhw]==co[nhw]then set Ad=Ad-1 return fhw endif set Thw=PPu(nhw,fhw,"when calling split in LinkedList, line 266") set Yhw=ghw(nhw,dhw,fhw,"when calling sort in LinkedList, line 267") set Thw=ghw(nhw,dhw,Thw,"when calling sort in LinkedList, line 268") set Ghw=WPu(nhw,dhw,Yhw,Thw,"when calling sortMerge in LinkedList, line 269") set Ad=Ad-1 return Ghw endfunction function FPu takes integer TPu,integer YPu,integer GPu,string gPu returns integer local integer hPu set Dd[Ad]=gPu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[TPu]==0 then if TPu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_sort","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_sort on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set hPu=ghw(TPu,YPu,GPu,"when calling sort in LinkedList, line 262") set Ad=Ad-1 return hPu endfunction function ahw takes integer yhw,integer phw,string ehw returns nothing local integer qhw set Dd[Ad]=ehw set Ad=Ad+1 if phw!=0 and sPu(yhw,"when calling size in LinkedList, line 228")>1 then set Mc[co[yhw]]=FPu(yhw,phw,Mc[co[yhw]],"when calling sort in LinkedList, line 229") set Nc[Mc[co[yhw]]]=co[yhw] set qhw=Mc[co[yhw]] loop exitwhen not(Mc[qhw]!=co[yhw]) set qhw=Mc[qhw] endloop set Nc[co[yhw]]=qhw endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function RPu takes integer nPu,integer dPu,string fPu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=fPu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[nPu]==0 then if nPu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_sortWith","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_sortWith on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call ahw(nPu,dPu,"when calling sortWith in LinkedList, line 227") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function RZu takes string dZu returns integer local integer fZu set Dd[Ad]=dZu set Ad=Ad+1 if sq==0 then if tq<32768 then set tq=tq+1 set fZu=tq set iq[fZu]=755 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set fZu=0 endif else set sq=sq-1 set fZu=rq[sq] set iq[fZu]=755 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return fZu endfunction function aX takes real bX,real yX,real pX,integer eX,string qX returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=qX set Ad=Ad+1 call NL(eX) call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(vu,bX,yX,pX,Wu) call wX("when calling popCallback in ClosureForGroups, line 83") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function ydw takes real Vnw,real Bnw,integer Nnw,real Mnw,string wdw returns integer local integer udw local integer rdw local integer sdw local real tdw local real idw local real Sdw local integer cdw local real odw local real Odw local real ldw local real bdw set Dd[Ad]=wdw set Ad=Ad+1 set odw=Vnw set Odw=Bnw set ES=odw set ZS=Odw set ldw=Vnw set bdw=Bnw set tdw=ldw set idw=bdw set Sdw=Mnw set udw=RZu("when calling alloc_Closure in HealbackTower, line 37") call aX(tdw,idw,Sdw,udw,"when calling forUnitsInRange in HealbackTower, line 37") call RPu(WS,US,"when calling sortWith in HealbackTower, line 58") set rdw=Ngw("when calling new_LinkedList in HealbackTower, line 60") set cdw=WS set sdw=GZu("when calling alloc_Closure in HealbackTower, line 61") set vS[sdw]=rdw set mS[sdw]=Nnw call aPu(cdw,sdw,"when calling forEach in HealbackTower, line 61") call HPu(WS,"when calling clear in HealbackTower, line 66") set Ad=Ad-1 return rdw endfunction function Pdw takes integer hdw,integer Fdw,real kdw,string jdw returns nothing local real xdw local real vdw local real mdw local integer Qdw local integer Wdw local integer Edw local real Zdw local real Udw local real Idw set Dd[Ad]=jdw set Ad=Ad+1 set Zdw=Otu(Nt[Fdw]) set Udw=wf set Idw=uf set xdw=Zdw set vdw=Udw set mdw=Idw set Qdw=ydw(EOu(xdw,vdw,mdw),Ef,Lnw(QS[hdw]),Cnw(QS[hdw]),"when calling getNearestBuilding in HealbackTower, line 75") set Wdw=lgw(Qdw,"when calling iterator in HealbackTower, line 76") loop exitwhen not nGw(Wdw) set Edw=qGw(Wdw) call rnw(Mou(xdw,vdw,mdw,0.,0.,48.),yR,pR,Et[hdw],kdw,Edw,"when calling new_HealbackMissile in HealbackTower, line 77") endloop call RGw(Wdw,"when calling close in HealbackTower, line 76") call xIu(Qdw,"when calling LinkedList in HealbackTower, line 78") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function bZu takes integer cZu,integer oZu,real OZu,string lZu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=lZu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[cZu]==0 then if cZu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling HealbackTower.HealbackTower_HealbackTower_launchHealback","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called HealbackTower.HealbackTower_HealbackTower_launchHealback on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Pdw(cZu,oZu,OZu,"when calling launchHealback in HealbackTower, line 72") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Enw takes integer vnw,integer mnw,string Qnw returns nothing local real Wnw set Dd[Ad]=Qnw set Ad=Ad+1 set Wnw=C1() if Wnw>0. and Et[mnw]==rr then call bZu(vnw,mnw,Wnw*Jnw(QS[vnw]),"when calling launchHealback in HealbackTower, line 84") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function J4w takes integer H4w returns real return 50.+40*py[H4w] endfunction function TCu takes integer dCu,string fCu returns real local real RCu set Dd[Ad]=fCu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[dCu]==0 then if dCu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling ThermoTower.ThermoTower_ThermoTower_getDamage","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called ThermoTower.ThermoTower_ThermoTower_getDamage on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set RCu=J4w(dCu) set Ad=Ad-1 return RCu endfunction function P4w takes integer E4w,integer Z4w,string U4w returns nothing local timer I4w set Dd[Ad]=U4w set Ad=Ad+1 if yy[E4w]then if GetUnitAbilityLevel(Nt[Z4w],ly)>0 then call UnitDamageTarget(Nt[E4w],Nt[Z4w],TCu(E4w,"when calling getDamage in ThermoTower, line 19"),true,false,ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE,DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS) call eiu(Nt[Z4w],ly) endif call Osu(Nt[E4w],by) set yy[E4w]=false else set I4w=b2w("when calling getTimer in ThermoTower, line 24") call s2w(I4w,E4w,"when calling setData in ThermoTower, line 25") call j2w(I4w,1.3,Rg) set yy[E4w]=true endif set Ad=Ad-1 set I4w=null endfunction function gmu takes string Ymu returns integer local integer Gmu set Dd[Ad]=Ymu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set Gmu=oe set Oe[Gmu]=830 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create FlameMissile.","when calling error in ") set Gmu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set Gmu=Se[ce] set Oe[Gmu]=830 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Gmu endfunction function kZw takes integer hZw,real FZw returns nothing set xO[hZw]=FZw endfunction function wHu takes integer BDu,real NDu,string MDu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=MDu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[BDu]==0 then if BDu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Projectile.Projectile_Projectile_setAcc","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Projectile.Projectile_Projectile_setAcc on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call kZw(BDu,NDu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function low takes integer wow,real uow,real row,real sow,real tow,real iow,real Sow,player cow,integer oow,string Oow returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Oow set Ad=Ad+1 call wUw(wow,uow,row,sow,hi,cow,Uh(qlu(uow,row,sow,tow,iow)+GetRandomReal(-0.025,0.025)),gi,"when calling construct_Projectile in FlamethrowerTower, line 34") call iQu(Wi[wow],0.2,"when calling setScale in FlamethrowerTower, line 36") call VDu(wow,Sow+GetRandomReal(-0.5,0.5),"when calling setSpeed in FlamethrowerTower, line 37") call ADu(wow,712.+GetRandomReal(-5.,5.),"when calling setRanged in FlamethrowerTower, line 38") call wHu(wow,1.0195+GetRandomReal(-0.0025,0.0075),"when calling setAcc in FlamethrowerTower, line 39") call kQu(Wi[wow],GetRandomInt(0,255),GetRandomInt(0,255),GetRandomInt(0,255),255,"when calling setColor in FlamethrowerTower, line 40") call iQu(Wi[wow],0.75,"when calling setScale in FlamethrowerTower, line 41") set ki[wow]=oow set Ei[wow]=true set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Mcw takes real Dcw,real Hcw,real Jcw,real Kcw,real Lcw,real Xcw,player Ccw,integer Vcw,string Bcw returns integer local integer Ncw set Dd[Ad]=Bcw set Ad=Ad+1 set Ncw=gmu("when calling FlameMissile in FlamethrowerTower, line 34") call low(Ncw,Dcw,Hcw,Jcw,Kcw,Lcw,Xcw,Ccw,Vcw,"when calling construct_FlameMissile in FlamethrowerTower, line 34") set Ad=Ad-1 return Ncw endfunction function Tcw takes integer Rcw returns real return 6.45+Rcw*1.55 endfunction function Wcu takes real vcu,real mcu,real Qcu returns real set hR=vcu set FR=mcu set kR=hcu(vcu,mcu)+Qcu return hR endfunction function Tow takes integer now,integer dow,string fow returns nothing local integer Row set Dd[Ad]=fow set Ad=Ad+1 set Row=now call Mcw(Wcu(EOu(ht[Row],Ft[Row],kt[Row]),Ef,58.),FR,kR,EOu(wvu(dow,"when calling getPos in FlamethrowerTower, line 21"),sf,tf),Ef,Tcw(ji[now]),Et[now],ji[now],"when calling new_FlameMissile in FlamethrowerTower, line 21") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function wiu takes unit Btu,string Ntu,widget Mtu returns boolean return IssueTargetOrder(Btu,Ntu,Mtu) endfunction function Y9u takes integer n9u,integer d9u,string f9u returns nothing local integer R9u local integer T9u set Dd[Ad]=f9u set Ad=Ad+1 set R9u=lgw(Xy[n9u],"when calling iterator in TrooperTower, line 55") loop exitwhen not nGw(R9u) set T9u=qGw(R9u) call wiu(Nt[T9u],"smart",Nt[d9u]) endloop call RGw(R9u,"when calling close in TrooperTower, line 55") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function IWu takes string ZWu returns integer local integer UWu set Dd[Ad]=ZWu set Ad=Ad+1 if Xq==0 then if Cq<32768 then set Cq=Cq+1 set UWu=Cq set Vq[UWu]=752 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set UWu=0 endif else set Xq=Xq-1 set UWu=Lq[Xq] set Vq[UWu]=752 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return UWu endfunction function W3u takes integer x3u,integer v3u returns integer local integer m3u=JS local integer Q3u if x3u>m3u then set Q3u=x3u else set Q3u=m3u endif set m3u=Q3u if v3u>m3u then set Q3u=v3u else set Q3u=m3u endif set m3u=Q3u return m3u endfunction function Fsw takes nothing returns boolean return ii[ci] endfunction function Gsw takes integer Ysw returns nothing set Si[ci]=Ysw set ii[ci]=false set ci=ci+1 endfunction function How takes force Aow,code Dow returns nothing call ForForce(Aow,Dow) endfunction function qvu takes integer pvu,string evu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=evu set Ad=Ad+1 if Vq[pvu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type ForForceCallback","when calling error in ") else set Lq[Xq]=pvu set Xq=Xq+1 set Vq[pvu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Vsw takes integer Xsw,string Csw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Csw set Ad=Ad+1 call qvu(Xsw,"when calling ForForceCallback in Execute, line 8") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Ovu takes integer cvu,string ovu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=ovu set Ad=Ad+1 if Vq[cvu]==0 then if cvu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling ForForceCallback.destroyForForceCallback","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called ForForceCallback.destroyForForceCallback on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Vsw(cvu,"when calling destroyForForceCallback in Execute, line 10") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function hsw takes string gsw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=gsw set Ad=Ad+1 set ci=ci-1 call Ovu(Si[ci],"when calling ForForceCallback in Execute, line 34") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Esw takes integer vsw,string msw returns boolean local boolean Qsw local boolean Wsw set Dd[Ad]=msw set Ad=Ad+1 call Gsw(vsw) set Qsw=si set si=true call How(ti,NG) set si=Qsw call hsw("when calling popCallback in Execute, line 102") set Wsw=Fsw() set Ad=Ad-1 return Wsw endfunction function xsw takes integer ksw,string jsw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=jsw set Ad=Ad+1 if not Esw(ksw,"when calling try in Execute, line 79") then call tsw("execute: thread has crashed. caused by:\n| - "+ri,"when calling error in Execute, line 80") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function tpw takes integer Cyw,string Vyw returns nothing local integer Byw local integer Nyw local integer Myw local integer wpw local integer upw local integer rpw local integer spw set Dd[Ad]=Vyw set Ad=Ad+1 set Byw=256 set Nyw=W3u(8191,Mi) set Myw=iS+Cyw set wpw=W3u(0,Myw-Nyw) set upw=W3u(0,Myw-wpw) loop exitwhen not(upw>0) set rpw=P3u(upw,Byw) set upw=upw-rpw set spw=IWu("when calling alloc_Closure in GroupUtils, line 90") set cS[spw]=rpw call xsw(spw,"when calling execute in GroupUtils, line 90") endloop if iS>=Mi and(not SS) then call UEw("Maximum number of GroupUtils groups ("+bfw(Mi)+") created. "+"All newly created groups will be non-recyclable.") set SS=true endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function V2u takes integer K2u,string L2u returns nothing local group X2u local group C2u if K2u==0 then set Dd[Ad]=L2u set Ad=Ad+1 if tS>0 then call V2u(1,"when calling pop in GroupUtils, line 43") set X2u=mg elseif tS<=0 and iS=861 and T6w<=867 then set R6w=f6w if sww(d6w)!=0 then call eVu(R6w,sww(d6w),"when calling onAttack in Tower, line 92") else call Etu(Nt[R6w],"stop") endif endif endif set Ad=Ad-1 set n6w=null set d6w=null endfunction function Jsu takes unit Hsu returns integer return GetUnitTypeId(Hsu) endfunction function N5w takes unit B5w returns nothing if Jsu(B5w)==1747988563 or Jsu(B5w)==1747988564 then call SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed(utu(B5w),1747989048,-1) endif endfunction function cVu takes string iVu returns integer local integer SVu set Dd[Ad]=iVu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set SVu=ae set ne[SVu]=690 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set SVu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set SVu=ee[qe] set ne[SVu]=690 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return SVu endfunction function b6w takes integer t6w,string i6w returns nothing local unit S6w local integer c6w local integer o6w local integer O6w local boolean l6w set Dd[Ad]=i6w set Ad=Ad+1 set S6w=GetTriggerUnit() call N5w(S6w) set c6w=sww(S6w) if c6w!=0 then set O6w=Oe[c6w] set l6w=O6w>=861 and O6w<=867 else set l6w=false endif if l6w then set o6w=cVu("when calling alloc_Closure in Tower, line 81") call VC(o6w) set my[o6w]=c6w call gX(0.01,o6w,"when calling doAfter in Tower, line 81") endif set Ad=Ad-1 set S6w=null endfunction function Psu takes unit Isu returns real return vh(GetUnitFacing(Isu)) endfunction function Siu takes unit iiu returns nothing call PauseUnit(iiu,true) endfunction function ktu takes unit Ftu returns nothing call ShowUnit(Ftu,false) endfunction function jbu takes integer fbu returns nothing local unit Rbu local unit Tbu local unit Ybu local unit Gbu local unit gbu local unit hbu local unit Fbu local player kbu if not Fp[fbu]then set Fp[fbu]=true set Tbu=Iru(kp[fbu],Jsu(Nt[uu[fbu]]),stu(Nt[uu[fbu]]),cf,Psu(Nt[uu[fbu]])) call kSu(Tbu,stu(Nt[uu[fbu]]),cf) set Rbu=Tbu set Ybu=Rbu call Hiu(Ybu,cw,false) set Gbu=Ybu call Osu(Gbu,1098282348) set gbu=Gbu call Siu(gbu) set hbu=gbu call ktu(hbu) set Fbu=hbu call ySu(Fbu,0.0001) set kbu=Et[uu[fbu]] set tO[wO[kQw(kbu)]]=false set iO[wO[kQw(kbu)]]=iO[wO[kQw(kbu)]]+1 call vEw("|cffFFCC00>>|r "+ZV(kbu)+" |cffCE2119has been killed!",20.) endif set Rbu=null set Tbu=null set Ybu=null set Gbu=null set gbu=null set hbu=null set Fbu=null set kbu=null endfunction function qNu takes integer pNu,string eNu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=eNu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[pNu]==0 then if pNu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling WarningBuff.WarningBuff_WarningBuff_onDeath","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called WarningBuff.WarningBuff_WarningBuff_onDeath on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call jbu(pNu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function dbu takes integer abu,string nbu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=nbu set Ad=Ad+1 if not iu[Yp[abu]]then call qNu(Yp[abu],"when calling onDeath in WarningBuff, line 33") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function AQw takes player IQw,player PQw returns boolean return IsPlayerEnemy(IQw,PQw) endfunction function EQ takes integer mQ,string QQ returns nothing local unit WQ set Dd[Ad]=QQ set Ad=Ad+1 set WQ=GetEventDamageSource() if Dsu(Nt[uu[mQ]])<=1. and AQw(utu(WQ),Et[uu[mQ]]) and slu(Otu(WQ),wf,uf,wvu(uu[mQ],"when calling getPos in BossFour, line 25"),sf,tf)42. and xw[mQ]+4.Ni then call f1w(Qou(wvu(uu[Elu],"when calling getPos in WarningBuff, line 39"),sf,tf,-75.,0.,0.),UR,IR,GetRandomReal(-2.5,2.5),0.,GetRandomReal(8.,10.),"Spawn-Protection",10.,1.,155,185,55,255,"when calling new_TextTagEntity in WarningBuff, line 39") call p5(G5(J,wvu(uu[Elu],"when calling getPos in WarningBuff, line 40"),sf,tf)) call r4(0.,"when calling modifyDamage in WarningBuff, line 41") endif if gp[Elu]+1.=Lsu(Nt[uu[Elu]])-1.0 then call r4(0.,"when calling modifyDamage in WarningBuff, line 52") if not Fp[Elu]then set Fp[Elu]=true set Alu=Nt[uu[Elu]] set Dlu=Alu call Wiu(Dlu,9999.) set Hlu=Dlu call Hiu(Hlu,cw,false) set Jlu=Hlu call Osu(Jlu,1098282348) set Klu=Jlu call Siu(Klu) set Llu=Klu call ktu(Llu) set Xlu=Llu call ySu(Xlu,0.0001) set Clu=Iru(kp[Elu],Jsu(Nt[uu[Elu]]),stu(Alu),cf,Psu(Alu)) call kSu(Clu,stu(Alu),cf) call Wsu(Clu) set Vlu=Et[uu[Elu]] set tO[wO[kQw(Vlu)]]=false set iO[wO[kQw(Vlu)]]=iO[wO[kQw(Vlu)]]+1 call vEw("|cffFFCC00>>|r "+ZV(Vlu)+" |cffCE2119has been killed!",20.) endif endif set Ad=Ad-1 set Alu=null set Dlu=null set Hlu=null set Jlu=null set Klu=null set Llu=null set Xlu=null set Clu=null set Vlu=null endfunction function i4 takes real s4,string t4 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=t4 set Ad=Ad+1 call r4(C1()+s4,"when calling modifyDamage in DmgMod, line 54") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function wEw takes integer BWw,string NWw returns nothing local real MWw set Dd[Ad]=NWw set Ad=Ad+1 set MWw=C1() if MWw>=fO[BWw]then call i4(-fO[BWw],"when calling modifyDamageBy in PresetBuffs, line 92") set fO[BWw]=0. call J4u(2,BWw,"when calling terminate in PresetBuffs, line 94",0,null) else call r4(0.,"when calling modifyDamage in PresetBuffs, line 96") set fO[BWw]=fO[BWw]-MWw endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function NHw takes integer CHw,string VHw returns nothing local integer BHw set Dd[Ad]=VHw set Ad=Ad+1 call wEw(CHw,"when calling defenseModifier in ShieldKit, line 22") if fO[CHw]>0. then set BHw=CHw call f1w(fl[BHw],Rl[BHw],Tl[BHw],GetRandomReal(-2.,2.),0.,GetRandomReal(8.,12.),bfw(bUw(fO[CHw])),10.,1.,255,204,12,255,"when calling new_TextTagEntity in ShieldKit, line 24") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function SP takes integer iP returns nothing endfunction function Ifu takes string Zfu returns integer local integer Ufu set Dd[Ad]=Zfu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set Ufu=oe set Oe[Ufu]=858 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Tentacle.","when calling error in ") set Ufu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set Ufu=Se[ce] set Oe[Ufu]=858 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Ufu endfunction function Eh takes real Wh returns real return Wh endfunction function Qh takes real mh returns real return mh*X endfunction function jh takes real kh returns real return kh endfunction function SSu takes unit tSu,real iSu returns nothing call SetUnitPropWindow(tSu,jh(iSu)) endfunction function sU takes integer NZ,real MZ,real wU,real uU,string rU returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=rU set Ad=Ad+1 call J2u(0,0,0,0,7,NZ,0,null,MZ,wU,uU,Ew,6,Up,Ip,Eh(GetRandomReal(0.,Qo)),"when calling construct_Creep in BossTwo, line 33",null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) call SSu(Nt[NZ],Qh(0)) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function BZ takes real KZ,real LZ,real XZ,string CZ returns integer local integer VZ set Dd[Ad]=CZ set Ad=Ad+1 set VZ=Ifu("when calling Tentacle in BossTwo, line 33") call sU(VZ,KZ,LZ,XZ,"when calling construct_Tentacle in BossTwo, line 33") set Ad=Ad-1 return VZ endfunction function Kh takes real Hh,real Jh returns real return Hh+Jh endfunction function hou takes real Rou,real Tou,real You,real Gou,real gou returns real set Zf=Rou+Gou set Uf=Tou+gou set If=You return Zf endfunction function Olu takes real tlu,real ilu,real Slu,real clu,real olu returns real set nf=hou(tlu,ilu,Slu,sou(clu,olu),Mf) set df=Uf set ff=If return nf endfunction function nZ takes integer eZ,string qZ returns nothing local integer aZ set Dd[Ad]=qZ set Ad=Ad+1 set Hw[eZ]=Hw[eZ]+C1() if Hw[eZ]>500. then set Hw[eZ]=Hw[eZ]-500. set aZ=eZ set Pw[aZ]=GetRandomInt(25,255) set Aw[aZ]=GetRandomInt(25,255) set Dw[aZ]=GetRandomInt(25,255) call Etu(Nt[BZ(Olu(wvu(uu[eZ],"when calling getPos in BossTwo, line 29"),sf,tf,Kh(Psu(Nt[uu[eZ]]),GetRandomReal(-0.75,0.75)),GetRandomReal(64.,188.)),df,ff,"when calling new_Tentacle in BossTwo, line 29")],"stop") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function GRu takes integer TRu,string YRu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=YRu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[TRu]==0 then if TRu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Buff.Buff_Buff_defenseModifier","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Buff.Buff_Buff_defenseModifier on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Ie[TRu]<=643 then if Ie[TRu]<=641 then if Ie[TRu]<=640 then call SP(TRu) else call GE(TRu) endif elseif Ie[TRu]<=642 then call wEw(TRu,"when calling defenseModifier in Buff, line 89") else call EQ(TRu,"when calling defenseModifier in Buff, line 89") endif elseif Ie[TRu]<=645 then if Ie[TRu]<=644 then call NHw(TRu,"when calling defenseModifier in Buff, line 89") else call nZ(TRu,"when calling defenseModifier in Buff, line 89") endif elseif Ie[TRu]<=646 then call Mlu(TRu,"when calling defenseModifier in Buff, line 89") else call SP(TRu) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function HNw takes nothing returns string return Db[GetRandomInt(0,20)] endfunction function fiw takes real tiw,real iiw,real Siw,string ciw,real oiw,real Oiw,real liw,real biw,integer yiw,integer piw,integer eiw,integer qiw,player aiw,string niw returns integer local integer diw set Dd[Ad]=niw set Ad=Ad+1 set diw=ftw(tiw,iiw,Siw,ciw,oiw,Oiw,liw,biw,yiw,piw,eiw,qiw,"when calling createFText in FText, line 29") call F4w(pi[diw],GetLocalPlayer()==aiw) set Ad=Ad-1 return diw endfunction function siw takes real Atw,real Dtw,real Htw,real Jtw,real Ktw,string Ltw,real Xtw,real Ctw,integer Vtw,integer Btw,integer Ntw,integer Mtw,player wiw,string uiw returns integer local integer riw set Dd[Ad]=uiw set Ad=Ad+1 set riw=fiw(Atw,Dtw,Htw,Ltw,Xtw,Ctw,Jtw,Ktw,Vtw,Btw,Ntw,Mtw,wiw,"when calling createFText in FText, line 25") set Ad=Ad-1 return riw endfunction function TE takes integer dE,string fE returns nothing local unit RE set Dd[Ad]=fE set Ad=Ad+1 set RE=GetTriggerUnit() if utu(RE)!=OO[8]then call k5(Po,stu(RE),cf) call k5(Uo,stu(RE),cf) if not(Oe[sww(RE)]==841) then call i4(Bsu(RE)*0.30,"when calling modifyDamageBy in BossThree, line 25") call siw(ntu(RE),qf,af,0.,.015,"-30% !!!",11.5,2.,255,0,0,255,lO,"when calling createFText in BossThree, line 26") endif endif set Ad=Ad-1 set RE=null endfunction function pZ takes integer yZ returns nothing endfunction function tP takes integer sP returns nothing endfunction function vQ takes integer xQ returns nothing endfunction function RRu takes integer dRu,string fRu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=fRu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[dRu]==0 then if dRu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Buff.Buff_Buff_attackModifier","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Buff.Buff_Buff_attackModifier on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Ie[dRu]<=643 then if Ie[dRu]<=641 then if Ie[dRu]<=640 then call tP(dRu) else call TE(dRu,"when calling attackModifier in Buff, line 87") endif elseif Ie[dRu]<=642 then call tP(dRu) else call vQ(dRu) endif elseif Ie[dRu]<=645 then if Ie[dRu]<=644 then call tP(dRu) else call pZ(dRu) endif else call tP(dRu) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function UQw takes player EQw,player ZQw returns boolean return IsPlayerAlly(EQw,ZQw) endfunction function jI takes integer aI,string nI returns nothing local unit dI local unit fI local integer RI local integer TI local integer YI local integer GI local integer gI local integer hI local integer FI local integer kI set Dd[Ad]=nI set Ad=Ad+1 set dI=GetTriggerUnit() set fI=GetEventDamageSource() if sww(fI)!=0 and xtu(fI) then set TI=sww(fI) else set TI=0 endif set RI=TI if sww(dI)!=0 and xtu(dI) then set GI=sww(dI) else set GI=0 endif set YI=GI if mi and YI!=0 and RI!=0 and UQw(Et[YI],Et[RI]) or Et[YI]==Et[RI]then if C1()>0.5 then call r4(0.,"when calling modifyDamage in Buff, line 130") if Qi then call f1w(wvu(YI,"when calling getPos in Buff, line 132"),sf,tf,GetRandomReal(-2.,2.),GetRandomReal(-2.,2.),GetRandomReal(8.,10.),HNw(),10.,.8,GetRandomInt(150,250),GetRandomInt(125,150),GetRandomInt(125,150),255,"when calling new_TextTagEntity in Buff, line 132") endif endif else if KU(RI) then set hI=cPu(iI(RI),"when calling staticItr in Buff, line 136") loop exitwhen not nGw(hI) set gI=qGw(hI) if not iu[gI]then call RRu(gI,"when calling attackModifier in Buff, line 138") endif endloop endif if KU(YI) then set kI=cPu(iI(YI),"when calling staticItr in Buff, line 141") loop exitwhen not nGw(kI) set FI=qGw(kI) if not iu[FI]then call GRu(FI,"when calling defenseModifier in Buff, line 143") endif endloop endif endif set Ad=Ad-1 set dI=null set fI=null endfunction function Lgw takes integer Dgw,integer Hgw,string Jgw returns nothing local integer Kgw set Dd[Ad]=Jgw set Ad=Ad+1 set Kgw=Mc[co[Dgw]] loop exitwhen not(Kgw!=co[Dgw]) if Bc[Kgw]==Hgw then call sAu(Dgw,Kgw,"when calling removeEntry in LinkedList, line 117") set Ad=Ad-1 return endif set Kgw=Mc[Kgw] endloop set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function MIu takes integer VIu,integer BIu,string NIu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=NIu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[VIu]==0 then if VIu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_remove","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_remove on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Lgw(VIu,BIu,"when calling remove in LinkedList, line 113") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function hQw takes player gQw returns integer return TQw(gQw,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD) endfunction function iQw takes player rQw,playerstate sQw,integer tQw returns nothing call SetPlayerState(rQw,sQw,tQw) endfunction function qQw takes player pQw,integer eQw returns nothing call iQw(pQw,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER,eQw) endfunction function uQw takes player Mmw,integer wQw returns nothing call iQw(Mmw,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD,wQw) endfunction function xQw takes player jQw returns integer return TQw(jQw,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER) endfunction function Cmw takes integer Umw,string Imw returns nothing local integer Pmw local integer Amw local integer Dmw local integer Hmw local integer Jmw local integer Kmw local player Lmw local player Xmw set Dd[Ad]=Imw set Ad=Ad+1 call MIu(Mo,Umw,"when calling remove in PlayerData, line 33") if sPu(Mo,"when calling size in PlayerData, line 34")>0 then set Pmw=OUw(hQw(rO[Umw])*1./sPu(Mo,"when calling size in PlayerData, line 35")*1.15) set Amw=lgw(Mo,"when calling iterator in PlayerData, line 36") loop exitwhen not nGw(Amw) set Dmw=qGw(Amw) call oQw(rO[Dmw],Pmw) endloop call RGw(Amw,"when calling close in PlayerData, line 36") set Hmw=OUw(xQw(rO[Umw])*1./sPu(Mo,"when calling size in PlayerData, line 39")*1.15) set Jmw=lgw(Mo,"when calling iterator in PlayerData, line 40") loop exitwhen not nGw(Jmw) set Kmw=qGw(Jmw) call oQw(rO[Kmw],Hmw) endloop call RGw(Jmw,"when calling close in PlayerData, line 40") endif if SO[Umw]!=0 then call J2u(0,0,0,0,0,0,SO[Umw],"when calling terminate in PlayerData, line 43",0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) endif if cO[Umw]!=0 then call J2u(0,0,0,0,0,0,cO[Umw],"when calling terminate in PlayerData, line 45",0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) endif set wO[kQw(rO[Umw])]=0 set Lmw=rO[Umw] call uQw(Lmw,0) set Xmw=Lmw call qQw(Xmw,0) if not Tt then call vEw(ZV(rO[Umw])+" has left! Their resources have been distributed.",10.) endif set Ad=Ad-1 set Lmw=null set Xmw=null endfunction function TDu takes integer fDu,string RDu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=RDu set Ad=Ad+1 if fn[fDu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type PlayerData","when calling error in ") else set an[nn]=fDu set nn=nn+1 set fn[fDu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Nmw takes integer Vmw,string Bmw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Bmw set Ad=Ad+1 call Cmw(Vmw,"when calling PlayerData_onDestroy in PlayerData, line 32") call TDu(Vmw,"when calling PlayerData in PlayerData, line 32") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function qDu takes integer pDu,string eDu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=eDu set Ad=Ad+1 if fn[pDu]==0 then if pDu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling PlayerData.destroyPlayerData","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called PlayerData.destroyPlayerData on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Nmw(pDu,"when calling destroyPlayerData in PlayerData, line 17") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function kmw takes integer hmw,string Fmw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Fmw set Ad=Ad+1 call qDu(wO[kQw(GetTriggerPlayer())],"when calling PlayerData in PlayerData, line 53") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Dfw takes integer Ufw,real Ifw,real Pfw,real Afw returns item return CreateItem(Ufw,Ifw,Pfw) endfunction function WU takes integer xU,unit vU,player mU,string QU returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=QU set Ad=Ad+1 if xU>0 then call fiw(GetUnitX(vU)-20.,GetUnitY(vU),-30.,"+"+bfw(xU),Lw,Cw,0.,Xw,255,220,0,255,mU,"when calling createFText in Bounty, line 13") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function eGu takes string yGu returns integer local integer pGu set Dd[Ad]=yGu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set pGu=ae set ne[pGu]=667 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set pGu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set pGu=ee[qe] set ne[pGu]=667 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return pGu endfunction function pRw takes item bRw,integer yRw returns nothing call SetItemUserData(bRw,yRw) endfunction function lM takes integer BN,string NN returns nothing local unit MN local item wM local integer uM local integer rM local integer sM local integer tM local integer iM local integer SM local integer cM local integer oM local integer OM set Dd[Ad]=NN set Ad=Ad+1 set MN=GetKillingUnit() if ir[BN]then set wM=Dfw(yo,wvu(BN,"when calling getPos in Creep, line 57"),sf,tf) call pRw(wM,OUw(Hyw()/17.)) set uM=eGu("when calling alloc_Closure in Creep, line 59") call VC(uM) set sr[uM]=wM call gX(45.,uM,"when calling doAfter in Creep, line 59") endif if MN!=null and utu(MN)!=Et[BN]then set rM=sPu(Mo,"when calling size in Creep, line 64") if wO[kQw(utu(MN))]==0 then set sM=tr[BN]/rM if sM<=0 then set sM=1 endif set tM=lgw(Mo,"when calling iterator in Creep, line 69") loop exitwhen not nGw(tM) set iM=qGw(tM) if rO[iM]!=utu(MN) then call oQw(rO[iM],sM) call WU(sM,Nt[BN],rO[iM],"when calling showBountyTextTag in Creep, line 72") endif endloop call RGw(tM,"when calling close in Creep, line 69") elseif rM>0 and tr[BN]>0 then set SM=tr[BN]/rM+ModuloInteger(tr[BN],rM) if SM<1 then set SM=1 endif set cM=0 if rM>1 and tr[BN]-SM>0 then set cM=OUw((tr[BN]-SM)/(rM-1.)) endif call oQw(utu(MN),SM) call WU(SM,Nt[BN],utu(MN),"when calling showBountyTextTag in Creep, line 82") if cM>0 then set oM=lgw(Mo,"when calling iterator in Creep, line 84") loop exitwhen not nGw(oM) set OM=qGw(oM) if rO[OM]!=utu(MN) then call oQw(rO[OM],cM) call WU(cM,Nt[BN],rO[OM],"when calling showBountyTextTag in Creep, line 87") endif endloop call RGw(oM,"when calling close in Creep, line 84") endif endif endif set Ad=Ad-1 set MN=null set wM=null endfunction function eU takes integer lU,string bU returns nothing local integer yU local integer pU set Dd[Ad]=bU set Ad=Ad+1 set yU=lgw(Mo,"when calling iterator in Boss, line 18") loop exitwhen not nGw(yU) set pU=qGw(yU) call dQw(rO[pU],1) endloop call RGw(yU,"when calling close in Boss, line 18") if Kw[lU]!=null then call p5(Kw[lU]) endif call lM(lU,"when calling onDeath in Boss, line 22") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function mku takes integer xku,string vku returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=vku set Ad=Ad+1 if ta[xku]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type EndBossFight","when calling error in ") else set ua[ra]=xku set ra=ra+1 set ta[xku]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function jqw takes hashtable hqw,integer Fqw,integer kqw returns boolean return HaveSavedString(hqw,Fqw,kqw) endfunction function s3w takes integer u3w,integer r3w returns boolean return jqw(Bb,u3w,r3w) endfunction function jXu takes integer gXu,integer hXu,string FXu returns boolean local boolean kXu set Dd[Ad]=FXu set Ad=Ad+1 if Za[gXu]==0 then if gXu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.Table_Table_hasString","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Table.Table_Table_hasString on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set kXu=s3w(gXu,hXu) set Ad=Ad-1 return kXu endfunction function paw takes hashtable Oaw,integer law,integer baw,string yaw returns nothing call SaveStr(Oaw,law,baw,yaw) endfunction function R3w takes integer n3w,integer d3w,string f3w returns nothing call paw(Bb,n3w,d3w,f3w) endfunction function uCu takes integer BXu,integer NXu,string MXu,string wCu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=wCu set Ad=Ad+1 if Za[BXu]==0 then if BXu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.Table_Table_saveString","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Table.Table_Table_saveString on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call R3w(BXu,NXu,MXu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function J0u takes string A0u,string D0u returns integer local integer H0u set Dd[Ad]=D0u set Ad=Ad+1 set H0u=ZMw(A0u) if not jXu(By,H0u,"when calling hasString in TypeCasting, line 24") then call uCu(By,H0u,A0u,"when calling saveString in TypeCasting, line 25") endif set Ad=Ad-1 return H0u endfunction function cbw takes integer Mlw,real wbw,real ubw,real rbw,real sbw,string tbw,string ibw returns nothing local integer Sbw set Dd[Ad]=ibw set Ad=Ad+1 set Zi[Mlw]=null set Ui[Mlw]=null set Sbw=Mlw set Ii[Sbw]=255 set Pi[Sbw]=255 set Ai[Sbw]=255 set Di[Sbw]=255 set Zi[Mlw]=V2(EOu(wbw,ubw,rbw),Ef,sbw,"when calling get in Fx, line 52") call XQu(Mlw,rbw,"when calling setZ in Fx, line 53") call NQu(Mlw,tbw,"when calling setFx in Fx, line 54") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Nlw takes real Jlw,real Klw,real Llw,real Xlw,string Clw,string Vlw returns integer local integer Blw set Dd[Ad]=Vlw set Ad=Ad+1 set Blw=tWu("when calling Fx in Fx, line 51") call cbw(Blw,Jlw,Klw,Llw,Xlw,Clw,"when calling construct_Fx7 in Fx, line 51") set Ad=Ad-1 return Blw endfunction function DYu takes integer PYu,string AYu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=AYu set Ad=Ad+1 if pq[PYu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type CallbackPeriodic","when calling error in ") else set lq[bq]=PYu set bq=bq+1 set pq[PYu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function FC takes integer gC,string hC returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=hC set Ad=Ad+1 call e2w(Iu[gC],"when calling release in ClosureTimers, line 98") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function xC takes integer kC,string jC returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=jC set Ad=Ad+1 call FC(kC,"when calling CallbackPeriodic_onDestroy in ClosureTimers, line 97") call DYu(kC,"when calling CallbackPeriodic in ClosureTimers, line 97") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function xYu takes integer kYu,string jYu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=jYu set Ad=Ad+1 if pq[kYu]==0 then if kYu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling CallbackPeriodic.destroyCallbackPeriodic","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called CallbackPeriodic.destroyCallbackPeriodic on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call xC(kYu,"when calling destroyCallbackPeriodic in ClosureTimers, line 83") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function K1 takes integer P1,string A1 returns nothing local integer D1 local integer H1 local integer J1 set Dd[Ad]=A1 set Ad=Ad+1 set D1=lgw(Zr[P1],"when calling iterator in DestroyerSummoner, line 100") loop exitwhen not nGw(D1) set H1=qGw(D1) set J1=H1 call uWu(Nlw(ht[J1],Ft[J1],kt[J1],0.,Y,"when calling new_Fx in DestroyerSummoner, line 101"),"when calling hiddenDestroy in DestroyerSummoner, line 101") call Wsu(Nt[H1]) endloop call RGw(D1,"when calling close in DestroyerSummoner, line 100") call xIu(Zr[P1],"when calling LinkedList in DestroyerSummoner, line 103") call xYu(Ir[P1],"when calling CallbackPeriodic in DestroyerSummoner, line 104") call Yvu(Pr[P1],"when calling FText in DestroyerSummoner, line 105") if Ur[P1]!=0 then call Bmu(Ur[P1],"when calling Fx in DestroyerSummoner, line 107") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function ygu takes integer lgu,string bgu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=bgu set Ad=Ad+1 if nq[lgu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type FinalBossSummoning","when calling error in ") else set eq[qq]=lgu set qq=qq+1 set nq[lgu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function m3 takes integer x3,string v3 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=v3 set Ad=Ad+1 call K1(x3,"when calling FinalBossSummoning_onDestroy in DestroyerSummoner, line 99") call ygu(x3,"when calling FinalBossSummoning in DestroyerSummoner, line 99") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function ZGu takes integer WGu,string EGu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=EGu set Ad=Ad+1 if nq[WGu]==0 then if WGu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling FinalBossSummoning.destroyFinalBossSummoning","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called FinalBossSummoning.destroyFinalBossSummoning on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call m3(WGu,"when calling destroyFinalBossSummoning in DestroyerSummoner, line 16") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function q8 takes integer b8,string y8 returns nothing local integer p8 local integer e8 set Dd[Ad]=y8 set Ad=Ad+1 if not pt[b8]then set pt[b8]=true set p8=lgw(bt[b8],"when calling iterator in EndBoss, line 130") loop exitwhen not nGw(p8) set e8=qGw(p8) call MIu(dt[e8],J0u("destroyerSummoner","when calling stringToIndex in EndBoss, line 131"),"when calling remove in EndBoss, line 131") endloop call RGw(p8,"when calling close in EndBoss, line 130") call ZGu(yt[b8],"when calling FinalBossSummoning in EndBoss, line 132") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Tku takes integer fku,string Rku returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Rku set Ad=Ad+1 if ta[fku]==0 then if fku==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling EndBossFight.EndBoss_EndBossFight_endDestroyerSummoning","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called EndBossFight.EndBoss_EndBossFight_endDestroyerSummoning on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call q8(fku,"when calling endDestroyerSummoning in EndBoss, line 127") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function KFu takes string HFu returns integer local integer JFu set Dd[Ad]=HFu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set JFu=ae set ne[JFu]=671 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set JFu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set JFu=ee[qe] set ne[JFu]=671 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return JFu endfunction function Luw takes integer Kuw returns boolean return Bt[Kuw]!=0 endfunction function Uxu takes integer Exu,string Zxu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Zxu set Ad=Ad+1 if ba[Exu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type Iterator","when calling error in ") else set oa[Oa]=Exu set Oa=Oa+1 set ba[Exu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function orw takes integer crw returns nothing endfunction function rrw takes integer wrw,string urw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=urw set Ad=Ad+1 call orw(wrw) call Uxu(wrw,"when calling Iterator in DupletListModule, line 95") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function kxu takes integer hxu,string Fxu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Fxu set Ad=Ad+1 if ba[hxu]==0 then if hxu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Iterator.destroyIterator","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Iterator.destroyIterator on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call rrw(hxu,"when calling destroyIterator in DupletListModule, line 95") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Muw takes integer Buw,string Nuw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Nuw set Ad=Ad+1 call kxu(Buw,"when calling Iterator in DupletListModule, line 107") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Srw takes integer irw returns nothing set Bt[irw]=At endfunction function Wxu takes string mxu returns integer local integer Qxu set Dd[Ad]=mxu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oa==0 then if la<32768 then set la=la+1 set Qxu=la set ba[Qxu]=767 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Iterator.","when calling error in ") set Qxu=0 endif else set Oa=Oa-1 set Qxu=oa[Oa] set ba[Qxu]=767 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Qxu endfunction function Juw takes string Duw returns integer local integer Huw set Dd[Ad]=Duw set Ad=Ad+1 set Huw=Wxu("when calling Iterator in DupletListModule, line 95") call Srw(Huw) set Ad=Ad-1 return Huw endfunction function Uuw takes string Euw returns integer local integer Zuw set Dd[Ad]=Euw set Ad=Ad+1 set Zuw=Juw("when calling new_Iterator in DupletListModule, line 93") set Ad=Ad-1 return Zuw endfunction function Vuw takes integer Xuw returns integer local integer Cuw=Bt[Xuw] set Bt[Xuw]=Ct[Bt[Xuw]] return Cuw endfunction function gEw takes string GEw returns nothing call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(lO,0.,0.,RO,GEw) endfunction function W0w takes string h0w returns nothing local integer F0w local integer k0w local integer j0w local integer x0w local integer v0w local integer m0w local integer Q0w set Dd[Ad]=h0w set Ad=Ad+1 call gEw("|cff666666Victory!") set F0w=Ht loop exitwhen not(F0w!=0) set m0w=Oe[F0w] if m0w>=839 and m0w<=871 then set k0w=F0w call ySu(Nt[k0w],0.) call Siu(Nt[k0w]) endif set F0w=Ct[F0w] endloop set j0w=Uuw("when calling iterator in EndGame, line 31") loop exitwhen not Luw(j0w) set x0w=Vuw(j0w) set Q0w=Oe[x0w] if Q0w>=839 and Q0w<=871 then set v0w=x0w call ySu(Nt[v0w],0.) call Siu(Nt[v0w]) endif endloop call Muw(j0w,"when calling close in EndGame, line 31") set Tt=true set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function X7 takes string K7 returns nothing local integer L7 set Dd[Ad]=K7 set Ad=Ad+1 call vEw("|cffFFCC00>> |cffFFA53ACongratulations, you won!|r\n |cff7B7B7BThe game will end in 20 seconds.",25.) call W0w("when calling winGame in EndBoss, line 150") set L7=KFu("when calling alloc_Closure in EndBoss, line 151") call VC(L7) call gX(20.,L7,"when calling doAfter in EndBoss, line 151") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function x8 takes integer k8,string j8 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=j8 set Ad=Ad+1 call Tku(k8,"when calling endDestroyerSummoning in EndBoss, line 140") call xIu(bt[k8],"when calling LinkedList in EndBoss, line 141") call X7("when calling onVictory in EndBoss, line 142") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function d8 takes integer a8,string n8 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=n8 set Ad=Ad+1 call x8(a8,"when calling EndBossFight_onDestroy in EndBoss, line 139") call mku(a8,"when calling EndBossFight in EndBoss, line 139") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function eku takes integer yku,string pku returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=pku set Ad=Ad+1 if ta[yku]==0 then if yku==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling EndBossFight.destroyEndBossFight","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called EndBossFight.destroyEndBossFight on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call d8(yku,"when calling destroyEndBossFight in EndBoss, line 108") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function l8 takes integer c8,integer o8,string O8 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=O8 set Ad=Ad+1 call MIu(bt[c8],o8,"when calling remove in EndBoss, line 135") if sPu(bt[c8],"when calling size in EndBoss, line 136")==0 then call eku(c8,"when calling EndBossFight in EndBoss, line 137") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function hku takes integer Yku,integer Gku,string gku returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=gku set Ad=Ad+1 if ta[Yku]==0 then if Yku==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling EndBossFight.EndBoss_EndBossFight_onBossDeath","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called EndBossFight.EndBoss_EndBossFight_onBossDeath on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call l8(Yku,Gku,"when calling onBossDeath in EndBoss, line 134") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function A8 takes integer I8,string P8 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=P8 set Ad=Ad+1 call eU(I8,"when calling onDeath in EndBoss, line 101") call hku(ft[I8],I8,"when calling onBossDeath in EndBoss, line 102") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function XW takes integer KW,string LW returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=LW set Ad=Ad+1 call eU(KW,"when calling onDeath in BossThree, line 37") call d5(Zo,wvu(KW,"when calling getPos in BossThree, line 38"),sf,tf) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function c3 takes integer i3,string S3 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=S3 set Ad=Ad+1 call lM(i3,"when calling onDeath in DestroyerSummoner, line 117") set xr[i3]=false set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Ixw takes integer Uxw returns nothing endfunction function afu takes string efu returns integer local integer qfu set Dd[Ad]=efu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ae==0 then if De<32768 then set De=De+1 set qfu=De set He[qfu]=803 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set qfu=0 endif else set Ae=Ae-1 set qfu=Pe[Ae] set He[qfu]=803 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return qfu endfunction function SDu takes string tDu returns integer local integer iDu set Dd[Ad]=tDu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set iDu=oe set Oe[iDu]=832 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create PhysicsProjectile.","when calling error in ") set iDu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set iDu=Se[ce] set Oe[iDu]=832 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return iDu endfunction function kvw takes real nvw,real dvw,real fvw,real Rvw,player Tvw,real Yvw,string Gvw,integer gvw,string hvw returns integer local integer Fvw set Dd[Ad]=hvw set Ad=Ad+1 set Fvw=SDu("when calling PhysicsProjectile in PhysicsProjectile, line 12") call Pvw(Fvw,nvw,dvw,fvw,Rvw,Tvw,Yvw,Gvw,gvw,"when calling construct_PhysicsProjectile in PhysicsProjectile, line 12") set Ad=Ad-1 return Fvw endfunction function pW takes integer BQ,string NQ returns nothing local integer MQ local integer wW local integer uW local integer rW local integer sW local real tW local real iW local real SW local player cW local real oW local string OW local real lW local real bW local real yW set Dd[Ad]=NQ set Ad=Ad+1 call k5(yp,stu(Nt[BQ]),cf) set MQ=0 loop exitwhen MQ>5 set lW=fou(Otu(Nt[BQ]),wf,uf,0.,0.,64.) set bW=Of set yW=lf set tW=lW set iW=bW set SW=yW set cW=Et[BQ] set oW=Uh(GetRandomReal(0.,1.)) set OW=W set uW=afu("when calling alloc_Closure in BossOne, line 14") call Ixw(uW) set rW=kvw(tW,iW,SW,16.,cW,oW,OW,uW,"when calling new_PhysicsProjectile in BossOne, line 13") call KDu(rW,GetRandomReal(1.25,3.5),"when calling setTimed in BossOne, line 15") set sW=rW call vju(sW,GetRandomReal(-6.,6.),GetRandomReal(-6.,6.),GetRandomReal(4.5,9.),"when calling setVel in BossOne, line 16") set wW=sW set No[wW]=0.605 set MQ=MQ+1 endloop call eU(BQ,"when calling onDeath in BossOne, line 19") set Ad=Ad-1 set cW=null endfunction function tNw takes integer rNw,string sNw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=sNw set Ad=Ad+1 if Ib[rNw]!=null then call p5(Ib[rNw]) endif call lM(rNw,"when calling onDeath in Special, line 23") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function SXu takes string tXu returns integer local integer iXu set Dd[Ad]=tXu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set iXu=ae set ne[iXu]=688 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set iXu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set iXu=ee[qe] set ne[iXu]=688 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return iXu endfunction function sXu takes string uXu returns integer local integer rXu set Dd[Ad]=uXu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set rXu=ae set ne[rXu]=687 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set rXu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set rXu=ee[qe] set ne[rXu]=687 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return rXu endfunction function wXu takes string NLu returns integer local integer MLu set Dd[Ad]=NLu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set MLu=ae set ne[MLu]=686 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set MLu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set MLu=ee[qe] set ne[MLu]=686 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return MLu endfunction function yBw takes integer NVw,string MVw returns nothing local real wBw local real uBw local real rBw local integer sBw local integer tBw local integer iBw local real SBw local real cBw local real oBw local integer OBw local integer lBw local integer bBw set Dd[Ad]=MVw set Ad=Ad+1 set SBw=wvu(NVw,"when calling getPos in SpecialTwo, line 18") set cBw=sf set oBw=tf set wBw=SBw set uBw=cBw set rBw=oBw if Jsu(Nt[NVw])==Qb then set sBw=wXu("when calling alloc_Closure in SpecialTwo, line 20") call VC(sBw) set OBw=sBw set Gb[OBw]=wBw set gb[OBw]=uBw set hb[OBw]=rBw call gX(0.75,sBw,"when calling doAfter in SpecialTwo, line 20") elseif Jsu(Nt[NVw])==Wb then set tBw=sXu("when calling alloc_Closure in SpecialTwo, line 25") call VC(tBw) set lBw=tBw set Fb[lBw]=wBw set kb[lBw]=uBw set jb[lBw]=rBw call gX(0.75,tBw,"when calling doAfter in SpecialTwo, line 25") elseif Jsu(Nt[NVw])==Eb then set iBw=SXu("when calling alloc_Closure in SpecialTwo, line 29") call VC(iBw) set bBw=iBw set xb[bBw]=wBw set vb[bBw]=uBw set mb[bBw]=rBw call gX(0.75,iBw,"when calling doAfter in SpecialTwo, line 29") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function iGu takes integer sGu,string tGu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=tGu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[sGu]==0 then if sGu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Creep.Creep_Creep_onDeath","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Creep.Creep_Creep_onDeath on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Oe[sGu]<=848 then if Oe[sGu]<=846 then if Oe[sGu]<=845 then if Oe[sGu]<=842 then call lM(sGu,"when calling onDeath in Creep, line 54") else call eU(sGu,"when calling onDeath in Creep, line 54") endif else call pW(sGu,"when calling onDeath in Creep, line 54") endif elseif Oe[sGu]<=847 then call XW(sGu,"when calling onDeath in Creep, line 54") else call eU(sGu,"when calling onDeath in Creep, line 54") endif elseif Oe[sGu]<=856 then if Oe[sGu]<=850 then if Oe[sGu]<=849 then call A8(sGu,"when calling onDeath in Creep, line 54") else call c3(sGu,"when calling onDeath in Creep, line 54") endif else call tNw(sGu,"when calling onDeath in Creep, line 54") endif elseif Oe[sGu]<=857 then call yBw(sGu,"when calling onDeath in Creep, line 54") else call lM(sGu,"when calling onDeath in Creep, line 54") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function qM takes integer pM,string eM returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=eM set Ad=Ad+1 call iGu(Sr[pM],"when calling onDeath in Creep, line 50") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function FVu takes string gVu returns integer local integer hVu set Dd[Ad]=gVu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set hVu=oe set Oe[hVu]=861 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Tower.","when calling error in ") set hVu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set hVu=Se[ce] set Oe[hVu]=861 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return hVu endfunction function Jrw takes integer Urw,unit Irw,real Prw,real Arw,real Drw,string Hrw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Hrw set Ad=Ad+1 call puw(Urw,utu(Irw),Prw,Arw,Drw,0.,"when calling construct_Entity5 in Entity, line 202") set Nt[Urw]=null call J2u(0,0,0,0,9,Urw,0,null,0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,Irw,0.,0.,0.,0.,"when calling setupUnitEntity in Entity, line 204",null,null) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function L6w takes integer H6w,unit J6w,string K6w returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=K6w set Ad=Ad+1 call Jrw(H6w,J6w,Otu(J6w),wf,uf,"when calling construct_UnitEntity2 in Tower, line 22") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function D6w takes unit I6w,string P6w returns integer local integer A6w set Dd[Ad]=P6w set Ad=Ad+1 set A6w=FVu("when calling Tower in Tower, line 22") call L6w(A6w,I6w,"when calling construct_Tower in Tower, line 22") set Ad=Ad-1 return A6w endfunction function QVu takes string vVu returns integer local integer mVu set Dd[Ad]=vVu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set mVu=oe set Oe[mVu]=871 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Wall.","when calling error in ") set mVu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set mVu=Se[ce] set Oe[mVu]=871 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return mVu endfunction function b7w takes integer o7w,unit O7w,string l7w returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=l7w set Ad=Ad+1 call J2u(0,0,3,o7w,0,0,0,null,0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,O7w,0.,0.,0.,0.,"when calling construct_UnitEntity in Tower, line 17",null,null) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function c7w takes unit t7w,string i7w returns integer local integer S7w set Dd[Ad]=i7w set Ad=Ad+1 set S7w=QVu("when calling Wall in Tower, line 17") call b7w(S7w,t7w,"when calling construct_Wall in Tower, line 17") set Ad=Ad-1 return S7w endfunction function s6w takes integer M5w,string w6w returns nothing local unit u6w local integer r6w set Dd[Ad]=w6w set Ad=Ad+1 set u6w=GetConstructingStructure() set r6w=Jsu(u6w) if r6w==jy then call D6w(u6w,"when calling new_Tower in Tower, line 72") elseif r6w==xy or r6w==vy then call c7w(u6w,"when calling new_Wall in Tower, line 74") endif set Ad=Ad-1 set u6w=null endfunction function B1w takes texttag K1w,integer L1w,integer X1w,integer C1w,integer V1w returns nothing call SetTextTagColor(K1w,L1w,X1w,C1w,V1w) endfunction function Pou takes real Wou,real Eou,real Zou,real Uou,real Iou returns real set QR=Wou-Uou set WR=Eou-Iou set ER=Zou return QR endfunction function vtw takes real Rtw,real Ttw,real Ytw,string Gtw,real gtw,real htw,real Ftw,real ktw,string jtw returns integer local integer xtw set Dd[Ad]=jtw set Ad=Ad+1 set xtw=ftw(Rtw,Ttw,Ytw,Gtw,gtw,htw,Ftw,ktw,Au,Du,Hu,Ju,"when calling createFText in FText, line 21") set Ad=Ad-1 return xtw endfunction function Ptw takes real mtw,real Qtw,real Wtw,string Etw,real Ztw,string Utw returns integer local integer Itw set Dd[Ad]=Utw set Ad=Ad+1 set Itw=vtw(mtw,Qtw,Wtw,Etw,Ztw,0.,pp,ep,"when calling createFText in FText, line 17") set Ad=Ad-1 return Itw endfunction function lRw takes item ORw returns integer return GetItemUserData(ORw) endfunction function KFw takes string FFw returns nothing local item kFw local integer jFw local integer xFw local integer vFw local integer mFw local texttag QFw local texttag WFw local integer EFw local integer ZFw local integer UFw local texttag IFw local texttag PFw local integer AFw local integer DFw local integer HFw local integer JFw set Dd[Ad]=FFw set Ad=Ad+1 set kFw=GetManipulatedItem() if Lfw(kFw)==yo then set jFw=lRw(kFw) call k5(My,stu(GetManipulatingUnit()),cf) call vEw("|cffFFCC00>> "+ZV(utu(GetManipulatingUnit()))+" picked up a coin!",10.) set xFw=lgw(Mo,"when calling iterator in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 62") loop exitwhen not nGw(xFw) set vFw=qGw(xFw) call oQw(rO[vFw],jFw) if Nt[SO[vFw]]!=null and xtu(Nt[SO[vFw]]) then set mFw=Ptw(Pou(wvu(SO[vFw],"when calling getPos in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 65"),sf,tf,16.,0.),WR,ER,"+"+bfw(jFw),0.024/0.0023,"when calling createFText in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 65") call Jvu(mFw,0.,.03,3.,"when calling setDynamic in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 66") set QFw=pi[mFw] call a4w(QFw,2.) set WFw=QFw call B1w(WFw,255,220,0,255) call d5(P,wvu(SO[vFw],"when calling getPos in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 69"),sf,tf) endif endloop call RGw(xFw,"when calling close in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 62") endif if Lfw(kFw)==po then call k5(Io,stu(GetManipulatingUnit()),cf) call vEw("|cffFFCC00>> "+ZV(utu(GetManipulatingUnit()))+" picked up a lumber bundle!",10.) set EFw=lgw(Mo,"when calling iterator in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 73") loop exitwhen not nGw(EFw) set ZFw=qGw(EFw) call dQw(rO[ZFw],bo) if Nt[SO[ZFw]]!=null and xtu(Nt[SO[ZFw]]) then set UFw=Ptw(Pou(wvu(SO[ZFw],"when calling getPos in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 76"),sf,tf,16.,0.),WR,ER,"+"+bfw(bo),0.024/0.0023,"when calling createFText in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 76") call Jvu(UFw,0.,.03,3.,"when calling setDynamic in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 77") set IFw=pi[UFw] call a4w(IFw,2.) set PFw=IFw call B1w(PFw,0,200,80,255) endif if xQw(rO[ZFw])>20 and sPu(Mo,"when calling size in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 80")>1 then set AFw=bUw(xQw(rO[ZFw])*1./sPu(Mo,"when calling size in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 81")) set DFw=ModuloInteger(xQw(rO[ZFw]),sPu(Mo,"when calling size in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 82")) call qQw(rO[ZFw],DFw) set HFw=lgw(Mo,"when calling iterator in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 84") loop exitwhen not nGw(HFw) set JFw=qGw(HFw) call dQw(rO[JFw],AFw) endloop call RGw(HFw,"when calling close in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 84") call EEw("Due to inactivity your lumber has been dispersed among teammates!",10.,rO[ZFw]) endif endloop call RGw(EFw,"when calling close in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 73") endif set Ad=Ad-1 set kFw=null set QFw=null set WFw=null set IFw=null set PFw=null endfunction function tkw takes integer rkw,string skw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=skw set Ad=Ad+1 call KFw("when calling grantCoinsAndLumber in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 96") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Zfw takes integer Qfw,real Wfw,real Efw returns item return Dfw(Qfw,Ycu(Wfw,Efw),jf,xf) endfunction function qAu takes string pAu returns integer local integer eAu set Dd[Ad]=pAu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set eAu=ae set ne[eAu]=679 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set eAu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set eAu=ee[qe] set ne[eAu]=679 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return eAu endfunction function GFw takes string yFw returns nothing local player pFw local player eFw local item qFw local integer aFw local integer nFw local integer dFw local integer fFw local integer RFw local integer TFw local integer YFw set Dd[Ad]=yFw set Ad=Ad+1 set pFw=utu(GetDyingUnit()) set eFw=utu(GetKillingUnit()) if pFw==rr and eFw!=rr then set sO[wO[kQw(eFw)]]=sO[wO[kQw(eFw)]]+1 set eo=eo+1 if eo>=qo then set qo=qo+1. if uO then set qo=qo+3. set qo=qo*1.015 endif set eo=0 set qFw=Zfw(po,stu(GetDyingUnit()),cf) set aFw=qAu("when calling alloc_Closure in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 43") call VC(aFw) set fo[aFw]=qFw call gX(45.,aFw,"when calling doAfter in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 43") set nFw=lgw(Mo,"when calling iterator in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 47") loop exitwhen not nGw(nFw) set dFw=qGw(nFw) if xQw(rO[dFw])>20 and sPu(Mo,"when calling size in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 48")>1 then set fFw=bUw(xQw(rO[dFw])*1./sPu(Mo,"when calling size in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 49")) set RFw=ModuloInteger(xQw(rO[dFw]),sPu(Mo,"when calling size in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 50")) call qQw(rO[dFw],RFw) set TFw=lgw(Mo,"when calling iterator in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 52") loop exitwhen not nGw(TFw) set YFw=qGw(TFw) call dQw(rO[YFw],fFw) endloop call RGw(TFw,"when calling close in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 52") call EEw("Due to inactivity your lumber has been dispersed among teammates!",10.,rO[dFw]) endif endloop call RGw(nFw,"when calling close in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 47") endif endif set Ad=Ad-1 set pFw=null set eFw=null set qFw=null endfunction function ukw takes integer MFw,string wkw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=wkw set Ad=Ad+1 call GFw("when calling getExtraBounty in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 95") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function w5w takes integer N2w,string M2w returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=M2w set Ad=Ad+1 call J4u(3,4,null,hy[N2w],"when calling terminate in TowerBlockade, line 82") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function kCu takes integer hCu,string FCu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=FCu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[hCu]==0 then if hCu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BlockadeShip.TowerBlockade_BlockadeShip_terminateBuff","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BlockadeShip.TowerBlockade_BlockadeShip_terminateBuff on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call w5w(hCu,"when calling terminateBuff in TowerBlockade, line 81") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function y5w takes integer O5w,string l5w returns nothing local integer b5w set Dd[Ad]=l5w set Ad=Ad+1 set b5w=sww(GetTriggerUnit()) if b5w!=0 then call kCu(b5w,"when calling terminateBuff in TowerBlockade, line 79") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function TTu takes integer fTu,string RTu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=RTu set Ad=Ad+1 if Xe[fTu]==0 then if fTu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling EventListener.ClosureEvents_EventListener_onEvent","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called EventListener.ClosureEvents_EventListener_onEvent on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Xe[fTu]<=728 then if Xe[fTu]<=724 then if Xe[fTu]<=722 then if Xe[fTu]<=721 then if Xe[fTu]<=720 then call jI(fTu,"when calling Buff_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 107") else call EI(fTu,"when calling Buff_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 107") endif else call XI(fTu,"when calling Buff_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 107") endif elseif Xe[fTu]<=723 then call qM(fTu,"when calling Creep_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 107") else call LM(fTu) endif elseif Xe[fTu]<=726 then if Xe[fTu]<=725 then call ukw(fTu,"when calling LumberAndCoinSystem_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 107") else call tkw(fTu,"when calling LumberAndCoinSystem_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 107") endif elseif Xe[fTu]<=727 then call kmw(fTu,"when calling PlayerData_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 107") else call TIw(fTu,"when calling Reinforcements_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 107") endif elseif Xe[fTu]<=732 then if Xe[fTu]<=730 then if Xe[fTu]<=729 then call OPw(fTu,"when calling RevivalSystem_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 107") else call s6w(fTu,"when calling Tower_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 107") endif elseif Xe[fTu]<=731 then call b6w(fTu,"when calling Tower_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 107") else call Y6w(fTu,"when calling Tower_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 107") endif elseif Xe[fTu]<=734 then if Xe[fTu]<=733 then call y5w(fTu,"when calling BlockadeShip_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 107") else call M7w(fTu,"when calling TownBell_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 107") endif elseif Xe[fTu]<=735 then call Q0u(fTu,"when calling TrooperTower_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 107") else call dbu(fTu,"when calling WarningBuff_closure_impl in ClosureEvents, line 107") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function pJ takes unit yJ returns boolean return true endfunction function MK takes string XK returns nothing local unit CK local integer VK local integer BK local integer NK set Dd[Ad]=XK set Ad=Ad+1 set CK=GetTriggerUnit() set VK=nJ(GetTriggerEventId(),"when calling toIntId in ClosureEvents, line 168") if CK!=null and pJ(CK) and e_u(CK)>0 then if Yu[e_u(CK)]!=0 then set BK=Yu[e_u(CK)] loop exitwhen not(BK!=0) if Gu[BK]==VK then call TTu(BK,"when calling onEvent in ClosureEvents, line 175") endif set BK=gu[BK] endloop endif endif if Tu[VK]!=0 then set NK=Tu[VK] loop exitwhen not(NK!=0) call TTu(NK,"when calling onEvent in ClosureEvents, line 181") set NK=gu[NK] endloop endif set Ad=Ad-1 set CK=null endfunction function H1u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call MK("ClosureEvents, line 239") endfunction function H4 takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function HLw takes nothing returns boolean set cb="Units\\Undead\\Abomination\\AbominationAlternateDeath1.wav" set ob="Units\\Undead\\Abomination\\AbominationPissed5.wav" set Ob="Units\\Undead\\UndeadAirBarge\\AirBargeDeath1.wav" set lb="Units\\Critters\\DuneWorm\\DuneWormDeath1.wav" set bb="Sound\\Dialogue\\GenericWarnings\\GenericWarningUnitAttack1.mp3" set yb="Sound\\Dialogue\\HumanCampaign\\Human01\\H01Uther03.mp3" set pb="Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\CallToArms\\HumanCallToArmsWhat1.wav" set eb="Units\\Creeps\\Hydra\\HydraDeath1.wav" set qb="Units\\Undead\\Skeleton\\SkeletonWhat2.wav" return true endfunction function Hk takes nothing returns boolean set yw=0 return true endfunction function YHu takes string RHu returns integer local integer THu set Dd[Ad]=RHu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set THu=Le set Xe[THu]=728 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set THu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set THu=Je[Ke] set Xe[THu]=728 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return THu endfunction function pK takes eventid lK,integer bK,string yK returns integer set Dd[Ad]=yK set Ad=Ad+1 set Gu[bK]=nJ(lK,"when calling toIntId in ClosureEvents, line 110") if Tu[Gu[bK]]!=0 then set hu[Tu[Gu[bK]]]=bK set gu[bK]=Tu[Gu[bK]] endif set Tu[Gu[bK]]=bK set Ad=Ad-1 return bK endfunction function SIw takes string sIw returns boolean local integer tIw local playerunitevent iIw set Dd[Ad]=sIw set Ad=Ad+1 set UO=1227894838 set IO=1848651853 set PO=1848651854 set iIw=EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM set tIw=YHu("when calling alloc_Closure in Reinforcements, line 32") call cL(tIw) call pK(iIw,tIw,"when calling add in Reinforcements, line 32") set Ad=Ad-1 set iIw=null return true endfunction function I1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return SIw("Reinforcements, line 1") endfunction function Iqu takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function R_u takes nothing returns unit return sp endfunction function PEw takes string IEw returns nothing call YEw(lO,0,IEw) endfunction function gTu takes integer YTu,string GTu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=GTu set Ad=Ad+1 if Xe[YTu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type EventListener","when calling error in ") else set Je[Ke]=YTu set Ke=Ke+1 set Xe[YTu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function lL takes integer oL returns nothing local integer OL=Tu[Gu[oL]] if OL==oL then set Tu[Gu[oL]]=gu[oL] elseif hu[oL]!=0 then set gu[hu[oL]]=gu[oL] endif set hu[gu[oL]]=hu[oL] set OL=Yu[Gu[oL]] if OL==oL then set Yu[Gu[oL]]=gu[oL] elseif hu[oL]!=0 then set gu[hu[oL]]=gu[oL] endif set hu[gu[oL]]=hu[oL] set gu[oL]=0 set hu[oL]=0 endfunction function pL takes integer bL,string yL returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=yL set Ad=Ad+1 call lL(bL) call gTu(bL,"when calling EventListener in ClosureEvents, line 200") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function dTu takes integer aTu,string nTu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=nTu set Ad=Ad+1 if Xe[aTu]==0 then if aTu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling EventListener.destroyEventListener","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called EventListener.destroyEventListener on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call pL(aTu,"when calling destroyEventListener in ClosureEvents, line 97") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function ZJ takes integer mJ,string QJ returns nothing local integer WJ local integer EJ set Dd[Ad]=QJ set Ad=Ad+1 if mJ>0 then if Yu[mJ]!=0 then call PEw("unregister unit has listeners. startid: "+bfw(mJ)) set WJ=Yu[mJ] set Yu[mJ]=0 loop exitwhen not(WJ!=0) set EJ=WJ set WJ=gu[WJ] call dTu(EJ,"when calling EventListener in ClosureEvents, line 274") endloop endif endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function S3w takes integer t3w,integer i3w returns nothing call RemoveSavedInteger(Bb,t3w,i3w) endfunction function QXu takes integer xXu,integer vXu,string mXu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=mXu set Ad=Ad+1 if Za[xXu]==0 then if xXu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.Table_Table_removeInt","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Table.Table_Table_removeInt on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call S3w(xXu,vXu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Bew takes integer Xew,integer Cew,string Vew returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Vew set Ad=Ad+1 call QXu(Xew,Cew,"when calling removeInt in HashMap, line 24") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function bew takes integer oew,integer Oew,string lew returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=lew set Ad=Ad+1 call oaw(yS,oew,Oew,JWu(oew,Oew,"when calling count in HashList, line 17")-1) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function MWu takes integer VWu,integer BWu,string NWu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=NWu set Ad=Ad+1 if ma[VWu]==0 then if VWu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling HashList.HashList_HashList_decrOccurences","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called HashList.HashList_HashList_decrOccurences on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call bew(VWu,BWu,"when calling decrOccurences in HashList, line 16") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function dew takes integer yew,integer pew,string eew returns nothing local integer qew local integer aew set Dd[Ad]=eew set Ad=Ad+1 call MWu(yew,Uqw(bS,yew,pew),"when calling decrOccurences in HashList, line 49") set qew=pew set aew=pS[yew] loop exitwhen qew>aew call oaw(bS,yew,qew,Uqw(bS,yew,qew+1)) set qew=qew+1 endloop set pS[yew]=pS[yew]-1 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function sEu takes integer wEu,integer uEu,string rEu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=rEu set Ad=Ad+1 if ma[wEu]==0 then if wEu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling HashList.HashList_HashList_removeAt","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called HashList.HashList_HashList_removeAt on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call dew(wEu,uEu,"when calling removeAt in HashList, line 48") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function gew takes integer few,integer Rew,string Tew returns nothing local integer Yew local integer Gew set Dd[Ad]=Tew set Ad=Ad+1 set Yew=0 set Gew=pS[few]-1 loop exitwhen Yew>Gew if Rew==Uqw(bS,few,Yew) then call sEu(few,Yew,"when calling removeAt in HashList, line 58") exitwhen true endif set Yew=Yew+1 endloop set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function cEu takes integer tEu,integer iEu,string SEu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=SEu set Ad=Ad+1 if ma[tEu]==0 then if tEu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling HashList.HashList_HashList_remove","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called HashList.HashList_HashList_remove on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call gew(tEu,iEu,"when calling remove in HashList, line 55") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function bqw takes integer oqw,integer Oqw,string lqw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=lqw set Ad=Ad+1 call Bew(oqw,Oqw,"when calling remove in HashMap, line 48") if AEu(oqw,Oqw,"when calling hasKey in HashMap, line 49") then call cEu(eS[oqw],Oqw,"when calling remove in HashMap, line 50") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function mEu takes integer jEu,integer xEu,string vEu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=vEu set Ad=Ad+1 if Za[jEu]==0 then if jEu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling HashMap.HashMap_HashMap_remove","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called HashMap.HashMap_HashMap_remove on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Za[jEu]<=887 then call Bew(jEu,xEu,"when calling remove in HashMap, line 23") else call bqw(jEu,xEu,"when calling remove in HashMap, line 23") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function PTu takes integer UTu,string ITu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=ITu set Ad=Ad+1 if pe[UTu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type OnCastListener","when calling error in ") else set le[be]=UTu set be=be+1 set pe[UTu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function RL takes integer aL,string nL returns nothing local integer dL local integer fL set Dd[Ad]=nL set Ad=Ad+1 if xu[aL]!=null then set dL=kEu(Ru,B0u(xu[aL]),"when calling get in ClosureEvents, line 60") if dL==aL then call YEu(Ru,B0u(xu[aL]),Fu[aL],"when calling put in ClosureEvents, line 62") elseif ku[aL]!=0 then set Fu[ku[aL]]=Fu[aL] endif else set fL=kEu(fu,ju[aL],"when calling get in ClosureEvents, line 66") if fL==aL then call YEu(fu,ju[aL],Fu[aL],"when calling put in ClosureEvents, line 68") elseif ku[aL]!=0 then set Fu[ku[aL]]=Fu[aL] endif endif set ku[Fu[aL]]=ku[aL] set Fu[aL]=0 set ku[aL]=0 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function GL takes integer TL,string YL returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=YL set Ad=Ad+1 call RL(TL,"when calling OnCastListener_onDestroy in ClosureEvents, line 58") call PTu(TL,"when calling OnCastListener in ClosureEvents, line 58") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function mTu takes integer xTu,string vTu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=vTu set Ad=Ad+1 if pe[xTu]==0 then if xTu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling OnCastListener.destroyOnCastListener","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called OnCastListener.destroyOnCastListener on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call GL(xTu,"when calling destroyOnCastListener in ClosureEvents, line 50") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function vJ takes unit gJ,string hJ returns nothing local integer FJ local integer kJ local integer jJ local integer xJ set Dd[Ad]=hJ set Ad=Ad+1 if pJ(gJ) then call ZJ(e_u(gJ),"when calling unregisterEvents in ClosureEvents, line 250") if nEu(Ru,B0u(gJ),"when calling has in ClosureEvents, line 251") then set FJ=kEu(Ru,B0u(gJ),"when calling get in ClosureEvents, line 252") call mEu(Ru,B0u(gJ),"when calling remove in ClosureEvents, line 253") loop exitwhen not(FJ!=0) set kJ=FJ set FJ=Fu[FJ] call mTu(kJ,"when calling OnCastListener in ClosureEvents, line 257") endloop endif if nEu(Ru,B0u(gJ),"when calling has in ClosureEvents, line 258") then set jJ=kEu(Ru,B0u(gJ),"when calling get in ClosureEvents, line 259") loop exitwhen not(jJ!=0) set xJ=jJ set jJ=Fu[jJ] call mTu(xJ,"when calling OnCastListener in ClosureEvents, line 263") endloop endif endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function uK takes string wK returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=wK set Ad=Ad+1 call vJ(R_u(),"when calling unregisterEventsForUnit in ClosureEvents, line 282") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function J1u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call uK("ClosureEvents, line 282") endfunction function JLw takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function JNw takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function Jow takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function Jyw takes nothing returns nothing set Ni=Ni+sw endfunction function sK takes string rK returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=rK set Ad=Ad+1 call MK("when calling generalEventCallback in ClosureEvents, line 285") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function K1u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call sK("ClosureEvents, line 285") endfunction function K2w takes nothing returns boolean local integer H2w=1095577654 local integer J2w=1112354869 set Ry=H2w set Ty=J2w set Yy=120. set Gy=5. set gy=1966092599 return true endfunction function KLw takes nothing returns boolean set Ub=2016423985 return true endfunction function KNw takes nothing returns boolean set Kb="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" set Lb="0123456789" call uMw(Lb) call uMw(Kb) return true endfunction function Kow takes nothing returns boolean set xi=true set vi=true set mi=true set Qi=true return true endfunction function Krw takes nothing returns boolean set Mt=60 set wi=-1 set ui=InitHashtable() set ri="" set si=false return true endfunction function Kyw takes nothing returns boolean set OS=CreateGroup() return true endfunction function iK takes string tK returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=tK set Ad=Ad+1 call MK("when calling generalEventCallback in ClosureEvents, line 286") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function L1u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call iK("ClosureEvents, line 286") endfunction function LL takes nothing returns boolean local real JL local real KL set vu=CreateGroup() set Qu=0 set Wu=Filter(WG) set JL=pp set KL=ep return true endfunction function LLw takes nothing returns boolean set fb=35 set Rb=2 set Tb=1966092597 return true endfunction function Lh takes nothing returns boolean set V=1000.*sw set B=1747988815 set N=1093677396 return true endfunction function Low takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function AI takes integer ZI,string UI returns nothing local integer II local integer PI set Dd[Ad]=UI set Ad=Ad+1 if sww(Nw[ZI])==Mw[ZI] and KU(Mw[ZI]) then set PI=cPu(iI(Mw[ZI]),"when calling staticItr in Buff, line 153") loop exitwhen not nGw(PI) set II=qGw(PI) call URu(II,true,"when calling refresh in Buff, line 154") endloop endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Ayw takes integer Uyw,string Iyw returns integer local integer Pyw set Dd[Ad]=Iyw set Ad=Ad+1 set Pyw=xKu(Ci[Uyw],"when calling play in GameInit, line 57") set Ad=Ad-1 return Pyw endfunction function BI takes integer CI,string VI returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=VI set Ad=Ad+1 call J4u(1,wu[CI],"when calling clearBuffs in Buff, line 162",0,null) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function NSu takes unit BSu returns real return Qh(GetUnitDefaultPropWindow(BSu)) endfunction function DXw takes integer AXw returns nothing call SSu(Nt[ab[AXw]],NSu(Nt[ab[AXw]])) endfunction function GUw takes rect YUw returns real return GetRectMaxX(YUw) endfunction function TUw takes rect RUw returns real return GetRectMinX(RUw) endfunction function hUw takes rect gUw returns real return GetRectMinY(gUw) endfunction function kUw takes rect FUw returns real return GetRectMaxY(FUw) endfunction function fUw takes rect dUw returns real set eR=GetRandomReal(TUw(dUw),GUw(dUw)) set qR=GetRandomReal(hUw(dUw),kUw(dUw)) return eR endfunction function Deu takes integer veu,string meu returns nothing local integer Qeu local integer Weu local real Eeu local real Zeu local real Ueu local real Ieu local real Peu local real Aeu set Dd[Ad]=meu set Ad=Ad+1 set Qeu=0 set Weu=Zp loop exitwhen Qeu>Weu set Ieu=Ycu(fUw(Ep[Qeu]),qR) set Peu=jf set Aeu=xf set Eeu=Ieu set Zeu=Peu set Ueu=Aeu call J2u(0,0,0,0,6,0,0,null,Eeu,Zeu,Ueu,Kp[veu],Np[Lp[veu]],Up,Ip,qlu(Eeu,Zeu,Ueu,Up,Ip),"when calling new_Creep in Wave, line 59",null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) set Qeu=Qeu+1 endloop set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function F1 takes integer g1,string h1 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=h1 set Ad=Ad+1 call Bmu(vr[g1],"when calling Fx in DestroyerSummoner, line 94") call Bmu(mr[g1],"when calling Fx in DestroyerSummoner, line 95") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function K7w takes integer U7w,unit I7w returns nothing local real P7w local real A7w local real D7w local real H7w local real J7w if Jsu(I7w)==Wy then set H7w=stu(I7w) set J7w=cf set P7w=H7w set A7w=J7w set D7w=Psu(I7w) call p5(m5(My,P7w,A7w)) call biu(I7w) call Iru(OO[8],Ey,P7w,A7w,D7w) endif endfunction function RWw takes integer dWw,unit fWw returns nothing call biu(fWw) endfunction function XEu takes string KEu returns integer local integer LEu set Dd[Ad]=KEu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ia==0 then if Pa<32768 then set Pa=Pa+1 set LEu=Pa set Aa[LEu]=718 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create EntityWithDist.","when calling error in ") set LEu=0 endif else set Ia=Ia-1 set LEu=Ua[Ia] set Aa[LEu]=718 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return LEu endfunction function vaw takes integer kaw,integer jaw,real xaw returns nothing set YS[kaw]=jaw set GS[kaw]=bUw(xaw) endfunction function Gaw takes integer faw,real Raw,string Taw returns integer local integer Yaw set Dd[Ad]=Taw set Ad=Ad+1 set Yaw=XEu("when calling EntityWithDist in HealbackTower, line 89") call vaw(Yaw,faw,Raw) set Ad=Ad-1 return Yaw endfunction function you takes real oou,real Oou,real lou,real bou returns real return SUw(lou-oou)+SUw(bou-Oou) endfunction function Rdw takes integer pdw,unit edw,string qdw returns nothing local boolean adw local integer ndw local integer ddw local boolean fdw set Dd[Ad]=qdw set Ad=Ad+1 set adw=true if (not IsUnitType(edw,UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE))or(not xtu(edw)) then set adw=false endif if adw and wO[kQw(utu(edw))]==0 then set adw=false endif if adw then set ndw=sww(edw) if Oe[ndw]==871 then set fdw=true else set ddw=Oe[ndw] set fdw=ddw>=861 and ddw<=867 endif if not fdw then set adw=false endif if Lsu(edw)==Bsu(edw) then set adw=false endif endif if adw then call j3u(WS,Gaw(sww(edw),you(ES,ZS,stu(edw),cf),"when calling new_EntityWithDist in HealbackTower, line 56"),"when calling add in HealbackTower, line 56") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Dbu takes integer Abu returns real return 4.85+Abu*Abu endfunction function Dpw takes group Ppw,unit Apw returns boolean return IsUnitInGroup(Apw,Ppw) endfunction function Fsu takes unit Gsu,unit gsu,real hsu returns nothing call UnitDamageTarget(Gsu,gsu,hsu,false,false,ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS,DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS) endfunction function H3u takes group A3u,unit D3u returns nothing call GroupAddUnit(A3u,D3u) endfunction function Msu takes unit Nsu returns real return GetUnitMoveSpeed(Nsu) endfunction function Pbu takes integer Ibu returns real return 4.5*Ibu endfunction function Ubu takes integer Zbu returns real return 75.*Zbu+125. endfunction function mru takes unit xru,unittype vru returns boolean return IsUnitType(xru,vru) endfunction function mtu takes unit vtu returns boolean return Lsu(vtu)>.405 endfunction function s1u takes real M3u,real w1u returns real local real u1u=WO local real r1u if M3u=842 and Fyu<=858 else set jyu=false endif if jyu and(not Ut[dyu]) then set fyu=dyu call H3u(mp[vp[qyu]],ayu) call Fsu(Jmu(vp[qyu],"when calling getDummy in WaveTower, line 63"),ayu,Ubu(Qp[vp[qyu]])) set xyu=wvu(dyu,"when calling getPos in WaveTower, line 64") set vyu=sf set myu=tf set Ryu=xyu set Tyu=vyu set Yyu=myu set Qyu=vp[qyu] set Gyu=Ylu(ht[Qyu],Ft[Qyu],kt[Qyu],Ryu,Tyu,Yyu) set Eyu=Dbu(Qp[vp[qyu]]) set Wyu=vp[qyu] set gyu=Eyu*s1u(0.35,YOu(jt[Wyu],xt[Wyu],vt[Wyu])/(16.*16.)) set kyu=Oe[dyu] if kyu>=843 and kyu<=849 then set hyu=0.25+Msu(Nt[fyu])/522.*0.75 call vju(dyu,Dh(Gyu)*gyu*hyu,Ph(Gyu)*gyu*hyu,0.,"when calling setVel in WaveTower, line 69") else call vju(dyu,Dh(Gyu)*gyu,Ph(Gyu)*gyu,0.,"when calling setVel in WaveTower, line 71") endif call p5(m5(m,stu(ayu),cf)) endif endif endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function asu takes unit psu,unitstate esu,real qsu returns nothing call SetUnitState(psu,esu,Ysu(psu,esu)+qsu) endfunction function ysu takes unit lsu,real bsu returns nothing call asu(lsu,UNIT_STATE_LIFE,bsu) endfunction function lcw takes integer ocw,unit Ocw returns nothing call ysu(Ocw,100.) endfunction function v7w takes integer G7w,unit g7w returns nothing local real h7w local real F7w local real k7w local real j7w local real x7w if Jsu(g7w)==Ey then set j7w=stu(g7w) set x7w=cf set h7w=j7w set F7w=x7w set k7w=Psu(g7w) call p5(m5(G,h7w,F7w)) call biu(g7w) call Iru(Iy,Wy,h7w,F7w,k7w) endif endfunction function iYu takes integer rYu,unit sYu,string tYu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=tYu set Ad=Ad+1 if iq[rYu]==0 then if rYu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling ForGroupCallback.ClosureForGroups_ForGroupCallback_callback","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called ForGroupCallback.ClosureForGroups_ForGroupCallback_callback on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if iq[rYu]<=756 then if iq[rYu]<=755 then if iq[rYu]<=754 then call lcw(rYu,sYu) else call Rdw(rYu,sYu,"when calling HealbackTower_closure_impl in ClosureForGroups, line 4") endif else call RWw(rYu,sYu) endif elseif iq[rYu]<=758 then if iq[rYu]<=757 then call v7w(rYu,sYu) else call K7w(rYu,sYu) endif else call Zyu(rYu,sYu,"when calling WaveMissile_closure_impl in ClosureForGroups, line 4") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function SX takes group uX,integer rX,string sX returns nothing local unit tX local group iX set Dd[Ad]=sX set Ad=Ad+1 set iX=uX loop exitwhen not Jpw(iX) set tX=Bpw(iX) call iYu(rX,tX,"when calling callback in ClosureForGroups, line 31") endloop set Ad=Ad-1 set tX=null set iX=null endfunction function gDu takes string YDu returns integer local integer GDu set Dd[Ad]=YDu set Ad=Ad+1 if sq==0 then if tq<32768 then set tq=tq+1 set GDu=tq set iq[GDu]=756 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set GDu=0 endif else set sq=sq-1 set GDu=rq[sq] set iq[GDu]=756 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return GDu endfunction function nWw takes string eWw returns nothing local integer qWw local group aWw set Dd[Ad]=eWw set Ad=Ad+1 call biu(dO) set aWw=nO set qWw=gDu("when calling alloc_Closure in Preloader, line 41") call SX(aWw,qWw,"when calling forEachFrom in Preloader, line 41") call Ipw(nO) set nO=null set Ad=Ad-1 set aWw=null endfunction function GWw takes integer TWw,string YWw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=YWw set Ad=Ad+1 call nWw("when calling finishPreload in Preloader, line 50") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function GMu takes integer TMu,string YMu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=YMu set Ad=Ad+1 if Cn[TMu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type CreateSpecial","when calling error in ") else set Kn[Ln]=TMu set Ln=Ln+1 set Cn[TMu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Oeu takes integer oeu returns nothing endfunction function yeu takes integer leu,string beu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=beu set Ad=Ad+1 call Oeu(leu) call GMu(leu,"when calling CreateSpecial in Wave, line 89") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function lMu takes integer oMu,string OMu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=OMu set Ad=Ad+1 if Cn[oMu]==0 then if oMu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling CreateSpecial.destroyCreateSpecial","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called CreateSpecial.destroyCreateSpecial on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call yeu(oMu,"when calling destroyCreateSpecial in Wave, line 89") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Gqu takes integer Tqu,string Yqu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Yqu set Ad=Ad+1 call lMu(ie[ue[Tqu]],"when calling CreateSpecial in Wave, line 110") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function HDw takes integer DDw returns nothing call p5(bl[DDw]) endfunction function Vtu takes unit Ktu,integer Ltu,real Xtu,real Ctu returns boolean return IssuePointOrderById(Ktu,Ltu,Xtu,Ctu) endfunction function Jm takes integer Im returns boolean local unit Am=Nt[Gw[Im]] local integer Dm=Lo local integer Pm=Im local boolean Hm=Vtu(Am,Dm,gw[Pm],hw[Pm]) set Am=null return Hm endfunction function FHw takes integer hHw returns nothing set ql[hHw]=false set al[hHw]=null endfunction function MDw takes integer XDw,string CDw returns nothing local timer VDw local timer BDw local integer NDw set Dd[Ad]=CDw set Ad=Ad+1 set NDw=XDw set VDw=b2w("when calling getTimer in SeqWorker, line 12") call s2w(VDw,XDw,"when calling setData in SeqWorker, line 12") set al[NDw]=VDw set BDw=al[XDw] call j2w(BDw,0.001,pg) set Ad=Ad-1 set VDw=null set BDw=null endfunction function SUu takes string tUu returns integer local integer iUu set Dd[Ad]=tUu set Ad=Ad+1 if Hq==0 then if Jq<32768 then set Jq=Jq+1 set iUu=Jq set Kq[iUu]=820 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set iUu=0 endif else set Hq=Hq-1 set iUu=Dq[Hq] set Kq[iUu]=820 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return iUu endfunction function ux takes integer Cj,integer Vj,integer Bj returns integer local integer Nj=0 local integer Mj local integer wx if bw[Cj]!=0 then set Nj=ux(bw[Cj],Vj,Bj) endif set Mj=lw[Cj]+Nj*Vj set wx=Mj/Bj set Nj=Mj-wx*Bj set lw[Cj]=wx return Nj endfunction function Onu takes integer tnu,integer inu,integer Snu,string cnu returns integer local integer onu set Dd[Ad]=cnu set Ad=Ad+1 if he[tnu]==0 then if tnu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigNum_l.BigNum_BigNum_l_divSmall","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigNum_l.BigNum_BigNum_l_divSmall on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set onu=ux(tnu,inu,Snu) set Ad=Ad-1 return onu endfunction function gj takes integer Rj,integer Tj,string Yj returns integer local integer Gj set Dd[Ad]=Yj set Ad=Ad+1 set Gj=Onu(ow[Rj],Ow[Rj],Tj,"when calling divSmall in BigNum, line 133") set Ad=Ad-1 return Gj endfunction function Hau takes integer Iau,integer Pau,string Aau returns integer local integer Dau set Dd[Ad]=Aau set Ad=Ad+1 if Te[Iau]==0 then if Iau==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigNum.BigNum_BigNum_divSmall","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigNum.BigNum_BigNum_divSmall on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set Dau=gj(Iau,Pau,"when calling divSmall in BigNum, line 132") set Ad=Ad-1 return Dau endfunction function J5 takes integer P5,integer A5,string D5 returns integer local integer H5 set Dd[Ad]=D5 set Ad=Ad+1 set H5=Hau(Ms[P5],A5+1,"when calling divSmall in Encoder, line 32") set Ad=Ad-1 return H5 endfunction function dhu takes integer ehu,integer qhu,string ahu returns integer local integer nhu set Dd[Ad]=ahu set Ad=Ad+1 if Aq[ehu]==0 then if ehu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Encoder.Encoder_Encoder_decode","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Encoder.Encoder_Encoder_decode on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set nhu=J5(ehu,qhu,"when calling decode in Encoder, line 31") set Ad=Ad-1 return nhu endfunction function KTw takes integer PTw,string ATw returns nothing local integer DTw local integer HTw local integer JTw set Dd[Ad]=ATw set Ad=Ad+1 call DEw("file valid2") set DTw=dhu(vc[PTw],qc,"when calling decode in LZW, line 68") call DEw("dictSize: "+bfw(DTw)) set HTw=Ngw("when calling new_LinkedList in LZW, line 70") call DEw("start decoding pos") set JTw=SUu("when calling alloc_Closure in LZW, line 72") call FHw(JTw) set Fc[JTw]=vc[PTw] set kc[JTw]=DTw set jc[JTw]=HTw set xc[JTw]=mc[PTw] call MDw(JTw,"when calling doSeq in LZW, line 72") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function KX takes integer JX returns nothing set Eu=Eu+50 endfunction function NA takes integer BA returns nothing call p5(yu[BA]) endfunction function Y_u takes code T_u returns nothing call i8w(up,Condition(T_u)) endfunction function g8w takes trigger R8w,player T8w,string Y8w,boolean G8w returns nothing call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(R8w,T8w,Y8w,G8w) endfunction function g_u takes code G_u returns nothing call i8w(wp,Condition(G_u)) endfunction function j8w takes trigger h8w,player F8w,playerevent k8w returns nothing call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(h8w,F8w,k8w) endfunction function NJ takes integer UJ returns nothing local integer IJ local integer PJ local trigger AJ local trigger DJ local trigger HJ local trigger JJ local trigger KJ local trigger LJ local trigger XJ local trigger CJ local trigger VJ local trigger BJ call g_u(kG) call Y_u(jG) call r8w(eu,xG) call r8w(qu,vG) call r8w(au,mG) set IJ=0 set PJ=bj_MAX_PLAYERS-1 loop exitwhen IJ>PJ call j8w(qu,OO[IJ],EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE) set AJ=au call j8w(AJ,OO[IJ],EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_DOWN) set DJ=AJ call j8w(DJ,OO[IJ],EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_UP) set HJ=DJ call j8w(HJ,OO[IJ],EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN) set JJ=HJ call j8w(JJ,OO[IJ],EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_UP) set KJ=JJ call j8w(KJ,OO[IJ],EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_DOWN) set LJ=KJ call j8w(LJ,OO[IJ],EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_UP) set XJ=LJ call j8w(XJ,OO[IJ],EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_DOWN) set CJ=XJ call j8w(CJ,OO[IJ],EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_UP) set VJ=CJ call j8w(VJ,OO[IJ],EVENT_PLAYER_END_CINEMATIC) set BJ=VJ call g8w(BJ,OO[IJ],"",false) set IJ=IJ+1 endloop call MUw(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT,null,QG,null) set AJ=null set DJ=null set HJ=null set JJ=null set KJ=null set LJ=null set XJ=null set CJ=null set VJ=null set BJ=null endfunction function Pbw takes integer Ubw returns nothing local timerdialog Ibw=CreateTimerDialog(Hi) call TimerDialogSetTitle(Ibw,"Until Finale: ") call TimerDialogDisplay(Ibw,true) set Ibw=null endfunction function eNw takes integer iNw,real SNw,real cNw,real oNw,integer ONw,integer lNw,real bNw,real yNw,string pNw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=pNw set Ad=Ad+1 call J2u(0,0,0,0,7,iNw,0,null,SNw,cNw,oNw,ONw,lNw,bNw,yNw,qlu(SNw,cNw,oNw,bNw,yNw),"when calling construct_Creep in Special, line 16",null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) set Ib[iNw]=Kqu(Nt[iNw],"war3mapImported\\GeneralHeroGlow.mdx","origin") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function CBw takes integer IBw,real PBw,real ABw,real DBw,integer HBw,integer JBw,real KBw,real LBw,string XBw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=XBw set Ad=Ad+1 call eNw(IBw,PBw,ABw,DBw,HBw,JBw,KBw,LBw,"when calling construct_Special in SpecialTwo, line 13") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function XLu takes string KLu returns integer local integer LLu set Dd[Ad]=KLu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set LLu=oe set Oe[LLu]=857 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create SpecialTwo.","when calling error in ") set LLu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set LLu=Se[ce] set Oe[LLu]=857 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return LLu endfunction function kBw takes real dBw,real fBw,real RBw,integer TBw,integer YBw,real GBw,real gBw,string hBw returns integer local integer FBw set Dd[Ad]=hBw set Ad=Ad+1 set FBw=XLu("when calling SpecialTwo in SpecialTwo, line 13") call CBw(FBw,dBw,fBw,RBw,TBw,YBw,GBw,gBw,"when calling construct_SpecialTwo in SpecialTwo, line 13") set Ad=Ad-1 return FBw endfunction function QBw takes integer jBw,string xBw returns nothing local integer vBw local integer mBw set Dd[Ad]=xBw set Ad=Ad+1 set vBw=0 loop exitwhen vBw>2 set mBw=jBw call kBw(hou(Fb[mBw],kb[mBw],jb[mBw],GetRandomReal(-16.,16.),GetRandomReal(-16.,16.)),Uf,If,Eb,7,Up,Ip,"when calling new_SpecialTwo in SpecialTwo, line 27") set vBw=vBw+1 endloop set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function uC takes integer BX,real NX,integer MX,string wC returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=wC set Ad=Ad+1 set Uu[BX]=b2w("when calling getTimer in ClosureTimers, line 107") call s2w(Uu[BX],BX,"when calling setData in ClosureTimers, line 108") set Zu[BX]=MX call Q2w(Uu[BX],NX,EG) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function RYu takes integer aYu,real nYu,integer dYu,string fYu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=fYu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oq[aYu]==0 then if aYu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling CallbackCounted.ClosureTimers_CallbackCounted_start","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called CallbackCounted.ClosureTimers_CallbackCounted_start on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call uC(aYu,nYu,dYu,"when calling start in ClosureTimers, line 106") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function UX takes real QX,integer WX,integer EX,string ZX returns integer set Dd[Ad]=ZX set Ad=Ad+1 call RYu(EX,QX,WX,"when calling start in ClosureTimers, line 48") set Ad=Ad-1 return EX endfunction function HX takes real IX,real PX,integer AX,string DX returns integer set Dd[Ad]=DX set Ad=Ad+1 call UX(IX,bUw(PX/IX+0.5),AX,"when calling doPeriodicallyCounted in ClosureTimers, line 59") set Ad=Ad-1 return AX endfunction function bC takes integer lC returns nothing set Zu[lC]=0 endfunction function mWu takes string xWu returns integer local integer vWu set Dd[Ad]=xWu set Ad=Ad+1 if cq==0 then if oq<32768 then set oq=oq+1 set vWu=oq set Oq[vWu]=653 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set vWu=0 endif else set cq=cq-1 set vWu=Sq[cq] set Oq[vWu]=653 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return vWu endfunction function Qyw takes integer jyw,string xyw returns nothing local integer vyw local integer myw set Dd[Ad]=xyw set Ad=Ad+1 set vyw=xKu(Ki,"when calling play in GameInit, line 54") set myw=mWu("when calling alloc_Closure in GameInit, line 55") call bC(myw) set Xi[myw]=vyw call HX(0.3,10.,myw,"when calling doPeriodicallyTimed in GameInit, line 55") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Kuu takes integer Euu,real Zuu,real Uuu,real Iuu,integer Puu,integer Auu,real Duu,real Huu,string Juu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Juu set Ad=Ad+1 call kBw(Zuu,Uuu,Iuu,Puu,Auu,Duu,Huu,"when calling new_SpecialTwo in UnitSpawnSystem, line 126") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function WLu takes string mLu returns integer local integer QLu set Dd[Ad]=mLu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set QLu=oe set Oe[QLu]=855 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create SpecialOne.","when calling error in ") set QLu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set QLu=Se[ce] set Oe[QLu]=855 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return QLu endfunction function qVw takes integer SVw,real cVw,real oVw,real OVw,integer lVw,integer bVw,real yVw,real pVw,string eVw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=eVw set Ad=Ad+1 call eNw(SVw,cVw,oVw,OVw,lVw,bVw,yVw,pVw,"when calling construct_Special in SpecialOne, line 7") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function iVw takes real VCw,real BCw,real NCw,integer MCw,integer wVw,real uVw,real rVw,string sVw returns integer local integer tVw set Dd[Ad]=sVw set Ad=Ad+1 set tVw=WLu("when calling SpecialOne in SpecialOne, line 7") call qVw(tVw,VCw,BCw,NCw,MCw,wVw,uVw,rVw,"when calling construct_SpecialOne in SpecialOne, line 7") set Ad=Ad-1 return tVw endfunction function Wuu takes integer guu,real huu,real Fuu,real kuu,integer juu,integer xuu,real vuu,real muu,string Quu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Quu set Ad=Ad+1 call iVw(huu,Fuu,kuu,juu,xuu,vuu,muu,"when calling new_SpecialOne in UnitSpawnSystem, line 123") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function eCw takes integer iCw,real SCw,real cCw,real oCw,integer OCw,integer lCw,real bCw,real yCw,string pCw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=pCw set Ad=Ad+1 call eNw(iCw,SCw,cCw,oCw,OCw,lCw,bCw,yCw,"when calling construct_Special in SpecialFive, line 17") set Yb[iCw]=5+GetRandomInt(-4,4) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function qLu takes string pLu returns integer local integer eLu set Dd[Ad]=pLu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set eLu=oe set Oe[eLu]=853 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create SpecialFive.","when calling error in ") set eLu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set eLu=Se[ce] set Oe[eLu]=853 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return eLu endfunction function tCw takes real CXw,real VXw,real BXw,integer NXw,integer MXw,real wCw,real uCw,string rCw returns integer local integer sCw set Dd[Ad]=rCw set Ad=Ad+1 set sCw=qLu("when calling SpecialFive in SpecialFive, line 17") call eCw(sCw,CXw,VXw,BXw,NXw,MXw,wCw,uCw,"when calling construct_SpecialFive in SpecialFive, line 17") set Ad=Ad-1 return sCw endfunction function Yru takes integer pru,real eru,real qru,real aru,integer nru,integer dru,real fru,real Rru,string Tru returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Tru set Ad=Ad+1 call tCw(eru,qru,aru,nru,dru,fru,Rru,"when calling new_SpecialFive in UnitSpawnSystem, line 135") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function ALu takes string ILu returns integer local integer PLu set Dd[Ad]=ILu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set PLu=oe set Oe[PLu]=856 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create SpecialThree.","when calling error in ") set PLu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set PLu=Se[ce] set Oe[PLu]=856 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return PLu endfunction function HVw takes integer QVw,real WVw,real EVw,real ZVw,integer UVw,integer IVw,real PVw,real AVw,string DVw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=DVw set Ad=Ad+1 call eNw(QVw,WVw,EVw,ZVw,UVw,IVw,PVw,AVw,"when calling construct_Special in SpecialThree, line 7") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function mVw takes real YVw,real GVw,real gVw,integer hVw,integer FVw,real kVw,real jVw,string xVw returns integer local integer vVw set Dd[Ad]=xVw set Ad=Ad+1 set vVw=ALu("when calling SpecialThree in SpecialThree, line 7") call HVw(vVw,YVw,GVw,gVw,hVw,FVw,kVw,jVw,"when calling construct_SpecialThree in SpecialThree, line 7") set Ad=Ad-1 return vVw endfunction function rru takes integer Luu,real Xuu,real Cuu,real Vuu,integer Buu,integer Nuu,real Muu,real wru,string uru returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=uru set Ad=Ad+1 call mVw(Xuu,Cuu,Vuu,Buu,Nuu,Muu,wru,"when calling new_SpecialThree in UnitSpawnSystem, line 129") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function DCw takes integer mCw,real QCw,real WCw,real ECw,integer ZCw,integer UCw,real ICw,real PCw,string ACw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=ACw set Ad=Ad+1 call eNw(mCw,QCw,WCw,ECw,ZCw,UCw,ICw,PCw,"when calling construct_Special in SpecialFour, line 7") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function kLu takes string hLu returns integer local integer FLu set Dd[Ad]=hLu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set FLu=oe set Oe[FLu]=854 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create SpecialFour.","when calling error in ") set FLu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set FLu=Se[ce] set Oe[FLu]=854 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return FLu endfunction function vCw takes real TCw,real YCw,real GCw,integer gCw,integer hCw,real FCw,real kCw,string jCw returns integer local integer xCw set Dd[Ad]=jCw set Ad=Ad+1 set xCw=kLu("when calling SpecialFour in SpecialFour, line 7") call DCw(xCw,TCw,YCw,GCw,gCw,hCw,FCw,kCw,"when calling construct_SpecialFour in SpecialFour, line 7") set Ad=Ad-1 return xCw endfunction function yru takes integer sru,real tru,real iru,real Sru,integer cru,integer oru,real Oru,real lru,string bru returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=bru set Ad=Ad+1 call vCw(tru,iru,Sru,cru,oru,Oru,lru,"when calling new_SpecialFour in UnitSpawnSystem, line 132") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function RMu takes integer bMu,real yMu,real pMu,real eMu,integer qMu,integer aMu,real nMu,real dMu,string fMu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=fMu set Ad=Ad+1 if Cn[bMu]==0 then if bMu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling CreateSpecial.Wave_CreateSpecial_create","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called CreateSpecial.Wave_CreateSpecial_create on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Cn[bMu]<=708 then if Cn[bMu]<=707 then if Cn[bMu]<=706 then call Wuu(bMu,yMu,pMu,eMu,qMu,aMu,nMu,dMu,"when calling UnitSpawnSystem_closure_impl in Wave, line 90") else call Kuu(bMu,yMu,pMu,eMu,qMu,aMu,nMu,dMu,"when calling UnitSpawnSystem_closure_impl in Wave, line 90") endif else call rru(bMu,yMu,pMu,eMu,qMu,aMu,nMu,dMu,"when calling UnitSpawnSystem_closure_impl in Wave, line 90") endif elseif Cn[bMu]<=709 then call yru(bMu,yMu,pMu,eMu,qMu,aMu,nMu,dMu,"when calling UnitSpawnSystem_closure_impl in Wave, line 90") else call Yru(bMu,yMu,pMu,eMu,qMu,aMu,nMu,dMu,"when calling UnitSpawnSystem_closure_impl in Wave, line 90") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Rqu takes integer aqu,string nqu returns nothing local integer dqu local integer fqu set Dd[Ad]=nqu set Ad=Ad+1 set dqu=0 set fqu=Zp loop exitwhen dqu>fqu call RMu(ie[we[aqu]],Ycu(fUw(Ep[dqu]),qR),jf,xf,re[we[aqu]],te[we[aqu]],Up,Ip,"when calling create in Wave, line 109") set dqu=dqu+1 endloop set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function UBw takes integer WBw,string EBw returns nothing local integer ZBw set Dd[Ad]=EBw set Ad=Ad+1 set ZBw=WBw call kBw(hou(xb[ZBw],vb[ZBw],mb[ZBw],GetRandomReal(-16.,16.),GetRandomReal(-16.,16.)),Uf,If,Zb,6,Up,Ip,"when calling new_SpecialTwo in SpecialTwo, line 30") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Itu takes unit Ztu,integer Utu returns boolean return IssueImmediateOrderById(Ztu,Utu) endfunction function Um takes integer Zm returns boolean return Itu(Nt[Yw[Zm]],Xo) endfunction function VMw takes integer CMw returns nothing call diu(Vb[CMw],Cb,1) endfunction function Xqu takes string Lqu returns nothing endfunction function Bqu takes integer Cqu,integer Vqu returns nothing if Cqu!=Vqu then call Xqu("Expected <"+bfw(Vqu)+">, Actual <"+bfw(Cqu)+">") endif endfunction function VX takes integer CX returns nothing set Eu=Eu/2 call Bqu(Eu,250) endfunction function XX takes integer LX returns nothing set Eu=Eu*2 endfunction function OLu takes string cLu returns integer local integer oLu set Dd[Ad]=cLu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set oLu=oe set Oe[oLu]=852 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Spawn.","when calling error in ") set oLu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set oLu=Se[ce] set Oe[oLu]=852 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return oLu endfunction function aXw takes integer cXw,real oXw,real OXw,real lXw,integer bXw,integer yXw,real pXw,real eXw,string qXw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=qXw set Ad=Ad+1 call eNw(cXw,oXw,OXw,lXw,bXw,yXw,pXw,eXw,"when calling construct_Special in SpecialFive, line 6") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function SXw takes real BLw,real NLw,real MLw,integer wXw,integer uXw,real rXw,real sXw,string tXw returns integer local integer iXw set Dd[Ad]=tXw set Ad=Ad+1 set iXw=OLu("when calling Spawn in SpecialFive, line 6") call aXw(iXw,BLw,NLw,MLw,wXw,uXw,rXw,sXw,"when calling construct_Spawn in SpecialFive, line 6") set Ad=Ad-1 return iXw endfunction function XXw takes integer HXw,string JXw returns nothing local integer KXw local integer LXw set Dd[Ad]=JXw set Ad=Ad+1 set LXw=HXw set KXw=SXw(Ycu(nb[LXw],db[LXw]),jf,xf,Tb,0,Up,Ip,"when calling new_Spawn in SpecialFive, line 35") call d5("Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\AnimateDead\\AnimateDeadTarget.mdl",wvu(KXw,"when calling getPos in SpecialFive, line 36"),sf,tf) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function LVu takes string JVu returns integer local integer KVu set Dd[Ad]=JVu set Ad=Ad+1 if sq==0 then if tq<32768 then set tq=tq+1 set KVu=tq set iq[KVu]=758 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set KVu=0 endif else set sq=sq-1 set KVu=rq[sq] set iq[KVu]=758 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return KVu endfunction function Z7w takes integer m7w,string Q7w returns nothing local integer W7w local player E7w set Dd[Ad]=Q7w set Ad=Ad+1 set E7w=Iy set W7w=LVu("when calling alloc_Closure in TownBell, line 30") call lX(E7w,W7w,"when calling forUnitsOfPlayer in TownBell, line 30") set Ad=Ad-1 set E7w=null endfunction function iSw takes integer wSw,string uSw returns nothing local texttag rSw local texttag sSw local texttag tSw set Dd[Ad]=uSw set Ad=Ad+1 set ai[wSw]=0 set qi[wSw]=0. if ei[wSw]then call Yvu(wSw,"when calling FText in FText, line 83") else set rSw=pi[wSw] call F4w(rSw,false) set sSw=rSw call s4w(sSw,Ku,Lu,Xu,Cu) set tSw=sSw call c4w(tSw,"",0.) call j3u(bi,wSw,"when calling add in FText, line 88") endif set Ad=Ad-1 set rSw=null set sSw=null set tSw=null endfunction function hvu takes integer Gvu,string gvu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=gvu set Ad=Ad+1 if qa[Gvu]==0 then if Gvu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling FText.FText_FText_recycle","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called FText.FText_FText_recycle on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call iSw(Gvu,"when calling recycle in FText, line 79") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function bSw takes integer OSw,string lSw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=lSw set Ad=Ad+1 call hvu(yi[OSw],"when calling recycle in FText, line 111") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function D4w takes integer A4w returns nothing set py[A4w]=py[A4w]+1 endfunction function Dnw takes integer Anw returns nothing set QS[Anw]=QS[Anw]+1 endfunction function eBu takes string yBu returns integer local integer pBu set Dd[Ad]=yBu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set pBu=oe set Oe[pBu]=866 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create TrooperTower.","when calling error in ") set pBu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set pBu=Se[ce] set Oe[pBu]=866 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return pBu endfunction function UCu takes string ECu returns integer local integer ZCu set Dd[Ad]=ECu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set ZCu=Le set Xe[ZCu]=733 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set ZCu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set ZCu=Je[Ke] set Xe[ZCu]=733 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return ZCu endfunction function o5w takes integer u5w,unit r5w,integer s5w,string t5w returns nothing local integer i5w local unit S5w local playerunitevent c5w set Dd[Ad]=t5w set Ad=Ad+1 call J2u(0,0,3,u5w,0,0,0,null,0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,r5w,0.,0.,0.,0.,"when calling construct_UnitEntity in TowerBlockade, line 72",null,null) set hy[u5w]=s5w set S5w=r5w set c5w=EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH set i5w=UCu("when calling alloc_Closure in TowerBlockade, line 76") call cL(i5w) call fK(S5w,c5w,i5w,"when calling add in TowerBlockade, line 76") set Ad=Ad-1 set S5w=null set c5w=null endfunction function vCu takes string jCu returns integer local integer xCu set Dd[Ad]=jCu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set xCu=oe set Oe[xCu]=840 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create BlockadeShip.","when calling error in ") set xCu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set xCu=Se[ce] set Oe[xCu]=840 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return xCu endfunction function B2w takes unit L2w,integer X2w,string C2w returns integer local integer V2w set Dd[Ad]=C2w set Ad=Ad+1 set V2w=vCu("when calling BlockadeShip in TowerBlockade, line 72") call o5w(V2w,L2w,X2w,"when calling construct_BlockadeShip in TowerBlockade, line 72") set Ad=Ad-1 return V2w endfunction function E6w takes integer W6w returns nothing call Siu(Nt[W6w]) endfunction function E9u takes integer v9u,string m9u returns nothing local integer Q9u local integer W9u set Dd[Ad]=m9u set Ad=Ad+1 call E6w(v9u) set Q9u=lgw(Xy[v9u],"when calling iterator in TrooperTower, line 87") loop exitwhen not nGw(Q9u) set W9u=qGw(Q9u) call Siu(Nt[W9u]) endloop call RGw(Q9u,"when calling close in TrooperTower, line 87") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function RVu takes integer dVu,string fVu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=fVu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[dVu]==0 then if dVu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Tower.Tower_Tower_pause","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Tower.Tower_Tower_pause on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Oe[dVu]<=866 then if Oe[dVu]<=865 then call E6w(dVu) else call E9u(dVu,"when calling pause in Tower, line 56") endif else call E6w(dVu) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function g5w takes integer p5w,integer e5w,string q5w returns nothing local integer a5w local integer n5w local real d5w local real f5w local real R5w local real T5w local real Y5w local real G5w set Dd[Ad]=q5w set Ad=Ad+1 set uu[p5w]=e5w if not KU(e5w) then call qI(e5w,"when calling newBuffs in TowerBlockade, line 41") endif set a5w=lgw(iI(e5w),"when calling iterator in TowerBlockade, line 42") loop exitwhen not nGw(a5w) set n5w=qGw(a5w) if Ie[n5w]==Ie[p5w]then set ru[n5w]=ru[p5w] set uu[p5w]=0 call J4u(3,4,null,p5w,"when calling terminate in TowerBlockade, line 46") call RGw(a5w,"when calling close in TowerBlockade, line 42") set Ad=Ad-1 return endif endloop call RGw(a5w,"when calling close in TowerBlockade, line 42") set T5w=wvu(e5w,"when calling getPos in TowerBlockade, line 48") set Y5w=sf set G5w=tf set d5w=T5w set f5w=Y5w set R5w=G5w set Fy[p5w]=B2w(Xru(rr,gy,d5w,f5w,R5w,0.),p5w,"when calling new_BlockadeShip in TowerBlockade, line 49") set ky[p5w]=G5(Q,d5w,f5w,R5w) call VU(e5w,p5w,"when calling addBuff in TowerBlockade, line 51") call Etu(Nt[e5w],"stop") call RVu(e5w,"when calling pause in TowerBlockade, line 53") call QRu(p5w,"when calling refresh in TowerBlockade, line 54") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function pEw takes integer lEw,integer bEw,string yEw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=yEw set Ad=Ad+1 set uu[lEw]=bEw if not KU(bEw) then call qI(bEw,"when calling newBuffs in PresetBuffs, line 34") endif call VU(bEw,lEw,"when calling addBuff in PresetBuffs, line 35") call QRu(lEw,"when calling refresh in PresetBuffs, line 36") call nRu(lEw,"when calling onApply in PresetBuffs, line 37") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function xWw takes integer gWw,integer hWw,string FWw returns nothing local integer kWw local integer jWw set Dd[Ad]=FWw set Ad=Ad+1 set uu[gWw]=hWw if not KU(hWw) then call qI(hWw,"when calling newBuffs in PresetBuffs, line 48") endif set kWw=lgw(iI(hWw),"when calling iterator in PresetBuffs, line 49") loop exitwhen not nGw(kWw) set jWw=qGw(kWw) if Ie[jWw]==Ie[gWw]then set uu[gWw]=0 call J4u(2,gWw,"when calling terminate in PresetBuffs, line 52",0,null) call RGw(kWw,"when calling close in PresetBuffs, line 49") set Ad=Ad-1 return endif endloop call RGw(kWw,"when calling close in PresetBuffs, line 49") call VU(hWw,gWw,"when calling addBuff in PresetBuffs, line 54") call QRu(gWw,"when calling refresh in PresetBuffs, line 55") call nRu(gWw,"when calling onApply in PresetBuffs, line 56") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function eRu takes integer bRu,integer yRu,string pRu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=pRu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[bRu]==0 then if bRu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Buff.Buff_Buff_apply","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Buff.Buff_Buff_apply on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Ie[bRu]<=644 then if Ie[bRu]<=641 then if Ie[bRu]<=639 then call xWw(bRu,yRu,"when calling apply in Buff, line 83") else call ZWw(bRu,yRu,"when calling apply in Buff, line 83") endif elseif Ie[bRu]<=643 then call VWw(bRu,yRu,"when calling apply in Buff, line 83") else call XHw(bRu,yRu,"when calling apply in Buff, line 83") endif elseif Ie[bRu]<=646 then if Ie[bRu]<=645 then call VWw(bRu,yRu,"when calling apply in Buff, line 83") else call Wlu(bRu,yRu,"when calling apply in Buff, line 83") endif elseif Ie[bRu]<=647 then call pEw(bRu,yRu,"when calling apply in Buff, line 83") else call g5w(bRu,yRu,"when calling apply in Buff, line 83") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function yI takes integer SI,integer cI,string oI returns nothing local integer OI local integer lI local integer bI set Dd[Ad]=oI set Ad=Ad+1 if cI==0 then call tsw("Target Entity may not be null","when calling error in Buff, line 51") endif if SI==0 then call tsw("Origin Entity may not be null","when calling error in Buff, line 53") endif set OI=Bw[SI] if OI==0 or sPu(OI,"when calling size in Buff, line 56")==0 then set Ad=Ad-1 return endif if OI!=0 then set bI=cPu(OI,"when calling staticItr in Buff, line 60") loop exitwhen not nGw(bI) set lI=qGw(bI) if not iu[lI]then call DEw("Apply Buff") call eRu(lI,cI,"when calling apply in Buff, line 63") endif endloop call xIu(OI,"when calling LinkedList in Buff, line 64") set Bw[SI]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function B6w takes integer X6w,integer C6w,string V6w returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=V6w set Ad=Ad+1 call J2u(0,0,3,X6w,0,0,0,null,0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,Nt[C6w],0.,0.,0.,0.,"when calling construct_UnitEntity in Tower, line 25",null,null) call yI(C6w,X6w,"when calling transferBuffs in Tower, line 27") call J2u(0,0,0,0,0,0,C6w,"when calling terminate in Tower, line 28",0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function I8w takes trigger E8w,unit Z8w,unitevent U8w returns nothing call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(E8w,Z8w,U8w) endfunction function RBu takes string dBu returns integer local integer fBu set Dd[Ad]=dBu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set fBu=Le set Xe[fBu]=735 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set fBu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set fBu=Je[Ke] set Xe[fBu]=735 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return fBu endfunction function MVu takes string BVu returns integer local integer NVu set Dd[Ad]=BVu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set NVu=oe set Oe[NVu]=869 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Troop.","when calling error in ") set NVu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set NVu=Se[ce] set Oe[NVu]=869 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return NVu endfunction function p9u takes integer c9u,real o9u,real O9u,real l9u,player b9u,string y9u returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=y9u set Ad=Ad+1 call J2u(0,0,3,c9u,0,0,0,null,0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,Ssu(b9u,Hy,o9u,O9u,l9u,0.),0.,0.,0.,0.,"when calling construct_UnitEntity in TrooperTower, line 22",null,null) call sxu(c9u,"when calling deactivate in TrooperTower, line 24") call Osu(Nt[c9u],iw) call SSu(Nt[c9u],Qh(0)) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function S9u takes real w9u,real u9u,real r9u,player s9u,string t9u returns integer local integer i9u set Dd[Ad]=t9u set Ad=Ad+1 set i9u=MVu("when calling Troop in TrooperTower, line 22") call p9u(i9u,w9u,u9u,r9u,s9u,"when calling construct_Troop in TrooperTower, line 22") set Ad=Ad-1 return i9u endfunction function l0u takes integer D9u,string H9u returns nothing local real J9u local real K9u local integer L9u local integer X9u local real C9u local real V9u local real B9u local unit N9u local unit M9u local unit w0u local unit u0u local integer r0u local integer s0u local real t0u local real i0u local real S0u local integer c0u local real o0u local real O0u set Dd[Ad]=H9u set Ad=Ad+1 set c0u=Xy[D9u] set r0u=D9u call j3u(c0u,S9u(ht[r0u],Ft[r0u],kt[r0u],Et[D9u],"when calling new_Troop in TrooperTower, line 72"),"when calling add in TrooperTower, line 72") set J9u=360./sPu(Xy[D9u],"when calling size in TrooperTower, line 74") set K9u=0. set L9u=lgw(Xy[D9u],"when calling iterator in TrooperTower, line 76") loop exitwhen not nGw(L9u) set X9u=qGw(L9u) set o0u=wou(EOu(wvu(D9u,"when calling getPos in TrooperTower, line 77"),sf,tf),Ef,vh(K9u),Ay) set O0u=Cd set s0u=D9u set t0u=cou(o0u,O0u,xcu(ht[s0u],Ft[s0u],kt[s0u])+160.) set i0u=Bd set S0u=Nd set C9u=t0u set V9u=i0u set B9u=S0u set N9u=Nt[X9u] call gB(N9u,Au,Du,Hu,Ju) set M9u=N9u call VSu(M9u) set w0u=M9u call viu(w0u,vh(K9u)) set u0u=w0u call Osu(u0u,iw) call J2u(0,1,X9u,0,0,0,0,null,C9u,V9u,B9u,0,0,0.,0.,0.,"when calling setXY in TrooperTower, line 82",null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) set K9u=K9u+J9u endloop call RGw(L9u,"when calling close in TrooperTower, line 76") set Ad=Ad-1 set N9u=null set M9u=null set w0u=null set u0u=null endfunction function bBu takes integer OBu,string lBu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=lBu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[OBu]==0 then if OBu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling TrooperTower.TrooperTower_TrooperTower_addTrooper","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called TrooperTower.TrooperTower_TrooperTower_addTrooper on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call l0u(OBu,"when calling addTrooper in TrooperTower, line 71") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function x0u takes integer G0u,integer g0u,string h0u returns nothing local integer F0u local unit k0u local playerunitevent j0u set Dd[Ad]=h0u set Ad=Ad+1 call B6w(G0u,g0u,"when calling construct_Tower2 in TrooperTower, line 39") set Xy[G0u]=Ngw("when calling new_LinkedList in TrooperTower, line 36") set Cy[G0u]=0 call bBu(G0u,"when calling addTrooper in TrooperTower, line 41") call bBu(G0u,"when calling addTrooper in TrooperTower, line 42") call bBu(G0u,"when calling addTrooper in TrooperTower, line 43") call I8w(Ky,Nt[G0u],EVENT_UNIT_UPGRADE_START) call I8w(Ly,Nt[G0u],EVENT_UNIT_UPGRADE_CANCEL) set k0u=Nt[G0u] set j0u=EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH set F0u=RBu("when calling alloc_Closure in TrooperTower, line 46") call cL(F0u) set Vy[F0u]=G0u call fK(k0u,j0u,F0u,"when calling add in TrooperTower, line 46") set Ad=Ad-1 set k0u=null set j0u=null endfunction function F9u takes integer G9u,string g9u returns integer local integer h9u set Dd[Ad]=g9u set Ad=Ad+1 set h9u=eBu("when calling TrooperTower in TrooperTower, line 39") call x0u(h9u,G9u,"when calling construct_TrooperTower in TrooperTower, line 39") set Ad=Ad-1 return h9u endfunction function EK takes unit vK,integer mK,string QK returns integer local integer WK set Dd[Ad]=QK set Ad=Ad+1 set WK=gK(vK,-1,mK,"when calling addSpellInternal in ClosureEvents, line 142") set Ad=Ad-1 return WK endfunction function qau takes string pau returns integer local integer eau set Dd[Ad]=pau set Ad=Ad+1 if be==0 then if ye<32768 then set ye=ye+1 set eau=ye set pe[eau]=795 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set eau=0 endif else set be=be-1 set eau=le[be] set pe[eau]=795 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return eau endfunction function xL takes integer jL returns nothing call qL(jL) endfunction function Ok takes integer ik,string Sk returns nothing local integer ck local unit ok set Dd[Ad]=Sk set Ad=Ad+1 set ok=Nt[ik] set ck=qau("when calling alloc_Closure in ArtilleryTower, line 22") call xL(ck) set uw[ck]=ik call EK(ok,ck,"when calling onCast in ArtilleryTower, line 22") set Ad=Ad-1 set ok=null endfunction function Sau takes integer tau,string iau returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=iau set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[tau]==0 then if tau==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling ArtilleryTower.ArtilleryTower_ArtilleryTower_registerSpell","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called ArtilleryTower.ArtilleryTower_ArtilleryTower_registerSpell on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Ok(tau,"when calling registerSpell in ArtilleryTower, line 21") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Ek takes integer xk,integer vk,string mk returns nothing local unit Qk local unit Wk set Dd[Ad]=mk set Ad=Ad+1 call B6w(xk,vk,"when calling construct_Tower2 in ArtilleryTower, line 14") set rw[xk]=1 set Qk=Nt[xk] call SSu(Qk,Qh(0)) set Wk=Qk call Osu(Wk,N) call Sau(xk,"when calling registerSpell in ArtilleryTower, line 19") set Ad=Ad-1 set Qk=null set Wk=null endfunction function Oau takes string cau returns integer local integer oau set Dd[Ad]=cau set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set oau=oe set Oe[oau]=862 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create ArtilleryTower.","when calling error in ") set oau=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set oau=Se[ce] set Oe[oau]=862 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return oau endfunction function NF takes integer CF,string VF returns integer local integer BF set Dd[Ad]=VF set Ad=Ad+1 set BF=Oau("when calling ArtilleryTower in ArtilleryTower, line 14") call Ek(BF,CF,"when calling construct_ArtilleryTower in ArtilleryTower, line 14") set Ad=Ad-1 return BF endfunction function Cdw takes integer Kdw,integer Ldw,string Xdw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Xdw set Ad=Ad+1 call B6w(Kdw,Ldw,"when calling construct_Tower2 in HealbackTower, line 19") set QS[Kdw]=1 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function eZu takes string yZu returns integer local integer pZu set Dd[Ad]=yZu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set pZu=oe set Oe[pZu]=864 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create HealbackTower.","when calling error in ") set pZu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set pZu=Se[ce] set Oe[pZu]=864 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return pZu endfunction function Pnw takes integer Znw,string Unw returns integer local integer Inw set Dd[Ad]=Unw set Ad=Ad+1 set Inw=eZu("when calling HealbackTower in HealbackTower, line 19") call Cdw(Inw,Znw,"when calling construct_HealbackTower in HealbackTower, line 19") set Ad=Ad-1 return Inw endfunction function WNu takes string mNu returns integer local integer QNu set Dd[Ad]=mNu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set QNu=oe set Oe[QNu]=867 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create WaveTower.","when calling error in ") set QNu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set QNu=Se[ce] set Oe[QNu]=867 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return QNu endfunction function npu takes integer epu,integer qpu,string apu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=apu set Ad=Ad+1 call B6w(epu,qpu,"when calling construct_Tower2 in WaveTower, line 14") set Wp[epu]=1 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function bpu takes integer opu,string Opu returns integer local integer lpu set Dd[Ad]=Opu set Ad=Ad+1 set lpu=WNu("when calling WaveTower in WaveTower, line 14") call npu(lpu,opu,"when calling construct_WaveTower in WaveTower, line 14") set Ad=Ad-1 return lpu endfunction function mow takes integer jow,integer xow,string vow returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=vow set Ad=Ad+1 call B6w(jow,xow,"when calling construct_Tower2 in FlamethrowerTower, line 17") set ji[jow]=1 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function vmu takes string jmu returns integer local integer xmu set Dd[Ad]=jmu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set xmu=oe set Oe[xmu]=863 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create FlamethrowerTower.","when calling error in ") set xmu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set xmu=Se[ce] set Oe[xmu]=863 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return xmu endfunction function how takes integer Yow,string Gow returns integer local integer gow set Dd[Ad]=Gow set Ad=Ad+1 set gow=vmu("when calling FlamethrowerTower in FlamethrowerTower, line 17") call mow(gow,Yow,"when calling construct_FlamethrowerTower in FlamethrowerTower, line 17") set Ad=Ad-1 return gow endfunction function kEw takes integer hEw,string FEw returns nothing call YEw(lO,hEw,FEw) endfunction function Q6w takes integer x6w,string v6w returns nothing local integer m6w set Dd[Ad]=v6w set Ad=Ad+1 set m6w=Jsu(Nt[x6w]) if m6w==jp then call Sww(Nt[x6w],0) call bpu(x6w,"when calling new_WaveTower in Tower, line 39") elseif m6w==Dy then call Sww(Nt[x6w],0) call F9u(x6w,"when calling new_TrooperTower in Tower, line 42") elseif m6w==Fi then call Sww(Nt[x6w],0) call how(x6w,"when calling new_FlamethrowerTower in Tower, line 45") elseif m6w==B then call Sww(Nt[x6w],0) call NF(x6w,"when calling new_ArtilleryTower in Tower, line 48") elseif m6w==qS then call Sww(Nt[x6w],0) call Pnw(x6w,"when calling new_HealbackTower in Tower, line 51") else call kEw(0,"upgrade not catched") endif call Etu(Nt[x6w],"stop") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function kow takes integer Fow returns nothing call Itu(Nt[Fow],OrderId("stop")) set ji[Fow]=ji[Fow]+1 endfunction function JEw takes string HEw returns nothing call YEw(lO,2,HEw) endfunction function ppu takes integer ypu returns nothing call Itu(Nt[ypu],OrderId("stop")) call JEw("Mori is weeb") set Wp[ypu]=Wp[ypu]+1 endfunction function tk takes integer MF returns nothing local unit wk local unit uk local unit rk local unit sk set rw[MF]=rw[MF]+1 set wk=Nt[MF] call Osu(wk,N) set uk=wk call diu(uk,N,rw[MF]) set rk=uk call SSu(rk,Qh(0)) set sk=rk call Itu(sk,OrderId("stop")) set wk=null set uk=null set rk=null set sk=null endfunction function x9u takes integer k9u,string j9u returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=j9u set Ad=Ad+1 set Cy[k9u]=Cy[k9u]+1 call bBu(k9u,"when calling addTrooper in TrooperTower, line 51") call Etu(Nt[k9u],"stop") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function nVu takes integer qVu,string aVu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=aVu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[qVu]==0 then if qVu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Tower.Tower_Tower_onUpgrade","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Tower.Tower_Tower_onUpgrade on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Oe[qVu]<=864 then if Oe[qVu]<=862 then if Oe[qVu]<=861 then call Q6w(qVu,"when calling onUpgrade in Tower, line 35") else call tk(qVu) endif elseif Oe[qVu]<=863 then call kow(qVu) else call Dnw(qVu) endif elseif Oe[qVu]<=866 then if Oe[qVu]<=865 then call D4w(qVu) else call x9u(qVu,"when calling onUpgrade in Tower, line 35") endif else call ppu(qVu) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function e6w takes integer y6w,string p6w returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=p6w set Ad=Ad+1 call nVu(my[y6w],"when calling onUpgrade in Tower, line 81") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Jtu takes unit Ptu,string Atu,real Dtu,real Htu returns boolean return IssuePointOrder(Ptu,Atu,Dtu,Htu) endfunction function fM takes integer aM returns nothing local unit dM=Nt[cr[aM]] local integer nM=aM call Jtu(dM,"attack",lr[nM],br[nM]) set dM=null endfunction function EWu takes string QWu returns integer local integer WWu set Dd[Ad]=QWu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set WWu=ae set ne[WWu]=677 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set WWu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set WWu=ee[qe] set ne[WWu]=677 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return WWu endfunction function hWu takes string GWu returns integer local integer gWu set Dd[Ad]=GWu set Ad=Ad+1 if cq==0 then if oq<32768 then set oq=oq+1 set gWu=oq set Oq[gWu]=652 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set gWu=0 endif else set cq=cq-1 set gWu=Sq[cq] set Oq[gWu]=652 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return gWu endfunction function jWu takes string FWu returns integer local integer kWu set Dd[Ad]=FWu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set kWu=ae set ne[kWu]=676 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set kWu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set kWu=ee[qe] set ne[kWu]=676 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return kWu endfunction function gyw takes integer dyw,string fyw returns nothing local integer Ryw local integer Tyw local integer Yyw local integer Gyw set Dd[Ad]=fyw set Ad=Ad+1 set Ryw=xKu(Ki,"when calling play in GameInit, line 49") set Tyw=hWu("when calling alloc_Closure in GameInit, line 50") call bC(Tyw) set Li[Tyw]=Ryw call HX(0.3,10.,Tyw,"when calling doPeriodicallyTimed in GameInit, line 50") set Yyw=jWu("when calling alloc_Closure in GameInit, line 53") call VC(Yyw) call gX(0.55,Yyw,"when calling doAfter in GameInit, line 53") set Gyw=EWu("when calling alloc_Closure in GameInit, line 57") call VC(Gyw) set Ci[Gyw]=Vi[dyw] call gX(14.25,Gyw,"when calling doAfter in GameInit, line 57") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Aqu takes widget Pqu returns real return GetWidgetLife(Pqu) endfunction function hFw takes integer gFw returns nothing if fo[gFw]!=null and Aqu(fo[gFw])>.405 then call Jfw(fo[gFw]) endif endfunction function YFu takes string RFu returns integer local integer TFu set Dd[Ad]=RFu set Ad=Ad+1 if Xq==0 then if Cq<32768 then set Cq=Cq+1 set TFu=Cq set Vq[TFu]=744 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set TFu=0 endif else set Xq=Xq-1 set TFu=Lq[Xq] set Vq[TFu]=744 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return TFu endfunction function hFu takes string GFu returns integer local integer gFu set Dd[Ad]=GFu set Ad=Ad+1 if Xq==0 then if Cq<32768 then set Cq=Cq+1 set gFu=Cq set Vq[gFu]=745 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set gFu=0 endif else set Xq=Xq-1 set gFu=Lq[Xq] set Vq[gFu]=745 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return gFu endfunction function Jx takes integer Hx returns integer return qw[Hx]-aw[Hx] endfunction function hnu takes integer Ynu,string Gnu returns integer local integer gnu set Dd[Ad]=Gnu set Ad=Ad+1 if xe[Ynu]==0 then if Ynu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigString.BigString_BigString_getLength","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigString.BigString_BigString_getLength on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set gnu=Jx(Ynu) set Ad=Ad-1 return gnu endfunction function jFu takes string FFu returns integer local integer kFu set Dd[Ad]=FFu set Ad=Ad+1 if Xq==0 then if Cq<32768 then set Cq=Cq+1 set kFu=Cq set Vq[kFu]=746 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set kFu=0 endif else set Xq=Xq-1 set kFu=Lq[Xq] set Vq[kFu]=746 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return kFu endfunction function mFu takes string xFu returns integer local integer vFu set Dd[Ad]=xFu set Ad=Ad+1 if Xq==0 then if Cq<32768 then set Cq=Cq+1 set vFu=Cq set Vq[vFu]=747 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set vFu=0 endif else set Xq=Xq-1 set vFu=Lq[Xq] set Vq[vFu]=747 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return vFu endfunction function i7 takes integer M6,string w7 returns nothing local integer u7 local integer r7 local integer s7 local integer t7 set Dd[Ad]=w7 set Ad=Ad+1 call DEw("hash: "+bfw(wt[As[M6]])) set u7=YFu("when calling alloc_Closure in Encoder, line 114") set Ws[u7]=As[M6] call xsw(u7,"when calling execute in Encoder, line 114") call DEw("encoded hash") set r7=hFu("when calling alloc_Closure in Encoder, line 116") set Es[r7]=As[M6] call xsw(r7,"when calling execute in Encoder, line 116") call DEw("clean") set s7=jFu("when calling alloc_Closure in Encoder, line 118") set Zs[s7]=As[M6] call xsw(s7,"when calling execute in Encoder, line 118") call DEw("before toString bs: "+bfw(hnu(Ds[M6],"when calling getLength in Encoder, line 119"))) set t7=mFu("when calling alloc_Closure in Encoder, line 120") set Us[t7]=As[M6] set Is[t7]=Ds[M6] set Ps[t7]=Hs[M6] call xsw(t7,"when calling execute in Encoder, line 120") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function jk takes integer gk returns nothing local unit hk=Nt[ww[gk]] local unit Fk local unit kk call Itu(hk,OrderId("stop")) set Fk=hk call eiu(Fk,N) set kk=Fk call Osu(kk,N) set hk=null set Fk=null set kk=null endfunction function f8w takes trigger a8w,region n8w,boolexpr d8w returns nothing call TriggerRegisterEnterRegion(a8w,n8w,d8w) endfunction function Wpw takes group vpw,rect mpw,boolexpr Qpw returns nothing call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(vpw,mpw,Qpw) endfunction function xpw takes group kpw,rect jpw returns nothing call Wpw(kpw,jpw,null) endfunction function jxw takes integer gxw returns nothing local trigger hxw=CreateTrigger() local group Fxw local group kxw call f8w(hxw,Go,Filter(Og)) call AUw(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER,lg) call xpw(Do,Yo) call ForGroup(Do,bg) set Fxw=Do call Zpw(Fxw) set kxw=Fxw call Ipw(kxw) set hxw=null set Fxw=null set kxw=null endfunction function KCu takes string HCu returns integer local integer JCu set Dd[Ad]=HCu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ze==0 then if Ue<32768 then set Ue=Ue+1 set JCu=Ue set Ie[JCu]=648 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create TowerBlockadeBuff.","when calling error in ") set JCu=0 endif else set Ze=Ze-1 set JCu=Ee[Ze] set Ie[JCu]=648 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return JCu endfunction function DCu takes integer ICu,integer PCu,string ACu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=ACu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[ICu]==0 then if ICu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling TowerBlockadeBuff.TowerBlockade_TowerBlockadeBuff_apply","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called TowerBlockadeBuff.TowerBlockade_TowerBlockadeBuff_apply on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call g5w(ICu,PCu,"when calling apply in TowerBlockade, line 38") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Z5w takes integer Q5w,integer W5w,string E5w returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=E5w set Ad=Ad+1 call EP(Q5w,Yy,Ry,Ty) call f1w(wvu(W5w,"when calling getPos in TowerBlockade, line 35"),sf,tf,GetRandomReal(-1.,1.),0.,GetRandomReal(6.,8.),"Blockaded!",8.,1.,145,80,12,255,"when calling new_TextTagEntity in TowerBlockade, line 35") call DCu(Q5w,W5w,"when calling apply in TowerBlockade, line 36") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function m5w takes integer j5w,string x5w returns integer local integer v5w set Dd[Ad]=x5w set Ad=Ad+1 set v5w=KCu("when calling TowerBlockadeBuff in TowerBlockade, line 33") call Z5w(v5w,j5w,"when calling construct_TowerBlockadeBuff in TowerBlockade, line 33") set Ad=Ad-1 return v5w endfunction function m9 takes integer x9,string v9 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=v9 set Ad=Ad+1 call m5w(et[x9],"when calling new_TowerBlockadeBuff in EndBoss, line 91") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Ojw takes multiboard Sjw,integer cjw,integer ojw returns multiboarditem return MultiboardGetItem(Sjw,cjw,ojw) endfunction function Pjw takes multiboarditem Ujw,real Ijw returns nothing call MultiboardSetItemWidth(Ujw,Ijw) endfunction function Qjw takes multiboarditem xjw,boolean vjw,boolean mjw returns nothing call MultiboardSetItemStyle(xjw,vjw,mjw) endfunction function Zjw takes multiboarditem Wjw,string Ejw returns nothing call MultiboardSetItemValue(Wjw,Ejw) endfunction function hjw takes multiboard Gjw,string gjw returns nothing call MultiboardSetTitleText(Gjw,gjw) endfunction function jjw takes multiboarditem Fjw,string kjw returns nothing call MultiboardSetItemIcon(Fjw,kjw) endfunction function qjw takes multiboard pjw,integer ejw returns nothing call MultiboardSetRowCount(pjw,ejw) endfunction function yjw takes multiboard ljw,integer bjw returns nothing call MultiboardSetColumnCount(ljw,bjw) endfunction function Nkw takes string Ekw returns nothing local integer Zkw local integer Ukw local integer Ikw local multiboarditem Pkw local multiboarditem Akw local multiboarditem Dkw local multiboarditem Hkw local multiboarditem Jkw local multiboarditem Kkw local multiboarditem Lkw local multiboarditem Xkw local multiboarditem Ckw local multiboarditem Vkw local multiboarditem Bkw set Dd[Ad]=Ekw set Ad=Ad+1 call qjw(Wo,sPu(Mo,"when calling size in MultiboardSystem, line 18")) call yjw(Wo,4) call hjw(Wo,"Forest Defense") set Zkw=0 set Ukw=lgw(Mo,"when calling iterator in MultiboardSystem, line 22") loop exitwhen not nGw(Ukw) set Ikw=qGw(Ukw) set Pkw=Ojw(Wo,Zkw,0) call Qjw(Pkw,true,false) set Akw=Pkw call Pjw(Akw,0.05) if tO[Ikw]then call Zjw(Ojw(Wo,Zkw,0),ZV(rO[Ikw])) else call Zjw(Ojw(Wo,Zkw,0),"|cff636363†"+mQw(rO[Ikw])+"|r") endif set Dkw=Ojw(Wo,Zkw,1) call Zjw(Dkw,bfw(hQw(rO[Ikw]))) set Hkw=Dkw call jjw(Hkw,"UI\\Feedback\\Resources\\ResourceGold.blp") set Jkw=Hkw call Pjw(Jkw,0.035) set Kkw=Ojw(Wo,Zkw,2) call Zjw(Kkw,bfw(xQw(rO[Ikw]))) set Lkw=Kkw call jjw(Lkw,"UI\\Feedback\\Resources\\ResourceLumber.blp") set Xkw=Lkw call Pjw(Xkw,0.025) set Ckw=Ojw(Wo,Zkw,3) call Zjw(Ckw,bfw(sO[Ikw])) set Vkw=Ckw call jjw(Vkw,"ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNSacrifice.blp") set Bkw=Vkw call Pjw(Bkw,0.035) set Zkw=Zkw+1 endloop call RGw(Ukw,"when calling close in MultiboardSystem, line 22") set Ad=Ad-1 set Pkw=null set Akw=null set Dkw=null set Hkw=null set Jkw=null set Kkw=null set Lkw=null set Xkw=null set Ckw=null set Vkw=null set Bkw=null endfunction function ijw takes multiboard sjw,boolean tjw returns nothing call MultiboardDisplay(sjw,tjw) endfunction function Wkw takes string Qkw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Qkw set Ad=Ad+1 set Wo=CreateMultiboard() call Nkw("when calling update in MultiboardSystem, line 12") call ijw(Wo,true) call Q2w(CreateTimer(),0.5,og) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function mkw takes integer xkw,string vkw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=vkw set Ad=Ad+1 call Wkw("when calling initMultiboard in MultiboardSystem, line 7") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function nBw takes integer pBw,string eBw returns nothing local integer qBw local integer aBw set Dd[Ad]=eBw set Ad=Ad+1 set qBw=0 loop exitwhen qBw>3 set aBw=pBw call kBw(hou(Gb[aBw],gb[aBw],hb[aBw],GetRandomReal(-16.,16.),GetRandomReal(-16.,16.)),Uf,If,Wb,8,Up,Ip,"when calling new_SpecialTwo in SpecialTwo, line 22") set qBw=qBw+1 endloop set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function u8 takes integer B7,string N7 returns nothing local integer M7 local integer w8 set Dd[Ad]=N7 set Ad=Ad+1 set M7=lgw(Mo,"when calling iterator in EndBoss, line 152") loop exitwhen not nGw(M7) set w8=qGw(M7) call CustomVictoryBJ(rO[w8],true,false) endloop call RGw(M7,"when calling close in EndBoss, line 152") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function yM takes integer bM returns nothing if sr[bM]!=null and GetWidgetLife(sr[bM])>.405 then call Jfw(sr[bM]) endif endfunction function CYu takes integer LYu,string XYu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=XYu set Ad=Ad+1 if ne[LYu]==0 then if LYu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling CallbackSingle.ClosureTimers_CallbackSingle_call","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called CallbackSingle.ClosureTimers_CallbackSingle_call on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if ne[LYu]<=675 then if ne[LYu]<=666 then if ne[LYu]<=661 then if ne[LYu]<=659 then if ne[LYu]<=658 then if ne[LYu]<=657 then call jk(LYu) else call Um(LYu) endif else call Jm(LYu) endif elseif ne[LYu]<=660 then call AI(LYu,"when calling Buff_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") else call BI(LYu,"when calling Buff_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") endif elseif ne[LYu]<=664 then if ne[LYu]<=663 then if ne[LYu]<=662 then call NA(LYu) else call NJ(LYu) endif else call KX(LYu) endif elseif ne[LYu]<=665 then call XX(LYu) else call VX(LYu) endif elseif ne[LYu]<=671 then if ne[LYu]<=669 then if ne[LYu]<=668 then if ne[LYu]<=667 then call yM(LYu) else call fM(LYu) endif else call F1(LYu,"when calling FinalBossSummoning_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") endif elseif ne[LYu]<=670 then call i7(LYu,"when calling Encoder_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") else call u8(LYu,"when calling EndBoss_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") endif elseif ne[LYu]<=673 then if ne[LYu]<=672 then call m9(LYu,"when calling EndBoss_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") else call bSw(LYu,"when calling FText_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") endif elseif ne[LYu]<=674 then call Pbw(LYu) else call gyw(LYu,"when calling GameInit_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") endif elseif ne[LYu]<=685 then if ne[LYu]<=680 then if ne[LYu]<=678 then if ne[LYu]<=677 then if ne[LYu]<=676 then call Qyw(LYu,"when calling GameInit_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") else call Ayw(LYu,"when calling GameInit_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") endif else call KTw(LYu,"when calling LZW_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") endif elseif ne[LYu]<=679 then call hFw(LYu) else call mkw(LYu,"when calling MultiboardSystem_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") endif elseif ne[LYu]<=683 then if ne[LYu]<=682 then if ne[LYu]<=681 then call jxw(LYu) else call GWw(LYu,"when calling Preloader_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") endif else call HDw(LYu) endif elseif ne[LYu]<=684 then call DXw(LYu) else call XXw(LYu,"when calling SpecialFive_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") endif elseif ne[LYu]<=690 then if ne[LYu]<=688 then if ne[LYu]<=687 then if ne[LYu]<=686 then call nBw(LYu,"when calling SpecialTwo_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") else call QBw(LYu,"when calling SpecialTwo_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") endif else call UBw(LYu,"when calling SpecialTwo_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") endif elseif ne[LYu]<=689 then call VMw(LYu) else call e6w(LYu,"when calling Tower_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") endif elseif ne[LYu]<=692 then if ne[LYu]<=691 then call Z7w(LYu,"when calling TownBell_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") else call Deu(LYu,"when calling NormalWave_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") endif elseif ne[LYu]<=693 then call Rqu(LYu,"when calling SpecialWave_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") else call Gqu(LYu,"when calling SpecialWave_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 65") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function JC takes string AC returns nothing local timer DC local integer HC set Dd[Ad]=AC set Ad=Ad+1 set DC=GetExpiredTimer() set HC=c2w(DC,"when calling getData in ClosureTimers, line 75") call CYu(HC,"when calling call in ClosureTimers, line 76") call KYu(HC,"when calling CallbackSingle in ClosureTimers, line 77") set Ad=Ad-1 set DC=null endfunction function PC takes string IC returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=IC set Ad=Ad+1 call JC("when calling staticCallback in ClosureTimers, line 70") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function M1u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call PC("ClosureTimers, line 68") endfunction function GJ takes unit YJ returns nothing if pJ(YJ) then call I8w(eu,YJ,EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED) endif endfunction function f_u takes nothing returns unit return rp endfunction function MJ takes nothing returns nothing call GJ(f_u()) endfunction function MSu takes nothing returns boolean set yp="Units\\Undead\\Abomination\\AbominationExplosion.mdx" return true endfunction function Mdw takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function Jww takes integer Uww,real Iww,real Pww,real Aww,string Dww returns nothing local integer Hww set Dd[Ad]=Dww set Ad=Ad+1 set Hww=Uww set ht[Hww]=Iww set Ft[Hww]=Pww set kt[Hww]=Aww if Aww>xcu(Iww,Pww,Aww) and mt[Uww]!=0. then call Sxu(Uww,"when calling activate in Entity, line 113") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function sSu takes unit Miu,real wSu,real uSu,real rSu returns nothing call Niu(Miu,wSu,uSu) call Nru(Miu,rSu-xcu(wSu,uSu,rSu),0.) endfunction function Grw takes integer erw,real qrw,real arw,real nrw,string drw returns nothing local integer frw local integer Rrw local unit Trw local unit Yrw set Dd[Ad]=drw set Ad=Ad+1 call Jww(erw,qrw,arw,nrw,"when calling setPos in Entity, line 248") if xi then set Trw=Nt[erw] set frw=erw call sSu(Trw,ht[frw],Ft[frw],kt[frw]) else set Yrw=Nt[erw] set Rrw=erw call Xiu(Yrw,EOu(ht[Rrw],Ft[Rrw],kt[Rrw]),Ef) endif set Ad=Ad-1 set Trw=null set Yrw=null endfunction function Jxu takes integer Ixu,real Pxu,real Axu,real Dxu,string Hxu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Hxu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[Ixu]==0 then if Ixu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling UnitEntity.Entity_UnitEntity_setPos","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called UnitEntity.Entity_UnitEntity_setPos on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Grw(Ixu,Pxu,Axu,Dxu,"when calling setPos in Entity, line 247") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function G1 takes integer o1,string O1 returns nothing local integer l1 local integer b1 local integer y1 local integer p1 local texttag e1 local texttag q1 local texttag a1 local integer n1 local integer d1 local integer f1 local integer R1 local integer T1 local unit Y1 set Dd[Ad]=O1 set Ad=Ad+1 set Wr[o1]=ModuloReal(Wr[o1]+kr/jr,1.) if Er[o1]>0 or Qr[o1]>0. then set l1=PercentTo255(Qr[o1]) if Ur[o1]==0 then set R1=o1 set b1=abw(PLAYER_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY,Ycu(Up,Ip),jf,xf,0.,L,"when calling new_Fx in DestroyerSummoner, line 58") call kQu(b1,255,255,255,0,"when calling setColor in DestroyerSummoner, line 58") set Ur[R1]=b1 endif set y1=Ur[o1] call iQu(y1,1.2+Qr[o1]/75.,"when calling setScale in DestroyerSummoner, line 59") set p1=y1 call kQu(p1,63+bUw(l1*3./4.),0,0,l1,"when calling setColor in DestroyerSummoner, line 59") set e1=pi[Pr[o1]] call F4w(e1,true) set q1=e1 call c4w(q1,bfw(bUw(Qr[o1]))+"%",12.) set a1=q1 call B1w(a1,l1,255-l1,0,255) else if Ur[o1]!=0 then call Bmu(Ur[o1],"when calling Fx in DestroyerSummoner, line 65") endif call F4w(pi[Pr[o1]],false) endif set n1=0 set d1=lgw(Zr[o1],"when calling iterator in DestroyerSummoner, line 68") loop exitwhen not nGw(d1) set f1=qGw(d1) if xr[f1]then call Jxu(f1,Mou(Ycu(wou(Up,Ip,(Wr[o1]+(n1-Er[o1])*1./Er[o1])*6.28,200.),Cd),jf,xf,0.,0.,120.),yR,pR,"when calling setPos in DestroyerSummoner, line 70") set Y1=Nt[f1] set T1=f1 call viu(Y1,qlu(ht[T1],Ft[T1],kt[T1],Up,Ip)) set n1=n1+1 endif endloop call RGw(d1,"when calling close in DestroyerSummoner, line 68") set Ad=Ad-1 set e1=null set q1=null set a1=null set Y1=null endfunction function HGu takes integer AGu,string DGu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=DGu set Ad=Ad+1 if nq[AGu]==0 then if AGu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling FinalBossSummoning.DestroyerSummoner_FinalBossSummoning_updateAnimation","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called FinalBossSummoning.DestroyerSummoner_FinalBossSummoning_updateAnimation on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call G1(AGu,"when calling updateAnimation in DestroyerSummoner, line 53") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function V3 takes integer X3,integer C3 returns real if C3<=0 then return -3. endif return C3*1./4+C3*C3*1./4 endfunction function MGu takes integer CGu,integer VGu,string BGu returns real local real NGu set Dd[Ad]=BGu set Ad=Ad+1 if nq[CGu]==0 then if CGu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling FinalBossSummoning.DestroyerSummoner_FinalBossSummoning_getSummonSpeed","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called FinalBossSummoning.DestroyerSummoner_FinalBossSummoning_getSummonSpeed on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set NGu=V3(CGu,VGu) set Ad=Ad-1 return NGu endfunction function Ccu takes real Jcu,real Kcu,real Lcu,real Xcu returns real return Uh(Atan2(Xcu-Kcu,Lcu-Jcu)) endfunction function Hlw takes integer Elw,real Zlw,real Ulw,real Ilw,string Plw,string Alw returns nothing local integer Dlw set Dd[Ad]=Alw set Ad=Ad+1 set Zi[Elw]=null set Ui[Elw]=null set Dlw=Elw set Ii[Dlw]=255 set Pi[Dlw]=255 set Ai[Dlw]=255 set Di[Dlw]=255 set Zi[Elw]=V2(Zlw,Ulw,Ilw,"when calling get in Fx, line 39") call NQu(Elw,Plw,"when calling setFx in Fx, line 40") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Wlw takes real klw,real jlw,real xlw,string vlw,string mlw returns integer local integer Qlw set Dd[Ad]=mlw set Ad=Ad+1 set Qlw=tWu("when calling Fx in Fx, line 38") call Hlw(Qlw,klw,jlw,xlw,vlw,"when calling construct_Fx4 in Fx, line 38") set Ad=Ad-1 return Qlw endfunction function qgu takes string pgu returns integer local integer egu set Dd[Ad]=pgu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set egu=ae set ne[egu]=669 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set egu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set egu=ee[qe] set ne[egu]=669 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return egu endfunction function c1 takes integer B3,string N3 returns nothing local real M3 local real w1 local integer u1 local integer r1 local integer s1 local integer t1 local real i1 local real S1 set Dd[Ad]=N3 set Ad=Ad+1 set i1=wou(Up,Ip,Wr[B3]*6.28,200.) set S1=Cd set M3=i1 set w1=S1 set u1=Wlw(M3,w1,0.,Z,"when calling new_Fx in DestroyerSummoner, line 91") set s1=Wlw(Up,Ip,0.,Z,"when calling new_Fx in DestroyerSummoner, line 92") call iQu(s1,2.,"when calling setScale in DestroyerSummoner, line 92") set r1=s1 set t1=qgu("when calling alloc_Closure in DestroyerSummoner, line 93") call VC(t1) set vr[t1]=u1 set mr[t1]=r1 call gX(2.,t1,"when calling doAfter in DestroyerSummoner, line 93") call J2u(0,0,0,0,6,0,0,null,Ycu(M3,w1),jf,xf,Yr,hr,Up,Ip,Ccu(M3,w1,Up,Ip),"when calling new_Creep in DestroyerSummoner, line 96",null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) call Tku(Ar[B3],"when calling endDestroyerSummoning in DestroyerSummoner, line 97") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Sgu takes integer tgu,string igu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=igu set Ad=Ad+1 if nq[tgu]==0 then if tgu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling FinalBossSummoning.DestroyerSummoner_FinalBossSummoning_summonDestroyer","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called FinalBossSummoning.DestroyerSummoner_FinalBossSummoning_summonDestroyer on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call c1(tgu,"when calling summonDestroyer in DestroyerSummoner, line 89") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function L3 takes integer J3,integer K3 returns nothing set It[K3]=true set xr[K3]=true call Osu(Nt[K3],Gr) call Oiu(Nt[K3],"attack spell") endfunction function XGu takes integer JGu,integer KGu,string LGu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=LGu set Ad=Ad+1 if nq[JGu]==0 then if JGu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling FinalBossSummoning.DestroyerSummoner_FinalBossSummoning_startCasting","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called FinalBossSummoning.DestroyerSummoner_FinalBossSummoning_startCasting on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call L3(JGu,KGu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function H3 takes integer U3,string I3 returns nothing local integer P3 local integer A3 local integer D3 set Dd[Ad]=I3 set Ad=Ad+1 set P3=0 set A3=lgw(Zr[U3],"when calling iterator in DestroyerSummoner, line 33") loop exitwhen not nGw(A3) set D3=qGw(A3) if xtu(Nt[D3]) then if not xr[D3]then if VOu(wvu(D3,"when calling getPos in DestroyerSummoner, line 36"),sf,tf,Up,Ip)<220. then call XGu(U3,D3,"when calling startCasting in DestroyerSummoner, line 37") set P3=P3+1 endif else set P3=P3+1 endif else call MIu(Zr[U3],D3,"when calling remove in DestroyerSummoner, line 42") endif endloop call RGw(A3,"when calling close in DestroyerSummoner, line 33") set Er[U3]=P3 set Qr[U3]=Qr[U3]+MGu(U3,Er[U3],"when calling getSummonSpeed in DestroyerSummoner, line 44")*(kr*100./Fr) if Qr[U3]<0. then set Qr[U3]=0. endif if Qr[U3]>=100. then set Qr[U3]=100. call Sgu(U3,"when calling summonDestroyer in DestroyerSummoner, line 49") else call HGu(U3,"when calling updateAnimation in DestroyerSummoner, line 51") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function PGu takes integer UGu,string IGu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=IGu set Ad=Ad+1 if nq[UGu]==0 then if UGu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling FinalBossSummoning.DestroyerSummoner_FinalBossSummoning_update","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called FinalBossSummoning.DestroyerSummoner_FinalBossSummoning_update on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call H3(UGu,"when calling update in DestroyerSummoner, line 31") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function I1 takes integer E1,integer Z1,string U1 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=U1 set Ad=Ad+1 call PGu(Dr[E1],"when calling update in DestroyerSummoner, line 29") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function WYu takes integer vYu,integer mYu,string QYu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=QYu set Ad=Ad+1 if pq[vYu]==0 then if vYu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling CallbackPeriodic.ClosureTimers_CallbackPeriodic_call","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called CallbackPeriodic.ClosureTimers_CallbackPeriodic_call on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call I1(vYu,mYu,"when calling FinalBossSummoning_closure_impl in ClosureTimers, line 86") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function TC takes string fC returns nothing local integer RC set Dd[Ad]=fC set Ad=Ad+1 set RC=c2w(GetExpiredTimer(),"when calling getData in ClosureTimers, line 94") call WYu(RC,RC,"when calling call in ClosureTimers, line 95") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function N1u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call TC("ClosureTimers, line 91") endfunction function e3u takes integer l3u,integer b3u,unit y3u,string p3u returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=p3u set Ad=Ad+1 if b3u<0 or b3u>=6 then call tsw("Index out of Bounds","when calling error in ") elseif b3u<=2 then if b3u<=1 then if b3u<=0 then set Wd[l3u]=y3u else set Ed[l3u]=y3u endif else set Zd[l3u]=y3u endif elseif b3u<=4 then if b3u<=3 then set Ud[l3u]=y3u else set Id[l3u]=y3u endif else set Pd[l3u]=y3u endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function e2 takes integer b2,unit y2,string p2 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=p2 set Ad=Ad+1 if ps[b2]L4 set Rs[K4]=n2("when calling new_ArrayQueue in DummyRecycler, line 139") set X4=0 set C4=ls-1 loop exitwhen X4>C4 call Dgu(Rs[K4],S2(vo,mo,cw,vh(K4*Os)),"when calling enqueue in DummyRecycler, line 141") set X4=X4+1 endloop set K4=K4+1 endloop set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function O1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return V4("DummyRecycler, line 1") endfunction function Tsw takes boolean Rsw returns nothing set ii[ci-1]=Rsw endfunction function fsw takes nothing returns integer return Si[ci-1] endfunction function ox takes integer cx returns nothing set yw=yw-1 endfunction function qnu takes integer pnu,string enu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=enu set Ad=Ad+1 if he[pnu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type BigNum_l","when calling error in ") else set Ye[Ge]=pnu set Ge=Ge+1 set he[pnu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Xj takes integer Kj,string Lj returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Lj set Ad=Ad+1 call ox(Kj) call qnu(Kj,"when calling BigNum_l in BigNum, line 36") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Mau takes integer Bau,string Nau returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Nau set Ad=Ad+1 if he[Bau]==0 then if Bau==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigNum_l.destroyBigNum_l","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigNum_l.destroyBigNum_l on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Xj(Bau,"when calling destroyBigNum_l in BigNum, line 28") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Jj takes integer Dj,string Hj returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=Hj set Ad=Ad+1 if bw[Dj]==0 and lw[Dj]==0 then set Ad=Ad-1 return true elseif bw[Dj]!=0 and Jj(bw[Dj],"when calling clean in BigNum, line 43") then call Mau(bw[Dj],"when calling BigNum_l in BigNum, line 44") set bw[Dj]=0 set Ad=Ad-1 return lw[Dj]==0 else set Ad=Ad-1 return false endif endfunction function snu takes integer wnu,string unu returns boolean local boolean rnu set Dd[Ad]=unu set Ad=Ad+1 if he[wnu]==0 then if wnu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigNum_l.BigNum_BigNum_l_clean","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigNum_l.BigNum_BigNum_l_clean on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set rnu=Jj(wnu,"when calling clean in BigNum, line 40") set Ad=Ad-1 return rnu endfunction function tj takes integer rj,string sj returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=sj set Ad=Ad+1 call snu(ow[rj],"when calling clean in BigNum, line 88") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function jau takes integer Fau,string kau returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=kau set Ad=Ad+1 if Te[Fau]==0 then if Fau==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigNum.BigNum_BigNum_clean","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigNum.BigNum_BigNum_clean on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call tj(Fau,"when calling clean in BigNum, line 87") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function V5 takes integer X5,string C5 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=C5 set Ad=Ad+1 call jau(Ms[X5],"when calling clean in Encoder, line 41") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function hhu takes integer Ghu,string ghu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=ghu set Ad=Ad+1 if Aq[Ghu]==0 then if Ghu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Encoder.Encoder_Encoder_clean","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Encoder.Encoder_Encoder_clean on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call V5(Ghu,"when calling clean in Encoder, line 40") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function C6 takes integer L6,string X6 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=X6 set Ad=Ad+1 call hhu(ms[L6],"when calling clean in Encoder, line 106") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Z6 takes integer m6 returns integer local integer Q6 local integer W6 local integer E6 call DEw("hash") set Q6=0 set E6=ow[Ms[m6]] loop exitwhen not(E6!=0) set W6=lw[E6] set Q6=ModuloInteger(Q6+79*Q6/(W6+1)+293*W6/(1+Q6-Q6/Bs[m6]*Bs[m6])+479,Ts) set E6=bw[E6] endloop call DEw("hashed") return Q6 endfunction function Ihu takes integer Ehu,string Zhu returns integer local integer Uhu set Dd[Ad]=Zhu set Ad=Ad+1 if Aq[Ehu]==0 then if Ehu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Encoder.Encoder_Encoder_hash","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Encoder.Encoder_Encoder_hash on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set Uhu=Z6(Ehu) set Ad=Ad-1 return Uhu endfunction function F7 takes integer g7,string h7 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=h7 set Ad=Ad+1 set rt[Ls[g7]]=Ihu(Ls[g7],"when calling hash in Encoder, line 136") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function G7 takes integer T7,string Y7 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Y7 set Ad=Ad+1 call hhu(Ks[T7],"when calling clean in Encoder, line 133") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Gpw takes integer fpw,string Rpw returns nothing local integer Tpw local integer Ypw set Dd[Ad]=Rpw set Ad=Ad+1 set iS=iS+cS[fpw] set Tpw=1 set Ypw=cS[fpw] loop exitwhen Tpw>Ypw call Fpw(CreateGroup(),"when calling push in GroupUtils, line 93") set Tpw=Tpw+1 endloop set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Svu takes string tvu returns integer local integer ivu set Dd[Ad]=tvu set Ad=Ad+1 if Xq==0 then if Cq<32768 then set Cq=Cq+1 set ivu=Cq set Vq[ivu]=751 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set ivu=0 endif else set Xq=Xq-1 set ivu=Lq[Xq] set Vq[ivu]=751 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return ivu endfunction function Dsw takes integer Zsw,integer Usw,integer Isw,string Psw returns nothing local integer Asw set Dd[Ad]=Psw set Ad=Ad+1 set Asw=Svu("when calling alloc_Closure in Execute, line 112") set oi[Asw]=Usw set Oi[Asw]=Zsw set li[Asw]=Isw call xsw(Asw,"when calling execute in Execute, line 112") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function fvu takes integer dvu returns boolean return false endfunction function nvu takes integer avu returns nothing endfunction function Lsw takes integer Hsw,string Jsw returns nothing local integer Ksw set Dd[Ad]=Jsw set Ad=Ad+1 set Ksw=0 loop exitwhen not(fvu(oi[Hsw]) and Ksw0) set bw[w6]=tx("when calling new_BigNum_l in Encoder, line 54") set w6=bw[w6] set u6=u6-1 endloop set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function jhu takes integer Fhu,string khu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=khu set Ad=Ad+1 if Aq[Fhu]==0 then if Fhu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Encoder.Encoder_Encoder_pad","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Encoder.Encoder_Encoder_pad on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call r6(Fhu,"when calling pad in Encoder, line 43") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function e7 takes integer y7,string p7 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=p7 set Ad=Ad+1 call jhu(Zs[y7],"when calling pad in Encoder, line 118") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function lFu takes string oFu returns integer local integer OFu set Dd[Ad]=oFu set Ad=Ad+1 if Hq==0 then if Jq<32768 then set Jq=Jq+1 set OFu=Jq set Kq[OFu]=815 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set OFu=0 endif else set Hq=Hq-1 set OFu=Dq[Hq] set Kq[OFu]=815 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return OFu endfunction function O6 takes integer s6,integer t6,integer i6,string S6 returns nothing local integer c6 local integer o6 set Dd[Ad]=S6 set Ad=Ad+1 call DEw("toString digits: "+pUw(Ns[s6])) set c6=ow[Ms[s6]] set o6=lFu("when calling alloc_Closure in Encoder, line 62") call FHw(o6) set Ys[o6]=c6 set Gs[o6]=t6 set gs[o6]=s6 set hs[o6]=i6 call MDw(o6,"when calling doSeq in Encoder, line 62") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Whu takes integer xhu,integer vhu,integer mhu,string Qhu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Qhu set Ad=Ad+1 if Aq[xhu]==0 then if xhu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Encoder.Encoder_Encoder_toString","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Encoder.Encoder_Encoder_toString on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call O6(xhu,vhu,mhu,"when calling toString in Encoder, line 59") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function n7 takes integer q7,string a7 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=a7 set Ad=Ad+1 call Whu(Us[q7],Is[q7],Ps[q7],"when calling toString in Encoder, line 120") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Nk takes real Jk,real Kk returns real local real Lk=Jk local real Xk=Kk local real Ck=1.0 local real Vk=0.0 local real Bk=1.0 if Lk<0. then return 0.0 endif if Lk<1. then set Lk=1.0/Lk set Bk=-1.0 endif loop exitwhen not(Lk>=1.0001) if Lk>Xk then set Lk=Lk/Xk set Vk=Vk+Ck else set Xk=SquareRoot(Xk) set Ck=Ck/2. endif endloop return Bk*Vk endfunction function bj takes integer ij,integer Sj,string cj returns nothing local integer oj local integer Oj local integer lj set Dd[Ad]=cj set Ad=Ad+1 set oj=ow[ij] set lj=Sj if oj==0 then set oj=tx("when calling new_BigNum_l in BigNum, line 99") set ow[ij]=oj endif loop exitwhen not(lj!=0) set Oj=lw[oj]+lj set lj=Oj/Ow[ij] set Oj=Oj-lj*Ow[ij] set lw[oj]=Oj if bw[oj]==0 then set bw[oj]=tx("when calling new_BigNum_l in BigNum, line 110") endif set oj=bw[oj] endloop set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Qau takes integer xau,integer vau,string mau returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=mau set Ad=Ad+1 if Te[xau]==0 then if xau==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigNum.BigNum_BigNum_addSmall","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigNum.BigNum_BigNum_addSmall on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call bj(xau,vau,"when calling addSmall in BigNum, line 93") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function fj takes integer yj,integer pj,string ej returns nothing local integer qj local integer aj local integer nj local integer dj set Dd[Ad]=ej set Ad=Ad+1 set qj=ow[yj] set dj=0 loop exitwhen not(qj!=0 or dj!=0) set aj=pj*lw[qj]+dj set dj=aj/Ow[yj] set nj=aj-dj*Ow[yj] set lw[qj]=nj if bw[qj]==0 and dj!=0 then set bw[qj]=tx("when calling new_BigNum_l in BigNum, line 127") endif set qj=bw[qj] endloop set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Uau takes integer Wau,integer Eau,string Zau returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Zau set Ad=Ad+1 if Te[Wau]==0 then if Wau==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigNum.BigNum_BigNum_mulSmall","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigNum.BigNum_BigNum_mulSmall on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call fj(Wau,Eau,"when calling mulSmall in BigNum, line 116") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function I5 takes integer W5,integer E5,integer Z5,string U5 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=U5 set Ad=Ad+1 set Ns[W5]=Ns[W5]+Nk(Z5+1.,Bs[W5]+0.) call Uau(Ms[W5],Z5+1,"when calling mulSmall in Encoder, line 27") call Qau(Ms[W5],E5,"when calling addSmall in Encoder, line 28") call PEw("encoded val: "+bfw(E5)+" max: "+bfw(Z5)) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function phu takes integer Ohu,integer lhu,integer bhu,string yhu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=yhu set Ad=Ad+1 if Aq[Ohu]==0 then if Ohu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Encoder.Encoder_Encoder_encode","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Encoder.Encoder_Encoder_encode on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call I5(Ohu,lhu,bhu,"when calling encode in Encoder, line 25") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function o7 takes integer S7,string c7 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=c7 set Ad=Ad+1 call phu(Ws[S7],wt[Ws[S7]],Ts,"when calling encode in Encoder, line 114") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function yvu takes integer lvu,string bvu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=bvu set Ad=Ad+1 if Vq[lvu]==0 then if lvu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling ForForceCallback.Execute_ForForceCallback_run","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called ForForceCallback.Execute_ForForceCallback_run on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Vq[lvu]<=747 then if Vq[lvu]<=744 then if Vq[lvu]<=743 then if Vq[lvu]<=742 then call C6(lvu,"when calling Encoder_closure_impl in Execute, line 11") else call N6(lvu,"when calling Encoder_closure_impl in Execute, line 11") endif else call o7(lvu,"when calling Encoder_closure_impl in Execute, line 11") endif elseif Vq[lvu]<=746 then if Vq[lvu]<=745 then call b7(lvu,"when calling Encoder_closure_impl in Execute, line 11") else call e7(lvu,"when calling Encoder_closure_impl in Execute, line 11") endif else call n7(lvu,"when calling Encoder_closure_impl in Execute, line 11") endif elseif Vq[lvu]<=750 then if Vq[lvu]<=749 then if Vq[lvu]<=748 then call R7(lvu,"when calling Encoder_closure_impl in Execute, line 11") else call G7(lvu,"when calling Encoder_closure_impl in Execute, line 11") endif else call F7(lvu,"when calling Encoder_closure_impl in Execute, line 11") endif elseif Vq[lvu]<=751 then call Lsw(lvu,"when calling Execute_closure_impl in Execute, line 11") else call Gpw(lvu,"when calling GroupUtils_closure_impl in Execute, line 11") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function dsw takes string nsw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=nsw set Ad=Ad+1 set ri="" call yvu(fsw(),"when calling run in Execute, line 20") call Tsw(true) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function O4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call dsw("Execute, line 100") endfunction function O_u takes nothing returns boolean set My="UI\\Feedback\\GoldCredit\\GoldCredit.mdx" return true endfunction function Ox takes nothing returns boolean set pw=450 set ew=25 return true endfunction function vAw takes string xAw returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=xAw set Ad=Ad+1 set LO=1747989042 set XO=1747988550 set CO=1747989049 set VO=1093677401 set BO=1093677400 set NO=1093677388 set MO=1227894850 set wl=1227894851 set ul=1227894852 set rl=VJw("Units\\Creeps\\Ogre\\OgrePissed5.wav",false,"when calling new_SoundDefinition in Selector, line 23") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function P1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return vAw("Selector, line 1") endfunction function P8w takes nothing returns boolean set Ay=15. set Dy=1747988805 set Hy=1747988806 set Jy=1747989060 return true endfunction function AM takes nothing returns nothing call Q2w(CreateTimer(),1.,PG) endfunction function rjw takes multiboard ujw returns boolean return IsMultiboardDisplayed(ujw) endfunction function PM takes nothing returns nothing if Rr then set Rr=false call AM() endif if GetLocalPlayer()==GetTriggerPlayer() then call ijw(yr,not rjw(yr)) endif endfunction function Pk takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function FZu takes string gZu returns integer local integer hZu set Dd[Ad]=gZu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ha==0 then if Ja<32768 then set Ja=Ja+1 set hZu=Ja set Ka[hZu]=696 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set hZu=0 endif else set Ha=Ha-1 set hZu=Da[Ha] set Ka[hZu]=696 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return hZu endfunction function daw takes string eaw returns boolean local integer qaw local real aaw local real naw set Dd[Ad]=eaw set Ad=Ad+1 set qS=1747989057 set aS[0]=1.75 set aS[1]=1.5 set aS[2]=2.0 set aS[3]=1.95 set nS[0]=1 set nS[1]=2 set nS[2]=2 set nS[3]=3 set dS[0]=865. set dS[1]=885. set dS[2]=915. set dS[3]=950. set WS=Ngw("when calling new_LinkedList in HealbackTower, line 31") set aaw=pp set naw=ep set ES=aaw set ZS=naw set qaw=FZu("when calling alloc_Closure in HealbackTower, line 33") set US=qaw set fS=32. set RS=K set TS=j set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function Q1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return daw("HealbackTower, line 1") endfunction function Squ takes integer iqu returns nothing endfunction function ZMu takes integer WMu,string EMu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=EMu set Ad=Ad+1 if sd[WMu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type NormalWave","when calling error in ") else set wd[ud]=WMu set ud=ud+1 set sd[WMu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function xeu takes integer keu,string jeu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=jeu set Ad=Ad+1 call Squ(keu) call ZMu(keu,"when calling NormalWave in Wave, line 15") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function FMu takes integer gMu,string hMu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=hMu set Ad=Ad+1 if sd[gMu]==0 then if gMu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling NormalWave.destroyNormalWave","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called NormalWave.destroyNormalWave on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call xeu(gMu,"when calling destroyNormalWave in Wave, line 15") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Ofw takes integer ofw returns real return ofw*1. endfunction function PMu takes string UMu returns integer local integer IMu set Dd[Ad]=UMu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set IMu=ae set ne[IMu]=692 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set IMu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set IMu=ee[qe] set ne[IMu]=692 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return IMu endfunction function Feu takes string neu returns nothing local timer deu local integer feu local integer Reu local integer Teu local integer Yeu local integer Geu local integer geu local real heu set Dd[Ad]=neu set Ad=Ad+1 set deu=GetExpiredTimer() set feu=c2w(deu,"when calling getData in Wave, line 39") set Reu=0 set Teu=Mp[feu] if Teu==0 then set Reu=Xp[feu] set Mp[feu]=1 call j2w(deu,0.8,jg) elseif Teu==1 then set Reu=Cp[feu] set Mp[feu]=2 call j2w(deu,0.8,xg) elseif Teu==2 then set Reu=Vp[feu] call FMu(feu,"when calling NormalWave in Wave, line 52") call e2w(deu,"when calling release in Wave, line 53") endif set Yeu=0 set Geu=Bp[feu]-1 loop exitwhen Yeu>Geu set heu=Ofw(Yeu) set geu=PMu("when calling alloc_Closure in Wave, line 56") call VC(geu) set Kp[geu]=Reu set Lp[geu]=feu call gX(heu,geu,"when calling doAfter in Wave, line 56") set Yeu=Yeu+1 endloop set Ad=Ad-1 set deu=null endfunction function Q4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call Feu("Wave, line 45") endfunction function Q5 takes nothing returns boolean set Ts=1000 return true endfunction function b8w takes trigger l8w returns boolean return TriggerEvaluate(l8w) endfunction function exw takes nothing returns nothing set Jo=Jo-1 endfunction function pxw takes unit yxw returns nothing set Ho[Jo]=yxw set Jo=Jo+1 endfunction function tiu takes unit uiu,integer riu,boolean siu returns boolean return UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(uiu,siu,riu) endfunction function Gxw takes unit Rxw returns nothing local unit Txw=Rxw local unit Yxw call Osu(Txw,Ko) set Yxw=Txw call tiu(Yxw,Ko,true) call pxw(Rxw) call b8w(Ao) call exw() set Txw=null set Yxw=null endfunction function Qxw takes nothing returns nothing call Gxw(GetEnumUnit()) endfunction function om takes string cm returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=cm set Ad=Ad+1 set Jw=VJw(cb,false,"when calling new_SoundDefinition in Boss, line 7") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function R1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return om("Boss, line 1") endfunction function TKu takes integer fKu,string RKu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=RKu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fn[fKu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type DynamicSound","when calling error in ") else set hn=hn+1 set Fn[fKu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function DLw takes sound ALw returns boolean return GetSoundIsPlaying(ALw) endfunction function TJw takes integer dJw,real fJw,string RJw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=RJw set Ad=Ad+1 if Ul[dJw]==0 then call tsw("Must play sound before setting pitch","when calling error in SoundUtils, line 178") endif if not DLw(rb[Ul[dJw]]) then if fJw==1. then call ZLw(rb[Ul[dJw]],1.0001) else call ZLw(rb[Ul[dJw]],fJw) endif else call ZLw(rb[Ul[dJw]],1./Wl[dJw]) call ZLw(rb[Ul[dJw]],fJw) endif set Wl[dJw]=fJw set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function OKu takes integer SKu,real cKu,string oKu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=oKu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fn[SKu]==0 then if SKu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling DynamicSound.SoundUtils_DynamicSound_setAbsolutePitch","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called DynamicSound.SoundUtils_DynamicSound_setAbsolutePitch on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call TJw(SKu,cKu,"when calling setAbsolutePitch in SoundUtils, line 176") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function PJw takes integer IJw returns nothing set Dl[IJw]=2 endfunction function qKu takes integer pKu,string eKu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=eKu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fn[pKu]==0 then if pKu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling DynamicSound.SoundUtils_DynamicSound_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoop","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called DynamicSound.SoundUtils_DynamicSound_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoop on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call PJw(pKu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function xLw takes sound FLw,boolean kLw,boolean jLw returns nothing call StopSound(FLw,kLw,jLw) endfunction function vJw takes integer jJw,string xJw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=xJw set Ad=Ad+1 call OKu(jJw,1.,"when calling setAbsolutePitch in SoundUtils, line 197") call xLw(rb[Ul[jJw]],false,false) call OKu(jJw,1.,"when calling setAbsolutePitch in SoundUtils, line 199") if Dl[jJw]!=1 then call qKu(jJw,"when calling stopTimedLoop in TimerUtils, line 113") call UEw("Destroyed Instance using TimedLoop before stopping the Loop") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function kJw takes integer hJw,string FJw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=FJw set Ad=Ad+1 call vJw(hJw,"when calling DynamicSound_onDestroy in SoundUtils, line 196") call TKu(hJw,"when calling DynamicSound in SoundUtils, line 196") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function iKu takes integer sKu,string tKu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=tKu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fn[sKu]==0 then if sKu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling DynamicSound.destroyDynamicSound","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called DynamicSound.destroyDynamicSound on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call kJw(sKu,"when calling destroyDynamicSound in SoundUtils, line 154") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function QJw takes integer mJw returns nothing set Dl[mJw]=3 endfunction function dKu takes integer aKu,string nKu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=nKu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fn[aKu]==0 then if aKu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling DynamicSound.SoundUtils_DynamicSound_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoopAndDestroy","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called DynamicSound.SoundUtils_DynamicSound_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoopAndDestroy on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call QJw(aKu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function nUw takes real eUw,real qUw,real aUw returns real return eUw*(1.0-aUw)+qUw*aUw endfunction function gJw takes integer YJw,string GJw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=GJw set Ad=Ad+1 if Ul[YJw]!=0 then call OKu(YJw,nUw(Wl[YJw],Ql[YJw],El[YJw]),"when calling setAbsolutePitch in SoundUtils, line 191") set Zl[YJw]=Zl[YJw]-sw if (not DLw(rb[Ul[YJw]]))and Zl[YJw]<=0. then call dKu(YJw,"when calling stopTimedLoopAndDestroy in SoundUtils, line 194") endif endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function yKu takes integer lKu,string bKu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=bKu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fn[lKu]==0 then if lKu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling DynamicSound.SoundUtils_DynamicSound_onTimedLoop","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called DynamicSound.SoundUtils_DynamicSound_onTimedLoop on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call gJw(lKu,"when calling onTimedLoop in SoundUtils, line 189") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function UJw takes string WJw returns boolean local integer EJw local integer ZJw set Dd[Ad]=WJw set Ad=Ad+1 set EJw=Pl-1 loop exitwhen not(EJw>=0) set ZJw=Il[EJw] call yKu(ZJw,"when calling onTimedLoop in TimerUtils, line 78") if Dl[ZJw]!=0 then set Pl=Pl-1 set Il[EJw]=Il[Pl] if Dl[ZJw]==3 then set Dl[ZJw]=1 call iKu(ZJw,"when calling DynamicSound in TimerUtils, line 84") else set Dl[ZJw]=1 endif endif set EJw=EJw-1 endloop if Pl==0 then call TriggerRemoveCondition(dy,Al) set Al=null set fy=fy-1 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return false endfunction function R4u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return UJw("TimerUtils, line 67") endfunction function RX takes nothing returns boolean set Eu=200 return true endfunction function eCu takes string yCu returns integer local integer pCu set Dd[Ad]=yCu set Ad=Ad+1 if Wa==0 then if Ea<32768 then set Ea=Ea+1 set pCu=Ea set Za[pCu]=886 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Table.","when calling error in ") set pCu=0 endif else set Wa=Wa-1 set pCu=Qa[Wa] set Za[pCu]=886 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return pCu endfunction function v3w takes string j3w returns integer local integer x3w set Dd[Ad]=j3w set Ad=Ad+1 set x3w=eCu("when calling Table in Table, line 5") call Q3w(x3w) set Ad=Ad-1 return x3w endfunction function M4w takes string N4w returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=N4w set Ad=Ad+1 set qy=0 set ay=v3w("when calling new_Table in TimerUtils, line 12") set ny=679645218 call CreateTimer() set dy=CreateTrigger() set fy=0 set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function S1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return M4w("TimerUtils, line 1") endfunction function lA takes integer OA returns nothing set bu[OA]=Su endfunction function BRu takes integer CRu,string VRu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=VRu set Ad=Ad+1 if uq[CRu]==0 then if CRu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Iterator.Buff_Buff_LinkedListModule_Iterator_reset","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Iterator.Buff_Buff_LinkedListModule_Iterator_reset on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call lA(CRu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function qA takes integer pA returns integer local integer eA=bu[pA] set bu[pA]=lu[bu[pA]] return eA endfunction function bP takes integer OP,string lP returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=lP set Ad=Ad+1 if ru[OP]<=0. then call DEw("Terminating Buff: duration <= 0.") call J4u(2,OP,"when calling terminate in Buff, line 96",0,null) else set ru[OP]=ru[OP]-Vw endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function FE takes integer gE,string hE returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=hE set Ad=Ad+1 call bP(gE,"when calling update in BossThree, line 17") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function sEw takes integer uEw,string rEw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=rEw set Ad=Ad+1 call bP(uEw,"when calling update in PresetBuffs, line 68") if fO[uEw]<=0. then call J4u(2,uEw,"when calling terminate in PresetBuffs, line 70",0,null) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function IQ takes integer ZQ,string UQ returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=UQ set Ad=Ad+1 call sEw(ZQ,"when calling update in BossFour, line 18") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function qfw takes integer yfw,integer pfw,real efw returns integer return OUw(yfw*(1.-efw)+pfw*efw) endfunction function dB takes integer bB,integer yB,integer pB,integer eB,integer qB,integer aB,real nB returns integer set Rf=qfw(bB,eB,nB) set Tf=qfw(yB,qB,nB) set Yf=qfw(pB,aB,nB) return Rf endfunction function xB takes unit hB,integer FB,integer kB,integer jB returns nothing call SetUnitVertexColor(hB,FB,kB,jB,255) endfunction function xZ takes integer dZ,string fZ returns nothing local integer RZ local integer TZ local integer YZ local integer GZ local integer gZ local integer hZ local integer FZ local integer kZ local unit jZ set Dd[Ad]=fZ set Ad=Ad+1 call sEw(dZ,"when calling update in BossTwo, line 18") set RZ=dZ set kZ=RZ set TZ=dZ set gZ=Zw[TZ] set hZ=Uw[TZ] set FZ=Iw[TZ] set YZ=dZ set Zw[kZ]=dB(gZ,hZ,FZ,Pw[YZ],Aw[YZ],Dw[YZ],0.35) set Uw[RZ]=Tf set Iw[RZ]=Yf set jZ=Nt[uu[dZ]] set GZ=dZ call xB(jZ,Zw[GZ],Uw[GZ],Iw[GZ]) set Ad=Ad-1 set jZ=null endfunction function xRu takes integer kRu,string jRu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=jRu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[kRu]==0 then if kRu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Buff.Buff_Buff_update","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Buff.Buff_Buff_update on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Ie[kRu]<=643 then if Ie[kRu]<=641 then if Ie[kRu]<=640 then call bP(kRu,"when calling update in Buff, line 93") else call FE(kRu,"when calling update in Buff, line 93") endif elseif Ie[kRu]<=642 then call sEw(kRu,"when calling update in Buff, line 93") else call IQ(kRu,"when calling update in Buff, line 93") endif elseif Ie[kRu]<=645 then if Ie[kRu]<=644 then call sEw(kRu,"when calling update in Buff, line 93") else call xZ(kRu,"when calling update in Buff, line 93") endif else call bP(kRu,"when calling update in Buff, line 93") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function yA takes integer bA returns boolean return bu[bA]!=0 endfunction function V0w takes string L0w returns nothing local integer X0w local integer C0w set Dd[Ad]=L0w set Ad=Ad+1 call BRu(Gt,"when calling reset in EntityManagement, line 20") set C0w=Gt loop exitwhen not yA(C0w) set X0w=qA(C0w) if not iu[X0w]then call xRu(X0w,"when calling update in EntityManagement, line 23") endif endloop set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function S4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call V0w("EntityManagement, line 27") endfunction function Yjw takes multiboard Rjw,real Tjw returns nothing call MultiboardSetItemsWidth(Rjw,Tjw) endfunction function fjw takes multiboard ajw,boolean njw,boolean djw returns nothing call MultiboardSetItemsStyle(ajw,njw,djw) endfunction function Sfw takes nothing returns nothing local multiboarditem rfw local integer sfw local integer tfw local string ifw set PS=CreateMultiboard() call yjw(PS,2) call qjw(PS,IS+1) call fjw(PS,true,false) call Yjw(PS,0.10) call hjw(PS,"Instance Board") set rfw=Ojw(PS,0,0) call Zjw(rfw,"ClassName") set rfw=Ojw(PS,0,1) call Zjw(rfw,"Instance count") set sfw=1 set tfw=IS loop exitwhen sfw>tfw set ifw=DS[sfw] if ifw!=null then set rfw=Ojw(PS,sfw,0) call Zjw(rfw,ifw) set rfw=Ojw(PS,sfw,1) call Zjw(rfw,bfw(AS[sfw])) endif set sfw=sfw+1 endloop call ijw(PS,true) set rfw=null endfunction function EUw takes region QUw,rect WUw returns nothing call RegionAddRect(QUw,WUw) endfunction function ecu takes real bcu,real ycu,real pcu returns real set hf=bcu*pcu set Ff=ycu*pcu return hf endfunction function initMapBounds takes nothing returns nothing local rect cond_result local region receiver local rect cond_result_2 local region receiver_2 local real temp_MapBounds_playableMin_x local real temp_MapBounds_playableMin_y local real temp_MapBounds_playableMax_x local real temp_MapBounds_playableMax_y local real temp_MapBounds_boundMin_x local real temp_MapBounds_boundMin_y local real temp_MapBounds_boundMax_x local real temp_MapBounds_boundMax_y if Ro then set cond_result=Rect(-1024.,-1024.,1024.,1024.) else set cond_result=GetPlayableMapRect() endif set To=cond_result set receiver=CreateRegion() call EUw(receiver,To) if Ro then set cond_result_2=Rect(-1536.,-1536.,1536.,1536.) else set cond_result_2=GetWorldBounds() endif set Yo=cond_result_2 set receiver_2=CreateRegion() call EUw(receiver_2,Yo) set Go=receiver_2 set temp_MapBounds_playableMin_x=TUw(To) set temp_MapBounds_playableMin_y=hUw(To) set go=temp_MapBounds_playableMin_x set ho=temp_MapBounds_playableMin_y set temp_MapBounds_playableMax_x=GUw(To) set temp_MapBounds_playableMax_y=kUw(To) set Fo=temp_MapBounds_playableMax_x set ko=temp_MapBounds_playableMax_y set temp_MapBounds_boundMin_x=TUw(Yo) set temp_MapBounds_boundMin_y=hUw(Yo) set jo=temp_MapBounds_boundMin_x set xo=temp_MapBounds_boundMin_y set temp_MapBounds_boundMax_x=GUw(Yo) set temp_MapBounds_boundMax_y=kUw(Yo) set vo=temp_MapBounds_boundMax_x set mo=temp_MapBounds_boundMax_y call ecu(lcu(go,ho,Fo,ko),Ld,.5) call ecu(lcu(jo,xo,vo,mo),Ld,.5) endfunction function Skw takes nothing returns boolean call initMapBounds() return true endfunction function Sxw takes nothing returns boolean set Zo="Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Demon\\DemonLargeDeathExplode\\DemonLargeDeathExplode.mdx" set Uo="Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Demon\\DemonSmallDeathExplode\\DemonSmallDeathExplode.mdx" set Io="Objects\\Spawnmodels\\NightElf\\EntBirthTarget\\EntBirthTarget.mdx" set Po="Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Human\\HCancelDeath\\HCancelDeath.mdx" return true endfunction function Flu takes string Glu returns boolean local integer glu local integer hlu set Dd[Ad]=Glu set Ad=Ad+1 set fp=VJw("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Silence\\Silence1.wav",false,"when calling new_SoundDefinition in WarningBuff, line 9") set glu=1095577651 set hlu=1112354866 set Rp=glu set Tp=hlu set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function T1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return Flu("WarningBuff, line 1") endfunction function T4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call DKw("SoundUtils, line 90") endfunction function Tkw takes nothing returns boolean set Qo=6.28318 return true endfunction function gAu takes string YAu returns integer local integer GAu set Dd[Ad]=YAu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set GAu=ae set ne[GAu]=680 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set GAu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set GAu=ee[qe] set ne[GAu]=680 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return GAu endfunction function jkw takes string Fkw returns boolean local integer kkw set Dd[Ad]=Fkw set Ad=Ad+1 set kkw=gAu("when calling alloc_Closure in MultiboardSystem, line 6") call VC(kkw) call gX(0.25,kkw,"when calling doAfter in MultiboardSystem, line 6") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function U1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return jkw("MultiboardSystem, line 1") endfunction function UE takes nothing returns boolean local integer EE=1095577653 local integer ZE=1112354868 set Qw=EE set Ww=ZE set Ew=1966092375 return true endfunction function VL takes nothing returns integer return mu[Qu-1] endfunction function CL takes string XL returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=XL set Ad=Ad+1 call iYu(VL(),GetFilterUnit(),"when calling callback in ClosureForGroups, line 12") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function V1u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call CL("ClosureForGroups, line 12") endfunction function SRw takes item tRw,boolean iRw returns nothing call SetItemVisible(tRw,iRw) endfunction function oRw takes item cRw returns boolean return IsItemVisible(cRw) endfunction function V3w takes nothing returns nothing if oRw(GetEnumItem()) then set ry[sy]=GetEnumItem() call SRw(ry[sy],false) set sy=sy+1 endif endfunction function VEw takes nothing returns boolean set TO=4 return true endfunction function ufw takes string wfw returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=wfw set Ad=Ad+1 set IS=0 call InitHashtable() set PS=null call j2w(b2w("when calling getTimer in InstanceBoard, line 11"),0.0,cg) set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function W1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return ufw("InstanceBoard, line 1") endfunction function W3w takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function W4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call Feu("Wave, line 49") endfunction function Wxw takes nothing returns boolean set Lo=851983 set Xo=852556 return true endfunction function cK takes string SK returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=SK set Ad=Ad+1 call MK("when calling generalEventCallback in ClosureEvents, line 287") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function X1u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call cK("ClosureEvents, line 287") endfunction function IM takes nothing returns nothing local multiboarditem vM local multiboarditem mM local multiboarditem QM local multiboarditem WM local multiboarditem EM local multiboarditem ZM local multiboarditem UM set yr=CreateMultiboard() call yjw(yr,er) call qjw(yr,pr) call fjw(yr,true,false) call Yjw(yr,0.04) call hjw(yr,"Debug Info") set vM=Ojw(yr,0,0) set mM=vM call Zjw(mM,"Allocations") set QM=mM call Pjw(QM,0.10) set vM=Ojw(yr,1,0) set WM=vM call Zjw(WM,"Callbacks") set EM=WM call Pjw(EM,0.10) set vM=Ojw(yr,2,0) set ZM=vM call Zjw(ZM,"Entites") set UM=ZM call Pjw(UM,0.10) set vM=null set mM=null set QM=null set WM=null set EM=null set ZM=null set UM=null endfunction function XM takes nothing returns nothing if yr==null then call IM() endif set qr=qr+1 set nr=nr+ar set fr=fr+dr call Zjw(Ojw(yr,0,1),bfw(dr)) call Zjw(Ojw(yr,0,2),pUw(fr*1./qr)) call Zjw(Ojw(yr,1,1),bfw(ar)) call Zjw(Ojw(yr,1,2),pUw(nr*1./qr)) call Zjw(Ojw(yr,2,1),bfw(Kt)) call Zjw(Ojw(yr,2,2),bfw(Lt)) set ar=0 set dr=0 endfunction function XVw takes nothing returns boolean set Qb=1966092354 set Wb=1966092355 set Eb=1966092356 set Zb=1966092357 return true endfunction function Xpw takes nothing returns nothing call H3u(lS,GetEnumUnit()) endfunction function GGu takes string TGu returns integer local integer YGu set Dd[Ad]=TGu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set YGu=Le set Xe[YGu]=724 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set YGu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set YGu=Je[Ke] set Xe[YGu]=724 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return YGu endfunction function xM takes string GM returns boolean local integer gM local trigger hM local trigger FM local integer kM local playerevent jM set Dd[Ad]=GM set Ad=Ad+1 set pr=3 set er=3 set qr=0 set ar=0 set nr=0 set dr=0 set fr=0 set Rr=true set gM=0 loop exitwhen gM>11 set hM=CreateTrigger() call g8w(hM,OO[gM],"-debug",true) set FM=hM call r8w(FM,IG) set gM=gM+1 endloop set jM=pu set kM=GGu("when calling alloc_Closure in DebugInfo, line 42") call cL(kM) call pK(jM,kM,"when calling add in DebugInfo, line 42") set Ad=Ad-1 set hM=null set FM=null set jM=null return true endfunction function Y1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return xM("DebugInfo, line 1") endfunction function pJw takes integer yJw returns nothing endfunction function rKu takes integer wKu,string uKu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=uKu set Ad=Ad+1 if gn[wKu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type Sim3DSound","when calling error in ") else set Gn=Gn+1 set gn[wKu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function aJw takes integer eJw,string qJw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=qJw set Ad=Ad+1 call pJw(eJw) call rKu(eJw,"when calling Sim3DSound in Simulate3dSound, line 87") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function MJu takes integer BJu,string NJu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=NJu set Ad=Ad+1 if gn[BJu]==0 then if BJu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Sim3DSound.destroySim3DSound","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Sim3DSound.destroySim3DSound on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call aJw(BJu,"when calling destroySim3DSound in Simulate3dSound, line 87") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function hgw takes integer Ygw,integer Ggw,string ggw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=ggw set Ad=Ad+1 call j3u(Ygw,Ggw,"when calling add in LinkedList, line 66") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function PIu takes integer ZIu,integer UIu,string IIu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=IIu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[ZIu]==0 then if ZIu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_push","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_push on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call hgw(ZIu,UIu,"when calling push in LinkedList, line 65") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function SLu takes integer tLu,string iLu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=iLu set Ad=Ad+1 if En[tLu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type SoundInstance","when calling error in ") else set mn[Qn]=tLu set Qn=Qn+1 set En[tLu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function fLw takes integer dLw returns nothing endfunction function YLw takes integer RLw,string TLw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=TLw set Ad=Ad+1 call fLw(RLw) call SLu(RLw,"when calling SoundInstance in SoundUtils, line 25") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function wLu takes integer NKu,string MKu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=MKu set Ad=Ad+1 if En[NKu]==0 then if NKu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling SoundInstance.destroySoundInstance","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called SoundInstance.destroySoundInstance on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call YLw(NKu,"when calling destroySoundInstance in SoundUtils, line 25") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function SLw takes string sLw returns nothing local timer tLw local integer iLw set Dd[Ad]=sLw set Ad=Ad+1 set tLw=GetExpiredTimer() set iLw=c2w(tLw,"when calling getData in SoundUtils, line 142") set ib[iLw]=null if Sb[iLw]!=0 then call MJu(Sb[iLw],"when calling Sim3DSound in SoundUtils, line 145") endif if sPu(Hl[sb[iLw]],"when calling size in SoundUtils, line 146")<4 then call PIu(Hl[sb[iLw]],iLw,"when calling push in SoundUtils, line 147") else call wLu(iLw,"when calling SoundInstance in SoundUtils, line 149") endif call e2w(tLw,"when calling release in SoundUtils, line 151") set Ad=Ad-1 set tLw=null endfunction function Y4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call SLw("SoundUtils, line 136") endfunction function Y9 takes nothing returns boolean local unit d9=GetFilterUnit() local integer f9 local boolean R9 local boolean T9 if IsUnitType(d9,UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) and xtu(d9) then set f9=Oe[sww(d9)] set R9=f9>=861 and f9<=867 else set R9=false endif set T9=R9 and wO[kQw(utu(d9))]!=0 set d9=null return T9 endfunction function Yh takes nothing returns boolean set Y="Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\AIam\\AIamTarget.mdx" set G="Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Avatar\\AvatarCaster.mdx" set g="Abilities\\Weapons\\BansheeMissile\\BansheeMissile.mdx" set h="Abilities\\Weapons\\CannonTowerMissile\\CannonTowerMissile.mdx" set F="Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Charm\\CharmTarget.mdx" set k="Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\CrushingWave\\CrushingWaveMissile.mdx" set j="Abilities\\Weapons\\FaerieDragonMissile\\FaerieDragonMissile.mdx" set x="Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\FeralSpirit\\feralspiritdone.mdx" set v="Abilities\\Weapons\\FragDriller\\FragDriller.mdx" set m="Abilities\\Weapons\\GryphonRiderMissile\\GryphonRiderMissileTarget.mdx" set Q="Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\HowlOfTerror\\HowlTarget.mdx" set W="Abilities\\Weapons\\IllidanMissile\\IllidanMissile.mdx" set E="Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\ManaFlare\\ManaFlareBoltImpact.mdx" set Z="Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\MarkOfChaos\\MarkOfChaosTarget.mdx" set U="Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\MassTeleport\\MassTeleportTarget.mdx" set I="Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\PlagueCloud\\PlagueCloudCaster.mdx" set P="Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\ResourceItems\\ResourceEffectTarget.mdx" set A="Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\ReviveHuman\\ReviveHuman.mdx" set D="Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\ReviveNightElf\\ReviveNightElf.mdx" set H="Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\BattleRoar\\RoarCaster.mdx" set J="Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\SpellShieldAmulet\\SpellShieldCaster.mdx" set K="Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\VampiricAura\\VampiricAuraTarget.mdx" set L="Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\Voodoo\\VoodooAura.mdx" return true endfunction function jAw takes integer FAw,string kAw returns nothing set KO[FAw]=kAw call uMw(kAw) endfunction function uJu takes string MHu returns integer local integer wJu set Dd[Ad]=MHu set Ad=Ad+1 if Tn==0 then if Yn<32768 then set Yn=Yn+1 set wJu=Yn else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Delimiter.","when calling error in ") set wJu=0 endif else set Tn=Tn-1 set wJu=Rn[Tn] endif set Ad=Ad-1 return wJu endfunction function hAw takes string YAw,string GAw returns integer local integer gAw set Dd[Ad]=GAw set Ad=Ad+1 set gAw=uJu("when calling Delimiter in Scanner, line 18") call jAw(gAw,YAw) set Ad=Ad-1 return gAw endfunction function qRw takes string eRw returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=eRw set Ad=Ad+1 call hAw("=","when calling new_Delimiter in Json, line 9") set oc=hAw("_","when calling new_Delimiter in Json, line 10") call hAw("(","when calling new_Delimiter in Json, line 11") call hAw(")","when calling new_Delimiter in Json, line 12") set Oc=hAw("[","when calling new_Delimiter in Json, line 13") set lc=hAw("]","when calling new_Delimiter in Json, line 14") call hAw("J","when calling new_Delimiter in Json, line 15") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function Z1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return qRw("Json, line 1") endfunction function Z3w takes nothing returns boolean local item E3w set Nb=10.*10. set Mb=2003790951 set E3w=Zfw(Mb,pp,ep) call SRw(E3w,false) set wy=E3w set uy=Rect(0.,0.,128.,128.) set sy=0 call bUw(vo-jo) call bUw(mo-xo) set E3w=null return true endfunction function ZB takes nothing returns boolean local integer EB set rr=OO[9] set EB=0 loop exitwhen EB>31 call R2I(Pow(2.,I2R(EB))) set EB=EB+1 endloop return true endfunction function Zxw takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function D4 takes integer P4,boolean A4 returns nothing endfunction function Ugu takes string Egu returns integer local integer Zgu set Dd[Ad]=Egu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fq==0 then if kq<32768 then set kq=kq+1 set Zgu=kq else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Iterator.","when calling error in ") set Zgu=0 endif else set Fq=Fq-1 set Zgu=hq[Fq] endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Zgu endfunction function I4 takes boolean E4,string Z4 returns integer local integer U4 set Dd[Ad]=Z4 set Ad=Ad+1 set U4=Ugu("when calling Iterator in LinkedListModule, line 75") call D4(U4,E4) set Ad=Ad-1 return U4 endfunction function W4 takes integer m4,boolean Q4 returns nothing endfunction function Wgu takes string mgu returns integer local integer Qgu set Dd[Ad]=mgu set Ad=Ad+1 if Gq==0 then if gq<32768 then set gq=gq+1 set Qgu=gq else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create BackIterator.","when calling error in ") set Qgu=0 endif else set Gq=Gq-1 set Qgu=Yq[Gq] endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Qgu endfunction function v4 takes boolean k4,string j4 returns integer local integer x4 set Dd[Ad]=j4 set Ad=Ad+1 set x4=Wgu("when calling BackIterator in LinkedListModule, line 97") call W4(x4,k4) set Ad=Ad-1 return x4 endfunction function X1 takes string L1 returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=L1 set Ad=Ad+1 set Hr=2019847535 set Jr=500000 set rs=0 set ss=0 set ts=0 call I4(false,"when calling new_Iterator in LinkedListModule, line 55") call v4(false,"when calling new_BackIterator in LinkedListModule, line 65") set Kr=CreateTimer() set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function a1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return X1("DmgMod, line 1") endfunction function wjw takes string Mkw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Mkw set Ad=Ad+1 call Nkw("when calling update in MultiboardSystem, line 14") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function a4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call wjw("MultiboardSystem, line 14") endfunction function aRw takes nothing returns boolean set KS="-0123456789" set LS="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" return true endfunction function Iow takes force Zow,player Uow returns nothing call ForceAddPlayer(Zow,Uow) endfunction function asw takes nothing returns boolean set ti=CreateForce() call Iow(ti,lO) set ci=0 return true endfunction function CNw takes nothing returns nothing set Hb[0]="" set Hb[1]="" set Hb[2]="" set Hb[3]="" set Hb[4]="" set Hb[5]="" set Hb[6]="" set Hb[7]="" set Hb[8]="" set Hb[9]="\t" set Hb[10]="\n" set Hb[11]="" set Hb[12]="" set Hb[13]="\r" set Hb[14]="" set Hb[15]="" set Hb[16]="" set Hb[17]="" set Hb[18]="" set Hb[19]="" set Hb[20]="" set Hb[21]="" set Hb[22]="" set Hb[23]="" set Hb[24]="" set Hb[25]="" set Hb[26]="" set Hb[27]="" set Hb[28]="" set Hb[29]="" set Hb[30]="" set Hb[31]="" set Hb[32]=" " set Hb[33]="!" set Hb[34]="\"" set Hb[35]="#" set Hb[36]="$" set Hb[37]="%" set Hb[38]="&" set Hb[39]="'" set Hb[40]="(" set Hb[41]=")" set Hb[42]="*" set Hb[43]="+" set Hb[44]="," set Hb[45]="-" set Hb[46]="." set Hb[47]="/" set Hb[48]="0" set Hb[49]="1" set Hb[50]="2" set Hb[51]="3" set Hb[52]="4" set Hb[53]="5" set Hb[54]="6" set Hb[55]="7" set Hb[56]="8" set Hb[57]="9" set Hb[58]=":" set Hb[59]=";" set Hb[60]="<" set Hb[61]="=" set Hb[62]=">" set Hb[63]="?" set Hb[64]="@" set Hb[65]="A" set Hb[66]="B" set Hb[67]="C" set Hb[68]="D" set Hb[69]="E" set Hb[70]="F" set Hb[71]="G" set Hb[72]="H" set Hb[73]="I" set Hb[74]="J" set Hb[75]="K" set Hb[76]="L" set Hb[77]="M" set Hb[78]="N" set Hb[79]="O" set Hb[80]="P" set Hb[81]="Q" set Hb[82]="R" set Hb[83]="S" set Hb[84]="T" set Hb[85]="U" set Hb[86]="V" set Hb[87]="W" set Hb[88]="X" set Hb[89]="Y" set Hb[90]="Z" set Hb[91]="[" set Hb[92]="\\" set Hb[93]="]" set Hb[94]="^" set Hb[95]="_" set Hb[96]="`" set Hb[97]="a" set Hb[98]="b" set Hb[99]="c" set Hb[100]="d" set Hb[101]="e" set Hb[102]="f" set Hb[103]="g" set Hb[104]="h" set Hb[105]="i" set Hb[106]="j" set Hb[107]="k" set Hb[108]="l" set Hb[109]="m" set Hb[110]="n" set Hb[111]="o" set Hb[112]="p" set Hb[113]="q" set Hb[114]="r" set Hb[115]="s" set Hb[116]="t" set Hb[117]="u" set Hb[118]="v" set Hb[119]="w" set Hb[120]="x" set Hb[121]="y" set Hb[122]="z" set Hb[123]="{" set Hb[124]="|" set Hb[125]="}" set Hb[126]="~" set Hb[127]="" endfunction function MNw takes nothing returns nothing endfunction function TMw takes string RMw returns string return StringCase(RMw,true) endfunction function NNw takes nothing returns nothing local integer VNw=0 local integer BNw=Jb loop exitwhen VNw>BNw if TMw(Hb[VNw])==Hb[VNw]then endif set VNw=VNw+1 endloop endfunction function initialize takes nothing returns nothing call CNw() call NNw() call MNw() endfunction function XNw takes string LNw returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=LNw set Ad=Ad+1 set Jb=126+1 call initialize() call J0u("","when calling stringToIndex in StringUtils, line 165") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function b1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return XNw("StringUtils, line 1") endfunction function oku takes string Sku returns integer local integer cku set Dd[Ad]=Sku set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set cku=oe set Oe[cku]=849 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create EndBoss.","when calling error in ") set cku=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set cku=Se[ce] set Oe[cku]=849 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return cku endfunction function gU takes integer qU,real aU,real nU,real dU,integer fU,integer RU,real TU,real YU,string GU returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=GU set Ad=Ad+1 call J2u(0,0,0,0,7,qU,0,null,aU,nU,dU,fU,RU,TU,YU,qlu(aU,nU,dU,TU,YU),"when calling construct_Creep in Boss, line 10",null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) set Kw[qU]=Kqu(Nt[qU],"war3mapImported\\GeneralHeroGlow.mdx","origin") if fU==1848651827 then call xKu(Jw,"when calling play in Boss, line 14") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function r0w takes integer K9,real L9,real X9,real C9,integer V9,integer B9,real N9,real M9,integer w0w,string u0w returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=u0w set Ad=Ad+1 call gU(K9,L9,X9,C9,V9,B9,N9,M9,"when calling construct_Boss in EndBoss, line 25") set qt[K9]=1 set at[K9]=0 set dt[K9]=Ngw("when calling new_LinkedList in EndBoss, line 22") call j3u(dt[K9],J0u("blockade","when calling stringToIndex in EndBoss, line 27"),"when calling add in EndBoss, line 27") call j3u(dt[K9],J0u("destroyerSummoner","when calling stringToIndex in EndBoss, line 28"),"when calling add in EndBoss, line 28") set nt[K9]=b2w("when calling getTimer in EndBoss, line 29") call s2w(nt[K9],K9,"when calling setData in EndBoss, line 30") call Q2w(nt[K9],ct,LG) set ft[K9]=w0w set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function J9 takes real Q9,real W9,real E9,integer Z9,integer U9,real I9,real P9,integer A9,string D9 returns integer local integer H9 set Dd[Ad]=D9 set Ad=Ad+1 set H9=oku("when calling EndBoss in EndBoss, line 25") call r0w(H9,Q9,W9,E9,Z9,U9,I9,P9,A9,"when calling construct_EndBoss in EndBoss, line 25") set Ad=Ad-1 return H9 endfunction function Ogu takes string cgu returns integer local integer ogu set Dd[Ad]=cgu set Ad=Ad+1 if qq==0 then if aq<32768 then set aq=aq+1 set ogu=aq set nq[ogu]=738 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create FinalBossSummoning.","when calling error in ") set ogu=0 endif else set qq=qq-1 set ogu=eq[qq] set nq[ogu]=738 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return ogu endfunction function GC takes integer YC returns nothing endfunction function dgu takes string agu returns integer local integer ngu set Dd[Ad]=agu set Ad=Ad+1 if bq==0 then if yq<32768 then set yq=yq+1 set ngu=yq set pq[ngu]=655 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set ngu=0 endif else set bq=bq-1 set ngu=lq[bq] set pq[ngu]=655 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return ngu endfunction function dC takes integer qC,real aC,string nC returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=nC set Ad=Ad+1 set Iu[qC]=b2w("when calling getTimer in ClosureTimers, line 89") call s2w(Iu[qC],qC,"when calling setData in ClosureTimers, line 90") call Q2w(Iu[qC],aC,ZG) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function IYu takes integer EYu,real ZYu,string UYu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=UYu set Ad=Ad+1 if pq[EYu]==0 then if EYu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling CallbackPeriodic.ClosureTimers_CallbackPeriodic_start","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called CallbackPeriodic.ClosureTimers_CallbackPeriodic_start on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call dC(EYu,ZYu,"when calling start in ClosureTimers, line 88") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function mX takes real jX,integer xX,string vX returns integer set Dd[Ad]=vX set Ad=Ad+1 call IYu(xX,jX,"when calling start in ClosureTimers, line 36") set Ad=Ad-1 return xX endfunction function W1 takes integer k1,integer j1,string x1 returns nothing local integer v1 local real m1 local integer Q1 set Dd[Ad]=x1 set Ad=Ad+1 set Qr[k1]=0. set Wr[k1]=0. set Er[k1]=0 set Zr[k1]=Ngw("when calling new_LinkedList in DestroyerSummoner, line 20") set Ur[k1]=0 set Pr[k1]=Ptw(Ycu(Up,Ip),jf,xf,"0%",12.,"when calling createFText in DestroyerSummoner, line 23") set Ar[k1]=j1 call F4w(pi[Pr[k1]],false) set Q1=k1 set m1=kr set v1=dgu("when calling alloc_Closure in DestroyerSummoner, line 29") call GC(v1) set Dr[v1]=k1 set Ir[Q1]=mX(m1,v1,"when calling doPeriodically in DestroyerSummoner, line 29") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Z3 takes integer Q3,string W3 returns integer local integer E3 set Dd[Ad]=W3 set Ad=Ad+1 set E3=Ogu("when calling FinalBossSummoning in DestroyerSummoner, line 26") call W1(E3,Q3,"when calling construct_FinalBossSummoning in DestroyerSummoner, line 26") set Ad=Ad-1 return E3 endfunction function F8 takes integer Y8,string G8 returns nothing local integer g8 local integer h8 set Dd[Ad]=G8 set Ad=Ad+1 set bt[Y8]=Ngw("when calling new_LinkedList in EndBoss, line 109") set pt[Y8]=false call PlayMusic(Rt[tt]) call xKu(VJw(Ob,false,"when calling new_SoundDefinition in EndBoss, line 116"),"when calling play in EndBoss, line 116") call gEw("|cffE62121 Prepare for your end!") set yt[Y8]=Z3(Y8,"when calling new_FinalBossSummoning in EndBoss, line 118") set g8=0 set h8=Zp loop exitwhen g8>h8 call j3u(bt[Y8],J9(Ycu(fUw(Ep[g8]),qR),jf,xf,st,175,Up,Ip,Y8,"when calling new_EndBoss in EndBoss, line 120"),"when calling add in EndBoss, line 120") set g8=g8+1 endloop set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function jku takes string Fku returns integer local integer kku set Dd[Ad]=Fku set Ad=Ad+1 if ra==0 then if sa<32768 then set sa=sa+1 set kku=sa set ta[kku]=717 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create EndBossFight.","when calling error in ") set kku=0 endif else set ra=ra-1 set kku=ua[ra] set ta[kku]=717 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return kku endfunction function T8 takes string f8 returns integer local integer R8 set Dd[Ad]=f8 set Ad=Ad+1 set R8=jku("when calling EndBossFight in EndBoss, line 114") call F8(R8,"when calling construct_EndBossFight in EndBoss, line 114") set Ad=Ad-1 return R8 endfunction function V7 takes string C7 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=C7 set Ad=Ad+1 call vEw(" |cffFFC519Beat the final boss to win!",25.) set lt=T8("when calling new_EndBossFight in EndBoss, line 146") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function b4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call V7("GameConditions, line 25") endfunction function bJw takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function osw takes string csw returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=csw set Ad=Ad+1 call wqw("when calling new_HashMap in EventHelper, line 6") call wqw("when calling new_HashMap in EventHelper, line 7") call v3w("when calling new_Table in EventHelper, line 8") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function c1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return osw("EventHelper, line 1") endfunction function TLu takes string fLu returns integer local integer RLu set Dd[Ad]=fLu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set RLu=ae set ne[RLu]=684 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set RLu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set RLu=ee[qe] set ne[RLu]=684 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return RLu endfunction function gLu takes string YLu returns integer local integer GLu set Dd[Ad]=YLu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set GLu=ae set ne[GLu]=685 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set GLu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set GLu=ee[qe] set ne[GLu]=685 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return GLu endfunction function ruw takes integer uuw returns nothing set Pt[uuw]=Pt[uuw]+1 endfunction function ZXw takes integer RXw,string TXw returns nothing local unit YXw local unit GXw local unit gXw local integer hXw local real FXw local real kXw local integer jXw local integer xXw local integer vXw local real mXw local real QXw local real WXw local integer EXw set Dd[Ad]=TXw set Ad=Ad+1 call ruw(RXw) if xtu(Nt[RXw]) then set Yb[RXw]=Yb[RXw]+1 if Yb[RXw]>=fb then set Yb[RXw]=GetRandomInt(-4,4) set YXw=Nt[RXw] call SSu(YXw,Qh(0)) set GXw=YXw call Tiu(GXw,"Stand Work Gold") set gXw=GXw call Oiu(gXw,"Stand Work Gold") set hXw=TLu("when calling alloc_Closure in SpecialFive, line 29") call VC(hXw) set ab[hXw]=RXw call gX(6.,hXw,"when calling doAfter in SpecialFive, line 29") set QXw=wou(EOu(wvu(RXw,"when calling getPos in SpecialFive, line 32"),sf,tf),Ef,Psu(Nt[RXw]),128.) set WXw=Cd set FXw=QXw set kXw=WXw set jXw=1 set xXw=Rb loop exitwhen jXw>xXw set mXw=Ofw(jXw-1)*1.5 set vXw=gLu("when calling alloc_Closure in SpecialFive, line 34") call VC(vXw) set EXw=vXw set nb[EXw]=FXw set db[EXw]=kXw call gX(mXw,vXw,"when calling doAfter in SpecialFive, line 34") set jXw=jXw+1 endloop endif endif set Ad=Ad-1 set YXw=null set GXw=null set gXw=null endfunction function LH takes real DH,real HH,real JH,real KH returns nothing call PanCameraToTimedWithZ(DH,HH,JH-hcu(EOu(DH,HH,JH),Ef),KH) endfunction function oJ takes player sJ,real tJ,real iJ,real SJ,real cJ returns nothing if lO==sJ then call LH(tJ,iJ,SJ,cJ) endif endfunction function wDw takes integer NAw,string MAw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=MAw set Ad=Ad+1 call ruw(NAw) call oJ(Et[NAw],wvu(NAw,"when calling getPos in Selector, line 64"),sf,tf,0.) call NQw(Et[NAw],Nt[NAw]) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function wxu takes integer Nju,string Mju returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Mju set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[Nju]==0 then if Nju==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Entity.Entity_Entity_slowUpdate","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Entity.Entity_Entity_slowUpdate on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Oe[Nju]<=859 then if Oe[Nju]<=853 then if Oe[Nju]<=852 then call ruw(Nju) else call ZXw(Nju,"when calling slowUpdate in Entity, line 170") endif else call ruw(Nju) endif elseif Oe[Nju]<=860 then call wDw(Nju,"when calling slowUpdate in Entity, line 170") else call ruw(Nju) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function K0w takes string H0w returns nothing local integer J0w set Dd[Ad]=H0w set Ad=Ad+1 set J0w=Ht loop exitwhen not(J0w!=0) call wxu(J0w,"when calling slowUpdate in EntityManagement, line 16") set J0w=Ct[J0w] endloop set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function c4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call K0w("EntityManagement, line 28") endfunction function cfw takes nothing returns boolean set HS=2147483647 set JS=-2147483648 return true endfunction function Cfu takes string Lfu returns integer local integer Xfu set Dd[Ad]=Lfu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set Xfu=Le set Xe[Xfu]=720 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set Xfu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set Xfu=Je[Ke] set Xe[Xfu]=720 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Xfu endfunction function Nfu takes string Vfu returns integer local integer Bfu set Dd[Ad]=Vfu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set Bfu=Le set Xe[Bfu]=721 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set Bfu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set Bfu=Je[Ke] set Xe[Bfu]=721 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Bfu endfunction function dA takes integer aA,boolean nA returns nothing set bu[aA]=Su endfunction function wTu takes string NRu returns integer local integer MRu set Dd[Ad]=NRu set Ad=Ad+1 if Me==0 then if wq<32768 then set wq=wq+1 set MRu=wq set uq[MRu]=768 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Iterator.","when calling error in ") set MRu=0 endif else set Me=Me-1 set MRu=Ne[Me] set uq[MRu]=768 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return MRu endfunction function oA takes boolean iA,string SA returns integer local integer cA set Dd[Ad]=SA set Ad=Ad+1 set cA=wTu("when calling Iterator in LinkedListModule, line 75") call dA(cA,iA) set Ad=Ad-1 return cA endfunction function tRu takes string rRu returns integer local integer sRu set Dd[Ad]=rRu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set sRu=Le set Xe[sRu]=722 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set sRu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set sRu=Je[Ke] set Xe[sRu]=722 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return sRu endfunction function XRu takes string KRu returns integer local integer LRu set Dd[Ad]=KRu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ve==0 then if Be<32768 then set Be=Be+1 set LRu=Be else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create BackIterator.","when calling error in ") set LRu=0 endif else set Ve=Ve-1 set LRu=Ce[Ve] endif set Ad=Ad-1 return LRu endfunction function tA takes integer rA,boolean sA returns nothing endfunction function uA takes boolean NP,string MP returns integer local integer wA set Dd[Ad]=MP set Ad=Ad+1 set wA=XRu("when calling BackIterator in LinkedListModule, line 97") call tA(wA,NP) set Ad=Ad-1 return wA endfunction function HU takes string EU returns boolean local integer ZU local integer UU local integer IU local unitevent PU local playerunitevent AU local playerunitevent DU set Dd[Ad]=EU set Ad=Ad+1 set Vw=0.25 set Su=0 set cu=0 set ou=0 call oA(false,"when calling new_Iterator in LinkedListModule, line 55") call uA(false,"when calling new_BackIterator in LinkedListModule, line 65") set PU=EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED set ZU=Cfu("when calling alloc_Closure in Buff, line 122") call cL(ZU) call pK(PU,ZU,"when calling add in Buff, line 122") set AU=EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_UPGRADE_FINISH set UU=Nfu("when calling alloc_Closure in Buff, line 146") call cL(UU) call pK(AU,UU,"when calling add in Buff, line 146") set DU=EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH set IU=tRu("when calling alloc_Closure in Buff, line 157") call cL(IU) call pK(DU,IU,"when calling add in Buff, line 157") set Ad=Ad-1 set PU=null set AU=null set DU=null return true endfunction function d1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return HU("Buff, line 1") endfunction function IJu takes integer ZJu,string UJu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=UJu set Ad=Ad+1 if Kq[ZJu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type SeqCallback","when calling error in ") else set Dq[Hq]=ZJu set Hq=Hq+1 set Kq[ZJu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function xHw takes integer kHw,string jHw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=jHw set Ad=Ad+1 if al[kHw]!=null then call e2w(al[kHw],"when calling release in SeqWorker, line 53") set al[kHw]=null endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function gHw takes integer YHw,string GHw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=GHw set Ad=Ad+1 call xHw(YHw,"when calling SeqCallback_onDestroy in SeqWorker, line 51") call IJu(YHw,"when calling SeqCallback in SeqWorker, line 51") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function YJu takes integer RJu,string TJu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=TJu set Ad=Ad+1 if Kq[RJu]==0 then if RJu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling SeqCallback.destroySeqCallback","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called SeqCallback.destroySeqCallback on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call gHw(RJu,"when calling destroySeqCallback in SeqWorker, line 32") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function THw takes integer fHw,string RHw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=RHw set Ad=Ad+1 if (not ql[fHw])or al[fHw]!=null then set ql[fHw]=true call YJu(fHw,"when calling SeqCallback in SeqWorker, line 42") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function hJu takes integer GJu,string gJu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=gJu set Ad=Ad+1 if Kq[GJu]==0 then if GJu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling SeqCallback.SeqWorker_SeqCallback_terminate","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called SeqCallback.SeqWorker_SeqCallback_terminate on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call THw(GJu,"when calling terminate in SeqWorker, line 39") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function O3u takes integer i3u,integer S3u,string c3u returns string local string o3u set Dd[Ad]=c3u set Ad=Ad+1 if S3u<0 or S3u>=25 then call tsw("Index out of Bounds","when calling error in ") elseif S3u<=12 then if S3u<=6 then if S3u<=3 then if S3u<=1 then if S3u<=0 then set o3u=od[i3u] else set o3u=Od[i3u] endif elseif S3u<=2 then set o3u=ld[i3u] else set o3u=bd[i3u] endif elseif S3u<=5 then if S3u<=4 then set o3u=yd[i3u] else set o3u=pd[i3u] endif else set o3u=ed[i3u] endif elseif S3u<=9 then if S3u<=8 then if S3u<=7 then set o3u=qd[i3u] else set o3u=ad[i3u] endif else set o3u=nd[i3u] endif elseif S3u<=11 then if S3u<=10 then set o3u=dd[i3u] else set o3u=fd[i3u] endif else set o3u=Rd[i3u] endif elseif S3u<=18 then if S3u<=15 then if S3u<=14 then if S3u<=13 then set o3u=Td[i3u] else set o3u=Yd[i3u] endif else set o3u=Gd[i3u] endif elseif S3u<=17 then if S3u<=16 then set o3u=gd[i3u] else set o3u=hd[i3u] endif else set o3u=Fd[i3u] endif elseif S3u<=21 then if S3u<=20 then if S3u<=19 then set o3u=kd[i3u] else set o3u=jd[i3u] endif else set o3u=xd[i3u] endif elseif S3u<=23 then if S3u<=22 then set o3u=vd[i3u] else set o3u=md[i3u] endif else set o3u=Qd[i3u] endif set Ad=Ad-1 return o3u endfunction function dv takes integer nv returns integer return fw[nv] endfunction function ddu takes integer qdu,string adu returns integer local integer ndu set Dd[Ad]=adu set Ad=Ad+1 if We[qdu]==0 then if qdu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigSubString.BigString_BigSubString_getStart","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigSubString.BigString_BigSubString_getStart on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set ndu=dv(qdu) set Ad=Ad-1 return ndu endfunction function ev takes integer pv returns integer return Rw[pv] endfunction function ldu takes integer cdu,string odu returns integer local integer Odu set Dd[Ad]=odu set Ad=Ad+1 if We[cdu]==0 then if cdu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigSubString.BigString_BigSubString_getSingleLength","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigSubString.BigString_BigSubString_getSingleLength on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set Odu=ev(cdu) set Ad=Ad-1 return Odu endfunction function dx takes integer lx,integer bx,string yx returns string local integer px local integer ex local integer qx local string ax local string nx set Dd[Ad]=yx set Ad=Ad+1 if ddu(bx,"when calling getStart in BigString, line 154")+ldu(bx,"when calling getSingleLength in BigString, line 154")>qw[lx]then call tsw("string out of bounds: length: "+bfw(qw[lx])+" s.length: "+bfw(ldu(bx,"when calling getSingleLength in BigString, line 155"))+" s.start: "+bfw(ddu(bx,"when calling getStart in BigString, line 155")),"when calling error in BigString, line 155") endif if ldu(bx,"when calling getSingleLength in BigString, line 156")>pw then call tsw("substring is longer than maxsize","when calling error in BigString, line 157") endif set px=bUw(ddu(bx,"when calling getStart in BigString, line 158")*1./pw) set ex=ModuloInteger(ddu(bx,"when calling getStart in BigString, line 159"),pw) set qx=ex+ldu(bx,"when calling getSingleLength in BigString, line 160") if qx>pw then set ax=iMw(O3u(lx,px,"when calling substrings in BigString, line 162"),ex,pw)+iMw(O3u(lx,px+1,"when calling substrings in BigString, line 162"),0,qx-pw) set Ad=Ad-1 return ax endif set nx=iMw(O3u(lx,px,"when calling substrings in BigString, line 163"),ex,qx) set Ad=Ad-1 return nx endfunction function Anu takes integer Znu,integer Unu,string Inu returns string local string Pnu set Dd[Ad]=Inu set Ad=Ad+1 if xe[Znu]==0 then if Znu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigString.BigString_BigString_getSubStringData","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigString.BigString_BigString_getSubStringData on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set Pnu=dx(Znu,Unu,"when calling getSubStringData in BigString, line 153") set Ad=Ad-1 return Pnu endfunction function jv takes integer hv,string Fv returns string local string kv set Dd[Ad]=Fv set Ad=Ad+1 if ldu(hv,"when calling getSingleLength in BigString, line 42")>pw then call tsw("cannot use getSingle on oversized SubStrings. You need to iterate through the chunks","when calling error in BigString, line 43") endif if nw[hv]==0 and Tw[hv]==null then call tsw("cannot generate new cache without parent","when calling error in BigString, line 45") endif if Tw[hv]!=null then set Ad=Ad-1 return Tw[hv] else set kv=Anu(nw[hv],hv,"when calling getSubStringData in BigString, line 49") set Ad=Ad-1 return kv endif endfunction function Ydu takes integer fdu,string Rdu returns string local string Tdu set Dd[Ad]=Rdu set Ad=Ad+1 if We[fdu]==0 then if fdu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigSubString.BigString_BigSubString_getSingle","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigSubString.BigString_BigSubString_getSingle on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set Tdu=jv(fdu,"when calling getSingle in BigString, line 41") set Ad=Ad-1 return Tdu endfunction function NRw takes integer CRw,integer VRw,string BRw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=BRw set Ad=Ad+1 if pc[VRw]!=0 and Rw[pc[VRw]]>=0 then call j3u(yc[CRw],VRw,"when calling add in Json, line 44") set dw[pc[VRw]]=0 set dw[ec[VRw]]=0 call YEu(bc[CRw],ZMw(Ydu(pc[VRw],"when calling getSingle in Json, line 47")),VRw,"when calling put in Json, line 47") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function JZu takes integer AZu,integer DZu,string HZu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=HZu set Ad=Ad+1 if Xa[AZu]==0 then if AZu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Json.Json_Json_addProperty","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Json.Json_Json_addProperty on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call NRw(AZu,DZu,"when calling addProperty in Json, line 42") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Edu takes string Qdu returns integer local integer Wdu set Dd[Ad]=Qdu set Ad=Ad+1 if me==0 then if Qe<32768 then set Qe=Qe+1 set Wdu=Qe set We[Wdu]=635 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create BigSubString.","when calling error in ") set Wdu=0 endif else set me=me-1 set Wdu=ve[me] set We[Wdu]=635 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Wdu endfunction function Nv takes integer Xv,integer Cv,integer Vv,integer Bv returns nothing set nw[Xv]=0 set dw[Xv]=0 set fw[Xv]=0 set Rw[Xv]=0 set Tw[Xv]=null set nw[Xv]=Cv set fw[Xv]=Vv set Rw[Xv]=Bv endfunction function gv takes integer fv,integer Rv,integer Tv,string Yv returns integer local integer Gv set Dd[Ad]=Yv set Ad=Ad+1 set Gv=Edu("when calling BigSubString in BigString, line 18") call Nv(Gv,fv,Rv,Tv) set Ad=Ad-1 return Gv endfunction function XZu takes string KZu returns integer local integer LZu set Dd[Ad]=KZu set Ad=Ad+1 if Va==0 then if Ba<32768 then set Ba=Ba+1 set LZu=Ba else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Property.","when calling error in ") set LZu=0 endif else set Va=Va-1 set LZu=Ca[Va] endif set Ad=Ad-1 return LZu endfunction function cTw takes integer tTw,integer iTw,integer STw returns nothing set pc[tTw]=iTw set ec[tTw]=STw endfunction function sTw takes integer MRw,integer wTw,string uTw returns integer local integer rTw set Dd[Ad]=uTw set Ad=Ad+1 set rTw=XZu("when calling Property in Json, line 21") call cTw(rTw,MRw,wTw) set Ad=Ad-1 return rTw endfunction function JRw takes integer ARw,string DRw returns nothing local integer HRw set Dd[Ad]=DRw set Ad=Ad+1 set HRw=rc[ARw] if HRw==0 then set Sc[ARw]=gv(NS[ARw],MS[ARw],1,"when calling new_BigSubString in JsonParser, line 150") set wc[ARw]=MS[ARw]+1 elseif HRw==2 then set cc[ARw]=gv(NS[ARw],wc[ARw],MS[ARw]-wc[ARw],"when calling new_BigSubString in JsonParser, line 153") call JZu(tc[ARw],sTw(Sc[ARw],cc[ARw],"when calling new_Property in JsonParser, line 154"),"when calling addProperty in JsonParser, line 154") set Sc[ARw]=gv(NS[ARw],MS[ARw],1,"when calling new_BigSubString in JsonParser, line 155") set wc[ARw]=MS[ARw]+1 elseif HRw==4 then set Sc[ARw]=gv(NS[ARw],MS[ARw],1,"when calling new_BigSubString in JsonParser, line 158") set wc[ARw]=MS[ARw]+1 endif set rc[ARw]=1 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function PZu takes integer UZu,string IZu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=IZu set Ad=Ad+1 if La[UZu]==0 then if UZu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling JsonParser.JsonParser_JsonParser_onLetter","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called JsonParser.JsonParser_JsonParser_onLetter on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call JRw(UZu,"when calling onLetter in JsonParser, line 147") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function FMw takes string YMw,string GMw returns integer local integer gMw=0 local integer hMw=uMw(YMw)-uMw(GMw) loop exitwhen gMw>hMw if iMw(YMw,gMw,gMw+uMw(GMw))==GMw then return gMw endif set gMw=gMw+1 endloop return -1 endfunction function WMw takes string mMw,string QMw returns boolean return FMw(mMw,QMw)!=-1 endfunction function Zx takes integer hx,integer Fx,integer kx,string jx returns string local integer xx local integer vx local integer mx local integer Qx local string Wx local string Ex set Dd[Ad]=jx set Ad=Ad+1 if Fx+kx>hnu(hx,"when calling getLength in BigString, line 174") then call tsw("2Trying to get string out of bounds","when calling error in BigString, line 175") endif if kx>pw then call tsw("Trying to get oversized string","when calling error in BigString, line 177") endif set xx=Fx+aw[hx] set vx=bUw(xx*1./pw) set mx=ModuloInteger(xx,pw) set Qx=mx+kx if Qx>pw then set Wx=iMw(O3u(hx,vx,"when calling substrings in BigString, line 183"),mx,uMw(O3u(hx,vx,"when calling substrings in BigString, line 183")))+iMw(O3u(hx,vx+1,"when calling substrings in BigString, line 183"),0,Qx-pw) set Ad=Ad-1 return Wx endif set Ex=iMw(O3u(hx,vx,"when calling substrings in BigString, line 184"),mx,Qx) set Ad=Ad-1 return Ex endfunction function Xnu takes integer Dnu,integer Hnu,integer Jnu,string Knu returns string local string Lnu set Dd[Ad]=Knu set Ad=Ad+1 if xe[Dnu]==0 then if Dnu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigString.BigString_BigString_getString","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigString.BigString_BigString_getString on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set Lnu=Zx(Dnu,Hnu,Jnu,"when calling getString in BigString, line 173") set Ad=Ad-1 return Lnu endfunction function XRw takes integer KRw returns nothing local integer LRw=rc[KRw] if LRw==1 then set wc[KRw]=MS[KRw] endif set rc[KRw]=2 endfunction function ZZu takes integer WZu,string EZu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=EZu set Ad=Ad+1 if La[WZu]==0 then if WZu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling JsonParser.JsonParser_JsonParser_onNumber","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called JsonParser.JsonParser_JsonParser_onNumber on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call XRw(WZu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function PRw takes integer ZRw,string URw returns nothing local string IRw set Dd[Ad]=URw set Ad=Ad+1 set sc[ZRw]=Xnu(NS[ZRw],MS[ZRw],1,"when calling getString in JsonParser, line 117") set IRw=sc[ZRw] if IRw==KO[Oc]then set uc[ZRw]=uc[ZRw]+1 if uc[ZRw]==1 then set wc[ZRw]=MS[ZRw] endif set rc[ZRw]=3 elseif IRw==KO[lc]then set uc[ZRw]=uc[ZRw]-1 if uc[ZRw]==0 then set cc[ZRw]=gv(NS[ZRw],wc[ZRw],MS[ZRw]-wc[ZRw]+1,"when calling new_BigSubString in JsonParser, line 127") call JZu(tc[ZRw],sTw(Sc[ZRw],cc[ZRw],"when calling new_Property in JsonParser, line 128"),"when calling addProperty in JsonParser, line 128") set wc[ZRw]=MS[ZRw]+1 endif set rc[ZRw]=4 elseif uc[ZRw]==0 then if WMw(LS,sc[ZRw]) then call PZu(ZRw,"when calling onLetter in JsonParser, line 134") elseif WMw(KS,sc[ZRw]) then call ZZu(ZRw,"when calling onNumber in JsonParser, line 136") endif endif set MS[ZRw]=MS[ZRw]+1 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function QZu takes integer vZu,string mZu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=mZu set Ad=Ad+1 if La[vZu]==0 then if vZu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling JsonParser.JsonParser_JsonParser_parseSeq","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called JsonParser.JsonParser_JsonParser_parseSeq on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call PRw(vZu,"when calling parseSeq in JsonParser, line 116") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function uv takes integer Bx,string Nx returns nothing local integer Mx local integer wv set Dd[Ad]=Nx set Ad=Ad+1 if TO==0 then call DEw("BigString length: "+bfw(hnu(Bx,"when calling getLength in BigString, line 188"))+" lines: ") set Mx=0 set wv=ew-1 loop exitwhen Mx>wv if uMw(O3u(Bx,Mx,"when calling substrings in BigString, line 190"))>0 then call DEw("\n\tLine "+bfw(Mx)+" : "+O3u(Bx,Mx,"when calling substrings in BigString, line 191")) else exitwhen true endif set Mx=Mx+1 endloop endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Bnu takes integer Cnu,string Vnu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Vnu set Ad=Ad+1 if xe[Cnu]==0 then if Cnu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigString.BigString_BigString_debugPrint","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigString.BigString_BigString_debugPrint on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call uv(Cnu,"when calling debugPrint in BigString, line 186") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function DFu takes string PFu returns integer local integer AFu set Dd[Ad]=PFu set Ad=Ad+1 if Xq==0 then if Cq<32768 then set Cq=Cq+1 set AFu=Cq set Vq[AFu]=750 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set AFu=0 endif else set Xq=Xq-1 set AFu=Lq[Xq] set Vq[AFu]=750 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return AFu endfunction function EFu takes string QFu returns integer local integer WFu set Dd[Ad]=QFu set Ad=Ad+1 if Xq==0 then if Cq<32768 then set Cq=Cq+1 set WFu=Cq set Vq[WFu]=748 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set WFu=0 endif else set Xq=Xq-1 set WFu=Lq[Xq] set Vq[WFu]=748 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return WFu endfunction function IFu takes string ZFu returns integer local integer UFu set Dd[Ad]=ZFu set Ad=Ad+1 if Xq==0 then if Cq<32768 then set Cq=Cq+1 set UFu=Cq set Vq[UFu]=749 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set UFu=0 endif else set Xq=Xq-1 set UFu=Lq[Xq] set Vq[UFu]=749 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return UFu endfunction function bHw takes integer lHw returns nothing endfunction function fJu takes integer nJu,string dJu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=dJu set Ad=Ad+1 if wa[nJu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type PayloadCallback","when calling error in ") else set Bq[Nq]=nJu set Nq=Nq+1 set wa[nJu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function eHw takes integer yHw,string pHw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=pHw set Ad=Ad+1 call bHw(yHw) call fJu(yHw,"when calling PayloadCallback in SeqWorker, line 24") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function aJu takes integer eJu,string qJu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=qJu set Ad=Ad+1 if wa[eJu]==0 then if eJu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling PayloadCallback.destroyPayloadCallback","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called PayloadCallback.destroyPayloadCallback on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call eHw(eJu,"when calling destroyPayloadCallback in SeqWorker, line 24") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function sUu takes string uUu returns integer local integer rUu set Dd[Ad]=uUu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set rUu=ae set ne[rUu]=678 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set rUu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set rUu=ee[qe] set ne[rUu]=678 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return rUu endfunction function ITw takes integer WTw,integer ETw,string ZTw returns nothing local integer UTw set Dd[Ad]=ZTw set Ad=Ad+1 if el[ETw]==1 then call DEw("file valid") set UTw=sUu("when calling alloc_Closure in LZW, line 66") call VC(UTw) set vc[UTw]=Qc[WTw] set mc[UTw]=Wc[WTw] call kX(UTw,"when calling nullTimer in LZW, line 66") else call tsw("loaded input is invalid","when calling error in LZW, line 89") endif call aJu(ETw,"when calling PayloadCallback in LZW, line 90") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Sm takes boolean tm returns integer local integer im if tm then set im=1 else set im=0 endif return im endfunction function yUu takes string lUu returns integer local integer bUu set Dd[Ad]=lUu set Ad=Ad+1 if Hq==0 then if Jq<32768 then set Jq=Jq+1 set bUu=Jq set Kq[bUu]=822 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set bUu=0 endif else set Hq=Hq-1 set bUu=Dq[Hq] set Kq[bUu]=822 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return bUu endfunction function TYw takes integer pYw,integer eYw,string qYw returns nothing local integer aYw local integer nYw local string dYw local string fYw local integer RYw set Dd[Ad]=qYw set Ad=Ad+1 set aYw=el[eYw] set nYw=cPu(aYw,"when calling staticItr in LZW, line 164") set dYw="" set fYw="" set RYw=yUu("when calling alloc_Closure in LZW, line 168") call FHw(RYw) set Hc[RYw]=nYw set Jc[RYw]=fYw set Kc[RYw]=dYw set Lc[RYw]=Cc[pYw] set Xc[RYw]=Vc[pYw] call MDw(RYw,"when calling doSeq in LZW, line 168") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Uj takes integer Qj,string Wj returns nothing local integer Ej local integer Zj set Dd[Ad]=Wj set Ad=Ad+1 set Ej=ow[Qj] loop exitwhen not(Ej!=0) set Zj=bw[Ej] call Mau(Ej,"when calling BigNum_l in BigNum, line 75") set Ej=Zj endloop set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Vau takes integer Xau,string Cau returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Cau set Ad=Ad+1 if Te[Xau]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type BigNum","when calling error in ") else set de[fe]=Xau set fe=fe+1 set Te[Xau]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Aj takes integer Ij,string Pj returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Pj set Ad=Ad+1 call Uj(Ij,"when calling BigNum_onDestroy in BigNum, line 70") call Vau(Ij,"when calling BigNum in BigNum, line 70") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Tau takes integer fau,string Rau returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Rau set Ad=Ad+1 if Te[fau]==0 then if fau==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigNum.destroyBigNum","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigNum.destroyBigNum on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Aj(fau,"when calling destroyBigNum in BigNum, line 63") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function I7 takes integer Z7,string U7 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=U7 set Ad=Ad+1 call Tau(Ms[Z7],"when calling BigNum in Encoder, line 23") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function cFu takes integer iFu,string SFu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=SFu set Ad=Ad+1 if Aq[iFu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type Encoder","when calling error in ") else set Uq[Iq]=iFu set Iq=Iq+1 set Aq[iFu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function D7 takes integer P7,string A7 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=A7 set Ad=Ad+1 call I7(P7,"when calling Encoder_onDestroy in Encoder, line 22") call cFu(P7,"when calling Encoder in Encoder, line 22") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function ohu takes integer Shu,string chu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=chu set Ad=Ad+1 if Aq[Shu]==0 then if Shu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Encoder.destroyEncoder","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Encoder.destroyEncoder on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call D7(Shu,"when calling destroyEncoder in Encoder, line 11") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function o5u takes integer B2u,integer N2u,integer M2u,integer w5u,string u5u,integer r5u,string s5u returns nothing local integer t5u local integer i5u local integer S5u local integer c5u if B2u==0 then if N2u==0 then if M2u==0 then set Dd[Ad]=u5u set Ad=Ad+1 if wa[w5u]==0 then if w5u==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling PayloadCallback.SeqWorker_PayloadCallback_doStep","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called PayloadCallback.SeqWorker_PayloadCallback_doStep on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call o5u(0,0,1,w5u,"when calling doStep in SeqWorker, line 27",0,null) set Ad=Ad-1 elseif M2u==1 then set Dd[Ad]=u5u set Ad=Ad+1 call o5u(0,0,2,w5u,null,w5u,"when calling onExecute in SeqWorker, line 28") set Ad=Ad-1 elseif M2u==2 then set Dd[Ad]=s5u set Ad=Ad+1 if wa[w5u]==0 then if w5u==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling PayloadCallback.SeqWorker_PayloadCallback_onExecute","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called PayloadCallback.SeqWorker_PayloadCallback_onExecute on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if wa[w5u]<=807 then if wa[w5u]<=806 then if wa[w5u]<=805 then call o5u(0,0,3,w5u,null,r5u,"when calling Encoder_closure_impl in SeqWorker, line 30") else call o5u(0,1,w5u,r5u,"when calling LZW_closure_impl in SeqWorker, line 30",0,null) endif else call ITw(w5u,r5u,"when calling LZW_closure_impl in SeqWorker, line 30") endif elseif wa[w5u]<=808 then call o5u(1,w5u,r5u,0,"when calling LZW_closure_impl in SeqWorker, line 30",0,null) else call TYw(w5u,r5u,"when calling LZW_closure_impl in SeqWorker, line 30") endif set Ad=Ad-1 elseif M2u==3 then set Dd[Ad]=s5u set Ad=Ad+1 call DEw("loaded..") set t5u=EFu("when calling alloc_Closure in Encoder, line 129") set Js[t5u]=Xs[w5u] call xsw(t5u,"when calling execute in Encoder, line 129") call DEw("decoded..") set i5u=IFu("when calling alloc_Closure in Encoder, line 133") set Ks[i5u]=Xs[w5u] call xsw(i5u,"when calling execute in Encoder, line 133") call DEw("claned..") set S5u=DFu("when calling alloc_Closure in Encoder, line 135") set Ls[S5u]=Xs[w5u] call xsw(S5u,"when calling execute in Encoder, line 135") call DEw("hashed..") set el[Cs[w5u]]=Sm(ut[Xs[w5u]]==rt[Xs[w5u]]) call o5u(0,0,0,Cs[w5u],"when calling doStep in Encoder, line 140",0,null) set Ad=Ad-1 endif elseif N2u==1 then set Dd[Ad]=u5u set Ad=Ad+1 set el[fc[M2u]]=el[w5u] call ohu(Rc[M2u],"when calling Encoder in LZW, line 53") call o5u(0,0,0,fc[M2u],"when calling doStep in LZW, line 54",0,null) set Ad=Ad-1 endif elseif B2u==1 then set Dd[Ad]=u5u set Ad=Ad+1 call DEw("positions encoded") set c5u=el[M2u] call Bnu(c5u,"when calling debugPrint in LZW, line 147") set el[Ec[N2u]]=c5u call o5u(0,0,0,Ec[N2u],"when calling doStep in LZW, line 149",0,null) set Ad=Ad-1 endif endfunction function ERw takes integer xRw,integer vRw,string mRw returns boolean local boolean QRw local boolean WRw set Dd[Ad]=mRw set Ad=Ad+1 set QRw=true if MS[VS[xRw]]=25 then call tsw("Index out of Bounds","when calling error in ") elseif u3u<=12 then if u3u<=6 then if u3u<=3 then if u3u<=1 then if u3u<=0 then set od[w3u]=r3u else set Od[w3u]=r3u endif elseif u3u<=2 then set ld[w3u]=r3u else set bd[w3u]=r3u endif elseif u3u<=5 then if u3u<=4 then set yd[w3u]=r3u else set pd[w3u]=r3u endif else set ed[w3u]=r3u endif elseif u3u<=9 then if u3u<=8 then if u3u<=7 then set qd[w3u]=r3u else set ad[w3u]=r3u endif else set nd[w3u]=r3u endif elseif u3u<=11 then if u3u<=10 then set dd[w3u]=r3u else set fd[w3u]=r3u endif else set Rd[w3u]=r3u endif elseif u3u<=18 then if u3u<=15 then if u3u<=14 then if u3u<=13 then set Td[w3u]=r3u else set Yd[w3u]=r3u endif else set Gd[w3u]=r3u endif elseif u3u<=17 then if u3u<=16 then set gd[w3u]=r3u else set hd[w3u]=r3u endif else set Fd[w3u]=r3u endif elseif u3u<=21 then if u3u<=20 then if u3u<=19 then set kd[w3u]=r3u else set jd[w3u]=r3u endif else set xd[w3u]=r3u endif elseif u3u<=23 then if u3u<=22 then set vd[w3u]=r3u else set md[w3u]=r3u endif else set Qd[w3u]=r3u endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Dx takes integer Ux,string Ix returns nothing local integer Px local integer Ax set Dd[Ad]=Ix set Ad=Ad+1 set Px=0 set Ax=ew-1 loop exitwhen Px>Ax call t3u(Ux,Px,"","when calling substrings in BigString, line 115") set Px=Px+1 endloop set qw[Ux]=0 set aw[Ux]=0 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Tnu takes integer fnu,string Rnu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Rnu set Ad=Ad+1 if xe[fnu]==0 then if fnu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigString.BigString_BigString_reset","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigString.BigString_BigString_reset on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Dx(fnu,"when calling reset in BigString, line 113") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function cv takes integer iv,string Sv returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Sv set Ad=Ad+1 set qw[iv]=0 set aw[iv]=0 call Tnu(iv,"when calling reset in BigString, line 107") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function wdu takes string Nnu returns integer local integer Mnu set Dd[Ad]=Nnu set Ad=Ad+1 if ke==0 then if je<32768 then set je=je+1 set Mnu=je set xe[Mnu]=634 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create BigString.","when calling error in ") set Mnu=0 endif else set ke=ke-1 set Mnu=Fe[ke] set xe[Mnu]=634 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Mnu endfunction function tv takes string rv returns integer local integer sv set Dd[Ad]=rv set Ad=Ad+1 set sv=wdu("when calling BigString in BigString, line 106") call cv(sv,"when calling construct_BigString in BigString, line 106") set Ad=Ad-1 return sv endfunction function wUu takes string NZu returns integer local integer MZu set Dd[Ad]=NZu set Ad=Ad+1 if Nq==0 then if Mq<32768 then set Mq=Mq+1 set MZu=Mq set wa[MZu]=806 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set MZu=0 endif else set Nq=Nq-1 set MZu=Bq[Nq] set wa[MZu]=806 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return MZu endfunction function QTw takes integer gTw,integer hTw,string FTw returns boolean local boolean kTw local integer jTw local boolean xTw local integer vTw local integer mTw set Dd[Ad]=FTw set Ad=Ad+1 set kTw=true if rIu(Tc[gTw],"when calling hasNext in LZW, line 45") then call phu(Yc[gTw],SIu(Tc[gTw],"when calling next in LZW, line 46"),Gc[gTw],"when calling encode in LZW, line 46") else set kTw=false call phu(Yc[gTw],Gc[gTw],qc,"when calling encode in LZW, line 49") call xIu(gc[gTw],"when calling LinkedList in LZW, line 50") set vTw=Yc[gTw] set mTw=tv("when calling new_BigString in LZW, line 51") set jTw=wUu("when calling alloc_Closure in LZW, line 51") call OHw(jTw) set fc[jTw]=hc[gTw] set Rc[jTw]=Yc[gTw] call Jhu(vTw,mTw,jTw,"when calling save in LZW, line 51") endif set xTw=kTw set Ad=Ad-1 return xTw endfunction function jRw takes integer GRw,string gRw returns nothing local string hRw local integer FRw local integer kRw set Dd[Ad]=gRw set Ad=Ad+1 set sc[GRw]=Xnu(NS[GRw],MS[GRw],1,"when calling getString in JsonParser, line 74") set hRw=sc[GRw] if hRw==KO[Oc]then set uc[GRw]=uc[GRw]+1 if uc[GRw]==1 then set wc[GRw]=MS[GRw]+1 endif elseif hRw==KO[lc]then set uc[GRw]=uc[GRw]-1 if uc[GRw]==0 then set FRw=gv(NS[GRw],wc[GRw],MS[GRw]-wc[GRw],"when calling new_BigSubString in JsonParser, line 83") call j3u(ic[GRw],FRw,"when calling add in JsonParser, line 84") set wc[GRw]=MS[GRw]+1 endif elseif hRw==KO[oc]then if uc[GRw]==1 then set kRw=gv(NS[GRw],wc[GRw],MS[GRw]-wc[GRw],"when calling new_BigSubString in JsonParser, line 88") call j3u(ic[GRw],kRw,"when calling add in JsonParser, line 89") set wc[GRw]=MS[GRw]+1 endif endif set MS[GRw]=MS[GRw]+1 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function xZu takes integer kZu,string jZu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=jZu set Ad=Ad+1 if La[kZu]==0 then if kZu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling JsonParser.JsonParser_JsonParser_parseListSeq","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called JsonParser.JsonParser_JsonParser_parseListSeq on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call jRw(kZu,"when calling parseListSeq in JsonParser, line 73") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function YRw takes integer nRw,integer dRw,string fRw returns boolean local boolean RRw local boolean TRw set Dd[Ad]=fRw set Ad=Ad+1 set RRw=true if MS[XS[nRw]]pw then call tsw("adding too long string","when calling error in BigString, line 142") endif set Yx=bUw(hnu(fx,"when calling getLength in BigString, line 143")*1./pw) if uMw(O3u(fx,Yx,"when calling substrings in BigString, line 144"))+uMw(Rx)>pw then set Gx=pw-uMw(O3u(fx,Yx,"when calling substrings in BigString, line 145")) call t3u(fx,Yx,O3u(fx,Yx,"when calling substrings in BigString, line 146")+iMw(Rx,0,Gx),"when calling substrings in BigString, line 146") set Yx=Yx+1 call t3u(fx,Yx,O3u(fx,Yx,"when calling substrings in BigString, line 148")+lMw(Rx,Gx),"when calling substrings in BigString, line 148") else call t3u(fx,Yx,O3u(fx,Yx,"when calling substrings in BigString, line 150")+Rx,"when calling substrings in BigString, line 150") endif set qw[fx]=qw[fx]+uMw(Rx) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Enu takes integer mnu,string Qnu,string Wnu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Wnu set Ad=Ad+1 if xe[mnu]==0 then if mnu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigString.BigString_BigString_addString","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigString.BigString_BigString_addString on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call gx(mnu,Qnu,"when calling addString in BigString, line 140") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Dqw takes hashtable Iqw,integer Pqw,integer Aqw returns string return LoadStr(Iqw,Pqw,Aqw) endfunction function a3w takes integer e3w,integer q3w returns string return Dqw(Bb,e3w,q3w) endfunction function VXu takes integer KXu,integer LXu,string XXu returns string local string CXu set Dd[Ad]=XXu set Ad=Ad+1 if Za[KXu]==0 then if KXu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.Table_Table_loadString","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Table.Table_Table_loadString on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set CXu=a3w(KXu,LXu) set Ad=Ad-1 return CXu endfunction function KGw takes integer DGw,string HGw returns integer local integer JGw set Dd[Ad]=HGw set Ad=Ad+1 set JGw=0 if rIu(DGw,"when calling hasNext in LinkedList, line 419") then set JGw=Bc[Mc[uo[DGw]]] endif set Ad=Ad-1 return JGw endfunction function lIu takes integer cIu,string oIu returns integer local integer OIu set Dd[Ad]=oIu set Ad=Ad+1 if on[cIu]==0 then if cIu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LLIterator.LinkedList_LLIterator_lookahead","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LLIterator.LinkedList_LLIterator_lookahead on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set OIu=KGw(cIu,"when calling lookahead in LinkedList, line 417") set Ad=Ad-1 return OIu endfunction function pMw takes string bMw,integer yMw returns string return SubString(bMw,yMw,yMw+1) endfunction function yTw takes string lTw,string bTw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=bTw set Ad=Ad+1 call YEu(nc,J0u(lTw,"when calling stringToIndex in LZW, line 20"),dc,"when calling put in LZW, line 20") call uCu(nc,dc,lTw,"when calling saveString in LZW, line 21") set dc=dc+1 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function jYw takes integer YYw,integer GYw,string gYw returns boolean local boolean hYw local integer FYw local boolean kYw set Dd[Ad]=gYw set Ad=Ad+1 set hYw=true if rIu(Hc[YYw],"when calling hasNext in LZW, line 170") then set FYw=SIu(Hc[YYw],"when calling next in LZW, line 171") set Kc[YYw]=VXu(nc,FYw,"when calling loadString in LZW, line 172") if rIu(Hc[YYw],"when calling hasNext in LZW, line 173") and lIu(Hc[YYw],"when calling lookahead in LZW, line 173")0 then call yTw(Kc[YYw]+Jc[YYw],"when calling putDict in LZW, line 181") endif call Enu(Lc[YYw],Kc[YYw],"when calling addString in LZW, line 183") else set hYw=false call DEw("decompressed") call Bnu(Lc[YYw],"when calling debugPrint in LZW, line 187") set el[Xc[YYw]]=Lc[YYw] call o5u(0,0,0,Xc[YYw],"when calling doStep in LZW, line 189",0,null) endif set kYw=hYw set Ad=Ad-1 return kYw endfunction function d6 takes integer a6,integer n6 returns string return SubString(Vs[a6],n6,n6+1) endfunction function uFu takes integer Bhu,integer Nhu,string Mhu returns string local string wFu set Dd[Ad]=Mhu set Ad=Ad+1 if Aq[Bhu]==0 then if Bhu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Encoder.Encoder_Encoder_itochar","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Encoder.Encoder_Encoder_itochar on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set wFu=d6(Bhu,Nhu) set Ad=Ad-1 return wFu endfunction function q6 takes integer l6,integer b6,string y6 returns boolean local boolean p6 local boolean e6 set Dd[Ad]=y6 set Ad=Ad+1 set p6=true if Ys[l6]!=0 then call Enu(Gs[l6],uFu(gs[l6],lw[Ys[l6]],"when calling itochar in Encoder, line 65"),"when calling addString in Encoder, line 65") set Ys[l6]=bw[Ys[l6]] else set p6=false set el[hs[l6]]=Gs[l6] call o5u(0,0,0,hs[l6],"when calling doStep in Encoder, line 70",0,null) endif set e6=p6 set Ad=Ad-1 return e6 endfunction function Shw takes integer rhw,integer shw,string thw returns nothing local integer ihw set Dd[Ad]=thw set Ad=Ad+1 set ihw=sGw(shw,co[rhw],Mc[co[rhw]],"when calling new_LLEntry in LinkedList, line 164") set Nc[Mc[co[rhw]]]=ihw set Mc[co[rhw]]=ihw set oo[rhw]=oo[rhw]+1 set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function bPu takes integer oPu,integer OPu,string lPu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=lPu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[oPu]==0 then if oPu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_addtoStart","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_addtoStart on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Shw(oPu,OPu,"when calling addtoStart in LinkedList, line 163") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function uj takes integer Mk returns boolean local integer wj=ow[Mk] loop exitwhen not(wj!=0) if lw[wj]!=0 then return false endif set wj=bw[wj] endloop return true endfunction function hau takes integer Yau,string Gau returns boolean local boolean gau set Dd[Ad]=Gau set Ad=Ad+1 if Te[Yau]==0 then if Yau==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigNum.BigNum_BigNum_isZero","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigNum.BigNum_BigNum_isZero on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set gau=uj(Yau) set Ad=Ad-1 return gau endfunction function rYw takes integer LTw,integer XTw,string CTw returns boolean local boolean VTw local integer BTw local string NTw local integer MTw local integer wYw local boolean uYw set Dd[Ad]=CTw set Ad=Ad+1 set VTw=true if not hau(Ms[Fc[LTw]],"when calling isZero in LZW, line 74") then set BTw=dhu(Fc[LTw],kc[LTw],"when calling decode in LZW, line 75") call bPu(jc[LTw],BTw,"when calling addtoStart in LZW, line 76") else set VTw=false if TO==0 then set NTw="" set MTw=lgw(jc[LTw],"when calling iterator in LZW, line 81") loop exitwhen not nGw(MTw) set wYw=qGw(MTw) set NTw=NTw+bfw(wYw)+"," endloop call RGw(MTw,"when calling close in LZW, line 81") call kEw(0,"decoded positions: "+NTw) endif set el[xc[LTw]]=jc[LTw] call o5u(0,0,0,xc[LTw],"when calling doStep in LZW, line 85",0,null) endif set uYw=VTw set Ad=Ad-1 return uYw endfunction function av takes integer qv returns integer if dw[qv]!=0 and dw[qv]!=qv then return Rw[qv]+av(dw[qv]) endif return Rw[qv] endfunction function edu takes integer bdu,string ydu returns integer local integer pdu set Dd[Ad]=ydu set Ad=Ad+1 if We[bdu]==0 then if bdu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigSubString.BigString_BigSubString_getCombinedLength","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigSubString.BigString_BigSubString_getCombinedLength on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set pdu=av(bdu) set Ad=Ad-1 return pdu endfunction function Qv takes integer xv,string vv returns string local string mv set Dd[Ad]=vv set Ad=Ad+1 if edu(xv,"when calling getCombinedLength in BigString, line 52")>pw then call tsw("cannot use getCombined on oversized SubStrings. You need to iterate through the chunks","when calling error in BigString, line 53") endif if nw[xv]==0 and Tw[xv]==null then call tsw("cannot generate new cache without parent","when calling error in BigString, line 55") endif set mv="" if Tw[xv]!=null then set mv=mv+Tw[xv] else set mv=mv+Anu(nw[xv],xv,"when calling getSubStringData in BigString, line 60") endif if dw[xv]!=0 then set mv=mv+Qv(dw[xv],"when calling getCombined in BigString, line 62") endif set Ad=Ad-1 return mv endfunction function Fdu takes integer Gdu,string gdu returns string local string hdu set Dd[Ad]=gdu set Ad=Ad+1 if We[Gdu]==0 then if Gdu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigSubString.BigString_BigSubString_getCombined","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigSubString.BigString_BigSubString_getCombined on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set hdu=Qv(Gdu,"when calling getCombined in BigString, line 51") set Ad=Ad-1 return hdu endfunction function BZu takes string CZu returns integer local integer VZu set Dd[Ad]=CZu set Ad=Ad+1 if Hq==0 then if Jq<32768 then set Jq=Jq+1 set VZu=Jq set Kq[VZu]=819 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set VZu=0 endif else set Hq=Hq-1 set VZu=Dq[Hq] set Kq[VZu]=819 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return VZu endfunction function Lau takes string Jau returns integer local integer Kau set Dd[Ad]=Jau set Ad=Ad+1 if fe==0 then if Re<32768 then set Re=Re+1 set Kau=Re set Te[Kau]=632 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create BigNum.","when calling error in ") set Kau=0 endif else set fe=fe-1 set Kau=de[fe] set Te[Kau]=632 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Kau endfunction function mj takes integer xj,integer vj returns nothing set ow[xj]=0 set Ow[xj]=vj endfunction function jj takes integer hj,string Fj returns integer local integer kj set Dd[Ad]=Fj set Ad=Ad+1 set kj=Lau("when calling BigNum in BigNum, line 67") call mj(kj,hj) set Ad=Ad-1 return kj endfunction function E7 takes integer m7,string Q7,string W7 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=W7 set Ad=Ad+1 set Ns[m7]=0. set wt[m7]=-1 set ut[m7]=-1 set rt[m7]=-1 set Vs[m7]=Q7 set Bs[m7]=uMw(Q7) set Ms[m7]=jj(Bs[m7],"when calling new_BigNum in Encoder, line 20") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function tFu takes string rFu returns integer local integer sFu set Dd[Ad]=rFu set Ad=Ad+1 if Iq==0 then if Pq<32768 then set Pq=Pq+1 set sFu=Pq set Aq[sFu]=716 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Encoder.","when calling error in ") set sFu=0 endif else set Iq=Iq-1 set sFu=Uq[Iq] set Aq[sFu]=716 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return sFu endfunction function v7 takes string k7,string j7 returns integer local integer x7 set Dd[Ad]=j7 set Ad=Ad+1 set x7=tFu("when calling Encoder in Encoder, line 17") call E7(x7,k7,"when calling construct_Encoder in Encoder, line 17") set Ad=Ad-1 return x7 endfunction function GTw takes integer pTw,integer eTw,integer qTw,string aTw returns nothing local string nTw local integer dTw local integer fTw local integer RTw local integer TTw local integer YTw set Dd[Ad]=aTw set Ad=Ad+1 if eTw>qc then call tsw("dictionary size exceeds max size","when calling error in LZW, line 32") endif if TO==0 then set nTw="" set dTw=lgw(pTw,"when calling iterator in LZW, line 36") loop exitwhen not nGw(dTw) set fTw=qGw(dTw) set nTw=nTw+bfw(fTw)+"," endloop call RGw(dTw,"when calling close in LZW, line 36") call kEw(0,"encoding positions: "+nTw) endif set RTw=v7(ac,"when calling new_Encoder in LZW, line 40") set TTw=cPu(pTw,"when calling staticItr in LZW, line 42") set YTw=BZu("when calling alloc_Closure in LZW, line 43") call FHw(YTw) set Tc[YTw]=TTw set Yc[YTw]=RTw set Gc[YTw]=eTw set gc[YTw]=pTw set hc[YTw]=qTw call MDw(YTw,"when calling doSeq in LZW, line 43") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Lv takes integer Jv,string Kv returns nothing set nw[Jv]=0 set dw[Jv]=0 set fw[Jv]=0 set Rw[Jv]=0 set Tw[Jv]=null set Tw[Jv]=Kv set Rw[Jv]=uMw(Tw[Jv]) endfunction function Hv takes string Pv,string Av returns integer local integer Dv set Dd[Ad]=Av set Ad=Ad+1 set Dv=Edu("when calling BigSubString in BigString, line 14") call Lv(Dv,Pv) set Ad=Ad-1 return Dv endfunction function OUu takes string cUu returns integer local integer oUu set Dd[Ad]=cUu set Ad=Ad+1 if Nq==0 then if Mq<32768 then set Mq=Mq+1 set oUu=Mq set wa[oUu]=808 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set oUu=0 endif else set Nq=Nq-1 set oUu=Bq[Nq] set wa[oUu]=808 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return oUu endfunction function Idu takes integer Zdu,string Udu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Udu set Ad=Ad+1 if We[Zdu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type BigSubString","when calling error in ") else set ve[me]=Zdu set me=me+1 set We[Zdu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function wm takes integer Mv returns nothing set Rw[Mv]=-1 endfunction function sm takes integer um,string rm returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=rm set Ad=Ad+1 call wm(um) call Idu(um,"when calling BigSubString in BigString, line 98") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Sdu takes integer tdu,string idu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=idu set Ad=Ad+1 if We[tdu]==0 then if tdu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigSubString.destroyBigSubString","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigSubString.destroyBigSubString on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call sm(tdu,"when calling destroyBigSubString in BigString, line 7") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Iv takes integer Wv,integer Ev,string Zv returns integer local integer Uv set Dd[Ad]=Zv set Ad=Ad+1 if Ev==0 then call tsw("null","when calling error in BigString, line 68") endif set Uv=Wv loop exitwhen not(dw[Uv]!=0) set Uv=dw[Uv] endloop set dw[Uv]=Ev set Ad=Ad-1 return Wv endfunction function mdu takes integer kdu,integer jdu,string xdu returns integer local integer vdu set Dd[Ad]=xdu set Ad=Ad+1 if We[kdu]==0 then if kdu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigSubString.BigString_BigSubString_concat","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigSubString.BigString_BigSubString_concat on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set vdu=Iv(kdu,jdu,"when calling concat in BigString, line 66") set Ad=Ad-1 return vdu endfunction function Vx takes integer Kx,integer Lx,string Xx returns integer local integer Cx set Dd[Ad]=Xx set Ad=Ad+1 set Cx=gv(Kx,Lx,1,"when calling new_BigSubString in BigString, line 138") set Ad=Ad-1 return Cx endfunction function vnu takes integer Fnu,integer knu,string jnu returns integer local integer xnu set Dd[Ad]=jnu set Ad=Ad+1 if xe[Fnu]==0 then if Fnu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BigString.BigString_BigString_charAt","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BigString.BigString_BigString_charAt on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set xnu=Vx(Fnu,knu,"when calling charAt in BigString, line 137") set Ad=Ad-1 return xnu endfunction function yYw takes integer sYw,integer tYw,string iYw returns boolean local boolean SYw local string cYw local integer oYw local boolean OYw local integer lYw local integer bYw set Dd[Ad]=iYw set Ad=Ad+1 set SYw=true if Zc[sYw]Oxw call rWw(OO[oxw],Ko,false) set oxw=oxw+1 endloop set lxw=vAu("when calling alloc_Closure in OnUnitEnterLeave, line 60") call VC(lxw) call kX(lxw,"when calling nullTimer in OnUnitEnterLeave, line 60") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function e1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return bxw("OnUnitEnterLeave, line 1") endfunction function YWu takes string RWu returns integer local integer TWu set Dd[Ad]=RWu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set TWu=ae set ne[TWu]=675 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set TWu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set TWu=ee[qe] set ne[TWu]=675 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return TWu endfunction function Tgw takes integer agw,integer ngw returns integer local integer dgw=co[agw] local integer fgw=0 local integer Rgw=ngw loop exitwhen fgw>Rgw set dgw=Mc[dgw] set fgw=fgw+1 endloop return dgw endfunction function MPu takes integer CPu,integer VPu,string BPu returns integer local integer NPu set Dd[Ad]=BPu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[CPu]==0 then if CPu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_getEntry","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_getEntry on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set NPu=Tgw(CPu,VPu) set Ad=Ad-1 return NPu endfunction function qgw takes integer bgw,integer ygw,string pgw returns integer local integer egw set Dd[Ad]=pgw set Ad=Ad+1 set egw=Bc[MPu(bgw,ygw,"when calling getEntry in LinkedList, line 47")] set Ad=Ad-1 return egw endfunction function EIu takes integer vIu,integer mIu,string QIu returns integer local integer WIu set Dd[Ad]=QIu set Ad=Ad+1 if yn[vIu]==0 then if vIu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_get","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called LinkedList.LinkedList_LinkedList_get on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set WIu=qgw(vIu,mIu,"when calling get in LinkedList, line 46") set Ad=Ad-1 return WIu endfunction function hru takes string Gru returns nothing local timer gru set Dd[Ad]=Gru set Ad=Ad+1 set gru=CreateTimer() if sPu(Mo,"when calling size in UnitSpawnSystem, line 141")<=1 and mQw(rO[EIu(Mo,0,"when calling get in UnitSpawnSystem, line 141")])=="WorldEdit" or mQw(rO[EIu(Mo,0,"when calling get in UnitSpawnSystem, line 141")])=="Frotty" then call gEw("|cffFFCC00>>|r Fast Spawn") call Q2w(gru,ip/2.5,hg) else call Q2w(gru,ip,Fg) endif call vEw("|cffFFCC00>>|r Enemies spawn in "+bfw(bUw(ip))+" seconds.",25.) set Ad=Ad-1 set gru=null endfunction function nyw takes string pyw returns nothing local integer eyw local integer qyw local integer ayw set Dd[Ad]=pyw set Ad=Ad+1 set eyw=VJw("Sound\\Dialogue\\HumanCampaign\\Human03\\H03Priest21.mp3",false,"when calling new_SoundDefinition in GameInit, line 43") set qyw=VJw("Units\\Orc\\Peon\\PeonYesAttack1.wav",false,"when calling new_SoundDefinition in GameInit, line 44") call xKu(eyw,"when calling play in GameInit, line 45") call hru("when calling startSpawn in GameInit, line 46") call e2w(GetExpiredTimer(),"when calling release in GameInit, line 47") set ayw=YWu("when calling alloc_Closure in GameInit, line 48") call VC(ayw) set Vi[ayw]=qyw call gX(7.75,ayw,"when calling doAfter in GameInit, line 48") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function e4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call nyw("GameInit, line 33") endfunction function eEw takes nothing returns boolean set RO=45. return true endfunction function eh takes nothing returns nothing call CameraSetupApplyForPlayer(true,a,Player(0),0.) endfunction function lVu takes string oVu returns integer local integer OVu set Dd[Ad]=oVu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set OVu=Le set Xe[OVu]=732 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set OVu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set OVu=Je[Ke] set Xe[OVu]=732 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return OVu endfunction function tVu takes string rVu returns integer local integer sVu set Dd[Ad]=rVu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set sVu=Le set Xe[sVu]=731 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set sVu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set sVu=Je[Ke] set Xe[sVu]=731 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return sVu endfunction function uVu takes string MCu returns integer local integer wVu set Dd[Ad]=MCu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set wVu=Le set Xe[wVu]=730 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set wVu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set wVu=Je[Ke] set Xe[wVu]=730 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return wVu endfunction function D2w takes string W2w returns boolean local integer E2w local integer Z2w local integer U2w local playerunitevent I2w local playerunitevent P2w local unitevent A2w set Dd[Ad]=W2w set Ad=Ad+1 set jy=1747988531 set xy=1747988528 set vy=1747989048 set I2w=EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_START set E2w=uVu("when calling alloc_Closure in Tower, line 68") call cL(E2w) call pK(I2w,E2w,"when calling add in Tower, line 68") set P2w=EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_UPGRADE_FINISH set Z2w=tVu("when calling alloc_Closure in Tower, line 76") call cL(Z2w) call pK(P2w,Z2w,"when calling add in Tower, line 76") set A2w=EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED set U2w=lVu("when calling alloc_Closure in Tower, line 84") call cL(U2w) call pK(A2w,U2w,"when calling add in Tower, line 84") set Ad=Ad-1 set I2w=null set P2w=null set A2w=null return true endfunction function f1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return D2w("Tower, line 1") endfunction function cHw takes string SHw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=SHw set Ad=Ad+1 call iHw("when calling onSeq in SeqWorker, line 20") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function f4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call cHw("SeqWorker, line 20") endfunction function fA takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function CP takes string LP returns integer local integer XP set Dd[Ad]=LP set Ad=Ad+1 set XP=oA(true,"when calling new_Iterator in LinkedListModule, line 53") set Ad=Ad-1 return XP endfunction function U0w takes string Z0w returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=Z0w set Ad=Ad+1 set Yt=Uuw("when calling iterator in EntityManagement, line 4") set Gt=CP("when calling iterator in EntityManagement, line 5") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function g1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return U0w("EntityManagement, line 1") endfunction function X4w takes string K4w returns nothing local integer L4w set Dd[Ad]=K4w set Ad=Ad+1 set L4w=c2w(GetExpiredTimer(),"when calling getData in ThermoTower, line 30") call e2w(GetExpiredTimer(),"when calling release in ThermoTower, line 31") call eiu(Nt[L4w],by) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function g4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call X4w("ThermoTower, line 26") endfunction function gh takes nothing returns boolean set X=0.017453293 set C=57.295779513 return true endfunction function dmu takes string amu returns integer local integer nmu set Dd[Ad]=amu set Ad=Ad+1 if sq==0 then if tq<32768 then set tq=tq+1 set nmu=tq set iq[nmu]=754 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set nmu=0 endif else set sq=sq-1 set nmu=rq[sq] set iq[nmu]=754 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return nmu endfunction function ccw takes string ucw returns boolean local integer rcw local real scw local real tcw local real icw local real Scw set Dd[Ad]=ucw set Ad=Ad+1 set icw=pp set Scw=ep set scw=icw set tcw=Scw set rcw=dmu("when calling alloc_Closure in FieldGenerator, line 42") call aX(scw,tcw,128.,rcw,"when calling forUnitsInRange in FieldGenerator, line 42") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function h1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return ccw("FieldGenerator, line 1") endfunction function q0u takes string b0u returns nothing local integer y0u local integer p0u local integer e0u set Dd[Ad]=b0u set Ad=Ad+1 set y0u=sww(GetTriggerUnit()) set p0u=lgw(Xy[y0u],"when calling iterator in TrooperTower, line 60") loop exitwhen not nGw(p0u) set e0u=qGw(p0u) call gB(Nt[e0u],Ku,Lu,Xu,Cu) call Siu(Nt[e0u]) endloop call RGw(p0u,"when calling close in TrooperTower, line 60") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function h4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call q0u("TrooperTower, line 103") endfunction function initTypecastData takes string stackPos returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=stackPos set Ad=Ad+1 call uCu(By,0,"","when calling saveString in TypeCasting, line 11") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function E0u takes string W0u returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=W0u set Ad=Ad+1 set By=v3w("when calling new_Table in TypeCasting, line 6") set Ny=1000. call initTypecastData("when calling initTypecastData in TypeCasting, line 14") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function i1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return E0u("TypeCasting, line 1") endfunction function mfw takes real kfw,real jfw,real xfw,real vfw returns real return kfw+2.*(jfw-kfw)*vfw+(xfw-2.*jfw+kfw)*vfw*vfw endfunction function Ffw takes real afw,real nfw,real dfw,real ffw,real Rfw,real Tfw,real Yfw,real Gfw,real gfw,real hfw returns real set JR=mfw(afw,ffw,Yfw,hfw) set KR=mfw(nfw,Rfw,Gfw,hfw) set LR=mfw(dfw,Tfw,gfw,hfw) return JR endfunction function BAw takes integer mAw,string QAw returns nothing local integer WAw local integer EAw local integer ZAw local integer UAw local integer IAw local integer PAw local real AAw local real DAw local real HAw local real JAw local real KAw local real LAw local integer XAw local unit CAw local texttag VAw set Dd[Ad]=QAw set Ad=Ad+1 if ll[mAw]>0.990 then call sxu(mAw,"when calling deactivate in Selector, line 69") set Ad=Ad-1 set CAw=null set VAw=null return endif set ll[mAw]=nUw(ll[mAw],1.,0.025) set WAw=mAw set XAw=WAw set EAw=mAw set AAw=ht[EAw] set DAw=Ft[EAw] set HAw=kt[EAw] set ZAw=mAw set JAw=cl[ZAw] set KAw=ol[ZAw] set LAw=Ol[ZAw] set UAw=mAw set ht[XAw]=Ffw(AAw,DAw,HAw,JAw,KAw,LAw,tl[UAw],il[UAw],Sl[UAw],ll[mAw]) set Ft[WAw]=KR set kt[WAw]=LR set CAw=Nt[mAw] set IAw=mAw call kSu(CAw,EOu(ht[IAw],Ft[IAw],kt[IAw]),Ef) set VAw=pi[sl[mAw]] set PAw=mAw call J1w(VAw,Qou(ht[PAw],Ft[PAw],kt[PAw],20.,25.,0.),UR,IR) call NQw(Et[mAw],Nt[mAw]) set Ad=Ad-1 set CAw=null set VAw=null endfunction function SOw takes integer uOw,string rOw returns nothing local integer sOw local integer tOw local integer iOw set Dd[Ad]=rOw set Ad=Ad+1 set sOw=uOw if pkw(ht[sOw],Ft[sOw],kt[sOw]) then call wuw(uOw,"when calling update in FxEntity, line 29") set iOw=Wi[uOw] set tOw=uOw call HQu(iOw,ht[tOw],Ft[tOw],kt[tOw],"when calling setXYZ in FxEntity, line 30") else call J2u(0,0,0,0,0,0,uOw,"when calling terminate in FxEntity, line 32",0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function cZw takes integer BEw,string NEw returns nothing local integer MEw local integer wZw local integer uZw local integer rZw local integer sZw local real tZw local real iZw local real SZw set Dd[Ad]=NEw set Ad=Ad+1 set MEw=BEw set sZw=MEw set wZw=BEw set jt[sZw]=Kou(jt[wZw],xt[wZw],vt[wZw],xO[BEw]) set xt[MEw]=Lf set vt[MEw]=Xf call SOw(BEw,"when calling update in Projectile, line 57") if (not Ut[BEw])and FO[BEw]then set mO[BEw]=mO[BEw]+sw if mO[BEw]>=QO[BEw]then call J2u(0,0,0,0,0,0,BEw,"when calling terminate in Projectile, line 61",0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) endif endif if (not Ut[BEw])and kO[BEw]then set uZw=BEw set tZw=GO[uZw] set iZw=gO[uZw] set SZw=hO[uZw] set rZw=BEw if slu(tZw,iZw,SZw,ht[rZw],Ft[rZw],kt[rZw])>vO[BEw]then call J2u(0,0,0,0,0,0,BEw,"when calling terminate in Projectile, line 64",0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) endif endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function H5w takes integer A5w,string D5w returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=D5w set Ad=Ad+1 call cZw(A5w,"when calling update in TowerBlockade, line 26") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function akw takes real ekw,real qkw returns boolean return ekw>jo and ekwxo and qkwxS[Waw]then call wZu(Waw,"when calling onReachTarget in HealbackTower, line 119") call J2u(0,0,0,0,0,0,Waw,"when calling terminate in HealbackTower, line 120",0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function A3w takes real U3w,real I3w,pathingtype P3w returns boolean return IsTerrainPathable(U3w,I3w,P3w) endfunction function Bfw takes item Vfw returns real return GetItemY(Vfw) endfunction function Cfw takes item Xfw returns real return GetItemX(Xfw) endfunction function Mfw takes item Nfw returns real set XR=Cfw(Nfw) set CR=Bfw(Nfw) return XR endfunction function mUw takes rect jUw,real xUw,real vUw returns nothing call MoveRectTo(jUw,xUw,vUw) endfunction function sRw takes item wRw,real uRw,real rRw returns nothing call SetItemPosition(wRw,uRw,rRw) endfunction function C3w takes real D3w,real H3w returns boolean local real J3w local real K3w local real L3w local real X3w call mUw(uy,D3w,H3w) call EnumItemsInRect(uy,null,fg) call sRw(wy,D3w,H3w) set L3w=Mfw(wy) set X3w=CR set J3w=L3w set K3w=X3w call SRw(wy,false) loop exitwhen not(sy>0) set sy=sy-1 call SRw(ry[sy],true) set ry[sy]=null endloop return (J3w-D3w)*(J3w-D3w)+(K3w-H3w)*(K3w-H3w)<=Nb and(not A3w(D3w,H3w,PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY)) endfunction function Pcu takes real Ecu,real Zcu,real Ucu returns real local real Icu=SquareRoot(Ecu*Ecu+Zcu*Zcu) if Icu==0.0 then set Gf=0. set gf=0. return Gf endif set Icu=Ucu/Icu set Gf=Ecu*Icu set gf=Zcu*Icu return Gf endfunction function iN takes real UB,real IB returns real local integer PB=8 local real AB=64. local real BB=0. local real NB=0. local real DB=BB local real HB=NB local integer JB=1 local integer KB=PB local real LB local real XB local real CB local real VB local real MB local real wN local real uN local real rN local real sN local real tN loop exitwhen JB>KB set MB=wou(0.,0.,Uh(JB*2*bj_PI/PB),AB) set wN=Cd set LB=MB set XB=wN set uN=lcu(UB,IB,LB,XB) set rN=Ld set CB=uN set VB=rN if C3w(CB,VB) then set sN=lcu(DB,HB,LB,XB) set tN=Ld set DB=sN set HB=tN endif set JB=JB+1 endloop set SR=ecu(Pcu(DB,HB,1.),gf,-1.) set cR=Ff return SR endfunction function SOu takes real wOu,real uOu,real rOu,real sOu,real tOu,real iOu returns real return wOu*sOu+uOu*tOu+rOu*iOu endfunction function vOu takes real GOu,real gOu,real hOu,real FOu,real kOu,real jOu returns real local real xOu=YOu(FOu,kOu,jOu) if xOu==0.0 then set vf=0. set mf=0. set Qf=0. return vf endif set xOu=SOu(GOu,gOu,hOu,FOu,kOu,jOu)/xOu set vf=FOu*xOu set mf=kOu*xOu set Qf=jOu*xOu return vf endfunction function xN takes real SN,real cN,real oN,real ON,real lN returns real local real fN=Ycu(ON,lN) local real RN=jf local real TN=xf local real bN=fN local real yN=RN local real pN=TN local real YN=vOu(SN,cN,oN,bN,yN,pN) local real GN=mf local real gN=Qf local real eN=YN local real qN=GN local real aN=gN local real hN=EOu(eN,qN,aN) local real FN=Ef local real nN=hN local real dN=FN local real kN=ecu(nN,dN,-1.25) local real jN=Ff set nN=kN set dN=jN set oR=hou(SN,cN,oN,nN,dN) set OR=Uf set lR=If return oR endfunction function LN takes integer vN,string mN returns nothing local real QN local real WN local integer EN local integer ZN local integer UN local integer IN local real PN local real AN local integer DN local integer HN local integer JN local integer KN set Dd[Ad]=mN set Ad=Ad+1 set EN=vN if C3w(EOu(ht[EN],Ft[EN],kt[EN]),Ef) then set ZN=vN set JN=ZN set UN=vN set jt[JN]=Kou(jt[UN],xt[UN],vt[UN],0.975) set xt[ZN]=Lf set vt[ZN]=Xf else set IN=vN set PN=iN(EOu(ht[IN],Ft[IN],kt[IN]),Ef) set AN=cR set QN=PN set WN=AN set DN=vN set KN=DN set HN=vN set jt[KN]=xN(jt[HN],xt[HN],vt[HN],QN,WN) set xt[DN]=OR set vt[DN]=lR endif call Qrw(vN,"when calling update in Creep, line 95") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Xww takes integer Kww returns real local integer Lww=Kww set oT=jt[Lww] set OT=xt[Lww] set lT=vt[Lww] return oT endfunction function gju takes integer aju,string nju returns real local real dju local real fju local real Rju local real Tju local real Yju local real Gju set Dd[Ad]=nju set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[aju]==0 then if aju==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Entity.Entity_Entity_getVel","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Entity.Entity_Entity_getVel on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set Tju=Xww(aju) set Yju=OT set Gju=lT set dju=Tju set fju=Yju set Rju=Gju set Ad=Ad-1 set MR=dju set wT=fju set uT=Rju return MR endfunction function vNu takes string jNu returns integer local integer xNu set Dd[Ad]=jNu set Ad=Ad+1 if sq==0 then if tq<32768 then set tq=tq+1 set xNu=tq set iq[xNu]=759 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set xNu=0 endif else set sq=sq-1 set xNu=rq[sq] set iq[xNu]=759 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return xNu endfunction function Mbu takes integer Hbu,string Jbu returns nothing local integer Kbu local real Lbu local real Xbu local real Cbu local integer Vbu local real Bbu local real Nbu set Dd[Ad]=Jbu set Ad=Ad+1 call cZw(Hbu,"when calling update in WaveTower, line 49") if YOu(gju(Hbu,"when calling getVel in WaveTower, line 51"),wT,uT)<16. then call J2u(0,0,0,0,0,0,Hbu,"when calling terminate in WaveTower, line 52",0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) set Ad=Ad-1 return endif set Vbu=Hbu set Bbu=EOu(ht[Vbu],Ft[Vbu],kt[Vbu]) set Nbu=Ef set Lbu=Bbu set Xbu=Nbu set Cbu=xp set Kbu=vNu("when calling alloc_Closure in WaveTower, line 55") set vp[Kbu]=Hbu call aX(Lbu,Xbu,Cbu,Kbu,"when calling forUnitsInRange in WaveTower, line 55") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Gcw takes unit Ycw returns boolean return (not IsUnitType(Ycw,UNIT_TYPE_DEAD))and(not IsUnitType(Ycw,UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE)) and(not IsUnitType(Ycw,UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE)) and(not IsUnitType(Ycw,UNIT_TYPE_FLYING)) endfunction function fcw takes integer dcw returns real return 9.+5.75*dcw endfunction function Ucw takes integer gcw,string hcw returns nothing local unit Fcw local group kcw local integer jcw local real xcw local real vcw local integer mcw local real Qcw local real Wcw local group Ecw local real Zcw set Dd[Ad]=hcw set Ad=Ad+1 set Ecw=OS set jcw=gcw set vcw=ht[jcw] set xcw=vcw set Zcw=xcw set mcw=gcw set Wcw=Ft[mcw] set Qcw=Wcw call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(Ecw,Zcw,Qcw,hi,null) set kcw=OS loop exitwhen not Jpw(kcw) set Fcw=Bpw(kcw) if IsUnitEnemy(Fcw,Et[gcw]) and Gcw(Fcw) then call msu(Jmu(gcw,"when calling getDummy in FlamethrowerTower, line 50"),Fcw,fcw(ki[gcw]),ATTACK_TYPE_SIEGE) endif endloop call cZw(gcw,"when calling update in FlamethrowerTower, line 51") set Ad=Ad-1 set Fcw=null set kcw=null set Ecw=null endfunction function W8 takes integer v8,string m8 returns nothing local real Q8 set Dd[Ad]=m8 set Ad=Ad+1 call LN(v8,"when calling update in EndBoss, line 35") set Q8=Lsu(Nt[v8])/St if qt[v8]==1 and Q8jA set AA=wou(0.,0.,Uh(kA*2*bj_PI/GA),gA) set DA=Cd set xA=AA set vA=DA set HA=lcu(RA,TA,xA,vA) set JA=Ld set mA=HA set QA=JA set WA=m5(g,mA,QA) set EA=sTu("when calling alloc_Closure in Builder, line 43") call VC(EA) set yu[EA]=WA call gX(1.,EA,"when calling doAfter in Builder, line 43") if C3w(mA,QA) then set KA=lcu(hA,FA,xA,vA) set LA=Ld set hA=KA set FA=LA endif set kA=kA+1 endloop set XA=ecu(Pcu(hA,FA,1.),gf,-1.) set CA=Ff set ZA=XA set UA=CA set Ad=Ad-1 set Pf=ZA set Af=UA set WA=null return Pf endfunction function YD takes real MA,real wD,real uD,real rD,real sD returns real local real yD=Ycu(rD,sD) local real pD=jf local real eD=xf local real tD=yD local real iD=pD local real SD=eD local real qD=vOu(MA,wD,uD,tD,iD,SD) local real aD=mf local real nD=Qf local real cD=qD local real oD=aD local real OD=nD local real dD=EOu(cD,oD,OD) local real fD=Ef local real lD=dD local real bD=fD local real RD=ecu(lD,bD,-1.9) local real TD=Ff set lD=RD set bD=TD set Cf=hou(MA,wD,uD,lD,bD) set Vf=Uf set Bf=If return Cf endfunction function dOu takes real qOu,real aOu,real nOu returns real return SquareRoot(qOu*qOu+aOu*aOu+nOu*nOu) endfunction function eOu takes real cOu,real oOu,real OOu returns real local real lOu=dOu(cOu,oOu,OOu) local real bOu=0. local real yOu=0. local real pOu=0. if lOu!=0.0 then set bOu=cOu/lOu set yOu=oOu/lOu set pOu=OOu/lOu endif set Df=bOu set Hf=yOu set Jf=pOu return Df endfunction function fcu takes real qcu,real acu,real ncu,real dcu returns real return qcu*ncu+acu*dcu endfunction function cH takes integer GD,string gD returns nothing local real hD local real FD local integer kD local integer jD local real xD local real vD local integer mD local real QD local real WD local integer ED local integer ZD local integer UD local integer ID local integer PD local integer AD local integer DD local integer HD local integer JD local integer KD local integer LD local integer XD local real CD local real VD local real BD local integer ND local integer MD local real wH local real uH local real rH local real sH local real tH local real iH local integer SH set Dd[Ad]=gD set Ad=Ad+1 call SOw(GD,"when calling update in Builder, line 63") set kD=GD if not C3w(EOu(ht[kD],Ft[kD],kt[kD]),Ef) then set jD=GD set xD=VA(EOu(ht[jD],Ft[jD],kt[jD]),Ef,"when calling getPathingNormal in Builder, line 65") set vD=Af set hD=xD set FD=vD if Hcu(hD,FD)==0. then set mD=GD set QD=EOu(Kou(eOu(jt[mD],xt[mD],vt[mD]),Hf,Jf,-1),Lf,Xf) set WD=Ef set hD=QD set FD=WD endif set ED=GD if fcu(EOu(eOu(jt[ED],xt[ED],vt[ED]),Hf,Jf),Ef,hD,FD)<0. then set ZD=GD call gEw("bounced "+pUw(fcu(EOu(eOu(jt[ZD],xt[ZD],vt[ZD]),Hf,Jf),Ef,hD,FD))) set UD=GD set XD=UD set ID=GD set jt[XD]=YD(jt[ID],xt[ID],vt[ID],hD,FD) set xt[UD]=Vf set vt[UD]=Bf endif endif set PD=GD set ND=PD set AD=GD set CD=ht[AD] set VD=Ft[AD] set BD=kt[AD] set DD=GD set ht[ND]=fou(CD,VD,BD,jt[DD],xt[DD],vt[DD]) set Ft[PD]=Of set kt[PD]=lf set MD=Wi[GD] set HD=GD call HQu(MD,ht[HD],Ft[HD],kt[HD],"when calling setXYZ in Builder, line 72") set SH=Wi[GD] set JD=GD set sH=ht[JD] set tH=Ft[JD] set iH=kt[JD] set KD=GD set wH=ht[KD] set uH=Ft[KD] set rH=kt[KD] set LD=GD call mQu(SH,Ylu(sH,tH,iH,fou(wH,uH,rH,jt[LD],xt[LD],vt[LD]),Of,lf),"when calling setXYAngle in Builder, line 73") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function mPw takes integer FPw,string kPw returns nothing local integer jPw local real xPw local real vPw set Dd[Ad]=kPw set Ad=Ad+1 call avw(FPw,"when calling update in Rocket, line 22") set jPw=FPw set vPw=vt[jPw] set xPw=vPw if xPw<=0. then call J2u(0,0,0,0,0,0,FPw,"when calling terminate in Rocket, line 24",0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function NOw takes integer VOw returns integer local integer BOw=VOw set bT=Ii[BOw] set yT=Pi[BOw] set pT=Ai[BOw] set eT=Di[BOw] return bT endfunction function aQu takes integer SQu,string cQu returns integer local integer oQu local integer OQu local integer lQu local integer bQu local integer yQu local integer pQu local integer eQu local integer qQu set Dd[Ad]=cQu set Ad=Ad+1 if Fa[SQu]==0 then if SQu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.Fx_Fx_getColor","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Fx.Fx_Fx_getColor on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set yQu=NOw(SQu) set pQu=yT set eQu=pT set qQu=eT set oQu=yQu set OQu=pQu set lQu=eQu set bQu=qQu set Ad=Ad-1 set PR=oQu set AR=OQu set DR=lQu set HR=bQu return PR endfunction function oAw takes integer NPw,string MPw returns nothing local integer wAw local integer uAw local integer rAw local integer sAw local integer tAw local integer iAw local integer SAw local integer cAw set Dd[Ad]=MPw set Ad=Ad+1 set tAw=aQu(Wi[NPw],"when calling getColor in Rocket, line 48") set iAw=AR set SAw=DR set cAw=HR set wAw=tAw set uAw=iAw set rAw=SAw set sAw=cAw set sAw=bUw(mfw(255.,200.,-5.,mO[NPw]/JO[NPw])) call kQu(Wi[NPw],wAw,uAw,rAw,sAw,"when calling setColor in Rocket, line 50") call avw(NPw,"when calling update in Rocket, line 51") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function rQ takes integer Nm,string Mm returns nothing local integer wQ local unit uQ set Dd[Ad]=Mm set Ad=Ad+1 call LN(Nm,"when calling update in BossFour, line 38") set uQ=Nt[Nm] set wQ=Nm call KSu(uQ,ht[wQ],Ft[wQ],kt[wQ]) set Ad=Ad-1 set uQ=null endfunction function s1w takes integer B3w,string N3w returns nothing local integer M3w local integer w1w local texttag u1w local texttag r1w set Dd[Ad]=N3w set Ad=Ad+1 call wuw(B3w,"when calling update in TextTagEntity, line 19") set u1w=pi[ty[B3w]] set M3w=B3w call J1w(u1w,ht[M3w],Ft[M3w],kt[M3w]) set r1w=pi[ty[B3w]] set w1w=B3w call s4w(r1w,Sy[w1w],cy[w1w],oy[w1w],Oy[w1w]) set iy[B3w]=iy[B3w]-sw if iy[B3w]<=0. then call J2u(0,0,0,0,0,0,B3w,"when calling terminate in TextTagEntity, line 24",0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) endif set Ad=Ad-1 set u1w=null set r1w=null endfunction function sF takes integer Vh,string Bh returns nothing local integer Nh local real Mh local real wF local integer uF local real rF set Dd[Ad]=Bh set Ad=Ad+1 set Nh=Vh set wF=kt[Nh] set Mh=wF set rF=Mh set uF=Vh if rF=839 and Y0w<=871 then set d0w=n0w call ySu(Nt[d0w],0.) call Siu(Nt[d0w]) endif set n0w=Ct[n0w] endloop set f0w=Uuw("when calling iterator in EndGame, line 15") loop exitwhen not Luw(f0w) set R0w=Vuw(f0w) set G0w=Oe[R0w] if G0w>=839 and G0w<=871 then set T0w=R0w call ySu(Nt[T0w],0.) call Siu(Nt[T0w]) endif endloop call Muw(f0w,"when calling close in EndGame, line 15") set Tt=true set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function l4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call g0w("GameConditions, line 15") endfunction function lFw takes nothing returns boolean set bo=1 set yo=1227894854 set po=1227894856 set eo=0 set qo=18. set ao=GetRandomInt(-2,3) set no=16 set do=0 return true endfunction function fxw takes code dxw returns nothing call r8w(Ao,dxw) endfunction function nxw takes code axw returns nothing call i8w(Ao,Filter(axw)) endfunction function l_u takes nothing returns boolean set wp=CreateTrigger() set up=CreateTrigger() set rp=null set sp=null call nxw(Gg) call fxw(gg) return true endfunction function lh takes nothing returns nothing call AddSpecialEffectLocBJ(GetRectCenter(GetPlayableMapRect()),"Abilities\\Weapons\\IllidanMissile\\IllidanMissile.mdl") call KillUnit(R) call KillUnit(T) endfunction function initialize_2 takes string stackPos returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=stackPos set Ad=Ad+1 call tpw(uS,"when calling createGroups in GroupUtils, line 101") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Xyw takes string Lyw returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=Lyw set Ad=Ad+1 set Mi=1024 set wS=64 set uS=64 set rS=wqw("when calling new_HashMap in GroupUtils, line 30") set tS=0 set iS=0 set SS=false call initialize_2("when calling initialize in GroupUtils, line 104") set oS=false set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function m1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return Xyw("GroupUtils, line 1") endfunction function m4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call Feu("Wave, line 35") endfunction function Usu takes unit Esu,integer Zsu returns integer return GetUnitAbilityLevel(Esu,Zsu) endfunction function p8w takes trigger y8w returns nothing call TriggerExecute(y8w) endfunction function mxw takes nothing returns nothing local unit vxw=GetTriggerUnit() if Usu(vxw,Ko)==0 then call pxw(vxw) call p8w(Ao) call exw() endif set vxw=null endfunction function Smu takes string tmu returns integer local integer imu set Dd[Ad]=tmu set Ad=Ad+1 if na==0 then if da<32768 then set da=da+1 set imu=da else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create BackIterator.","when calling error in ") set imu=0 endif else set na=na-1 set imu=aa[na] endif set Ad=Ad-1 return imu endfunction function mSw takes integer xSw,boolean vSw returns nothing endfunction function jSw takes boolean hSw,string FSw returns integer local integer kSw set Dd[Ad]=FSw set Ad=Ad+1 set kSw=Smu("when calling BackIterator in LinkedListModule, line 97") call mSw(kSw,hSw) set Ad=Ad-1 return kSw endfunction function Nsw takes string Bsw returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=Bsw set Ad=Ad+1 set bi=Ngw("when calling new_LinkedList in FText, line 33") set ni=0 set di=0 set fi=0 call KSw(false,"when calling new_Iterator in LinkedListModule, line 55") call jSw(false,"when calling new_BackIterator in LinkedListModule, line 65") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function n1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return Nsw("FText, line 1") endfunction function Lqw takes hashtable Hqw,integer Jqw,integer Kqw returns trigger return LoadTriggerHandle(Hqw,Jqw,Kqw) endfunction function G3w takes integer T3w,integer Y3w returns trigger return Lqw(Bb,T3w,Y3w) endfunction function SCu takes integer rCu,integer sCu,string tCu returns trigger local trigger iCu set Dd[Ad]=tCu set Ad=Ad+1 if Za[rCu]==0 then if rCu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.Table_Table_loadTrigger","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Table.Table_Table_loadTrigger on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif set iCu=G3w(rCu,sCu) set Ad=Ad-1 set Cg=iCu set iCu=null return Cg endfunction function saw takes hashtable Mqw,integer waw,integer uaw,fogstate raw returns nothing call SaveFogStateHandle(Mqw,waw,uaw,raw) endfunction function k3w takes integer g3w,integer h3w,fogstate F3w returns nothing call saw(Bb,g3w,h3w,F3w) endfunction function bCu takes integer cCu,integer oCu,fogstate OCu,string lCu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=lCu set Ad=Ad+1 if Za[cCu]==0 then if cCu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.Table_Table_saveFogState","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Table.Table_Table_saveFogState on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call k3w(cCu,oCu,OCu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function s_u takes integer w_u,string u_u returns trigger local trigger r_u set Dd[Ad]=u_u set Ad=Ad+1 call bCu(By,0,ConvertFogState(w_u),"when calling saveFogState in TypeCasting, line 88") set r_u=SCu(By,0,"when calling loadTrigger in TypeCasting, line 89") set Ad=Ad-1 set Dg=r_u set r_u=null return Dg endfunction function rIw takes string wIw returns boolean local boolean uIw set Dd[Ad]=wIw set Ad=Ad+1 set uIw=b8w(s_u(kEu(ZO,GetSpellAbilityId(),"when calling get in RegisterEvents, line 58"),"when calling triggerFromIndex in RegisterEvents, line 58")) set Ad=Ad-1 return uIw endfunction function n4u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return rIw("RegisterEvents, line 58") endfunction function nJw takes nothing returns boolean set Yl=10 set Gl=10 set gl="CombatSoundsEAX" set hl=127 set Fl=1. set kl=10000 set jl=5 set xl=600. set vl=8000. set ml=1500. set Pl=0 set Al=null call Condition(qg) return true endfunction function ncw takes nothing returns boolean set gi="Abilities\\Weapons\\PhoenixMissile\\Phoenix_Missile.mdl" set hi=48. set Fi=1747988803 return true endfunction function UUw takes string ZUw returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=ZUw set Ad=Ad+1 set ZO=wqw("when calling new_HashMap in RegisterEvents, line 55") call AUw(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT,yg) set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function o1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return UUw("RegisterEvents, line 1") endfunction function uww_2 takes string M0w returns nothing local integer www set Dd[Ad]=M0w set Ad=Ad+1 set www=sww(R_u()) if www!=0 then call J2u(0,0,0,0,0,0,www,"when calling terminate in EntityManagement, line 33",0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function o4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call uww_2("EntityManagement, line 30") endfunction function Vjw takes integer Xjw,integer Cjw returns nothing endfunction function kAu takes string hAu returns integer local integer FAu set Dd[Ad]=hAu set Ad=Ad+1 if en==0 then if qn<32768 then set qn=qn+1 set FAu=qn else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create IdGenerator.","when calling error in ") set FAu=0 endif else set en=en-1 set FAu=pn[en] endif set Ad=Ad-1 return FAu endfunction function Ljw takes integer Hjw,string Jjw returns integer local integer Kjw set Dd[Ad]=Jjw set Ad=Ad+1 set Kjw=kAu("when calling IdGenerator in ObjectIdGenerator, line 20") call Vjw(Kjw,Hjw) set Ad=Ad-1 return Kjw endfunction function Djw takes string Ajw returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=Ajw set Ad=Ad+1 call Ljw(2016423984,"when calling new_IdGenerator in ObjectIdGenerator, line 7") call Ljw(1213018160,"when calling new_IdGenerator in ObjectIdGenerator, line 8") call Ljw(1095577648,"when calling new_IdGenerator in ObjectIdGenerator, line 9") call Ljw(1112354864,"when calling new_IdGenerator in ObjectIdGenerator, line 10") call Ljw(1229795376,"when calling new_IdGenerator in ObjectIdGenerator, line 11") call Ljw(1380790320,"when calling new_IdGenerator in ObjectIdGenerator, line 12") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function p1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return Djw("ObjectIdGenerator, line 1") endfunction function Ak takes nothing returns nothing endfunction function FGu takes string gGu returns integer local integer hGu set Dd[Ad]=gGu set Ad=Ad+1 if be==0 then if ye<32768 then set ye=ye+1 set hGu=ye set pe[hGu]=793 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set hGu=0 endif else set be=be-1 set hGu=le[be] set pe[hGu]=793 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return hGu endfunction function xK takes integer hK,integer FK,string kK returns integer local integer jK set Dd[Ad]=kK set Ad=Ad+1 set jK=gK(null,hK,FK,"when calling addSpellInternal in ClosureEvents, line 139") set Ad=Ad-1 return jK endfunction function BM takes string CM returns nothing local integer VM set Dd[Ad]=CM set Ad=Ad+1 set VM=FGu("when calling alloc_Closure in Destroy, line 6") call qL(VM) call xK(1093677125,VM,"when calling onCast in Destroy, line 6") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function H8w takes nothing returns nothing local trigger A8w=CreateTrigger() local trigger D8w call r8w(A8w,Tg) set Ky=A8w set D8w=CreateTrigger() call r8w(D8w,Yg) set Ly=D8w set A8w=null set D8w=null endfunction function N0w takes string B0w returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=B0w set Ad=Ad+1 call Q2w(b2w("when calling getTimer in EntityManagement, line 26"),sw,XG) call Q2w(b2w("when calling getTimer in EntityManagement, line 27"),Vw,CG) call Q2w(b2w("when calling getTimer in EntityManagement, line 28"),1.0,VG) call Y_u(BG) set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function TAu takes string fAu returns integer local integer RAu set Dd[Ad]=fAu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set RAu=Le set Xe[RAu]=726 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set RAu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set RAu=Je[Ke] set Xe[RAu]=726 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return RAu endfunction function dAu takes string aAu returns integer local integer nAu set Dd[Ad]=aAu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set nAu=Le set Xe[nAu]=725 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set nAu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set nAu=Je[Ke] set Xe[nAu]=725 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return nAu endfunction function NFw takes string LFw returns nothing local integer XFw local integer CFw local playerunitevent VFw local playerunitevent BFw set Dd[Ad]=LFw set Ad=Ad+1 if sPu(Mo,"when calling size in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 90")<=2 then set bo=2 endif if uO then set qo=32. set no=54+GetRandomInt(-6,6) endif set VFw=EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH set XFw=dAu("when calling alloc_Closure in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 95") call cL(XFw) call pK(VFw,XFw,"when calling add in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 95") set BFw=EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM set CFw=TAu("when calling alloc_Closure in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 96") call cL(CFw) call pK(BFw,CFw,"when calling add in LumberAndCoinSystem, line 96") set Ad=Ad-1 set VFw=null set BFw=null endfunction function VVu takes string XVu returns integer local integer CVu set Dd[Ad]=XVu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set CVu=Le set Xe[CVu]=734 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set CVu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set CVu=Je[Ke] set Xe[CVu]=734 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return CVu endfunction function V7w takes string L7w returns nothing local integer X7w local playerunitevent C7w set Dd[Ad]=L7w set Ad=Ad+1 set C7w=EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM set X7w=VVu("when calling alloc_Closure in TownBell, line 41") call cL(X7w) call pK(C7w,X7w,"when calling add in TownBell, line 41") set Ad=Ad-1 set C7w=null endfunction function mHu takes string xHu returns integer local integer vHu set Dd[Ad]=xHu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set vHu=Le set Xe[vHu]=729 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set vHu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set vHu=Je[Ke] set Xe[vHu]=729 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return vHu endfunction function VIw takes string LIw returns nothing local integer XIw local playerunitevent CIw set Dd[Ad]=LIw set Ad=Ad+1 set CIw=EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_USE_ITEM set XIw=mHu("when calling alloc_Closure in RevivalSystem, line 7") call cL(XIw) call pK(CIw,XIw,"when calling add in RevivalSystem, line 7") set Ad=Ad-1 set CIw=null endfunction function Nbw takes integer Cbw,unit Vbw,string Bbw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Bbw set Ad=Ad+1 call J2u(0,0,3,Cbw,0,0,0,null,0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,Vbw,0.,0.,0.,0.,"when calling construct_UnitEntity in GameConditions, line 20",null,null) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function pWu takes string bWu returns integer local integer yWu set Dd[Ad]=bWu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set yWu=oe set Oe[yWu]=868 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Treasure.","when calling error in ") set yWu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set yWu=Se[ce] set Oe[yWu]=868 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return yWu endfunction function Xbw takes unit Jbw,string Kbw returns integer local integer Lbw set Dd[Ad]=Kbw set Ad=Ad+1 set Lbw=pWu("when calling Treasure in GameConditions, line 20") call Nbw(Lbw,Jbw,"when calling construct_Treasure in GameConditions, line 20") set Ad=Ad-1 return Lbw endfunction function lWu takes string oWu returns integer local integer OWu set Dd[Ad]=oWu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set OWu=ae set ne[OWu]=674 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set OWu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set OWu=ee[qe] set ne[OWu]=674 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return OWu endfunction function Zbw takes string Qbw returns nothing local integer Wbw local trigger Ebw set Dd[Ad]=Qbw set Ad=Ad+1 set Hi=b2w("when calling getTimer in GameConditions, line 24") call j2w(Hi,16.*60.+20.,wg) set Wbw=lWu("when calling alloc_Closure in GameConditions, line 26") call VC(Wbw) call gX(0.5,Wbw,"when calling doAfter in GameConditions, line 26") call gEw("|cffFFCC00>> Visit our discord server: discord.gg/yr3ZyYQ") call gEw("|cffFFCC00>> You have one minute to build up defenses..") set Ebw=CreateTrigger() if uO then call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(Ebw,T,EVENT_UNIT_DEATH) call Xbw(T,"when calling new_Treasure in GameConditions, line 35") call biu(R) else call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(Ebw,R,EVENT_UNIT_DEATH) call Xbw(R,"when calling new_Treasure in GameConditions, line 39") call biu(T) endif call TriggerAddAction(Ebw,ug) set Ad=Ad-1 set Ebw=null endfunction function IHu takes string ZHu returns integer local integer UHu set Dd[Ad]=ZHu set Ad=Ad+1 if be==0 then if ye<32768 then set ye=ye+1 set UHu=ye set pe[UHu]=798 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set UHu=0 endif else set be=be-1 set UHu=le[be] set pe[UHu]=798 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return UHu endfunction function LK takes integer DK,integer HK,string JK returns integer local integer KK set Dd[Ad]=JK set Ad=Ad+1 set KK=gK(null,DK,HK,"when calling addSpellInternal in ClosureEvents, line 148") set Ad=Ad-1 return KK endfunction function ZL takes integer EL returns nothing call qL(EL) endfunction function fPw takes string aPw returns nothing local integer nPw local integer dPw set Dd[Ad]=aPw set Ad=Ad+1 set dPw=DO set nPw=IHu("when calling alloc_Closure in Rocket, line 54") call ZL(nPw) call LK(dPw,nPw,"when calling onPointCast in Rocket, line 54") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function fWu takes string nWu returns integer local integer dWu set Dd[Ad]=nWu set Ad=Ad+1 if ja==0 then if xa<32768 then set xa=xa+1 set dWu=xa set va[dWu]=777 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set dWu=0 endif else set ja=ja-1 set dWu=ka[ja] set va[dWu]=777 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return dWu endfunction function BH takes camerasetup XH,boolean CH,real VH returns nothing call CameraSetupApplyForceDuration(XH,CH,VH) endfunction function Fpu takes boolean Tpu returns nothing local real Ypu local real Gpu local real gpu local real hpu if Tpu then set Zp=7 set Ep[0]=i set Ep[1]=S set Ep[2]=c set Ep[3]=o set Ep[4]=O set Ep[5]=l set Ep[6]=b set Ep[7]=t set Ypu=itu(T) set Gpu=ctu(T) set Up=Ypu set Ip=Gpu else set Zp=3 set Ep[0]=w set Ep[1]=r set Ep[2]=u set Ep[3]=s set gpu=itu(R) set hpu=ctu(R) set Up=gpu set Ip=hpu endif endfunction function GQw takes player YQw returns mapcontrol return GetPlayerController(YQw) endfunction function WQw takes player QQw returns playerslotstate return GetPlayerSlotState(QQw) endfunction function CQw takes player LQw,unit XQw returns nothing if lO==LQw then call SelectUnit(XQw,true) endif endfunction function lB takes integer SB,integer cB,integer oB,integer OB returns integer set jR=SB set xR=cB set vR=oB set mR=OB return jR endfunction function lJu takes string oJu returns integer local integer OJu set Dd[Ad]=oJu set Ad=Ad+1 if be==0 then if ye<32768 then set ye=ye+1 set OJu=ye set pe[OJu]=796 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set OJu=0 endif else set be=be-1 set OJu=le[be] set pe[OJu]=796 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return OJu endfunction function rJ takes player NH,real MH,real wJ,real uJ returns nothing call PanCameraToTimedForPlayer(NH,MH,wJ,uJ) endfunction function mDw takes integer bDw,real yDw,real pDw,real eDw,player qDw,string aDw returns nothing local unit nDw local unit dDw local player fDw local player RDw local integer TDw local unit YDw local integer GDw local integer gDw local integer hDw local real FDw local real kDw local real jDw local real xDw local integer vDw set Dd[Ad]=aDw set Ad=Ad+1 call J2u(0,0,3,bDw,0,0,0,null,0.,0.,0.,0,0,0.,0.,0.,null,Xru(qDw,1747989043,Ycu(Up,Ip),jf,xf,0.),0.,0.,0.,0.,"when calling construct_UnitEntity in Selector, line 32",null,null) set ll[bDw]=0. set sl[bDw]=Ptw(Qou(yDw,pDw,eDw,20.,25.,0.),UR,IR,ZV(qDw),12.5,"when calling createFText in Selector, line 34") set nDw=Nt[bDw] call gB(nDw,lB(VV(iWw(qDw)),uR,rR,255),xR,vR,mR) set dDw=nDw call SSu(dDw,0.) set GDw=bDw set tl[GDw]=yDw set il[GDw]=pDw set Sl[GDw]=eDw set gDw=bDw set vDw=gDw set jDw=Up set xDw=Ip set FDw=Up set kDw=Ip set hDw=bDw set cl[vDw]=Ycu(wou(jDw,xDw,Kh(Ccu(FDw,kDw,EOu(tl[hDw],il[hDw],Sl[hDw]),Ef),Qh(48)),168.),Cd) set ol[gDw]=jf set Ol[gDw]=xf set fDw=qDw call CQw(fDw,Nt[bDw]) set RDw=fDw call rJ(RDw,stu(Nt[bDw]),cf,0.) set YDw=Nt[bDw] set TDw=lJu("when calling alloc_Closure in Selector, line 43") call xL(TDw) set yl[TDw]=qDw set pl[TDw]=bDw call EK(YDw,TDw,"when calling onCast in Selector, line 43") set Ad=Ad-1 set nDw=null set dDw=null set fDw=null set RDw=null set YDw=null endfunction function tJu takes string rJu returns integer local integer sJu set Dd[Ad]=rJu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set sJu=oe set Oe[sJu]=860 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Selector.","when calling error in ") set sJu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set sJu=Se[ce] set Oe[sJu]=860 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return sJu endfunction function lDw takes real tDw,real iDw,real SDw,player cDw,string oDw returns integer local integer ODw set Dd[Ad]=oDw set Ad=Ad+1 set ODw=tJu("when calling Selector in Selector, line 32") call mDw(ODw,tDw,iDw,SDw,cDw,"when calling construct_Selector in Selector, line 32") set Ad=Ad-1 return ODw endfunction function Zmw takes integer Qmw,player Wmw,string Emw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Emw set Ad=Ad+1 set sO[Qmw]=0 set tO[Qmw]=true set iO[Qmw]=0 set SO[Qmw]=0 set cO[Qmw]=0 set rO[Qmw]=Wmw set wO[kQw(Wmw)]=Qmw call j3u(Mo,Qmw,"when calling add in PlayerData, line 29") call SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed(Wmw,1747989048,0) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function dDu takes string aDu returns integer local integer nDu set Dd[Ad]=aDu set Ad=Ad+1 if nn==0 then if dn<32768 then set dn=dn+1 set nDu=dn set fn[nDu]=810 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create PlayerData.","when calling error in ") set nDu=0 endif else set nn=nn-1 set nDu=an[nn] set fn[nDu]=810 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return nDu endfunction function mmw takes player jmw,string xmw returns integer local integer vmw set Dd[Ad]=xmw set Ad=Ad+1 set vmw=dDu("when calling PlayerData in PlayerData, line 26") call Zmw(vmw,jmw,"when calling construct_PlayerData in PlayerData, line 26") set Ad=Ad-1 return vmw endfunction function yDu takes string lDu returns integer local integer bDu set Dd[Ad]=lDu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ke==0 then if Le<32768 then set Le=Le+1 set bDu=Le set Xe[bDu]=727 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set bDu=0 endif else set Ke=Ke-1 set bDu=Je[Ke] set Xe[bDu]=727 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return bDu endfunction function gmw takes string qmw returns nothing local integer amw local integer nmw local real dmw local real fmw local real Rmw local integer Tmw local integer Ymw local playerevent Gmw set Dd[Ad]=qmw set Ad=Ad+1 set Gmw=EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE set amw=yDu("when calling alloc_Closure in PlayerData, line 53") call cL(amw) call pK(Gmw,amw,"when calling add in PlayerData, line 53") set nmw=0 loop exitwhen nmw>7 if WQw(OO[nmw])==PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING and GQw(OO[nmw])==MAP_CONTROL_USER then call mmw(OO[nmw],"when calling new_PlayerData in PlayerData, line 57") endif set nmw=nmw+1 endloop if sPu(Mo,"when calling size in PlayerData, line 59")>4 then set uO=true call Fpu(true) set dmw=1245. call BH(e,true,0.) call BH(q,true,1.5) else set uO=false call Fpu(false) set dmw=490. call BH(y,true,0.) call BH(p,true,1.5) endif set fmw=360*1./sPu(Mo,"when calling size in PlayerData, line 72") set Rmw=GetRandomInt(0,sPu(Mo,"when calling size in PlayerData, line 73"))*fmw+GetRandomInt(0,4)*90 set Tmw=lgw(Mo,"when calling iterator in PlayerData, line 74") loop exitwhen not nGw(Tmw) set Ymw=qGw(Tmw) set cO[Ymw]=lDw(Ycu(wou(Up,Ip,vh(Rmw),285.),Cd),jf,xf,rO[Ymw],"when calling new_Selector in PlayerData, line 75") set Rmw=Rmw+fmw call oQw(rO[Ymw],bUw(dmw/sPu(Mo,"when calling size in PlayerData, line 77"))) endloop call RGw(Tmw,"when calling close in PlayerData, line 74") call Ptw(Qou(Ycu(Up,Ip),jf,xf,80.,0.,0.),UR,IR,"Item Shop",17.5,"when calling createFText in PlayerData, line 79") set Ad=Ad-1 set Gmw=null endfunction function QMu takes string vMu returns integer local integer mMu set Dd[Ad]=vMu set Ad=Ad+1 if ud==0 then if rd<32768 then set rd=rd+1 set mMu=rd set sd[mMu]=790 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create NormalWave.","when calling error in ") set mMu=0 endif else set ud=ud-1 set mMu=wd[ud] set sd[mMu]=790 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return mMu endfunction function tqu takes integer Neu,integer Meu,integer wqu,integer uqu,integer rqu,integer squ returns nothing set Mp[Neu]=0 set Xp[Neu]=Meu set Cp[Neu]=wqu set Vp[Neu]=uqu set Bp[Neu]=rqu set Np[Neu]=squ endfunction function Beu takes integer Heu,integer Jeu,integer Keu,integer Leu,integer Xeu,string Ceu returns integer local integer Veu set Dd[Ad]=Ceu set Ad=Ad+1 set Veu=QMu("when calling NormalWave in Wave, line 25") call tqu(Veu,Heu,Jeu,Keu,Leu,Xeu) set Ad=Ad-1 return Veu endfunction function HBu takes string ABu returns integer local integer DBu set Dd[Ad]=ABu set Ad=Ad+1 if Dn==0 then if Hn<32768 then set Hn=Hn+1 set DBu=Hn set Jn[DBu]=703 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set DBu=0 endif else set Dn=Dn-1 set DBu=An[Dn] set Jn[DBu]=703 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return DBu endfunction function JNu takes string DNu returns integer local integer HNu set Dd[Ad]=DNu set Ad=Ad+1 if Bn==0 then if Nn<32768 then set Nn=Nn+1 set HNu=Nn set Mn[HNu]=637 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create BossWave.","when calling error in ") set HNu=0 endif else set Bn=Bn-1 set HNu=Vn[Bn] set Mn[HNu]=637 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return HNu endfunction function Npu takes integer Jpu,integer Kpu,integer Lpu,integer Xpu,string Cpu,integer Vpu,string Bpu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Bpu set Ad=Ad+1 set Pp[Jpu]=Kpu set Ap[Jpu]=Lpu set Dp[Jpu]=Xpu set Hp[Jpu]=VJw(Cpu,false,"when calling new_SoundDefinition in Wave, line 77") set Jp[Jpu]=Vpu set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Hpu takes integer Epu,integer Zpu,integer Upu,string Ipu,integer Ppu,string Apu returns integer local integer Dpu set Dd[Ad]=Apu set Ad=Ad+1 set Dpu=JNu("when calling BossWave in Wave, line 73") call Npu(Dpu,Epu,Zpu,Upu,Ipu,Ppu,"when calling construct_BossWave in Wave, line 73") set Ad=Ad-1 return Dpu endfunction function LBu takes string JBu returns integer local integer KBu set Dd[Ad]=JBu set Ad=Ad+1 if Dn==0 then if Hn<32768 then set Hn=Hn+1 set KBu=Hn set Jn[KBu]=704 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set KBu=0 endif else set Dn=Dn-1 set KBu=An[Dn] set Jn[KBu]=704 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return KBu endfunction function MBu takes string BBu returns integer local integer NBu set Dd[Ad]=BBu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ln==0 then if Xn<32768 then set Xn=Xn+1 set NBu=Xn set Cn[NBu]=707 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set NBu=0 endif else set Ln=Ln-1 set NBu=Kn[Ln] set Cn[NBu]=707 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return NBu endfunction function PBu takes string UBu returns integer local integer IBu set Dd[Ad]=UBu set Ad=Ad+1 if Dn==0 then if Hn<32768 then set Hn=Hn+1 set IBu=Hn set Jn[IBu]=702 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set IBu=0 endif else set Dn=Dn-1 set IBu=An[Dn] set Jn[IBu]=702 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return IBu endfunction function QBu takes string vBu returns integer local integer mBu set Dd[Ad]=vBu set Ad=Ad+1 if Dn==0 then if Hn<32768 then set Hn=Hn+1 set mBu=Hn set Jn[mBu]=700 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set mBu=0 endif else set Dn=Dn-1 set mBu=An[Dn] set Jn[mBu]=700 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return mBu endfunction function VBu takes string XBu returns integer local integer CBu set Dd[Ad]=XBu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ln==0 then if Xn<32768 then set Xn=Xn+1 set CBu=Xn set Cn[CBu]=706 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set CBu=0 endif else set Ln=Ln-1 set CBu=Kn[Ln] set Cn[CBu]=706 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return CBu endfunction function ZBu takes string WBu returns integer local integer EBu set Dd[Ad]=WBu set Ad=Ad+1 if Dn==0 then if Hn<32768 then set Hn=Hn+1 set EBu=Hn set Jn[EBu]=701 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set EBu=0 endif else set Dn=Dn-1 set EBu=An[Dn] set Jn[EBu]=701 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return EBu endfunction function ceu takes integer Seu returns nothing endfunction function iNu takes string sNu returns integer local integer tNu set Dd[Ad]=sNu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ln==0 then if Xn<32768 then set Xn=Xn+1 set tNu=Xn set Cn[tNu]=709 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set tNu=0 endif else set Ln=Ln-1 set tNu=Kn[Ln] set Cn[tNu]=709 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return tNu endfunction function oNu takes string SNu returns integer local integer cNu set Dd[Ad]=SNu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ln==0 then if Xn<32768 then set Xn=Xn+1 set cNu=Xn set Cn[cNu]=710 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set cNu=0 endif else set Ln=Ln-1 set cNu=Kn[Ln] set Cn[cNu]=710 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return cNu endfunction function rNu takes string wNu returns integer local integer uNu set Dd[Ad]=wNu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ln==0 then if Xn<32768 then set Xn=Xn+1 set uNu=Xn set Cn[uNu]=708 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set uNu=0 endif else set Ln=Ln-1 set uNu=Kn[Ln] set Cn[uNu]=708 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return uNu endfunction function LMu takes string JMu returns integer local integer KMu set Dd[Ad]=JMu set Ad=Ad+1 if id==0 then if Sd<32768 then set Sd=Sd+1 set KMu=Sd set cd[KMu]=879 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create SpecialWave.","when calling error in ") set KMu=0 endif else set id=id-1 set KMu=td[id] set cd[KMu]=879 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return KMu endfunction function Uqu takes integer mqu,integer Qqu,integer Wqu,integer Equ,integer Zqu returns nothing set re[mqu]=Qqu set se[mqu]=Wqu set te[mqu]=Equ set ie[mqu]=Zqu endfunction function vqu takes integer gqu,integer hqu,integer Fqu,integer kqu,string jqu returns integer local integer xqu set Dd[Ad]=jqu set Ad=Ad+1 set xqu=LMu("when calling SpecialWave in Wave, line 98") call Uqu(xqu,gqu,hqu,Fqu,kqu) set Ad=Ad-1 return xqu endfunction function weu takes integer Mpu returns nothing endfunction function gwu takes string B_u returns nothing local integer N_u local integer M_u local integer wwu local integer uwu local integer rwu local integer swu local integer twu local integer iwu local integer Swu local integer cwu local string owu local integer Owu local string lwu local integer bwu local string ywu local integer pwu local string ewu local integer qwu local string awu local integer nwu local integer dwu local integer fwu local integer Rwu local integer Twu local integer Ywu local integer Gwu set Dd[Ad]=B_u set Ad=Ad+1 call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092336,1966092339,1848651824,1,6,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 45"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 45") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092336,1966092339,1848651824,2,6,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 46"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 46") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092336,1966092339,1848651824,3,6,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 47"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 47") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092337,1966092340,1848651825,1,10,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 49"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 49") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092337,1966092340,1848651825,2,10,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 50"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 50") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092337,1966092340,1848651825,3,10,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 51"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 51") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092338,1966092341,1848651826,1,11,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 53"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 53") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092338,1966092341,1848651826,2,11,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 54"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 54") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092338,1966092341,1848651826,3,11,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 55"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 55") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092342,1966092343,1848651829,1,12,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 57"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 57") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092342,1966092343,1848651829,2,12,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 58"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 58") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092342,1966092343,1848651829,3,12,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 59"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 59") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092344,1966092345,1848651830,1,13,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 61"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 61") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092344,1966092345,1848651830,2,13,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 62"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 62") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092344,1966092345,1848651830,3,13,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 63"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 63") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092359,1966092360,1848651832,1,14,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 65"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 65") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092359,1966092360,1848651832,2,14,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 66"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 66") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092359,1966092360,1848651832,3,14,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 67"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 67") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092361,1966092363,1848651833,1,15,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 69"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 69") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092361,1966092363,1848651833,2,15,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 70"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 70") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092361,1966092363,1848651833,3,15,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 71"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 71") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092362,1966092364,1848651841,1,16,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 73"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 73") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092362,1966092364,1848651841,2,16,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 74"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 74") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092362,1966092364,1848651841,3,16,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 75"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 75") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092366,1966092365,1848651844,1,16,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 77"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 77") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092366,1966092365,1848651844,2,16,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 78"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 78") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092366,1966092365,1848651844,3,16,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 79"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 79") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092371,1966092368,1848651846,1,14,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 81"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 81") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092371,1966092368,1848651846,2,14,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 82"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 82") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092371,1966092368,1848651846,2,14,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 83"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 83") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092372,1966092369,1848651847,1,14,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 85"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 85") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092372,1966092369,1848651847,2,14,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 86"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 86") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092372,1966092369,1848651847,2,14,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 87"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 87") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092373,1966092370,1848651848,2,12,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 89"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 89") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092373,1966092370,1848651848,2,12,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 90"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 90") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092373,1966092370,1848651848,2,12,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 91"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 91") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092376,1966092592,1848651849,2,12,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 93"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 93") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092376,1966092592,1848651849,3,12,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 94"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 94") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092376,1966092592,1848651849,3,12,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 95"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 95") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092377,1966092593,1848651850,2,12,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 97"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 97") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092377,1966092593,1848651850,2,12,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 98"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 98") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092378,1966092594,1848651851,1,12,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 100"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 100") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092378,1966092594,1848651851,1,12,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 101"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 101") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092378,1966092594,1848651851,1,10,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 103"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 103") call j3u(Sp,Beu(1966092378,1966092594,1848651851,1,10,"when calling new_NormalWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 104"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 104") set Owu=cp set owu=qb set N_u=QBu("when calling alloc_Closure in UnitSpawnSystem, line 106") call weu(N_u) call j3u(Owu,Hpu(1848651827,1,85,owu,N_u,"when calling new_BossWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 106"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 106") set bwu=cp set lwu=lb set M_u=ZBu("when calling alloc_Closure in UnitSpawnSystem, line 109") call weu(M_u) call j3u(bwu,Hpu(1848651828,1,100,lwu,M_u,"when calling new_BossWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 109"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 109") set pwu=cp set ywu=ob set wwu=PBu("when calling alloc_Closure in UnitSpawnSystem, line 112") call weu(wwu) call j3u(pwu,Hpu(1848651831,1,125,ywu,wwu,"when calling new_BossWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 112"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 112") set qwu=cp set ewu=eb set uwu=HBu("when calling alloc_Closure in UnitSpawnSystem, line 115") call weu(uwu) call j3u(qwu,Hpu(1848651842,1,150,ewu,uwu,"when calling new_BossWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 115"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 115") set nwu=cp set awu=Ob set rwu=LBu("when calling alloc_Closure in UnitSpawnSystem, line 118") call weu(rwu) call j3u(nwu,Hpu(1848651845,1,175,awu,rwu,"when calling new_BossWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 118"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 118") set dwu=op set swu=VBu("when calling alloc_Closure in UnitSpawnSystem, line 122") call ceu(swu) call j3u(dwu,vqu(1966092353,3,15,swu,"when calling new_SpecialWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 122"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 122") set fwu=op set twu=MBu("when calling alloc_Closure in UnitSpawnSystem, line 125") call ceu(twu) call j3u(fwu,vqu(1966092354,1,25,twu,"when calling new_SpecialWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 125"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 125") set Rwu=op set iwu=rNu("when calling alloc_Closure in UnitSpawnSystem, line 128") call ceu(iwu) call j3u(Rwu,vqu(1966092358,4,10,iwu,"when calling new_SpecialWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 128"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 128") set Twu=op set Swu=iNu("when calling alloc_Closure in UnitSpawnSystem, line 131") call ceu(Swu) call j3u(Twu,vqu(1966092367,25,4,Swu,"when calling new_SpecialWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 131"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 131") set Gwu=op set Ywu=Ub set cwu=oNu("when calling alloc_Closure in UnitSpawnSystem, line 134") call ceu(cwu) call j3u(Gwu,vqu(Ywu,4,65,cwu,"when calling new_SpecialWave in UnitSpawnSystem, line 134"),"when calling add in UnitSpawnSystem, line 134") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function kru takes string Fru returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Fru set Ad=Ad+1 call gwu("when calling initWaves in UnitSpawnSystem, line 169") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function cyw takes string tyw returns nothing local integer iyw local integer Syw set Dd[Ad]=tyw set Ad=Ad+1 call gmw("when calling initPlayers in GameInit, line 17") call NFw("when calling initLumberSystem in GameInit, line 18") call BM("when calling initDestroy in GameInit, line 19") call VIw("when calling initRevivalSystem in GameInit, line 20") call Ak() call H8w() call Zbw("when calling initConds in GameInit, line 23") call kru("when calling initSpawn in GameInit, line 24") call fPw("when calling initRocket in GameInit, line 25") call V7w("when calling initTownBell in GameInit, line 26") call e2w(GetExpiredTimer(),"when calling release in GameInit, line 27") call xKu(VJw(yb,false,"when calling new_SoundDefinition in GameInit, line 28"),"when calling play in GameInit, line 28") call gEw("|cffffcc00Leave space between walls and towers in order to repair damaged walls!") call N0w("when calling startEntityLoop in GameInit, line 30") if sPu(Mo,"when calling size in GameInit, line 31")<=2 and mQw(rO[EIu(Mo,0,"when calling get in GameInit, line 31")])=="WorldEdit" or mQw(rO[EIu(Mo,0,"when calling get in GameInit, line 31")])=="Frotty" then set Syw=Mo set iyw=fWu("when calling alloc_Closure in GameInit, line 32") call aPu(Syw,iyw,"when calling forEach in GameInit, line 32") call j2w(b2w("when calling getTimer in GameInit, line 33"),15.,sg) call Cheat("warpten") call Cheat("iseedeadpeople") call gEw("|cffFFCC00>>|r Editor Test Mode activated") else call j2w(b2w("when calling getTimer in GameInit, line 38"),50.,tg) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function p4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call cyw("GameInit, line 63") endfunction function q0w takes nothing returns boolean set Tt=false return true endfunction function qTu takes string pTu returns integer local integer eTu set Dd[Ad]=pTu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set eTu=ae set ne[eTu]=663 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set eTu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set eTu=ee[qe] set ne[eTu]=663 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return eTu endfunction function bJ takes string OJ returns boolean local integer lJ set Dd[Ad]=OJ set Ad=Ad+1 set pu=ConvertPlayerEvent(96) set fu=wqw("when calling new_HashMap in ClosureEvents, line 98") set Ru=wqw("when calling new_HashMap in ClosureEvents, line 99") set eu=CreateTrigger() set qu=CreateTrigger() set au=CreateTrigger() set du=0 set lJ=qTu("when calling alloc_Closure in ClosureEvents, line 278") call VC(lJ) call kX(lJ,"when calling nullTimer in ClosureEvents, line 278") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function q1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return bJ("ClosureEvents, line 1") endfunction function q4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call nyw("GameInit, line 38") endfunction function I2 takes integer U2 returns nothing endfunction function ihu takes integer shu,string thu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=thu set Ad=Ad+1 if Zq[shu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type DelayNode","when calling error in ") else set Qq[Wq]=shu set Wq=Wq+1 set Zq[shu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function v2 takes integer j2,string x2 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=x2 set Ad=Ad+1 call I2(j2) call ihu(j2,"when calling DelayNode in DummyRecycler, line 71") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Mgu takes integer Bgu,string Ngu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Ngu set Ad=Ad+1 if Zq[Bgu]==0 then if Bgu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling DelayNode.destroyDelayNode","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called DelayNode.destroyDelayNode on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call v2(Bgu,"when calling destroyDelayNode in DummyRecycler, line 71") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function c5 takes unit B2,string N2 returns nothing local integer M2 local integer w5 local integer u5 local unit r5 local unit s5 local unit t5 local unit i5 local unit S5 set Dd[Ad]=N2 set Ad=Ad+1 set M2=0 set w5=1 set u5=os-1 loop exitwhen w5>u5 if ps[Rs[M2]]>ps[Rs[w5]]then set M2=w5 endif set w5=w5+1 endloop if ps[Rs[M2]]>=ls then call biu(B2) else call Dgu(Rs[M2],B2,"when calling enqueue in DummyRecycler, line 38") set r5=B2 call kSu(r5,vo,mo) set s5=r5 call Siu(s5) set t5=s5 call viu(t5,vh(M2*Os)) set i5=t5 call OSu(i5,1.) set S5=i5 call gB(S5,Au,Du,Hu,Ju) endif set Ad=Ad-1 set r5=null set s5=null set t5=null set i5=null set S5=null endfunction function k2 takes string h2 returns nothing local integer F2 set Dd[Ad]=h2 set Ad=Ad+1 call c5(qs[ds],"when calling recycle in DummyRecycler, line 120") set F2=ds if ns[ds]==0 then set ds=0 else set ds=ns[ds] call j2w(es,as[ds]-Hyw(),DG) endif call Mgu(F2,"when calling DelayNode in DummyRecycler, line 129") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function r4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call k2("DummyRecycler, line 115") endfunction function s4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call k2("DummyRecycler, line 117") endfunction function sWw takes nothing returns boolean set bO=ConvertPlayerColor(24) set yO=ConvertPlayerColor(25) set pO=ConvertPlayerColor(26) set eO=ConvertPlayerColor(27) set qO[0]=PLAYER_COLOR_RED set qO[1]=PLAYER_COLOR_BLUE set qO[2]=PLAYER_COLOR_CYAN set qO[3]=PLAYER_COLOR_PURPLE set qO[4]=PLAYER_COLOR_YELLOW set qO[5]=PLAYER_COLOR_ORANGE set qO[6]=PLAYER_COLOR_GREEN set qO[7]=PLAYER_COLOR_PINK set qO[8]=PLAYER_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY set qO[9]=PLAYER_COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE set qO[10]=PLAYER_COLOR_AQUA set qO[11]=PLAYER_COLOR_BROWN set qO[12]=PLAYER_COLOR_MAROON set qO[13]=PLAYER_COLOR_NAVY set qO[14]=PLAYER_COLOR_TURQUOISE set qO[15]=PLAYER_COLOR_VIOLET set qO[16]=PLAYER_COLOR_WHEAT set qO[17]=PLAYER_COLOR_PEACH set qO[18]=PLAYER_COLOR_MINT set qO[19]=PLAYER_COLOR_LAVENDER set qO[20]=PLAYER_COLOR_COAL set qO[21]=PLAYER_COLOR_SNOW set qO[22]=PLAYER_COLOR_EMERALD set qO[23]=PLAYER_COLOR_PEANUT set qO[24]=bO set qO[25]=yO set qO[26]=pO set qO[27]=eO return true endfunction function initializeTable takes string stackPos returns nothing local integer i_2 set Dd[Ad]=stackPos set Ad=Ad+1 set i_2=0 loop exitwhen i_2>15 call JXu(ur,ZMw(wr[i_2]),i_2,"when calling saveInt in Colors, line 205") set i_2=i_2+1 endloop set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function WV takes string wV returns boolean local integer uV local integer rV local integer sV local integer tV local integer iV local integer SV local integer cV local integer oV local integer OV local integer lV local integer bV local integer yV local integer pV local integer eV local integer qV local integer aV local integer nV local integer dV local integer fV local integer RV local integer TV local integer YV local integer GV local integer gV local integer hV local integer FV local integer kV local integer jV local integer xV local integer vV local integer mV local integer QV set Dd[Ad]=wV set Ad=Ad+1 set uV=255 set rV=255 set sV=255 set tV=255 set Au=uV set Du=rV set Hu=sV set Ju=tV set iV=0 set SV=0 set cV=0 set oV=0 set Ku=iV set Lu=SV set Xu=cV set Cu=oV set Vu=23 set OV=0 set Bu[OV]=255 set Nu[OV]=2 set Mu[OV]=2 set lV=1 set Bu[lV]=0 set Nu[lV]=65 set Mu[lV]=255 set bV=2 set Bu[bV]=27 set Nu[bV]=229 set Mu[bV]=184 set yV=3 set Bu[yV]=83 set Nu[yV]=0 set Mu[yV]=128 set pV=4 set Bu[pV]=255 set Nu[pV]=252 set Mu[pV]=0 set eV=5 set Bu[eV]=254 set Nu[eV]=137 set Mu[eV]=13 set qV=6 set Bu[qV]=31 set Nu[qV]=191 set Mu[qV]=0 set aV=7 set Bu[aV]=228 set Nu[aV]=90 set Mu[aV]=175 set nV=8 set Bu[nV]=148 set Nu[nV]=149 set Mu[nV]=150 set dV=9 set Bu[dV]=125 set Nu[dV]=190 set Mu[dV]=241 set fV=10 set Bu[fV]=15 set Nu[fV]=97 set Mu[fV]=69 set RV=11 set Bu[RV]=77 set Nu[RV]=41 set Mu[RV]=3 set TV=12 set Bu[TV]=155 set Nu[TV]=0 set Mu[TV]=0 set YV=13 set Bu[YV]=0 set Nu[YV]=0 set Mu[YV]=195 set GV=14 set Bu[GV]=0 set Nu[GV]=234 set Mu[GV]=255 set gV=15 set Bu[gV]=190 set Nu[gV]=0 set Mu[gV]=254 set hV=16 set Bu[hV]=235 set Nu[hV]=205 set Mu[hV]=135 set FV=17 set Bu[FV]=248 set Nu[FV]=164 set Mu[FV]=139 set kV=18 set Bu[kV]=191 set Nu[kV]=255 set Mu[kV]=128 set jV=19 set Bu[jV]=220 set Nu[jV]=185 set Mu[jV]=235 set xV=20 set Bu[xV]=40 set Nu[xV]=40 set Mu[xV]=40 set vV=21 set Bu[vV]=235 set Nu[vV]=240 set Mu[vV]=255 set mV=22 set Bu[mV]=0 set Nu[mV]=120 set Mu[mV]=30 set QV=23 set Bu[QV]=164 set Nu[QV]=11 set Mu[QV]=51 set wr[0]="0" set wr[1]="1" set wr[2]="2" set wr[3]="3" set wr[4]="4" set wr[5]="5" set wr[6]="6" set wr[7]="7" set wr[8]="8" set wr[9]="9" set wr[10]="A" set wr[11]="B" set wr[12]="C" set wr[13]="D" set wr[14]="E" set wr[15]="F" set ur=v3w("when calling new_Table in Colors, line 153") call initializeTable("when calling initializeTable in Colors, line 208") set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function t1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return WV("Colors, line 1") endfunction function C0u takes integer K0u,string L0u returns string local string X0u set Dd[Ad]=L0u set Ad=Ad+1 set X0u=VXu(By,K0u,"when calling loadString in TypeCasting, line 29") set Ad=Ad-1 return X0u endfunction function Eku takes string Qku returns integer local integer Wku set Dd[Ad]=Qku set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set Wku=ae set ne[Wku]=672 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set Wku=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set Wku=ee[qe] set ne[Wku]=672 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Wku endfunction function j9 takes integer G9,integer g9,string h9 returns nothing local integer F9 local real k9 set Dd[Ad]=h9 set Ad=Ad+1 call Tiu(Nt[G9],"spell") set k9=Gy set F9=Eku("when calling alloc_Closure in EndBoss, line 90") call VC(F9) set et[F9]=g9 call gX(k9,F9,"when calling doAfter in EndBoss, line 90") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function rku takes integer MFu,integer wku,string uku returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=uku set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[MFu]==0 then if MFu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling EndBoss.EndBoss_EndBoss_castTowerBlockade","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called EndBoss.EndBoss_EndBoss_castTowerBlockade on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call j9(MFu,wku,"when calling castTowerBlockade in EndBoss, line 87") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function e9 takes integer N8,string M8 returns nothing local group w9 local unit u9 local integer r9 local boolean s9 local integer t9 local integer i9 local integer S9 local real c9 local real o9 local integer O9 local real l9 local real b9 local group y9 local real p9 set Dd[Ad]=M8 set Ad=Ad+1 set y9=OS set S9=N8 set o9=ht[S9] set c9=o9 set p9=c9 set O9=N8 set b9=Ft[O9] set l9=b9 call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(y9,p9,l9,3072.,Filter(KG)) set w9=Lpw(OS) loop exitwhen not Jpw(w9) set u9=Bpw(w9) set r9=sww(u9) set s9=false if KU(r9) then set t9=lgw(iI(r9),"when calling iterator in EndBoss, line 80") loop exitwhen not nGw(t9) set i9=qGw(t9) if Ie[i9]==648 then set s9=true endif endloop call RGw(t9,"when calling close in EndBoss, line 80") endif if not s9 then call rku(N8,r9,"when calling castTowerBlockade in EndBoss, line 84") call Mpw(w9) set Ad=Ad-1 set w9=null set u9=null set y9=null return endif endloop call Mpw(w9) set Ad=Ad-1 set w9=null set u9=null set y9=null endfunction function NFu takes integer VFu,string BFu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=BFu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[VFu]==0 then if VFu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling EndBoss.EndBoss_EndBoss_tryCastTowerBlockade","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called EndBoss.EndBoss_EndBoss_tryCastTowerBlockade on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call e9(VFu,"when calling tryCastTowerBlockade in EndBoss, line 71") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function T3 takes integer e3,real q3,real a3,real n3,string d3 returns nothing local integer f3 local integer R3 set Dd[Ad]=d3 set Ad=Ad+1 call J2u(0,0,0,0,7,e3,0,null,q3,a3,n3,Tr,gr,Up,Ip,qlu(q3,a3,n3,Up,Ip),"when calling construct_Creep in DestroyerSummoner, line 112",null,0.,0.,0.,0.,null,null,null) set xr[e3]=false set f3=Nlw(q3,a3,n3,0.,x,"when calling new_Fx in DestroyerSummoner, line 114") call XQu(f3,180.,"when calling setZ in DestroyerSummoner, line 114") set R3=f3 call iQu(R3,1.5,"when calling setScale in DestroyerSummoner, line 114") call Bmu(R3,"when calling Fx in DestroyerSummoner, line 114") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function xGu takes string kGu returns integer local integer jGu set Dd[Ad]=kGu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set jGu=oe set Oe[jGu]=850 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create DestroyerSummoner.","when calling error in ") set jGu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set jGu=Se[ce] set Oe[jGu]=850 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return jGu endfunction function p3 takes real o3,real O3,real l3,string b3 returns integer local integer y3 set Dd[Ad]=b3 set Ad=Ad+1 set y3=xGu("when calling DestroyerSummoner in DestroyerSummoner, line 112") call T3(y3,o3,O3,l3,"when calling construct_DestroyerSummoner in DestroyerSummoner, line 112") set Ad=Ad-1 return y3 endfunction function j3 takes integer h3,integer F3,string k3 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=k3 set Ad=Ad+1 call j3u(Zr[h3],F3,"when calling add in DestroyerSummoner, line 87") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function sgu takes integer wgu,integer ugu,string rgu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=rgu set Ad=Ad+1 if nq[wgu]==0 then if wgu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling FinalBossSummoning.DestroyerSummoner_FinalBossSummoning_addSummoner","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called FinalBossSummoning.DestroyerSummoner_FinalBossSummoning_addSummoner on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call j3(wgu,ugu,"when calling addSummoner in DestroyerSummoner, line 86") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function S8 takes integer r8,integer s8,string t8 returns nothing local integer i8 set Dd[Ad]=t8 set Ad=Ad+1 if not pt[r8]then set i8=p3(wvu(s8,"when calling getPos in EndBoss, line 124"),sf,tf,"when calling new_DestroyerSummoner in EndBoss, line 124") call sgu(yt[r8],i8,"when calling addSummoner in EndBoss, line 125") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function dku takes integer qku,integer aku,string nku returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=nku set Ad=Ad+1 if ta[qku]==0 then if qku==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling EndBossFight.EndBoss_EndBossFight_createDestroyerSummoner","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called EndBossFight.EndBoss_EndBossFight_createDestroyerSummoner on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call S8(qku,aku,"when calling createDestroyerSummoner in EndBoss, line 122") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function n9 takes integer q9,string a9 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=a9 set Ad=Ad+1 call dku(lt,q9,"when calling createDestroyerSummoner in EndBoss, line 94") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function iku takes integer sku,string tku returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=tku set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[sku]==0 then if sku==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling EndBoss.EndBoss_EndBoss_castDestroyerSummoner","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called EndBoss.EndBoss_EndBoss_castDestroyerSummoner on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call n9(sku,"when calling castDestroyerSummoner in EndBoss, line 93") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function B8 takes integer L8,string X8 returns nothing local string C8 local string V8 set Dd[Ad]=X8 set Ad=Ad+1 set C8=C0u(EIu(dt[L8],GetRandomInt(0,sPu(dt[L8],"when calling size in EndBoss, line 61")-1),"when calling get in EndBoss, line 61"),"when calling stringFromIndex in EndBoss, line 61") set V8=C8 if V8=="blockade" then call NFu(L8,"when calling tryCastTowerBlockade in EndBoss, line 65") elseif V8=="destroyerSummoner" then call iku(L8,"when calling castDestroyerSummoner in EndBoss, line 67") else call gEw("Ability not implemented :)))") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function CFu takes integer LFu,string XFu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=XFu set Ad=Ad+1 if Oe[LFu]==0 then if LFu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling EndBoss.EndBoss_EndBoss_castAbility","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called EndBoss.EndBoss_EndBoss_castAbility on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call B8(LFu,"when calling castAbility in EndBoss, line 60") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function K8 takes string D8 returns nothing local integer H8 local integer J8 set Dd[Ad]=D8 set Ad=Ad+1 set H8=c2w(GetExpiredTimer(),"when calling getData in EndBoss, line 48") set at[H8]=at[H8]+1 set J8=qt[H8] if J8==1 then if ModuloInteger(at[H8],1*Zp)==0 then call CFu(H8,"when calling castAbility in EndBoss, line 53") endif elseif J8==2 then if ModuloInteger(at[H8],2*Zp)==0 then call CFu(H8,"when calling castAbility in EndBoss, line 56") endif elseif J8==3 then call CFu(H8,"when calling castAbility in EndBoss, line 58") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function t4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call K8("EndBoss, line 31") endfunction function tUw takes nothing returns boolean set WO=340282366920938000000000000000000000000. return true endfunction function u3 takes nothing returns boolean set Tr=1966092598 set Yr=1848651857 set Gr=1093677642 set gr=99 set hr=666 set Fr=30. set kr=.05 set jr=45. return true endfunction function u4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call k2("DummyRecycler, line 127") endfunction function syw takes string ryw returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=ryw set Ad=Ad+1 set Ji=1.01 set Ki=VJw("Sound\\Dialogue\\OrcCampaign\\Orc04Interlude\\O04Mannoroth38.mp3",false,"when calling new_SoundDefinition in GameInit, line 41") call CameraSetupApplyForceDuration(e,true,0.) call j2w(b2w("when calling getTimer in GameInit, line 63"),0.025,rg) set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function v1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return syw("GameInit, line 1") endfunction function cMu takes integer iMu,string SMu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=SMu set Ad=Ad+1 if Jn[iMu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type CreateBoss","when calling error in ") else set An[Dn]=iMu set Dn=Dn+1 set Jn[iMu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function reu takes integer ueu returns nothing endfunction function ieu takes integer seu,string teu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=teu set Ad=Ad+1 call reu(seu) call cMu(seu,"when calling CreateBoss in Wave, line 62") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function XNu takes integer KNu,string LNu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=LNu set Ad=Ad+1 if Jn[KNu]==0 then if KNu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling CreateBoss.destroyCreateBoss","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called CreateBoss.destroyCreateBoss on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call ieu(KNu,"when calling destroyCreateBoss in Wave, line 62") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function WW takes integer gW,real hW,real FW,real kW,integer jW,integer xW,real vW,real mW,string QW returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=QW set Ad=Ad+1 call gU(gW,hW,FW,kW,jW,xW,vW,mW,"when calling construct_Boss in BossOne, line 7") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function lfu takes string ofu returns integer local integer Ofu set Dd[Ad]=ofu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set Ofu=oe set Oe[Ofu]=846 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create BossOne.","when calling error in ") set Ofu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set Ofu=Se[ce] set Oe[Ofu]=846 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Ofu endfunction function GW takes real eW,real qW,real aW,integer nW,integer dW,real fW,real RW,string TW returns integer local integer YW set Dd[Ad]=TW set Ad=Ad+1 set YW=lfu("when calling BossOne in BossOne, line 7") call WW(YW,eW,qW,aW,nW,dW,fW,RW,"when calling construct_BossOne in BossOne, line 7") set Ad=Ad-1 return YW endfunction function Ewu takes integer hwu,real Fwu,real kwu,real jwu,integer xwu,integer vwu,real mwu,real Qwu,string Wwu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Wwu set Ad=Ad+1 call GW(Fwu,kwu,jwu,xwu,vwu,mwu,Qwu,"when calling new_BossOne in UnitSpawnSystem, line 107") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Ddu takes string Pdu returns integer local integer Adu set Dd[Ad]=Pdu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set Adu=oe set Oe[Adu]=844 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create BossFive.","when calling error in ") set Adu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set Adu=Se[ce] set Oe[Adu]=844 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Adu endfunction function Cdu takes string Ldu returns integer local integer Xdu set Dd[Ad]=Ldu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set Xdu=ae set ne[Xdu]=658 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set Xdu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set Xdu=ee[qe] set ne[Xdu]=658 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Xdu endfunction function Ndu takes string Vdu returns integer local integer Bdu set Dd[Ad]=Vdu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set Bdu=ae set ne[Bdu]=659 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set Bdu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set Bdu=ee[qe] set ne[Bdu]=659 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Bdu endfunction function Em takes integer Ym,real Gm,real gm,real hm,integer Fm,integer km,real jm,real xm,string vm returns nothing local integer mm local integer Qm local integer Wm set Dd[Ad]=vm set Ad=Ad+1 call gU(Ym,Gm,gm,hm,Fm,km,jm,xm,"when calling construct_Boss in BossFive, line 7") set mm=Cdu("when calling alloc_Closure in BossFive, line 9") call VC(mm) set Yw[mm]=Ym call gX(10.,mm,"when calling doAfter in BossFive, line 9") set Qm=Ndu("when calling alloc_Closure in BossFive, line 10") call VC(Qm) set Gw[Qm]=Ym set Wm=Qm set gw[Wm]=jm set hw[Wm]=xm call gX(11.,Qm,"when calling doAfter in BossFive, line 10") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Tm takes real ym,real pm,real em,integer qm,integer am,real nm,real dm,string fm returns integer local integer Rm set Dd[Ad]=fm set Ad=Ad+1 set Rm=Ddu("when calling BossFive in BossFive, line 7") call Em(Rm,ym,pm,em,qm,am,nm,dm,"when calling construct_BossFive in BossFive, line 7") set Ad=Ad-1 return Rm endfunction function Guu takes integer euu,real quu,real auu,real nuu,integer duu,integer fuu,real Ruu,real Tuu,string Yuu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Yuu set Ad=Ad+1 call Tm(quu,auu,nuu,duu,fuu,Ruu,Tuu,"when calling new_BossFive in UnitSpawnSystem, line 119") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function jfu takes string Ffu returns integer local integer kfu set Dd[Ad]=Ffu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set kfu=oe set Oe[kfu]=848 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create BossTwo.","when calling error in ") set kfu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set kfu=Se[ce] set Oe[kfu]=848 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return kfu endfunction function AZ takes integer EZ,real ZZ returns nothing local integer UZ local integer IZ local integer PZ call OEw(EZ,ZZ,Qw,Ww,6500.) set UZ=EZ set Zw[UZ]=155 set Uw[UZ]=255 set Iw[UZ]=155 set IZ=EZ set Pw[IZ]=155 set Aw[IZ]=255 set Dw[IZ]=155 set Hw[EZ]=0. set PZ=EZ set Zw[PZ]=155 set Uw[PZ]=255 set Iw[PZ]=155 endfunction function Efu takes string Qfu returns integer local integer Wfu set Dd[Ad]=Qfu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ze==0 then if Ue<32768 then set Ue=Ue+1 set Wfu=Ue set Ie[Wfu]=645 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create SludgeBuff.","when calling error in ") set Wfu=0 endif else set Ze=Ze-1 set Wfu=Ee[Ze] set Ie[Wfu]=645 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Wfu endfunction function WZ takes real vZ,string mZ returns integer local integer QZ set Dd[Ad]=mZ set Ad=Ad+1 set QZ=Efu("when calling SludgeBuff in BossTwo, line 13") call AZ(QZ,vZ) set Ad=Ad-1 return QZ endfunction function ZDu takes integer QDu,integer WDu,string EDu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=EDu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[QDu]==0 then if QDu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling ShieldBuff.PresetBuffs_ShieldBuff_apply","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called ShieldBuff.PresetBuffs_ShieldBuff_apply on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Ie[QDu]<=644 then if Ie[QDu]<=643 then call VWw(QDu,WDu,"when calling apply in PresetBuffs, line 72") else call XHw(QDu,WDu,"when calling apply in PresetBuffs, line 72") endif else call VWw(QDu,WDu,"when calling apply in PresetBuffs, line 72") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function oZ takes integer ME,real wZ,real uZ,real rZ,integer sZ,integer tZ,real iZ,real SZ,string cZ returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=cZ set Ad=Ad+1 call gU(ME,wZ,uZ,rZ,sZ,tZ,iZ,SZ,"when calling construct_Boss in BossTwo, line 39") call ZDu(WZ(99999.,"when calling new_SludgeBuff in BossTwo, line 41"),ME,"when calling apply in BossTwo, line 41") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function NE takes real DE,real HE,real JE,integer KE,integer LE,real XE,real CE,string VE returns integer local integer BE set Dd[Ad]=VE set Ad=Ad+1 set BE=jfu("when calling BossTwo in BossTwo, line 39") call oZ(BE,DE,HE,JE,KE,LE,XE,CE,"when calling construct_BossTwo in BossTwo, line 39") set Ad=Ad-1 return BE endfunction function Lwu takes integer Zwu,real Uwu,real Iwu,real Pwu,integer Awu,integer Dwu,real Hwu,real Jwu,string Kwu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Kwu set Ad=Ad+1 call NE(Uwu,Iwu,Pwu,Awu,Dwu,Hwu,Jwu,"when calling new_BossTwo in UnitSpawnSystem, line 110") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function LQ takes integer JQ,real KQ returns nothing call OEw(JQ,KQ,Fw,kw,6500.) set xw[JQ]=0. endfunction function cfu takes string ifu returns integer local integer Sfu set Dd[Ad]=ifu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ze==0 then if Ue<32768 then set Ue=Ue+1 set Sfu=Ue set Ie[Sfu]=643 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create JumpyBuff.","when calling error in ") set Sfu=0 endif else set Ze=Ze-1 set Sfu=Ee[Ze] set Ie[Sfu]=643 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return Sfu endfunction function HQ takes real PQ,string AQ returns integer local integer DQ set Dd[Ad]=AQ set Ad=Ad+1 set DQ=cfu("when calling JumpyBuff in BossFour, line 14") call LQ(DQ,PQ) set Ad=Ad-1 return DQ endfunction function hQ takes integer aQ,real nQ,real dQ,real fQ,integer RQ,integer TQ,real YQ,real GQ,string gQ returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=gQ set Ad=Ad+1 call gU(aQ,nQ,dQ,fQ,RQ,TQ,YQ,GQ,"when calling construct_Boss in BossFour, line 33") call ZDu(HQ(55555.,"when calling new_JumpyBuff in BossFour, line 35"),aQ,"when calling apply in BossFour, line 35") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function ufu takes string Mdu returns integer local integer wfu set Dd[Ad]=Mdu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set wfu=oe set Oe[wfu]=845 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create BossFour.","when calling error in ") set wfu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set wfu=Se[ce] set Oe[wfu]=845 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return wfu endfunction function qQ takes real SQ,real cQ,real oQ,integer OQ,integer lQ,real bQ,real yQ,string pQ returns integer local integer eQ set Dd[Ad]=pQ set Ad=Ad+1 set eQ=ufu("when calling BossFour in BossFour, line 33") call hQ(eQ,SQ,cQ,oQ,OQ,lQ,bQ,yQ,"when calling construct_BossFour in BossFour, line 33") set Ad=Ad-1 return eQ endfunction function puu takes integer tuu,real iuu,real Suu,real cuu,integer ouu,integer Ouu,real luu,real buu,string yuu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=yuu set Ad=Ad+1 call qQ(iuu,Suu,cuu,ouu,Ouu,luu,buu,"when calling new_BossFour in UnitSpawnSystem, line 116") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function mDu takes integer jDu,integer xDu,string vDu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=vDu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ie[jDu]==0 then if jDu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling NormalBuff.PresetBuffs_NormalBuff_apply","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called NormalBuff.PresetBuffs_NormalBuff_apply on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Ie[jDu]<=644 then if Ie[jDu]<=643 then if Ie[jDu]<=641 then call ZWw(jDu,xDu,"when calling apply in PresetBuffs, line 11") else call VWw(jDu,xDu,"when calling apply in PresetBuffs, line 11") endif else call XHw(jDu,xDu,"when calling apply in PresetBuffs, line 11") endif elseif Ie[jDu]<=645 then call VWw(jDu,xDu,"when calling apply in PresetBuffs, line 11") else call Wlu(jDu,xDu,"when calling apply in PresetBuffs, line 11") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function WE takes integer mE,real QE returns nothing call DWw(mE,QE,vw,mw) endfunction function hfu takes string Gfu returns integer local integer gfu set Dd[Ad]=Gfu set Ad=Ad+1 if Ze==0 then if Ue<32768 then set Ue=Ue+1 set gfu=Ue set Ie[gfu]=641 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create PudgePowerBuff.","when calling error in ") set gfu=0 endif else set Ze=Ze-1 set gfu=Ee[Ze] set Ie[gfu]=641 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return gfu endfunction function vE takes real kE,string jE returns integer local integer xE set Dd[Ad]=jE set Ad=Ad+1 set xE=hfu("when calling PudgePowerBuff in BossThree, line 13") call WE(xE,kE) set Ad=Ad-1 return xE endfunction function eE takes integer iE,real SE,real cE,real oE,integer OE,integer lE,real bE,real yE,string pE returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=pE set Ad=Ad+1 call gU(iE,SE,cE,oE,OE,lE,bE,yE,"when calling construct_Boss in BossThree, line 32") call mDu(vE(9999.,"when calling new_PudgePowerBuff in BossThree, line 34"),iE,"when calling apply in BossThree, line 34") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function ffu takes string nfu returns integer local integer dfu set Dd[Ad]=nfu set Ad=Ad+1 if ce==0 then if oe<32768 then set oe=oe+1 set dfu=oe set Oe[dfu]=847 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create BossThree.","when calling error in ") set dfu=0 endif else set ce=ce-1 set dfu=Se[ce] set Oe[dfu]=847 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return dfu endfunction function tE takes real CW,real VW,real BW,integer NW,integer MW,real wE,real uE,string rE returns integer local integer sE set Dd[Ad]=rE set Ad=Ad+1 set sE=ffu("when calling BossThree in BossThree, line 32") call eE(sE,CW,VW,BW,NW,MW,wE,uE,"when calling construct_BossThree in BossThree, line 32") set Ad=Ad-1 return sE endfunction function suu takes integer Xwu,real Cwu,real Vwu,real Bwu,integer Nwu,integer Mwu,real wuu,real uuu,string ruu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=ruu set Ad=Ad+1 call tE(Cwu,Vwu,Bwu,Nwu,Mwu,wuu,uuu,"when calling new_BossThree in UnitSpawnSystem, line 113") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function tMu takes integer CNu,real VNu,real BNu,real NNu,integer MNu,integer wMu,real uMu,real rMu,string sMu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=sMu set Ad=Ad+1 if Jn[CNu]==0 then if CNu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling CreateBoss.Wave_CreateBoss_create","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called CreateBoss.Wave_CreateBoss_create on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif if Jn[CNu]<=702 then if Jn[CNu]<=701 then if Jn[CNu]<=700 then call Ewu(CNu,VNu,BNu,NNu,MNu,wMu,uMu,rMu,"when calling UnitSpawnSystem_closure_impl in Wave, line 63") else call Lwu(CNu,VNu,BNu,NNu,MNu,wMu,uMu,rMu,"when calling UnitSpawnSystem_closure_impl in Wave, line 63") endif else call suu(CNu,VNu,BNu,NNu,MNu,wMu,uMu,rMu,"when calling UnitSpawnSystem_closure_impl in Wave, line 63") endif elseif Jn[CNu]<=703 then call puu(CNu,VNu,BNu,NNu,MNu,wMu,uMu,rMu,"when calling UnitSpawnSystem_closure_impl in Wave, line 63") else call Guu(CNu,VNu,BNu,NNu,MNu,wMu,uMu,rMu,"when calling UnitSpawnSystem_closure_impl in Wave, line 63") endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Wpu takes integer kpu,string jpu returns nothing local integer xpu local integer vpu local integer mpu local integer Qpu set Dd[Ad]=jpu set Ad=Ad+1 call xKu(Hp[kpu],"when calling play in Wave, line 81") call gEw("|cffE62121## Attention:|r Boss incoming!") set xpu=0 set vpu=Ap[kpu]-1 loop exitwhen xpu>vpu set mpu=0 set Qpu=Zp loop exitwhen mpu>Qpu call tMu(Jp[kpu],Ycu(fUw(Ep[mpu]),qR),jf,xf,Pp[kpu],Dp[kpu],Up,Ip,"when calling create in Wave, line 85") set mpu=mpu+1 endloop set xpu=xpu+1 endloop call XNu(Jp[kpu],"when calling CreateBoss in Wave, line 86") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function ANu takes integer INu,string PNu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=PNu set Ad=Ad+1 if Mn[INu]==0 then if INu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling BossWave.Wave_BossWave_spawn","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called BossWave.Wave_BossWave_spawn on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call Wpu(INu,"when calling spawn in Wave, line 80") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function MMu takes string BMu returns integer local integer NMu set Dd[Ad]=BMu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set NMu=ae set ne[NMu]=694 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set NMu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set NMu=ee[qe] set ne[NMu]=694 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return NMu endfunction function VMu takes string XMu returns integer local integer CMu set Dd[Ad]=XMu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set CMu=ae set ne[CMu]=693 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set CMu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set CMu=ee[qe] set ne[CMu]=693 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return CMu endfunction function qqu takes integer cqu,string oqu returns nothing local integer Oqu local integer lqu local integer bqu local integer yqu local real pqu local real equ set Dd[Ad]=oqu set Ad=Ad+1 call gEw("|cffE62121##|r |cff087BB5B|r|cff0C79B1r|r|cff1077ADa|r|cff1475A9c|r|cff1873A5e|r |cff206F9Dy|r|cff246D99o|r|cff286B95u|r|cff2C6991r|r|cff30678Ds|r|cff346589e|r|cff386385l|r|cff3C6181v|r|cff405F7De|r|cff445D79s|r|cff485B75:|r |cff50576DS|r|cff545569p|r|cff585365e|r|cff5C5161c|r|cff604F5Di|r|cff644D59a|r|cff684B55l|r|cff6C4951s|r |cff744549a|r|cff784345r|r|cff7C4141e|r |cff843D39c|r|cff883B35o|r|cff8C3931m|r|cff90372Di|r|cff943529n|r|cff983325g|r|cff9C3121!|r") set Oqu=0 set lqu=se[cqu]-1 loop exitwhen Oqu>lqu set pqu=Ofw(Oqu) set bqu=VMu("when calling alloc_Closure in Wave, line 107") call VC(bqu) set we[bqu]=cqu call gX(pqu,bqu,"when calling doAfter in Wave, line 107") set Oqu=Oqu+1 endloop set equ=Ofw(se[cqu]) set yqu=MMu("when calling alloc_Closure in Wave, line 110") call VC(yqu) set ue[yqu]=cqu call gX(equ,yqu,"when calling doAfter in Wave, line 110") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function HMu takes integer AMu,string DMu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=DMu set Ad=Ad+1 if cd[AMu]==0 then if AMu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling SpecialWave.Wave_SpecialWave_spawn","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called SpecialWave.Wave_SpecialWave_spawn on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call qqu(AMu,"when calling spawn in Wave, line 104") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function aeu takes integer peu,string eeu returns nothing local timer qeu set Dd[Ad]=eeu set Ad=Ad+1 set qeu=b2w("when calling getTimer in Wave, line 33") call s2w(qeu,peu,"when calling setData in Wave, line 34") call j2w(qeu,0.1,kg) set Ad=Ad-1 set qeu=null endfunction function xMu takes integer kMu,string jMu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=jMu set Ad=Ad+1 if sd[kMu]==0 then if kMu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling NormalWave.Wave_NormalWave_spawn","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called NormalWave.Wave_NormalWave_spawn on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call aeu(kMu,"when calling spawn in Wave, line 32") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function V_u takes string C_u returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=C_u set Ad=Ad+1 if lp then set Ad=Ad-1 return endif if ModuloInteger(bp,7)==0 and sPu(op,"when calling size in UnitSpawnSystem, line 28")>0 then call HMu(JIu(op,"when calling dequeue in UnitSpawnSystem, line 29"),"when calling spawn in UnitSpawnSystem, line 29") else if sPu(Sp,"when calling size in UnitSpawnSystem, line 31")>0 then call xMu(JIu(Sp,"when calling dequeue in UnitSpawnSystem, line 32"),"when calling spawn in UnitSpawnSystem, line 32") endif if ModuloInteger(bp,4)==0 and sPu(cp,"when calling size in UnitSpawnSystem, line 33")>0 then call ANu(JIu(cp,"when calling dequeue in UnitSpawnSystem, line 34"),"when calling spawn in UnitSpawnSystem, line 34") endif endif set bp=bp+1 if bp>7 then set bp=1 endif if sPu(op,"when calling size in UnitSpawnSystem, line 40")<=0 and sPu(cp,"when calling size in UnitSpawnSystem, line 40")<=0 and sPu(Sp,"when calling size in UnitSpawnSystem, line 40")<=0 then call a2w(GetExpiredTimer()) endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function v4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call V_u("UnitSpawnSystem, line 165") endfunction function v4w takes nothing returns boolean set ly=1114010223 set by=1093677395 return true endfunction function O8w takes trigger o8w returns nothing call EnableTrigger(o8w) endfunction function g4 takes integer G4 returns nothing set ts=ts-1 if G4!=rs then set Ss[is[G4]]=Ss[G4] else set rs=Ss[G4] endif if G4!=ss then set is[Ss[G4]]=is[G4] else set ss=is[G4] endif endfunction function ggu takes integer Ygu,string Ggu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Ggu set Ad=Ad+1 if Tq[Ygu]==0 then if Ygu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Active.DmgMod_Active_LinkedListModule_remove","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Active.DmgMod_Active_LinkedListModule_remove on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call g4(Ygu) set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Y4 takes integer R4,string T4 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=T4 set Ad=Ad+1 call ggu(R4,"when calling remove in LinkedListModule, line 49") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function vgu takes integer jgu,string xgu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=xgu set Ad=Ad+1 if Tq[jgu]==0 then call tsw("Double free: object of type Active","when calling error in ") else set dq[fq]=jgu set fq=fq+1 set Tq[jgu]=0 endif set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function f4 takes integer n4,string d4 returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=d4 set Ad=Ad+1 call Y4(n4,"when calling Active_onDestroy in DmgMod, line 58") call vgu(n4,"when calling Active in DmgMod, line 58") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function Tgu takes integer fgu,string Rgu returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=Rgu set Ad=Ad+1 if Tq[fgu]==0 then if fgu==0 then call tsw("Nullpointer exception when calling Active.destroyActive","when calling error in ") else call tsw("Called Active.destroyActive on invalid object.","when calling error in ") endif endif call f4(fgu,"when calling destroyActive in DmgMod, line 58") set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function c8w takes trigger S8w returns nothing call DisableTrigger(S8w) endfunction function q8w takes trigger e8w returns boolean return IsTriggerEnabled(e8w) endfunction function a4 takes string b4 returns nothing local integer y4 local real p4 local real e4 local boolean q4 set Dd[Ad]=b4 set Ad=Ad+1 loop exitwhen not(rs!=0) set y4=rs set p4=GetWidgetLife(Xr[y4]) if ws[y4] and(not us[y4]) then set e4=p4 else set e4=Vr[y4]+p4-Br[y4]+Nr[y4] endif if us[y4]then call eiu(Xr[y4],Hr) endif if e4-Mr[y4]>0.405 then call Wiu(Xr[y4],e4-Mr[y4]) else set q4=q8w(Lr[y4]) call c8w(Lr[y4]) call Fsu(Cr[y4],Xr[y4],Jr+0.) if q4 then call O8w(Lr[y4]) endif endif call Tgu(y4,"when calling Active in DmgMod, line 96") endloop set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function w4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call a4("DmgMod, line 74") endfunction function wew takes nothing returns boolean set bS=InitHashtable() set yS=InitHashtable() return true endfunction function a7w takes string q7w returns boolean set Dd[Ad]=q7w set Ad=Ad+1 set Qy=1227894853 set Wy=1747989045 set Ey=1747988548 set Zy=30.0 set Uy=VJw(pb,false,"when calling new_SoundDefinition in TownBell, line 13") set Py=0 set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function x1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return a7w("TownBell, line 1") endfunction function x4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call V_u("UnitSpawnSystem, line 163") endfunction function x4w takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function xYw takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function xxw takes nothing returns nothing call Gxw(GetFilterUnit()) endfunction function sxw takes integer Njw returns string local string Mjw="" local integer wxw=Njw local integer uxw=0 local integer rxw loop exitwhen uxw>3 set rxw=ModuloInteger(wxw,256) set wxw=wxw/256 set Mjw=pMw(Eo,rxw)+Mjw set uxw=uxw+1 endloop return Mjw endfunction function ixw takes integer txw returns string return sxw(txw) endfunction function kDu takes string hDu returns integer local integer FDu set Dd[Ad]=hDu set Ad=Ad+1 if qe==0 then if ae<32768 then set ae=ae+1 set FDu=ae set ne[FDu]=682 else call tsw("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.","when calling error in ") set FDu=0 endif else set qe=qe-1 set FDu=ee[qe] set ne[FDu]=682 endif set Ad=Ad-1 return FDu endfunction function pWw takes string bWw returns boolean local integer yWw set Dd[Ad]=bWw set Ad=Ad+1 set aO=true set nO=CreateGroup() set dO=Iru(cw,cs,0.,0.,0.) if dO==null then call tsw("DUMMY_UNITID ("+ixw(cs)+") not added correctly to the map.","when calling error in Preloader, line 48") endif if aO then set yWw=kDu("when calling alloc_Closure in Preloader, line 50") call VC(yWw) call kX(yWw,"when calling nullTimer in Preloader, line 50") endif set Ad=Ad-1 return true endfunction function y1u takes nothing returns boolean set Ad=0 return pWw("Preloader, line 1") endfunction function jru takes nothing returns nothing set lp=true call Y2w(Op) endfunction function mbw takes string vbw returns nothing set Dd[Ad]=vbw set Ad=Ad+1 call gEw("|cffFFCC00>> The Magic Treasure has been destroyed.|r\nYou failed!") call Y2w(Hi) call j2w(b2w("when calling getTimer in GameConditions, line 15"),1.,MG) call jru() set Ad=Ad-1 endfunction function y4u takes nothing returns nothing set Ad=0 call mbw("GameConditions, line 41") endfunction function yh takes nothing returns nothing call CameraSetupApplyForPlayer(true,y,Player(0),0.) call CameraSetupApplyForPlayer(true,p,Player(0),1.50) call CameraSetupApplyForPlayer(true,e,Player(0),1.50) call CameraSetupApplyForPlayer(true,q,Player(0),1.50) endfunction function initPlayerArray2 takes nothing returns nothing local integer i_2=0 local integer temp=bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS-1 loop exitwhen i_2>temp set OO[i_2]=Player(i_2) set i_2=i_2+1 endloop endfunction function ymw takes nothing returns boolean set lO=GetLocalPlayer() call initPlayerArray2() return true endfunction function Bg takes nothing returns nothing set w=null set u=null set r=null set s=null set t=null set i=null set S=null set c=null set o=null set O=null set l=null set b=null set y=null set p=null set e=null set q=null set a=null set n=null set d=null set f=null set R=null set T=null set ce=0 set oe=0 set be=0 set ye=0 set qe=0 set ae=0 set fe=0 set Re=0 set Ge=0 set ge=0 set ke=0 set je=0 set me=0 set Qe=0 set Ze=0 set Ue=0 set Ae=0 set De=0 set Ke=0 set Le=0 set Ve=0 set Be=0 set Me=0 set wq=0 set sq=0 set tq=0 set cq=0 set oq=0 set bq=0 set yq=0 set qq=0 set aq=0 set fq=0 set Rq=0 set Gq=0 set gq=0 set Fq=0 set kq=0 set xq=0 set vq=0 set Wq=0 set Eq=0 set Iq=0 set Pq=0 set Hq=0 set Jq=0 set Xq=0 set Cq=0 set Nq=0 set Mq=0 set ra=0 set sa=0 set Sa=0 set ca=0 set Oa=0 set la=0 set pa=0 set ea=0 set na=0 set da=0 set Ra=0 set Ta=0 set ga=0 set ha=0 set ja=0 set xa=0 set Wa=0 set Ea=0 set Ia=0 set Pa=0 set Ha=0 set Ja=0 set Va=0 set Ba=0 set Na=0 set un=0 set rn=0 set Sn=0 set cn=0 set ln=0 set bn=0 set en=0 set qn=0 set nn=0 set dn=0 set Tn=0 set Yn=0 set Gn=0 set hn=0 set jn=0 set xn=0 set Qn=0 set Wn=0 set Un=0 set In=0 set Dn=0 set Hn=0 set Ln=0 set Xn=0 set Bn=0 set Nn=0 set ud=0 set rd=0 set id=0 set Sd=0 set qT=function lh set aT=function yh set nT=function eh set dT=function Yh set fT=function Gh set RT=function tUw set TT=function cfw set YT=function gh set GT=function BMw set gT=function icu set hT=function ymw set FT=function KNw set kT=function sWw set jT=function t1u set xT=function Kyw set vT=function Dk set mT=function Dyw set QT=function ikw set WT=function xYw set ET=function Tkw set ZT=function i1u set UT=function VEw set IT=function eEw set PT=function Krw set AT=function S1u set DT=function wew set HT=function c1u set JT=function o1u set KT=function RX set LT=function W3w set XT=function AH set CT=function H4 set VT=function Mdw set BT=function Sxw set NT=function HLw set MT=function JLw set wY=function x4w set uY=function O_u set rY=function MSu set sY=function Iqu set tY=function Skw set iY=function O1u set SY=function l1u set cY=function b1u set oY=function Bjw set OY=function LL set lY=function y1u set bY=function p1u set yY=function e1u set pY=function l_u set eY=function q1u set qY=function Z3w set aY=function Exw set nY=function a1u set dY=function n1u set fY=function Kow set RY=function Jow set TY=function E0w set YY=function DNw set GY=function d1u set gY=function f1u set hY=function Low set FY=function Lh set kY=function Pk set jY=function Hk set xY=function Ox set vY=function jU set mY=function ZB set QY=function bJw set WY=function nJw set EY=function Zxw set ZY=function R1u set UY=function Bm set IY=function T1u set PY=function fA set AY=function AW set DY=function UE set HY=function Y1u set JY=function u3 set KY=function asw set LY=function Q5 set XY=function K2w set CY=function q0w set VY=function G1u set BY=function g1u set NY=function h1u set MY=function ncw set wG=function F1u set uG=function Wxw set rG=function KLw set sG=function XVw set tG=function LLw set iG=function k1u set SG=function j1u set cG=function lFw set oG=function P8w set OG=function x1u set lG=function v1u set bG=function m1u set yG=function Q1u set pG=function W1u set eG=function E1u set qG=function Z1u set aG=function aRw set nG=function U1u set dG=function I1u set fG=function P1u set RG=function A1u set TG=function dNw set YG=function JNw set GG=function D1u set gG=function v4w set hG=function Ebu set FG=function H1u set kG=function MJ set jG=function J1u set xG=function K1u set vG=function L1u set mG=function X1u set QG=function C1u set WG=function V1u set EG=function B1u set ZG=function N1u set UG=function M1u set IG=function PM set PG=function XM set AG=function w4u set DG=function u4u set HG=function r4u set JG=function s4u set KG=function Y9 set LG=function t4u set XG=function i4u set CG=function S4u set VG=function c4u set BG=function o4u set NG=function O4u set MG=function l4u set wg=function b4u set ug=function y4u set rg=function p4u set sg=function e4u set tg=function q4u set ig=function Jyw set Sg=function Xpw set cg=function Sfw set og=function a4u set Og=function xxw set lg=function mxw set bg=function Qxw set yg=function n4u set pg=function d4u set eg=function f4u set qg=function R4u set ag=function T4u set ng=function Y4u set dg=function G4u set fg=function V3w set Rg=function g4u set Tg=function h4u set Yg=function F4u set Gg=function k4u set gg=function j4u set hg=function x4u set Fg=function v4u set kg=function m4u set jg=function Q4u set xg=function W4u endfunction function Ng takes nothing returns nothing call CreateGroup() call CreateGroup() call CreateForce() endfunction function Oh takes nothing returns nothing set y=CreateCameraSetup() call CameraSetupSetField(y,CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET,0.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(y,CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION,88.1,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(y,CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK,269.5,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(y,CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE,5178.4,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(y,CAMERA_FIELD_ROLL,0.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(y,CAMERA_FIELD_FIELD_OF_VIEW,70.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(y,CAMERA_FIELD_FARZ,8857.8,0.0) call CameraSetupSetDestPosition(y,2153.5,1430.1,0.0) set p=CreateCameraSetup() call CameraSetupSetField(p,CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET,0.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(p,CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION,90.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(p,CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK,304.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(p,CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE,1650.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(p,CAMERA_FIELD_ROLL,0.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(p,CAMERA_FIELD_FIELD_OF_VIEW,70.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(p,CAMERA_FIELD_FARZ,5000.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetDestPosition(p,2171.5,1599.6,0.0) set e=CreateCameraSetup() call CameraSetupSetField(e,CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET,0.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(e,CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION,90.8,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(e,CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK,321.9,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(e,CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE,5696.2,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(e,CAMERA_FIELD_ROLL,0.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(e,CAMERA_FIELD_FIELD_OF_VIEW,70.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(e,CAMERA_FIELD_FARZ,10000.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetDestPosition(e,11894.7,-928.8,0.0) set q=CreateCameraSetup() call CameraSetupSetField(q,CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET,0.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(q,CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION,90.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(q,CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK,304.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(q,CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE,1650.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(q,CAMERA_FIELD_ROLL,0.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(q,CAMERA_FIELD_FIELD_OF_VIEW,70.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(q,CAMERA_FIELD_FARZ,5000.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetDestPosition(q,11739.7,-476.3,0.0) set a=CreateCameraSetup() call CameraSetupSetField(a,CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET,0.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(a,CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION,90.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(a,CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK,304.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(a,CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE,13431.5,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(a,CAMERA_FIELD_ROLL,0.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(a,CAMERA_FIELD_FIELD_OF_VIEW,70.0,0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(a,CAMERA_FIELD_FARZ,7320.5,0.0) call CameraSetupSetDestPosition(a,2424.6,1759.9,0.0) endfunction function bh takes nothing returns nothing set n=CreateTrigger() call TriggerAddAction(n,qT) endfunction function ph takes nothing returns nothing set d=CreateTrigger() call TriggerAddAction(d,aT) endfunction function qh takes nothing returns nothing set f=CreateTrigger() call TriggerAddAction(f,nT) endfunction function ah takes nothing returns nothing call bh() call ph() call qh() endfunction function rh takes nothing returns nothing local player uh=Player(8) call CreateUnit(uh,1747988548,1572.2,1225.6,75.625) call CreateUnit(uh,1747988548,2692.4,1074.6,167.672) call CreateUnit(uh,1747988548,2791.5,2055.3,245.154) call CreateUnit(uh,1747988548,1944.9,2346.8,317.448) call CreateUnit(uh,1747988548,11015.8,344.7,338.577) call CreateUnit(uh,1747988548,10816.3,-1406.8,292.862) call CreateUnit(uh,1747988548,12896.9,-1328.8,262.199) call CreateUnit(uh,1747988548,12725.4,417.5,140.251) call CreateUnit(uh,1747988548,12771.2,-1218.1,85.048) call CreateUnit(uh,1747988548,10913.2,-1260.8,12.948) call CreateUnit(uh,1747988548,12665.1,285.3,259.360) call CreateUnit(uh,1747988548,10982.0,536.8,144.404) set uh=null endfunction function Sh takes nothing returns nothing call rh() endfunction function wh takes nothing returns nothing local player Mg=Player(8) set T=CreateUnit(Mg,1747988549,11776.0,-512.0,270.000) set R=CreateUnit(Mg,1747988549,2176.0,1664.0,270.000) set Mg=null endfunction function ih takes nothing returns nothing call wh() endfunction function th takes nothing returns nothing local player sh=Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE) call CreateUnit(sh,1966092595,-260.6,-191.0,273.410) set sh=null endfunction function ch takes nothing returns nothing call ih() call th() call Sh() endfunction function oh takes nothing returns nothing set w=Rect(1120.0,-864.0,3264.0,-768.0) set u=Rect(1344.0,4032.0,3488.0,4128.0) set r=Rect(-384.0,1088.0,-288.0,2848.0) set s=Rect(4576.0,800.0,4672.0,2560.0) set t=Rect(6848.0,-3040.0,6976.0,-1568.0) set i=Rect(6848.0,1280.0,6976.0,3008.0) set S=Rect(9088.0,4288.0,10976.0,4416.0) set c=Rect(13344.0,4192.0,14816.0,4320.0) set o=Rect(16608.0,512.0,16736.0,1984.0) set O=Rect(16672.0,-3072.0,16800.0,-1568.0) set l=Rect(13408.0,-5280.0,14752.0,-5152.0) set b=Rect(8736.0,-5280.0,10144.0,-5152.0) endfunction function main takes nothing returns nothing local weathereffect Rh local trigger Th call Bg() call SetCameraBounds((-1280.0)+GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT),(-5632.0)+GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM),17664.0-GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT),5120.0-GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP),(-1280.0)+GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT),5120.0-GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP),17664.0-GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT),(-5632.0)+GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM)) call SetDayNightModels("Environment\\DNC\\DNCLordaeron\\DNCLordaeronTerrain\\DNCLordaeronTerrain.mdl","Environment\\DNC\\DNCLordaeron\\DNCLordaeronUnit\\DNCLordaeronUnit.mdl") call SetTerrainFogEx(0,600.0,5000.0,0.500,0.078,0.078,0.196) call SetWaterBaseColor(100,100,150,255) set Rh=AddWeatherEffect(Rect(-2048.0,-6144.0,18432.0,6144.0),1380019314) call EnableWeatherEffect(Rh,true) call NewSoundEnvironment("Default") call SetAmbientDaySound("VillageDay") call SetAmbientNightSound("VillageNight") call SetMapMusic("Music",true,0) call oh() call Oh() call ch() call InitBlizzard() call Ng() call ah() set Th=CreateTrigger() call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(dT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Abilities.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(fT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package AbilityIds.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(RT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Real.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(TT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Integer.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(YT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Angle.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(GT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Table.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(gT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Vectors.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(hT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Player.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(FT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package String.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(kT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Playercolor.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(jT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Colors.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(xT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Group.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(vT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Basics.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(mT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package GameTimer.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(QT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package MagicFunctions.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(WT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Lightning.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(ET)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Maths.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(ZT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package TypeCasting.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(UT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Printing_config.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(IT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Printing.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(PT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package ErrorHandling.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(AT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package TimerUtils.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(DT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package HashList.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(HT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package EventHelper.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(JT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package RegisterEvents.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(KT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package ClosureTimers.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(LT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package TargetsAllowed.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(XT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Buildings.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(CT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Doodads.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(VT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Icons.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(BT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Objects.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(NT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Sounds.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(MT)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Soundsets.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(wY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Textures.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(uY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package UI.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(rY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Units.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(sY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package WeatherEffects.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(tY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package MapBounds.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(iY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package DummyRecycler.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(SY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package LinkedList.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(cY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package StringUtils.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(oY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package ObjectIds.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(OY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package ClosureForGroups.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(lY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Preloader.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(bY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package ObjectIdGenerator.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(yY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package OnUnitEnterLeave.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(pY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package UnitIndexer.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(eY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package ClosureEvents.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(qY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package TerrainUtils.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(aY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package PhysicsConstants.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(nY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package DmgMod.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(dY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package FText.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(fY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Frentity_config.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(RY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Frentity.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(TY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Entity.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(YY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Squares.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(GY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Buff.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(gY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Tower.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(hY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package FxEntity.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(FY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package ArtilleryTower.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(kY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package AssassinTower.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(jY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package BigNum.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(xY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package BigString.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(vY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Bounty.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(mY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Creep.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(QY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Simulate3dSound.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(WY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package SoundUtils.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(EY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package PhysicsEntity.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(ZY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Boss.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(UY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package BossFour.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(IY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package WarningBuff.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(PY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Builder.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(AY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package BossThree.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(DY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package BossTwo.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(HY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package DebugInfo.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(JY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package DestroyerSummoner.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(KY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Execute.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(LY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Encoder.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(XY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package TowerBlockade.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(CY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package EndGame.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(VY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package EndBoss.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(BY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package EntityManagement.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(NY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package FieldGenerator.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(MY)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package FlamethrowerTower.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(wG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Rocket.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(uG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Orders.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(rG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Special.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(sG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package SpecialTwo.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(tG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package SpecialFive.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(iG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package UnitSpawnSystem.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(SG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package PlayerData.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(cG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package LumberAndCoinSystem.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(oG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package TrooperTower.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(OG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package TownBell.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(lG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package GameInit.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(bG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package GroupUtils.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(yG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package HealbackTower.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(pG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package InstanceBoard.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(eG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package LZW.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(qG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Json.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(aG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package JsonParser.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(nG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package MultiboardSystem.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(dG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Reinforcements.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(fG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package Selector.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(RG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package ShieldKit.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(TG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package SphereTower.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(YG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package StompingTower.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(GG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package SuperCharge.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(gG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package ThermoTower.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call TriggerAddCondition(Th,Condition(hG)) if not TriggerEvaluate(Th) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,45.,"Could not initialize package WaveTower.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(Th) call DestroyTrigger(Th) set Rh=null set Th=null endfunction function dh takes nothing returns nothing call SetPlayerTeam(Player(0),0) call SetPlayerState(Player(0),PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY,1) call SetPlayerTeam(Player(1),0) call SetPlayerState(Player(1),PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY,1) call SetPlayerTeam(Player(2),0) call SetPlayerState(Player(2),PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY,1) call SetPlayerTeam(Player(3),0) call SetPlayerState(Player(3),PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY,1) call SetPlayerTeam(Player(4),0) call SetPlayerState(Player(4),PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY,1) call SetPlayerTeam(Player(5),0) call SetPlayerState(Player(5),PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY,1) call SetPlayerTeam(Player(6),0) call SetPlayerState(Player(6),PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY,1) call SetPlayerTeam(Player(7),0) call SetPlayerState(Player(7),PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY,1) call SetPlayerTeam(Player(8),0) call SetPlayerState(Player(8),PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY,1) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(0),Player(1),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(0),Player(2),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(0),Player(3),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(0),Player(4),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(0),Player(5),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(0),Player(6),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(0),Player(7),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(0),Player(8),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(1),Player(0),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(1),Player(2),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(1),Player(3),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(1),Player(4),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(1),Player(5),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(1),Player(6),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(1),Player(7),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(1),Player(8),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(2),Player(0),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(2),Player(1),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(2),Player(3),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(2),Player(4),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(2),Player(5),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(2),Player(6),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(2),Player(7),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(2),Player(8),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(3),Player(0),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(3),Player(1),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(3),Player(2),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(3),Player(4),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(3),Player(5),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(3),Player(6),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(3),Player(7),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(3),Player(8),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(4),Player(0),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(4),Player(1),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(4),Player(2),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(4),Player(3),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(4),Player(5),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(4),Player(6),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(4),Player(7),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(4),Player(8),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(5),Player(0),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(5),Player(1),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(5),Player(2),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(5),Player(3),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(5),Player(4),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(5),Player(6),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(5),Player(7),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(5),Player(8),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(6),Player(0),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(6),Player(1),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(6),Player(2),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(6),Player(3),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(6),Player(4),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(6),Player(5),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(6),Player(7),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(6),Player(8),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(7),Player(0),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(7),Player(1),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(7),Player(2),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(7),Player(3),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(7),Player(4),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(7),Player(5),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(7),Player(6),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(7),Player(8),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(8),Player(0),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(8),Player(1),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(8),Player(2),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(8),Player(3),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(8),Player(4),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(8),Player(5),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(8),Player(6),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ(Player(8),Player(7),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(0),Player(1),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(0),Player(2),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(0),Player(3),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(0),Player(4),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(0),Player(5),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(0),Player(6),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(0),Player(7),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(0),Player(8),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(1),Player(0),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(1),Player(2),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(1),Player(3),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(1),Player(4),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(1),Player(5),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(1),Player(6),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(1),Player(7),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(1),Player(8),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(2),Player(0),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(2),Player(1),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(2),Player(3),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(2),Player(4),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(2),Player(5),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(2),Player(6),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(2),Player(7),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(2),Player(8),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(3),Player(0),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(3),Player(1),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(3),Player(2),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(3),Player(4),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(3),Player(5),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(3),Player(6),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(3),Player(7),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(3),Player(8),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(4),Player(0),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(4),Player(1),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(4),Player(2),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(4),Player(3),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(4),Player(5),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(4),Player(6),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(4),Player(7),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(4),Player(8),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(5),Player(0),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(5),Player(1),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(5),Player(2),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(5),Player(3),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(5),Player(4),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(5),Player(6),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(5),Player(7),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(5),Player(8),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(6),Player(0),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(6),Player(1),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(6),Player(2),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(6),Player(3),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(6),Player(4),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(6),Player(5),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(6),Player(7),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(6),Player(8),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(7),Player(0),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(7),Player(1),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(7),Player(2),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(7),Player(3),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(7),Player(4),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(7),Player(5),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(7),Player(6),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(7),Player(8),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(8),Player(0),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(8),Player(1),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(8),Player(2),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(8),Player(3),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(8),Player(4),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(8),Player(5),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(8),Player(6),true) call SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ(Player(8),Player(7),true) call SetPlayerTeam(Player(9),1) call SetPlayerState(Player(9),PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY,1) endfunction function fh takes nothing returns nothing call SetStartLocPrioCount(0,7) call SetStartLocPrio(0,0,1,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(0,1,2,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(0,2,3,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(0,3,4,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(0,4,5,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(0,5,6,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(0,6,7,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrioCount(1,7) call SetStartLocPrio(1,0,0,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(1,1,2,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(1,2,3,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(1,3,4,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(1,4,5,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(1,5,6,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(1,6,7,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrioCount(2,7) call SetStartLocPrio(2,0,0,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(2,1,1,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(2,2,3,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(2,3,4,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(2,4,5,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(2,5,6,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(2,6,7,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrioCount(3,7) call SetStartLocPrio(3,0,0,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(3,1,1,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(3,2,2,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(3,3,4,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(3,4,5,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(3,5,6,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(3,6,7,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrioCount(4,7) call SetStartLocPrio(4,0,0,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(4,1,1,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(4,2,2,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(4,3,3,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(4,4,5,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(4,5,6,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(4,6,7,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrioCount(5,7) call SetStartLocPrio(5,0,0,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(5,1,1,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(5,2,2,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(5,3,3,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(5,4,4,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(5,5,6,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(5,6,7,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrioCount(6,7) call SetStartLocPrio(6,0,0,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(6,1,1,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(6,2,2,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(6,3,3,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(6,4,4,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(6,5,5,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(6,6,7,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrioCount(7,7) call SetStartLocPrio(7,0,0,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(7,1,1,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(7,2,2,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(7,3,3,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(7,4,4,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(7,5,5,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrio(7,6,6,MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) endfunction function nh takes nothing returns nothing call SetPlayerStartLocation(Player(0),0) call ForcePlayerStartLocation(Player(0),0) call SetPlayerColor(Player(0),ConvertPlayerColor(0)) call SetPlayerRacePreference(Player(0),RACE_PREF_HUMAN) call SetPlayerRaceSelectable(Player(0),false) call SetPlayerController(Player(0),MAP_CONTROL_USER) call SetPlayerStartLocation(Player(1),1) call ForcePlayerStartLocation(Player(1),1) call SetPlayerColor(Player(1),ConvertPlayerColor(1)) call SetPlayerRacePreference(Player(1),RACE_PREF_HUMAN) call SetPlayerRaceSelectable(Player(1),false) call SetPlayerController(Player(1),MAP_CONTROL_USER) call SetPlayerStartLocation(Player(2),2) call ForcePlayerStartLocation(Player(2),2) call SetPlayerColor(Player(2),ConvertPlayerColor(2)) call SetPlayerRacePreference(Player(2),RACE_PREF_HUMAN) call SetPlayerRaceSelectable(Player(2),false) call SetPlayerController(Player(2),MAP_CONTROL_USER) call SetPlayerStartLocation(Player(3),3) call ForcePlayerStartLocation(Player(3),3) call SetPlayerColor(Player(3),ConvertPlayerColor(3)) call SetPlayerRacePreference(Player(3),RACE_PREF_HUMAN) call SetPlayerRaceSelectable(Player(3),false) call SetPlayerController(Player(3),MAP_CONTROL_USER) call SetPlayerStartLocation(Player(4),4) call ForcePlayerStartLocation(Player(4),4) call SetPlayerColor(Player(4),ConvertPlayerColor(4)) call SetPlayerRacePreference(Player(4),RACE_PREF_HUMAN) call SetPlayerRaceSelectable(Player(4),false) call SetPlayerController(Player(4),MAP_CONTROL_USER) call SetPlayerStartLocation(Player(5),5) call ForcePlayerStartLocation(Player(5),5) call SetPlayerColor(Player(5),ConvertPlayerColor(5)) call SetPlayerRacePreference(Player(5),RACE_PREF_HUMAN) call SetPlayerRaceSelectable(Player(5),false) call SetPlayerController(Player(5),MAP_CONTROL_USER) call SetPlayerStartLocation(Player(6),6) call ForcePlayerStartLocation(Player(6),6) call SetPlayerColor(Player(6),ConvertPlayerColor(6)) call SetPlayerRacePreference(Player(6),RACE_PREF_HUMAN) call SetPlayerRaceSelectable(Player(6),false) call SetPlayerController(Player(6),MAP_CONTROL_USER) call SetPlayerStartLocation(Player(7),7) call ForcePlayerStartLocation(Player(7),7) call SetPlayerColor(Player(7),ConvertPlayerColor(7)) call SetPlayerRacePreference(Player(7),RACE_PREF_HUMAN) call SetPlayerRaceSelectable(Player(7),false) call SetPlayerController(Player(7),MAP_CONTROL_USER) call SetPlayerStartLocation(Player(8),8) call ForcePlayerStartLocation(Player(8),8) call SetPlayerColor(Player(8),ConvertPlayerColor(8)) call SetPlayerRacePreference(Player(8),RACE_PREF_HUMAN) call SetPlayerRaceSelectable(Player(8),false) call SetPlayerController(Player(8),MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER) call SetPlayerStartLocation(Player(9),9) call ForcePlayerStartLocation(Player(9),9) call SetPlayerColor(Player(9),ConvertPlayerColor(9)) call SetPlayerRacePreference(Player(9),RACE_PREF_UNDEAD) call SetPlayerRaceSelectable(Player(9),false) call SetPlayerController(Player(9),MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER) endfunction function config takes nothing returns nothing call SetMapName("TRIGSTR_1675") call SetMapDescription("TRIGSTR_014") call SetPlayers(10) call SetTeams(10) call SetGamePlacement(MAP_PLACEMENT_TEAMS_TOGETHER) call DefineStartLocation(0,2176.0,1664.0) call DefineStartLocation(1,2176.0,1664.0) call DefineStartLocation(2,2176.0,1664.0) call DefineStartLocation(3,2176.0,1664.0) call DefineStartLocation(4,2176.0,1664.0) call DefineStartLocation(5,2176.0,1664.0) call DefineStartLocation(6,2176.0,1664.0) call DefineStartLocation(7,2176.0,1664.0) call DefineStartLocation(8,2176.0,1664.0) call DefineStartLocation(9,2176.0,1664.0) call nh() call dh() call fh() endfunction