Standard Fehler (STDERR)
Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully! Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully! Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully! Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully! Running <Angle:78 - testAngle>.. OK! Running <BitSet:31 - testContains>.. OK! Running <BitSet:45 - testAdd>.. OK! Running <BitSet:48 - testRemove>.. OK! Running <BufferTests:53 - stringBufferShortSerializationTest>.. OK! Running <BufferTests:75 - stringBu ...[truncated 21916 chars]... ing <StringTests:112 - testGetHash>.. OK! Running <StringTests:115 - testFormat>.. OK! Running <StringTests:121 - testIterator>.. OK! Running <StringTests:127 - testConversion>.. OK! Running <StringUtilsTests:6 - testSplit>.. OK! Running <StringUtilsTests:25 - testJoin>.. OK! Running <StringUtilsTests:34 - testReduce>.. OK! Running <Vectors:360 - vectorTests>.. OK! Tests succeeded: 114/114 >> All tests have passed successfully! Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully!