Standard Fehler (STDERR)
Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully! Running <Angle:78 - testAngle>.. OK! Running <BitSet:31 - testContains>.. OK! Running <BitSet:45 - testAdd>.. OK! Running <BitSet:48 - testRemove>.. OK! Running <BitwiseTests:6 - byteTestsNegative>.. OK! Running <BitwiseTests:15 - byteTestsPositive>.. OK! Running <BitwiseTests:24 - bitStringTests>.. OK! Running <BitwiseTests:34 - shiftTests>.. OK! Running <BitwiseTests:48 - tests32>.. OK! Running <BufferTests:53 - stringBufferE ...[truncated 8222 chars]... ts:25 - testJoin>.. OK! Running <StringUtilsTests:34 - testReduce>.. OK! Running <TerrainUtils:152 - testMapCorners>.. OK! Running <TerrainUtils:158 - testUpperBound>.. OK! Running <TerrainUtils:167 - testLowerBound>.. OK! Running <Vectors:410 - vectorTests>.. OK! Running <Vectors:420 - testIsInTriangle>.. OK! Tests succeeded: 181/181 >> All tests have passed successfully! There were some errors reported while running the tests. Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully!