package AbilityTooltipGenerator_config /* Basic Usage: Create a generator let tg = new AbilityTooltipGenerator("My cool Spell", "Q", Targettype.PTARGET, 4, "Cool description") Add Properties tg.addProperty("Damage:", (int lvl) -> (100*lvl).toString()) Apply to an AbilitiyDef tg.applyToDef(someAbilDef) Done! */ @config constant TITLE_COLOR = "|cff3B97D3" @config constant TITLE_TTYPE = "Targettype:" @config constant MAX_TITLES = 10 /* Change these Patterns in order to change the non-extended Tooltip design You can use the following references to the dynamic variable by surrounding it with $ For Example: $name$ will reference the value of the variable name Available references: name = Name of the Ability hotkey = Hotkey of the Ability hotkeylearn = Different hotkey for learning if specified ------------------------------ For normal only lvl = The level of the Ability */ @config constant LEARN_PATTERN = "|cffFFCC00Learn|r $name$ [|cffFFCC00$hotkey$|r]" @config constant NORMAL_ACTIVE_PATTERN = "$name$ - Level $lvl$ [|cffFFCC00$hotkey$|r]" @config constant NORMAL_PASSIVE_PATTERN = "$name$ - Level $lvl$"