package FramehandleNames import NoWurst /** These are the default base frame types, to be used as typeName for createFrameByType(..) [BlzCreateFrameByType] or inside of the frame definition files (fdf) */ public class FramehandleTypeNames /** The frame type BUTTON is used for normal clickable button */ static constant buttonframe = "BUTTON" /** The frame type GLUEBUTTON is used for clickable button, mouse hovering glows. */ static constant gluebutton = "GLUEBUTTON" /** The frame type TEXTBUTTON is used for clickable TextButtons with text */ static constant textbutton = "TEXTBUTTON" /** The frame type GLUETEXTBUTTON is used for clickable TextButtons, mouse hovering glows. */ static constant gluetextbutton = "GLUETEXTBUTTON" /** The frame type TEXT is used for visible text. */ static constant text = "TEXT" /** The frame type BACKDROP is used for backgrounds, borders or images. */ static constant backdrop = "BACKDROP" /** The frame type EDITBOX is used for text input by user. */ static constant editbox = "EDITBOX" /** The frame type SLIDER is used for user can select a value between an upper and a lower Value. */ static constant slider = "SLIDER" /** The frame type TEXTAREA is used for ui-Frames for big Texts also include scrollbars on default. */ static constant textarea = "TEXTAREA" /** The frame type CHECKBOX is used for checkable checkbox */ static constant checkbox = "CHECKBOX" /** The frame type GLUECHECKBOX is used for checkable checkbox, mouse hovering glows. */ static constant gluecheckbox = "GLUECHECKBOX" /** The frame type POPUPMENU is used for used for menus that is desinged for hovering over other frames */ static constant popupmenu = "POPUPMENU" /** The frame type MENU is used for general menu frame designed to be displayed behind popupmenus */ static constant menu = "MENU" /** The frame type SCROLLBAR is used for scrollbar that can be added to backgrops do change content (e.g. for textareas) */ static constant scrollbar = "SCROLLBAR" /** The frame type CONTROL is used for special frame that is designed for handling several control elements like buttons, checkboxes etc. */ static constant control = "CONTROL" /** The frame type SIMPLEFRAME is used for a less complex definition for frames, that does not allow different inherit types */ static constant simpleframe = "SIMPLEFRAME" /** The frame type DIALOG is used for nothing special, (origin SuspendDialogs will pause the game in singleplayer) */ static constant dialogframe = "DIALOG" /** The frame type HIGHLIGHT is used for frame template to define how buttons/texts are hightlingt on hovering/click/enter/focus of the mouse */ static constant highlight = "HIGHLIGHT" /** These default frames can be obtained with getFrameByName(..) [BlzGetFrameByName] (the createContext (subframe-id) parameter is by default 0, some frames does contain subframes)*/ public class FramehandleDefaultNames static constant allianceAcceptButton = "AllianceAcceptButton" static constant allianceAcceptButtonText = "AllianceAcceptButtonText" static constant allianceBackdrop = "AllianceBackdrop" static constant allianceCancelButton = "AllianceCancelButton" static constant allianceCancelButtonText = "AllianceCancelButtonText" static constant allianceDialog = "AllianceDialog" static constant allianceDialogScrollBar = "AllianceDialogScrollBar" /** The framehandle name allianceSlot has the subframes [0 to 23] */ static constant allianceSlot = "AllianceSlot" static constant allianceTitle = "AllianceTitle" static constant alliedVictoryCheckBox = "AlliedVictoryCheckBox" static constant alliedVictoryLabel = "AlliedVictoryLabel" /** The framehandle name allyCheckBox has the subframes [0 to 23] */ static constant allyCheckBox = "AllyCheckBox" static constant allyHeader = "AllyHeader" static constant ambientCheckBox = "AmbientCheckBox" static constant ambientLabel = "AmbientLabel" static constant animQualityLabel = "AnimQualityLabel" static constant animQualityValue = "AnimQualityValue" static constant bottomButtonPanel = "BottomButtonPanel" static constant buttonBackdropTemplate = "ButtonBackdropTemplate" static constant buttonDisabledBackdropTemplate = "ButtonDisabledBackdropTemplate" static constant buttonDisabledPushedBackdropTemplate = "ButtonDisabledPushedBackdropTemplate" static constant buttonPushedBackdropTemplate = "ButtonPushedBackdropTemplate" static constant cancelButtonText = "CancelButtonText" static constant cinematicBottomBorder = "CinematicBottomBorder" static constant cinematicDialogueText = "CinematicDialogueText" static constant cinematicPanel = "CinematicPanel" static constant cinematicPortrait = "CinematicPortrait" static constant cinematicPortraitBackground = "CinematicPortraitBackground" static constant cinematicPortraitCover = "CinematicPortraitCover" static constant cinematicScenePanel = "CinematicScenePanel" static constant cinematicSpeakerText = "CinematicSpeakerText" static constant cinematicTopBorder = "CinematicTopBorder" /** The framehandle name colorBackdrop has the subframes [0 to 23] */ static constant colorBackdrop = "ColorBackdrop" /** The framehandle name colorBorder has the subframes [0 to 23] */ static constant colorBorder = "ColorBorder" static constant confirmQuitCancelButton = "ConfirmQuitCancelButton" static constant confirmQuitCancelButtonText = "ConfirmQuitCancelButtonText" static constant confirmQuitMessageText = "ConfirmQuitMessageText" static constant confirmQuitPanel = "ConfirmQuitPanel" static constant confirmQuitQuitButton = "ConfirmQuitQuitButton" static constant confirmQuitQuitButtonText = "ConfirmQuitQuitButtonText" static constant confirmQuitTitleText = "ConfirmQuitTitleText" static constant consoleUI = "ConsoleUI" static constant customKeysLabel = "CustomKeysLabel" static constant customKeysValue = "CustomKeysValue" static constant decoratedMapListBox = "DecoratedMapListBox" static constant deleteCancelButton = "DeleteCancelButton" static constant deleteCancelButtonText = "DeleteCancelButtonText" static constant deleteDeleteButton = "DeleteDeleteButton" static constant deleteDeleteButtonText = "DeleteDeleteButtonText" static constant deleteMessageText = "DeleteMessageText" static constant deleteOnly = "DeleteOnly" static constant deleteTitleText = "DeleteTitleText" static constant difficultyLabel = "DifficultyLabel" static constant difficultyValue = "DifficultyValue" static constant endGameButton = "EndGameButton" static constant endGameButtonText = "EndGameButtonText" static constant endGamePanel = "EndGamePanel" static constant endGameTitleText = "EndGameTitleText" static constant enviroCheckBox = "EnviroCheckBox" static constant enviroLabel = "EnviroLabel" static constant escMenuBackdrop = "EscMenuBackdrop" static constant escMenuDeleteContainer = "EscMenuDeleteContainer" static constant escMenuMainPanel = "EscMenuMainPanel" static constant escMenuOptionsPanel = "EscMenuOptionsPanel" static constant escMenuOverwriteContainer = "EscMenuOverwriteContainer" static constant escMenuSaveGamePanel = "EscMenuSaveGamePanel" static constant escMenuSaveLoadContainer = "EscMenuSaveLoadContainer" static constant escOptionsLightsMenu = "EscOptionsLightsMenu" static constant escOptionsLightsPopupMenuArrow = "EscOptionsLightsPopupMenuArrow" static constant escOptionsLightsPopupMenuBackdrop = "EscOptionsLightsPopupMenuBackdrop" static constant escOptionsLightsPopupMenuDisabledBackdrop = "EscOptionsLightsPopupMenuDisabledBackdrop" static constant escOptionsLightsPopupMenuMenu = "EscOptionsLightsPopupMenuMenu" static constant escOptionsLightsPopupMenuTitle = "EscOptionsLightsPopupMenuTitle" static constant escOptionsOcclusionMenu = "EscOptionsOcclusionMenu" static constant escOptionsOcclusionPopupMenuArrow = "EscOptionsOcclusionPopupMenuArrow" static constant escOptionsOcclusionPopupMenuBackdrop = "EscOptionsOcclusionPopupMenuBackdrop" static constant escOptionsOcclusionPopupMenuDisabledBackdrop = "EscOptionsOcclusionPopupMenuDisabledBackdrop" static constant escOptionsOcclusionPopupMenuMenu = "EscOptionsOcclusionPopupMenuMenu" static constant escOptionsOcclusionPopupMenuTitle = "EscOptionsOcclusionPopupMenuTitle" static constant escOptionsParticlesMenu = "EscOptionsParticlesMenu" static constant escOptionsParticlesPopupMenuArrow = "EscOptionsParticlesPopupMenuArrow" static constant escOptionsParticlesPopupMenuBackdrop = "EscOptionsParticlesPopupMenuBackdrop" static constant escOptionsParticlesPopupMenuDisabledBackdrop = "EscOptionsParticlesPopupMenuDisabledBackdrop" static constant escOptionsParticlesPopupMenuMenu = "EscOptionsParticlesPopupMenuMenu" static constant escOptionsParticlesPopupMenuTitle = "EscOptionsParticlesPopupMenuTitle" static constant escOptionsResolutionMenu = "EscOptionsResolutionMenu" static constant escOptionsResolutionPopupMenuArrow = "EscOptionsResolutionPopupMenuArrow" static constant escOptionsResolutionPopupMenuBackdrop = "EscOptionsResolutionPopupMenuBackdrop" static constant escOptionsResolutionPopupMenuDisabledBackdrop = "EscOptionsResolutionPopupMenuDisabledBackdrop" static constant escOptionsResolutionPopupMenuMenu = "EscOptionsResolutionPopupMenuMenu" static constant escOptionsResolutionPopupMenuTitle = "EscOptionsResolutionPopupMenuTitle" static constant escOptionsShadowsMenu = "EscOptionsShadowsMenu" static constant escOptionsShadowsPopupMenuArrow = "EscOptionsShadowsPopupMenuArrow" static constant escOptionsShadowsPopupMenuBackdrop = "EscOptionsShadowsPopupMenuBackdrop" static constant escOptionsShadowsPopupMenuDisabledBackdrop = "EscOptionsShadowsPopupMenuDisabledBackdrop" static constant escOptionsShadowsPopupMenuMenu = "EscOptionsShadowsPopupMenuMenu" static constant escOptionsShadowsPopupMenuTitle = "EscOptionsShadowsPopupMenuTitle" static constant escOptionsWindowModeMenu = "EscOptionsWindowModeMenu" static constant escOptionsWindowModePopupMenuArrow = "EscOptionsWindowModePopupMenuArrow" static constant escOptionsWindowModePopupMenuBackdrop = "EscOptionsWindowModePopupMenuBackdrop" static constant escOptionsWindowModePopupMenuDisabledBackdrop = "EscOptionsWindowModePopupMenuDisabledBackdrop" static constant escOptionsWindowModePopupMenuMenu = "EscOptionsWindowModePopupMenuMenu" static constant escOptionsWindowModePopupMenuTitle = "EscOptionsWindowModePopupMenuTitle" static constant exitButton = "ExitButton" static constant exitButtonText = "ExitButtonText" static constant extraHighLatencyLabel = "ExtraHighLatencyLabel" static constant extraHighLatencyRadio = "ExtraHighLatencyRadio" static constant fileListFrame = "FileListFrame" static constant formationToggleCheckBox = "FormationToggleCheckBox" static constant formationToggleLabel = "FormationToggleLabel" static constant gameplayButton = "GameplayButton" static constant gameplayButtonText = "GameplayButtonText" static constant gameplayPanel = "GameplayPanel" static constant gameplayTitleText = "GameplayTitleText" static constant gameSpeedLabel = "GameSpeedLabel" static constant gameSpeedSlider = "GameSpeedSlider" static constant gameSpeedValue = "GameSpeedValue" static constant gammaBrightLabel = "GammaBrightLabel" static constant gammaDarkLabel = "GammaDarkLabel" static constant gammaLabel = "GammaLabel" static constant gammaSlider = "GammaSlider" /** The framehandle name goldBackdrop has the subframes [0 to 23] */ static constant goldBackdrop = "GoldBackdrop" static constant goldHeader = "GoldHeader" /** The framehandle name goldText has the subframes [0 to 23] */ static constant goldText = "GoldText" static constant healthBarsCheckBox = "HealthBarsCheckBox" static constant healthBarsLabel = "HealthBarsLabel" static constant helpButton = "HelpButton" static constant helpButtonText = "HelpButtonText" static constant helpOKButton = "HelpOKButton" static constant helpOKButtonText = "HelpOKButtonText" static constant helpPanel = "HelpPanel" static constant helpTextArea = "HelpTextArea" static constant helpTitleText = "HelpTitleText" static constant highLatencyLabel = "HighLatencyLabel" static constant highLatencyRadio = "HighLatencyRadio" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconAllyFoodIcon has the subframe [7] */ static constant infoPanelIconAllyFoodIcon = "InfoPanelIconAllyFoodIcon" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconAllyFoodValue has the subframe [7] */ static constant infoPanelIconAllyFoodValue = "InfoPanelIconAllyFoodValue" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconAllyGoldIcon has the subframe [7] */ static constant infoPanelIconAllyGoldIcon = "InfoPanelIconAllyGoldIcon" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconAllyGoldValue has the subframe [7] */ static constant infoPanelIconAllyGoldValue = "InfoPanelIconAllyGoldValue" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconAllyTitle has the subframe [7] */ static constant infoPanelIconAllyTitle = "InfoPanelIconAllyTitle" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconAllyUpkeep has the subframe [7] */ static constant infoPanelIconAllyUpkeep = "InfoPanelIconAllyUpkeep" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconAllyWoodIcon has the subframe [7] */ static constant infoPanelIconAllyWoodIcon = "InfoPanelIconAllyWoodIcon" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconAllyWoodValue has the subframe [7] */ static constant infoPanelIconAllyWoodValue = "InfoPanelIconAllyWoodValue" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconBackdrop has the subframes [0 to 5] */ static constant infoPanelIconBackdrop = "InfoPanelIconBackdrop" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconHeroAgilityLabel has the subframe [6] */ static constant infoPanelIconHeroAgilityLabel = "InfoPanelIconHeroAgilityLabel" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconHeroAgilityValue has the subframe [6] */ static constant infoPanelIconHeroAgilityValue = "InfoPanelIconHeroAgilityValue" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconHeroIcon has the subframe [6] */ static constant infoPanelIconHeroIcon = "InfoPanelIconHeroIcon" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconHeroIntellectLabel has the subframe [6] */ static constant infoPanelIconHeroIntellectLabel = "InfoPanelIconHeroIntellectLabel" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconHeroIntellectValue has the subframe [6] */ static constant infoPanelIconHeroIntellectValue = "InfoPanelIconHeroIntellectValue" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconHeroStrengthLabel has the subframe [6] */ static constant infoPanelIconHeroStrengthLabel = "InfoPanelIconHeroStrengthLabel" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconHeroStrengthValue has the subframe [6] */ static constant infoPanelIconHeroStrengthValue = "InfoPanelIconHeroStrengthValue" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconLabel has the subframes [0 to 5] */ static constant infoPanelIconLabel = "InfoPanelIconLabel" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconLevel has the subframes [0 to 5] */ static constant infoPanelIconLevel = "InfoPanelIconLevel" /** The framehandle name infoPanelIconValue has the subframes [0 to 5] */ static constant infoPanelIconValue = "InfoPanelIconValue" static constant insideConfirmQuitPanel = "InsideConfirmQuitPanel" static constant insideEndGamePanel = "InsideEndGamePanel" static constant insideHelpPanel = "InsideHelpPanel" static constant insideMainPanel = "InsideMainPanel" static constant insideTipsPanel = "InsideTipsPanel" static constant keyScrollFastLabel = "KeyScrollFastLabel" static constant keyScrollLabel = "KeyScrollLabel" static constant keyScrollSlider = "KeyScrollSlider" static constant keyScrollSlowLabel = "KeyScrollSlowLabel" static constant latencyInfo1 = "LatencyInfo1" static constant latencyInfo2 = "LatencyInfo2" static constant leaderboardFrame = "Leaderboard" static constant leaderboardBackdrop = "LeaderboardBackdrop" static constant leaderboardListContainer = "LeaderboardListContainer" static constant leaderboardTitle = "LeaderboardTitle" static constant lightsLabel = "LightsLabel" static constant loadGameButton = "LoadGameButton" static constant loadGameButtonText = "LoadGameButtonText" static constant loadGameCancelButton = "LoadGameCancelButton" static constant loadGameCancelButtonText = "LoadGameCancelButtonText" static constant loadGameLoadButton = "LoadGameLoadButton" static constant loadGameLoadButtonText = "LoadGameLoadButtonText" static constant loadGameTitleText = "LoadGameTitleText" static constant loadOnly = "LoadOnly" static constant logArea = "LogArea" static constant logAreaBackdrop = "LogAreaBackdrop" static constant logAreaScrollBar = "LogAreaScrollBar" static constant logBackdrop = "LogBackdrop" static constant logDialog = "LogDialog" static constant logOkButton = "LogOkButton" static constant logOkButtonText = "LogOkButtonText" static constant logTitle = "LogTitle" static constant lowLatencyLabel = "LowLatencyLabel" static constant lowLatencyRadio = "LowLatencyRadio" /** The framehandle name lumberBackdrop has the subframes [0 to 23] */ static constant lumberBackdrop = "LumberBackdrop" static constant lumberHeader = "LumberHeader" /** The framehandle name lumberText has the subframes [0 to 23] */ static constant lumberText = "LumberText" static constant mainPanel = "MainPanel" static constant mapListBoxBackdrop = "MapListBoxBackdrop" static constant mapListScrollBar = "MapListScrollBar" static constant modelDetailLabel = "ModelDetailLabel" static constant modelDetailValue = "ModelDetailValue" static constant mouseScrollDisable = "MouseScrollDisable" static constant mouseScrollDisableLabel = "MouseScrollDisableLabel" static constant mouseScrollFastLabel = "MouseScrollFastLabel" static constant mouseScrollLabel = "MouseScrollLabel" static constant mouseScrollSlider = "MouseScrollSlider" static constant mouseScrollSlowLabel = "MouseScrollSlowLabel" static constant movementCheckBox = "MovementCheckBox" static constant movementLabel = "MovementLabel" static constant multiboardFrame = "Multiboard" static constant multiboardBackdrop = "MultiboardBackdrop" static constant multiboardListContainer = "MultiboardListContainer" static constant multiboardMinimizeButton = "MultiboardMinimizeButton" static constant multiboardTitle = "MultiboardTitle" static constant multiboardTitleBackdrop = "MultiboardTitleBackdrop" static constant musicCheckBox = "MusicCheckBox" static constant musicVolumeHighLabel = "MusicVolumeHighLabel" static constant musicVolumeLabel = "MusicVolumeLabel" static constant musicVolumeLowLabel = "MusicVolumeLowLabel" static constant musicVolumeSlider = "MusicVolumeSlider" static constant networkButton = "NetworkButton" static constant networkButtonText = "NetworkButtonText" static constant networkLabel = "NetworkLabel" static constant networkPanel = "NetworkPanel" static constant networkTitleText = "NetworkTitleText" static constant observerCameraCheckBox = "ObserverCameraCheckBox" static constant observerCameraString = "ObserverCameraString" static constant observerFogCheckBox = "ObserverFogCheckBox" static constant observerFogString = "ObserverFogString" static constant observerVisionMenu = "ObserverVisionMenu" static constant observerVisionMenuArrow = "ObserverVisionMenuArrow" static constant observerVisionMenuBackdrop = "ObserverVisionMenuBackdrop" static constant observerVisionMenuDisabledBackdrop = "ObserverVisionMenuDisabledBackdrop" static constant observerVisionMenuTitle = "ObserverVisionMenuTitle" static constant observerVisionPopupMenu = "ObserverVisionPopupMenu" static constant observerVisionPopupMenuMenuBackdropTemplate = "ObserverVisionPopupMenuMenuBackdropTemplate" static constant occlusionLabel = "OcclusionLabel" static constant oKButtonText = "OKButtonText" static constant optionsButton = "OptionsButton" static constant optionsButtonText = "OptionsButtonText" static constant optionsCancelButton = "OptionsCancelButton" static constant optionsOKButton = "OptionsOKButton" static constant optionsPanel = "OptionsPanel" static constant optionsPreviousButton = "OptionsPreviousButton" static constant optionsPreviousButtonText = "OptionsPreviousButtonText" static constant optionsTitleText = "OptionsTitleText" static constant overwriteCancelButton = "OverwriteCancelButton" static constant overwriteCancelButtonText = "OverwriteCancelButtonText" static constant overwriteMessageText = "OverwriteMessageText" static constant overwriteOnly = "OverwriteOnly" static constant overwriteOverwriteButton = "OverwriteOverwriteButton" static constant overwriteOverwriteButtonText = "OverwriteOverwriteButtonText" static constant overwriteTitleText = "OverwriteTitleText" static constant particlesLabel = "ParticlesLabel" static constant pauseButton = "PauseButton" static constant pauseButtonText = "PauseButtonText" /** The framehandle name playerNameLabel has the subframes [0 to 23] */ static constant playerNameLabel = "PlayerNameLabel" static constant playersHeader = "PlayersHeader" static constant positionalCheckBox = "PositionalCheckBox" static constant positionalLabel = "PositionalLabel" static constant previousButton = "PreviousButton" static constant previousButtonText = "PreviousButtonText" static constant providerLabel = "ProviderLabel" static constant providerValue = "ProviderValue" static constant quitButton = "QuitButton" static constant quitButtonText = "QuitButtonText" static constant resolutionLabel = "ResolutionLabel" static constant resourceBarFrame = "ResourceBarFrame" static constant resourceBarGoldText = "ResourceBarGoldText" static constant resourceBarLumberText = "ResourceBarLumberText" static constant resourceBarSupplyText = "ResourceBarSupplyText" static constant resourceBarUpkeepText = "ResourceBarUpkeepText" static constant resourceTradingTitle = "ResourceTradingTitle" static constant restartButton = "RestartButton" static constant restartButtonText = "RestartButtonText" static constant returnButton = "ReturnButton" static constant returnButtonText = "ReturnButtonText" static constant saveAndLoad = "SaveAndLoad" static constant saveGameButton = "SaveGameButton" static constant saveGameButtonText = "SaveGameButtonText" static constant saveGameCancelButton = "SaveGameCancelButton" static constant saveGameCancelButtonText = "SaveGameCancelButtonText" static constant saveGameDeleteButton = "SaveGameDeleteButton" static constant saveGameDeleteButtonText = "SaveGameDeleteButtonText" static constant saveGameFileEditBox = "SaveGameFileEditBox" static constant saveGameFileEditBoxText = "SaveGameFileEditBoxText" static constant saveGameSaveButton = "SaveGameSaveButton" static constant saveGameSaveButtonText = "SaveGameSaveButtonText" static constant saveGameTitleText = "SaveGameTitleText" static constant saveOnly = "SaveOnly" static constant shadowsLabel = "ShadowsLabel" /** The framehandle name simpleBuildingActionLabel has the subframes [0, 1] */ static constant simpleBuildingActionLabel = "SimpleBuildingActionLabel" /** The framehandle name simpleBuildingDescriptionValue has the subframe [1] */ static constant simpleBuildingDescriptionValue = "SimpleBuildingDescriptionValue" /** The framehandle name simpleBuildingNameValue has the subframe [1] */ static constant simpleBuildingNameValue = "SimpleBuildingNameValue" /** The framehandle name simpleBuildQueueBackdrop has the subframe [1] */ static constant simpleBuildQueueBackdrop = "SimpleBuildQueueBackdrop" /** The framehandle name simpleBuildTimeIndicator has the subframes [0, 1] */ static constant simpleBuildTimeIndicator = "SimpleBuildTimeIndicator" static constant simpleClassValue = "SimpleClassValue" static constant simpleDestructableNameValue = "SimpleDestructableNameValue" /** The framehandle name simpleHeroLevelBar has the subframe [4] */ static constant simpleHeroLevelBar = "SimpleHeroLevelBar" /** The framehandle name simpleHoldDescriptionValue has the subframe [2] */ static constant simpleHoldDescriptionValue = "SimpleHoldDescriptionValue" /** The framehandle name simpleHoldNameValue has the subframe [2] */ static constant simpleHoldNameValue = "SimpleHoldNameValue" /** The framehandle name simpleInfoPanelBuildingDetail has the subframe [1] */ static constant simpleInfoPanelBuildingDetail = "SimpleInfoPanelBuildingDetail" /** The framehandle name simpleInfoPanelCargoDetail has the subframe [2] */ static constant simpleInfoPanelCargoDetail = "SimpleInfoPanelCargoDetail" /** The framehandle name simpleInfoPanelDestructableDetail has the subframe [4] */ static constant simpleInfoPanelDestructableDetail = "SimpleInfoPanelDestructableDetail" /** The framehandle name simpleInfoPanelIconArmor has the subframe [7] */ static constant simpleInfoPanelIconAlly = "SimpleInfoPanelIconAlly" /** The framehandle name simpleInfoPanelIconArmor has the subframe [2] */ static constant simpleInfoPanelIconArmor = "SimpleInfoPanelIconArmor" /** The framehandle name SimpleInfoPanelIconDamage has the subframe [0, 1] */ static constant simpleInfoPanelIconDamage = "SimpleInfoPanelIconDamage" /** The framehandle name simpleInfoPanelIconFood has the subframe [4] */ static constant simpleInfoPanelIconFood = "SimpleInfoPanelIconFood" /** The framehandle name simpleInfoPanelIconGold has the subframe [5] */ static constant simpleInfoPanelIconGold = "SimpleInfoPanelIconGold" /** The framehandle name simpleInfoPanelIconHero has the subframe [6] */ static constant simpleInfoPanelIconHero = "SimpleInfoPanelIconHero" /** The framehandle name simpleInfoPanelIconHeroText has the subframe [6] */ static constant simpleInfoPanelIconHeroText = "SimpleInfoPanelIconHeroText" /** The framehandle name simpleInfoPanelIconRank has the subframe [3] */ static constant simpleInfoPanelIconRank = "SimpleInfoPanelIconRank" /** The framehandle name simpleInfoPanelItemDetail has the subframe [3] */ static constant simpleInfoPanelItemDetail = "SimpleInfoPanelItemDetail" static constant simpleInfoPanelUnitDetail = "SimpleInfoPanelUnitDetail" /** The framehandle name simpleItemDescriptionValue has the subframe [3] */ static constant simpleItemDescriptionValue = "SimpleItemDescriptionValue" /** The framehandle name simpleItemNameValue has the subframe [3] */ static constant simpleItemNameValue = "SimpleItemNameValue" static constant simpleNameValue = "SimpleNameValue" static constant simpleObserverPanel = "SimpleObserverPanel" static constant simpleProgressIndicator = "SimpleProgressIndicator" static constant simpleUnitStatsPanel = "SimpleUnitStatsPanel" static constant soundButton = "SoundButton" static constant soundButtonText = "SoundButtonText" static constant soundCheckBox = "SoundCheckBox" static constant soundPanel = "SoundPanel" static constant soundTitleText = "SoundTitleText" static constant soundVolumeHighLabel = "SoundVolumeHighLabel" static constant soundVolumeLabel = "SoundVolumeLabel" static constant soundVolumeLowLabel = "SoundVolumeLowLabel" static constant soundVolumeSlider = "SoundVolumeSlider" static constant subgroupCheckBox = "SubgroupCheckBox" static constant subgroupLabel = "SubgroupLabel" static constant subtitlesCheckBox = "SubtitlesCheckBox" static constant subtitlesLabel = "SubtitlesLabel" static constant textureQualityLabel = "TextureQualityLabel" static constant textureQualityValue = "TextureQualityValue" static constant tipsBackButton = "TipsBackButton" static constant tipsBackButtonText = "TipsBackButtonText" static constant tipsButton = "TipsButton" static constant tipsButtonText = "TipsButtonText" static constant tipsNextButton = "TipsNextButton" static constant tipsNextButtonText = "TipsNextButtonText" static constant tipsOKButton = "TipsOKButton" static constant tipsOKButtonText = "TipsOKButtonText" static constant tipsPanel = "TipsPanel" static constant tipsTextArea = "TipsTextArea" static constant tipsTitleText = "TipsTitleText" static constant tooltipsCheckBox = "TooltipsCheckBox" static constant tooltipsLabel = "TooltipsLabel" static constant unitCheckBox = "UnitCheckBox" static constant unitLabel = "UnitLabel" /** The framehandle name unitsCheckBox has the subframes [o t 23] */ static constant unitsCheckBox = "UnitsCheckBox" static constant unitsHeader = "UnitsHeader" static constant upperButtonBarAlliesButton = "UpperButtonBarAlliesButton" static constant upperButtonBarChatButton = "UpperButtonBarChatButton" static constant upperButtonBarFrame = "UpperButtonBarFrame" static constant upperButtonBarMenuButton = "UpperButtonBarMenuButton" static constant upperButtonBarQuestsButton = "UpperButtonBarQuestsButton" static constant videoButton = "VideoButton" static constant videoButtonText = "VideoButtonText" static constant videoPanel = "VideoPanel" static constant videoTitleText = "VideoTitleText" /** The framehandle name VisionCheckBox has the subframes [o t 23] */ static constant visionCheckBox = "VisionCheckBox" static constant visionHeader = "VisionHeader" static constant vSyncCheckBox = "VSyncCheckBox" static constant vSyncLabel = "VSyncLabel" static constant windowModeLabel = "WindowModeLabel" static constant wouldTheRealOptionsTitleTextPleaseStandUp = "WouldTheRealOptionsTitleTextPleaseStandUp" /** These default frames templates can be created with createFrame(..) [BlzCreateFrame] */ public class FramehandleNames static constant adBanner = "AdBanner" static constant advancedOptionsDisplay = "AdvancedOptionsDisplay" static constant advancedOptionsPane = "AdvancedOptionsPane" static constant advancedPopupMenuTemplate = "AdvancedPopupMenuTemplate" static constant allianceDialog = "AllianceDialog" static constant allianceSlot = "AllianceSlot" static constant battleNetChatActionMenu = "BattleNetChatActionMenu" static constant battleNetChatPanel = "BattleNetChatPanel" static constant battleNetChatroom = "BattleNetChatroom" static constant battleNetClanInvitation = "BattleNetClanInvitation" static constant battleNetClanInviteDialog = "BattleNetClanInviteDialog" static constant battleNetClanMateListBox = "BattleNetClanMateListBox" static constant battleNetClanPane = "BattleNetClanPane" static constant battleNetConnectDialog = "BattleNetConnectDialog" static constant battleNetCustomCreatePanel = "BattleNetCustomCreatePanel" static constant battleNetCustomFilterDialog = "BattleNetCustomFilterDialog" static constant battleNetCustomJoinPanel = "BattleNetCustomJoinPanel" static constant battleNetCustomLoadPanel = "BattleNetCustomLoadPanel" static constant battleNetFriendsListBox = "BattleNetFriendsListBox" static constant battleNetFriendsPane = "BattleNetFriendsPane" static constant battleNetHelpDialog = "BattleNetHelpDialog" static constant battleNetIconSelectBox = "BattleNetIconSelectBox" static constant battleNetIconSelectDialog = "BattleNetIconSelectDialog" static constant battleNetMainFrame = "BattleNetMainFrame" static constant battleNetMatchmakerPanel = "BattleNetMatchmakerPanel" static constant battleNetMatchmakerPendingInviteDialog = "BattleNetMatchmakerPendingInviteDialog" static constant battleNetMatchmakerTeamInviteDialog = "BattleNetMatchmakerTeamInviteDialog" static constant battleNetNewsBox = "BattleNetNewsBox" static constant battleNetPatchDialog = "BattleNetPatchDialog" static constant battleNetProfileListBox = "BattleNetProfileListBox" static constant battleNetProfileListItem = "BattleNetProfileListItem" static constant battleNetProfilePanel = "BattleNetProfilePanel" static constant battleNetScheduledGame = "BattleNetScheduledGame" static constant battleNetStandardPanel = "BattleNetStandardPanel" static constant battleNetStatusBox = "BattleNetStatusBox" static constant battleNetTeamInvitation = "BattleNetTeamInvitation" static constant battleNetTeamInviteDialog = "BattleNetTeamInviteDialog" static constant battleNetTeamPanel = "BattleNetTeamPanel" static constant battleNetUserListBox = "BattleNetUserListBox" static constant bNetPopupMenuBackdropTemplate = "BNetPopupMenuBackdropTemplate" static constant bNetPopupMenuTemplate = "BNetPopupMenuTemplate" static constant browserButton = "BrowserButton" static constant browserFrame = "BrowserFrame" static constant campaignListBox = "CampaignListBox" static constant campaignMenu = "CampaignMenu" static constant chatDialog = "ChatDialog" static constant checkListBox = "CheckListBox" static constant cinematicPanel = "CinematicPanel" static constant clanButtonBackdropTemplate = "ClanButtonBackdropTemplate" static constant clanButtonDisabledBackdropTemplate = "ClanButtonDisabledBackdropTemplate" static constant clanButtonDisabledPushedBackdropTemplate = "ClanButtonDisabledPushedBackdropTemplate" static constant clanButtonFocusHighlightBackdropTemplate = "ClanButtonFocusHighlightBackdropTemplate" static constant clanButtonMouseOverHighlightBackdropTemplate = "ClanButtonMouseOverHighlightBackdropTemplate" static constant clanButtonPushedBackdropTemplate = "ClanButtonPushedBackdropTemplate" static constant clanButtonTemplate = "ClanButtonTemplate" static constant customCampaignMenu = "CustomCampaignMenu" static constant debugButton = "DebugButton" static constant decoratedMapListBox = "DecoratedMapListBox" static constant dialogWar3 = "DialogWar3" static constant escMenuBackdrop = "EscMenuBackdrop" static constant escMenuMainPanel = "EscMenuMainPanel" static constant escMenuMainPanelDialogTextTemplate = "EscMenuMainPanelDialogTextTemplate" static constant escMenuOptionsConfirmDialog = "EscMenuOptionsConfirmDialog" static constant escMenuOptionsPanel = "EscMenuOptionsPanel" static constant escMenuSaveDialogTextTemplate = "EscMenuSaveDialogTextTemplate" static constant escMenuSaveGamePanel = "EscMenuSaveGamePanel" static constant filterPopupMenuTemplate = "FilterPopupMenuTemplate" static constant gameChatroom = "GameChatroom" static constant gameResultDialog = "GameResultDialog" static constant gameSaveSplashDialog = "GameSaveSplashDialog" static constant iconButtonTemplate = "IconButtonTemplate" static constant iconicButtonTemplate = "IconicButtonTemplate" static constant ladderButtonBackdropTemplate = "LadderButtonBackdropTemplate" static constant ladderButtonDisabledBackdropTemplate = "LadderButtonDisabledBackdropTemplate" static constant ladderButtonDisabledPushedBackdropTemplate = "LadderButtonDisabledPushedBackdropTemplate" static constant ladderButtonFocusHighlightBackdropTemplate = "LadderButtonFocusHighlightBackdropTemplate" static constant ladderButtonMouseOverHighlightBackdropTemplate = "LadderButtonMouseOverHighlightBackdropTemplate" static constant ladderButtonPushedBackdropTemplate = "LadderButtonPushedBackdropTemplate" static constant ladderButtonTemplate = "LadderButtonTemplate" static constant ladderNameTextTemplate = "LadderNameTextTemplate" static constant leaderboardFrame = "Leaderboard" static constant listBoxWar3 = "ListBoxWar3" static constant loading = "Loading" static constant loadingPlayerSlot = "LoadingPlayerSlot" static constant loadSavedGameScreen = "LoadSavedGameScreen" static constant localMultiplayerCreate = "LocalMultiplayerCreate" static constant localMultiplayerJoin = "LocalMultiplayerJoin" static constant localMultiplayerLoad = "LocalMultiplayerLoad" static constant logDialog = "LogDialog" static constant mainMenuFrame = "MainMenuFrame" static constant mapInfoPane = "MapInfoPane" static constant mapListBox = "MapListBox" static constant mapPreferenceBox = "MapPreferenceBox" static constant mapPreferenceBoxBackdrop = "MapPreferenceBoxBackdrop" static constant mMPlayerSlot = "MMPlayerSlot" static constant movieScreen = "MovieScreen" static constant multiboardFrame = "Multiboard" static constant optionsConfirmDialog = "OptionsConfirmDialog" static constant optionsMenu = "OptionsMenu" static constant optionsPopupMenuBackdropTemplate = "OptionsPopupMenuBackdropTemplate" static constant optionsPopupMenuTemplate = "OptionsPopupMenuTemplate" static constant playerSlot = "PlayerSlot" static constant playerSlotPopupMenu = "PlayerSlotPopupMenu" static constant questButtonBackdropTemplate = "QuestButtonBackdropTemplate" static constant questButtonBaseTemplate = "QuestButtonBaseTemplate" static constant questButtonDisabledBackdropTemplate = "QuestButtonDisabledBackdropTemplate" static constant questButtonDisabledPushedBackdropTemplate = "QuestButtonDisabledPushedBackdropTemplate" static constant questButtonMouseOverHighlightTemplate = "QuestButtonMouseOverHighlightTemplate" static constant questButtonPushedBackdropTemplate = "QuestButtonPushedBackdropTemplate" static constant questButtonTemplate = "QuestButtonTemplate" static constant questCheckBox = "QuestCheckBox" static constant questCheckBox2 = "QuestCheckBox2" static constant questCheckBox3 = "QuestCheckBox3" static constant questConditionListScrollBar = "QuestConditionListScrollBar" static constant questDialog = "QuestDialog" static constant questItemListItem = "QuestItemListItem" static constant questItemListScrollBar = "QuestItemListScrollBar" static constant questListItem = "QuestListItem" static constant questMainListScrollBar = "QuestMainListScrollBar" static constant quickReplayConfirmDialog = "QuickReplayConfirmDialog" static constant quickReplayDialog = "QuickReplayDialog" static constant replayButton = "ReplayButton" static constant saveReplayPanel = "SaveReplayPanel" static constant scoreScreen4ColumnButtonTemplate = "ScoreScreen4ColumnButtonTemplate" static constant scoreScreen5ColumnButtonTemplate = "ScoreScreen5ColumnButtonTemplate" static constant scoreScreenBottomButtonTemplate = "ScoreScreenBottomButtonTemplate" static constant scoreScreenBottomCheckButtonTemplate = "ScoreScreenBottomCheckButtonTemplate" static constant scoreScreenButtonBackdropTemplate = "ScoreScreenButtonBackdropTemplate" static constant scoreScreenColumnHeaderTemplate = "ScoreScreenColumnHeaderTemplate" static constant scoreScreenFrame = "ScoreScreenFrame" static constant scoreScreenTabButtonTemplate = "ScoreScreenTabButtonTemplate" static constant scoreScreenTabTextSelectedTemplate = "ScoreScreenTabTextSelectedTemplate" static constant scoreScreenTabTextTemplate = "ScoreScreenTabTextTemplate" static constant scriptDialog = "ScriptDialog" static constant scriptDialogButton = "ScriptDialogButton" static constant singlePlayerMenu = "SinglePlayerMenu" static constant skirmish = "Skirmish" static constant skirmishPopupMenuBackdropTemplate = "SkirmishPopupMenuBackdropTemplate" static constant skirmishPopupMenuTemplate = "SkirmishPopupMenuTemplate" static constant suspendDialog = "SuspendDialog" static constant suspendPlayerSlot = "SuspendPlayerSlot" static constant teamColorMenu = "TeamColorMenu" static constant teamLabelTextTemplate = "TeamLabelTextTemplate" static constant teamLadderRankValueTextTemplate = "TeamLadderRankValueTextTemplate" static constant teamMemberPopupMenu = "TeamMemberPopupMenu" static constant teamPopupMenuBackdropTemplate = "TeamPopupMenuBackdropTemplate" static constant teamPopupMenuTemplate = "TeamPopupMenuTemplate" static constant teamSetup = "TeamSetup" static constant teamValueTextTemplate = "TeamValueTextTemplate" static constant timerDialog = "TimerDialog" static constant unresponsiveDialog = "UnresponsiveDialog" static constant userDataMigrationDialog = "UserDataMigrationDialog" static constant viewReplayScreen = "ViewReplayScreen"