package CodeManager //import initlater PlayerData //import initlater CodeGenerator //import initlater FileIO //import initlater Sync //import initlater Thread // // //constant int XPMAX = 100000 //constant string FOLDER_NAME = "EBR" //constant string FILE_NAME = "data" //public constant string MSG_PREFIX = "|cffDE7B19Save/Load|r :" //constant int saveTechnique = 331 // // //public function PlayerData.createNewPlayerFile() // var scode = new Savecode() // scode.encode(this.XP, XPMAX) // debugPrint("saving: " + this.XP.toString() + " XP", 1) // let lcode = fhash( +, saveTechnique) // debugPrint("saving: " + lcode, 1) // synchronizeThread() // if GetLocalPlayer() == this.p // if File.isEnabled() // var f =, FILE_NAME, Flag.WRITE) // f.write(lcode) // f.close() // synchronizeThread() // debugPrint("saved new", 1) // //public function PlayerData.loadPlayerFile() // DisplayTextToPlayer(this.p,0,0,MSG_PREFIX + "|cffFFD621[Info]|r - Will now check for saved data." ) // string array lines // var count = 0 // let nameHash = fhash( // debugPrint( "start " +, 1 ) // synchronizeThread() // if GetLocalPlayer() == this.p // var f =, FILE_NAME, Flag.READ) // lines[count] = // while lines[count] != null // count++ // lines[count] = // f.close() // synchronizeThread() // // debugPrint("load playerfile 5", 1) // let sCount = count.sync(this.p) // debugPrint("load playerfile 6", 1) // string array sLines // debugPrint(sCount.toString(), 1) // if sCount > 0 // for i = 0 to sCount-1 // sLines[i] = lines[i].sync(this.p) // debugPrint(sLines[i], 1) // debugPrint("syncing for " + + " done", 1) // DisplayTextToPlayer(this.p,0,0,MSG_PREFIX + "|cffFFD621[Info]|r - Your Data was loaded." ) // int idx = - 1 // for i = 0 to sCount-1 // if sLines[i].startsWith(nameHash) // debugPrint("character Found in Line " + i.toString(), 1) // DisplayTextToPlayer(this.p,0,0,MSG_PREFIX + "|cffFFD621[Info]|r - Your saved Character has been found." ) // idx = i // if idx > -1 // this.slcode = sLines[idx].substring(nameHash.length(), sLines[idx].length()) // var scode = new Savecode() // if scode.load(this.p, this.slcode, saveTechnique) // debugPrint("load success", 1) // let xp = scode.decode(XPMAX) // DisplayTextToPlayer(this.p,0,0,MSG_PREFIX + "|cff73CE4A[Success]|r - Your Character has been loaded. (" + xp.toString() + ")" ) // this.setXp(xp) // else // DisplayTextToPlayer(this.p,0,0,MSG_PREFIX + "|cffBD1910[Error]|r - Your saved Character was invalid, a new one got created." ) // DisplayTextToPlayer(this.p,0,0,MSG_PREFIX + "|cffFFD621[Info]|r - You either have an old code-version or this is an EBR-Bug." ) // DisplayTextToPlayer(this.p,0,0,MSG_PREFIX + "|cffFFD621[Info]|r - To report a bug go to or" ) // // else // DisplayTextToPlayer(this.p,0,0,MSG_PREFIX + "|cffFFD621[Info]|r - You have no saved Character with this name, a new one was created." ) // this.createNewPlayerFile() // // this.updateRank() // // // // // // //