array A_nextFree211 integer A_firstFree288 integer A_maxIndex694 array C_nextFree110 integer C_firstFree194 integer C_maxIndex468 array C_typeId104 integer A_firstFree288 = 0 integer A_maxIndex694 = 0 integer C_firstFree194 = 0 integer C_maxIndex468 = 0 function initGlobals162() { A_firstFree_288 = 0; A_maxIndex_694 = 0; C_firstFree_194 = 0; C_maxIndex_468 = 0; } function main181() { initGlobals162(); init_Test113(); } function config171() { } function init_Test113() { dispatch_C_Test_C_foo983(new_C124(), new_A385()); dispatch_C_Test_C_foo_4207(new_C124(), 1, 2, 3, 4); } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess737() { } function A_init498(integer this109) { } function new_A385() returns integer { local integer this655 this_655 = alloc_A901(); construct_A185(this_655); return this_655; } function construct_A185(integer this167) { A_init498(this_167); } function C_foo193(integer this118, integer s165) { } function C_init799(integer this151) { } function new_C124() returns integer { local integer this999 this_999 = alloc_C792(); construct_C195(this_999); return this_999; } function construct_C195(integer this146) { C_init799(this_146); } function alloc_A901() returns integer { local integer this193 if (A_firstFree_288 == 0) { if (A_maxIndex_694 < 32768) { A_maxIndex_694 = (A_maxIndex_694 + 1); this_193 = A_maxIndex_694; } else { error134("Out of memory: Could not create A."); this_193 = 0; }; } else { A_firstFree_288 = (A_firstFree_288 - 1); this_193 = A_nextFree_211[A_firstFree_288]; }; return this_193; } function error134(string msg101) { $debugPrint843((msg_101 + (" " + #getStackTrace()))); } function alloc_C792() returns integer { local integer this796 if (C_firstFree_194 == 0) { if (C_maxIndex_468 < 32768) { C_maxIndex_468 = (C_maxIndex_468 + 1); this_796 = C_maxIndex_468; C_typeId_104[this_796] = 2; } else { error134("Out of memory: Could not create C."); this_796 = 0; }; } else { C_firstFree_194 = (C_firstFree_194 - 1); this_796 = C_nextFree_110[C_firstFree_194]; C_typeId_104[this_796] = 2; }; return this_796; } function dispatch_C_Test_C_foo983(integer this859, integer s116) { if (C_typeId_104[this_859] == 0) { if (this_859 == 0) { error134("Nullpointer exception when calling"); } else { error134("Called on invalid object."); }; } else { }; C_foo193(this_859, s_116); } function C_foo_4191(integer this117, any ints_0688, any ints_1147, any ints_2932, any ints_3185) { local integer sum176 sum_176 = 3; sum_176 = (sum_176 + 1); sum_176 = (sum_176 + 1); sum_176 = (sum_176 + 1); sum_176 = (sum_176 + 1); if (sum_176 == 7) { testSuccess737(); } else { }; } function dispatch_C_Test_C_foo_4207(integer this743, any ints_0171, any ints_1100, any ints_2187, any ints_3197) { if (C_typeId_104[this_743] == 0) { if (this_743 == 0) { error134("Nullpointer exception when calling"); } else { error134("Called on invalid object."); }; } else { }; C_foo_4191(this_743, ints_0_171, ints_1_100, ints_2_187, ints_3_197); }