// ************************************************************* // * TTBars -- Version 1.5.0 // * by Deaod // ************************************************************* // * // * CREDITS: // * - Ammorth (found a bug) // * - Anitarf (suggestions) // * - Ddyq (helped testing) // * - Vexorian (JassHelper, ARGB) // * - PitzerMike (JassNewGenPack) // * - Pipedream (Grimoire) // * // * - cohadar (used PUI for demonstration purposes) // * - zwiebelchen (used a modified version of a script he wrote (CastingBar) for demonstration puposes) // * // * HOW TO USE: // * * declare a variable of type TTBar or TTGradBar // * - TTGradBar only has the additional feature of adding Gradients. TTBar and TTGradBar are identical in all other regards. // * // * * use [TTBar or TTGradBar].create(string char, integer numochars, real size, real x, real y, real z) // * - char is the basic string the bar is made out of // * - numochars is the number of chars this bar consits of // * - size is the textsize of the bar // * - x is the x-coord of the point where this bar is created // * - y is the y-coord of the point where this bar is created // * - z is the height offabove the ground // * // * * add a gradient by using YourBar.AddGradient(real threshold, ARGB color) // * !! This is a feature of TTGradBar. Will not work with TTBar !! // * - threshold is the value the bar must be equal to or lower than to apply the color specified in colorstring // * - example input would be "ARGB.create(SOME_ALPHA, SOME_RED, SOME_GREEN, SOME_BLUE)" or "0xAARRGGBB" // * Look at ARGB's manual for detailed reference // * - there exists an alternative version named AddGradientString(real, threshold, string color), // * where the color argument is formatted as follows: "|cAARRGGBB" // * // * * you can change the value of the bar at any time by using "YourBar.Value=newval" // * - value is a percentage // * --> use 100 to fill it completely, use 0 to display an empty bar // * // * * you can lock this bar to a unit using YourBar.LockToUnit(unit u, real xOffset, real yOffset, real zOffset) // * - u is the unit this bar is locked to // * - xOffis the offin x from the position of the unit the bar is locked to // * - yOffis the offin y from the position of the unit the bar is locked to // * - zOffis the height offabove ground level // * // * * of course you can also unlock the bar via YourBar.Unlock() // * // * * you can change the foreground color with YourBar.SetForeground(ARGB color) // * !! Gradients are preferred over this !! // * - example input would be "ARGB.create(SOME_ALPHA, SOME_RED, SOME_GREEN, SOME_BLUE)" or "0xAARRGGBB" // * Look at ARGB's manual for detailed reference // * - there exitsts an alternative version named SetForegroundString(string color), // * which takes a string formatted as follows: "|cAARRGGBB" // * // * * you can change the background color with YouBar.SetBackground(ARGB color) // * - example input would be "ARGB.create(SOME_ALPHA, SOME_RED, SOME_GREEN, SOME_BLUE)" or "0xAARRGGBB" // * Look at ARGB's manual for detailed reference // * // * * want to show the bar to more players? Use YourBar.ChangeVisibility(force disp) // * - disp should contain all players this bar should be displayed to; note that you have to destroy this parameter for yourself // * inserting null will show the bar to all players // * // * * you can change the size of the bar any time by using "YourBar.Size=newval" // * // * * you can read and write a bar's X, Y and Z coordinate by using the X, and X= operators (Y and Z respectively as well). // * I added another method, YourBar.SetPosXY(real x, real y), which sets the bars X and Y coordinate, for speed reasons. // * // * * you have access to XOffand YOffmembers (both are of type real). They are only important when locking a bar to a unit. // * You can probably guess by their names what i added them for. // * // * * you can read/change a bars primitive char by reading/changing the member Char // * // * * you can read/change a bars number of chars by reading/changing the member Width // * // * * you can fade out bars when destroying them using YourBar.FadeOut(real overTime, boolean followThrough, real xVel, real yVel) // * - overTime is the time fading should take // * - followThrough changes whether the TTBar instance should be destroyed on the spot // * of if it should destroy it when the fading is finished // * "true" destroys the TTBar instance when the fading is finished // * "false" destroys the TTBar instance on the spot // * - xVel and yVel can only be used if the Bar is not locked to a unit // * and move the bar into x and y direction (respectively) by the amount specified // * // ************************************************************* package CustomBar // TTBar constant int DEFAULT_BACKGROUND = 0xFF000000 // 0xAARRGGBB // alpha channel is non-functional (blame blizzard for that) // TTBar and TTGradBar constant int DEFAULT_FOREGROUND = 0xFFFFFFFF // 0xAARRGGBB // TTGradBar constant int MAX_GRADIENTS = 10 // Maximum number of gradients you can add force tempForce CustomBar array bars int count = 0 timer animationTimer = CreateTimer() public class CustomBar texttag t // background color colorA bg_color // foreground color colorA fg_color // Position vec3 position // Text string txt real textsize // locking to units integer lockindex boolean locked unit u real xOffset real yOffset // misc force disp real value // value integer NUM_CHARS // number of chars this bar uses string char // primitive char/string string ptext // primitive text without colors construct( vec3 pos, string char, integer numochars, real size ) t=CreateTextTag() if t==null error("TTBARS: TextTag limit reached!") position = pos bg_color = makeColor(DEFAULT_BACKGROUND) textsize = size fg_color = makeColor(DEFAULT_FOREGROUND) NUM_CHARS = numochars setChar(char) locked = false setValue(.0) if t != null t..setAge(0.) ..setColor( bg_color.red, bg_color.green, bg_color.blue, bg_color.alpha) ..setFadepoint(0.) ..setLifespan(0.) ..setPermanent(true) ..setPos( position ) ..setSuspended(false) ..setText( txt, textsize) rebuildText() static function copyForce() ForceAddPlayer(tempForce, GetEnumPlayer()) static function lockCallback() CustomBar s for i = count-1 downto 0 s = bars[i] s.position.x = GetUnitX(s.u) s.position.y = GetUnitY(s.u) SetTextTagPos(s.t, s.position.x+s.xOffset, s.position.y+s.yOffset, s.position.z) function getSize() returns real return textsize/0.0023 function setSize( real size ) textsize = TextTagSize2Height(size) function getValue() returns real return value * 100. function setValue( real val ) var newval = val // keep newval inside possible boundaries if newval > 100. newval = 100. else if newval < 0. newval = 0. value = newval / 100. // the new value txt = fg_color.toColorString() int chars = (R2I((value * NUM_CHARS * char.length())+0.5) div char.length())*char.length() // calculate the number of chars needed to display the new value txt += ptext.substring( 0, chars) txt += "|r" txt += ptext.substring( 0, ptext.length()-chars) if t != null t.setText( txt, textsize) function getX() returns real return position.x function setX( real x ) position.x = x if t != null and not locked t.setPos( position ) function getY() returns real return position.y function setY( real y ) position.y = y if t != null and not locked t.setPos( position ) function getZ() returns real return position.z function setZ( real z ) position.z = z if t != null t.setPos( position ) function isLocked() returns boolean return locked private function rebuildText() ptext = "" for i = 0 to NUM_CHARS ptext = ptext + char function getChar() returns string return char function setChar( string newStr ) var newString = newStr if newString == "|" newString = "||" char = newString rebuildText() setValue(value) function getWidth() returns int return NUM_CHARS function setWidth( int width ) NUM_CHARS = width rebuildText() setValue(value) function setPosXY( real x, real y ) // added for speed reasons position.x = x position.y = y if t != null and not locked t.setPos( position ) function setBackground( colorA col ) bg_color = col if t != null t.setColor( bg_color.red, bg_color.green, bg_color.blue, bg_color.alpha) function setForeground( colorA col ) fg_color = col setValue(value) function setForegroundString( colorA col ) fg_color = col setValue(value) function changeVisibility( force dsp ) force disp = dsp if disp != null if disp == null disp = CreateForce() else ForceClear(disp) tempForce = disp ForForce(disp, function CustomBar.copyForce) if IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), disp) and t == null t = CreateTextTag() if t != null t..setColor( bg_color.red, bg_color.green, bg_color.blue, bg_color.alpha) ..setText( txt, textsize) ..setPos( position) else error("CustomBar: TextTag limit reached!") else if t != null and not IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), disp) DestroyTextTag(t) t = null else if t == null t = CreateTextTag() if t != null t..setColor( bg_color.red, bg_color.green, bg_color.blue, bg_color.alpha) ..setText( txt, textsize) ..setPos( position) else error("CustomBar: TextTag limit reached!") function lockToUnit( unit u, real xOffset, real yOffset, real zOff ) if not locked bars[count] = this this.u = u locked = true lockindex = count this.xOffset = xOffset this.yOffset = yOffset position.z = zOff if count == 0 animationTimer.startPeriodic( ANIMATION_PERIOD, function CustomBar.lockCallback) count++ function unlock() if not locked return count-- if count == 0 PauseTimer(animationTimer) bars[lockindex] = bars[count] bars[count].lockindex = lockindex locked=false ondestroy if t != null DestroyTextTag(t) if locked unlock() static function fadeOutCallback() thistype bar = GetExpiredTimer().getData() castTo thistype bar.t = null destroy bar GetExpiredTimer().release() function fadeOut( real overTime, boolean followThrough, real xVel, real yVel ) if t != null t..setLifespan(overTime) ..setAge(0) ..setFadepoint(0) .setPermanent(false) if not locked t.setVelocity(TextTagSpeed2Velocity(xVel), TextTagSpeed2Velocity(yVel)) if followThrough getTimer() ..setData( this castTo int ) ..start( overTime, function CustomBar.fadeOutCallback) else t = null destroy this