package Projectile import public Fx2Entity import ClosureForGroups import GroupUtils public interface OnHitListener function run(unit target) public interface OnEndListener function run() public class Projectile extends Fx2Entity // Angles private angle xyAngle private vec3 startpos private var timed = false private var ranged = false private var use3DDistance = true private group hitGroup = null private var isPointTarget = false private var targetPoint = ZERO3 private var killZ = false private var killBelowZ = 0. // Moving Speed private var speed = 0. private var acc = 1.0 protected var dist = 0. private var maxDist = 0. protected var time = 0. private var maxTime = 0. private Entity target = null private OnHitListener onHit = null private OnEndListener onEnd = null construct(vec3 pos, real radius, player owner, angle xyAngle, string fxpath) super(owner, pos, radius, xyAngle, fxpath) startpos = pos setXYAngle(xyAngle) sleeps = false gravity = 0. function getFx() returns Fx2 return fx function onHit(OnHitListener listener) hitGroup = getGroup() this.onHit = listener function onEnd(OnEndListener listener) this.onEnd = listener function setTargetted(Entity target) = target function setKillBelowZ(real zVal) this.killZ = true this.killBelowZ = zVal function setPointTarget(vec2 target, real speed) isPointTarget = true this.targetPoint = target.toVec3() this.use3DDistance = false this.vel = (target - pos.toVec2()).setLength(speed).toVec3() function setPointTarget(vec3 target, real speed) isPointTarget = true this.targetPoint = target this.use3DDistance = true this.vel = (target - pos).setLength(speed) function setRanged(real maxDistance) setRanged(maxDistance, use3DDistance) function setRanged(real maxDistance, boolean use3DDistance) this.maxDist = maxDistance*maxDistance this.use3DDistance = use3DDistance ranged = true function setTimed(real lifespan) this.maxTime = lifespan timed = true function setSpeed(real speed) this.speed = speed setVel(vec3(xyAngle.cos()*speed, xyAngle.sin()*speed, 0.)) function setAcc(real factor) this.acc = factor function getSpeed() returns real return speed function setXYAngle(angle xyA) this.xyAngle = xyA fx.eff.setYaw(xyA) function getXYAngle() returns angle return xyAngle function setZAngle(angle zA) fx.eff.setPitch(zA) override function update() vel *= acc super.update() if not done if onHit != null forUnitsInRange(pos.toVec2(), radius) target -> if not done and not hitGroup.has(target) hitGroup.add(target) if isPointTarget if (use3DDistance ? pos.distanceToSq(targetPoint) : pos.toVec2().distanceToSq(targetPoint.toVec2())) < radius2 terminate() if not done and vel.z < 0 and killZ and pos.z <= killBelowZ terminate() if not done and timed time += ANIMATION_PERIOD if time >= maxTime terminate() if not done and ranged if (use3DDistance ? startpos.distanceToSq(pos) : startpos.toVec2().distanceToSq(pos.toVec2())) > maxDist terminate() if not done and target != null if pos.toVec2().distanceToSq(target.getPos().toVec2()) < radius2 terminate() override function terminate() if not done if onEnd != null super.terminate() ondestroy if onEnd != null hitGroup.destr() destroy onEnd if onHit != null destroy onHit