package HashBiMap
import NoWurst
import Hashtable
import Wurstunit

 * Implementation of a bidirectional hashmap based on hashtables.
 * The mapping from A to B is considered the default direction.
 * The mapping from B to A is considered the inverse.
public class HashBiMap<A,B>
	static private hashtable ht = InitHashtable() // A -> B
	static private hashtable htInv = InitHashtable() // B -> A
	/** Returns true if an entry under the given A-key exists. */
	function has(A a) returns boolean
		return get(a) != null
	/** (Inverse) Returns true if an entry under the given A-key exists. */
	function hasInv(B b) returns boolean
		return getInv(b) != null
	/** Saves the pair of A- and B-values. Normal direction is A->B, inverse is B->A. */
	function put(A a, B b)
		ht.saveInt(this castTo int, a castTo int, b castTo int)
		htInv.saveInt(this castTo int, b castTo int, a castTo int)
	/** Retrieves the B-value saved under the given A-key */
	function get(A a) returns B
		return ht.loadInt(this castTo int, a castTo int) castTo B
	/** (Inverse) Retrieves the  A-value saved under the given B-key */
	function getInv(B b) returns A
		return htInv.loadInt(this castTo int, b castTo int) castTo A
	/** Removes the entries specified by the given A-key */
	function remove(A a)
		B b = this.get(a)
		if b != null
			ht.removeInt(this castTo int, a castTo int)
			htInv.removeInt(this castTo int, b castTo int)
	/** (Inverse) Removes the entries specified by the given B-key */
	function removeInv(B b)
		A a = this.getInv(b)
		if a != null
			ht.removeInt(this castTo int, a castTo int)
			htInv.removeInt(this castTo int, b castTo int)

	/** Clears the HashMap of all entries */
	function flush()
		FlushChildHashtable(ht, this castTo int)
		FlushChildHashtable(htInv, this castTo int)


function test()
	let map = new HashBiMap<int, int>()
	map.put(25, 101)
	101 .assertEquals(map.get(25))
	25 .assertEquals(map.getInv(101))
//	map.removeInv(101)
//	assertTrue(not map.has(25))
//	assertTrue(not map.hasInv(101))
//	map.put(42, StringHash("Penguin"))
//	map.flush()
//	assertTrue(not map.hasInv(StringHash("Penguin")))