package DummyCaster import DummyRecycler import MapBounds import ClosureTimers /** * Dummy casters are commonly used in custom spells to cast abilities dynamically onto targets or points. * For example hexing all units in an AoE, or impaling in multiple directions. * If your spell's effect is entirely instant, you should use `InstantDummyCaster`. * For many spells however, InstantDummyCaster is not feasible, because they * - are of type impale or channel * - attach effects to the caster, like chain lightning * - deal delayed damage (fireball, shockwave) * In all of these scenarios the unit has to stand in a place and the spell's effects are not instant. * * DummyCaster uses one dummy per cast, and only removes it after a set delay, to allow effects and damage to process * Example with long delay for blizzard: * * new DummyCaster() * ..origin(casterPos) * ..owner(caster) * ..delay(15) * ..castPoint('A000', 1, OrderIds.OrderIds.blizzard, target) * * The dummy caster will be recycled automatically, after the last spell's `delay` duration has expired. * You shouldn't destroy the object yourself. Just cast any amount of spells at once or shortly after and leave it. * Allocate DummyCasters dynamically on the spot and don't save them. */ public class DummyCaster private var castCount = 0 protected var delay = 5.0 protected var owner = DUMMY_PLAYER protected var origin = ZERO3 construct() /** Sets the origin of the dummy with a z-value of 0 */ function origin(vec2 pos) this.origin = pos.toVec3() /** Sets the origin of the dummy */ function origin(vec3 pos) this.origin = pos /** Sets the owner of the dummy */ function owner(player owner) this.owner = owner /** Delay after which the dummy is recycled. Increase this if your spell is longer. Default 5 seconds. */ function delay(real delay) this.delay = delay /** Returns the casting dummy unit if the cast order was successful, or null if cast failed.*/ function castImmediate(int abilityId, int lvl, int orderId) returns unit var dummy = prepare(abilityId, lvl) let success = dummy.issueImmediateOrderById(orderId) finish(dummy, abilityId) if not success dummy = null return dummy /** Returns the casting dummy unit if the cast order was successful, or null if cast failed. */ function castTarget(int abilityId, int lvl, int orderId, widget target) returns unit var dummy = prepare(abilityId, lvl) dummy.setFacing(dummy.getPos().angleTo(target.getPos())) let success = dummy.issueTargetOrderById(orderId, target) finish(dummy, abilityId) if not success dummy = null return dummy /** Returns the casting dummy unit if the cast order was successful, or null if cast failed. */ function castPoint(int abilityId, int lvl, int orderId, vec2 targetPos) returns unit var dummy = prepare(abilityId, lvl) dummy.setFacing(dummy.getPos().angleTo(targetPos)) let success = dummy.issuePointOrderById(orderId, targetPos) finish(dummy, abilityId) if not success dummy = null return dummy protected function prepare(int id, int lvl) returns unit let dummy = DummyRecycler.get(origin.toVec2(), angle(0)) if origin.inBounds() dummy.setXYZ(origin) dummy..addAbility(id)..setMana(1000000) if lvl > 1 dummy.setAbilityLevel(id, lvl) dummy.setOwner(owner, false) return dummy protected function finish(unit dummy, int id) castCount++ doAfter(delay) -> recycleDummy(dummy, id) castCount-- if castCount == 0 destroy this protected function recycleDummy(unit dummy, int id) dummy..removeAbility(id) DummyRecycler.recycle(dummy)