/** Basic manual UnitIndexing system. */
package UnitIndex
import Event

/** Returns the units index. Returns 0 if not indexed. */
public function unit.getIndex() returns int
	return this.getUserData()

/** Returns the units UnitIndex object. Returns null if not indexed. */
public function unit.getIndexObject() returns UnitIndex
	return this.getUserData() castTo UnitIndex 

 * Assigns a unique index to the unit.
 * Fires a UnitIndexEvent if the unit did not have a index assigned yet.
public function indexUnit(unit u)
	if u.getUserData() == 0
		new UnitIndex(u)

 * Removes the units index and recycles it.
 * Fires a UnitDeindexEvent if the unit had an index assigned.
public function deindexUnit(unit u)
	if u.getUserData() != 0
		destroy u.getUserData() castTo UnitIndex

 * Fires when a unit gets a index assigned.
 * The field .u references the indexed unit.
public class UnitIndexEvent
	use EventModule
	static unit indexedUnit
 * Fires when a unit has its index removed.
 * The field .u references the deindexed unit.
public class UnitDeindexEvent
	use EventModule
	static unit deindexedUnit

/** Extend this class to create a unit wrapper. */
public class UnitIndex
	unit u
	/** Assigns a unique index to the unit and fires UnitIndexEvent. */
	construct(unit u)
		this.u = u
		u.setUserData(this castTo int)
		let tmp = UnitIndexEvent.indexedUnit
		UnitIndexEvent.indexedUnit = u
		UnitIndexEvent.indexedUnit = tmp
		let tmp = UnitDeindexEvent.deindexedUnit
		UnitDeindexEvent.deindexedUnit = u
		UnitDeindexEvent.deindexedUnit = tmp