# WurstScript Wurstscript is a delicious programming language which compiles to Jass or Lua code that is used to power WarCraft III maps. [![Build Status](https://grill.wurstlang.org/hudson/job/Wurst/badge/icon)](http://grill.wurstlang.org/hudson/job/Wurst/) [![CircleCI](https://dl.circleci.com/status-badge/img/gh/wurstscript/WurstScript/tree/master.svg?style=svg)](https://dl.circleci.com/status-badge/redirect/gh/wurstscript/WurstScript/tree/master) [![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/wurstscript/WurstScript.svg)]() [![GitHub pull requests](https://img.shields.io/github/issues-pr/wurstscript/WurstScript.svg)]() [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/wurstscript/WurstScript/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/wurstscript/WurstScript?branch=master) ## User Documentation Using WurstScript to build a map is easy! Check out the [Setup Guide](https://wurstscript.github.io/start.html) on how to get started. For a formal description of all language features, visit the [Manual](https://wurstscript.github.io/manual.html). Consider joining the WurstScript community on [Discord](https://discord.gg/mSHZpWcadz). ## Reporting Bugs Please report any bugs your encounter with our [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/wurstscript/WurstScript/issues). Include as much information as possible, ideally with logs. Logfiles are located in your home folder under `~/.wurst/logs`. Find the last modified file and pastebin it's contents. ## Contributing See https://github.com/wurstscript/WurstScript/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md ## System Overview This repository contains the following sub-projects: - de.peeeq.wurstscript - The core wurstscript compiler and directly related tools - Wurstpack - (deprecated) Wurst integration for the Warcraft III World Editor - HelperScripts - Some external scripts used for generating data e.g. for StdLib IDE support is provided via a VSCode plugin: https://github.com/wurstscript/wurst4vscode The source for the wurstscript website can be found here: https://github.com/wurstscript/wurstscript.github.io ## Compiler Build Process Java 11+ is required to build the project. Clone the repository and open the `de.peeeq.wurstscript` folder which contains the compiler project. ### Using Gradle Use the gradle wrapper to run required tasks, it will download gradle automatically. Replace `[task_name]` with the desired task. ```bash .\gradlew [task_name] ``` #### Examples To update the local compiler installation used by vscode run ```bash .\gradlew make_for_userdir ``` For deploying .jars and .zips see tasks in **deploy.gradle** ```bash .\gradlew create_zip_wurstpack_compiler ``` ### Import into IDE You can import the compiler project into any IDE that provides a gradle plugin. For IntelliJ IDEA, you can simply execute `./gradlew openIdea`. To run the Test Suite, execute `AllTests.xml` with TestNG. ### Publishing a new release [Jenkins](http://peeeq.de/hudson/job/Wurst/) auto-releases versions as `major.minor.patch.hotfix-jenkins-Wurst-buildNumber` - e.g. ``. The version string can be updated in [build.gradle](https://github.com/wurstscript/WurstScript/blob/master/de.peeeq.wurstscript/build.gradle#L28).