function removequotes(text) if string.len(text) > 1 then if string.sub(text, 1, 1) == "\"" and string.sub(text, string.len(text), string.len(text)) == "\"" then return string.sub(text, 2, string.len(text) - 1) else return text end elseif string.len(text) == 1 and string.sub(text, 1, 1) ~= "\"" then return text else return "" end end function strjoin(delimiter, list) local len = table.getn(list) if len == 0 then return "" end local string = list[1] for i = 2, len do string = string .. delimiter .. list[i] end return string end function argsplit(text) local list = {} local pos = 1 local last = " " local inquote = false local current = "" while pos <= string.len(text) do if string.sub(text, pos, pos) == " " then if inquote then current = current .. string.sub(text, pos, pos) elseif string.len(current) > 0 then table.insert(list, current) current = "" end elseif string.sub(text, pos, pos) == "\"" then if not inquote or last ~= "\\" then inquote = not inquote end current = current .. string.sub(text, pos, pos) else current = current .. string.sub(text, pos, pos) end last = string.sub(text, pos, pos) pos = pos + 1 end if string.len(current) > 0 then table.insert(list, current) end return list end function strsplit(delimiter, text) local list = {} local pos = 1 if delimiter == "" then -- this would result in endless loops return list end while true do local first, last = string.find(text, delimiter, pos) if first then -- found? table.insert(list, string.sub(text, pos, first-1)) pos = last+1 else table.insert(list, string.sub(text, pos)) break end end return list end function onlyfile(filename) local pos = 1 while true do local startPos, endPos = string.find(filename, "\\", pos) if startPos then pos = endPos+1 else return string.sub(filename, pos) end end return filename end function argsjoin(target, list) local len = table.getn(list) if len == 0 then return "" end if len == 1 then return " \""..list[1].."\" \""[1]).."\"" end if string.sub(list[1], string.len(list[1])) ~= "\\" then list[1] = list[1].."\\" end local string = "" for i = 2, len do string = string.." \""..list[1]..list[i].."\" \""[i].."\"" end return string end function fileargsjoin(list) local len = table.getn(list) if len == 0 then return "" end if len == 1 then return " \""..list[1].."\"" end if string.sub(list[1], string.len(list[1])) ~= "\\" then list[1] = list[1].."\\" end local string = "" for i = 2, len do string = string.." \""..list[1]..list[i].."\"" end return string end menuentries = {} -- this function is run by wehack.dll function clickevent(id) menuentries[id]:Click() end MenuEntry = {} MenuEntry_mt = { __index = MenuEntry } function MenuEntry:create() local o = {} setmetatable( o, MenuEntry_mt ) return o end function MenuEntry:Init(o,menu,name,cb) = menu = name o.cb = cb or function () end = wehack.addmenuentry(menu,name,"clickevent") menuentries[] = o return o end function MenuEntry:New(menu,name,cb) local o = MenuEntry:create() MenuEntry:Init(o,menu,name,cb) return o end function MenuEntry:Click() if self.cb then self.cb(self) end end function inheritsFrom(base) local newclass = {} local classmt = { __index = newclass } function newclass:create() local o = {} setmetatable(o,classmt) return o end if base then setmetatable(newclass,{__index = base} ) end return newclass end -- Toggleable Menu Entry with saved state in registry TogMenuEntry = inheritsFrom(MenuEntry) function TogMenuEntry:Init(o,menu,name,cb,default) MenuEntry:Init(o,menu,name,cb) local state = grim.getregpair(confregpath,name) if state == "on" or (state ~= "off" and default) then o.checked = true grim.setregstring(confregpath,name,"on") -- set in case this is the first time we're running this wehack.checkmenuentry(,,1) if o.cb then o.cb(o) end else wehack.checkmenuentry(,,0) o.checked = false end return o end function TogMenuEntry:redraw() if self.checked then wehack.checkmenuentry(,,1) grim.setregstring(confregpath,,"on") else wehack.checkmenuentry(,,0) grim.setregstring(confregpath,,"off") end end function TogMenuEntry:New(menu,name,cb,default) o = TogMenuEntry:create() TogMenuEntry:Init(o,menu,name,cb,default) return o end function TogMenuEntry:Click() self.checked = not self.checked self.redraw(self) if self.cb then self.cb(self) end end