Started by remote host Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace [WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace... [WS-CLEANUP] Done Cloning the remote Git repository Cloning repository > git init /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git -c core.askpass=true fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 > git config remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git -c core.askpass=true fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 994c2dc38ab4a1518baee1dd0059fca08e814043 (refs/remotes/origin/master) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 994c2dc38ab4a1518baee1dd0059fca08e814043 > git rev-list 30d2dd480d64fd8026d1a0ee3d253da6a6068ca5 # timeout=10 > git tag -a -f -m Jenkins Build #831 jenkins-Wurst-831 # timeout=10 [workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + cd de.peeeq.wurstscript + ./gradlew clean build create_zips generate_hotdoc --stacktrace --info Initialized native services in: /var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/native Removing 0 daemon stop events from registry Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster) Starting process 'Gradle build daemon'. Working directory: /var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/daemon/4.7 Command: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xmx1024m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant -cp /var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-4.7-bin/73xux3q4721jgr4pjvqf9o30/gradle-4.7/lib/gradle-launcher-4.7.jar org.gradle.launcher.daemon.bootstrap.GradleDaemon 4.7 Successfully started process 'Gradle build daemon' An attempt to start the daemon took 2.258 secs. The client will now receive all logging from the daemon (pid: 24563). The daemon log file: /var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/daemon/4.7/daemon-24563.out.log Starting build in new daemon [memory: 1.0 GB] Closing daemon's stdin at end of input. The daemon will no longer process any standard input. Using 1 worker leases. Starting Build Settings evaluated using settings file '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/settings.gradle'. Projects loaded. Root project using build file '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/build.gradle'. Included projects: [root project 'wurstscript'] > Configure project : Evaluating root project 'wurstscript' using build file '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/build.gradle'. All projects evaluated. Selected primary task 'clean' from project : Selected primary task 'build' from project : Selected primary task 'create_zips' from project : Selected primary task 'generate_hotdoc' from project : Tasks to be executed: [task ':clean', task ':genAst', task ':generateGrammarSource', task ':versionInfoFile', task ':gen', task ':compileJava', task ':processResources', task ':classes', task ':jar', task ':startScripts', task ':distTar', task ':distZip', task ':assemble', task ':generateTestGrammarSource', task ':compileTestJava', task ':processTestResources', task ':testClasses', task ':test', task ':check', task ':build', task ':installDist', task ':make_for_wurstpack', task ':create_zip_wurstpack_compiler', task ':create_zip_wurstpack_complete', task ':create_zips', task ':downloadZipFile', task ':downloadAndUnzipFile', task ':generate_hotdoc'] :clean (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :clean UP-TO-DATE Task ':clean' is not up-to-date because: Task has not declared any outputs despite executing actions. :clean (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 0.104 secs. :genAst (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :genAst Task ':genAst' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. Starting process 'command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java''. Working directory: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript Command: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant -cp /var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.github.peterzeller/abstractsyntaxgen/0.3.0/15ccf18c976d0ed5bb556349b46b87b4170c08d3/abstractsyntaxgen-0.3.0.jar:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/ asg.Main /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/parserspec/jass_im.parseq /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/src-gen/ Successfully started process 'command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java'' Starting process 'command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java''. Working directory: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript Command: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant -cp /var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.github.peterzeller/abstractsyntaxgen/0.3.0/15ccf18c976d0ed5bb556349b46b87b4170c08d3/abstractsyntaxgen-0.3.0.jar:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/ asg.Main /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/parserspec/jass.parseq /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/src-gen/ Successfully started process 'command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java'' Starting process 'command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java''. Working directory: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript Command: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant -cp /var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.github.peterzeller/abstractsyntaxgen/0.3.0/15ccf18c976d0ed5bb556349b46b87b4170c08d3/abstractsyntaxgen-0.3.0.jar:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/ asg.Main /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/parserspec/lua.parseq /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/src-gen/ Successfully started process 'command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java'' Starting process 'command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java''. Working directory: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript Command: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant -cp /var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.github.peterzeller/abstractsyntaxgen/0.3.0/15ccf18c976d0ed5bb556349b46b87b4170c08d3/abstractsyntaxgen-0.3.0.jar:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/ asg.Main /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/parserspec/wurstscript.parseq /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/src-gen/ Successfully started process 'command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java'' :genAst (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 5.596 secs. :generateGrammarSource (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :generateGrammarSource Task ':generateGrammarSource' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. All input files are considered out-of-date for incremental task ':generateGrammarSource'. Starting process 'Gradle ANTLR Worker 1'. Working directory: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript Command: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -DANTLR_DO_NOT_EXIT=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant -cp /var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/4.7/workerMain/gradle-worker.jar 'Gradle ANTLR Worker 1' Successfully started process 'Gradle ANTLR Worker 1' Initialized native services in: /var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/native > Task :generateGrammarSource Processing with ANTLR 4 :generateGrammarSource (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 6.058 secs. :versionInfoFile (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :versionInfoFile Task ':versionInfoFile' is not up-to-date because: Task has not declared any outputs despite executing actions. Starting process 'command 'git''. Working directory: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript Command: git describe --tags --always Successfully started process 'command 'git'' Starting process 'command 'git''. Working directory: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript Command: git describe --tags --always --abbrev=0 Successfully started process 'command 'git'' :versionInfoFile (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 0.104 secs. :gen (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :gen Skipping task ':gen' as it has no actions. :gen (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 0.0 secs. :compileJava (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :compileJava Task ':compileJava' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. All input files are considered out-of-date for incremental task ':compileJava'. Compiling with JDK Java compiler API. Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. :compileJava (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 1 mins 10.457 secs. :processResources (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :processResources Task ':processResources' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. :processResources (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 0.284 secs. :classes (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :classes Skipping task ':classes' as it has no actions. :classes (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 0.0 secs. :jar (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :jar Task ':jar' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. :jar (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 2.221 secs. :startScripts (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :startScripts Task ':startScripts' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. :startScripts (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 1.255 secs. :distTar (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :distTar Task ':distTar' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. :distTar (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 0.928 secs. :distZip (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :distZip Task ':distZip' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. :distZip (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 3.009 secs. :assemble (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :assemble Skipping task ':assemble' as it has no actions. :assemble (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 0.0 secs. :generateTestGrammarSource (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :generateTestGrammarSource NO-SOURCE file or directory '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/src/test/antlr', not found Skipping task ':generateTestGrammarSource' as it has no source files and no previous output files. :generateTestGrammarSource (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 0.005 secs. :compileTestJava (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :compileTestJava file or directory '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/build/generated-src/antlr/test', not found Task ':compileTestJava' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. All input files are considered out-of-date for incremental task ':compileTestJava'. file or directory '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/build/generated-src/antlr/test', not found Compiling with JDK Java compiler API. Note: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/src/test/java/tests/wurstscript/tests/ uses or overrides a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. :compileTestJava (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 3.986 secs. :processTestResources (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :processTestResources Task ':processTestResources' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. :processTestResources (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 0.021 secs. :testClasses (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :testClasses Skipping task ':testClasses' as it has no actions. :testClasses (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 0.004 secs. :test (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :test Task ':test' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. Starting process 'Gradle Test Executor 2'. Working directory: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript Command: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -Dorg.gradle.native=false -javaagent:build/tmp/expandedArchives/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.1.jar_8059ed6e1ab8b88aac5d9097fad847bb/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=build/jacoco/test.exec,append=true,inclnolocationclasses=false,dumponexit=true,output=file,jmx=false -Xms256m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant -ea -cp /var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/4.7/workerMain/gradle-worker.jar 'Gradle Test Executor 2' Successfully started process 'Gradle Test Executor 2' Gradle Test Executor 2 started executing tests. > Task :test QuickTests Suite > QuickTests > tests.wurstscript.tests.SimpleStatementTests.intLiteralArray STANDARD_OUT Wrong version '797a689050358216af78a942ffa585c1096dfad6', executing git pull to get '449a22b54841e70ad3ed260f302de3a540983b80' 23:09:29,502 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Could NOT find resource [logback-test.xml] 23:09:29,502 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Could NOT find resource [logback.groovy] 23:09:29,502 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Found resource [logback.xml] at [file:/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/build/resources/main/logback.xml] 23:09:29,509 |-WARN in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Resource [logback.xml] occurs multiple times on the classpath. 23:09:29,509 |-WARN in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Resource [logback.xml] occurs at [file:/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/build/resources/main/logback.xml] 23:09:29,509 |-WARN in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Resource [logback.xml] occurs at [jar:file:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.github.wurstscript/wurstsetup/cc208dcc86/68f31e88d00e3f01254a830294c560d2868cef91/wurstsetup-cc208dcc86.jar!/logback.xml] 23:09:29,509 |-WARN in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Resource [logback.xml] occurs at [jar:file:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.github.inwc3/JMPQ3/1.6.1/3148b99c46f76759549e8011d590182ddb9d7357/JMPQ3-1.6.1.jar!/logback.xml] 23:09:29,696 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.ConfigurationAction - debug attribute not set 23:09:29,697 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender] 23:09:29,728 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [console] 23:09:29,753 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.NestedComplexPropertyIA - Assuming default type [ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder] for [encoder] property 23:09:29,932 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender] 23:09:29,954 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [compiler_log] 23:09:29,958 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.NestedComplexPropertyIA - Assuming default type [ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder] for [encoder] property 23:09:29,992 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy@4e89908f - No compression will be used 23:09:29,998 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender[compiler_log] - Active log file name: /var/lib/jenkins/.wurst/logs/compiler.log 23:09:29,998 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender[compiler_log] - File property is set to [/var/lib/jenkins/.wurst/logs/compiler.log] 23:09:30,010 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender] 23:09:30,010 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [lang_server_log] 23:09:30,011 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.NestedComplexPropertyIA - Assuming default type [ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder] for [encoder] property 23:09:30,013 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy@109e8393 - No compression will be used 23:09:30,014 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender[lang_server_log] - Active log file name: /var/lib/jenkins/.wurst/logs/languageServer.log 23:09:30,014 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender[lang_server_log] - File property is set to [/var/lib/jenkins/.wurst/logs/languageServer.log] 23:09:30,024 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.LoggerAction - Setting level of logger [languageServer] to DEBUG 23:09:30,024 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.LoggerAction - Setting additivity of logger [languageServer] to false 23:09:30,024 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [lang_server_log] to Logger[languageServer] 23:09:30,026 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.LoggerAction - Setting level of logger [default] to INFO 23:09:30,026 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [compiler_log] to Logger[default] 23:09:30,026 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.RootLoggerAction - Setting level of ROOT logger to DEBUG 23:09:30,026 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [compiler_log] to Logger[ROOT] 23:09:30,026 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.ConfigurationAction - End of configuration. 23:09:30,035 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.JoranConfigurator@c9cfdb9 - Registering current configuration as safe fallback point QuickTests Suite > QuickTests > tests.wurstscript.tests.ClassesTests.NPE STANDARD_ERROR Nullpointer exception when calling A.test_A_foo QuickTests Suite > QuickTests > tests.wurstscript.tests.ClassesTests.destroyed STANDARD_ERROR Called A.test_A_foo on invalid object. QuickTests Suite > QuickTests > tests.wurstscript.tests.ClassesExtTests.testOverrideInterfaceAbstractClass STANDARD_ERROR AAbstract MyInterfaceImpl AAbstract MyInterfaceImpl AAbstract MyInterfaceImpl AAbstract MyInterfaceImpl AAbstract MyInterfaceImpl AAbstract MyInterfaceImpl AAbstract MyInterfaceImpl AAbstract MyInterfaceImpl AAbstract MyInterfaceImpl AAbstract MyInterfaceImpl AAbstract MyInterfaceImpl AAbstract MyInterfaceImpl QuickTests Suite > QuickTests > tests.wurstscript.tests.ModuleTests.diamond1 STANDARD_ERROR set x 2 get x 2 set x 3 get x 2 get x 3 set x 2 get x 2 set x 3 get x 2 get x 3 set x 2 get x 2 set x 3 get x 2 get x 3 set x 2 get x 2 set x 3 get x 2 get x 3 set x 2 get x 2 set x 3 get x 2 get x 3 set x 2 get x 2 set x 3 get x 2 get x 3 set x 2 get x 2 set x 3 get x 2 get x 3 set x 2 get x 2 set x 3 get x 2 get x 3 set x 2 get x 2 set x 3 get x 2 get x 3 set x 2 get x 2 set x 3 get x 2 get x 3 set x 2 get x 2 set x 3 get x 2 get x 3 set x 2 get x 2 set x 3 get x 2 get x 3 QuickTests Suite > QuickTests > tests.wurstscript.tests.ModuleTests.testModuleMemberInit STANDARD_ERROR constructed size test:1 size test2:1 size test3:1 constructed size test:1 size test2:1 size test3:1 constructed size test:1 size test2:1 size test3:1 constructed size test:1 size test2:1 size test3:1 constructed size test:1 size test2:1 size test3:1 constructed size test:1 size test2:1 size test3:1 constructed size test:1 size test2:1 size test3:1 constructed size test:1 size test2:1 size test3:1 constructed size test:1 size test2:1 size test3:1 constructed size test:1 size test2:1 size test3:1 constructed size test:1 size test2:1 size test3:1 constructed size test:1 size test2:1 size test3:1 QuickTests Suite > QuickTests > tests.wurstscript.tests.ModuleTests.testModuleMemberInit2 STANDARD_ERROR constructed size test2:1 constructed size test2:1 constructed size test2:1 constructed size test2:1 constructed size test2:1 constructed size test2:1 constructed size test2:1 constructed size test2:1 constructed size test2:1 constructed size test2:1 constructed size test2:1 constructed size test2:1 QuickTests Suite > QuickTests > tests.wurstscript.tests.AutoCompleteTests.testWithParentheses STANDARD_OUT completions = CompletionList [ isIncomplete = false items = ArrayList ( CompletionItem [ label = "CreateGroup" kind = Function detail = "() returns group [Global]" documentation = Either [ left = function CreateGroup() returns group defined in Global right = null ] sortText = "8.670" filterText = null insertText = "CreateGroup" insertTextFormat = null textEdit = null additionalTextEdits = null commitCharacters = null command = null data = null ] ) ] QuickTests Suite > QuickTests > tests.wurstscript.tests.AutoCompleteTests.testWithoutParentheses STANDARD_OUT completions = CompletionList [ isIncomplete = false items = ArrayList ( CompletionItem [ label = "CreateGroup" kind = Function detail = "() returns group [Global]" documentation = Either [ left = function CreateGroup() returns group defined in Global right = null ] sortText = "8.670" filterText = null insertText = "CreateGroup()" insertTextFormat = null textEdit = null additionalTextEdits = null commitCharacters = null command = null data = null ] ) ] AllTestsSuite > RealWorldExamples > tests.wurstscript.tests.RealWorldExamples.linkedHashMap STANDARD_ERROR Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully! Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully! Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully! Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully! AllTestsSuite > RealWorldExamples > tests.wurstscript.tests.RealWorldExamples.test_stdlib STANDARD_ERROR Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! 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Running .. OK! Tests succeeded: 114/114 >> All tests have passed successfully! Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! Running .. OK! 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AllTestsSuite > ModelManagerTests > tests.wurstscript.tests.ModelManagerTests.test STANDARD_OUT err: Diagnostic [ range = Range [ start = Position [ line = 3 character = 1 ] end = Position [ line = 3 character = 2 ] ] severity = Error code = null source = "Wurst" message = "Reference to function c could not be resolved." relatedInformation = null ] err: Diagnostic [ range = Range [ start = Position [ line = 1 character = 0 ] end = Position [ line = 2 character = 0 ] ] severity = Warning code = null source = "Wurst" message = "The import C is never used" relatedInformation = null ] err: Diagnostic [ range = Range [ start = Position [ line = 4 character = 1 ] end = Position [ line = 4 character = 2 ] ] severity = Error code = null source = "Wurst" message = "Reference to function b could not be resolved." relatedInformation = null ] err: Diagnostic [ range = Range [ start = Position [ line = 5 character = 1 ] end = Position [ line = 5 character = 2 ] ] severity = Error code = null source = "Wurst" message = "Reference to function c could not be resolved." relatedInformation = null ] err: Diagnostic [ range = Range [ start = Position [ line = 1 character = 0 ] end = Position [ line = 2 character = 0 ] ] severity = Warning code = null source = "Wurst" message = "The import B is never used" relatedInformation = null ] err: Diagnostic [ range = Range [ start = Position [ line = 2 character = 0 ] end = Position [ line = 3 character = 0 ] ] severity = Warning code = null source = "Wurst" message = "The import C is never used" relatedInformation = null ] err: Diagnostic [ range = Range [ start = Position [ line = 5 character = 1 ] end = Position [ line = 5 character = 2 ] ] severity = Error code = null source = "Wurst" message = "Reference to function c could not be resolved." relatedInformation = null ] err: Diagnostic [ range = Range [ start = Position [ line = 2 character = 0 ] end = Position [ line = 3 character = 0 ] ] severity = Warning code = null source = "Wurst" message = "The import C is never used" relatedInformation = null ] err: Diagnostic [ range = Range [ start = Position [ line = 3 character = 1 ] end = Position [ line = 3 character = 2 ] ] severity = Error code = null source = "Wurst" message = "Reference to function c could not be resolved." relatedInformation = null ] err: Diagnostic [ range = Range [ start = Position [ line = 1 character = 0 ] end = Position [ line = 2 character = 0 ] ] severity = Warning code = null source = "Wurst" message = "The import C is never used" relatedInformation = null ] err: Diagnostic [ range = Range [ start = Position [ line = 5 character = 1 ] end = Position [ line = 5 character = 2 ] ] severity = Error code = null source = "Wurst" message = "Reference to function c could not be resolved." relatedInformation = null ] err: Diagnostic [ range = Range [ start = Position [ line = 2 character = 0 ] end = Position [ line = 3 character = 0 ] ] severity = Warning code = null source = "Wurst" message = "The import C is never used" relatedInformation = null ] Gradle Test Executor 2 finished executing tests. > Task :test Finished generating test XML results (0.239 secs) into: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/build/test-results/test Generating HTML test report... Finished generating test html results (0.41 secs) into: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/build/reports/tests/test :test (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 10 mins 9.368 secs. :check (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :check Skipping task ':check' as it has no actions. :check (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 0.002 secs. :build (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :build Skipping task ':build' as it has no actions. :build (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 0.001 secs. :installDist (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :installDist Task ':installDist' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. :installDist (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 0.748 secs. :make_for_wurstpack (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :make_for_wurstpack Task ':make_for_wurstpack' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. :make_for_wurstpack (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 1.328 secs. :create_zip_wurstpack_compiler (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :create_zip_wurstpack_compiler Task ':create_zip_wurstpack_compiler' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. :create_zip_wurstpack_compiler (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 3.799 secs. :create_zip_wurstpack_complete (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :create_zip_wurstpack_complete Task ':create_zip_wurstpack_complete' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. :create_zip_wurstpack_complete (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 4.879 secs. :create_zips (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :create_zips Task ':create_zips' is not up-to-date because: Task has not declared any outputs despite executing actions. Starting process 'command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java''. Working directory: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript Command: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant -cp /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/build/classes/java/main:/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/build/resources/main:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.antlr/antlr4/4.7/cd6df46532bccabd8127c18c9ca5ef481962e931/antlr4-4.7.jar:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.eclipse.lsp4j/org.eclipse.lsp4j/0.4.0/aa05b3681271cbcf7a5868363d506033459338cb/org.eclipse.lsp4j-0.4.0.jar:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.eclipse.lsp4j/org.eclipse.lsp4j.generator/0.4.0/efec1e1536117dfff0e6bce5043de1dd69725500/org.eclipse.lsp4j.generator-0.4.0.jar:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.eclipse.xtend/org.eclipse.xtend.lib/2.14.0/56459301b64c92bbbb6e13988b91cdbe1fc6264e/org.eclipse.xtend.lib-2.14.0.jar:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.eclipse.xtend/org.eclipse.xtend.lib.macro/2.14.0/f2fca7a70c8a29374e79487417cefb5f51a84867/org.eclipse.xtend.lib.macro-2.14.0.jar:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.eclipse.xtext/org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib/2.14.0/c40ffe7e5e6244dd094ae95009aa45072c629254/org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib-2.14.0.jar:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/ de.peeeq.wurstio.Checksums ../downloads/Wurstpack/ ../downloads/wurstpack.md5 Successfully started process 'command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java'' :create_zips (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 4.106 secs. :downloadZipFile (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :downloadZipFile Task ':downloadZipFile' is not up-to-date because: Task.upToDateWhen is false. Invalid cookie header: "Set-Cookie: logged_in=no;; path=/; expires=Fri, 18 Jun 2038 21:19:39 -0000; secure; HttpOnly". Invalid 'expires' attribute: Fri, 18 Jun 2038 21:19:39 -0000 Download :downloadZipFile (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 4.157 secs. :downloadAndUnzipFile (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :downloadAndUnzipFile Task ':downloadAndUnzipFile' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. :downloadAndUnzipFile (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 0.305 secs. :generate_hotdoc (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) started. > Task :generate_hotdoc Task ':generate_hotdoc' is not up-to-date because: Task has not declared any outputs despite executing actions. Starting process 'command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java''. Working directory: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript Command: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant -cp /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/build/classes/java/main:/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/build/resources/main:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.antlr/antlr4/4.7/cd6df46532bccabd8127c18c9ca5ef481962e931/antlr4-4.7.jar:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.eclipse.lsp4j/org.eclipse.lsp4j/0.4.0/aa05b3681271cbcf7a5868363d506033459338cb/org.eclipse.lsp4j-0.4.0.jar:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.eclipse.lsp4j/org.eclipse.lsp4j.generator/0.4.0/efec1e1536117dfff0e6bce5043de1dd69725500/org.eclipse.lsp4j.generator-0.4.0.jar:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.eclipse.xtend/org.eclipse.xtend.lib/2.14.0/56459301b64c92bbbb6e13988b91cdbe1fc6264e/org.eclipse.xtend.lib-2.14.0.jar:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.eclipse.xtend/org.eclipse.xtend.lib.macro/2.14.0/f2fca7a70c8a29374e79487417cefb5f51a84867/org.eclipse.xtend.lib.macro-2.14.0.jar:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.eclipse.xtext/org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib/2.14.0/c40ffe7e5e6244dd094ae95009aa45072c629254/org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib-2.14.0.jar:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/ de.peeeq.wurstio.Main --hotdoc ./build/deps/ ../downloads/hotdoc Successfully started process 'command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java'' 23:19:41,601 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Could NOT find resource [logback-test.xml] 23:19:41,602 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Could NOT find resource [logback.groovy] 23:19:41,602 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Found resource [logback.xml] at [file:/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/build/resources/main/logback.xml] 23:19:41,604 |-WARN in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Resource [logback.xml] occurs multiple times on the classpath. 23:19:41,604 |-WARN in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Resource [logback.xml] occurs at [file:/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/build/resources/main/logback.xml] 23:19:41,604 |-WARN in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Resource [logback.xml] occurs at [jar:file:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.github.wurstscript/wurstsetup/cc208dcc86/68f31e88d00e3f01254a830294c560d2868cef91/wurstsetup-cc208dcc86.jar!/logback.xml] 23:19:41,604 |-WARN in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Resource [logback.xml] occurs at [jar:file:/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.github.inwc3/JMPQ3/1.6.1/3148b99c46f76759549e8011d590182ddb9d7357/JMPQ3-1.6.1.jar!/logback.xml] 23:19:41,800 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.ConfigurationAction - debug attribute not set 23:19:41,801 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender] 23:19:41,835 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [console] 23:19:41,850 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.NestedComplexPropertyIA - Assuming default type [ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder] for [encoder] property 23:19:42,014 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender] 23:19:42,025 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [compiler_log] 23:19:42,032 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.NestedComplexPropertyIA - Assuming default type [ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder] for [encoder] property 23:19:42,060 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy@5315b42e - No compression will be used 23:19:42,066 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender[compiler_log] - Active log file name: /var/lib/jenkins/.wurst/logs/compiler.log 23:19:42,066 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender[compiler_log] - File property is set to [/var/lib/jenkins/.wurst/logs/compiler.log] 23:19:42,067 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender] 23:19:42,067 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [lang_server_log] 23:19:42,072 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.NestedComplexPropertyIA - Assuming default type [ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder] for [encoder] property 23:19:42,075 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy@2ef9b8bc - No compression will be used 23:19:42,076 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender[lang_server_log] - Active log file name: /var/lib/jenkins/.wurst/logs/languageServer.log 23:19:42,076 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender[lang_server_log] - File property is set to [/var/lib/jenkins/.wurst/logs/languageServer.log] 23:19:42,076 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.LoggerAction - Setting level of logger [languageServer] to DEBUG 23:19:42,076 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.LoggerAction - Setting additivity of logger [languageServer] to false 23:19:42,077 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [lang_server_log] to Logger[languageServer] 23:19:42,082 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.LoggerAction - Setting level of logger [default] to INFO 23:19:42,082 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [compiler_log] to Logger[default] 23:19:42,082 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.RootLoggerAction - Setting level of ROOT logger to DEBUG 23:19:42,082 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [compiler_log] to Logger[ROOT] 23:19:42,082 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.ConfigurationAction - End of configuration. 23:19:42,083 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.JoranConfigurator@5d624da6 - Registering current configuration as safe fallback point :generate_hotdoc (Thread[Daemon worker,5,main]) completed. Took 17.588 secs. Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 5.0. See BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 12m 36s 21 actionable tasks: 20 executed, 1 up-to-date Archiving artifacts Recording test results [htmlpublisher] Archiving HTML reports... [htmlpublisher] Archiving at BUILD level /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/de.peeeq.wurstscript/build/reports/tests/test to /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/builds/831/htmlreports/JUnit_report [htmlpublisher] Archiving at PROJECT level /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/workspace/downloads/hotdoc to /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Wurst/htmlreports/HotDoc_Standard_Library_Documentation Downfall is disabled. Triggering skipped Triggering a new build of EBR Triggering a new build of ForestDef Hotn is disabled. Triggering skipped Triggering a new build of StdLib2 Triggering a new build of Wurst StdLib Triggering a new build of hunters-hall Finished: SUCCESS