package Execute import ErrorHandling /** This package exposes a single function execute(), the primary use of which is to reset the OP limit. **/ public interface ForForceCallback function run() let executeForce = CreateForce() init executeForce.addPlayer(localPlayer) function executeCurrentCallback() lastError = "" getCurrentCallback().run() setCurrentCallbackSuccess(true) boolean array tempCallbacksSuccess ForForceCallback array tempCallbacks int tempCallbacksCount = 0 function pushCallback(ForForceCallback c) tempCallbacks[tempCallbacksCount] = c tempCallbacksSuccess[tempCallbacksCount] = false tempCallbacksCount++ function popCallback() tempCallbacksCount-- destroy tempCallbacks[tempCallbacksCount] function isLastCallbackSuccessful() returns boolean return tempCallbacksSuccess[tempCallbacksCount] function setCurrentCallbackSuccess(boolean value) tempCallbacksSuccess[tempCallbacksCount - 1] = value function getCurrentCallback() returns ForForceCallback return tempCallbacks[tempCallbacksCount - 1] /** This function starts a new 'thread' inside the callback closure, where the op limit is at zero, allowing us to bypass it. This is extremely useful when you have expensive computations which would otherwise crash the thread. If the callback crashes due to an error or hitting the OP limit, it will error out as well. Note: Unlike timers and doAfter(), this method is synchronous, meaning that it will wait for the called method to finish before continuing the in the current thread. Note: We use ForForce because it does not require a Trigger to be called, only an empty force which is reusable, unlike TriggerEvaluate. Note: You may use this inside a local clause, like this: if localPlayer == caller execute(...) But be warned that this will cause a desync, unless you are calling this from within another execute(...) clause. This will desync: // code called by a trigger if localPlayer == caller execute() This will not desync: execute() -> // do some stuff here if localPlayer == caller execute(...) **/ public function execute(ForForceCallback c) if not try(c) error("execute: thread has crashed. caused by:\n| - " + lastError) /** This function works exactly the same as execute(), with the only difference that it will allow you to inspect an error if one occured. If an error occured, the return value will be false. If the error is caused by error(), then you can inspect the error message using lastError from ErrorHandling. If the error is caused by another form of thread crash, such as zero division or OP limit, lastError will be empty. The error will also be suppressed from being printed. **/ public function try(ForForceCallback c) returns boolean pushCallback(c) let suppressErrors = suppressErrorMessages suppressErrorMessages = true executeForce.forEach(function executeCurrentCallback) suppressErrorMessages = suppressErrors popCallback() return isLastCallbackSuccessful() interface LimitedExecuteCondition function check() returns boolean interface LimitedExecuteAction function run() function executeWhileInternal(int resetCount, LimitedExecuteCondition condition, LimitedExecuteAction action) execute() -> var i = 0 while condition.check() and i < resetCount i++ // restart the execute if necessary if condition.check() executeWhileInternal(resetCount, condition, action) /** This is a utility function which you can use to process arbitrarily large loops. It functions like a while loop that will run while condition.check() == true, however it will reset the OP limit each time after the specified amount of resetCount. **/ public function executeWhile(int resetCount, LimitedExecuteCondition condition, LimitedExecuteAction action) executeWhileInternal(resetCount, condition, action) destroy condition destroy action