module Jass.Parser ( expression , statement , toplevel , programm , identifier , intlit , stringlit , reallit , rawcode ) where import Control.Applicative hiding (many, some) import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe import Data.Void import Jass.Ast import Text.Megaparsec import Text.Megaparsec.Char import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L import Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr import Data.Functor (($>)) type Parser = Parsec Void String sc = sc' lc empty where sc' =void $ takeWhile1P (Just "white space") (\w -> w == ' ' || w == '\t') lc = L.skipLineComment "//" lexeme = L.lexeme sc stringlit = lexeme $ char '"' >> manyTill L.charLiteral (char '"') rawcode :: Parser String rawcode = lexeme $ char '\'' *> (escaped <|> anyCC) where escaped = do char '\\' c <- oneOf ("btrnf" :: String) char '\'' return ['\\', c] anyCC = manyTill anySingle (char '\'') intlit :: Parser String intlit = try $ do n <- option "" $ string "-" int <- show <$> lexeme (try hexlit <|> try octlit <|> L.decimal) return $ n <> int hexlit = char '$' *> L.hexadecimal <|> char '0' *> (char 'X' <|> char 'x') *> L.hexadecimal octlit = char '0' *> L.octal reallit = try $ do n <- option "" $ string "-" r <- lexeme $ dotReal <|> realDot return $ n <> r dotReal = do char '.' a <- some digitChar return $ "0." <> a realDot = do a <- some digitChar char '.' b <- many digitChar return $ a <> "." <> b symbol = L.symbol sc reserved :: String -> Parser () reserved w = (lexeme . try) (string w *> notFollowedBy (alphaNumChar <|> char '_')) identifier :: Parser String identifier = (lexeme . try) (p >>= check) where p = (:) <$> letterChar <*> many (alphaNumChar <|> char '_') check x = if x `elem` keywords then fail $ "keyword " ++ show x ++ " cannot be an identifier" else return x keywords = [ "globals", "endglobals", "if", "then", "elseif", "else" , "endif", "loop", "endloop", "set", "call", "return" , "takes", "returns", "constant", "native", "function" , "nothing", "true", "false", "null", "and", "or", "not" , "local", "array" ] parens :: Parser a -> Parser a parens = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")") brackets = between (symbol "[") (symbol "]") horizontalSpace = void $ some $ lexeme $ optional (L.skipLineComment "//") *> eol toplevel = globals <|> typedef <|> functionLike where functionLike = do const <- fromMaybe Normal <$> optional (reserved "constant" $> Jass.Ast.Const) native const <|> function const globals = between (reserved "globals"<* horizontalSpace) (reserved "endglobals" ) $ pGlobal `sepEndBy` horizontalSpace pGlobal = do const <- fromMaybe Normal <$> optional (reserved "constant" $> Jass.Ast.Const) vdecl <- vardecl const return $ Global vdecl typedef = do reserved "type" new <- identifier reserved "extends" base <- identifier return [Typedef new base] pSignature = do name <- identifier reserved "takes" args <- (reserved "nothing" $> []) <|> ((,) <$> identifier <*> identifier) `sepBy` symbol "," reserved "returns" ret <- (reserved "nothing" $> "nothing") <|> identifier return (name, args, ret) native const = do reserved "native" (name, args, ret) <- pSignature return [Native const name args ret] function const = do reserved "function" (name, args, ret) <- pSignature horizontalSpace body <- statement `sepEndBy` horizontalSpace reserved "endfunction" return [Function const name args ret body] statement = returnStmt <|> if_ <|> callStmt <|> loop <|> set <|> exitwhen <|> local "statement" where local = Local <$> (reserved "local"*> vardecl Normal) returnStmt = Return <$> (reserved "return" *> optional expression) callStmt = Call <$> (optional (reserved "debug") *> reserved "call" *> identifier) <*> parens arglist loop = Loop <$> between startLoop endLoop (statement `sepEndBy` horizontalSpace) set = Set <$> (reserved "set" *> lvar) <*> (symbol "=" *> expression) lvar = do v <- identifier arr <- optional $ brackets expression case arr of Just idx -> return $ AVar v idx Nothing -> return $ SVar v exitwhen = Exitwhen <$> (reserved "exitwhen" *> expression) if_ = If <$> (reserved "if" *> expression <* reserved "then" <* horizontalSpace) <*> statement `sepEndBy` horizontalSpace <*> many elseif <*> optional else_ <* reserved "endif" elseif = (,) <$> (reserved "elseif" *> expression) <*> (reserved "then" >> horizontalSpace *> statement `sepEndBy` horizontalSpace) else_ = reserved "else" *> horizontalSpace *> statement `sepEndBy` horizontalSpace startLoop = reserved "loop" <* horizontalSpace endLoop = reserved "endloop" vardecl constantness = do typ <- identifier isArray <- (reserved "array" $> True) <|> pure False if isArray then varArray typ else varNormal typ where varArray typ = ADef <$> identifier <*> pure typ varNormal typ = SDef constantness <$> identifier <*> pure typ <*> optional (symbol "=" *> expression) expression = makeExprParser term table "expression" where table = [ [ prefix (reserved "not") "not" ], [ binary (symbol "%") "%", binary (symbol "*") "*", binary (symbol "/") "/"] , [ binary (symbol "+") "+", binary (symbol "-") "-"] , zipWith binary [symbol "<=", symbol "<" , symbol ">=", symbol ">"] ["<=" , "<" , ">=" , ">"] , [ binary (symbol "==") "==", binary (symbol "!=") "!="] , [ binary (reserved "or") "or"] , [ binary (reserved "and") "and"] ] binary t op = InfixL (t $> (\a b -> Call op [a, b])) prefix t op = Prefix (t $> (\e -> Call op [e])) term = parens expression <|> literal <|> varOrCall <|> symbol "+" *> ((\e -> Call "+" [e]) <$> term) <|> symbol "-" *> ((\e -> Call "-" [e]) <$> term) -- makeExprParser doesn't support multiple prefix operations -- as per documentation so we have to handle it in both term and -- expression. Looks like it gives the correct result... <|> reserved "not" *> ((\e -> Call "not" [e]) <$> expression) "term" where literal = String <$> stringlit <|> either Real Int <$> eitherP (try reallit) intlit <|> Rawcode <$> rawcode <|> (reserved "true" $> Bool True) <|> (reserved "false" $> Bool False) <|> (reserved "null" $> Null) <|> Code <$> (reserved "function" *> identifier) varOrCall = do name <- identifier choice [ c name, a name, v name ] c name = Call name <$> parens arglist a name = Var . AVar name <$> brackets expression v name = return . Var $ SVar name arglist = expression `sepBy` symbol "," programm :: Parser (Ast Name Programm) programm = do space many horizontalSpace ts <- concat <$> toplevel `sepEndBy` horizontalSpace eof pure $ Programm ts