- - - - - - -Introduction- - - - - - - - Golden and blood-red leaves are decorating the soil of Greenrock Island placed in the middle of the giant sea and home of the most wealthiest people one can find in the world of Coronos. The wealth of the inhabitants of Greenrock Island has multiple reasons. One of the biggest part might be the monopolistic feature of being the link between continents and therefore a point of interest for tradesman. But by far the biggest reason is that it is not only the center of the sea but the heart of the ether maelstrom. Ether is told as the energy of all living beings and the ones are able to manipulate parts of it can do things unimaginable for the general society. The heart of the ether maelstrom does not depend of the central position of the island but on the position of an artifact named Heart. Owned by King Crigrael the oldest son of the so called Everliving - a bloodline of monarchical rulers. He is ruling over Greenrock Island ever since the Heart is brought to him by his ancestors. Empowered by the Heart Cigrael became more than a ruler. The ones are loyal serving the kings' will be gifted with a long and healthy life and the ones disobey getting sick and have to experience pain. No one but the king knows how it happens but it does. - - - - - - -A Travelers' Appearance- - - - - - - - - Finally, the travelers sailboat arrived the docks of Greenrock Island. He could not think of the last time he wished to stand on a solid ground as he did this very moment and he shivered for a second as he thinks of the reason only being here to fill up his storage with food and water. He never visited this island before but he already knows most of the history which is common known over the sea. And so the sailor knows where he could find the famous tavern outside the docks where the trade of his coins for ale blessed the remaining customers with a cheerful and lustful night. A morning crowing of a rooster initiates the sailors departure. On his way back to the docks he crosses a wrinkled shape leaning against a tree. As he comes closer to it, the creatures says to the traveler: "Hello you generous man. Thank you for yesterday, it was good to had one last celebration." The traveler could not remember that he celebrate with a guest like this creature but he also could not deny the fact that this creature looks familiar towards him. Where did he saw this creature which seems to have lost its spirit. "Who are you old man?", replies the traveler. With a look of enlightenment in his eyes the old man answered: "Ah, yes. My transformation made me already too old. I don't mind if you continue your journey... unless you want to hear the truth about the King." - - - - - -The Council- - - - - - - - - Persons calling themselves godchild are members of the council. The council of godchildren is the only instance permitted by the king which can make recommendations might will implement by the king. Due to this members have a high status in the society of Greenrock Island. They are chosen by the king whereby the only criteria might be the level of loyalty towards him. Being a godchild is not only aspired because of being worshiped by the people but of getting godlike powers from the king as being able to control fire or being strong as twelve men. Der Reisende fängt an zu lachen, bedankt sich für diese Informationen und verrät dem Alten Mann seine Identität. Frotney, der gefürchtete Eroberer und Befehlshaber über eine tausend Mann starke Crew. Entsetzt über diese Tatsache und wissend dass er mit dem Verraten seines Wissens viel Leid über sein Volk gebracht hat, stirbt der alte Mann mit einem Blick der leere in seinen Augen. Eine Woche später im Thronsaal des Herrschers Ian. Ein Diener stürmt herein, „Herrscher Ian, ein Bote des Eroberers Frotney wünscht euch zu sprechen. Er befindet sich draußen auf dem Hof.“ Erschrocken fährt Ian hoch. Ein Bote des Frotney, wie kann das sein. Was kann er wollen? Im Hofe erfährt er vom Boten, dass das Geheimnis über den Äther gelüftet wurde und Frotney den Besitz der leere Kugel beansprucht und wenn dieses nicht innerhalb von einem Tag geschehen solle, die Wargrin – sein Schiff – mit voller Besatzung über das Land herfallen würde...