package Minion import public EscaperSensor import Assets import Escaper import CustomBar import ClosureTimers public constant COLL_SIZE_MINION = 0. public constant ATTACK_DISTANCE = 70. public constant ATTACK_RANGE = 150. public constant ATTACK_DAMAGE = 100. public constant FOLLOW_RANGE = 1000. enum MinionState IDLE FOLLOW ATTACK AFTERTARGET public class Minion extends EscaperSensorSetup private Escaper target real maxHp = 40. real currentHP = 40. vec2 spawnPoint CustomBar hpBar MinionState state = MinionState.IDLE construct(vec2 pos, player owner, angle facing) super(pos.toVec3(), owner, getRegionData(pos).getTypeSet().minionId, facing, COLL_SIZE_MINION, COLL_SIZE_MINION + 16) setup() construct(vec2 pos, player owner) super(pos.toVec3(), owner, getRegionData(pos).getTypeSet().minionId, COLL_SIZE_MINION, COLL_SIZE_MINION + 16) setup() function setup() selectTarget() sleeps = false spawnPoint = pos.toVec2() hpBar = new CustomBar(pos, "|", 40, 6)..setForeground(colorA(200,255,125,255)) function onDamage(Escaper _escaper, real dmg) currentHP -= dmg if currentHP < 1 actor.kill() setup.abortOrder() hpBar.fadeOut(1.5, true, 0, 0) sleeps = true doAfter(3., () -> terminate()) override function update() super.update() hpBar..setPosXY(pos.x - 15, pos.y + 30)..setValue(currentHP / maxHp * 100.0) let targetInvalid = target == null or not target.alive or target.getCurrentRegion() != this.getCurrentRegion() or target.pos.distanceTo2d(spawnPoint) > FOLLOW_RANGE if targetInvalid if (state == MinionState.ATTACK or state == MinionState.FOLLOW) state = MinionState.AFTERTARGET let fearEffect = actor.addEffect(Abilities.creepSleepTarget, "overhead") target = null setup.issuePointOrder("move", spawnPoint) doAfter(4.) -> fearEffect.destr() state = MinionState.IDLE else if not state == MinionState.AFTERTARGET state = MinionState.IDLE selectTarget() else if state == MinionState.ATTACK actor.setFacing(pos.angleTo2d(target.pos)) if not state == MinionState.ATTACK and target.pos.distanceTo(pos) < ATTACK_DISTANCE attack() else if not state == MinionState.ATTACK // Spamming the order like this might not be a good idea setup.issuePointOrder("move", target.pos.toVec2()) function selectTarget() target = null var closestDist = -1. for escaper from this.getCurrentRegion().getEscapers() let dist = escaper.pos.toVec2().distanceTo(spawnPoint) if escaper.alive and dist < FOLLOW_RANGE if closestDist == -1. or dist < closestDist closestDist = dist target = escaper if not target == null state = MinionState.FOLLOW flashEffect(Abilities.spellBreakerAttack, pos) setup.issuePointOrder("move", target.pos.toVec2()) function attack() state = MinionState.ATTACK actor.setAnimation("attack") doAfter(0.7) -> if currentHP > 0 let facing = actor.getFacingAngle() let tpos = getPos().toVec2().polarOffset(facing, 80) flashEffect(Abilities.manaFlareBoltImpact, tpos) forUnitsInRange(tpos, ATTACK_RANGE) u -> let entity = u.getEntity() if entity != null and entity instanceof Escaper let e = entity castTo Escaper doDamage(e) doAfter(1.3) -> if state == MinionState.ATTACK state = MinionState.FOLLOW function doDamage(Escaper e) actor.damageTarget(, ATTACK_DAMAGE) ondestroy destroy hpBar