//kari0003 presents: //This system is allowing builders to synchronize Killers easily. //It must be able to turn in/out //It modifies every move&patrol order to the ordered point be a point of the grid. // 64 points for GRID is the ideal imo, i dont think builders need an option to set their grid's standard. package Gridclick // int PATROL_ID = 851990 // int MOVE_ID = 851971 // int GROUND_ATTACK_ID = 851984 // int GRID = 64 // function checkRightOrder() // var i = GetIssuedOrderId() // if pData[GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetOrderedUnit()))].gridClickActivated == true // is this proper?? // if (i == PATROL_ID or i == MOVE_ID or i == GROUND_ATTACK_ID) // var gridx = (round(GetOrderPointX()/ GRID) * GRID).toReal() //similar as placement of the terrainblocker circle?? // var gridy = (round(GetOrderPointY()/ GRID) * GRID).toReal() // if not (gridx == GetOrderPointX() and gridy == GetOrderPointY()) // IssuePointOrderById(GetOrderedUnit(),i,gridx, gridy) // public function round (real r) returns integer // this function could be imported from the terrainblocker circle! // if r > 0 // return R2I(r+.5) // return R2I(r-.5) // init // trigger t = CreateTrigger() // //TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER) // TriggerAddAction(t,function checkRightOrder)