Click here for websitePickaxe + Item
By Fan

Hello again!
had this one liyng around and thought it may be usefull for some people...
Made this attachment for a rpg that my brother is working on. long story, short thing :P
anyway, here is the pickaxe :D
-108 polies
-ingame texture
-4kb filesize
NOTE: This isn't just a attachment! It's an attachment and the item-model attached as the portrait.
give credits if you use it in your map/campaign and feel free to edit it as much as you like, but please! tell me before :D
anyway have fun :D
ALSO! Big thanks to General Frank who helped me to make this thing working, without him, this wouldn't work :D
Please give me credit for my work
Do not redistribute this model without consent!
Model was uploaded 2010, April 8
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